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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2004 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.openide;

import java.awt.event.*;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Cursor;
import java.awt.FocusTraversalPolicy;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager;
import java.awt.MediaTracker;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.Window;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;

import org.openide.util.HelpCtx;
import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
import org.openide.util.Mutex;
import org.openide.util.WeakSet;
import org.openide.util.WeakListeners;
import org.openide.awt.HtmlBrowser;

import javax.accessibility.*;
import org.openide.util.RequestProcessor;
import org.openide.util.Utilities;

 * Implements a basic "wizard" GUI system.
 * A list of wizard panels may be specified and these
 * may be traversed at the proper times using the "Previous"
 * and "Next" buttons (or "Finish" on the last one).
 * @see DialogDisplayer#createDialog
 * @see Wizard Guidebook
 * (describes the set of properties controlling the display of wizard panels)
public class WizardDescriptor extends DialogDescriptor {

    /** "Next" button option.
    * @see #setOptions */
    public static final Object NEXT_OPTION = new String("NEXT_OPTION"); // NOI18N
    /** "Finish" button option.
    * @see #setOptions */
    public static final Object FINISH_OPTION = OK_OPTION;
    /** "Previous" button option.
    * @see #setOptions */
    public static final Object PREVIOUS_OPTION = new String("PREVIOUS_OPTION"); // NOI18N

    /** real buttons to be placed instead of the options */
    private final JButton nextButton = new JButton ();
    private final JButton finishButton = new JButton ();
    private final JButton cancelButton = new JButton ();
    private final JButton previousButton = new JButton ();
    private FinishAction finishOption;
    private Set/**/ newObjects = Collections.EMPTY_SET;

    /** a component with wait cursor */
    transient private Component waitingComponent;
    private static final ActionListener CLOSE_PREVENTER = new ActionListener () {
                public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt) {
                public String toString() {
                    return "CLOSE_PREVENTER"; // NOI18N

        // button init
        ResourceBundle b = NbBundle.getBundle ("org.openide.Bundle"); // NOI18N
        nextButton.setText (b.getString ("CTL_NEXT"));
        previousButton.setText (b.getString ("CTL_PREVIOUS"));
        finishButton.setText (b.getString ("CTL_FINISH"));
        finishButton.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleDescription(b.getString ("ACSD_FINISH"));
        cancelButton.setText (b.getString ("CTL_CANCEL"));
        cancelButton.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleDescription(b.getString ("ACSD_CANCEL"));        

        previousButton.setMnemonic (b.getString ("CTL_PREVIOUS_Mnemonic").charAt(0));
        finishButton.setMnemonic (b.getString ("CTL_FINISH_Mnemonic").charAt(0));

        finishButton.setDefaultCapable (true);
        nextButton.setDefaultCapable (true);
        previousButton.setDefaultCapable (false);
        cancelButton.setDefaultCapable (false);
    /** Boolean property. The value is taken from WizardDescriptor.getProperty() or
     * ((JComponent)Panel.getComponent()).getClientProperty() in this order.
     * Set to true for enabling other properties. It is relevant only on 
     * initialization (client property in first panel).
     * When false or not present in JComponent.getClientProperty(), then supplied panel is 
     * used directly without content, help or panel name auto layout.
    private static final String PROP_AUTO_WIZARD_STYLE = "WizardPanel_autoWizardStyle"; // NOI18N
    /** Boolean property. The value is taken from WizardDescriptor.getProperty() or
     * ((JComponent)Panel.getComponent()).getClientProperty() in this order.
     * Set to true for showing help pane in the left pane. It is relevant only on 
     * initialization (client property in first panel).
    private static final String PROP_HELP_DISPLAYED = "WizardPanel_helpDisplayed"; // NOI18N
    /** Boolean property. The value is taken from WizardDescriptor.getProperty() or
     * ((JComponent)Panel.getComponent()).getClientProperty() in this order.
     * Set to true for showing content pane in the left pane. It is relevant only on 
     * initialization (client property in first panel).
    private static final String PROP_CONTENT_DISPLAYED = "WizardPanel_contentDisplayed"; // NOI18N
    /** Boolean property. The value is taken from WizardDescriptor.getProperty() or
     * ((JComponent)Panel.getComponent()).getClientProperty() in this order.
     * Set to true for displaying numbers in the content. It is relevant only on 
     * initialization (client property in first panel).
    private static final String PROP_CONTENT_NUMBERED = "WizardPanel_contentNumbered"; // NOI18N
    /** Integer property. The value is taken from WizardDescriptor.getProperty() or
     * ((JComponent)Panel.getComponent()).getClientProperty() in this order.
     * Represents index of content item which will be highlited.
    private static final String PROP_CONTENT_SELECTED_INDEX = "WizardPanel_contentSelectedIndex"; // NOI18N
    /** String[] property. The value is taken from WizardDescriptor.getProperty() or
     * ((JComponent)Panel.getComponent()).getClientProperty() in this order.
     * Represents array of content items.
    private static final String PROP_CONTENT_DATA = "WizardPanel_contentData"; // NOI18N
    /** Color property. The value is taken from WizardDescriptor.getProperty() or
     * ((JComponent)Panel.getComponent()).getClientProperty() in this order.
     * Set to background color of content pane.
    private static final String PROP_CONTENT_BACK_COLOR = "WizardPanel_contentBackColor"; // NOI18N
    /** Color property. The value is taken from WizardDescriptor.getProperty() or
     * ((JComponent)Panel.getComponent()).getClientProperty() in this order.
     * Set to foreground color of content pane.
    private static final String PROP_CONTENT_FOREGROUND_COLOR = "WizardPanel_contentForegroundColor"; // NOI18N
    /** Image property. The value is taken from WizardDescriptor.getProperty() or
     * ((JComponent)Panel.getComponent()).getClientProperty() in this order.
     * Set to image which should be displayed in the left pane (behind the content).
    private static final String PROP_IMAGE = "WizardPanel_image"; // NOI18N
    /** String property. The value is taken from WizardDescriptor.getProperty() or
     * ((JComponent)Panel.getComponent()).getClientProperty() in this order.
     * Set to side where the image should be drawn.
    private static final String PROP_IMAGE_ALIGNMENT = "WizardPanel_imageAlignment"; // NOI18N
    /** Dimension property. The value is taken from WizardDescriptor.getProperty() or
     * ((JComponent)Panel.getComponent()).getClientProperty() in this order.
     * Dimension of left pane, should be same as dimension of PROP_IMAGE.
     * It is relevant only on initialization (client property in first panel).
    private static final String PROP_LEFT_DIMENSION = "WizardPanel_leftDimension"; // NOI18N
    /** URL property. The value is taken from WizardDescriptor.getProperty() or
     * ((JComponent)Panel.getComponent()).getClientProperty() in this order.
     * Represents URL of help displayed in left pane.
    private static final String PROP_HELP_URL = "WizardPanel_helpURL"; // NOI18N
    /** String property. The value is taken from WizardDescriptor.getProperty().
     * If it contains non-null value the String is displayed the bottom of the wizard
     * and should inform user why the panel is invalid and why the Next/Finish
     * buttons were disabled.
     * @since 3.39
    private static final String PROP_ERROR_MESSAGE = "WizardPanel_errorMessage"; // NOI18N

    /** Reference to default image */
    private static WeakReference defaultImage;
    /** Whether wizard panel will be constructed from WizardDescriptor.getProperty()/
     * (JComponent)Panel.getComponent() client properties or returned 
     * Component will be inserted to wizard dialog directly.
    private boolean autoWizardStyle = false;
    /** Whether properties from first (JComponent)Panel.getComponent()
     * have been initialized.
    private boolean init = false;
    /** Panel which is used when in AUTO_WIZARD_STYLE mode.*/
    private WizardPanel wizardPanel;
    /** Image */
    private Image image;
    /** Content data */
    private String[] contentData = new String[] {};
    /** Selected content index */
    private int contentSelectedIndex = -1;
    /** Background color*/
    private Color contentBackColor;
    /** Foreground color*/
    private Color contentForegroundColor;
    /** Help URL displayed in the left pane */
    private URL helpURL;
    /** Listener on a user component client property changes*/
    private PropL propListener;
    /** 'North' or 'South' */
    private String imageAlignment = "North"; // NOI18N
    /** Iterator between panels in the wizard */
    private Iterator panels;

    /** Change listener that invokes method update state */
    private Listener listener;

    /** current panel */
    private Panel current;

    /** settings to be used for the panels */
    private Object settings;

    /** message format to create title of the document */
    private MessageFormat titleFormat;

    /** hashtable with additional settings that is usually used
    * by Panels to store their data
    private Map properties;

    /** Create a new wizard from a fixed list of panels, passing some settings to the panels.
    * @param wizardPanels the panels to use
    * @param settings the settings to pass to panels, or null
    * @see #WizardDescriptor(WizardDescriptor.Iterator, Object)
    public WizardDescriptor (Panel[] wizardPanels, Object settings) {
        this (new ArrayIterator (wizardPanels), settings);

    /** Create a new wizard from a fixed list of panels with settings
    * defaulted to this.
    * @param wizardPanels the panels to use
    * @see #WizardDescriptor(WizardDescriptor.Iterator, Object)
    public WizardDescriptor (Panel[] wizardPanels) {
        // passing CLOSE_PREVENTER which is treated especially
        this (wizardPanels, CLOSE_PREVENTER);

    /** Create wizard for a sequence of panels, passing some settings to the panels.
    * @param panels iterator over all {@link WizardDescriptor.Panel}s that can appear in the wizard
    * @param settings the settings to provide to the panels (may be any data understood by them)
    * @see WizardDescriptor.Panel#readSettings
    * @see WizardDescriptor.Panel#storeSettings
    public WizardDescriptor (Iterator panels, Object settings) {
        super ("", "", true, DEFAULT_OPTION, null, CLOSE_PREVENTER); // NOI18N
        this.settings = settings == CLOSE_PREVENTER ? this : settings;

        listener = new Listener ();

        try {
            nextButton.addActionListener ((ActionListener)WeakListeners.create(Class.forName("java.awt.event.ActionListener"),listener,nextButton));
            previousButton.addActionListener ((ActionListener)WeakListeners.create(Class.forName("java.awt.event.ActionListener"),listener,previousButton));
            finishButton.addActionListener ((ActionListener)WeakListeners.create(Class.forName("java.awt.event.ActionListener"),listener,finishButton));
            cancelButton.addActionListener ((ActionListener)WeakListeners.create(Class.forName("java.awt.event.ActionListener"),listener,cancelButton));
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            // cannot happen, java.awt.event.ActionListener listener can always be found
        finishOption = new WizardDescriptor.FinishAction ();

        super.setOptions (new Object[] { previousButton, nextButton, finishButton, cancelButton });
        super.setClosingOptions (new Object[] { finishOption, cancelButton });

        this.panels = panels;
        callInitialize ();
        panels.addChangeListener (WeakListeners.change(listener,panels));

    /** Create wizard for a sequence of panels, with settings
    * defaulted to this.
    * @param panels iterator over all {@link WizardDescriptor.Panel}s that can appear in the wizard
    public WizardDescriptor(Iterator panels) {
        // passing CLOSE_PREVENTER which is treated especially
        this (panels, CLOSE_PREVENTER);
    /** Initializes settings.
    protected void initialize () {
        super.initialize ();

        updateState ();

    /** Set a different list of panels.
    * Correctly updates the buttons.
    * @param panels the new list of {@link WizardDescriptor.Panel}s 
    public final synchronized void setPanels (Iterator panels) {
        if (panels != null) {
            panels.removeChangeListener (listener);
        this.panels = panels;
        panels.addChangeListener (WeakListeners.change(listener,panels));
        init = false;

        updateState ();

    /** Set options permitted by the wizard considered as a DialogDescriptor.
    * Substitutes tokens such as {@link #NEXT_OPTION} with the actual button.
    * @param options the options to set
    public void setOptions (Object[] options) {
        super.setOptions (convertOptions (options));

    * @param options the options to set
    public void setAdditionalOptions (Object[] options) {
        super.setAdditionalOptions (convertOptions (options));

    * @param options the options to set
    public void setClosingOptions (Object[] options) {
        super.setClosingOptions (convertOptions (options));

    /** Converts some options.
    private Object[] convertOptions (Object[] options) {
        Object[] clonedOptions = (Object[])options.clone ();
        for (int i = clonedOptions.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            if (clonedOptions[i] == NEXT_OPTION) clonedOptions[i] = nextButton;
            if (clonedOptions[i] == PREVIOUS_OPTION) clonedOptions[i] = previousButton;
            if (clonedOptions[i] == FINISH_OPTION) clonedOptions[i] = finishButton;
            if (clonedOptions[i] == CANCEL_OPTION) clonedOptions[i] = cancelButton;
        return clonedOptions;
    /** Overriden to ensure that returned value is one of 
     * the XXX_OPTION constants.
    public Object getValue() {
        return backConvertOption(super.getValue());
    /** Converts the option back to one of the constants.
     * It is called from getValue().
    private Object backConvertOption(Object op) {
        if (op == nextButton) {
            return NEXT_OPTION;
        if (op == previousButton) {
            return PREVIOUS_OPTION;
        if (op == finishButton) {
            return FINISH_OPTION;
        if (op == cancelButton) {
            return CANCEL_OPTION;
        // if we don't know just return the original value
        return op;

    /** Sets the message format to create title of the wizard.
    * The format can take two parameters. The name of the
    * current component and the name returned by the iterator that
    * defines the order of panels. The default value is something
    * like
    *   {0} wizard {1}
* That can be expanded to something like this *
    *   EJB wizard (1 of 8)
* This method allows anybody to provide own title format. * * @param format message format to the title */ public void setTitleFormat (MessageFormat format) { titleFormat = format; if (init) updateState (); } /** Getter for current format to be used to format title. * @return the format * @see #setTitleFormat */ public synchronized MessageFormat getTitleFormat () { if (titleFormat == null) { // ok, initialize the default one titleFormat = new MessageFormat ( NbBundle.getMessage (WizardDescriptor.class, "CTL_WizardName")); } return titleFormat; } /** Allows Panels that use WizardDescriptor as settings object to * store additional settings into it. * * @param name name of the property * @param value value of property */ public void putProperty (final String name, Object value) { Object oldValue = null; synchronized (this) { if (properties == null) { properties = new HashMap (7); } oldValue = properties.get (name); properties.put (name, value); } // bugfix #27738, firing changes in a value of the property firePropertyChange (name, oldValue, value); if (propListener != null) { Mutex.EVENT.readAccess(new Runnable() { public void run() { propListener.propertyChange( new PropertyChangeEvent(this, name, null, null) ); } }); } if (PROP_ERROR_MESSAGE.equals(name)) { WizardPanel wp = wizardPanel; if (wp != null) { wp.setErrorMessage((String)(value == null ? " " : value)); //NOI18N } } } /** Getter for stored property. * @param name name of the property * @return the value */ public synchronized Object getProperty (String name) { return properties == null ? null : properties.get (name); } public void setHelpCtx (final HelpCtx helpCtx) { if ((wizardPanel != null) && (helpCtx != null)) { HelpCtx.setHelpIDString(wizardPanel, helpCtx.getHelpID()); } // we call the inherited method after setting the ID // on the panel becuase super.setHelpCtx fires the change super.setHelpCtx(helpCtx); } /** Returns set of newly instantiated objects if the wizard has been correctly finished. * Returns the empty set as default. If the wizard uses the InstantiatingIterator * then WizardDescriptor returns a set of Object as same as InstantiatingIterator.instantiate(). * * @exception IllegalStateException if this method is called on the unfinished wizard * @return a set of Objects created * @since 4.41 */ public Set/**/ getInstantiatedObjects () { // if (!(FINISH_OPTION.equals (getValue ()))) { throw new IllegalStateException (); } return newObjects; } /** Updates buttons to reflect the current state of the panels. * Can be overridden by subclasses * to change the options to special values. In such a case use: *

    *   super.updateState ();
    *   setOptions (...);
*/ protected synchronized void updateState () { Panel p = panels.current (); // listeners on the panel if (current != p) { if (current != null) { // remove current.removeChangeListener (listener); current.storeSettings (settings); } // Hack - obtain current panel again // It's here to allow dynamic change of panels in wizard // (which can be done in storeSettings method) p = panels.current (); // add to new p.addChangeListener (WeakListeners.change(listener,p)); current = p; current.readSettings (settings); } boolean next = panels.hasNext (); boolean prev = panels.hasPrevious (); boolean valid = p.isValid (); nextButton.setEnabled (next && valid); previousButton.setEnabled (prev); if (current instanceof FinishablePanel) { // check if isFinishPanel if (((FinishablePanel)current).isFinishPanel ()) { finishButton.setEnabled (valid); } else { // XXX What if the last panel is not FinishPanel ??? enable ? finishButton.setEnabled (valid && !next); } } else { // original way finishButton.setEnabled ( valid && (!next || (current instanceof FinishPanel)) ); } // nextButton.setVisible (next); // finishButton.setVisible (!next || (current instanceof FinishPanel)); // XXX Why setValue on Next ? // if (next) { // setValue (nextButton); // } else { //// setValue (finishButton); // } setHelpCtx (p.getHelp ()); java.awt.Component c = p.getComponent (); if (c == null || c instanceof java.awt.Window) throw new IllegalStateException("Wizard panel " + p + " gave a strange component " + c); // NOI18N /* commented out - issue #32927. Replaced by javadoc info in WizardDescriptor.Panel if (c == p) { warnPanelIsComponent(p.getClass()); }*/ //initialize wizardPanel if (!init) { if (c instanceof JComponent) { autoWizardStyle = getBooleanProperty( (JComponent)c, PROP_AUTO_WIZARD_STYLE); if (autoWizardStyle) { wizardPanel = new WizardPanel( getBooleanProperty((JComponent)c, PROP_CONTENT_DISPLAYED), getBooleanProperty((JComponent)c, PROP_HELP_DISPLAYED), getBooleanProperty((JComponent)c, PROP_CONTENT_NUMBERED), getLeftDimension((JComponent)c) ); initBundleProperties(); } } if (propListener == null) propListener = new PropL(); init = true; } //update wizardPanel if (wizardPanel != null) { Component oldComp = wizardPanel.getRightComponent(); if (oldComp != null) oldComp.removePropertyChangeListener(propListener); if (c instanceof JComponent) { setPanelProperties((JComponent)c); wizardPanel.setContent(contentData); wizardPanel.setSelectedIndex(contentSelectedIndex); wizardPanel.setContentBackColor(contentBackColor); wizardPanel.setContentForegroundColor(contentForegroundColor); wizardPanel.setImage(image); wizardPanel.setImageAlignment(imageAlignment); wizardPanel.setHelpURL(helpURL); updateButtonAccessibleDescription(); c.addPropertyChangeListener(WeakListeners.propertyChange(propListener,c)); } if (wizardPanel.getRightComponent() != c) { wizardPanel.setRightComponent(c); if (wizardPanel != getMessage()) { setMessage(wizardPanel); } else { // force revalidate and repaint because the contents of // wizardPanel has changed. See NbPresenter code firePropertyChange(DialogDescriptor.PROP_MESSAGE, null, wizardPanel); } } } else if (c != getMessage ()) setMessage (c); String panelName = c.getName (); if (panelName == null) { panelName = ""; // NOI18N } Object[] args = { panelName, () }; MessageFormat mf = getTitleFormat (); if (autoWizardStyle) wizardPanel.setPanelName(mf.format(args)); else { setTitle (mf.format (args)); } Component fo = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager ().getFocusOwner (); if (fo != null && (!fo.isEnabled()) && wizardPanel != null) { wizardPanel.requestFocus (); } } /** Shows blocking wait cursor during updateState run */ private void updateStateWithFeedback () { try { showWaitCursor (); updateState(); } finally { showNormalCursor(); } } /** Shows next step in UI of wizards, displays wait cursot during the change. */ private void goToNextStep (Dimension previousSize) { try { showWaitCursor (); boolean alreadyUpdated = false; Font controlFont = (Font)UIManager.getDefaults().get("controlFont"); //NOI18N Integer defaultSize = (Integer) UIManager.get("nbDefaultFontSize"); if (defaultSize == null) { //Plastic look and feel... defaultSize = new Integer(11); } // enable auto-resizing policy only for fonts bigger thne default if ((controlFont != null) && (controlFont.getSize() > defaultSize.intValue())) { //NOI18N Window parentWindow = SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor((Component)getMessage()); if (parentWindow != null) { // get tree lock to prevent from drawing in between - tries // to minimize flicker (hm, but not very succesfully, don't know why...) synchronized (parentWindow.getTreeLock()) { updateState(); alreadyUpdated = true; resizeWizard(parentWindow, previousSize); } } } if (!alreadyUpdated) { updateState(); } if (wizardPanel != null) { wizardPanel.requestFocus(); } } finally { showNormalCursor(); } } /** Tries to resize wizard wisely if needed. Keeps "display inertia" so that * wizard is only enlarged, not shrinked, and location is changed only when * wizard window exceeds screen bounds after resize. */ private void resizeWizard (Window parentWindow, Dimension prevSize) { Dimension curSize = panels.current().getComponent().getPreferredSize(); // only enlarge if needed, don't shrink if ((curSize.width > prevSize.width) || (curSize.height > prevSize.height)) { Rectangle origBounds = parentWindow.getBounds(); int newWidth = Math.max(origBounds.width + (curSize.width - prevSize.width), origBounds.width); int newHeight = Math.max(origBounds.height + (curSize.height - prevSize.height), origBounds.height); Rectangle screenBounds = Utilities.getUsableScreenBounds(); Rectangle newBounds; // don't allow to exceed screen size, center if needed if (((origBounds.x + newWidth) > screenBounds.width) || ((origBounds.y + newHeight) > screenBounds.height)) { newWidth = Math.min(screenBounds.width, newWidth); newHeight = Math.min(screenBounds.height, newHeight); newBounds = Utilities.findCenterBounds(new Dimension(newWidth, newHeight)); } else { newBounds = new Rectangle(origBounds.x, origBounds.y, newWidth, newHeight); } parentWindow.setBounds(newBounds); parentWindow.invalidate(); parentWindow.validate(); parentWindow.repaint(); } } private void showWaitCursor () { if (wizardPanel == null || wizardPanel.getRootPane () == null) { // if none root pane --> don't set wait cursor return ; } waitingComponent = wizardPanel.getRootPane ().getContentPane (); waitingComponent.setCursor (Cursor.getPredefinedCursor (Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); } private void showNormalCursor () { if (waitingComponent == null) { // none waitingComponent --> don't change cursor to normal return ; } waitingComponent.setCursor (null); waitingComponent = null; } /* commented out - issue #32927. Replaced by javadoc info in WizardDescriptor.Panel private static final Set warnedPanelIsComponent = new WeakSet(); // Set private static synchronized void warnPanelIsComponent(Class c) { if (warnedPanelIsComponent.add(c)) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(150); buffer.append("WARNING - the WizardDescriptor.Panel implementation "); // NOI18N buffer.append(c.getName()); buffer.append(" provides itself as the result of getComponent().\n"); // NOI18N buffer.append("This hurts performance and can cause a clash when Component.isValid() is overridden.\n"); // NOI18N buffer.append("Please use a separate component class, see details at"); // NOI18N ErrorManager.getDefault().log(ErrorManager.WARNING, buffer.toString()); } } */ /** Tryes to get property from getProperty() if doesn't succeed then tryes at * supplied JComponents client property. * @param c origin of property * @param s name of property * @return boolean property */ private boolean getBooleanProperty(JComponent c, String s) { Object property = getProperty(s); if (property instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean)property).booleanValue(); property = c.getClientProperty(s); if (property instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean)property).booleanValue(); return false; } /** Tryes to get dimension of wizard panel's left pane from getProperty() * if doesn't succeed then tryes at * supplied JComponents client property. * @return Dimension dimension of wizard panel's left pane */ private Dimension getLeftDimension(JComponent c) { Dimension leftDimension; Object property = c.getClientProperty(PROP_LEFT_DIMENSION); if (property instanceof Dimension) leftDimension = (Dimension)property; else leftDimension = new Dimension(198, 233); return leftDimension; } /** Tryes to get properties from getProperty() if doesn't succeed then tryes at * supplied JComponents client properties and store them * to appropriate fields. * @param c origin of property * @param s name of property * @return boolean property */ private void setPanelProperties(JComponent c) { // TODO: Method should be devided into individual setter/getter methods !? Object property = getProperty(PROP_CONTENT_SELECTED_INDEX); if (property instanceof Integer) contentSelectedIndex = ((Integer)property).intValue(); else { property = c.getClientProperty(PROP_CONTENT_SELECTED_INDEX); if (property instanceof Integer) contentSelectedIndex = ((Integer)property).intValue(); } property = getProperty(PROP_CONTENT_DATA); if (property instanceof String[]) contentData = (String[])property; else { property = c.getClientProperty(PROP_CONTENT_DATA); if (property instanceof String[]) contentData = (String[])property; } property = getProperty(PROP_IMAGE); if (property instanceof Image) { image = (Image)property; } else if ((properties == null) || (!properties.containsKey(PROP_IMAGE))) { property = c.getClientProperty(PROP_IMAGE); if (property instanceof Image) image = (Image)property; } property = getProperty(PROP_IMAGE_ALIGNMENT); if (property instanceof String) { imageAlignment = (String)property; } else { property = c.getClientProperty(PROP_IMAGE_ALIGNMENT); if (property instanceof String) imageAlignment = (String)property; } property = getProperty(PROP_CONTENT_BACK_COLOR); if (property instanceof Color) contentBackColor = (Color)property; else { property = c.getClientProperty(PROP_CONTENT_BACK_COLOR); if (property instanceof Color) contentBackColor = (Color)property; } property = getProperty(PROP_CONTENT_FOREGROUND_COLOR); if (property instanceof Color) contentForegroundColor = (Color)property; else { property = c.getClientProperty(PROP_CONTENT_FOREGROUND_COLOR); if (property instanceof Color) contentForegroundColor = (Color)property; } property = c.getClientProperty(PROP_HELP_URL); if (property instanceof URL) helpURL = (URL)property; else if (property == null) helpURL = null; } private void initBundleProperties() { contentBackColor = new Color(getIntFromBundle("INT_WizardBackRed"), // NOI18N getIntFromBundle("INT_WizardBackGreen"), // NOI18N getIntFromBundle("INT_WizardBackBlue")); // NOI18N contentForegroundColor = new Color(getIntFromBundle("INT_WizardForegroundRed"), // NOI18N getIntFromBundle("INT_WizardForegroundGreen"), // NOI18N getIntFromBundle("INT_WizardForegroundBlue")); // NOI18N imageAlignment = bundle.getString("STRING_WizardImageAlignment"); //NOI18N } /** Overrides superclass method. Adds reseting of wizard * for CLOSED_OPTION. */ public void setValue(Object value) { //Bugfix #25820: Call resetWizard to make sure that storeSettings //is called before propertyChange. Object convertedValue = backConvertOption(value); // set new value w/o fire PROP_VALUE change Object oldValue = getValue (); setValueWithoutPCH (convertedValue); // #17360: Reset wizard on CLOSED_OPTION too. if (value == CLOSED_OPTION) { resetWizard (); } // notify listeners about PROP_VALUE change firePropertyChange (PROP_VALUE, oldValue, convertedValue); } /** Resets wizard when after closed/cancelled/finished the wizard dialog. */ private void resetWizard () { if(current != null) { current.storeSettings (settings); current.removeChangeListener(listener); current = null; if (wizardPanel != null) { wizardPanel.resetPreferredSize(); } } panels.removeChangeListener(listener); callUninitialize (); } ResourceBundle bundle = NbBundle.getBundle(WizardDescriptor.class); private int getIntFromBundle(String key) { return Integer.parseInt(bundle.getString(key)); } private static Image getDefaultImage() { Image img = null; if (defaultImage != null) img = (Image)defaultImage.get(); if (img == null) { url = NbBundle.getLocalizedFile( "org.openide.resources.defaultWizard", // NOI18N "gif" // NOI18N ); img = url == null ? null : java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(url); if (img != null) defaultImage = new WeakReference(img); } return img; } private void updateButtonAccessibleDescription() { String stepName = contentData != null && contentSelectedIndex > 0 && contentSelectedIndex - 1 < contentData.length ? contentData[contentSelectedIndex - 1] : ""; // NOI18N previousButton.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleDescription( NbBundle.getMessage (WizardDescriptor.class, "ACSD_PREVIOUS", new Integer(contentSelectedIndex), stepName )); stepName = contentData != null && contentSelectedIndex < contentData.length - 1 && contentSelectedIndex + 1 >= 0 ? contentData[contentSelectedIndex + 1] : ""; // NOI18N nextButton.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleDescription( NbBundle.getMessage (WizardDescriptor.class, "ACSD_NEXT", new Integer(contentSelectedIndex + 2), stepName )); } /** Iterator on the sequence of panels. * @see WizardDescriptor.Panel */ public interface Iterator { /** Get the current panel. * @return the panel */ public Panel current (); /** Get the name of the current panel. * @return the name */ public String name (); /** Test whether there is a next panel. * @return true if so */ public boolean hasNext (); /** Test whether there is a previous panel. * @return true if so */ public boolean hasPrevious (); /** Move to the next panel. * I.e. increment its index, need not actually change any GUI itself. * @exception NoSuchElementException if the panel does not exist */ public void nextPanel (); /** Move to the previous panel. * I.e. decrement its index, need not actually change any GUI itself. * @exception NoSuchElementException if the panel does not exist */ public void previousPanel (); /** Add a listener to changes of the current panel. * The listener is notified when the possibility to move forward/backward changes. * @param l the listener to add */ public void addChangeListener (ChangeListener l); /** Remove a listener to changes of the current panel. * @param l the listener to remove */ public void removeChangeListener (ChangeListener l); } /** One wizard panel with a component on it. * * For good performance, implementation of this interface should be as * lightweight as possible. Defer creation and initialization of * UI component of wizard panel into {@link #getComponent} method. * * Please see complete guide at */ public interface Panel { /** Get the component displayed in this panel. * * Note; method can be called from any thread, but not concurrently * with other methods of this interface. Please see complete guide at * for * correct implementation. * * @return the UI component of this wizard panel */ public java.awt.Component getComponent (); /** Help for this panel. * When the panel is active, this is used as the help for the wizard dialog. * @return the help or null if no help is supplied */ public HelpCtx getHelp (); /** Provides the wizard panel with the current data--either * the default data or already-modified settings, if the user used the previous and/or next buttons. * This method can be called multiple times on one instance of WizardDescriptor.Panel. *

The settings object is originally supplied to {@link WizardDescriptor#WizardDescriptor(WizardDescriptor.Iterator,Object)}. * In the case of a TemplateWizard.Iterator panel, the object is * in fact the TemplateWizard. * @param settings the object representing wizard panel state * @exception IllegalStateException if the the data provided * by the wizard are not valid. */ public void readSettings (Object settings); /** Provides the wizard panel with the opportunity to update the * settings with its current customized state. * Rather than updating its settings with every change in the GUI, it should collect them, * and then only save them when requested to by this method. * Also, the original settings passed to {@link #readSettings} should not be modified (mutated); * rather, the object passed in here should be mutated according to the collected changes, * in case it is a copy. * This method can be called multiple times on one instance of WizardDescriptor.Panel. *

The settings object is originally supplied to {@link WizardDescriptor#WizardDescriptor(WizardDescriptor.Iterator,Object)}. * In the case of a TemplateWizard.Iterator panel, the object is * in fact the TemplateWizard. * @param settings the object representing wizard panel state */ public void storeSettings (Object settings); /** Test whether the panel is finished and it is safe to proceed to the next one. * If the panel is valid, the "Next" (or "Finish") button will be enabled. *

Tip: if your panel is actually the component itself * (so {@link #getComponent} returns this), be sure to specifically * override this method, as the unrelated implementation in {@link java.awt.Component#isValid} * if not overridden could cause your wizard to behave erratically. * @return true if the user has entered satisfactory information */ public boolean isValid (); /** Add a listener to changes of the panel's validity. * @param l the listener to add * @see #isValid */ public void addChangeListener (ChangeListener l); /** Remove a listener to changes of the panel's validity. * @param l the listener to remove */ public void removeChangeListener (ChangeListener l); } /** A special interface for panels in middle of the * iterators path that would like to have the finish button * enabled. So both Next and Finish are enabled on panel * implementing this interface. * @deprecated 4.28 Use FinishablePanel instead. */ public interface FinishPanel extends Panel { } /** A special interface for panels that need to do additional * validation when Next or Finish button is clicked. * @since 4.28 */ public interface ValidatingPanel extends Panel { /** * Is called when Next of Finish buttons are clicked and * allows deeper check to find out that panel is in valid * state and it is ok to leave it. * * @throws WizardValidationException when validation fails * @since 4.28 */ public void validate () throws WizardValidationException; } /** A special interface for panel that needs to dynamically enabled * Finish button. * @since 4.28 */ public interface FinishablePanel extends Panel { /** Specify if this panel would enable Finish button. Finish button is * enabled if and only if isValid() returns true and isFinishPanel() * returns true. * * @return Finish button could be enabled * @since 4.28 */ boolean isFinishPanel(); } /** Special iterator that works on an array of Panels. */ public static class ArrayIterator extends Object implements Iterator { /** Array of items. */ private Panel[] panels; /** Index into the array */ private int index; /* Default constructor. It's here to allow subclasses to * be serializable easily. Panel initialization is done * through initializePanels() protected method. */ public ArrayIterator () { panels = initializePanels(); index = 0; } /** Construct an iterator. * @param array the list of panels to use */ public ArrayIterator (Panel[] array) { panels = array; index = 0; } /** Allows subclasses to initialize their arrays of panels when * constructed using default constructor. * (for example during deserialization. * Default implementation returns empty array. */ protected Panel[] initializePanels () { return new Panel[0]; } /* The current panel. */ public Panel current () { return panels[index]; } /* Current name of the panel */ public String name () { return NbBundle.getMessage (WizardDescriptor.class, "CTL_ArrayIteratorName", new Integer (index + 1), new Integer (panels.length)); } /* Is there a next panel? * @return true if so */ public boolean hasNext () { return index < panels.length - 1; } /* Is there a previous panel? * @return true if so */ public boolean hasPrevious () { return index > 0; } /* Moves to the next panel. * @exception NoSuchElementException if the panel does not exist */ public synchronized void nextPanel () { if (index + 1 == panels.length) throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException (); index++; } /* Moves to previous panel. * @exception NoSuchElementException if the panel does not exist */ public synchronized void previousPanel () { if (index == 0) throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException (); index--; } /* Ignores the listener, there are no changes in order of panels. */ public void addChangeListener (ChangeListener l) { } /* Ignored. */ public void removeChangeListener (ChangeListener l) { } /** Resets this iterator to initial state. * Called by subclasses when they need re-initialization of the iterator. */ protected void reset () { index = 0; } } /** * Iterator for a wizard that needs to somehow instantiate new objects. * (This interface can replace * TemplateWizard.Iterator * in a template's declaration.) * @since org.openide/1 4.33 */ public interface InstantiatingIterator extends Iterator { /** Returns set of instantiated objects. * * @throws IOException * @return a set of objects created (the exact type is at the discretion of the caller) */ public Set/*Object*/ instantiate () throws IOException; /** Initializes this iterator, called from WizardDescriptor's constructor. * * @param wizard wizard's descriptor */ public void initialize (WizardDescriptor wizard); /** Uninitializes this iterator, called when the wizard is being * closed, no matter what closing option invoked. * * @param wizard wizard's descriptor */ public void uninitialize (WizardDescriptor wizard); } private boolean lazyValidate (WizardDescriptor.Panel panel, WizardDescriptor.WizardPanel wizard) { if (panel instanceof ValidatingPanel) { ValidatingPanel v = (ValidatingPanel)panel; try { // try validation current panel v.validate(); } catch (WizardValidationException wve) { // cannot continue, notify user if (wizardPanel != null) { wizardPanel.setErrorMessage (wve.getLocalizedMessage ()); } // focus source of this problem if (wve.getSource () != null) { final JComponent comp = (JComponent) wve.getSource (); if (comp.isFocusable ()) { comp.requestFocus (); } } // lazy validation failed return false; } } return true; } /** Listener to changes in the iterator and panels. */ private final class Listener implements ChangeListener, ActionListener { Listener() {} /** Change in the observed objects */ public void stateChanged (ChangeEvent ev) { updateState (); } /** Action listener */ public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent ev) { if (wizardPanel != null) { wizardPanel.setErrorMessage(" "); //NOI18N } if (ev.getSource () == nextButton) { Dimension previousSize = panels.current().getComponent().getSize(); // do lazy validation if (!lazyValidate (panels.current (), wizardPanel)) { // if validation failed => cannot move to next panel return ; } panels.nextPanel (); try { // change UI to show next step, show wait cursor during // the change goToNextStep(previousSize); } catch (IllegalStateException ise) { panels.previousPanel(); if (ise.getMessage() != null) { // this is only for backward compatitility DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(new NotifyDescriptor.Message(ise.getMessage())); } else { // this should be used (it checks for exception // annotations and severity) ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ise); } updateState(); } } if (ev.getSource () == previousButton) { panels.previousPanel (); // show wait cursor when updating previous button updateStateWithFeedback (); } if (ev.getSource () == finishButton) { // do lazy validation if (!lazyValidate (panels.current (), wizardPanel)) { // if validation failed => cannot move to next panel return ; } // all is OK // close wizrd finishOption.fireActionPerformed (); Object oldValue = getValue (); setValueWithoutPCH (OK_OPTION); callInstantiate (); resetWizard(); firePropertyChange (PROP_VALUE, oldValue, OK_OPTION); } if (ev.getSource () == cancelButton) { Object oldValue = getValue (); setValueWithoutPCH (CANCEL_OPTION); if (Arrays.asList(getClosingOptions()).contains(cancelButton)) { resetWizard(); } firePropertyChange (PROP_VALUE, oldValue, CANCEL_OPTION); } } } /** Listenes on a users client property changes */ private class PropL implements PropertyChangeListener { PropL() {} /** Accepts client property changes of user component */ public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) { if (wizardPanel == null) return; String propName = e.getPropertyName(); setPanelProperties((JComponent)wizardPanel.getRightComponent()); if (propName.equals(PROP_CONTENT_DATA)) { wizardPanel.setContent(contentData); updateButtonAccessibleDescription(); } else if (propName.equals(PROP_CONTENT_SELECTED_INDEX)) { wizardPanel.setSelectedIndex(contentSelectedIndex); updateButtonAccessibleDescription(); } else if (propName.equals(PROP_CONTENT_BACK_COLOR)) wizardPanel.setContentBackColor(contentBackColor); else if (propName.equals(PROP_CONTENT_FOREGROUND_COLOR)) wizardPanel.setContentForegroundColor(contentForegroundColor); else if (propName.equals(PROP_IMAGE)) wizardPanel.setImage(image); else if (propName.equals(PROP_IMAGE_ALIGNMENT)) wizardPanel.setImageAlignment(imageAlignment); else if (propName.equals(PROP_HELP_URL)) wizardPanel.setHelpURL(helpURL); } } // helper methods which call to InstantiatingIterator private void callInitialize () { assert panels != null; if (panels instanceof InstantiatingIterator) { ((InstantiatingIterator)panels).initialize (this); } newObjects = Collections.EMPTY_SET; } private void callUninitialize () { assert panels != null; if (panels instanceof InstantiatingIterator) { ((InstantiatingIterator)panels).uninitialize (this); } } private void callInstantiate () { assert panels != null; // bugfix #44444, force store settings before do instantiate new objects panels.current ().storeSettings (this); if (panels instanceof InstantiatingIterator) { try { newObjects = ((InstantiatingIterator)panels).instantiate (); } catch (IOException ioe) { ErrorManager.getDefault ().notify (ioe); } } } // end of calling to InstantiatingIterator /** Panel which paints image as its background. */ private static class ImagedPanel extends JComponent implements Accessible, Runnable { /** background image */ Image image; /** helper variables for passing image between threads and painting * methods */ Image tempImage, image2Load; /** true if default image is used */ boolean isDefault = false; /** true if loading of image is in progress, false otherwise */ boolean loadPending = false; boolean north = true; /** sync lock for image variables access */ private final Object IMAGE_LOCK = new Object(); /** Constrcuts panel with given image on background. * @param im background image, null means default image */ public ImagedPanel(Image im) { setImage(im); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); setOpaque(true); } /** Overriden to paint backround image */ protected void paintComponent(Graphics graphics) { graphics.setColor(getBackground()); graphics.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()); if (image != null) { graphics.drawImage(image, 0, north ? 0 : (getHeight() - image.getHeight(null)), this); } else if (image2Load != null) { loadImageInBackground(image2Load); image2Load = null; } } public void setImageAlignment(String align) { north = "North".equals(align); // NOI18N } /** Sets background image for this component. Image will be loaded * asynchronously if not loaded yet. Null means default image. */ public void setImage(Image im) { if (im != null) { loadImage(im); isDefault = false; return; } if (!isDefault) { loadImage(getDefaultImage()); isDefault = true; } } private void loadImage (Image im) { // check image and just set variable if fully loaded already MediaTracker mt = new MediaTracker(this); mt.addImage(im, 0); if (mt.checkID(0)) { image = im; if (isShowing()) { repaint(); } return; } // start loading in background or just mark that loading should // start when paint is invoked if (isShowing()) { loadImageInBackground(im); } else { synchronized (IMAGE_LOCK) { image = null; } image2Load = im; } } private void loadImageInBackground (Image image) { synchronized (IMAGE_LOCK) { tempImage = image; // coalesce with previous task if hasn't really started yet if (loadPending) { return; } loadPending = true; } // 30ms is safety time to ensure code will run asynchronously RequestProcessor.getDefault().post(this, 30); } /** Loads image stored in image2Load variable. * Then invokes repaint when image is fully loaded. */ public void run () { Image localImage = null; // grab value synchronized (IMAGE_LOCK) { localImage = tempImage; tempImage = null; loadPending = false; } // actually loads image ImageIcon localImageIcon = new ImageIcon(localImage); boolean shouldRepaint = false; synchronized (IMAGE_LOCK) { // don't commit results if another loading was started after us if (!loadPending) { image = localImageIcon.getImage(); // keep repaint call out of sync section shouldRepaint = true; } } if (shouldRepaint) { repaint(); } } } /** Text list cell renderer. Wraps text of items at specified width. Allows numbering * of items. */ private static class WrappedCellRenderer extends JPanel implements ListCellRenderer { JTextArea ta = new JTextArea(); JLabel numberLabel; int selected = -1; boolean contentNumbered; int taWidth; /** * @param contentNumbered Whether content will be numbered * @param wrappingWidth Width of list item. */ private WrappedCellRenderer(boolean contentNumbered, int wrappingWidth) { super(new BorderLayout()); this.contentNumbered = contentNumbered; ta.setOpaque(false); ta.setEditable(false); ta.setLineWrap(true); ta.setWrapStyleWord(true); ta.setFont(UIManager.getFont("Label.font")); // NOI18N ta.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleDescription(""); // NOI18N taWidth = wrappingWidth - 12 - 12; numberLabel = new JLabel() { protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); // #9804. Draw bullet if the content is not numbered. if(!WrappedCellRenderer.this.contentNumbered) { java.awt.Rectangle rect = g.getClipBounds(); g.fillOval(rect.x, rect.y, 7, 7); } } }; numberLabel.setLabelFor(ta); // a11y numberLabel.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.LEFT); numberLabel.setVerticalAlignment(SwingConstants.TOP); numberLabel.setFont(ta.getFont()); numberLabel.setOpaque(false); numberLabel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(25, 0)); add(numberLabel, BorderLayout.WEST); taWidth -= 25; Insets taInsets = ta.getInsets(); ta.setSize(taWidth, + taInsets.bottom + 1); add(ta, BorderLayout.CENTER); setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 12, 0, 12)); setOpaque(false); } public Component getListCellRendererComponent( JList list, Object value, int index, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus) { if (index == selected) { numberLabel.setFont(numberLabel.getFont().deriveFont(Font.BOLD)); ta.setFont(ta.getFont().deriveFont(Font.BOLD)); } else { numberLabel.setFont(numberLabel.getFont().deriveFont(Font.PLAIN)); ta.setFont(ta.getFont().deriveFont(Font.PLAIN)); } if (contentNumbered) { numberLabel.setText(Integer.toString(index + 1) + "."); // NOI18N } // #21322: on JDK1.4 wrapping width is cleared between two rendering runs Insets taInsets = ta.getInsets(); ta.setSize(taWidth, + taInsets.bottom + 1); ta.setText((String)value); return this; } private void setSelectedIndex(int i) { selected = i; } private void setForegroundColor(Color color) { if (numberLabel != null) { numberLabel.setForeground(color); numberLabel.setBackground(color); } ta.setForeground(color); } } /** Wizard panel. Allows auto layout of content, wizard panel name and input panel. */ private static class WizardPanel extends JPanel { /** Users panel is inserted into this panel. */ private JPanel rightPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); /** Name of the users panel. */ private JLabel panelName = new JLabel("Step"); //NOI18N /** List of content. */ private JList contentList; /** Users component. Should be held for removing from rightPanel */ private Component rightComponent; /** Panel which paints image */ private ImagedPanel contentPanel; /** Name of content. Can be switched off. */ private JPanel contentLabelPanel; /** Wrapped list cell renderer */ private WrappedCellRenderer cellRenderer; /** Tabbed pane is used only when both content and help are displayed */ private JTabbedPane tabbedPane; /** HTML Browser is used only when help is displayed in the left pane */ private HtmlBrowser htmlBrowser; /** Each wizard panel have to be larger or same as this */ private Dimension cachedDimension; /** Label of steps pane */ private JLabel label; /** Selected index of content */ private int selectedIndex; private javax.swing.JLabel m_lblMessage; /** Creates new WizardPanel. * @param contentDisplayed whether content will be displayed in the left pane * @param helpDisplayed whether help will be displayed in the left pane * @param contentNumbered whether content will be numbered * @param leftDimension dimension of content or help pane */ public WizardPanel(boolean contentDisplayed, boolean helpDispalyed, boolean contentNumbered, Dimension leftDimension) { super(new BorderLayout()); initComponents(contentDisplayed, helpDispalyed, contentNumbered, leftDimension); setOpaque(false); resetPreferredSize(); } private void initComponents(boolean contentDisplayed, boolean helpDisplayed, boolean contentNumbered, Dimension leftDimension) { if (contentDisplayed) { createContentPanel(contentNumbered, leftDimension); if (!helpDisplayed) add(contentPanel, BorderLayout.WEST); } if (helpDisplayed) { htmlBrowser = new BoundedHtmlBrowser(leftDimension); htmlBrowser.setPreferredSize(leftDimension); if (!contentDisplayed) add(htmlBrowser, BorderLayout.WEST); } if (helpDisplayed && contentDisplayed) { tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane(JTabbedPane.BOTTOM); tabbedPane.addTab(NbBundle.getMessage(WizardDescriptor.class, "CTL_ContentName"), contentPanel); tabbedPane.addTab(NbBundle.getMessage(WizardDescriptor.class, "CTL_HelpName"), htmlBrowser); tabbedPane.setEnabledAt(1, false); tabbedPane.setOpaque(false); // tabbedPane.setPreferredSize(leftDimension); add(tabbedPane, BorderLayout.WEST); } panelName.setBorder(BorderFactory.createMatteBorder(0, 0, 1, 0, panelName.getForeground())); panelName.setFont(panelName.getFont().deriveFont(Font.BOLD)); JPanel labelPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); labelPanel.add(panelName, BorderLayout.NORTH); labelPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(12, 12, 12, 11)); rightPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 12, 11, 11)); panelName.setLabelFor(labelPanel); Color c = javax.swing.UIManager.getColor("nb.errorForeground"); //NOI18N if (c == null) { c = new Color(89,79,191); // RGB suggested by Bruce in #28466 } JPanel errorPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); errorPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 12, 12, 11)); m_lblMessage = new javax.swing.JLabel(" "); //NOI18N m_lblMessage.setForeground(c); errorPanel.add(m_lblMessage, BorderLayout.CENTER); JPanel fullRightPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); fullRightPanel.add(labelPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); fullRightPanel.add(rightPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); fullRightPanel.add(errorPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); JSeparator sep = new JSeparator(); sep.setForeground(Color.darkGray); add(fullRightPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); add(sep, BorderLayout.SOUTH); } public void setErrorMessage(String msg) { m_lblMessage.setText(msg); if (msg != null && msg.trim ().length () > 0) { m_lblMessage.setToolTipText (msg); } else { m_lblMessage.setToolTipText (null); } } /** Creates content panel. * @param contentNumbered boolean whether content will be numbered * @param leftDimension Dimension dimension of content pane */ private void createContentPanel(boolean contentNumbered, Dimension leftDimension) { contentList = new JList(); cellRenderer = new WrappedCellRenderer(contentNumbered, leftDimension.width); cellRenderer.setOpaque(false); contentList.setCellRenderer(cellRenderer); contentList.setOpaque(false); contentList.setEnabled(false); contentList.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleDescription(""); // NOI18N JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane(contentList); scroll.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER); scroll.getViewport().setOpaque(false); scroll.setBorder(null); scroll.setOpaque(false); label = new JLabel(NbBundle.getMessage(WizardDescriptor.class, "CTL_ContentName")); label.setForeground(Color.white); label.setBorder(BorderFactory.createMatteBorder(0, 0, 1, 0, label.getForeground())); label.setFont(label.getFont().deriveFont(Font.BOLD)); contentLabelPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); contentLabelPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(12, 12, 11, 11)); contentLabelPanel.setOpaque(false); contentLabelPanel.add(label, BorderLayout.NORTH); contentPanel = new ImagedPanel(null); contentPanel.add(contentLabelPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); contentPanel.add(scroll, BorderLayout.CENTER); contentPanel.setPreferredSize(leftDimension); label.setLabelFor(contentList); } /** Setter for lists items. * @param content Array of list items. */ public void setContent(final String[] content) { final JList list = contentList; if(list == null) { return; } // #18055: Ensure it runs in AWT thread. // Remove this when component handling will be assured // by other means that runs always in AWT. Mutex.EVENT.writeAccess(new Runnable() { public void run() { list.setListData(content); list.revalidate(); list.repaint(); contentLabelPanel.setVisible(content.length > 0); } }); } /** Setter for selected list item. * @param index Index of selected item in the list. */ public void setSelectedIndex(final int index) { selectedIndex = index; if (cellRenderer != null) { cellRenderer.setSelectedIndex(index); final JList list = contentList; if(list == null) { return; } // #18055. See previous #18055 comment. Mutex.EVENT.readAccess(new Runnable() { public void run() { list.ensureIndexIsVisible(index); // Fix of #10787. // This is workaround for swing bug - BasicListUI doesn't ask for preferred // size of rendered list cell as a result of property selectedIndex change. // It does only on certain JList property changes (e.g. fixedCellWidth). // Maybe subclassing BasicListUI could be better fix. list.setFixedCellWidth(0); list.setFixedCellWidth(-1); } }); } } /** Setter for content background color. * @param color content background color. */ public void setContentBackColor(Color color) { if (contentPanel != null) contentPanel.setBackground(color); } /** Setter for content foreground color. * @param color content foreground color. */ public void setContentForegroundColor(Color color) { if (cellRenderer == null) return; cellRenderer.setForegroundColor(color); label.setForeground(color); label.setBorder(BorderFactory.createMatteBorder(0, 0, 1, 0, label.getForeground())); } /** Setter for content background image. * @param image content background image */ public void setImage(Image image) { if (contentPanel != null) contentPanel.setImage(image); } /** Setter for image alignment. * @param align image alignment - 'North', 'South' */ public void setImageAlignment(String align) { if (contentPanel != null) contentPanel.setImageAlignment(align); } /** Setter for user's component. * @param c user's component */ public void setRightComponent(Component c) { if (rightComponent != null) rightPanel.remove(rightComponent); rightComponent = c; rightPanel.add(rightComponent, BorderLayout.CENTER); // validate(); } /** Getter for user's component. * @return Component user's component */ public Component getRightComponent() { return rightComponent; } /** Setter for wizard panel name. * @param name panel name */ public void setPanelName(String name) { panelName.setText(name); } /** Setter for help URL. * @param helpURL help URL */ public void setHelpURL(URL helpURL) { if (htmlBrowser == null) return; if (helpURL != null) { if (!helpURL.equals(htmlBrowser.getDocumentURL())) htmlBrowser.setURL(helpURL); if (tabbedPane != null) tabbedPane.setEnabledAt(tabbedPane.indexOfComponent(htmlBrowser), true); } else if (tabbedPane != null){ tabbedPane.setSelectedComponent(contentPanel); tabbedPane.setEnabledAt(tabbedPane.indexOfComponent(htmlBrowser), false); } } public void resetPreferredSize() { cachedDimension = new Dimension(600, 365); } public Dimension getPreferredSize() { Dimension dim = super.getPreferredSize(); if (dim.height > cachedDimension.height) cachedDimension.height = dim.height; if (dim.width > cachedDimension.width) cachedDimension.width = dim.width; return cachedDimension; } /** Overriden to delegate call to user component. */ public void requestFocus() { if (rightComponent != null && rightComponent.isDisplayable()) { JComponent comp = (JComponent)rightComponent; Container rootAnc = comp.getFocusCycleRootAncestor(); FocusTraversalPolicy policy = rootAnc.getFocusTraversalPolicy(); Component focus = policy.getComponentAfter(comp.getFocusCycleRootAncestor(), comp); if (focus != null) { focus.requestFocus(); } else { comp.requestFocus(); } } else super.requestFocus(); } /** Overriden to delegate call to user component. */ public boolean requestDefaultFocus() { if (rightComponent instanceof JComponent) { return ((JComponent)rightComponent).requestDefaultFocus(); } return super.requestDefaultFocus(); } public javax.accessibility.AccessibleContext getAccessibleContext() { if (accessibleContext == null) { accessibleContext = new AccessibleWizardPanel(); } return accessibleContext; } private class AccessibleWizardPanel extends AccessibleJPanel { AccessibleWizardPanel() {} public String getAccessibleDescription() { if (accessibleDescription != null) { return accessibleDescription; } if (rightComponent instanceof Accessible) { if (rightComponent.getAccessibleContext().getAccessibleDescription() == null) { return null; } return NbBundle.getMessage(WizardDescriptor.class, "ACSD_WizardPanel", new Integer(selectedIndex + 1), panelName.getText(), rightComponent.getAccessibleContext().getAccessibleDescription() ); } return super.getAccessibleDescription(); } } } /** Overriden to return wished preferred size */ private static class BoundedHtmlBrowser extends HtmlBrowser { Dimension dim; public BoundedHtmlBrowser(Dimension d) { super(false, false); dim = d; } public Dimension getPreferredSize() { return dim; } } // support methods for xtesting final void doNextClick () { if (nextButton.isEnabled ()) { nextButton.doClick (); } } final void doPreviousClick () { if (previousButton.isEnabled ()) { previousButton.doClick (); } } final void doFinishClick () { if (finishButton.isEnabled ()) { finishButton.doClick (); } } final void doCancelClick () { if (cancelButton.isEnabled ()) { cancelButton.doClick (); } } // helper method, might be removed from code // returns false if Next button is disabled final boolean isNextEnabled () { return nextButton.isEnabled (); } // helper method, might be removed from code // returns false if Finish button is disabled final boolean isFinishEnabled () { return finishButton.isEnabled (); } // helper, make possible close wizard as finish static class FinishAction extends Object { ActionListener listner; public void addActionListener (ActionListener ac) { listner = ac; } public void removeActionListener (ActionListener ac) { listner = null; } public void fireActionPerformed () { if (listner != null) { listner.actionPerformed (new ActionEvent (this, 0, "")); } } } }

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