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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
package org.openide.explorer.propertysheet;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.beans.*;
import java.util.EventObject;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.table.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import org.openide.ErrorManager;
import org.openide.awt.HtmlRenderer;
import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
import org.openide.nodes.Node.Property;
import org.openide.nodes.Node.PropertySet;
 * Created on December 13, 2002, 6:13 PM

/** A JTable subclass that displays node properties.  To set the properties,
 * call getPropertySetModel().setPropertySets().  This class
 * uses instance counts to track shared resources.  Do NOT un-final this class.

* This class implements only property-specific functionality; the row-selection * painting logic, etc, are in the superclass BaseTable. * * @author Tim Boudreau */ final class SheetTable extends BaseTable implements PropertySetModelListener, CustomEditorAction.Invoker { /** Action key for right-arrow expansion of property sets */ private static final String ACTION_EXPAND = "expandSet"; //NOI18N /** Action key for left-arrow closing of property sets */ private static final String ACTION_COLLAPSE = "collapseSet"; //NOI18N /** Action key for invoking the custom editor */ private static final String ACTION_CUSTOM_EDITOR = "invokeCustomEditor"; //NOI18N /** Action key for action to log the curent property editor class*/ private static final String ACTION_EDCLASS = "edclass"; //NOI18N /** Flag to block calls to setModel, etc., after initialization */ private transient boolean initialized=false; /** Field to hold last edited feature descriptor if state was stored */ private FeatureDescriptor storedFd = null; /** Field to hold last editing state if state was stored */ private boolean wasEditing = false; /** Field to hold partial user input if state was stored while editing */ private Object partialValue = null; /** Fallback field storing the last selected row, in the case that the * table changes and selection should be restored */ private int lastSelectedRow=-1; /** Static sheetCellRenderer which will be shared by all instances of * SheetTable */ private SheetCellRenderer renderer=null; /** Static sheetCellEditor which will be shared by all instances of * SheetTable */ private SheetCellEditor cellEditor=null; /** A reference count so the finalizer can release the shared editor and * renderer instances (which hold onto some fairly heavy GUI components * when no more instances are active */ private static int instanceCount=0; /** Custom editor action used to invoke the custom editor from keyboard * or button */ private Action customEditorAction = null; /** Display name of the current node, for passing to the custom editor * dialog for setting the title */ /** Action to collapse or expand a set when the user presses the left or right arrow */ private Action expandAction; /** Action to collapse or expand a set when the user presses the left or right arrow */ private Action collapseAction; /** For debugging, an action that prints the current selection's property editor class * to the standard out */ private Action edClassAction; /** Name used for the custom editor dialog, set by PropertySheet */ private String beanName; /** Flag set when a custom editor is opening until it closes. This is * used to shut off tooltips to avoid a Windows bug that when a tooltip * appears, the window containing it will be fronted, moving the modal * custom editor behind it. */ private boolean customEditorIsOpen = false; private ReusablePropertyEnv reusableEnv = new ReusablePropertyEnv(); private ReusablePropertyModel reusableModel = new ReusablePropertyModel(reusableEnv); /** Creates a new instance of SheetTable */ public SheetTable() { super (new SheetTableModel(), new SheetColumnModel(), new DefaultListSelectionModel()); setPropertySetModel (new PropertySetModelImpl()); //Set a default row height setRowHeight(16); //Show grid lines if no alternating color defined setShowGrid(PropUtils.noAltBg()); setShowVerticalLines(PropUtils.noAltBg()); setShowHorizontalLines(PropUtils.noAltBg()); setAutoResizeMode(JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_NEXT_COLUMN); if (!PropUtils.noAltBg()) { setIntercellSpacing(new Dimension (0,0)); } setGridColor(PropUtils.getSetRendererColor()); Color c = UIManager.getColor("PropSheet.selectionBackground"); //NOI18N if (c != null) { setSelectionBackground(c); } c = UIManager.getColor("PropSheet.selectionForeground"); //NOI18N if (c != null) { setSelectionForeground(c); } getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleName(NbBundle.getMessage( SheetTable.class, "ACSN_SHEET_TABLE")); //NOI18N getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleDescription(NbBundle.getMessage( SheetTable.class, "ACSD_SHEET_TABLE")); //NOI18N Color col = UIManager.getColor (""); //NOI18N if (col != null) { setBackground(col); } setFocusTraversalPolicy(new STPolicy()); instanceCount++; } //************Shared infrastructure***************************** protected void finalize() { instanceCount--; if (instanceCount == 0) { renderer = null; cellEditor = null; cleanup(); } } /** Fetch the static render instance shared among tables */ SheetCellRenderer getRenderer() { if (renderer == null) { renderer = new SheetCellRenderer(true, reusableEnv, reusableModel); } return renderer; } /** Fetch the static editor instance shared among tables */ SheetCellEditor getEditor() { if (cellEditor == null) { cellEditor = new SheetCellEditor(getReusablePropertyEnv()); } return cellEditor; } /****************Bean getters/setters***************************************** /** Implement's Rochelle's suggestion of including the display name * of the edited bean in the custom editor dlg title. SheetTable doesn't * know what node it's displaying, so property sheet code sets this * when it changes */ void setBeanName(String name) { this.beanName = name; } /** Fetch the name of the currently displayed JavaBean */ public String getBeanName() { return beanName; } /** Returns a reference to the static editor shared among all instances * of SheetTable */ public TableCellEditor getCellEditor(int row, int column) { return getEditor(); } /** Returns a reference to the static renderer shared among all instances * of SheetTable */ public TableCellRenderer getCellRenderer (int row, int column) { return getRenderer(); } //**********Overrides of model setters to disable changes that would break the impl****** /** Throws an UnsupportedOperationException when called by user code. Replacing * the data model of property sheets is unsupported. You can change the model * that determines what properties are shown - see setPropertySetModel(). */ public void setModel (TableModel model) { if (initialized) throw new UnsupportedOperationException ("Changing the model of a property sheet table is not supported. If you want to change the set of properties, ordering or other characteristings, see setPropertySetModel()."); //NOI18N super.setModel(model); } /** Throws an UnsupportedOperationException when called by user code. Replacing * the column model of property sheets is unsupported.*/ public void setColumnModel (TableColumnModel model) { if (initialized) throw new UnsupportedOperationException ("Changing the column model of a property sheet table is not supported. If you want to change the set of properties, ordering or other characteristings, see setPropertySetModel()."); //NOI18N super.setColumnModel (model); } /** Throws an UnsupportedOperationException when called by user code. Replacing * the selection model of property sheets not supported.*/ public void setSelectionModel (ListSelectionModel model) { if (initialized) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException ("Changing the selection model of a property sheet table is not supported. If you want to change the set of properties, ordering or other characteristings, see setPropertySetModel()."); //NOI18N } super.setSelectionModel (model); } /** Set the model which determines the ordering of properties and expansion * state of embedded property sets. */ public void setPropertySetModel (PropertySetModel psm) { PropertySetModel old = getSheetModel().getPropertySetModel(); if (old == psm) return; if (old != null) { old.removePropertySetModelListener (this); } getSheetModel().setPropertySetModel (psm); psm.addPropertySetModelListener (this); } /** Convenience getter for the property set model. Delegates to the SheetModel. */ PropertySetModel getPropertySetModel () { return getSheetModel().getPropertySetModel(); } /** Convenience getter for the model as an instance of SheetTableModel. */ SheetTableModel getSheetModel() { return (SheetTableModel) this.getModel(); } /** Overridden to return null - some look and feels will want to create * an empty header, and we don't want them to do that */ public JTableHeader getTableHeader() { return null; } //******************Keyboard/mouse mgmt*********************************** protected void initKeysAndActions() { super.initKeysAndActions(); unregisterKeyboardAction(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT, 0)); unregisterKeyboardAction(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_LEFT, 0)); expandAction = new ExpandAction(); collapseAction = new CollapseAction(); edClassAction = new EditorClassAction(); InputMap imp = getInputMap(); InputMap impAncestor = getInputMap(WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT); ActionMap am = getActionMap(); imp.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke (KeyEvent.VK_LEFT,0), ACTION_EXPAND); imp.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke (KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT, 0), ACTION_COLLAPSE); imp.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke (KeyEvent.VK_HOME, KeyEvent.SHIFT_DOWN_MASK | Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask()), ACTION_EDCLASS); imp.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke (KeyEvent.VK_TAB, 0), ACTION_NEXT); imp.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke (KeyEvent.VK_TAB, KeyEvent.SHIFT_DOWN_MASK), ACTION_PREV); impAncestor.put (KeyStroke.getKeyStroke (KeyEvent.VK_SPACE, KeyEvent.CTRL_DOWN_MASK), ACTION_CUSTOM_EDITOR); impAncestor.remove(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT,0)); impAncestor.remove(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_LEFT,0)); am.put(ACTION_EXPAND, expandAction); am.put(ACTION_COLLAPSE, collapseAction); am.put(ACTION_CUSTOM_EDITOR, getCustomEditorAction()); am.put(ACTION_EDCLASS, edClassAction); } Action getCustomEditorAction() { if (customEditorAction == null) { customEditorAction = new CustomEditorAction(this); } return customEditorAction; } /** Overridden to cast value to FeatureDescriptor and return true if the * text matches its display name. The popup search field uses this method * to check matches. */ protected boolean matchText (Object value, String text) { if (value instanceof FeatureDescriptor) { return ((FeatureDescriptor) value).getDisplayName().toUpperCase(). startsWith(text.toUpperCase()); } else { return false; } } //******************Painting logic ********************************** /** Paint the table. After the super.paint() call, calls paintMargin() to fill * in the left edge with the appropriate color, and then calls paintExpandableSets() * to paint the property sets, which are not painted by the default painting * methods because they need to be painted across two rows. */ public void paintComponent (Graphics g) { boolean includeMargin = PropUtils.shouldDrawMargin (getPropertySetModel()); getRenderer().setIncludeMargin (includeMargin); super.paintComponent(g); if (!PropUtils.noAltBg()) { paintCenterLine (g); } if (includeMargin) { paintMargin (g); } paintExpandableSets (g); lastIncludeMargin = includeMargin; } /** Workaround for excessive paints by SwingUtilities.paintComponent() */ private void paintComponent(Graphics g, Component c, int x, int y, int w, int h) { c.setBounds(x, y, w, h); g.translate (x,y); c.paint(g); g.translate (-x, -y); c.setBounds(-w, -h, 0, 0); } /** Paints the center line in the property sheet if an alternate * color has been specified, so the divider is visible */ private void paintCenterLine (Graphics g) { Color c = PropUtils.getAltBg(); g.setColor (c); int xpos = getColumn(SheetColumnModel.NAMES_IDENTIFIER).getWidth()-1; g.drawLine (xpos, 0, xpos, getHeight()); } /** We only use a single listener on the selected node, PropertySheet.SheetPCListener, * to centralize things. It will call this method if a property change is detected * so that it can be repainted. */ void repaintProperty (String name) { if (!isShowing()) { return; } if (PropUtils.isLoggable(SheetTable.class)) { PropUtils.log(SheetTable.class, "RepaintProperty: " + name); } PropertySetModel psm = getPropertySetModel(); int min = getFirstVisibleRow(); if (min == -1) { return; } int max = min + getVisibleRowCount(); for (int i=min; i < max; i++) { FeatureDescriptor fd = psm.getFeatureDescriptor(i); if (fd.getName().equals(name)) { Rectangle r = getCellRect(i, 1, true); if (PropUtils.isLoggable(SheetTable.class)) { PropUtils.log(SheetTable.class, "Repainting " + r + " for property " + name); } repaint (r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); return; } } if (PropUtils.isLoggable(SheetTable.class)) { PropUtils.log(SheetTable.class, "Property is either scrolled offscreen or property name is bogus: " + name); } } boolean lastIncludeMargin=false; /** Paint the outside margin where the spinners for expandable * sets are. This should be derived from the standard control * color. This method will overpaint the grid lines in this * area. */ private void paintMargin (Graphics g) { //Don't paint the margin for sorted modes //fill the outer column with the set renderer color, per UI spec g.setColor (PropUtils.getSetRendererColor()); int w = PropUtils.getMarginWidth(); int h = getHeight(); if (g.hitClip(0,0,w,h)) { g.fillRect (0,0,w,h); } } public Component prepareRenderer(TableCellRenderer renderer, int row, int col) { Component result = super.prepareRenderer(renderer, row, col); if (row < 0 || row >= getRowCount()) { return result; } Object value = getValueAt(row, col); if (result != null && value instanceof Property && col == 1) { result.setEnabled (((Property) value).canWrite()); } return result; } private HtmlRenderer.Renderer htmlrenderer = null; /** Paint the expandable sets. These are painted double width, * across the entire width of the table. */ private void paintExpandableSets (Graphics g) { int start = 0; int end = getRowCount(); Insets ins = getInsets(); boolean canBeSelected = isKnownComponent( KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager(). getPermanentFocusOwner()); for (int i=0; i < end; i++) { int idx = start + i; Object value = getValueAt (idx, 0); if (value instanceof PropertySet) { Rectangle r = getCellRect (idx, 0, false); r.x = ins.left; r.width = getWidth() - (ins.left + ins.right); if (g.hitClip (r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height)) { PropertySet ps = (PropertySet) value; String txt = ps.getHtmlDisplayName(); boolean isHtml = txt != null; if (!isHtml) { txt = ps.getDisplayName(); } boolean selected = canBeSelected && getSelectedRow() == idx; if (htmlrenderer == null) { htmlrenderer = HtmlRenderer.createRenderer(); } JComponent painter = (JComponent) htmlrenderer.getTableCellRendererComponent(this, txt, selected, false, idx, 0); htmlrenderer.setHtml (isHtml); htmlrenderer.setParentFocused(true); htmlrenderer.setIconTextGap (2); htmlrenderer.setIcon( getPropertySetModel().isExpanded(ps) ? PropUtils.getExpandedIcon() : PropUtils.getCollapsedIcon() ); if (!selected) { painter.setBackground (PropUtils.getSetRendererColor()); painter.setForeground (PropUtils.getSetForegroundColor()); } else { painter.setBackground (PropUtils.getSelectedSetRendererColor()); painter.setForeground (PropUtils.getSelectedSetForegroundColor()); } painter.setOpaque (true); paintComponent (g, painter, r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); } } } } //***************Implementation of issue 9691 - restore editing state after failed edit (dlg shown) ********* /** field to keep a count of focus events - there will be two following a * failed edit. EditingStopped will set this value to 2. FocusGained will * decrement it. Doing almost anything else that touches the property sheet * will reset it to -1. If it is 0 when a focusGained event occurs, editing * will be restarted. This is less than ideal, but the code that shows the * dialog will not start blocking the AWT queue until after focus has * returned and the editor has been removed. We get one focusGained event as a * result of the inplace editor being removed; the second is the user closing * the dialog. */ int countDown=-1; /** Overridden to check if the edit failed, and if so, set a focus event * countdown for re-initiating editing */ public void editingStopped(ChangeEvent e) { super.editingStopped(e); //Po Ting's request for Rave - if commit on focus loss is on, all //edits look like failures and trigger a new call to editCellAt() if(!PropUtils.psCommitOnFocusLoss && !getEditor().isLastUpdateSuccessful()) { //The last update failed, we're two focus events away from really //having focus again - we'll get one, then the error dialog will //steal focus. On the second one we've got focus back. countDown = 2; } } /** Initiate editing automatically - triggered by the focus event countdown */ private void autoEdit() { editCellAt(getSelectedRow(), getSelectedColumn(), null); if (editorComp != null) { editorComp.requestFocus(); } countDown = -1; } /** Overridden to clear the focus event countdown */ public void changeSelection (int row, int col, boolean a, boolean b) { countDown = -1; super.changeSelection(row, col, a, b); } /** Overridden to check the focus event countdown and initiate editing on * the second focus event following a failed edit (dialog was shown) */ public void processFocusEvent(FocusEvent fe) { super.processFocusEvent(fe); if (fe.getID() == fe.FOCUS_GAINED) { countDown--; if (countDown == 0) { autoEdit(); } } if (fe.getID() == fe.FOCUS_GAINED || (fe.getOppositeComponent() != null && fe.getID() == fe.FOCUS_LOST && !isAncestorOf(fe.getOppositeComponent()))) { //Ensure the description goes back to the node description if //we lose focus fireChange(); } } protected void focusLostCancel() { if (PropUtils.psCommitOnFocusLoss && isEditing()) { getEditor().stopCellEditing(); } else { super.focusLostCancel(); } } //**********************Miscellaneous************************** /** Overridden to catch a mouse pressed event over the custom editor * button and invoke the custom editor even if we do not have focus; * otherwise, for example, in the options dialog, clicking from the * tree to the table over the custom editor button will just set focus * to the table, but will not initiate the custom editor dialog */ public void processMouseEvent(MouseEvent me) { if (me.getID() == me.MOUSE_PRESSED) { if (onCustomEditorButton(me) && !hasFocus()) { int row = rowAtPoint(me.getPoint()); int col = columnAtPoint(me.getPoint()); if (row != -1 && col != -1) { changeSelection(row, col, false, false); getCustomEditorAction().actionPerformed( new ActionEvent (this, ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED, ACTION_CUSTOM_EDITOR)); me.consume(); return; } } } super.processMouseEvent(me); } /** Overridden to do nothing, the editor will take care of updating * the value */ public void setValueAt (Object o, int row, int column) { //do nothing } /** See if a component is one we know about or one the current editor * knows about. This affects whether we paint as if focused or not, and * is used to determine what kind of focus changes mean we should stop * editing, and what kind are ok */ protected boolean isKnownComponent (Component c) { boolean result = super.isKnownComponent(c); if (result) { return result; } if (c == null) { return false; } if (c instanceof ButtonPanel) return true; InplaceEditor ie = getEditor().getInplaceEditor(); if (ie != null) { JComponent comp = ie.getComponent(); if (comp == c) return true; if (comp.isAncestorOf(c)) return true; } if (c.getParent() instanceof ButtonPanel) return true; if ((getParent() != null) && (getParent().isAncestorOf (c))) return true; Container par = getParent(); if (par != null && par.isAncestorOf(c)) return true; if (c instanceof InplaceEditor) return true; InplaceEditor ine = getEditor().getInplaceEditor(); if (ine != null) { return ine.isKnownComponent(c); } return false; } /** Returns true if a mouse event occured over the custom editor button. * This is used to supply button specific tooltips and launch the custom * editor without needing to instantiate a real button */ private boolean onCustomEditorButton (MouseEvent e) { //see if we're in the approximate bounds of the custom editor button Point pt = e.getPoint(); int row = rowAtPoint(pt); int col = columnAtPoint(pt); FeatureDescriptor fd = getSheetModel().getPropertySetModel().getFeatureDescriptor(row); //see if the event happened over the custom editor button boolean success; if (PropUtils.noCustomButtons) { //#41412 - impossible to invoke custom editor on props w/ no inline //edit mode if the no custom buttons switch is set success = false; } else { success = e.getX() > getWidth() - PropUtils.getCustomButtonWidth(); } //if it's a mouse button event, then we're not showing a tooltip, we're //deciding if we should display a custom editor. For read-only props that //support one, we should return true, since clicking the non-editable cell //is not terribly useful. if (e.getID() == MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED || e.getID() == MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED || e.getID() == MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED) { //We will show the custom editor for any click on the text value //of a property that looks editable but sets canEditAsText to false - //the click means the user is trying to edit something, so to just //swallow the gesture is confusing success |= Boolean.FALSE.equals(fd.getValue("canEditAsText")); if (!success && fd instanceof Property) { PropertyEditor pe = PropUtils.getPropertyEditor((Property) fd); if (pe != null && pe.supportsCustomEditor()) { //Undocumented but used in Studio - in NB 3.5 and earlier, returning null from getAsText() //was a way to make a property non-editable success |= pe.isPaintable() && pe.getAsText() == null && pe.getTags() == null; } } } try { if (success) { //NOI18N if (fd instanceof Property && col == 1) { boolean supp = PropUtils.getPropertyEditor( (Property) fd).supportsCustomEditor(); return (supp); } } } catch (IllegalStateException ise) { //See bugtraq 4941073 - if a property accessed via Reflection throws //an unexpected exception (try customize bean on a vanilla GenericServlet //to produce this) when the getter is accessed, then we are already //displaying "Error fetching property value" in the value area of //the propertysheet. No point in distracting the user with a //stack trace - it's not our bug. ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.WARNING, ise); } return false; } /** Overridden to supply different tooltips depending on mouse position (name, * value, custom editor button). Will HTML-ize long tooltips*/ public String getToolTipText (MouseEvent e) { if (customEditorIsOpen) { return null; } String result; Point pt = e.getPoint(); int row = rowAtPoint (pt); int col = columnAtPoint (pt); if (col == 1 && onCustomEditorButton (e)) { result = NbBundle.getMessage (SheetTable.class, "CTL_EDBUTTON_TIP"); } else { result = getSheetModel().getDescriptionFor (row, col); if (col == 1 && result != null && result.length() > 100) { //e.g. Jesse's new file list property gives massive //tooltips; break them up result = PropUtils.createHtmlTooltip( getPropertySetModel().getFeatureDescriptor(row). getDisplayName(), result); } } return result; } /** Convenience method to get the currently selected property. Equivalent to calling * getSheetModel().getPropertySetModel().getFeatureDescriptor(getSelectedRow()) * . This method will return null if the table does not have focus or editing * is not in progress. */ public final FeatureDescriptor getSelection() { return _getSelection(); } /** Internal implementation of getSelection() which returns the selected feature * descriptor whether or not the component has focus. */ public final FeatureDescriptor _getSelection() { int i = getSelectedRow(); FeatureDescriptor result; //Check bounds - a change can be fired after the model has been changed, but //before the table has received the event and updated itself, in which case //you get an AIOOBE if (i < getPropertySetModel().getCount()) { result = getSheetModel().getPropertySetModel().getFeatureDescriptor(getSelectedRow()); } else { result = null; } return result; } //*********Implementation of editing************************************* /** * Overridden to do a bunch of property related things: cancel editing * if the name cell was clicked; ignore duplicate requests; ignore edit * requests if the user is currently dragging the center line; launch * the custom editor dialog without entering edit mode if a click is * over the custom editor button; expand/close property sets; directly * toggle boolean values rather than rapidly instantiate and hide a * checkbox editor */ public boolean editCellAt (int row, int column, EventObject e) { assert SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread(); enterEditRequest(); if (editingRow == row && isEditing() && column == 0) { //click on name cell should cancel editing removeEditor(); exitEditRequest(); return false; } if (editingRow == row && isEditing()) { //discard edit requests if we're already editing that cell exitEditRequest(); return false; } //issue 37584, there are some requests for commit on focus loss, //so we'll try experimental support for this. Not sure it's a great //idea, but might as well keep an open mind if (PropUtils.psCommitOnFocusLoss && isEditing()) { getEditor().stopCellEditing(); } if ((e instanceof MouseEvent) && (onCenterLine ((MouseEvent)e))) { //If it's a drag request, other code will handle it exitEditRequest(); return false; } if ((e instanceof MouseEvent) && (onCustomEditorButton ( (MouseEvent) e))) { if (PropUtils.isLoggable(SheetTable.class)) { PropUtils.log (SheetTable.class, "Got a mouse click on the " + "custom editor button"); //NOI18N } if (isEditing() && editingRow != row) { removeEditor(); } //If it's a click on the custom editor button, just display the //dialog, don't open an inplace editor int prevSel = getSelectedRow(); changeSelection (row, column, false, false); if (prevSel != -1) { paintRow(prevSel); } paintSelectionRow(); getCustomEditorAction().actionPerformed (new ActionEvent (this, 0, null)); exitEditRequest(); return false; } //Get the selected item FeatureDescriptor fd = getPropertySetModel().getFeatureDescriptor (row); //See if we got an edit trigger for a property set - if so, //toggle its expanded state if (fd instanceof PropertySet) { //It was a legitimate click, so do stop editing and set the //selection (otherwise selection will change but editor will remain) if (isEditing()) { removeEditor(); changeSelection(row, column, false, false); } maybeToggleExpanded (row, e); exitEditRequest(); return false; } //Set the flag indicating we're starting to edit - affects paint //and focus requests /* boolean useRadioButtons = PropUtils.forceRadioButtons || (fd.getValue ("stringValues") != null); */ boolean useRadioButtons=(e instanceof MouseEvent && PropUtils.forceRadioButtons) || (fd != null && fd.getValue ("stringValues") != null); //Special handling for boolean if checkbox - no need to create an //editor that will be removed immediately, just toggles the value //programmatically if (!useRadioButtons && ((column == 1 || e instanceof KeyEvent) && checkEditBoolean(row))) { //if checkEditBoolean returned true, then the value was toggled - //set the flag off and return exitEditRequest(); return false; } boolean result = false; try { //Try to start an actual edit result = super.editCellAt (row, column, e); } finally { exitEditRequest(); } return result; } public void removeEditor() { enterEditorRemoveRequest(); try { // synchronized(getTreeLock()) { super.removeEditor(); //Make the editor detach its listeners and clear values in the //inplace editor since we're done with it getEditor().setInplaceEditor(null); // } //Order of removal can cause the custom editor button to get focus even //though it's no longer onscreen, when the custom editor is removed // Component focusOwner = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getFocusOwner(); } finally { exitEditorRemoveRequest(); } } /**Overridden to do the assorted black magic by which one determines if * a property is editable */ public boolean isCellEditable (int row, int column) { if (column == 0) return false; FeatureDescriptor fd = getPropertySetModel().getFeatureDescriptor (row); boolean result; if (fd instanceof PropertySet) { result = false; } else { Property p = (Property) fd; result = p.canWrite() ; if (result) { Object val = p.getValue ("canEditAsText"); //NOI18N if (val != null) { result &= Boolean.TRUE.equals (val); } } } return result; } /** Toggle the expanded state of a property set if either the event * was a double click in the title area, a single click in the spinner * area, or a keyboard event. */ private void maybeToggleExpanded (int row, EventObject e) { boolean doExpand = true; //If it's a mouse event, we need to check if it's a double click. if (e instanceof MouseEvent) { MouseEvent me = (MouseEvent) e; doExpand = me.getClickCount() > 1; //If not a double click, allow single click in the spinner margin if (!doExpand) { //marginWidth will definitely be initialized, you can't //click something that isn't on the screen doExpand = me.getPoint().x <= PropUtils.getMarginWidth(); } } if (doExpand) { toggleExpanded (row); } } /** Toggle the expanded state of a property set. If editing, the edit is * cancelled. */ private void toggleExpanded (int index) { if (isEditing()) getEditor().cancelCellEditing(); PropertySetModel psm = getSheetModel().getPropertySetModel(); psm.toggleExpanded (index); } /** In the case that an edit request is made on a boolean checkbox property, an * edit request should simply toggle its state without instantiating a custom * editor component. Returns true if the state was toggled, in which case the * editor instantiation portion of editCellAt() should be aborted */ boolean checkEditBoolean (int row) { FeatureDescriptor fd = getSheetModel().getPropertySetModel().getFeatureDescriptor(row); if (fd.getValue("stringValues") != null) return false; //NOI18N Property p = fd instanceof Property ? (Property) fd : null; if (p != null) { Class c = p.getValueType(); //only do this if the property is supplying no special values for //the tags - if it is, we are using the radio button renderer if (c == Boolean.class || c == boolean.class) { if (!isCellEditable (row, 1)) return true; //Okay, try to toggle it try { Boolean b = null; //get the current value try { b = (Boolean) p.getValue(); } catch (ProxyNode.DifferentValuesException dve) { //If we're represeting conflicting multi-selected //properties, we'll make them both true when we toggle b = Boolean.FALSE; } if (isEditing()) { removeEditor(); } changeSelection (row, 1, false, false); //Toggle the value Boolean newValue = b == null || Boolean.FALSE.equals(b) ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; p.setValue (newValue); //Force an event so we'll repaint /* tableChanged(new TableModelEvent (getSheetModel(), row, row, 1, TableModelEvent.UPDATE)); */ paintRow (row); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { //Something wrong, log it org.openide.ErrorManager.getDefault().notify (ex); } } } return false; } /** Overridden to set the colors apropriately - we always want the editor * to appear selected */ public Component prepareEditor(TableCellEditor editor, int row, int col) { if (editor == null) { return null; } Component result = super.prepareEditor(editor, row, col); if (result == null) { return null; } //Usually result == ine, but custom impls may not be InplaceEditor ine = getEditor().getInplaceEditor(); if (ine.supportsTextEntry()) { result.setBackground(PropUtils.getTextFieldBackground()); result.setForeground(PropUtils.getTextFieldForeground()); } if (result instanceof JComponent) { //unlikely that it won't be ((JComponent)result).setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder( 0, PropUtils.getTextMargin(), 0, 0)); } return result; } //***********Methods for storing state if a recoverable change is happening**** /** Overridden to store some data in the event of a recoverable change, * such as the row currently being edited */ public void tableChanged (TableModelEvent e) { boolean ed = isEditing(); lastSelectedRow = ed ? getEditingRow() : getSelectionModel().getAnchorSelectionIndex(); if (ed) getEditor().cancelCellEditing(); super.tableChanged (e); restoreEditingState(); } /** Temporarily store the currently edited feature descriptor and partial * value from the editor. This info is used to restore the editing state * after temporary losses of focus and recoverable changes like reordering * the model, or changes that derive from the underlying node */ void saveEditingState() { storedFd = _getSelection(); if (isEditing()) { InplaceEditor ine = getEditor().getInplaceEditor(); if (ine != null) { partialValue = ine.getValue(); } } } /** Restore the previous editing state, if the previously edited * FeatureDescriptor is still available for editing */ void restoreEditingState() { int idx = indexOfLastSelected(); boolean canResumeEditing = idx != -1; if (!canResumeEditing) idx = lastSelectedRow; if (idx == -1) { clearSavedEditingState(); return; } if (idx < getRowCount()) { changeSelection(idx, 1, false, false); if ((canResumeEditing) && wasEditing) { editCellAt (idx, 1); InplaceEditor ine = getEditor().getInplaceEditor(); if ((ine != null) && (partialValue != null)) { ine.setValue (partialValue); } } } clearSavedEditingState(); } /** Clear saved editing data, so no memory leaks can occur */ private void clearSavedEditingState() { storedFd = null; wasEditing = false; partialValue = null; } /** Find the current index of the last edited FeatureDescriptor, to * figure out in which cell to restore the editing state */ private int indexOfLastSelected () { if (storedFd == null) return -1; PropertySetModel mdl = getPropertySetModel(); int idx = mdl.indexOf(storedFd); storedFd = null; return idx; } //*************PropertySetModelListener implementation ****************** /** If we know a change is going to happen, try to store the current * state to restore after the change is completed. Reordering of * properties and addition of properties by the underlying node can * trigger this. Since the PropertySetModel has a cache of current * properties, it can call this while its internal state is still * intact */ public void pendingChange(PropertySetModelEvent e) { if (e.isReordering()) { wasEditing = isEditing(); saveEditingState(); } else { storedFd = null; wasEditing = false; partialValue = null; } } public void boundedChange(PropertySetModelEvent e) { //Do nothing, we'll get notification from the TableModel } public void wholesaleChange(PropertySetModelEvent e) { //Do nothing, we'll get notification from the TableModel } //*************CustomEditorAction.Invoker implementation ****************** //Generally, EditablePropertyDisplayer does a lot more with this //interface than SheetTable needs to /** Returns the content pane of our owner, so as to display the wait * cursor while the dialog is being invoked */ public Component getCursorChangeComponent() { Container cont = SheetTable.this.getTopLevelAncestor(); return cont instanceof JFrame ? ((JFrame) cont).getContentPane() : cont instanceof JDialog ? ((JDialog) cont).getContentPane() : cont; } /** If we have been editing and the user has typed something, fetch this * value to use in the custom editor */ public Object getPartialValue() { Object partialValue=null; if (isEditing() && (editingRow == getSelectedRow())) { InplaceEditor ine = getEditor().getInplaceEditor(); if (ine != null) { partialValue = ine.getValue(); //reset the inplace editor so the value is not taken when the editor //is closed ine.reset(); getEditor().cancelCellEditing(); } } else { partialValue = null; if (isEditing()) { removeEditor(); } } return partialValue; } /** Restarts inline edit mode if the the preceding custom edit failed */ public void editorClosed() { if (lastFailed) { editCellAt(getSelectedRow(), 1, null); } repaint(); customEditorIsOpen = false; } public void editorOpened() { //Make sure it's painted as non-focused paintSelectionRow(); customEditorIsOpen = true; } public void editorOpening() { lastFailed = false; customEditorIsOpen = true; } public void valueChanged(java.beans.PropertyEditor editor) { lastFailed = false; } public boolean allowInvoke() { return true; } boolean lastFailed=false; public void failed() { lastFailed = true; } public boolean wantAllChanges() { return false; } public ReusablePropertyEnv getReusablePropertyEnv() { return reusableEnv; } public ReusablePropertyModel getReusablePropertyModel() { return reusableModel; } //*************Actions bound to the keyboard ****************** private class ExpandAction extends AbstractAction { public ExpandAction() { super (ACTION_EXPAND); } public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent ae) { FeatureDescriptor fd = _getSelection(); if (fd instanceof PropertySet) { int row = SheetTable.this.getSelectedRow(); boolean b = getPropertySetModel().isExpanded (fd); if (b) { toggleExpanded(row); } } } public boolean isEnabled () { return _getSelection() instanceof PropertySet; } }; private class CollapseAction extends AbstractAction { public CollapseAction() { super (ACTION_COLLAPSE); } public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent ae) { FeatureDescriptor fd = _getSelection(); if (fd instanceof PropertySet) { int row = SheetTable.this.getSelectedRow(); boolean b = getPropertySetModel().isExpanded (fd); if (!b) { toggleExpanded(row); } } } public boolean isEnabled () { boolean result = _getSelection() instanceof PropertySet; return result; } }; private class EditorClassAction extends AbstractAction { public EditorClassAction() { super (ACTION_EDCLASS); } public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent ae) { int i = getSelectedRow(); if (i != -1) { FeatureDescriptor fd = getPropertySetModel().getFeatureDescriptor (i); if (fd instanceof Property) { java.beans.PropertyEditor ped = PropUtils.getPropertyEditor((Property) fd); System.err.println(ped.getClass().getName()); } else { System.err.println("PropertySets - no editor"); //NOI18N } } else { System.err.println("No selection"); //NOI18N } } public boolean isEnabled () { return getSelectedRow() != -1; } }; private class STPolicy extends ContainerOrderFocusTraversalPolicy { public Component getComponentAfter(Container focusCycleRoot, Component aComponent) { if (inEditorRemoveRequest()) { return SheetTable.this; } else { Component result = super.getComponentAfter(focusCycleRoot, aComponent); return result; } } public Component getComponentBefore(Container focusCycleRoot, Component aComponent) { if (inEditorRemoveRequest()) { return SheetTable.this; } else { return super.getComponentBefore (focusCycleRoot, aComponent); } } public Component getFirstComponent(Container focusCycleRoot) { if (!inEditorRemoveRequest() && isEditing()) { return editorComp; } else { return SheetTable.this; } } public Component getDefaultComponent(Container focusCycleRoot) { if (!inEditorRemoveRequest() && isEditing() && editorComp.isShowing()) { return editorComp; } else { return SheetTable.this; } } protected boolean accept(Component aComponent) { //Do not allow focus to go to a child of the editor we're using if //we are in the process of removing the editor if (isEditing() && inEditorRemoveRequest()) { InplaceEditor ine = getEditor().getInplaceEditor(); if (ine != null) { if (aComponent == ine.getComponent() || ine.isKnownComponent(aComponent)) { return false; } } } return super.accept (aComponent) && aComponent.isShowing(); } } }

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