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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2004 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.openide.explorer.propertysheet;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
import java.util.Arrays;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;
import javax.swing.plaf.ViewportUI;
import org.netbeans.modules.openide.explorer.TabbedContainerBridge;
import org.openide.nodes.Node;

 * UI handling portion of the property sheet - handles installing/uninstalling
 * the description area, the tabbed container, etc. automatically.  AddImpl
 * is overridden to always do the correct thing in terms of what is added -
 * if you add a description panel, it will automatically be wrapped in a 
 * JSplitPane and the table moved inside that;  if a tab control is added,
 * the split pane, if present, or the scroll pane if not, will automatically
 * be set as the inner component of the SheetTabbedPane, etc.  Adds can 
 * happen in any order.

* This class contains no PropertySheet specific logic (and it should stay * that way), only the code that manages toggling between the states of * having a description panel, having tabs, etc. This can be handled quite * transparently through setState(). *

* This class contains a considerable amount of component management logic; * however, it is all done in the simplest and most straightforward way * possible (with the exception that org.netbeans.swing.TabControl is accessed * through a bridge via Lookup, because OpenIDE may not use module code * directly). * The goal is to a., make the component management as bulletproof, readable * and debuggable as possible. So this class should provide accessor methods * to manipulate its child components, but under no circumstances should * external code ever reference any of its internal components directly - * only accessor methods on this class should be used for such purposes. * * * @author Tim Boudreau */ class PSheet extends JPanel implements MouseListener { public static int STATE_HAS_DESCRIPTION = 1; public static int STATE_HAS_TABS = 2; private int addCount = 0; private String description = ""; //NOI18N private String title = ""; //NOI18N private SelectionAndScrollPositionManager manager = new SelectionAndScrollPositionManager(); public PSheet() { getInputMap(WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT).put ( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_F10, KeyEvent.SHIFT_DOWN_MASK), "popup"); //NOI18N getActionMap().put ("popup", new PopupAction()); //NOI18N } SelectionAndScrollPositionManager manager() { return manager; } public void adjustForName (String name) { adjusting = true; try { JComponent comp = findTabbedContainer(); String tabname = null; if (comp != null) { tabname = manager().getGroupNameForNodeName(name); if (tabname != null && tabname.length() > 0) { boolean success = TabbedContainerBridge.getDefault().setSelectionByName(comp, tabname); if (!success) { TabbedContainerBridge.getDefault().setSelectionByName(comp, PropUtils.basicPropsTabName()); } else { if (selectionListener != null) { ChangeEvent ce = new ChangeEvent(this); selectionListener.stateChanged(ce); } } } } JScrollPane jsc = findScrollPane(); if (jsc != null) { String s = tabname == null ? manager().getCurrentNodeName() : tabname; if (s != null) { //Will be null the very first time int pos = manager().getScrollPositionForNodeName(s); if (pos != 0 && pos < jsc.getVerticalScrollBar().getModel().getMaximum()) { jsc.getVerticalScrollBar().getModel().setValue(pos); } } } } finally { adjusting = false; } } private boolean adjusting = false; public boolean isAdjusting() { return adjusting; } public void storeScrollAndTabInfo() { JComponent comp = findTabbedContainer(); String tab = null; String node = manager().getCurrentNodeName(); String lastTab = manager().getLastSelectedGroupName(); if (node != null) { if (comp != null) { tab = TabbedContainerBridge.getDefault().getCurrentSelectedTabName(comp); if (tab != null) { manager().storeLastSelectedGroup(tab); } } JScrollPane jsc = findScrollPane(); if (jsc != null) { int pos = jsc.getVerticalScrollBar().getModel().getValue(); String nm = lastTab != null ? lastTab : tab != null ? tab : node; manager().storeScrollPosition(pos, nm); } } } /** * Set the description to be displayed in the description panel. If the * description panel is not visible, the value will be cached and applied * the next time it is made visible. */ public void setDescription (String title, String txt) { this.description = txt; this.title = title; DescriptionComponent desc = findDescriptionComponent(); if (desc != null) { desc.setDescription(title, txt); } } private boolean helpEnabled = true; /** * Set whether or not the help button in the description component should * be enabled. */ public void setHelpEnabled (boolean val) { if (helpEnabled != val) { helpEnabled = val; DescriptionComponent desc = findDescriptionComponent(); if (desc != null) { desc.setHelpEnabled(val); } } } private boolean marginPainted = true; /** Set whether or not the margin should be painted in the viewport */ public void setMarginPainted (boolean val) { if (marginPainted != val) { marginPainted = val; MarginViewportUI ui = findMVUI(); if (ui != null) { ui.setMarginPainted (val); } } } private Color marginColor = UIManager.getColor("controlShadow"); /** Set the color of the margin */ public void setMarginColor (Color c) { if (!c.equals(marginColor)) { marginColor = c; MarginViewportUI ui = findMVUI(); if (ui != null) { ui.setMarginColor(c); } } } private String emptyString = "THIS IS A BUG"; //NOI18N /** Set the string that should be painted when the table has 0 height */ public void setEmptyString (String s) { if (!s.equals(emptyString)) { emptyString = s; MarginViewportUI ui = findMVUI(); if (ui != null) { ui.setEmptyString(s); } } } /** * Find the MarginViewportUI owned by the scrollpane, to set up * colors, margin, empty string */ private MarginViewportUI findMVUI() { MarginViewportUI result = null; JScrollPane pane = findScrollPane(); if (pane != null) { ViewportUI ui = pane.getViewport().getUI(); if (ui instanceof MarginViewportUI) { result = (MarginViewportUI) ui; } else { //L&F changed or something such result = (MarginViewportUI) MarginViewportUI.createUI (pane.getViewport()); pane.getViewport().setUI (result); } } return result; } /** * Overridden to handle our layout requirements */ public void doLayout() { Component[] c = getComponents(); if (c.length > 0) { Insets ins = getInsets(); c[0].setBounds (ins.left,, getWidth() - (ins.right + ins.left), getHeight() - + ins.bottom); if (c[0] instanceof JSplitPane && Boolean.TRUE.equals(firstSplit)) { ((JSplitPane) c[0]).setDividerLocation (0.85f); firstSplit = Boolean.FALSE; } if (c.length > 1) { throw new IllegalStateException ("Hmm, something is wrong: " + Arrays.asList(c)); } } } /** Transfers focus to the table */ public void requestFocus() { JScrollPane jsc = findScrollPane(); if (jsc != null && jsc.getViewport().getView() != null) { jsc.getViewport().getView().requestFocus(); } } /** Transfers focus to the table */ public boolean requestFocusInWindow() { JScrollPane jsc = findScrollPane(); if (jsc != null && jsc.getViewport().getView() != null) { return jsc.getViewport().getView().requestFocusInWindow(); } else { return false; } } /** * Set the state of the component. The state is a bitmask of * STATE_HAS_DESCRIPTION and STATE_HAS_TABS, and may be 0 to indicate * no tabs or description. Calling this method will change the * component hierarchy to reflect the requested state. */ public void setState (int state) { if (state != getState()) { synchronized (getTreeLock()) { switch (state) { case 0 : JComponent tc = findTabbedContainer(); if (tc != null) { remove (tc); } JSplitPane jsp = findSplitPane(); if (jsp != null) { remove (jsp); } break; case 1 : JSplitPane split = findSplitPane(); remove (findTabbedContainer()); if (split != null) { addImpl (split, null, 0); } else { addImpl (createDescriptionComponent(), null, 0); } break; case 2 : JScrollPane jsc = findScrollPane(); JComponent tct = findTabbedContainer(); if (tct == null) { addImpl (createTabbedContainer(), null, 0); } JSplitPane spl = findSplitPane(); if (spl != null) { remove (spl); } if (jsc != null) { setTabbedContainerInnerComponent(findTabbedContainer(), jsc); } break; case 3 : JComponent tcc = findTabbedContainer(); JSplitPane splt = findSplitPane(); JScrollPane scrl = findScrollPane(); if (tcc == null) { tcc = createTabbedContainer(); addImpl (tcc, null, 0); } if (splt == null) { addImpl (createDescriptionComponent(), null, 0); splt = findSplitPane(); } setTabbedContainerInnerComponent(tcc, splt); if (scrl != null) { splt.setLeftComponent(scrl); } break; default : throw new IllegalArgumentException (Integer.toString(state)); } } } revalidate(); repaint(); } /** * Get the current state of the component, as defined as a bitmask of * STATE_HAS_TABS and STATE_HAS_DESCRIPTION. */ public int getState () { int result = 0; if (findTabbedContainer() != null) { result |= STATE_HAS_TABS; } if (findSplitPane() != null) { result |= STATE_HAS_DESCRIPTION; } return result; } /** * Overridden to handle component adds/removes. This class has very * specific ideas about what to do with things that are added to it, such * that getting it into the right state is simply a matter of calling add * or remove with the right component. To wit: *

  • Adding a JTable adds a JScrollPane with the JTable in it. If a * split pane is present, it is added to the split pane; if a tabbed * pane is present and a split pane isn't, it is added to the tabbed * pane, otherwise it's added to the instance of this class itself. *
  • *
  • Adding a DescriptionComponent will cause a JSplitPane to be * installed, and any scroll pane present moved into it; split pane * will either be added to the container itself, or to a tabbed * pane if present. *
  • *
* Basically, all of the logic that keeps the component state correct * lives here and in remove(), and all outside code needs to do is * add/remove things, or even more simply, call setState(), which handles * that. */ protected void addImpl (Component comp, Object constraints, int idx) { if (!( comp instanceof JSplitPane || comp instanceof JScrollPane || comp instanceof DescriptionComponent || comp instanceof JTable || (comp instanceof JComponent && Boolean.TRUE.equals(((JComponent) comp).getClientProperty("tc"))) )) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected component " + comp); } synchronized (getTreeLock()) { addCount++; try { if (!Arrays.asList (comp.getMouseListeners()).contains(this)) { comp.addMouseListener (this); } if (comp instanceof JTable) { JScrollPane jsc = findScrollPane(); if (jsc == null) { jsc = createScrollPane (comp); } else { jsc.setViewportView(comp); } JSplitPane split = findSplitPane(); if (split != null) { split.setLeftComponent(jsc); split.revalidate(); } else { JComponent tc = findTabbedContainer(); if (tc != null) { setTabbedContainerInnerComponent(tc, split); } else { addImpl (jsc, constraints, idx); } } } else if (comp instanceof DescriptionComponent) { JSplitPane pane = findSplitPane(); boolean hadPane = pane != null; if (pane == null) { pane = createSplitPane (comp); } JScrollPane scroll = findScrollPane(); if (scroll != null) { pane.setLeftComponent (scroll); } if (!hadPane) { addImpl (pane, constraints, idx); } ((DescriptionComponent) comp).setDescription (title, description); ((DescriptionComponent) comp).setHelpEnabled (helpEnabled); } else if (isTabbedContainer(comp)) { JSplitPane split = findSplitPane(); if (split != null) { super.remove (split); setTabbedContainerInnerComponent ((JComponent) comp, split); } else { JScrollPane pane = findScrollPane(); if (pane != null) { setTabbedContainerInnerComponent ((JComponent) comp, pane); } } super.addImpl (comp, constraints, idx); } else if (comp instanceof JScrollPane) { JSplitPane split = findSplitPane(); if (split != null) { split.setLeftComponent (comp); split.revalidate(); } else { JComponent tc = findTabbedContainer(); if (tc != null) { setTabbedContainerInnerComponent (tc, (JComponent) comp); } else { super.addImpl (comp, constraints, idx); } } } else if (comp instanceof JSplitPane) { JScrollPane jsc = findScrollPane(); if (jsc != null) { ((JSplitPane) comp).setLeftComponent(jsc); } JComponent tc = findTabbedContainer(); if (tc != null) { setTabbedContainerInnerComponent (tc, (JComponent) comp); } else { super.addImpl (comp, constraints, idx); } } else { super.addImpl (comp, constraints, idx); } } finally { addCount--; revalidate(); } } } /** * Remove a component. Overridden to handle management of state, nested * components, etc. It is legitimate to call this method with null * (for convenience), or with a component that is a child of a child of * this container. */ public void remove (Component c) { if (c == null) return; c.removeMouseListener (this); synchronized (getTreeLock()) { if (c.getParent() == this) { super.remove (c); if (adding()) { return; } } if (isTabbedContainer (c)) { Component inner = getTabbedContainerInnerComponent((JComponent)c); if (inner != null) { addImpl (inner, null, 0); } } else if (c instanceof JSplitPane) { if (c.getParent() != null) { c.getParent().remove(c); } Component inner = ((JSplitPane) c).getLeftComponent(); if (inner != null) { addImpl (inner, null, 0); } } else if (c instanceof DescriptionComponent) { JSplitPane jsp = findSplitPane(); if (jsp != null) { jsp.remove (c); remove (jsp); } } } revalidate(); } /** * Determine if a call to addImpl() is implicit or explicit. remove() * uses this method to determine if it is being called from within * addImpl() or not, as its behavior will be different in that case. */ private boolean adding() { return addCount > 0; } /** * Create a description component */ private DescriptionComponent createDescriptionComponent() { return new DescriptionComponent(); } private Boolean firstSplit = null; private JSplitPane createSplitPane (Component lower) { JSplitPane pane = new JSplitPane(); if (firstSplit == null) { firstSplit = Boolean.TRUE; } else { firstSplit = Boolean.FALSE; } pane.setRightComponent(lower); pane.setOrientation (JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT); pane.setContinuousLayout(true); pane.setResizeWeight(1); pane.setDividerLocation(0.80f); pane.setBorder (BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder()); pane.setUI (PropUtils.createSplitPaneUI()); return pane; } private JScrollPane createScrollPane (Component inner) { JScrollPane result = new JScrollPane (inner); JViewport vp = result.getViewport(); vp.addMouseListener(this); MarginViewportUI ui = (MarginViewportUI) MarginViewportUI.createUI (vp); vp.setUI(ui); ui.setMarginPainted (marginPainted); ui.setMarginColor (marginColor); ui.setEmptyString (emptyString); result.setBorder (BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder()); result.setViewportBorder(result.getBorder()); return result; } private JComponent createTabbedContainer () { JComponent result = TabbedContainerBridge.getDefault().createTabbedContainer(); result.putClientProperty ("tc", Boolean.TRUE); configureTabbedContainer (tabbedContainerObjects, tabbedContainerTitles, result); if (selectionListener != null) { TabbedContainerBridge.getDefault().attachSelectionListener(result, selectionListener); } return result; } private Object[] tabbedContainerObjects = new String[] { "Hello", "World", "This", "Is", "Me" }; private String[] tabbedContainerTitles = new String[] {"Tab 1", "Tab 2", "Tab 3", "Tab 4", "Tab 5"}; public void setTabbedContainerItems (Object[] o, String[] s) { adjusting = true; try { tabbedContainerObjects = o; tabbedContainerTitles = s; if (o.length == 0) { int newState = (getState() & STATE_HAS_DESCRIPTION) != 0 ? STATE_HAS_DESCRIPTION : 0; setState(newState); } else { configureTabbedContainer (o, s, null); } } finally { adjusting = false; } } public void setTabbedContainerSelection (Object item) { JComponent tabbed = findTabbedContainer(); if (tabbed != null) { adjusting = true; try { TabbedContainerBridge.getDefault().setSelectedItem(tabbed, item); } finally { adjusting = false; } } } public Object getTabbedContainerSelection () { JComponent tabbed = findTabbedContainer(); if (tabbed != null) { Object o = TabbedContainerBridge.getDefault().getSelectedItem(tabbed); if (o instanceof Node.PropertySet[]) { //won't be first time return o; } } return null; } private void configureTabbedContainer(Object[] o, String[] s, JComponent cont) { if (cont == null) { cont = findTabbedContainer(); } if (cont != null) { TabbedContainerBridge.getDefault().setItems(cont, o, s); } } private void setTabbedContainerInnerComponent (JComponent tabbed, JComponent comp) { if (tabbed == null) { tabbed = findTabbedContainer(); } TabbedContainerBridge.getDefault().setInnerComponent(tabbed, comp); } private static JComponent getTabbedContainerInnerComponent (JComponent c) { JComponent result = (JComponent) TabbedContainerBridge.getDefault().getInnerComponent((JComponent) c); return result; } private ChangeListener selectionListener = null; public void addSelectionChangeListener(ChangeListener l) { if (selectionListener != l) { JComponent comp = findTabbedContainer(); selectionListener = l; if (comp != null) { TabbedContainerBridge.getDefault().attachSelectionListener(comp, l); } } } private static boolean isTabbedContainer (Component comp) { return comp instanceof JComponent && Boolean.TRUE.equals (((JComponent) comp).getClientProperty("tc")); //NOI18N } /** * Find the currently in use description component. */ private DescriptionComponent findDescriptionComponent() { return (DescriptionComponent) findChildOfClass (findSplitPane(), DescriptionComponent.class); } /** * Find the currently in use scroll pane, if any (there should always be * one) */ private JScrollPane findScrollPane() { JScrollPane result = (JScrollPane) findChildOfClass (this, JScrollPane.class); if (result == null) { result = (JScrollPane) findChildOfClass (findTabbedContainer(), JScrollPane.class); if (result == null) { result = (JScrollPane) findChildOfClass ( findSplitPane(), JScrollPane.class); } } return result; } /** * Find the currently in use split pane, if any */ private JSplitPane findSplitPane() { JSplitPane result = (JSplitPane) findChildOfClass (this, JSplitPane.class); if (result == null) { result = (JSplitPane) findChildOfClass (findTabbedContainer(), JSplitPane.class); } return result; } /** * Find the currently in use tabbed container, if any */ private JComponent findTabbedContainer() { Component[] c = getComponents(); for (int i=0; i < c.length; i++) { if (c[i] instanceof JComponent && Boolean.TRUE.equals (((JComponent) c[i]).getClientProperty("tc"))) { return (JComponent) c[i]; } } return null; } /** * Search one container for component of the requested class */ private static Component findChildOfClass (Container container, Class clazz) { if (container == null) { return null; } if (isTabbedContainer((JComponent) container)) { Component c = getTabbedContainerInnerComponent((JComponent) container); if (c != null && c.getClass() == clazz) { return c; } } else { Component[] c = container.getComponents(); for (int i=0; i < c.length; i++) { if (clazz == c[i].getClass()) { return c[i]; } } } return null; } /** * Notification method that the user has requested a popup menu. */ protected void popupRequested(Point p) { PropertySheet ps = (PropertySheet) SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass(PropertySheet.class, this); if (ps != null) { ps.showPopup(p); } } /** * Notification that the user has pressed the help button */ protected void helpRequested() { PropertySheet ps = (PropertySheet) SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass(PropertySheet.class, this); if (ps != null) { ps.helpAction.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent (this, ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED, "invokeHelp")); //NOI18N } } public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { if (e.isPopupTrigger()) { Point p = SwingUtilities.convertPoint((Component) e.getSource(), e.getPoint(), this); popupRequested(p); } } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { if (e.isPopupTrigger()) { Point p = SwingUtilities.convertPoint((Component) e.getSource(), e.getPoint(), this); popupRequested(p); } } public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { //do nothing } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { //do nothing } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { //do nothing } private class PopupAction extends AbstractAction { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent) { popupRequested(new Point(0,0)); } } }
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