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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.openide.awt;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.beans.*;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Observable;
import java.util.Observer;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import javax.swing.text.Keymap;

import org.openide.ErrorManager;
import org.openide.awt.Mnemonics;
import org.openide.util.actions.*;
import org.openide.util.HelpCtx;
import org.openide.util.Lookup;
import org.openide.util.Utilities;

/** Supporting class for manipulation with menu and toolbar presenters.
* @author   Jaroslav Tulach
public class Actions extends Object {
    private static Icon BLANK_ICON = null;
     * Make sure an icon is not null, so that e.g. menu items for javax.swing.Action's
     * with no specified icon are correctly aligned. SystemAction already does this so
     * that is not affected.
    private static Icon nonNullIcon(Icon i) {
        if (i != null) {
            return i;
        } else {
            if (BLANK_ICON == null) {
                BLANK_ICON = new ImageIcon(Utilities.loadImage("org/openide/resources/actions/empty.gif", true)); // NOI18N
            return BLANK_ICON;
    /** Method that finds the keydescription assigned to this action.
    * @param action action to find key for
    * @return the text representing the key or null if  there is no text assigned
    public static String findKey (SystemAction action) {
        return findKey ((Action)action);
    /** Same method as above, but works just with plain actions.
    private static String findKey (Action action) {
        if(action == null) {
            return null;
        KeyStroke accelerator = (KeyStroke)action.getValue(Action.ACCELERATOR_KEY);
        if(accelerator == null) {
            return null;
        int modifiers = accelerator.getModifiers();
        String acceleratorText = ""; // NOI18N
        if (modifiers > 0) {
            acceleratorText = KeyEvent.getKeyModifiersText(modifiers);
            acceleratorText += "+"; // NOI18N
        } else if (accelerator.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_UNDEFINED) {
            return ""; // NOI18N
        acceleratorText += KeyEvent.getKeyText(accelerator.getKeyCode());
        return acceleratorText;

    /** Attaches menu item to an action.
    * @param item menu item
    * @param action action
    * @param popup create popup or menu item
     * @deprecated Use {@link #connect(JMenuItem, Action, boolean)} instead.
    public static void connect (JMenuItem item, SystemAction action, boolean popup) {
        connect (item, (Action)action, popup);

    /** Attaches menu item to an action.
     * @param item menu item
     * @param action action 
     * @param popup create popup or menu item
     * @since 3.29
    public static void connect (JMenuItem item, Action action, boolean popup) {
        Bridge b = new MenuBridge (item, action, popup);
        // Would make more sense to defer this until addNotify, but for some reason (why?)
        // if you do that, various menus start out compacted and poorly painted.
        b.updateState (null);
        if (!popup) {
            // #39508 fix.
            setMenuActionConnection(item, action);
     * #39508 fix. the MenuItems have the accelerator set by the Bridge, however that is not removed when the Menu is invisible.
     * it's because of the AddNotify/removeNotify method calls and the Bridge.VisL listener.
     * that conflicts with the changes done in the global keymap (NbKeymap) that are not propagated to the menu items when such change occurs.
     * Fixed by having one global observer on the NbKeyMap (or any other Keymap impl which is Observable) and always synchronizing the menus with the current 
     * global Keymap
    private static void setMenuActionConnection(JMenuItem menu, Action action) {
        synchronized (menuActionLock) {
            if (menuActionCache == null) {
                menuActionCache = new WeakHashMap();
                Keymap map = (Keymap)Lookup.getDefault().lookup(Keymap.class);
                if (map instanceof Observable) {
                    //HACK MAJOR - assuming we have the NbKeymap which is observable
                    ((Observable)map).addObserver(new Observer() {
                        public void update(Observable o, Object arg) {
                            synchronized (menuActionLock) {
                                Iterator it = menuActionCache.entrySet().iterator();
                                while (it.hasNext()) {
                                    Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
                                    Action act = (Action)entry.getKey();
                                    WeakReference ref = (WeakReference)entry.getValue();
                                    JMenuItem mn = (JMenuItem)ref.get();
                                    if (act != null && mn != null) {
                                        KeyStroke actKey = (KeyStroke)act.getValue(Action.ACCELERATOR_KEY);
                                        KeyStroke mnKey = mn.getAccelerator();
                                        if ((mnKey == null && actKey != null) || 
                                            (mnKey != null && actKey == null) || 
                                            (mnKey != null && actKey != null && !actKey.equals(mnKey))) {
                } else {
                    ErrorManager.getDefault().getInstance(Actions.class.getName()).log("Keymap is not observable, behaviour described in bug #39508 can reappear.");
            menuActionCache.put(action, new WeakReference(menu));
    private static Map menuActionCache;
    private static Object menuActionLock = new Object();
    /** Attaches checkbox menu item to boolean state action.
    * @param item menu item
    * @param action action
    * @param popup create popup or menu item
    public static void connect (JCheckBoxMenuItem item, BooleanStateAction action, boolean popup) {
        Bridge b = new CheckMenuBridge (item, action, popup);
        b.updateState (null);

    /** Connects buttons to action.
    * @param button the button
    * @param action the action
     * @deprecated Use {@link #connect(AbstractButton, Action)} instead.
    public static void connect (AbstractButton button, SystemAction action) {
        connect (button, (Action)action);

    /** Connects buttons to action. If the action supplies value for "iconBase"
     * key from getValue(String) with a path to icons the methods setIcon,
     * setPressedIcon, setDisabledIcon and setRolloverIcon will be called on the
     * button with loaded icons using the iconBase. E.g. if the value for "iconBase"
     * will be "com/mycompany/myIcon.gif" following images will be tried "com/mycompany/myIcon.gif"
     * for setIcon, "com/mycompany/myIcon_pressed.gif" for setPressedIcon,
     * "com/mycompany/myIcon_disabled.gif" for setDisabledIcon and
     * "com/mycompany/myIcon_rollover.gif" for setRolloverIcon. SystemAction has
     * special support for iconBase - please check {@link SystemAction#iconResource}
     * for more details.
     * @param button the button
     * @param action the action
     * @since 3.29
    public static void connect (AbstractButton button, Action action) {
        Bridge b = new ButtonBridge (button, action);
        b.updateState (null);

    /** Connects buttons to action.
    * @param button the button
    * @param action the action
    public static void connect (AbstractButton button, BooleanStateAction action) {
        Bridge b = new BooleanButtonBridge (button, action);
        b.updateState (null);

    /** Sets the text for the menu item or other subclass of AbstractButton.
    * Cut from the name '&' char.
    * @param item AbstractButton
    * @param text new label
    * @param useMnemonic if true and '&' char found in new text, next char is used
    *           as Mnemonic.
    * @deprecated Use either {@link AbstractButton#setText} or {@link Mnemonics#setLocalizedText(AbstractButton, String)} as appropriate.
    public static void setMenuText(AbstractButton item, String text, boolean useMnemonic) {
        if (useMnemonic) {
            Mnemonics.setLocalizedText(item, text);
        } else {

     * Removes an ampersand from a text string; commonly used to strip out unneeded mnemonics.
     * Replaces the first occurence of &? by ? or (&?? by the empty string 
     * where ? is a wildcard for any character.
     * &? is a shortcut in English locale.
     * (&?) is a shortcut in Japanese locale.
     * Used to remove shortcuts from workspace names (or similar) when shortcuts are not supported.

The current implementation behaves in the same way regardless of locale. * In case of a conflict it would be necessary to change the * behavior based on the current locale. * @param text a localized label that may have mnemonic information in it * @return string without first & if there was any */ public static String cutAmpersand(String text) { // XXX should this also be deprecated by something in Mnemonics? int i; String result = text; /* First check of occurence of '(&'. If not found check * for '&' itself. * If '(&' is found then remove '(&??'. */ i = text.indexOf("(&"); // NOI18N if (i >= 0 && i + 3 < text.length() && /* #31093 */text.charAt(i + 3) == ')') { // NOI18N result = text.substring(0, i) + text.substring(i + 4); } else { //Sequence '(&?)' not found look for '&' itself i = text.indexOf('&'); if (i < 0) { //No ampersand result = text; } else if (i == (text.length() - 1)) { //Ampersand is last character, wrong shortcut but we remove it anyway result = text.substring(0, i); } else { //Remove ampersand from middle of string //Is ampersand followed by space? If yes do not remove it. if (" ".equals(text.substring(i + 1, i + 2))) { result = text; } else { result = text.substring(0, i) + text.substring(i + 1); } } } return result; } /** Extracts help from action. */ private static HelpCtx findHelp (Action a) { if (a instanceof HelpCtx.Provider) { return ((HelpCtx.Provider)a).getHelpCtx(); } else { return HelpCtx.DEFAULT_HELP; } } /** Listener on showing/hiding state of the component. * Is attached to menu or toolbar item in prepareXXX methods and * method addNotify is called when the item is showing and * the method removeNotify is called when the item is hidding. *

* There is a special support listening on changes in the action and * if such change occures, updateState method is called to * reflect it. */ private static abstract class Bridge extends Object implements PropertyChangeListener { /** component to work with */ protected JComponent comp; /** action to associate */ protected Action action; /** @param comp component * @param action the action */ public Bridge (JComponent comp, Action action) { this.comp = comp; this.action = action; // visibility listener Bridge.this.comp.addPropertyChangeListener(new VisL()); if (Bridge.this.comp.isShowing ()) { addNotify (); } // associate context help, if applicable // [PENDING] probably belongs in ButtonBridge.updateState to make it dynamic HelpCtx help = findHelp (action); if (help != null && ! help.equals (HelpCtx.DEFAULT_HELP) && help.getHelpID () != null) HelpCtx.setHelpIDString (comp, help.getHelpID ()); } /** Attaches listener to given action */ public void addNotify () { action.addPropertyChangeListener (this); updateState (null); } /** Remove the listener */ public void removeNotify () { action.removePropertyChangeListener (this); } /** @param changedProperty the name of property that has changed * or null if it is not known */ public abstract void updateState (String changedProperty); /** Listener to changes of some properties. * Multicast - reacts to keymap changes and ancestor changes * together. */ public void propertyChange (final PropertyChangeEvent ev) { //assert EventQueue.isDispatchThread(); if (!EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) { new IllegalStateException("This must happen in the event thread!").printStackTrace(); } updateState(ev.getPropertyName()); } // Must be separate from general PCL, because otherwise // SystemAction.PROP_ENABLED -> updateState("enabled") -> // button.setEnabled(...) -> JButton.PROP_ENABLED -> // updateState("enabled") -> button.setEnabled(same) private class VisL implements PropertyChangeListener { VisL() {} public void propertyChange (final PropertyChangeEvent ev) { if ("ancestor".equals(ev.getPropertyName())) { // ancestor change - decide if parent is null or not if (ev.getNewValue() != null) { addNotify(); } else { removeNotify(); } } } } } /** Bridge between an action and button. */ private static class ButtonBridge extends Bridge { /** the button */ protected AbstractButton button; public ButtonBridge (AbstractButton button, Action action) { super (button, action); button.addActionListener(action); this.button = button; } protected void updateButtonIcon() { Object i = null; Object base = action.getValue("iconBase"); // NOI18N boolean useSmallIcon = true; Object prop = button.getClientProperty("PreferredIconSize"); //NOI18N if (prop instanceof Integer) { if (((Integer) prop).intValue() == 24) { useSmallIcon = false; } } if (action instanceof SystemAction) { if (base instanceof String) { String b = (String) base; Image img = null; if (!useSmallIcon) { img = Utilities.loadImage(insertBeforeSuffix(b, "24"), true); // NOI18N if (img == null) { img = Utilities.loadImage(b, true); } } else { img = Utilities.loadImage(b, true); } if (img != null) { i = new ImageIcon(img); button.setIcon((Icon)i); button.setDisabledIcon(createDisabledIcon(img)); } else { SystemAction sa = (SystemAction)action; i = sa.getIcon (useTextIcons ()); button.setIcon((Icon)i); if (i instanceof ImageIcon) { button.setDisabledIcon(createDisabledIcon(((ImageIcon)i).getImage())); } } } else { SystemAction sa = (SystemAction)action; i = sa.getIcon (useTextIcons ()); button.setIcon((Icon)i); if (i instanceof ImageIcon) { button.setDisabledIcon(createDisabledIcon(((ImageIcon)i).getImage())); } } } else { //Try to get icon from iconBase for non SystemAction action if (base instanceof String) { String b = (String) base; Image img = null; if (!useSmallIcon) { img = Utilities.loadImage(insertBeforeSuffix(b, "24"), true); // NOI18N if (img == null) { img = Utilities.loadImage(b, true); } } else { img = Utilities.loadImage(b, true); } if (img != null) { i = new ImageIcon(img); button.setIcon((Icon)i); button.setDisabledIcon(createDisabledIcon(img)); } else { i = action.getValue (Action.SMALL_ICON); if (i instanceof Icon) { button.setIcon((Icon)i); if (i instanceof ImageIcon) { button.setDisabledIcon(createDisabledIcon(((ImageIcon)i).getImage())); } } else { button.setIcon(nonNullIcon(null)); } } } else { i = action.getValue (Action.SMALL_ICON); if (i instanceof Icon) { button.setIcon((Icon)i); if (i instanceof ImageIcon) { button.setDisabledIcon(createDisabledIcon(((ImageIcon)i).getImage())); } } else { button.setIcon(nonNullIcon(null)); } } } if (base instanceof String) { String b = (String) base; if (!useSmallIcon) { b = insertBeforeSuffix(b,"24"); //NOI18N } Image img = null; if (i == null) { // even for regular icon img = Utilities.loadImage(b, true); if (img != null) { button.setIcon(new ImageIcon(img)); } i = img; } Image pImg = Utilities.loadImage(insertBeforeSuffix(b, "_pressed"), true); // NOI18N if (pImg != null) { button.setPressedIcon(new ImageIcon(pImg)); } Image rImg = Utilities.loadImage(insertBeforeSuffix(b, "_rollover"), true); // NOI18N if (rImg != null) { button.setRolloverIcon(new ImageIcon(rImg)); } Image dImg = Utilities.loadImage(insertBeforeSuffix(b, "_disabled"), true); // NOI18N if (dImg != null) { button.setDisabledIcon(new ImageIcon(dImg)); } else if (img != null) { button.setDisabledIcon(createDisabledIcon(img)); } } } static String insertBeforeSuffix(String path, String toInsert) { String withoutSuffix = path; String suffix = ""; // NOI18N if (path.lastIndexOf('.') >= 0) { withoutSuffix = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf('.')); suffix = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf('.'), path.length()); } return withoutSuffix + toInsert + suffix; } /** @param changedProperty the name of property that has changed * or null if it is not known */ public void updateState (String changedProperty) { boolean didToolTip = false; // note: "enabled" (== SA.PROP_ENABLED) hardcoded in AbstractAction if (changedProperty == null || changedProperty.equals (SystemAction.PROP_ENABLED)) { button.setEnabled (action.isEnabled ()); } if (changedProperty == null || changedProperty.equals (SystemAction.PROP_ICON) || changedProperty.equals(Action.SMALL_ICON) || changedProperty.equals("iconBase")) { // NOI18N updateButtonIcon(); } if (changedProperty == null || changedProperty.equals (Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION)) { String shortDesc = (String) action.getValue (Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION); if (shortDesc != null && !shortDesc.equals (action.getValue (Action.NAME))) { button.setToolTipText (shortDesc); didToolTip = true; } } if (! didToolTip && (changedProperty == null || changedProperty.equals (Action.ACCELERATOR_KEY) || changedProperty.equals (Action.NAME))) { String tip = findKey (action); String an = cutAmpersand((String)action.getValue (Action.NAME)); if (tip == null || tip.equals("")) { // NOI18N button.setToolTipText(an); } else { button.setToolTipText(org.openide.util.NbBundle.getMessage( Actions.class, "FMT_ButtonHint", an, tip)); } } if (button instanceof javax.accessibility.Accessible && (changedProperty == null || changedProperty.equals (Action.NAME))) { button.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleName((String)action.getValue (Action.NAME)); } } /** Should textual icons be used when lacking a real icon? * In the default implementation, true. * @return true if so */ protected boolean useTextIcons () { return true; } } /** Bridge for button and boolean action. */ private static class BooleanButtonBridge extends ButtonBridge { public BooleanButtonBridge (AbstractButton button, BooleanStateAction action) { super (button, action); } /** @param changedProperty the name of property that has changed * or null if it is not known */ public void updateState (String changedProperty) { super.updateState (changedProperty); if (changedProperty == null || changedProperty.equals (BooleanStateAction.PROP_BOOLEAN_STATE)) { button.setSelected (((BooleanStateAction)action).getBooleanState ()); } } } // #40824 - when the text changes, it's too late to update in (which triggers the updateState() in the MenuBridge). // check JmenuPlus.setPopupMenuVisible() static void prepareMenuBridgeItemsInContainer(Container c) { Component[] comps = c.getComponents(); for (int i=0; i 0; } else { if(addSeparator) { menu.addSeparator(); addSeparator = false; } // if (shortcut == null) // (Dafe) changed to support mnemonics in item labels JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem(); Mnemonics.setLocalizedText(item, label); // attach the shortcut to the first item if (i == 0) updateKey(item, action); item.addActionListener(new ISubActionListener(i, model)); HelpCtx help = model.getHelpCtx (i); associateHelp (item, help == null ? findHelp (action) : help); menu.add(item); } } associateHelp (menu, findHelp (action)); } } finally { if (shouldUpdate) { menu.updateUI (); } } } private void associateHelp (JComponent comp, HelpCtx help) { if (help != null && ! help.equals (HelpCtx.DEFAULT_HELP) && help.getHelpID () != null) HelpCtx.setHelpIDString (comp, help.getHelpID ()); else HelpCtx.setHelpIDString (comp, null); } /** The class that listens to the menu item selections and forwards it to the * action class via the performAction() method. */ private static class ISubActionListener implements java.awt.event.ActionListener { int index; SubMenuModel support; public ISubActionListener(int index, SubMenuModel support) { this.index = index; = support; } /** called when a user clicks on this menu item */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { support.performActionAt(index); } } } // // Methods for configuration of MenuItems // /** Method to prepare the margins and text positions. */ static void prepareMargins (JMenuItem item, Action action) { Insets margin = item.getMargin (); margin.left = 0; item.setMargin(margin); item.setHorizontalTextPosition(JMenuItem.RIGHT); item.setHorizontalAlignment(JMenuItem.LEFT); } /** Updates value of the key * @param item item to update * @param action the action to update */ static void updateKey (JMenuItem item, Action action) { if (item instanceof SubMenu || !(item instanceof JMenu)) { if (item instanceof SubMenu && !((SubMenu)item).useAccel()) { item.setAccelerator (null); } else { item.setAccelerator((KeyStroke)action.getValue(Action.ACCELERATOR_KEY)); } } } // // // The presenter classes // // /** * Extension of Swing menu item with connection to * system actions. */ public static class MenuItem extends javax.swing.JMenuItem { static final long serialVersionUID =-21757335363267194L; /** Constructs a new menu item with the specified label * and no keyboard shortcut and connects it to the given SystemAction. * @param aAction the action to which this menu item should be connected * @param useMnemonic if true, the menu try to find mnemonic in action label */ public MenuItem (SystemAction aAction, boolean useMnemonic) { Actions.connect (this, aAction, !useMnemonic); } /** Constructs a new menu item with the specified label * and no keyboard shortcut and connects it to the given SystemAction. * @param aAction the action to which this menu item should be connected * @param useMnemonic if true, the menu try to find mnemonic in action label */ public MenuItem (Action aAction, boolean useMnemonic) { Actions.connect (this, aAction, !useMnemonic); } } /** CheckboxMenuItem extends the java.awt.CheckboxMenuItem and adds * a connection to boolean state actions. The ActCheckboxMenuItem * processes the ItemEvents itself and calls the action.seBooleanState() method. * It also tracks the enabled and boolean state of the action and reflects it * as its visual enabled/check state. * * @author Ian Formanek, Jan Jancura */ public static class CheckboxMenuItem extends javax.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem { static final long serialVersionUID =6190621106981774043L; /** Constructs a new ActCheckboxMenuItem with the specified label * and connects it to the given BooleanStateAction. * @param aAction the action to which this menu item should be connected * @param useMnemonic if true, the menu try to find mnemonic in action label */ public CheckboxMenuItem (BooleanStateAction aAction, boolean useMnemonic) { Actions.connect (this, aAction, !useMnemonic); } } /** Component shown in toolbar, representing an action. * */ public static class ToolbarButton extends org.openide.awt.ToolbarButton { static final long serialVersionUID =6564434578524381134L; public ToolbarButton (SystemAction aAction) { super (null); Actions.connect (this, aAction); } public ToolbarButton (Action aAction) { super (null); Actions.connect (this, aAction); } /** * Gets the maximum size of this component. * @return A dimension object indicating this component's maximum size. * @see #getMinimumSize * @see #getPreferredSize * @see LayoutManager */ public Dimension getMaximumSize() { return this.getPreferredSize (); } public Dimension getMinimumSize() { return this.getPreferredSize (); } } /** The Component for BooleeanState action that is to be shown * in a toolbar. * */ public static class ToolbarToggleButton extends org.openide.awt.ToolbarToggleButton { static final long serialVersionUID =-4783163952526348942L; /** Constructs a new ActToolbarToggleButton for specified action */ public ToolbarToggleButton (BooleanStateAction aAction) { super(null, false); Actions.connect (this, aAction); } /** * Gets the maximum size of this component. * @return A dimension object indicating this component's maximum size. * @see #getMinimumSize * @see #getPreferredSize * @see LayoutManager */ public Dimension getMaximumSize() { return this.getPreferredSize (); } public Dimension getMinimumSize() { return this.getPreferredSize (); } } /** Interface for the creating Actions.SubMenu. It provides the methods for * all items in submenu: name shortcut and perform method. Also has methods * for notification of changes of the model. */ public static interface SubMenuModel { /** @return count of the submenu items. */ public int getCount(); /** Gets label for specific index * @param index of the submenu item * @return label for this menu item (or null for a separator) */ public String getLabel(int index); /** Gets shortcut for specific index * @index of the submenu item * @return menushortcut for this menu item */ // public MenuShortcut getMenuShortcut(int index); /** Get context help for the specified item. * This can be used to associate help with individual items. * You may return null to just use the context help for * the associated system action (if any). * Note that only help IDs will work, not URLs. * @return the context help, or null */ public HelpCtx getHelpCtx (int index); /** Perform the action on the specific index * @param index of the submenu item which should be performed */ public void performActionAt(int index); /** Adds change listener for changes of the model. */ public void addChangeListener (ChangeListener l); /** Removes change listener for changes of the model. */ public void removeChangeListener (ChangeListener l); } /** SubMenu provides easy way of displaying submenu items based on * SubMenuModel. */ public static class SubMenu extends org.openide.awt.JMenuPlus { /** number of previous sub items */ int previousCount = -1; /** listener to remove from this menu or null */ ActionListener oneItemListener; /** The keystroke which acts as the menu's accelerator. * This menu can have an accelerator! */ private KeyStroke accelerator; /** The model of the submenu used in menuitem generation */ private SubMenuModel subModel; private SubMenuBridge bridge; /** Constructs a new ActMenuItem with the specified label * and no keyboard shortcut and connects it to the given SystemAction. * No icon is used by default. * @param aAction the action to which this menu item should be connected * @param model the support for the menu items */ public SubMenu(SystemAction aAction, SubMenuModel model) { this (aAction, model, true); } static final long serialVersionUID =-4446966671302959091L; /** Constructs a new ActMenuItem with the specified label * and no keyboard shortcut and connects it to the given SystemAction. * No icon is used by default. * @param aAction the action to which this menu item should be connected * @param model the support for the menu items * @param popup whether this is a popup menu */ public SubMenu(SystemAction aAction, SubMenuModel model, boolean popup) { this ((Action)aAction, model, popup); } /** Constructs a new ActMenuItem with the specified label * and no keyboard shortcut and connects it to the given SystemAction. * No icon is used by default. * @param aAction the action to which this menu item should be connected * @param model the support for the menu items * @param popup whether this is a popup menu */ public SubMenu(Action aAction, SubMenuModel model, boolean popup) { subModel = model; bridge = new SubMenuBridge (this, aAction, model, popup); // set at least the name to have reasonable bounds bridge.updateState (Action.NAME); } // Fixes #26619 /** Overriden to finish initialization of the bridge on demand */ public void addNotify() { super.addNotify(); bridge.updateState (null); // Empty SubMenu -> disable if (subModel.getCount() == 0) setEnabled(false); } // XXX Overriding processKeyBinding is not a nice solution, used as // a last resort here to fix the bug. // #9331. Missed accelerator for Paste action. /** Overrides superclass method. * If it has accelerator delegates processing of it to the first item. */ protected boolean processKeyBinding( KeyStroke ks, KeyEvent e, int condition, boolean pressed) { // If it is as accelerator process the doClick binding to the // first sub-item. if(ks.equals(accelerator)) { // Use first item if there is one. Component[] cs = getMenuComponents(); if(cs.length > 0 && cs[0] instanceof JComponent) { JComponent comp = (JComponent)cs[0]; ActionMap am = comp.getActionMap(); if(am != null && comp.isEnabled()) { Action action = am.get("doClick"); // NOI18N if (action != null) { return SwingUtilities.notifyAction( action, ks, e, comp, e.getModifiers()); } } return false; } } return super.processKeyBinding(ks, e, condition, pressed); } // XXX #11048. Ugly patch. // This works for the cases when this menu is in 'menu' // (not popup), the popup is handled by NbPopupMenuUI hack. This same // method for popup wouldn't work since NbPopupMenuUI automatically // passes focus to sub-menu. /** Overrides superclass method. Adds a hack for KB menu invokation * when this JMenu needs to act like JMenuItem. */ public void processKeyEvent(KeyEvent e, MenuElement[] path, MenuSelectionManager m) { if(getMenuComponentCount() <= 1 && java.util.Arrays.equals( path, MenuSelectionManager.defaultManager().getSelectedPath()) && (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER || e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_SPACE) ) { ActionListener ac = oneItemListener; if(ac != null) { m.setSelectedPath(new MenuElement[0]); ac.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(e.getSource(), 0, null)); return; } } super.processKeyEvent(e, path, m); } /** Request for either MenuUI or MenuItemUI if the only one subitem should not * use submenu. */ public String getUIClassID () { if (previousCount == 0) { return "MenuItemUI"; // NOI18N } return previousCount == 1 ? "MenuItemUI" : "MenuUI"; // NOI18N } boolean useAccel() { return subModel.getCount() <= 1; } /** Overrides superclass method to be able to have an accelerator. */ public void setAccelerator(KeyStroke keyStroke) { KeyStroke oldAccelerator = accelerator; this.accelerator = keyStroke; // Note: "accelerator" for the bean prop, not Action.ACCELERATOR_KEY == "AcceleratorKey" firePropertyChange("accelerator", oldAccelerator, accelerator); // NOI18N } /** Overrides superclass method to be able to have an accelerator. */ public KeyStroke getAccelerator() { return this.accelerator; } public void menuSelectionChanged(boolean isIncluded) { if (previousCount <= 1) setArmed(isIncluded); // JMenuItem behaviour else super.menuSelectionChanged(isIncluded); } /** Menu cannot be selected when it represents MenuItem. */ public void setSelected (boolean s) { // disabled menu cannot be selected if (isEnabled () || !s) { super.setSelected (s); } } /** Seting menu to disabled also sets the item as not selected */ public void setEnabled (boolean e) { super.setEnabled (e); if (!e) { super.setSelected (false); } } public void doClick(int pressTime) { if (!isEnabled ()) { // do nothing if not enabled return; } if (oneItemListener != null) { oneItemListener.actionPerformed (null); } else { super.doClick (pressTime); } } } private static Icon createDisabledIcon(Image img) { ImageProducer prod = new FilteredImageSource(img.getSource(), disabledButtonFilter()); return new ImageIcon(Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(prod)); } /** Shared instance of filter for disabled icons */ private static RGBImageFilter DISABLED_BUTTON_FILTER; private static RGBImageFilter disabledButtonFilter () { if (DISABLED_BUTTON_FILTER == null) { DISABLED_BUTTON_FILTER = new DisabledButtonFilter(); } return DISABLED_BUTTON_FILTER; } private static class DisabledButtonFilter extends RGBImageFilter { DisabledButtonFilter() { canFilterIndexColorModel = true; } public int filterRGB(int x, int y, int rgb) { // Reduce the color bandwidth in quarter (>> 2) and Shift 0x88. return (rgb & 0xff000000) + 0x888888 + ((((rgb >> 16) & 0xff) >> 2) << 16) + ((((rgb >> 8) & 0xff) >> 2) << 8) + ((((rgb) & 0xff) >> 2)); } } }

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