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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * Created on 04 October 2003, 16:01

package org.openide.explorer.propertysheet;

import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.LayoutManager;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;

/**A layout manager which can layout like-heighted components in a grid
 * pattern based on their preferred sizes.  Can be used in packed or unpacked
 * mode.  Column positions are based on the preferred sizes of the first row
 * of components.

* When packed, the components are sorted from narrowest to widest; * subsequent rows will use these columns, with components two wide for a * single column spanning two or more columns.

* When not packed, the components are sorted from widest to narrowest, * resulting in more whitespace, but consistent rows of columns - no * component will span more than one column.

* Used by RadioInplaceEditor to manage the set of radio * buttons representing property editor tags. * * @author Tim Boudreau */ class AutoGridLayout implements LayoutManager { int gapY = 5; boolean pack; public AutoGridLayout(boolean pack) { this.pack = pack; } public void addLayoutComponent(String name, Component comp) { //Do nothing } public void removeLayoutComponent(Component comp) { //Do nothing } private Comparator comparator() { return new PreferredSizeComparator(pack); } public void layoutContainer(Container parent) { Component[] c = parent.getComponents(); if (c.length > 3) { Arrays.sort(c, comparator()); } if (c.length == 2) { //we're probably a radio button editor in the property sheet - //make sure that both buttons are displayed, even if some clipping //would occur - we don't have another row to go to Dimension d0 = c[0].getPreferredSize(); Dimension d1 = c[1].getPreferredSize(); c[0].setBounds(0,0,d0.width, d0.height); c[1].setBounds(d0.width, 0, d1.width, d1.height); return; } Insets insets = parent.getInsets(); int w = parent.getWidth() - insets.right; int h = parent.getHeight() - insets.bottom; int currx=insets.left; int; boolean done=false; int cols = -1; //Layout the first row of components according to their preferred //sizes. Their positions will act as column positions. If sorted //narrowest-first, results in a smaller, packedAutoGridLayout. If sorted //widest-first, results in nice consistent columns, but uses more //space to do it. for (int i=0; i < c.length; i++) { Dimension d = c[i].getPreferredSize(); if (d.width == 0 || d.height == 0) { //Can happen for foreign components that can't do //a proper preferred size w/o a graphics context d = PropUtils.getMinimumPanelSize(); } if (currx + d.width > w) { curry+= d.height +gapY; currx = insets.left; if (cols == -1) { cols = i; break; } } c[i].setBounds(currx, curry, d.width, d.height); currx+= d.width; } if (cols == -1) { cols = c.length; } int currCol=0; for (int i=cols; i < c.length; i++) { Dimension d = c[i].getPreferredSize(); if (currx + d.width > w) { //will only happen with inverse sort - we're starting //the loop with a position that won't fit, and should flip //to the next line curry += d.height + gapY; currx = insets.left; currCol=0; } //see if we're out of horizontal space and should punt done = curry + d.height > h; if (!done) { //fetch the width of this column, as the width of the first row component int currColWidth = c[currCol].getWidth(); //will we fit at all? if (d.width <= w) { int colspan = 1; //loop until we know how many columns we need while (currColWidth <= d.width) { currCol++; if (currCol > cols) { //out of columns? Flip to the next line currCol = 0; curry += d.height + gapY; currx = insets.left; currColWidth = 0; colspan = 1; } //note the combined column width - it will be the //next iteration's starting x position currColWidth += c[currCol].getWidth(); colspan++; } c[i].setBounds(currx, curry, d.width, d.height); currx += currColWidth; } else { //Okay, we've got a component wider than its parent - give up c[i].setBounds(currx, curry, d.width, d.height); currx+= d.width; //just clip it if it's wider than max } if (currx > w) { //see if we should flip to the next row or if there may //still be space currx = insets.left; curry += d.height + gapY; currCol=0; } else { currCol++; } } else { //If we get here, we've run out of horizontal space - no //point in trying to do something reasonable with the component c[i].setBounds(0,0,0,0); } } } public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(java.awt.Container parent) { return preferredLayoutSize(parent); } public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(java.awt.Container parent) { Component[] c = parent.getComponents(); if (c.length > 3) { Arrays.sort(c, comparator()); } Dimension max = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); max.width /= 2; max.height /=2; Insets insets = parent.getInsets(); int w = max.width - insets.right; int currx = insets.left; int cols = -1; int baseHeight=0; Dimension[] dims = new Dimension[c.length]; Dimension result = new Dimension(); //establish the base columns and populate the dimensions array for (int i=0; i < c.length; i++) { dims[i] = c[i].getPreferredSize(); if (dims[i].width == 0 || dims[i].height == 0) { //Can happen for foreign components that can't do //a proper preferred size w/o a graphics context dims[i] = PropUtils.getMinimumPanelSize(); } baseHeight = Math.max (baseHeight, dims[i].height); if (cols == -1) { if (currx + dims[i].width > w) { result.width = currx; cols = i; } } if (cols != -1) { //Make sure we don't have one element wider than all the //column sizes result.width = Math.max (result.width, dims[i].width + insets.left + insets.right); } currx += dims[i].width; } if (cols == -1) { //we didn't overstretch the available width cols = c.length; result.width = currx; } if (!pack && c.length > 3) { //Then we can take a short cust - we know all will be 1 item per cell int rows = (c.length / cols) + (c.length % cols != 0 ? 1 : 0); result.height = (baseHeight * rows) + (gapY * rows) + + insets.bottom; result.width += 6; assert result.width >= 0 && result.height >= 0; return result; } int currRow = 0; int currCol=0; currx = insets.left; //iterate the rest of the array, incrementing the row index //when the content won't fit, to find out the total rows needed for (int i=cols; i < c.length; i++) { int colspan = 1; int colwidth = dims[currCol].width; while (dims[i].width > colwidth) { currCol++; colwidth += dims[currCol].width; colspan++; if (colwidth + currx > max.width) { currCol=0; currRow++; colspan=1; colwidth = dims[currCol].width; } } currCol += colspan; currx += colwidth; if (currCol > cols && i != c.length-1) { currCol = 0; currRow++; currx = insets.left; } } result.height = (baseHeight * currRow) + + insets.bottom + (gapY * currRow); return result; } private static final class PreferredSizeComparator implements Comparator { boolean smallFirst; public PreferredSizeComparator(boolean smallFirst) { this.smallFirst = smallFirst; } public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { Component c1 = (Component) o1; Component c2 = (Component) o2; Dimension d1 = c1.getPreferredSize(); Dimension d2 = c2.getPreferredSize(); return smallFirst ? d1.width - d2.width : d2.width - d1.width; } } }

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