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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2004 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.openide.filesystems;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
import java.util.jar.JarInputStream;
import javax.swing.Icon;
import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
import javax.swing.filechooser.FileSystemView;
import org.openide.ErrorManager;
import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
import org.openide.util.Utilities;

/** Common utilities for handling files.
 * This is a dummy class; all methods are static.
public final class FileUtil extends Object {

    private static byte[] ZIP_HEADER = {0x50,0x4b,0x3,0x4};

    private FileUtil() {}

    /** Copies stream of files.

* Please be aware, that this method doesn't close any of passed streams. * @param is input stream * @param os output stream */ public static void copy (InputStream is, OutputStream os) throws IOException { final byte[] BUFFER = new byte[4096]; int len; for (;;) { len = (BUFFER); if (len == -1) return; os.write (BUFFER, 0, len); } } /** Copies file to the selected folder. * This implementation simply copies the file by stream content. * @param source source file object * @param destFolder destination folder * @param newName file name (without extension) of destination file * @param newExt extension of destination file * @return the created file object in the destination folder * @exception IOException if destFolder is not a folder or does not exist; the destination file already exists; or * another critical error occurs during copying */ static FileObject copyFileImpl ( FileObject source, FileObject destFolder, String newName, String newExt ) throws IOException { FileObject dest = destFolder.createData(newName, newExt); FileLock lock = null; InputStream bufIn = null; OutputStream bufOut = null; try { lock = dest.lock(); bufIn = source.getInputStream(); if (dest instanceof AbstractFileObject) /** prevents from firing fileChange*/ bufOut = ((AbstractFileObject)dest).getOutputStream(lock, false); else bufOut = dest.getOutputStream(lock); copy (bufIn, bufOut); copyAttributes (source, dest); } finally { if (bufIn != null) bufIn.close(); if (bufOut != null) bufOut.close(); if (lock != null) lock.releaseLock(); } return dest; } // // public methods // /** Factory method that creates an empty implementation of a filesystem that * completely resides in a memory. * @return a blank writeable filesystem * @since 4.43 */ public static FileSystem createMemoryFileSystem () { return new MemoryFileSystem (); } /** Copies file to the selected folder. * This implementation simply copies the file by stream content. * @param source source file object * @param destFolder destination folder * @param newName file name (without extension) of destination file * @param newExt extension of destination file * @return the created file object in the destination folder * @exception IOException if destFolder is not a folder or does not exist; the destination file already exists; or * another critical error occurs during copying */ public static FileObject copyFile(FileObject source, FileObject destFolder, String newName, String newExt) throws IOException { return source.copy (destFolder, newName, newExt); } /** Copies file to the selected folder. * This implementation simply copies the file by stream content. * Uses the extension of the source file. * @param source source file object * @param destFolder destination folder * @param newName file name (without extension) of destination file * @return the created file object in the destination folder * @exception IOException if destFolder is not a folder or does not exist; the destination file already exists; or * another critical error occurs during copying */ public static FileObject copyFile(FileObject source, FileObject destFolder, String newName) throws IOException { return copyFile(source, destFolder, newName, source.getExt()); } /** Moves file to the selected folder. * This implementation uses a copy-and-delete mechanism, and automatically uses the necessary lock. * @param source source file object * @param destFolder destination folder * @param newName file name (without extension) of destination file * @return new file object * @exception IOException if either the {@link #copyFile copy} or {@link FileObject#delete delete} failed */ public static FileObject moveFile(FileObject source, FileObject destFolder, String newName) throws IOException { FileLock lock = null; try { lock = source.lock(); return source.move (lock, destFolder, newName, source.getExt ()); } finally { if (lock != null) lock.releaseLock(); } } /** * Creates a folder on given filesystem. The name of the new folder can be * specified as a multi-component pathname whose components are separated * by File.separatorChar or "/" (forward slash). * * @param folder where the new folder will be placed in * @param name name of the new folder * @return the new folder * @exception IOException if the creation fails */ public static FileObject createFolder (FileObject folder, String name) throws IOException { String separators; if (File.separatorChar != '/') separators = "/" + File.separatorChar; // NOI18N else separators = "/"; // NOI18N StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer (name, separators); while (st.hasMoreElements ()) { name = st.nextToken (); if (name.length () > 0) { FileObject f = folder.getFileObject (name); if (f == null) { try { f = folder.createFolder (name); } catch (SyncFailedException ex) { // there might be unconsistency between the cache // and the disk, that is why folder.refresh(); // and try again f = folder.getFileObject (name); if (f == null) { // if still not found than we have to report the // exception throw ex; } } } folder = f; } } return folder; } /** Creates a data file on given filesystem. The name of * data file can be composed as resource name (e. g. org/netbeans/myfolder/mydata ) * and the method scans which of folders has already been created * and which not. * * @param folder to begin with creation at * @param name name of data file as a resource * @return the data file for given name * @exception IOException if the creation fails */ public static FileObject createData (FileObject folder, String name) throws IOException { if (folder == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null folder"); // NOI18N } if (name == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null name"); // NOI18N } String foldername, dataname, fname, ext; int index = name.lastIndexOf('/'); FileObject data; // names with '/' on the end are not valid if (index >= name.length()) throw new IOException("Wrong file name."); // NOI18N // if name contains '/', create necessary folder first if (index != -1) { foldername = name.substring(0, index); dataname = name.substring(index + 1); folder = createFolder(folder, foldername); assert folder != null; } else { dataname = name; } // create data index = dataname.lastIndexOf('.'); if (index != -1) { fname = dataname.substring(0, index); ext = dataname.substring(index + 1); } else { fname = dataname; ext = ""; // NOI18N } data = folder.getFileObject (fname, ext); if (data == null) { try { data = folder.createData(fname, ext); } catch (SyncFailedException ex) { // there might be unconsistency between the cache // and the disk, that is why folder.refresh(); // and try again data = folder.getFileObject (fname, ext); if (data == null) { // if still not found than we have to report the // exception throw ex; } } } return data; } /** Finds appropriate to FileObject if possible. * If not possible then null is returned. * This is the inverse operation of {@link #toFileObject}. * @param fo FileObject whose coresponding File will be looked for * @return or null if no corresponding File exists. * @since 1.29 */ public static toFile (FileObject fo) { File retVal = (File)fo.getAttribute(""); // NOI18N; if (retVal == null) { URL fileURL = null; int[] types = new int [] {URLMapper.INTERNAL, URLMapper.EXTERNAL}; for (int i = 0; (fileURL == null || "file".equals(fileURL.getProtocol())) && i < types.length; i++) { // NOI18N fileURL = URLMapper.findURL(fo, types[i]); } if (fileURL != null && "file".equals(fileURL.getProtocol())) { retVal = new File(URI.create(fileURL.toExternalForm())); } retVal = (retVal != null) ? normalizeFile(retVal) : null; } return retVal; } /** * Converts a disk file to a matching file object. * This is the inverse operation of {@link #toFile}. *

* If you are running with the MasterFS module enabled, that will guarantee * that this method never returns null for a file which exists on disk. *

* @param file a disk file (may or may not exist) * @return a corresponding file object, or null if the file does not exist * or there is no {@link URLMapper} available to convert it * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the file is not {@link #normalizeFile normalized} * @since 4.29 */ public static FileObject toFileObject(File file) throws IllegalArgumentException { FileObject retVal = null; if (!file.equals(normalizeFile(file))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter file was not " + // NOI18N "normalized. Was " + file + " instead of " + normalizeFile(file)); // NOI18N } try { URL url = fileToURL(file); if (url.getAuthority() != null && Utilities.isWindows()) { return null; } retVal = URLMapper.findFileObject(url); /*probably temporary piece of code to catch the cause of #46630*/ } catch (MalformedURLException e) { retVal = null; } return retVal; } static URL fileToURL(File file) throws MalformedURLException { URL retVal = null; if (!isWindowsDriveRoot(file)) { retVal = file.toURI().toURL(); } else { retVal = new URL ("file:/"+file.getAbsolutePath ());//NOI18N } return retVal; } private static boolean isWindowsDriveRoot(File file) { return Utilities.isWindows() && file.getParent() == null; } /** Finds appropriate FileObjects to if possible. * If not possible then empty array is returned. More FileObjects may * correspond to one that`s why array is returned. * @param file File whose coresponding FileObjects will be looked for. * The file has to be "normalized" otherwise IllegalArgumentException is thrown. * See {@link #normalizeFile} for how to do that. * @return corresponding FileObjects or empty array if no * corresponding FileObject exists. * @since 1.29 * @deprecated Use {@link #toFileObject} instead. */ public static FileObject[] fromFile(File file) { FileObject[] retVal; if (!file.equals(normalizeFile(file))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter file was not " + // NOI18N "normalized. Was " + file + " instead of " + normalizeFile(file)); // NOI18N } try { URL url = (file.toURI().toURL()); if (url.getAuthority() != null && Utilities.isWindows()) { return null; } retVal = URLMapper.findFileObjects(url); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { retVal = null; } return retVal; } /** transient attributes which should not be copied * of type Set */ static final Set transientAttributes = new HashSet (); static { transientAttributes.add ("templateWizardURL"); // NOI18N transientAttributes.add ("templateWizardIterator"); // NOI18N transientAttributes.add ("templateWizardDescResource"); // NOI18N transientAttributes.add ("templateCategory"); // NOI18N transientAttributes.add ("instantiatingIterator"); // NOI18N transientAttributes.add ("instantiatingWizardURL"); // NOI18N transientAttributes.add ("SystemFileSystem.localizingBundle"); // NOI18N transientAttributes.add ("SystemFileSystem.icon"); // NOI18N transientAttributes.add ("SystemFileSystem.icon32"); // NOI18N } /** Copies attributes from one file to another. * Note: several special attributes will not be copied, as they should * semantically be transient. These include attributes used by the * template wizard (but not the template atttribute itself). * @param source source file object * @param dest destination file object * @exception IOException if the copying failed */ public static void copyAttributes (FileObject source, FileObject dest) throws IOException { Enumeration attrKeys = source.getAttributes(); while (attrKeys.hasMoreElements()) { String key = (String) attrKeys.nextElement(); if (transientAttributes.contains (key)) continue; if (isTransient (source, key)) continue; Object value = source.getAttribute(key); if (value != null) { dest.setAttribute(key, value); } } } static boolean isTransient (FileObject fo, String attrName) { return XMLMapAttr.ModifiedAttribute.isTransient (fo, attrName); } /** Extract jar file into folder represented by file object. If the JAR contains * files with name filesystem.attributes, it is assumed that these files * has been created by DefaultAttributes implementation and the content * of these files is treated as attributes and added to extracted files. *

META-INF/ directories are skipped over. * * @param fo file object of destination folder * @param is input stream of jar file * @exception IOException if the extraction fails * @deprecated Use of XML filesystem layers generally obsoletes this method. */ public static void extractJar (final FileObject fo, final InputStream is) throws IOException { FileSystem fs = fo.getFileSystem(); fs.runAtomicAction (new FileSystem.AtomicAction () { public void run () throws IOException { extractJarImpl (fo, is); } }); } /** Does the actual extraction of the Jar file. */ private static void extractJarImpl (FileObject fo, InputStream is) throws IOException { JarInputStream jis; JarEntry je; // files with extended attributes (name, DefaultAttributes.Table) HashMap attributes = new HashMap (7); jis = new JarInputStream(is); while ((je = jis.getNextJarEntry()) != null) { String name = je.getName(); if (name.toLowerCase ().startsWith ("meta-inf/")) continue; // NOI18N if (je.isDirectory ()) { createFolder (fo, name); continue; } if (DefaultAttributes.acceptName (name)) { // file with extended attributes DefaultAttributes.Table table = DefaultAttributes.loadTable (jis,name); attributes.put (name, table); } else { // copy the file FileObject fd = createData(fo, name); FileLock lock = fd.lock (); try { OutputStream os = fd.getOutputStream (lock); try { copy (jis, os); } finally { os.close (); } } finally { lock.releaseLock (); } } } // // apply all extended attributes // Iterator it = attributes.entrySet ().iterator (); while (it.hasNext ()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) (); String fileName = (String)entry.getKey (); int last = fileName.lastIndexOf ('/'); String dirName; if (last != -1) dirName = fileName.substring (0, last + 1); else dirName = ""; // NOI18N String prefix = fo.isRoot () ? dirName : fo.getPath() + '/' + dirName; DefaultAttributes.Table t = (DefaultAttributes.Table)entry.getValue (); Iterator files = t.keySet ().iterator (); while (files.hasNext ()) { String orig = (String) (); String fn = prefix + orig; FileObject obj = fo.getFileSystem ().findResource (fn); if (obj == null) { continue; } Enumeration attrEnum = t.attrs (orig); while (attrEnum.hasMoreElements ()) { // iterate thru all arguments String attrName = (String)attrEnum.nextElement (); // Note: even transient attributes set here! Object value = t.getAttr (orig, attrName); if (value != null) { obj.setAttribute (attrName, value); } } } } } // extractJar /** Gets the extension of a specified file name. The extension is * everything after the last dot. * * @param fileName name of the file * @return extension of the file (or "" if it had none) */ public static String getExtension(String fileName) { int index = fileName.lastIndexOf("."); // NOI18N if (index == -1) return ""; // NOI18N else return fileName.substring(index + 1); } /** Finds an unused file name similar to that requested in the same folder. * The specified file name is used if that does not yet exist or is * {@link FileObject#isVirtual isVirtual}. * Otherwise, the first available name of the form basename_nnn.ext (counting from one) is used. * *

Caution: this method does not lock the parent folder * to prevent race conditions: i.e. it is possible (though unlikely) * that the resulting name will have been created by another thread * just as you were about to create the file yourself (if you are, * in fact, intending to create it just after this call). Since you * cannot currently lock a folder against child creation actions, * the safe approach is to use a loop in which a free name is * retrieved; an attempt is made to {@link FileObject#createData create} * that file; and upon an IOException during * creation, retry the loop up to a few times before giving up. * * @param folder parent folder * @param name preferred base name of file * @param ext extension to use * @return a free file name (without the extension) */ public static String findFreeFileName ( FileObject folder, String name, String ext ) { if (checkFreeName (folder, name, ext)) { return name; } for (int i = 1;;i++) { String destName = name + "_"+i; // NOI18N if (checkFreeName (folder, destName, ext)) { return destName; } } } /** Finds an unused folder name similar to that requested in the same parent folder. *

See caveat for findFreeFileName. * @see #findFreeFileName findFreeFileName * @param folder parent folder * @param name preferred folder name * @return a free folder name */ public static String findFreeFolderName ( FileObject folder, String name ) { if (checkFreeName (folder, name, null)) { return name; } for (int i = 1;;i++) { String destName = name + "_"+i; // NOI18N if (checkFreeName (folder, destName, null)) { return destName; } } } /** * Gets a relative resource path between folder and fo. * @param folder root of filesystem or any other folder in folders hierarchy * @param fo arbitrary FileObject in folder's tree (including folder itself) * @return relative path between folder and fo. The returned path never * starts with a '/'. It never ends with a '/'. Specifically, if * folder==fo, returns "". Returns null if fo is not in * folder's tree. * @see #isParentOf * @since 4.16 */ public static String getRelativePath(FileObject folder, FileObject fo) { if (!isParentOf(folder, fo) && folder != fo) { return null; } String result = fo.getPath().substring(folder.getPath().length()); if (result.startsWith("/")) { result = result.substring(1); } return result; } /** Test if given name is free in given folder. * @param fo folder to check in * @param name name of the file or folder to check * @param ext extension of the file (null for folders) * @return true, if such name does not exists */ private static boolean checkFreeName ( FileObject fo, String name, String ext ) { if (Utilities.isWindows()) { // case-insensitive, do some special check Enumeration en = fo.getChildren(false); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { fo = (FileObject)en.nextElement(); String n = fo.getName (); String e = fo.getExt(); // different names => check others if (!n.equalsIgnoreCase (name)) continue; // same name + without extension => no if ((ext == null || ext.trim().length() == 0) && (e == null || e.trim().length() == 0)) return (fo.isVirtual()) ? true : false; // one of there is witout extension => check next if (ext == null || e == null) continue; if (ext.equalsIgnoreCase (e)) { // same name + same extension => no return (fo.isVirtual()) ? true: false; } } // no of the files has similar name and extension return true; } else { if (ext == null) { fo = fo.getFileObject(name); if (fo == null) return true; return (fo.isVirtual()) ? true: false; } else { fo = fo.getFileObject(name, ext); if (fo == null) return true; return (fo.isVirtual()) ? true: false; } } } // note: "sister" is preferred in English, please don't ask me why --jglick // NOI18N /** Finds brother file with same base name but different extension. * @param fo the file to find the brother for or null * @param ext extension for the brother file * @return a brother file (with the requested extension and the same parent folder as the original) or * null if the brother file does not exist or the original file was null */ public static FileObject findBrother (FileObject fo, String ext) { if (fo == null) return null; FileObject parent = fo.getParent (); if (parent == null) return null; return parent.getFileObject (fo.getName (), ext); } /** Obtain MIME type for a well-known extension. * If there is a case-sensitive match, that is used, else will fall back * to a case-insensitive match. * @param ext the extension: "jar", "zip", etc. * @return the MIME type for the extension, or null if the extension is unrecognized * @deprecated in favour of {@link #getMIMEType(FileObject) getMIMEType(FileObject)} as MIME cannot * be generaly detected by a file object extension. */ public static String getMIMEType (String ext) { String s = (String) map.get (ext); if (s != null) return s; else return (String) map.get (ext.toLowerCase ()); } /** Resolves MIME type. Registered resolvers are invoked and used to achieve this goal. * Resolvers must subclass MIMEResolver. If resolvers don`t recognize MIME type then * MIME type is obtained for a well-known extension. * @param fo whose MIME type should be recognized * @return the MIME type for the FileObject, or null if the FileObject is unrecognized */ public static String getMIMEType (FileObject fo) { String retVal = MIMESupport.findMIMEType(fo, null); if (retVal == null) retVal = getMIMEType (fo.getExt ()); return retVal; } /** Finds mime type by calling getMIMEType, but * instead of returning null it fallbacks to default type * either text/plain or content/unknown (even for folders) */ static String getMIMETypeOrDefault (FileObject fo) { String def = getMIMEType (fo.getExt ()); String t = MIMESupport.findMIMEType(fo, def); if (t == null) { // #42965: never allowed t = "content/unknown"; // NOI18N } return t; } /* mapping of file extensions to content-types */ private static java.util.Dictionary map = new java.util.Hashtable(); /** * Register MIME type for a new extension. * Note that you may register a case-sensitive extension if that is * relevant (for example *.C for C++) but if you register * a lowercase extension it will by default apply to uppercase extensions * too (for use on Windows or generally for situations where filenames * become accidentally upcased). * @param ext the file extension (should be lowercase unless you specifically care about case) * @param mimeType the new MIME type * @throws IllegalArgumentException if this extension was already registered with a different MIME type * @see #getMIMEType * @deprecated You should instead use the more general {@link MIMEResolver} system. */ public static void setMIMEType(String ext, String mimeType) { synchronized (map) { String old=(String)map.get(ext); if (old == null) { map.put(ext, mimeType); } else { if (!old.equals(mimeType)) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Cannot overwrite existing MIME type mapping for extension `" + // NOI18N ext + "' with " + mimeType + " (was " + old + ")"); // NOI18N // else do nothing } } } static { setMIMEType("uu", "application/octet-stream"); // NOI18N setMIMEType("exe", "application/octet-stream"); // NOI18N setMIMEType("ps", "application/postscript"); // NOI18N setMIMEType("zip", "application/zip"); // NOI18N setMIMEType("class", "application/octet-stream"); // Sun uses application/java-vm // NOI18N setMIMEType("jar", "application/x-jar"); // NOI18N setMIMEType("sh", "application/x-shar"); // NOI18N setMIMEType("tar", "application/x-tar"); // NOI18N setMIMEType("snd", "audio/basic"); // NOI18N setMIMEType("au", "audio/basic"); // NOI18N setMIMEType("wav", "audio/x-wav"); // NOI18N setMIMEType("gif", "image/gif"); // NOI18N setMIMEType("jpg", "image/jpeg"); // NOI18N setMIMEType("jpeg", "image/jpeg"); // NOI18N setMIMEType("htm", "text/html"); // NOI18N setMIMEType("html", "text/html"); // NOI18N setMIMEType("xml", "text/xml"); // NOI18N setMIMEType("xsl", "text/xml"); // NOI18N setMIMEType("xsd", "text/xml"); // NOI18N setMIMEType("dtd", "text/x-dtd"); // NOI18N setMIMEType("css", "text/css"); // NOI18N setMIMEType("text", "text/plain"); // NOI18N setMIMEType("pl", "text/plain"); // NOI18N setMIMEType("txt", "text/plain"); // NOI18N setMIMEType("properties", "text/plain"); // NOI18N setMIMEType("java", "text/x-java"); // NOI18N // mime types from Jetty web server setMIMEType("ra", "audio/x-pn-realaudio"); // NOI18N setMIMEType("ram", "audio/x-pn-realaudio"); // NOI18N setMIMEType("rm", "audio/x-pn-realaudio"); // NOI18N setMIMEType("rpm", "audio/x-pn-realaudio"); // NOI18N setMIMEType("mov", "video/quicktime"); // NOI18N setMIMEType("jsp", "text/plain"); // NOI18N } /** * Construct a stream handler that handles the nbfs URL protocol * used for accessing file objects directly. * This method is not intended for module use; only the core * should need to call it. * Modules probably need only use {@link URLMapper} to create and decode such * URLs. * @since 3.17 */ public static URLStreamHandler nbfsURLStreamHandler() { return FileURL.HANDLER; } /** Recursively checks whether the file is underneath the folder. It checks whether * the file and folder are located on the same filesystem, in such case it checks the * parent FileObject of the file recursively until the folder is found * or the root of the filesystem is reached. *

Warning: this method will return false in the case that * folder == fo. * @param folder the root of folders hierarchy to search in * @param fo the file to search for * @return true, if fo lies somewhere underneath the folder, * false otherwise * @since 3.16 */ public static boolean isParentOf (FileObject folder, FileObject fo) { if (folder == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Tried to pass null folder arg"); // NOI18N } if (fo == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Tried to pass null fo arg"); // NOI18N } if (folder.isData ()) { return false; } try { if (folder.getFileSystem () != fo.getFileSystem ()) { return false; } } catch (FileStateInvalidException e) { return false; } FileObject parent = fo.getParent (); while (parent != null) { if (parent == folder) { return true; } parent = parent.getParent (); } return false; } /** Creates a weak implementation of FileChangeListener. * * @param l the listener to delegate to * @param source the source that the listener should detach from when * listener l is freed, can be null * @return a FileChangeListener delegating to l. * @since 4.10 */ public static FileChangeListener weakFileChangeListener (FileChangeListener l, Object source) { return (FileChangeListener)org.openide.util.WeakListeners.create (FileChangeListener.class, l, source); } /** Creates a weak implementation of FileStatusListener. * * @param l the listener to delegate to * @param source the source that the listener should detach from when * listener l is freed, can be null * @return a FileChangeListener delegating to l. * @since 4.10 */ public static FileStatusListener weakFileStatusListener (FileStatusListener l, Object source) { return (FileStatusListener)org.openide.util.WeakListeners.create (FileStatusListener.class, l, source); } /** * Get an appropriate display name for a file object. * If the file corresponds to a path on disk, this will be the disk path. * Otherwise the name will mention the filesystem name or archiv name in case * the file comes from archiv and relative path. Relative path will be mentioned * just in case that passed FileObject isn't root {@link FileObject#isRoot}. * * @param fo a file object * @return a display name indicating where the file is * @since 4.39 */ public static String getFileDisplayName(FileObject fo) { String displayName = null; File f = FileUtil.toFile(fo); if (f != null) { displayName = f.getAbsolutePath(); } else { FileObject archiveFile = FileUtil.getArchiveFile(fo); if (archiveFile != null) { displayName = getArchivDisplayName(fo, archiveFile); } } if (displayName == null) { try { if (fo.isRoot()) { displayName = fo.getFileSystem().getDisplayName(); } else { displayName = NbBundle.getMessage(FileUtil.class, "LBL_file_in_filesystem", fo.getPath(), fo.getFileSystem().getDisplayName()); } } catch (FileStateInvalidException e) { // Not relevant now, just use the simple path. displayName = fo.getPath(); } } return displayName; } private static String getArchivDisplayName(FileObject fo, FileObject archiveFile) { String displayName = null; File f = FileUtil.toFile(archiveFile); if (f != null) { String archivDisplayName = f.getAbsolutePath(); if (fo.isRoot()) { displayName = archivDisplayName; } else { String entryPath = fo.getPath(); displayName = NbBundle.getMessage(FileUtil.class, "LBL_file_in_filesystem", entryPath, archivDisplayName); } } return displayName; } /** * Normalize, that is make sure that returned File has * normalized case on Windows; that old Windows 8.3 filename is normalized; * that Unix symlinks are not followed; that relative path is changed to * absolute; etc. * @param file file to normalize * @return normalized file * @since XXX */ public static File normalizeFile(File file) { if (Utilities.isWindows()) { file = normalizeFileOnWindows(file); } else if (Utilities.getOperatingSystem() == Utilities.OS_MAC) { file = normalizeFileOnMac(file); } else { file = normalizeFileOnUnixAlike(file); } return file; } private static File normalizeFileOnUnixAlike(File file) { // On Unix, do not want to traverse symlinks. if (file.getAbsolutePath().equals("/..")) { // NOI18N // Special treatment. file = new File("/"); // NOI18N } else { // URI.normalize removes ../ and ./ sequences nicely. file = new File(file.toURI().normalize()).getAbsoluteFile(); } return file; } private static File normalizeFileOnMac(final File file) { File retVal = file; try { // URI.normalize removes ../ and ./ sequences nicely. File absoluteFile = new File(file.toURI().normalize()); File canonicalFile = file.getCanonicalFile(); boolean isSymLink = !canonicalFile.getAbsolutePath().equalsIgnoreCase(absoluteFile.getAbsolutePath()); if (isSymLink) { retVal = normalizeSymLinkOnMac(absoluteFile); } else { retVal = canonicalFile; } } catch (IOException ioe) { ErrorManager.getDefault().log(ErrorManager.ERROR, "Normalization failed on file " + file + ": " + ioe); // OK, so at least try to absolutize the path retVal = file.getAbsoluteFile(); } return retVal; } /** * @param file is expected to be already absolute with removed ../ and ./ */ private static File normalizeSymLinkOnMac(final File file) throws IOException { File retVal = File.listRoots()[0]; File pureCanonicalFile = retVal; final String pattern = File.separator + ".." + File.separator; //NOI18N final String fileName; {// strips insufficient non-".." segments preceding them String tmpFileName = file.getAbsolutePath(); int index = tmpFileName.lastIndexOf(pattern); if (index > -1) { tmpFileName = tmpFileName.substring(index + pattern.length()); //Remove starting {/../}* } fileName = tmpFileName; } /*normalized step after step*/ StringTokenizer fileSegments = new StringTokenizer(fileName, File.separator); while (fileSegments.hasMoreTokens()) { File absolutelyEndingFile = new File(pureCanonicalFile, fileSegments.nextToken()); pureCanonicalFile = absolutelyEndingFile.getCanonicalFile(); boolean isSymLink = !pureCanonicalFile.getAbsolutePath().equalsIgnoreCase(absolutelyEndingFile.getAbsolutePath()); if (isSymLink) { retVal = new File(retVal, absolutelyEndingFile.getName()); } else { retVal = new File(retVal, pureCanonicalFile.getName()); } } return retVal; } private static File normalizeFileOnWindows(File file) { // On Windows, best to canonicalize. if (!isWindowsDriveRoot(file)) { try { file = file.getCanonicalFile(); } catch (IOException e) { ErrorManager.getDefault().log(ErrorManager.ERROR, "getCanonicalFile() on file " + file + " failed. " + e.toString()); // NOI18N // OK, so at least try to absolutize the path file = file.getAbsoluteFile(); } } else { file = file.getAbsoluteFile(); } return file; } /** * Returns a FileObject representing the root folder of an archive. * Clients may need to first call {@link #isArchiveFile(FileObject)} to determine * if the file object refers to an archive file. * @param fo a ZIP- (or JAR-) format archive file * @return a virtual archive root folder, or null if the file is not actually an archive * @since XXX */ public static FileObject getArchiveRoot (FileObject fo) { URL archiveURL = URLMapper.findURL(fo, URLMapper.EXTERNAL); if (archiveURL == null) { return null; } return URLMapper.findFileObject(getArchiveRoot(archiveURL)); } /** * Returns a URL representing the root of an archive. * Clients may need to first call {@link #isArchiveFile(URL)} to determine if the URL * refers to an archive file. * @param url of a ZIP- (or JAR-) format archive file * @return the jar-protocol URL of the root of the archive * @since XXX */ public static URL getArchiveRoot (URL url) { try { // XXX TBD whether the url should ever be escaped... return new URL("jar:" + url + "!/"); // NOI18N } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new AssertionError(e); } } /** * Returns a FileObject representing an archive file containg the * FileObject given by the parameter. * Remember that any path within the archive is discarded * so you may need to check for non-root entries. * @param fo a file in a JAR filesystem * @return the file corresponding to the archive itself, * or null if fo is not an archive entry * @since XXX */ public static FileObject getArchiveFile(FileObject fo) { try { FileSystem fs = fo.getFileSystem(); if (fs instanceof JarFileSystem) { File jarFile = ((JarFileSystem)fs).getJarFile(); return toFileObject(jarFile); } } catch (FileStateInvalidException e) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(e); } return null; } /** * Returns the URL of the archive file containing the file * referred to by a jar-protocol URL. * Remember that any path within the archive is discarded * so you may need to check for non-root entries. * @param url a URL * @return the embedded archive URL, or null if the URL is not a * jar-protocol URL containing !/ * @since XXX */ public static URL getArchiveFile (URL url) { String protocol = url.getProtocol(); if ("jar".equals(protocol)) { //NOI18N String path = url.getPath(); int index = path.indexOf("!/"); //NOI18N if (index>=0) { try { return new URL(path.substring(0,index)); } catch (MalformedURLException mue) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(mue); } } } return null; } /** *Tests if the FileObject represents jar/zip archive *@param fo the file to be tested *@return true if the FileObject represents zip/jar archive * @since XXX */ public static boolean isArchiveFile(FileObject fo) { if (fo == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot pass null to FileUtil.isArchiveFile"); // NOI18N } if (fo.isFolder()) { return false; } // First check the cache. Boolean b = (Boolean)archiveFileCache.get(fo); if (b == null) { // Need to check it. try { InputStream in = fo.getInputStream(); try { byte[] buffer = new byte[4]; int len =, 0, 4); if (len == 4) { // Got a header, see if it is a ZIP file. b = Boolean.valueOf(Arrays.equals(ZIP_HEADER, buffer)); } else { // Less than three bytes. // XXX technically this is incorrect because a stream is permitted // to return 1-3 bytes even though more is available, but it seems // very unlikely any stream would stop so soon. b = Boolean.FALSE; } } finally { in.close(); } } catch (IOException ioe) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, ioe); b = Boolean.FALSE; } archiveFileCache.put(fo, b); } return b.booleanValue(); } /** Cache for {@link #isArchiveFile(FileObject)}. */ private static final Map/**/ archiveFileCache = new WeakHashMap(); /** *Tests if the url represents an archive. * If there is no such file object, the test is done by heuristic, any URL with extension is * treated as an archive. *@param url the URL of the file *@return true if the URL represents an archive * @since XXX */ public static boolean isArchiveFile (URL url) { if (url == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Cannot pass null URL to FileUtil.isArchiveFile"); // NOI18N } FileObject fo = URLMapper.findFileObject(url); if (fo!=null) { return isArchiveFile(fo); } else { String urlPath = url.getPath(); int index = urlPath.lastIndexOf('.'); return index != -1 && index > urlPath.lastIndexOf('/'); } } /** * Make sure that a JFileChooser does not traverse symlinks on Unix. * @param chooser a file chooser * @param currentDirectory if not null, a file to set as the current directory * using {@link JFileChooser#setCurrentDirectory} without canonicalizing * @see Issue #46459 * @see JRE bug #4906607 * @since org.openide/1 4.42 */ public static void preventFileChooserSymlinkTraversal(JFileChooser chooser, File currentDirectory) { if (!Utilities.isWindows()) { chooser.setCurrentDirectory(wrapFileNoCanonicalize(currentDirectory)); chooser.setFileSystemView(new NonCanonicalizingFileSystemView()); } else { chooser.setCurrentDirectory(currentDirectory); } } static boolean assertDeprecatedMethod () { Thread.dumpStack(); return true; } private static File wrapFileNoCanonicalize(File f) { if (f instanceof NonCanonicalizingFile) { return f; } else if (f != null) { return new NonCanonicalizingFile(f); } else { return null; } } private static File[] wrapFilesNoCanonicalize(File[] fs) { if (fs != null) { for (int i = 0; i < fs.length; i++) { fs[i] = wrapFileNoCanonicalize(fs[i]); } } return fs; } private static final class NonCanonicalizingFile extends File { public NonCanonicalizingFile(File orig) { this(orig.getPath()); } private NonCanonicalizingFile(String path) { super(path); } private NonCanonicalizingFile(URI uri) { super(uri); } public File getCanonicalFile() throws IOException { return wrapFileNoCanonicalize(normalizeFile(super.getAbsoluteFile())); } public String getCanonicalPath() throws IOException { return normalizeFile(super.getAbsoluteFile()).getAbsolutePath(); } public File getParentFile() { return wrapFileNoCanonicalize(super.getParentFile()); } public File getAbsoluteFile() { return wrapFileNoCanonicalize(super.getAbsoluteFile()); } public File[] listFiles() { return wrapFilesNoCanonicalize(super.listFiles()); } public File[] listFiles(FileFilter filter) { return wrapFilesNoCanonicalize(super.listFiles(filter)); } public File[] listFiles(FilenameFilter filter) { return wrapFilesNoCanonicalize(super.listFiles(filter)); } } private static final class NonCanonicalizingFileSystemView extends FileSystemView { private final FileSystemView delegate = FileSystemView.getFileSystemView(); public NonCanonicalizingFileSystemView() {} public boolean isFloppyDrive(File dir) { return delegate.isFloppyDrive(dir); } public boolean isComputerNode(File dir) { return delegate.isComputerNode(dir); } public File createNewFolder(File containingDir) throws IOException { return wrapFileNoCanonicalize(delegate.createNewFolder(containingDir)); } public boolean isDrive(File dir) { return delegate.isDrive(dir); } public boolean isFileSystemRoot(File dir) { return delegate.isFileSystemRoot(dir); } public File getHomeDirectory() { return wrapFileNoCanonicalize(delegate.getHomeDirectory()); } public File createFileObject(File dir, String filename) { return wrapFileNoCanonicalize(delegate.createFileObject(dir, filename)); } public Boolean isTraversable(File f) { return delegate.isTraversable(f); } public boolean isFileSystem(File f) { return delegate.isFileSystem(f); } /* protected File createFileSystemRoot(File f) { return translate(delegate.createFileSystemRoot(f)); } */ public File getChild(File parent, String fileName) { return wrapFileNoCanonicalize(delegate.getChild(parent, fileName)); } public File getParentDirectory(File dir) { return wrapFileNoCanonicalize(delegate.getParentDirectory(dir)); } public Icon getSystemIcon(File f) { return delegate.getSystemIcon(f); } public boolean isParent(File folder, File file) { return delegate.isParent(folder, file); } public String getSystemTypeDescription(File f) { return delegate.getSystemTypeDescription(f); } public File getDefaultDirectory() { return wrapFileNoCanonicalize(delegate.getDefaultDirectory()); } public String getSystemDisplayName(File f) { return delegate.getSystemDisplayName(f); } public File[] getRoots() { return wrapFilesNoCanonicalize(delegate.getRoots()); } public boolean isHiddenFile(File f) { return delegate.isHiddenFile(f); } public File[] getFiles(File dir, boolean useFileHiding) { return wrapFilesNoCanonicalize(delegate.getFiles(dir, useFileHiding)); } public boolean isRoot(File f) { return delegate.isRoot(f); } public File createFileObject(String path) { return wrapFileNoCanonicalize(delegate.createFileObject(path)); } } }

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