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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.openide.awt;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.Vector;

import javax.accessibility.Accessible;
import javax.accessibility.AccessibleContext;
import javax.accessibility.AccessibleRole;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;
import org.openide.ErrorManager;

import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
import org.openide.awt.JPopupMenuPlus;

/** The SplittedPanel widget is a Panel that can contain one or two components and
* place them side-by-side vertically or horizontally with a splitter in the middle.
* User can move the split point by dragging the splitter with mouse.
* The two components are accessed by add/remove methods with constraints value
* The split position could be either absolute or proportional (according to the
* "Absolute" property setting) - in thwe absolute mode the split point remains same
* when resizing (i.e. the left/top component keeps its size and only the
* right/bottom component resizes), while in the proportional mode the splitPosition
* is a percentage of the width/height assigned to the left/top component.


PropertyProperty TypeDescription *
SplitType int The type of the splitting - HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL or NONE *
SplitPosition int The position of the split point - either absolute position or number of percents * according to the "Absolute" property settings, could be one of FIRST_PREFERRED or * SECOND_PREFERRED, which means that the split point should be placed so that * the first(left/top) resp. second (bottom/rignt) is sized according to its preferredSize * (in this case the Absolute property setting is ignored) *
SplitterType int The type of the component that renders the splitter - DEFAULT_SPLITTER, RAISED_SPLITTER, * EMPTY_SPLITTER. *
SplitterComponent Component The component that renders the splitter. A custom component can be provided in addition to EMPTY_SPLITTER and RAISED-SPLITTER using this method. *
SplitAbsolute boolean if true then the meaning of the SplitPosition is absolute points, * otherwise the SplitPosition is a number of percents *
SplitDragable boolean if true then the split point can be dragged using a mouse, * otherwise the SplitPosition is fixed *
SplitTypeChangeEnabled boolean if true then the split type can be changed via popup menu commands *
SwapPanesEnabled boolean if true then the panes can be swapped via popup menu command *
* * @author Ian Formanek * @deprecated This class does nothing interesting that cannot be done with a JSplitPane. * Use a JSplitPane instead. */ public class SplittedPanel extends JComponent implements Accessible { /** generated Serialized Version UID */ static final long serialVersionUID = 5058424218525927233L; /** constant for no split - only the first (left/top) component will be shown */ public final static int NONE = 0; /** constant for vertical split */ public final static int VERTICAL = 1; /** constant for horizontal split */ public final static int HORIZONTAL = 2; /** constraints constant for adding a splitter */ public static final Object ADD_SPLITTER = new Integer(0); /** constraints constant for adding a component to the first (left/top) pane */ public static final Object ADD_FIRST = new Integer(1); /** constraints constant for adding a component to the second (right/bottom) pane */ public static final Object ADD_SECOND = new Integer(2); /** constraints constant for adding a component to the left(top) pane (an alias for the ADD_FIRST constant) */ public static final Object ADD_LEFT = ADD_FIRST; /** constraints constant for adding a component to the top(left) pane (an alias for the ADD_FIRST constant) */ public static final Object ADD_TOP = ADD_FIRST; /** constraints constant for adding a component to the right(bottom) pane (an alias for the ADD_SECOND constant) */ public static final Object ADD_RIGHT = ADD_SECOND; /** constraints constant for adding a component to the bottom(right) pane (an alias for the ADD_SECOND constant) */ public static final Object ADD_BOTTOM = ADD_SECOND; /** constant for moving the split point so that the first (left/top) component is sized according to its preferredSize */ public static final int FIRST_PREFERRED = -1; /** constant for moving the split point so that the second (right/bottom) component is sized according to its preferredSize */ public static final int SECOND_PREFERRED = -2; /** constant for splitter component types - raised splitter*/ public static final int RAISED_SPLITTER = 0; /** constant for splitter component types - empty splitter */ public static final int EMPTY_SPLITTER = 1; /** constant for splitter component types - default splitter (raised)*/ public static final int DEFAULT_SPLITTER = RAISED_SPLITTER; /** Save the last preferred setting (first or second). Double click reset the splitPosition to this value */ private int resetPosition = FIRST_PREFERRED; /** Is popup menu enabled?*/ private Boolean popupMenuEnabled; /** Constructs a new empty SplittedPanel with no spliting. */ public SplittedPanel () { splitter = new DefaultSplitter (getDefaultSplitterSize()); accessibleContext = null; setLayout (new SplitLayout()); add(splitter, ADD_SPLITTER); init(); RuntimeException rte = new RuntimeException( "SplittedPanel is deprecated. Please use JSplitPane instead"); //NOI18N ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, rte); } /** Initializes the SplittedPanel */ private void init() { setSplitterCursor(); mouseAdapter = new MouseListenerAdapter(); if (dragable) { splitter.addMouseMotionListener(mouseAdapter); splitter.addMouseListener(mouseAdapter); addSplitChangeListener (mouseAdapter); } initAccessible(); } private boolean drawBumps; /** Updates splitting, too. */ public void updateUI() { super.updateUI(); updateSplitting(); Object o = UIManager.get ("nb.SplittedPanel.drawBumps"); drawBumps = Boolean.TRUE.equals (o); } /** Updates the visual state and layout when the split state changes. */ protected void updateSplitting() { if (firstComponent != null && secondComponent != null) { invalidate(); firstComponent.invalidate(); splitter.invalidate(); secondComponent.invalidate(); validate(); } } /** Computes component sizes after performing the flip, * it means splitTypeChange */ protected void computeSizesAfterFlip () { if (firstComponent == null || secondComponent == null) return; Dimension ourSize = getSize(); int splitterSize; switch (splitType) { case VERTICAL: if (ourSize.width == 0) break; splitterSize = splitter.getPreferredSize ().height; int newHeight = (ourSize.height - splitterSize) * firstComponent.getSize().width / ourSize.width; firstComponent.setSize(new Dimension(ourSize.width, newHeight)); secondComponent.setSize(new Dimension(ourSize.width, ourSize.height - newHeight - splitterSize)); break; case HORIZONTAL: if (ourSize.height == 0) break; splitterSize = splitter.getPreferredSize ().width; int newWidth = (ourSize.width - splitterSize) * firstComponent.getSize().height / ourSize.height; firstComponent.setSize(new Dimension(newWidth, ourSize.height)); secondComponent.setSize(new Dimension(ourSize.width - newWidth - splitterSize, ourSize.height)); break; } } /** Updates the splitter's cursor according to the current SplittedPanel settings. */ protected void setSplitterCursor() { if (dragable) { if (splitType == VERTICAL) splitter.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.N_RESIZE_CURSOR)); else splitter.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.W_RESIZE_CURSOR)); } else splitter.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); } /** Is popup menu on spliter enabled? See issue 25216.*/ private boolean isPopupMenuEnabled () { if (popupMenuEnabled == null) { Object o = getClientProperty ("popupMenuEnabled"); if (o instanceof Boolean) popupMenuEnabled = (Boolean)o; else popupMenuEnabled = Boolean.TRUE; } return popupMenuEnabled.booleanValue (); } /** Updates the splitter's popup menu. */ protected void updatePopupMenu() { if (popupMenu == null) { popupMenu = new JPopupMenuPlus(); java.util.ResourceBundle awtBundle = NbBundle.getBundle (SplittedPanel.class); popupMenu.add(verticalCMI = new JRadioButtonMenuItem(awtBundle.getString("SplittedPanelVertical"))); popupMenu.add(horizontalCMI = new JRadioButtonMenuItem(awtBundle.getString("SplittedPanelHorizontal"))); popupMenu.add(new JSeparator()); popupMenu.add(swapCMI = new JMenuItem(awtBundle.getString("SplittedPanelSwap"))); popupMenu.add(new JSeparator()); popupMenu.add(splitterCMI = new JMenuItem(awtBundle.getString("ResetSplitter"))); ActionListener al = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (horizontalCMI.equals(e.getSource())) setSplitType(HORIZONTAL); else setSplitType(VERTICAL); } }; verticalCMI.addActionListener(al); horizontalCMI.addActionListener(al); swapCMI.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { swapPanes(); } }); splitterCMI.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { resetSplitter (); } }); } if (splitType == VERTICAL) { verticalCMI.setSelected(true); horizontalCMI.setSelected(false); } else { verticalCMI.setSelected(false); horizontalCMI.setSelected(true); } if (splitTypeChangeEnabled) { verticalCMI.setEnabled(true); horizontalCMI.setEnabled(true); } else { verticalCMI.setEnabled(false); horizontalCMI.setEnabled(false); } if (swapPanesEnabled) swapCMI.setEnabled(true); else swapCMI.setEnabled(false); splitterCMI.setEnabled (getSplitPosition() != FIRST_PREFERRED && getSplitPosition() != SECOND_PREFERRED); } /** Reset split line to follow the largest name. */ private void resetSplitter () { if (getSplitPosition() != FIRST_PREFERRED && getSplitPosition() != SECOND_PREFERRED) { setSplitPosition(resetPosition); if (splitterCMI!=null) splitterCMI.setEnabled (false); } } /** Swaps the panes.*/ public void swapPanes() { if (!swapPanesEnabled) return; if ((firstComponent == null) || (secondComponent == null)) return; splitIsChanging = true; panesSwapped = !panesSwapped; if (keepSecondSame) { keepSecondSame = false; keepFirstSame = true; } else if (keepFirstSame) { keepSecondSame = true; keepFirstSame = false; } Component aFirstComponent = firstComponent; Component aSecondComponent = secondComponent; remove(aFirstComponent); remove(aSecondComponent); add(aSecondComponent, ADD_FIRST); add(aFirstComponent, ADD_SECOND); updateSplitting(); splitIsChanging = false; } /** @return true if the panes are swapped, false otherwise */ public boolean getPanesSwapped() { return panesSwapped; } /////////////////////////////// // Property accessor methods // /////////////////////////////// /** Getter method for the SplitType property. * @return Current SplitType value. */ public int getSplitType() { return splitType; } /** Setter method for the SplitType property. * @param value New SplitType value. */ public void setSplitType(int value) { if (splitType == value) return; int oldSplitType = splitType; splitType = value; if ((oldSplitType != NONE) && (splitType != NONE)) computeSizesAfterFlip(); setSplitterCursor(); updateSplitting(); updatePopupMenu(); initAccessible(); } /** Getter method for the SplitPosition property. * @return Current SplitPosition value. */ public int getSplitPosition() { return splitPosition; } /** Setter method for the SplitPosition property. * @param value New SplitPosition value. */ public void setSplitPosition(int value) { if (splitPosition == value) return; int oldValue = splitPosition; splitPosition = value; splitIsChanging = true; updateSplitting(); fireSplitChange(oldValue, splitPosition); splitIsChanging = false; } /** Getter method for the SplitterType property. * @return Current SplitterType value. * @see #EMPTY_SPLITTER * @see #RAISED_SPLITTER * @see #DEFAULT_SPLITTER */ public int getSplitterType() { return splitterType; } private int getDefaultSplitterSize () { Object o = UIManager.get ("nb.SplittedPanel.dividerSize"); //NOI18N if (o != null) { return ((Integer) o).intValue(); } o = UIManager.get ("SplitPane.dividerSize"); //NOI18N if (o != null) { return ((Integer) o).intValue(); } return 6; } /** Setter method for the SplitterType property. * @param type New SplitterType value. * @see #EMPTY_SPLITTER * @see #RAISED_SPLITTER * @see #DEFAULT_SPLITTER */ public void setSplitterType(int type) { if (splitterType == type) return; splitterType = type; switch (splitterType) { case EMPTY_SPLITTER: splitter = new EmptySplitter(); break; default: case RAISED_SPLITTER: splitter = new DefaultSplitter(getDefaultSplitterSize()); break; } add(splitter, ADD_SPLITTER); updateSplitting(); } /** Getter method for the SplitterComponent property. * @return Current SplitterComponent value. * @see #getSplitterType */ public Component getSplitterComponent() { return splitter; } /** Setter method for the SplitterComponent property. * @param comp New SplitterComponent value. * @see #setSplitterType */ public void setSplitterComponent(Component comp) { if (splitter == comp) return; if (dragable) { splitter.removeMouseMotionListener(mouseAdapter); splitter.removeMouseListener(mouseAdapter); } remove (splitter); splitter = comp; add(splitter, ADD_SPLITTER); if (dragable) { splitter.addMouseMotionListener(mouseAdapter); splitter.addMouseListener(mouseAdapter); } setSplitterCursor(); updateSplitting(); } /** Getter method for the SplitAbsolute property. * @return Current SplitAbsolute value. */ public boolean isSplitAbsolute() { return absolute; } /** Setter method for the SplitAbsolute property. * @param value New SplitAbsolute value. */ public void setSplitAbsolute(boolean value) { if (absolute == value) return; absolute = value; updateSplitting(); } /** Getter method for the SplitDragable property. * @return Current SplitDragable value. */ public boolean isSplitDragable() { return dragable; } /** Setter method for the Dragable property. * @param value New Dragable value. */ public void setSplitDragable(boolean value) { if (dragable == value) return; dragable = value; if (dragable) { splitter.addMouseMotionListener(mouseAdapter); splitter.addMouseListener(mouseAdapter); } else { splitter.removeMouseMotionListener(mouseAdapter); splitter.removeMouseListener(mouseAdapter); } setSplitterCursor(); } /** Getter method for the ContinuousLayout property. * @return Current ContinuousLayout value. */ public boolean isContinuousLayout() { return continuousLayout; } /** Setter method for the ContinuousLayout property. * @param value New ContinuousLayout value. */ public void setContinuousLayout(boolean value) { continuousLayout = value; } /** Getter method for the KeepFirstSame property. * @return Current KeepFirstSame value. */ public boolean getKeepFirstSame () { return keepFirstSame; } /** Setter method for the KeepFirstSame property. * @param value New KeepFirstSame value. */ public void setKeepFirstSame (boolean value) { keepFirstSame = value; } /** Getter method for the KeepSecondSame property. * @return Current KeepSecondSame value. */ public boolean getKeepSecondSame () { return keepSecondSame; } /** Setter method for the KeepSecondSame property. * @param value New KeepSecondSame value. */ public void setKeepSecondSame (boolean value) { keepSecondSame = value; } /** Getter method for the SplitTypeChangeEnabled property. * @return Current SplitTypeChangeEnabled value. */ public boolean isSplitTypeChangeEnabled() { return splitTypeChangeEnabled; } /** Setter method for the SplitTypeChangeEnabled property. * @param value New SplitTypeChangeEnabled value. */ public void setSplitTypeChangeEnabled(boolean value) { if (splitTypeChangeEnabled == value) return; splitTypeChangeEnabled = value; updatePopupMenu(); } /** Getter method for the SwapPanesEnabled property. * @return Current SwapPanesEnabled value. */ public boolean isSwapPanesEnabled() { return swapPanesEnabled; } /** Setter method for the SwapPanesEnabled property. * @param value New SwapPanesEnabled value. */ public void setSwapPanesEnabled(boolean value) { if (swapPanesEnabled == value) return; swapPanesEnabled = value; updatePopupMenu(); } ///////////////////// // Event Listeners // ///////////////////// /** Adds specified listener to the current set of SplitChangeListeners */ public void addSplitChangeListener(SplitChangeListener l) { if (listeners == null) listeners = new Vector(); listeners.addElement(l); } /** Removes specified listener from the current set of SplitChangeListeners */ public void removeSplitChangeListener(SplitChangeListener l) { if (listeners == null) return; listeners.removeElement(l); } /** Fires the SplitChange event */ protected void fireSplitChange(int oldValue, int newValue) { if (listeners == null) return; Vector l; synchronized (this) { l = (Vector)listeners.clone(); } Enumeration en = l.elements (); SplitChangeEvent evt = new SplitChangeEvent (this, oldValue, newValue); while (en.hasMoreElements ()) { SplitChangeListener scl = (SplitChangeListener) en.nextElement (); scl.splitChanged(evt); } } /* Read accessible context * @return - accessible context */ public AccessibleContext getAccessibleContext () { if(accessibleContext == null) { accessibleContext = new AccessibleJComponent() { public AccessibleRole getAccessibleRole() { return AccessibleRole.SPLIT_PANE; } }; initAccessible(); } return accessibleContext; } private static MessageFormat nameFormat = null; private static MessageFormat descriptionFormat = null; private void initAccessible () { if (nameFormat == null) { ResourceBundle bundle = NbBundle.getBundle(SplittedPanel.class); nameFormat = new MessageFormat(bundle.getString("ACS_SplittedPanel_Name")); } getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleName(nameFormat.format(new Object[] {firstComponent == null || !(firstComponent instanceof Accessible) ? null : firstComponent.getAccessibleContext().getAccessibleName(), secondComponent == null || !(secondComponent instanceof Accessible) ? null : secondComponent.getAccessibleContext().getAccessibleName()})); if (descriptionFormat == null) { ResourceBundle bundle = NbBundle.getBundle(SplittedPanel.class); descriptionFormat = new MessageFormat(bundle.getString("ACS_SplittedPanel_Description")); } getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleDescription(descriptionFormat.format(new Object[] {firstComponent == null || !(firstComponent instanceof Accessible) ? null : firstComponent.getAccessibleContext().getAccessibleDescription(), secondComponent == null || !(secondComponent instanceof Accessible) ? null : secondComponent.getAccessibleContext().getAccessibleDescription()})); } /////////////////// // Inner Classes // /////////////////// /** A listener interface for tracking split point changes */ public static interface SplitChangeListener { /** Called when a split point changes * @param evt The SplitChangeEvent that describes the change */ public void splitChanged (SplitChangeEvent evt); } /** An event that describes a split point change */ public static class SplitChangeEvent extends java.util.EventObject{ /** generated Serialized Version UID */ static final long serialVersionUID = 6748966611210836878L; private int oldValue, newValue; /** Constructs a new SplitChangeEvent for specified source SplittedPanel and * old and new SplitPositions */ public SplitChangeEvent (SplittedPanel splittedPanel, int oldValue, int newValue) { super(splittedPanel); this.oldValue = oldValue; this.newValue = newValue; } /** @return the old splitterPosition */ public int getOldValue() { return oldValue; } /** @return the new splitterPosition */ public int getNewValue() { return newValue; } } /** The EmptySplitter is an empty splitter component with specified width. * It can be used as the splitter via setSplitterComponent. */ public static class EmptySplitter extends JComponent implements Accessible { /** generated Serialized Version UID */ static final long serialVersionUID = 929648193440460693L; private int width; private AccessibleContext accessibleContext; public EmptySplitter () { this (0); } public EmptySplitter (int width) { ResourceBundle bundle = NbBundle.getBundle(SplittedPanel.class); accessibleContext = null; this.width = width; getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleName(bundle.getString("ACS_SplittedPanel_EmptySplitter")); getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleName(bundle.getString("ACSD_SplittedPanel_EmptySplitter")); } public Dimension getPreferredSize() { return new Dimension (width, width); } public AccessibleContext getAccessibleContext () { if(accessibleContext == null) { accessibleContext = new AccessibleJComponent() { public AccessibleRole getAccessibleRole() { return AccessibleRole.SPLIT_PANE; } }; } return accessibleContext; } } /** The DefaultSplitter class implements a splitting line that is to be used as a default splitter for the SplittedPanel. * It paints a raised 3D-line with given width. */ class DefaultSplitter extends JComponent implements Accessible { private int splitterSize; static final long serialVersionUID =-4223135481223014719L; /** * Constructs a new DefaultSplitter with given width. * @param aWidth the desired width of the splitting line, if the value is lower than 2, the width of 2 is used */ public DefaultSplitter(int aSplitterSize) { splitterSize = aSplitterSize; if (splitterSize < 2) splitterSize = 2; } public Dimension getPreferredSize() { return new Dimension (splitterSize, splitterSize); } public void paint(Graphics g) { super.paint(g); if (splitterSize <= 2) return; Dimension size = this.getSize (); int height = size.height-1; g.setColor (this.getBackground ()); Color high=UIManager.getColor("controlLtHighlight"); //Color bg=UIManager.getColor("control"); Color low=UIManager.getColor("controlDkShadow"); boolean isMetal = UIManager.getLookAndFeel().getClass() == javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel.class; boolean firstHasBorder = true; boolean secondHasBorder = true; if (firstComponent instanceof JComponent) { Border b1 = ((JComponent) firstComponent).getBorder(); firstHasBorder = (b1 != null) && (!(b1 instanceof EmptyBorder)); } if (secondComponent instanceof JComponent) { Border b2 = ((JComponent) secondComponent).getBorder(); secondHasBorder = (b2 != null) && (!(b2 instanceof EmptyBorder)); } if (panesSwapped) { boolean b = firstHasBorder; firstHasBorder = secondHasBorder; secondHasBorder = b; } //draw the bumps if (isMetal && splitterSize > 3 && drawBumps) { //looks backwards, but isn't - splitType==vertical gives you a //horizontal splitter int starty = firstHasBorder && (splitType == VERTICAL) ? 0:2; int startx = firstHasBorder && (splitType == HORIZONTAL) ? 0:2; for (int x = startx; x+1 < size.width; x+=4) { for (int y = starty; y+1 < height; y+=4) { g.setColor (this.getBackground ().brighter ()); g.drawLine (x, y, x, y); if (x < size.width && y < height) g.drawLine (x+2, y+2, x+2, y+2); g.setColor (this.getBackground ().darker ().darker ()); g.drawLine (x+1, y+1, x+1, y+1); if (x < size.width && y < height) g.drawLine (x+3, y+3, x+3, y+3); } } } if (splitType == HORIZONTAL) { int pos = (size.width-splitterSize) / 2; if (!firstHasBorder) { g.setColor(isMetal ? low : high); g.drawLine(pos, 0, pos, size.height - 1); if (isMetal) { g.setColor (high); g.drawLine (pos+1, 0, pos+1, size.height -1); } } if (!secondHasBorder) { g.setColor(isMetal ? high : low); g.drawLine(pos + splitterSize - 1, 0, pos + splitterSize - 1, size.height - 1); if (isMetal) { g.setColor (low); g.drawLine(pos + splitterSize - 2, 0, pos + splitterSize - 2, size.height - 1); } } } else if (splitType == VERTICAL) { int pos = (size.height-splitterSize) / 2; if (!firstHasBorder) { g.setColor(isMetal ? low : high); g.drawLine(0, pos, size.width - 1, pos); if (isMetal) { g.setColor (high); g.drawLine (0, pos + 1, size.width-1, pos+1); } } if (!secondHasBorder) { g.setColor(isMetal ? high : low); g.drawLine(0, pos + splitterSize - 1, size.width - 1, pos + splitterSize - 1); if (isMetal) { g.setColor (low); g.drawLine(0, pos + splitterSize - 2, size.width - 1, pos + splitterSize - 2); } } } } public AccessibleContext getAccessibleContext () { return SplittedPanel.this.getAccessibleContext(); } } /** * The MouseListenerAdapter class implements the dragging behaviour of the splitter. */ class MouseListenerAdapter extends MouseUtils.PopupMouseAdapter implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener, SplitChangeListener { /** Called when the sequnce of mouse events should lead to actual * showing of the popup menu. * Should be redefined to show the menu. * param evt The mouse release event - should be used to obtain the * position of the popup menu */ protected void showPopup(MouseEvent e) { updatePopupMenu(); if (isPopupMenuEnabled ()), e.getX(), e.getY()); } /** A method implemented from the MouseListener interface to handle the splitter dragging */ public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { super.mouseReleased(e); if (continuousLayout == false) { if (dragPos == -1) return; if (!absolute) { Dimension d = getSize(); if (splitType == VERTICAL) dragPos = (100 * dragPos)/d.height; else dragPos = (100 * dragPos)/d.width; } setSplitPosition(dragPos); dragPos = -1; } } /** A method implemented from the MouseMotionListener interface to handle the splitter dragging */ public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { if (continuousLayout == true) { Dimension d = getSize(); Point splitterPos = splitter.getLocation(); e.translatePoint(splitterPos.x, splitterPos.y); if (splitType == VERTICAL) { dragPos = e.getY(); if (dragPos > d.height) dragPos = d.height; } else { dragPos = e.getX(); if (dragPos > d.width) dragPos = d.width; } if (dragPos < 0) dragPos = 0; if (continuousLayout) { if (dragPos == -1) return; int newDragPos = dragPos; if (!absolute) { if (splitType == VERTICAL) newDragPos = (100 * dragPos)/d.height; else newDragPos = (100 * dragPos)/d.width; } setSplitPosition(newDragPos); } } } /** A method implemented from the MouseMotionListener interface to handle the splitter dragging */ public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { } /* Double click on the splitter re-sets the splitter to follow one of the fields */ public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { super.mouseClicked(e); if (e.getClickCount() == 2 && isPopupMenuEnabled ()) { resetSplitter (); } } public void splitChanged (SplitChangeEvent evt) { if (evt.getNewValue() == FIRST_PREFERRED || evt.getNewValue() == SECOND_PREFERRED) { resetPosition = evt.getNewValue(); if (splitterCMI!=null) splitterCMI.setEnabled (true); } } } /** * The SplitLayout class implements a LayoutManager for the SplittedPanel. */ class SplitLayout extends Object implements LayoutManager2, { static final long serialVersionUID =2034500275182524789L; public void addLayoutComponent (String name, Component comp) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("You must use the add(Component, Object) method for adding"); // NOI18N } public void addLayoutComponent(Component comp, Object constraints) { if (constraints == ADD_SPLITTER) // adding a splitter splitter = comp; else if (constraints == ADD_FIRST) { // adding to the left/top if ((firstComponent != null) && (secondComponent == null)) // if we altready have ... [PENDING] secondComponent = firstComponent; firstComponent = comp; if ((secondComponent != null) && (splitType == NONE)) splitType = DEFAULT_SPLIT_TYPE; } else if (constraints == ADD_SECOND) { if (firstComponent == null) firstComponent = comp; else { secondComponent = comp; if (splitType == NONE) splitType = DEFAULT_SPLIT_TYPE; } } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("You must use one of the SplittedPanel.ADD_XXX constraints Objects"); // NOI18N initAccessible(); } public void removeLayoutComponent (Component comp) { if (comp.equals(secondComponent)) secondComponent = null; else if (comp.equals(firstComponent)) { firstComponent = null; if (secondComponent != null) { firstComponent = secondComponent; secondComponent = null; } } initAccessible(); } public Dimension preferredLayoutSize (Container parent) { int width = 0; int height = 0; if (firstComponent != null) { Dimension d = firstComponent.getPreferredSize(); width = d.width; height = d.height; } if (secondComponent != null) { Dimension d = secondComponent.getPreferredSize(); if (splitType == VERTICAL) { int splitterSize = splitter.getPreferredSize ().height; if (width < d.width) width = d.width; height += splitterSize + d.height; } else { int splitterSize = splitter.getPreferredSize ().width; if (height < d.height) height = d.height; width += splitterSize + d.width; } } return new Dimension(width, height); } public Dimension minimumLayoutSize (Container parent) { int width = 0; int height = 0; if (firstComponent != null) { Dimension d = firstComponent.getMinimumSize(); width = d.width; height = d.height; } if (secondComponent != null) { Dimension d = secondComponent.getMinimumSize(); if (splitType == VERTICAL) { int splitterSize = splitter.getMinimumSize ().height; if (width < d.width) width = d.width; height += splitterSize + d.height; } else { int splitterSize = splitter.getMinimumSize ().width; if (height < d.height) height = d.height; width += splitterSize + d.width; } } return new Dimension(width, height); } public void layoutContainer (Container parent) { Dimension d = parent.getSize(); int sPosition = splitPosition; // 1. first preferred if (splitPosition == FIRST_PREFERRED) { if (splitType == VERTICAL) sPosition = firstComponent.getPreferredSize().height; else sPosition = firstComponent.getPreferredSize().width; // 2. second preferred } else if (splitPosition == SECOND_PREFERRED) { if (splitType == VERTICAL) { sPosition = d.height - splitter.getPreferredSize ().width - secondComponent.getPreferredSize().height; } else { sPosition = d.width - splitter.getPreferredSize ().height - secondComponent.getPreferredSize().width; } // 3. percent position } else if (!absolute) { int sp = splitPosition; if (sp > 100) sp = 100; if (splitType == VERTICAL) sPosition = (d.height * sp) / 100; else sPosition = (d.width * sp) / 100; } if ((splitType != NONE) && (firstComponent != null) && (secondComponent != null)) { // splitted if (splitType == VERTICAL) { int splitterSize = splitter.getPreferredSize ().height; if ((firstComponent == null) || (secondComponent==null)) { splitterSize = 0; } if (keepSecondSame && !splitIsChanging) { Dimension secondSize = secondComponent.getSize (); if (secondSize.height != 0) sPosition = d.height - secondSize.height - splitterSize; } if (sPosition + splitterSize > d.height) sPosition = d.height - splitterSize; if (sPosition < 0) sPosition = 0; firstComponent.setBounds(new Rectangle(0, 0, d.width, sPosition)); splitter.setBounds(new Rectangle(0, sPosition, d.width, splitterSize)); secondComponent.setBounds(new Rectangle(0, sPosition + splitterSize, d.width, d.height - sPosition - splitterSize)); } else { int splitterSize = splitter.getPreferredSize ().width; if ((firstComponent == null) || (secondComponent==null)) { splitterSize = 0; } if (keepSecondSame && !splitIsChanging) { Dimension secondSize = secondComponent.getSize (); if (secondSize.width != 0) sPosition = d.width - secondSize.width - splitterSize; } if (sPosition + splitterSize > d.width) sPosition = d.width - splitterSize; if (sPosition < 0) sPosition = 0; firstComponent.setBounds(new Rectangle(0, 0, sPosition, d.height)); splitter.setBounds(new Rectangle(sPosition, 0, splitterSize, d.height)); secondComponent.setBounds(new Rectangle(sPosition + splitterSize, 0, d.width - sPosition - splitterSize, d.height)); } } else if (firstComponent != null) { firstComponent.setBounds (new Rectangle(0, 0, d.width-1, d.height -1)); if (splitter != null) splitter.setBounds (0, 0, 0, 0); } } public Dimension maximumLayoutSize(Container target) { return new Dimension(Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } public float getLayoutAlignmentX(Container target) { return 0; } public float getLayoutAlignmentY(Container target) { return 0; } public void invalidateLayout(Container target) {} } /** Deserializes the component and initializes it. */ private void readObject( ois) throws, ClassNotFoundException { ois.defaultReadObject(); init(); } /////////////////////// // Private variables // /////////////////////// /** the first (left/top) component */ private Component firstComponent = null; /** the second (right/bottom) component */ private Component secondComponent = null; /** the splitter component */ private Component splitter = null; /** the splitter component type */ private int splitterType = DEFAULT_SPLITTER; /** the mouse adapter that does the dragging of the splitter*/ private transient MouseListenerAdapter mouseAdapter; /** current split type */ private int splitType = NONE; /** current split position */ private int splitPosition = 50; private boolean absolute = false; private boolean dragable = true; private boolean continuousLayout = true; /** current enabled/disabled state of change of split type */ private boolean splitTypeChangeEnabled = true; /** current enabled/disabled state of change of swapping panes */ private boolean swapPanesEnabled = true; /** current keepSecondSame state - this has bigger priority than keepFirstSame */ private boolean keepSecondSame = false; /** current keepFirstSame state */ private boolean keepFirstSame = false; transient private boolean splitIsChanging = false; private int dragPos = -1; /** true if the panes were swapped, false otherwise */ private boolean panesSwapped = false; /** The default split type */ private final static int DEFAULT_SPLIT_TYPE = HORIZONTAL; /** popup menu for setting vertical/horizontal splitting */ transient private JPopupMenu popupMenu; /** The popup menu item */ transient private JRadioButtonMenuItem verticalCMI; /** The popup menu item */ transient private JRadioButtonMenuItem horizontalCMI; /** The popup menu item */ transient private JMenuItem swapCMI; /** The popup menu item */ transient private JMenuItem splitterCMI; /** A Vector of SplitChangeListeners */ transient private Vector listeners; /** Accessible context */ private AccessibleContext accessibleContext; }

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