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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is Forte for Java, Community Edition. The Initial
 * Developer of the Original Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions
 * Copyright 1997-2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.netbeans.spi.looks;

import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable;
import java.util.*;

import javax.swing.Action;

import org.netbeans.modules.looks.LookListener;
import org.netbeans.modules.looks.LookEvent;

import org.openide.nodes.Node;
import org.openide.nodes.Sheet;
import org.openide.util.HelpCtx;
import org.openide.util.Lookup;
import org.openide.util.datatransfer.NewType;
import org.openide.util.datatransfer.PasteType;
import org.openide.util.enum.FilterEnumeration;

/** This is base class for delegating to other looks. All methods are
 * enumerated by numeric constants and by overriding
 * {@link #delegateTo(long, org.netbeans.spi.looks.Look, java.lang.Object)}
 * method subclasses can easily decide which methods and where to delegate.

* It is not suggested to switch the looks that is being delegated to * during different calls, because it can also result in calls to a look * that has not have been attached by calling attachTo. *

It is also not suggested to base the delegation on some changeable attribute * of the representedObject. * In such cases developer are encouraged to write new LookSelector and pass * it as parameter into the constructor of the ProxyLook. *

* It is possible to change the represented object for a look * those are being delegated to (see method * {@link #delegateObject} ) *

* The default implementation of all methods share similar logic. If * single value is returned from the method e.g. String or boolean all sublooks are * consulted until one them returns diffrent value than null of false the * value is returned from the ProxyLook (See Look for neutral values * definition). If none of the sublooks returns non-neutral value then null or * false is returned. In case of mutilvalued attributes e.g. Collections or * Arrays the ProxyLook takes care of merging the values. * * @author Jaroslav Tulach */ public abstract class ProxyLook extends Look { private final LookSelector content; private ProxyLookEventTranslator eventTranslator = new ProxyLookEventTranslator(); /** Creates new instance of look does no work. * @param content LookSelector containing Looks the ProxyLook should * delegate to. */ public ProxyLook( String name, LookSelector content ) { super( name ); this.content = content; // Start listening on the selector // Pending this should be elewhere and it also should be deregistered org.netbeans.modules.looks.Accessor.DEFAULT.addSelectorListener( content, eventTranslator ); } /** A heart of this class - method which can decide where to delegate * particular call. * *

* The default implementation ignores all parameters and just returns true, * which means that by default all methods are delegated.
* Subclasses might override this method with implementation that bases its * decision on different criteria. * @param method One of the constants defined here that identifies the method * we want to delegate to * @param look The look we want to delegate to * @param representedObject The Look.NodeSubstitute of the node. * @return true if method identified by the constant should be * delegated to given Look with given substitute. * */ protected boolean delegateTo( long method, Look look, Object representedObject ) { return true; } private Enumeration delegateTo (final long method, final Object representedObject ) { return new FilterEnumeration( content.getLooks( delegateObject( representedObject ) ) ) { protected boolean accept( Object object ) { if ( !( object instanceof Look ) ) { return false; } else { return delegateTo( method, (Look)object, representedObject ); } } }; } /** Controls whether we delegate to all looks just the first one that returns * a value. *

Useful for methods that return an array of objects. By default all sublooks * are consulted and the result is a merge of all values returned by * the sublooks. Overriding this method may disallow merging and force * mutlivalued attributes of the node (e.g. properties, children, etc,) to * behave like singlevalued attributes (e.g. name or icon). It means that * the first sublook will "win" and will provide the values. * @param method One of the constants defined here that identifies the method * we want to delegate to * @param representedObject Represented object the look should work with. * @return true if the merge should happen false otherwise */ protected boolean delegateAll (long method, Object representedObject) { return true; } /** * Permits changing the represented object when delegating to sublooks. *

* The default implementation just returns the same object, but * subclasses might use this method to change the represented object * for the look they delegate to. *

* When overriding this object make sure you implement the * {@link #undelegateObject} method correctly. * @param representedObject Represented object which should be translated * @return The represented object for the sub-look (not null) */ protected Object delegateObject (Object representedObject) { return representedObject; } /** Performs reverse transformation from delegated object to original * represented object. *

* The default implementation simply retruns the delegate. *

* This method has to be implemented correctly when the * {@link #delegateObject} method is overridden. * @param delegate The delegate * @return Original represented object */ protected Object undelegateObject( Object delegate ) { return delegate; } // General methods --------------------------------------------------------- private static Look extractLook (Enumeration en) { Object obj = en.nextElement(); return obj instanceof Look ? (Look)obj : null; } // Methods for FUNCTIONALITY EXTENSIONS ------------------------------------ public Collection getLookupItems(Object representedObject, Lookup oldEnv ) { Enumeration delegates = delegateTo (GET_LOOKUP_ITEMS, representedObject ); if (delegates == null) { return null; } boolean merge = delegateAll (GET_LOOKUP_ITEMS, representedObject ); Collection lookupItems = null; // Create list of subarrays for (int i[] = { 0 }; delegates.hasMoreElements(); i[0]++) { Look delegate = extractLook (delegates); if (delegate == null) { continue; } Look look = (Look)delegate; Collection data = look.getLookupItems (delegateObject( representedObject ), oldEnv ); if (data == null || data.size() == 0 ) { continue; } if (!merge) { // we are not merging and need keys just by one look return data; } // add all those objects into array if ( lookupItems == null ) { lookupItems = new LinkedList( data ); } else { lookupItems.addAll( data ); } } return lookupItems; } // Methods for STYLE ------------------------------------------------------- /** Gets the first display name provided by any sublook. Set of sublooks * is determined by the selector associated with this look and the * {@link #delegateTo(long, org.netbeans.spi.looks.Look, java.lang.Object) filtering method }. * @param representedObject Represented object the look should work with. * @param env Environement for the represented object. * @return First display name returned by some of the sublooks or null */ public String getDisplayName(Object representedObject, Lookup env ) { Enumeration delegates = delegateTo (GET_DISPLAY_NAME, representedObject ); if (delegates != null) { for ( int i[] = { 0 }; delegates.hasMoreElements(); i[0]++ ) { Look delegate = extractLook (delegates); if (delegate != null) { String h = ((Look)delegate).getDisplayName (delegateObject( representedObject ), env ); if (h != null) { return h; } } } } return null; } /** Gets the first name provided by any sublook. Set of sublooks * is determined by the selector associated with this look and the * {@link #delegateTo(long, org.netbeans.spi.looks.Look, java.lang.Object) filtering method }. * @param representedObject Represented object the look should work with. * @param env Environement for the represented object. * @return First name returned by some of the sublooks or null */ public String getName(Object representedObject, Lookup env ) { Enumeration delegates = delegateTo (GET_NAME, representedObject ); if (delegates != null) { for (int i[] = { 0 }; delegates.hasMoreElements(); i[0]++) { Look delegate = extractLook (delegates); if (delegate != null) { String h = ((Look)delegate).getName (delegateObject( representedObject ), env ); if (h != null) { return h; } } } } return null; } /** Notifies all sublooks that the object was renamed. Set of sublooks * is determined by the selector associated with this look and the * {@link #delegateTo(long, org.netbeans.spi.looks.Look, java.lang.Object) filtering method }. * @param representedObject Represented object the look should work with. * @param newName New name of the object. * @param env Environement for the represented object. */ public void rename(Object representedObject, String newName, Lookup env ) throws IOException { Enumeration delegates = delegateTo (RENAME, representedObject ); if (delegates != null) { for (int i[] = { 0 }; delegates.hasMoreElements(); i[0]++) { Look delegate = extractLook (delegates); if (delegate != null) { ((Look)delegate).rename (delegateObject( representedObject ), newName, env ); } } } } /** Gets the first short description provided by any sublook. Set of sublooks * is determined by the selector associated with this look and the * {@link #delegateTo(long, org.netbeans.spi.looks.Look, java.lang.Object) filtering method }. * @param representedObject Represented object the look should work with. * @param env Environement for the represented object. * @return First short description returned by some of the sublooks or null */ public String getShortDescription(Object representedObject, Lookup env ) { Enumeration delegates = delegateTo (GET_SHORT_DESCRIPTION, representedObject ); if (delegates != null) { for (int i[] = { 0 }; delegates.hasMoreElements(); i[0]++) { Look delegate = extractLook (delegates); if (delegate != null) { String h = ((Look)delegate).getShortDescription (delegateObject( representedObject ), env ); if (h != null) { return h; } } } } return null; } /** Gets the first icon provided by any sublook. Set of sublooks * is determined by the selector associated with this look and the * {@link #delegateTo(long, org.netbeans.spi.looks.Look, java.lang.Object) filtering method }. * @param representedObject Represented object the look should work with. * @param type Icon type constant from {@link java.beans.BeanInfo} * @param env Environement for the represented object. * @return First icon returned by some of the sublooks or null */ public java.awt.Image getIcon(Object representedObject, int type, Lookup env) { Enumeration delegates = delegateTo (GET_ICON, representedObject ); if (delegates != null) { for (int i[] = { 0 }; delegates.hasMoreElements(); i[0]++) { Look delegate = extractLook (delegates); if (delegate != null) { java.awt.Image h = ((Look)delegate).getIcon (delegateObject( representedObject ), type, env ); if (h != null) { return h; } } } } return null; } /** Gets the first icon for opened state provided by any sublook. Set of sublooks * is determined by the selector associated with this look and the * {@link #delegateTo(long, org.netbeans.spi.looks.Look, java.lang.Object) filtering method }. * @param representedObject Represented object the look should work with. * @param type Icon type constant from {@link java.beans.BeanInfo} * @param env Environement for the represented object. * @return First icon for opened state returned by some of the sublooks or null */ public java.awt.Image getOpenedIcon(Object representedObject, int type, Lookup env) { Enumeration delegates = delegateTo (GET_OPENED_ICON, representedObject ); if (delegates != null) { for (int i[] = { 0 }; delegates.hasMoreElements(); i[0]++) { Look delegate = extractLook (delegates); if (delegate != null) { java.awt.Image h = ((Look)delegate).getOpenedIcon (delegateObject( representedObject ), type, env ); if (h != null) { return h; } } } } return null; } /** Gets the first help context provided by any sublook. Set of sublooks * is determined by the selector associated with this look and the * {@link #delegateTo(long, org.netbeans.spi.looks.Look, java.lang.Object) filtering method }. * @param representedObject Represented object the look should work with. * @param env Environement for the represented object. * @return First help context returned by some of the sublooks or null */ public HelpCtx getHelpCtx(Object representedObject, Lookup env ) { Enumeration delegates = delegateTo (GET_HELP_CTX, representedObject ); if (delegates != null) { for (int i[] = { 0 }; delegates.hasMoreElements(); i[0]++) { Look delegate = extractLook (delegates); if (delegate != null) { HelpCtx h = ((Look)delegate).getHelpCtx (delegateObject( representedObject ), env ); if (h != null) { return h; } } } } return null; } // Methods for CHILDREN ---------------------------------------------------- /** Creates list of child objects of given object. * Consults the sublooks to get the resulting list * of child objects.
* The set of consulted sublooks is determined by the selector associated with this look and the * {@link #delegateTo(long, org.netbeans.spi.looks.Look, java.lang.Object) filtering method }.
* By default the resulting set is a merge of all values returned by * sublooks. However the merging behavior can be modified by overriding the * @param representedObject Represented object the look should work with. * @param env Environement for the represented object. * @return (Merged) list of the child objects */ public List getChildObjects(Object representedObject, Lookup env ) { Enumeration delegates = delegateTo (GET_CHILD_OBJECTS, representedObject ); if (delegates == null) { return null; } boolean merge = delegateAll (GET_CHILD_OBJECTS, representedObject ); List children = null; // Create list of subarrays for (int i[] = { 0 }; delegates.hasMoreElements(); i[0]++) { Look delegate = extractLook (delegates); if (delegate == null) { continue; } Look look = (Look)delegate; List data = look.getChildObjects (delegateObject( representedObject ), env ); if (data == null || data.size() == 0 ) { continue; } if (!merge) { // we are not merging and need keys just by one look return data; } // add all those objects into array if ( children == null ) { children = new ArrayList( data ); } else { children.addAll( data ); } } return children; } /** Determines if the object should be expandable by consulting the set of sublooks. * The set of consulted sublooks is determined by the selector associated with this look and the * {@link #delegateTo(long, org.netbeans.spi.looks.Look, java.lang.Object) filtering method }. *

* Notice that filtering of this method is driven by the same constant as * by the {@link #getChildObjects} * getChildObjects( substitute )} method i.e. * {@link #GET_CHILD_OBJECTS GET_CHILD_OBJECTS}. * @param representedObject Represented object the look should work with. * @param env Environement for the represented object. * @return true if at least one of the sublooks returns true, * false otherwise. */ public boolean isLeaf(Object representedObject, Lookup env ) { Enumeration delegates = delegateTo (GET_CHILD_OBJECTS, representedObject ); if (delegates != null) { for (int i[] = { 0 }; delegates.hasMoreElements(); i[0]++) { Look delegate = extractLook (delegates); if (delegate != null) { if ( !((Look)delegate).isLeaf (delegateObject( representedObject ), env )) { return false; } } } } return true; } // Methods for ACTIONS & NEW TYPES ----------------------------------------- /** Creates an array of NewTypes for given node consulting the set of * sublooks. * The set of consulted sublooks is determined by the selector associated with this look and the * {@link #delegateTo(long, org.netbeans.spi.looks.Look, java.lang.Object) filtering method }.
* By default the resulting set is a merge of all values returned by * sublooks. However the merging behavior can be modified by overriding the * {@link #delegateAll} method.
* @param representedObject Represented object the look should work with. * @param env Environement for the represented object. * @return (Merged) array of the NewTypes */ public NewType[] getNewTypes(Object representedObject, Lookup env ) { Enumeration delegates = delegateTo (GET_NEW_TYPES, representedObject ); if (delegates == null) { return null; } boolean merge = delegateAll (GET_NEW_TYPES, representedObject ); Object arrays = null; // Create list of subarrays for (int i[] = { 0 }; delegates.hasMoreElements(); i[0]++) { Look delegate = extractLook (delegates); if (delegate == null) { continue; } Look look = (Look)delegate; NewType[] data = look.getNewTypes (delegateObject( representedObject ), env ); if (data == null || data.length == 0 ) { continue; } if (!merge) { // we are not merging and need keys just by one look return data; } // add all those objects into array if (arrays == null) { arrays = data; } else { ArrayList l; if (arrays instanceof Object[]) { // arrays contains Object[] convert to ArrayList Object[] arr = (Object[])arrays; l = new ArrayList (arr.length * 2); l.addAll (Arrays.asList (arr)); arrays = l; } else { l = (ArrayList)arrays; } l.addAll (Arrays.asList (data)); } } if (arrays == null) { // Return if there is nothing to merge return null; } return arrays instanceof NewType[] ? (NewType[])arrays : (NewType[])((ArrayList)arrays).toArray (new NewType[0]); } /** Crates an array of actions for the node by consulting the set of sublooks. * The set of consulted sublooks is determined by the selector associated with this look and the * {@link #delegateTo(long, org.netbeans.spi.looks.Look, java.lang.Object) filtering method }.
* By default the resulting set is a merge of all values returned by * sublooks. However the merging behavior can be modified by overriding the * {@link #delegateAll} method.
* @param representedObject Represented object the look should work with. * @param env Environement for the represented object. * @return (Merged) array of actions */ public Action[] getActions(Object representedObject, Lookup env ) { Enumeration delegates = delegateTo (GET_ACTIONS, representedObject ); if (delegates == null) { return null; } boolean merge = delegateAll (GET_ACTIONS, representedObject); Object arrays = null; // Create list of subarrays for (int i[] = { 0 };delegates.hasMoreElements(); i[0]++) { Look delegate = extractLook (delegates); if (delegate == null) { continue; } Look look = (Look)delegate; Action[] data = look.getActions (delegateObject( representedObject ), env ); if (data == null || data.length == 0 ) { continue; } if (!merge) { // we are not merging and need keys just by one look return data; } // add all those objects into array if (arrays == null) { arrays = data; } else { ArrayList l; if (arrays instanceof Object[]) { // arrays contains Object[] convert to ArrayList Object[] arr = (Object[])arrays; l = new ArrayList (arr.length * 2); l.addAll (Arrays.asList (arr)); arrays = l; } else { l = (ArrayList)arrays; } l.addAll (Arrays.asList (data)); } } if (arrays == null) { // Return if there is nothing to merge return null; } return arrays instanceof Action[] ? (Action[])arrays : (Action[])((ArrayList)arrays).toArray (new Action[0]); } /** Crates an array of context actions for the node by consulting the set of sublooks. * The set of consulted sublooks is determined by the selector associated with this look and the * {@link #delegateTo(long, org.netbeans.spi.looks.Look, java.lang.Object) filtering method }.
* By default the resulting set is a merge of all values returned by * sublooks. However the merging behavior can be modified by overriding the * {@link #delegateAll} method.
* @param representedObject Represented object the look should work with. * @param env Environement for the represented object. * @return (Merged) array of context actions */ public Action[] getContextActions(Object representedObject, Lookup env ) { Enumeration delegates = delegateTo (GET_CONTEXT_ACTIONS, representedObject ); if (delegates == null) { return null; } boolean merge = delegateAll (GET_CONTEXT_ACTIONS, representedObject ); Object arrays = null; // Create list of subarrays for (int i[] = { 0 }; delegates.hasMoreElements(); i[0]++) { Look delegate = extractLook (delegates); if (delegate == null) { continue; } Look look = (Look)delegate; Action[] data = look.getContextActions (delegateObject( representedObject ), env ); if (data == null || data.length == 0 ) { continue; } if (!merge) { // we are not merging and need keys just by one look return data; } // add all those objects into array if (arrays == null) { arrays = data; } else { ArrayList l; if (arrays instanceof Object[]) { // arrays contains Object[] convert to ArrayList Object[] arr = (Object[])arrays; l = new ArrayList (arr.length * 2); l.addAll (Arrays.asList (arr)); arrays = l; } else { l = (ArrayList)arrays; } l.addAll (Arrays.asList (data)); } } if (arrays == null) { // Return if there is nothing to merge return null; } return arrays instanceof Action[] ? (Action[])arrays : (Action[])((ArrayList)arrays).toArray (new Action[0]); } /** Gets the first default action provided by any sublook. Set of sublooks * is determined by the selector associated with this look and the * {@link #delegateTo(long, org.netbeans.spi.looks.Look, java.lang.Object) filtering method }. * @param representedObject Represented object the look should work with. * @param env Environement for the represented object. * @return First default action returned by some of the sublooks or null */ public Action getDefaultAction(Object representedObject, Lookup env ) { Enumeration delegates = delegateTo (GET_DEFAULT_ACTION, representedObject ); if (delegates != null) { for (int i[] = { 0 }; delegates.hasMoreElements(); i[0]++) { Look delegate = extractLook (delegates); if (delegate != null) { Action h = ((Look)delegate).getDefaultAction (delegateObject( representedObject ), env ); if (h != null) { return h; } } } } return null; } // Methods for PROPERTIES AND CUSTOMIZER ----------------------------------- /** Creates and array of PropertySets by consulting sublooks. The resulting array * (if merging is enabled) contains all sets returned from the sublooks. If set * with equal name is contained in array returned from more than one sublook, * then the resulting array will contain one set of given name with all * properties from the (sub)sets merged.
* The set of consulted sublooks is determined by the selector associated with this look and the * {@link #delegateTo(long, org.netbeans.spi.looks.Look, java.lang.Object) filtering method }.
* By default the resulting set is a merge of all values returned by * sublooks. However the merging behavior can be modified by overriding the * {@link #delegateAll} method.
* @param representedObject Represented object the look should work with. * @param env Environement for the represented object. * @return (Merged) array of PropertySets */ public Node.PropertySet[] getPropertySets(Object representedObject, Lookup env ) { Enumeration delegates = delegateTo (GET_PROPERTY_SETS, representedObject ); delegates = new FilterEnumeration( delegates ); // We need to get rid of null values if (delegates == null) { return null; } boolean merge = delegateAll (GET_PROPERTY_SETS, representedObject ); ArrayList setsList = null; HashMap nameMap = null; // Create list of property sets and the name map for (int index[] = { 0 } ; delegates.hasMoreElements(); index[0]++) { Look delegate = extractLook (delegates); if (delegate == null) { continue; } Look look = (Look)delegate; Node.PropertySet[] sets = look.getPropertySets(delegateObject( representedObject ), env ); if ( sets == null || sets.length == 0 ) { continue; // Look does not provide any properties } if (!merge) { // no need to do merging, return the first reasonable value return sets; } if (setsList == null) { if ( !delegates.hasMoreElements() ) { // I am the last look in the raw, no need to do merging return sets; } setsList = new ArrayList (); nameMap = new HashMap (37); } // Merge the property sets. We use sheet sets for // more comfortable work with propertySets for ( int i = 0; i < sets.length; i++ ) { if ( sets[i].getName() == null ) { continue; // Ignore unnamed lists } Sheet.Set es = (Sheet.Set)nameMap.get( sets[i].getName() ); if ( es == null ) { //Such sheet does not exist yet es = new Sheet.Set( ); es.setName( sets[i].getName() ); es.setDisplayName( sets[i].getDisplayName() ); es.setShortDescription( sets[i].getShortDescription() ); es.put( sets[i].getProperties() ); setsList.add( es ); nameMap.put( sets[i].getName(), es ); } else { // Sheet exists => merge properties Node.Property[] props = sets[i].getProperties(); if ( props == null || props.length == 0 ) { continue; } else { es.put( sets[i].getProperties() ); } } } } if ( setsList == null || setsList.size() == 0 ) { return null; } else { Node.PropertySet[] result = new Node.PropertySet[ setsList.size() ]; setsList.toArray( result ); return result; } } /** Gets the first customizer component provided by any sublook. Set of sublooks * is determined by the selector associated with this look and the * {@link #delegateTo(long, org.netbeans.spi.looks.Look, java.lang.Object) filtering method }. * @param representedObject Represented object the look should work with. * @param env Environement for the represented object. * @return First customizer component returned by some of the sublooks or null */ public Component getCustomizer(Object representedObject, Lookup env ) { Enumeration delegates = delegateTo (GET_CUSTOMIZER, representedObject ); if (delegates != null) { for (int i[] = { 0 }; delegates.hasMoreElements(); i[0]++) { Look delegate = extractLook (delegates); if (delegate != null) { Component h = ((Look)delegate).getCustomizer (delegateObject( representedObject ), env ); if (h != null) { return h; } } } } return null; } /** Determines if the node has customize element by consulting the set of sublooks. * The set of consulted sublooks is determined by the selector associated with this look and the * {@link #delegateTo(long, org.netbeans.spi.looks.Look, java.lang.Object) filtering method }. * @param representedObject Represented object the look should work with. * @param env Environement for the represented object. * @return true if at least one of the sublooks returns true, * false otherwise. */ public boolean hasCustomizer(Object representedObject, Lookup env ) { Enumeration delegates = delegateTo (HAS_CUSTOMIZER, representedObject ); if (delegates != null) { for (int i[] = { 0 }; delegates.hasMoreElements(); i[0]++) { Look delegate = extractLook (delegates); if (delegate != null) { if ( ((Look)delegate).hasCustomizer (delegateObject( representedObject ), env )) { return true; } } } } return false; } // Methods for CLIPBOARD OPERATIONS ---------------------------------------- /** Tests whether the node permits renaming by consulting the set of sublooks. * The set of consulted sublooks is determined by the selector associated with this look and the * {@link #delegateTo(long, org.netbeans.spi.looks.Look, java.lang.Object) filtering method }. * @param representedObject Represented object the look should work with. * @param env Environement for the represented object. * @return true if at least one of the sublooks returns true, * false otherwise. */ public boolean canRename(Object representedObject, Lookup env ) { Enumeration delegates = delegateTo (CAN_RENAME, representedObject ); if (delegates != null) { for (int i[] = { 0 }; delegates.hasMoreElements(); i[0]++) { Look delegate = extractLook (delegates); if (delegate != null) { boolean b = ((Look)delegate).canRename (delegateObject( representedObject ), env ); if (b) { return true; } } } } return false; } /** Tests whether the node permits the destroy operation by consulting the set of sublooks. * The set of consulted sublooks is determined by the selector associated with this look and the * {@link #delegateTo(long, org.netbeans.spi.looks.Look, java.lang.Object) filtering method }. * @param representedObject Represented object the look should work with. * @param env Environement for the represented object. * @return true if at least one of the sublooks returns true, * false otherwise. */ public boolean canDestroy(Object representedObject, Lookup env ) { Enumeration delegates = delegateTo (CAN_DESTROY, representedObject ); if (delegates != null) { for (int i[] = { 0 }; delegates.hasMoreElements(); i[0]++) { Look delegate = extractLook (delegates); if (delegate != null) { boolean b = ((Look)delegate).canDestroy (delegateObject( representedObject ), env ); if (b) { return true; } } } } return false; } /** Tests whether the node permits the copy operation by consulting the set of sublooks. * The set of consulted sublooks is determined by the selector associated with this look and the * {@link #delegateTo(long, org.netbeans.spi.looks.Look, java.lang.Object) filtering method }. * @param representedObject Represented object the look should work with. * @param env Environement for the represented object. * @return true if at least one of the sublooks returns true, * false otherwise. */ public boolean canCopy(Object representedObject, Lookup env ) { Enumeration delegates = delegateTo (CAN_COPY, representedObject ); if (delegates != null) { for (int i[] = { 0 }; delegates.hasMoreElements(); i[0]++) { Look delegate = extractLook (delegates); if (delegate != null) { boolean b = ((Look)delegate).canCopy (delegateObject( representedObject ), env ); if (b) { return true; } } } } return false; } /** Tests whether the node permits the cut operation by consulting the set of sublooks. * The set of consulted sublooks is determined by the selector associated with this look and the * {@link #delegateTo(long, org.netbeans.spi.looks.Look, java.lang.Object) filtering method }. * @param representedObject Represented object the look should work with. * @param env Environement for the represented object. * @return true if at least one of the sublooks returns true, * false otherwise. */ public boolean canCut(Object representedObject, Lookup env ) { Enumeration delegates = delegateTo (CAN_CUT, representedObject ); if (delegates != null) { for (int i[] = { 0 }; delegates.hasMoreElements(); i[0]++) { Look delegate = extractLook (delegates); if (delegate != null) { boolean b = ((Look)delegate).canCut (delegateObject( representedObject ), env ); if (b) { return true; } } } } return false; } /** Crates an array of allowed PasteTypes by consulting the set of sublooks. * The set of consulted sublooks is determined by the selector associated with this look and the * {@link #delegateTo(long, org.netbeans.spi.looks.Look, java.lang.Object) filtering method }.
* By default the resulting set is a merge of all values returned by * sublooks. However the merging behavior can be modified by overriding the * {@link #delegateAll} method.
* @param representedObject Represented object the look should work with. * @param env Environement for the represented object. * @param t The transferable * @return (Merged) array of PasteTypes */ public PasteType[] getPasteTypes(Object representedObject, Transferable t, Lookup env ) { Enumeration delegates = delegateTo (GET_PASTE_TYPES, representedObject ); if (delegates == null) { return null; } boolean merge = delegateAll (GET_PASTE_TYPES, representedObject ); Object arrays = null; // Create list of subarrays for (int i[] = { 0 }; delegates.hasMoreElements(); i[0]++) { Look delegate = extractLook (delegates); if (delegate == null) { continue; } Look look = (Look)delegate; PasteType[] data = look.getPasteTypes (delegateObject( representedObject ), t, env ); if (data == null || data.length == 0 ) { continue; } if (!merge) { // we are not merging and need keys just by one look return data; } // add all those objects into array if (arrays == null) { arrays = data; } else { ArrayList l; if (arrays instanceof Object[]) { // arrays contains Object[] convert to ArrayList Object[] arr = (Object[])arrays; l = new ArrayList (arr.length * 2); l.addAll (Arrays.asList (arr)); arrays = l; } else { l = (ArrayList)arrays; } l.addAll (Arrays.asList (data)); } } if (arrays == null) { // Return if there is nothing to merge return null; } return arrays instanceof PasteType[] ? (PasteType[])arrays : (PasteType[])((ArrayList)arrays).toArray (new PasteType[0]); } /** Gets the first PasteType from any sublook, which can provide the * paste operation. Set of sublooks * is determined by the selector associated with this look and the * {@link #delegateTo(long, org.netbeans.spi.looks.Look, java.lang.Object) filtering method }. * @see org.netbeans.spi.looks.Look#getDropType * @param representedObject Represented object the look should work with. * @param t the transferable * @param action the drag'n'drop action to do DnDConstants.ACTION_MOVE, ACTION_COPY, ACTION_LINK * @param index index between children the drop occurred at or -1 if not specified * @param env Environement for the represented object. * @return First PasteType returned by some of the sublooks or null */ public PasteType getDropType(Object representedObject, Transferable t, int action, int index, Lookup env ) { Enumeration delegates = delegateTo (GET_DROP_TYPE, representedObject ); if (delegates != null) { for (int i[] = { 0 }; delegates.hasMoreElements(); i[0]++) { Look delegate = extractLook (delegates); if (delegate != null) { PasteType b = ((Look)delegate).getDropType (delegateObject( representedObject ), t, action, index, env ); if (b != null) { return b; } } } } return null; } /** Gets the first transferable from any sublook which can provide the copy * operation. Set of sublooks * is determined by the selector associated with this look and the * {@link #delegateTo(long, org.netbeans.spi.looks.Look, java.lang.Object) filtering method }. * @param representedObject Represented object the look should work with. * @return First transferable returned by some of the sublooks or null * @param env Environement for the represented object. * @throws IOException If any of the sublooks throws the exception */ public Transferable clipboardCopy(Object representedObject, Lookup env ) throws IOException { Enumeration delegates = delegateTo (CLIPBOARD_COPY, representedObject ); if (delegates != null) { for (int i[] = { 0 }; delegates.hasMoreElements(); i[0]++) { Look delegate = extractLook (delegates); if (delegate != null) { Transferable b = ((Look)delegate).clipboardCopy (delegateObject( representedObject ), env ); if (b != null) { return b; } } } } return null; } /** Gets the first transferable from any sublook which can provide the cut * operation. Set of sublooks * is determined by the selector associated with this look and the * {@link #delegateTo(long, org.netbeans.spi.looks.Look, java.lang.Object) filtering method }. * @param representedObject Represented object the look should work with. * @param env Environement for the represented object. * @return First transferable returned by some of the sublooks or null * @throws IOException If any of the sublooks throws the exception */ public Transferable clipboardCut(Object representedObject, Lookup env ) throws IOException { Enumeration delegates = delegateTo (CLIPBOARD_CUT, representedObject ); if (delegates != null) { for (int i[] = { 0 }; delegates.hasMoreElements(); i[0]++) { Look delegate = extractLook (delegates); if (delegate != null) { Transferable b = ((Look)delegate).clipboardCut (delegateObject( representedObject ), env ); if (b != null) { return b; } } } } return null; } /** Gets the first transferable from any sublook that can provide the drag operation. * Set of sublooks * is determined by the selector associated with this look and the * {@link #delegateTo(long, org.netbeans.spi.looks.Look, java.lang.Object) filtering method }. * @param representedObject Represented object the look should work with. * @param env Environement for the represented object. * @return First transferable returned by some of the sublooks or null * @throws IOException If any of the sublooks throws the exception */ public Transferable drag(Object representedObject, Lookup env ) throws IOException { Enumeration delegates = delegateTo (DRAG, representedObject ); if (delegates != null) { for (int i[] = { 0 }; delegates.hasMoreElements(); i[0]++) { Look delegate = extractLook (delegates); if (delegate != null) { Transferable b = ((Look)delegate).drag (delegateObject( representedObject ), env ); if (b != null) { return b; } } } } return null; } /** Calls the destroy method on all sublooks. The set of sublooks * is determined by the selector associated with this look and the * {@link #delegateTo(long, org.netbeans.spi.looks.Look, java.lang.Object) filtering method }. * @param representedObject Represented object the look should work with. * @param env Environement for the represented object. * @throws IOException If any of the sublooks throws the exception */ public void destroy(Object representedObject, Lookup env ) throws IOException { Enumeration delegates = delegateTo (DESTROY, representedObject ); if (delegates != null) { for (int i[] = { 0 }; delegates.hasMoreElements(); i[0]++) { Look delegate = extractLook (delegates); if (delegate != null) { ((Look)delegate).destroy (delegateObject( representedObject ), env ); } } } } // Package private methods ------------------------------------------------- void addLookListener( Object representedObject, LookListener listener ) { Object dObject = null; Enumeration delegates = null; if ( representedObject != null ) { dObject = delegateObject( representedObject ); delegates = content.getLooks( dObject ); } synchronized ( this ) { super.addLookListener( representedObject, listener ); // Start listening on the selector // org.netbeans.modules.looks.Accessor.DEFAULT.addSelectorListener( content, eventTranslator ); if (representedObject != null) { // Allow sublooks to attach to representedObject List dList = new ArrayList(); if (delegates != null) { for ( int i[] = { 0 }; delegates.hasMoreElements(); i[0]++ ) { Look delegate = extractLook (delegates); if (delegate != null) { RuntimeException ex = null; try { // Sublooks may throw an exception ((Look)delegate).addLookListener( dObject, null ); ((Look)delegate).addLookListener( null, eventTranslator ); dList.add( delegate ); } catch ( ClassCastException e ) { ex = e; } catch ( IllegalArgumentException e ) { ex = e; } if ( ex != null ) { // Exception thrown // We need to detach and remove listeners for( Iterator it = dList.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Look l = (Look); l.removeLookListener( dObject, null ); l.removeLookListener( null, eventTranslator ); } // and rethrow the exception throw ex; } } } } } } } void removeLookListener( Object representedObject, LookListener listener ) { Object dObject = null; Enumeration delegates = null; if ( representedObject != null ) { dObject = delegateObject( representedObject ); delegates = content.getLooks( dObject ); } synchronized ( this ) { if (representedObject != null) { // Tell sublooks that they should stop listening if (delegates != null) { for ( int i[] = { 0 }; delegates.hasMoreElements(); i[0]++ ) { Look delegate = extractLook (delegates); if (delegate != null) { delegate.removeLookListener( dObject, null ); } } } } // Stop listening on the selector // org.netbeans.modules.looks.Accessor.DEFAULT.removeSelectorListener( content, eventTranslator ); super.removeLookListener( representedObject, listener ); } } // Innerclasses ------------------------------------------------------------ /** Class which listens on other looks an simply resends the events. */ private class ProxyLookEventTranslator implements LookListener, org.netbeans.modules.looks.SelectorListener { public void change( LookEvent evt ) { fireChange( undelegateObject( evt.getSource() ), evt.getMask() ); } public void propertyChange( LookEvent evt ) { firePropertyChange( undelegateObject( evt.getSource() ), evt.getPropertyName() ); } // Look selector implementation ---------------------------------------- public void contentsChanged( org.netbeans.modules.looks.SelectorEvent evt ) { // Prepare the mask long mask = Look.ALL_METHODS; mask &= ~( Look.DESTROY | Look.RENAME ); Object objects[] = getAllObjects(); // Read the content of the cache if ( objects == null ) { return; // Nothing to do } for( int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++ ) { Object dObject = delegateObject( objects[i] ); Collection removedLooks = evt.getRemovedLooks( objects[i] ); if ( !removedLooks.isEmpty() ) { // Stop listening on the remnoved looks for( Iterator it = removedLooks.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { ((Look) dObject, null ); } } Collection addedLooks = evt.getAddedLooks( objects[i] ); if ( !addedLooks.isEmpty() ) { // Start listening on the new looks for( Iterator it = addedLooks.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { ((Look) dObject, null ); } } } fireChange( null, mask ); firePropertyChange( null, null ); } } }

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