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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * Created on January 4, 2003, 4:52 PM

package org.openide.explorer.propertysheet;
import org.openide.explorer.propertysheet.editors.EnhancedPropertyEditor;
import org.openide.nodes.Node.Property;
import java.beans.PropertyEditor;
import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
import javax.swing.JComponent;

/** Factory providing inplace editor implementations.  Provides appropriate
 *  InplaceEditor implementations, depending on the type of the property, the
 *  results of PropertyEditor.getTags(), or any hinting provided by the property
 *  editor or PropertyEnv to use a custom inplace editor implementation. 
 *  Configures the editor returned and attaches it to the property in question.
  * @author  Tim Boudreau
final class InplaceEditorFactory {
    private InplaceEditor checkbox=null;
    private InplaceEditor text=null;
    private InplaceEditor combo=null;
    private InplaceEditor radio=null;

    private ReusablePropertyEnv reusableEnv;
    private boolean tableUI;
    InplaceEditorFactory(boolean tableUI, ReusablePropertyEnv env) {
        this.reusableEnv = env;

    int radioButtonMax = -1;
    /** Set a threshold number of tags below which a radio button, not a 
     * combo box editor should be used */
    void setRadioButtonMax (int i) {
        radioButtonMax = i;
    private boolean useLabels=false;
    /** Set whether or not radio and checkbox editors should show the property
     * name */
    void setUseLabels(boolean val) {
        useLabels = val;
    private boolean useRadioBoolean = PropUtils.forceRadioButtons;
    void setUseRadioBoolean(boolean val) {
        useRadioBoolean = val;
    /**Lazily create (or create a new instance of) the radio button editor */
    private InplaceEditor getRadioEditor(boolean newInstance) {
        RadioInplaceEditor result;
        if (newInstance) {
            result = new RadioInplaceEditor(tableUI);
        } else {
            if (radio == null) {
                radio = new RadioInplaceEditor(tableUI);
                //Mainly for debugging
                ((JComponent) radio).setName("RadioEditor for " + 
                    getClass().getName() + "@" + System.identityHashCode(this)); //NOI18N
            result =  (RadioInplaceEditor) radio;
        return result;
    /**Lazily create (or create a new instance of) the combo box editor */
    private InplaceEditor getComboBoxEditor(boolean newInstance) {
        if (newInstance) return new ComboInplaceEditor(tableUI);
        if (combo == null) {
            combo = new ComboInplaceEditor(tableUI);
            //Mainly for debugging
            ((JComponent) combo).setName("ComboInplaceEditor for " + 
                getClass().getName() + "@" + System.identityHashCode(this)); //NOI18N
        return combo;

    /**Lazily create (or create a new instance of) the string editor */
    private InplaceEditor getStringEditor(boolean newInstance) {
        if (newInstance) return new StringInplaceEditor();
        if (text == null) {
            text = new StringInplaceEditor();
            //Mainly for debugging
            ((JComponent) text).setName("StringEditor for " + 
                getClass().getName() + "@" + System.identityHashCode(this)); //NOI18N
        return text;
    /**Lazily create (or create a new instance of) the checkbox editor */
    private InplaceEditor getCheckboxEditor(boolean newInstance) {
        CheckboxInplaceEditor result;
        if (newInstance) {
            result = new CheckboxInplaceEditor();
        } else {
            if (checkbox == null) {
                checkbox = new CheckboxInplaceEditor();
                //Mainly for debugging
                ((JComponent) checkbox).setName("CheckboxEditor for " + 
                    getClass().getName() + "@" + System.identityHashCode(this)); //NOI18N
            result =  (CheckboxInplaceEditor) checkbox;
        return (InplaceEditor) result;
    /** Factory method that returns an appropriate inplace 
     *  editor for an object.  Special handling is provided for
     *  instances of Node.Property which can provide hints or
     *  even their own legacy inplace editor implementation. 

The returned instance will be connected to the * object (the component provided by getComponent() will * render the property object correctly with no additional * intervention needed. If newInstance is * true, will create a new instance of the inplace editor * component (for use with PropertyPanel and other cases * where multiple inplace esditors can be displayed at the * same time); otherwise a shared instance will be configured * and returned.

Note that for the case of unknown object * types (non Node.Property objects), the returned InplaceEditor * will have no way of knowing how to update the object with * a new value, and client code must listen for actions on * the InplaceEditor and do this manually - the update method * of the InplaceEditor will do nothing. */ public InplaceEditor getInplaceEditor (Property p, boolean newInstance) { PropertyEnv env = new PropertyEnv(); env.setBeans (reusableEnv.getBeans()); return getInplaceEditor(p, env, newInstance); } InplaceEditor getInplaceEditor(Property p, PropertyEnv env, boolean newInstance) { PropertyEditor ped = PropUtils.getPropertyEditor (p); InplaceEditor result=(InplaceEditor) p.getValue ( "inplaceEditor"); //NOI18N env.setFeatureDescriptor (p); env.setEditable (p.canWrite()); if (ped instanceof ExPropertyEditor) { ExPropertyEditor epe = (ExPropertyEditor) ped; //configure the editor/propertyenv epe.attachEnv (env); if (result == null) { result = env.getInplaceEditor(); } } else if (ped instanceof EnhancedPropertyEditor) { //handle legacy inplace custom editors EnhancedPropertyEditor enh = (EnhancedPropertyEditor) ped; if (enh.hasInPlaceCustomEditor()) { //Use our wrapper component to handle this result = new WrapperInplaceEditor (enh); } } //Okay, the result is null, provide one of the standard inplace editors if (result == null) { Class c = p.getValueType(); if ((c == Boolean.class) || (c == Boolean.TYPE)) { if (ped instanceof PropUtils.NoPropertyEditorEditor) { //platform case result = getStringEditor (newInstance); } else { boolean useRadioButtons = useRadioBoolean || (p.getValue ("stringValues") != null); //NOI18N result = useRadioButtons ? getRadioEditor (newInstance) : getCheckboxEditor (newInstance); } } else if (ped.getTags() != null) { if (ped.getTags().length <= radioButtonMax) { result = getRadioEditor(newInstance); } else { result = getComboBoxEditor (newInstance); } } else { result = getStringEditor (newInstance); } } if (!tableUI && Boolean.FALSE.equals(p.getValue("canEditAsText"))) { //NOI18N result.getComponent().setEnabled(false); } result.clear(); //XXX shouldn't need to do this! result.setPropertyModel (new NodePropertyModel (p, null)); result.connect (ped, env); //XXX? if (tableUI) { result.getComponent().setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder()); } return result; } }

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