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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.openide.filesystems;

import org.openide.util.WeakListeners;
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.ref.*;

/** Implementation of the file object for multi file system.
* @author Jaroslav Tulach, 
final class MultiFileObject extends AbstractFolder
    implements FileChangeListener {
    /** generated Serialized Version UID */
    static final long serialVersionUID = -2343651324897646809L;

    /** default extension separator */
    private static final char EXT_SEP = '.';

    /** default path separator */
    private static final char PATH_SEP = '/';

    /** list of objects that we delegate to and that already
    * has been created.
    private Set delegates;

    /** current delegate (the first object to delegate to), never null */
    private FileObject leader;

    /** Reference to lock or null */
    private Reference lock;

    /** listener */
    private FileChangeListener weakL;
    /**performance trick:  holds delegetad FileObject used last time to getAttributes.
     * It may looks simply, but all more sophisticated solutions was less efficient.
    private FileObject lastAttrCacheFile;    
    private String lastAttrCacheName = ""; // NOI18N
    private static final FileSystem.AtomicAction markAtomicAction =  new FileSystem.AtomicAction () {
        public void run(){}

    /** Constructor. Takes reference to file system this file belongs to.
    * @param fs the file system
    * @param parent the parent object (folder)
    * @param name name of the object (e.g. filename.ext)
    public MultiFileObject(MultiFileSystem fs, MultiFileObject parent, String name) {
        super (fs, parent, name);

        weakL = (MfoWeakListener)org.openide.util.WeakListeners.create (MfoWeakListener.class, FileChangeListener.class, this, null);
        update ();
        if (leader == null) {
            leader = new AbstractFileObject.Invalid (name);
            validFlag = false;

    /** Constructor for root.
    * @param fs the file system
    public MultiFileObject (MultiFileSystem fs) {
        this (fs, null, ""); // NOI18N

    /** File system.
    public FileSystem getLeaderFileSystem () throws FileStateInvalidException {
        return leader.getFileSystem();

    /** Frees cached objects - added with perf.changes  */
    private void freeLastAttrCache () {
        lastAttrCacheFile  = null;
        lastAttrCacheName = ""; // NOI18N
    /** Updates list of all references.
    private void update () {
        MultiFileSystem mfs = getMultiFileSystem ();
        FileSystem[] arr = mfs.getDelegates ();

        Set now = delegates == null ? Collections.EMPTY_SET : delegates;
        HashSet del = new HashSet (arr.length * 2);
        FileObject led = null;

        String name = getPath ();

        for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
            if (arr[i] != null) {
                FileObject fo = mfs.findResourceOn (arr[i], name);
                if (fo != null) {
                    del.add (fo);
                    if (!now.remove (fo)) {
                        // now there yet

                    if (led == null && fo.isValid()) {
                        led = fo;

        Iterator it = now.iterator ();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            FileObject fo = (FileObject) ();
            fo.removeFileChangeListener (weakL);

        if (led != null) {
            // otherwise leave the leader to be last file that represented
            // this one
            if (!led.equals(this.leader) && this.leader != null) {
                // isValid prevents here from firing events after MFO.delete
                if (isData() && isValid ())
                    fileChanged0 (new FileEvent (this));

                getMultiFileSystem ().notifyMigration (this);
            this.leader = led;
        this.delegates = del;

    /** Update all existing subobjects.
    void updateAll () {
	FileSystem mfs = getMultiFileSystem ();
        try {
	    mfs.beginAtomicAction ();
    	    // enumeration of all existing objects
            Enumeration en = existingSubFiles(true);
            while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
                MultiFileObject mfo = (MultiFileObject)en.nextElement();
                if (mfo.isFolder() && !mfo.isInitialized ())
                mfo.freeLastAttrCache ();
	} finally {
	    mfs.finishAtomicAction ();
    /** This method was added to achieve firing events that attributes
     * were changed after setDelegates. Events are not fired reliable but this solution was 
     * choosed because of performance reasons. Attributes name is set to null - what means
     * that one of attributes was probably changed.
    void updateAllAfterSetDelegates (FileSystem[] oldFileSystems) {
        try {
            FileSystem[] fileSystems = getMultiFileSystem().getDelegates();
            Enumeration en = existingSubFiles(true);
            while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
                MultiFileObject mfo = (MultiFileObject)en.nextElement();
                if (mfo.isFolder() && !mfo.isInitialized ())
                if (mfo.hasListeners()) {
                    String path = mfo.getPath ();
                    FileObject oldLeader = findLeader (oldFileSystems, path);
                    FileObject newLeader = findLeader (fileSystems, path);
                    if (oldLeader != null && newLeader != null && !oldLeader.equals(newLeader)) {
                        mfo.fileAttributeChanged0(new FileAttributeEvent(mfo,null,null,null));
        } finally {
    private void refreshAfterEvent (FileEvent fe) {
        FileObject fFile = fe.getFile();
        MultiFileObject mFile = (MultiFileObject)getFileObject(fFile.getName(),fFile.getExt());                
        if (mFile != null) 
    private void superRefresh (boolean expected) {
    private FileObject findLeader (FileSystem[] fs, String path) {
        MultiFileSystem mfs = getMultiFileSystem ();
        for (int i = 0; i < fs.length; i++) {
            FileObject fo = mfs.findResourceOn (fs[i], path);
            if (fo != null) {
                return fo;
        return null;
    /** Getter for the right file system */
    private MultiFileSystem getMultiFileSystem () {
        return (MultiFileSystem)getFileSystem ();

    /** Getter for one of children.
    private MultiFileObject getMultiChild (String name) {
        return (MultiFileObject)getChild (name);

    /** Converts the file to be writable.
    * The file has to be locked!
    * @return file object (new leader) that is writable
    * @exception IOException if the object cannot be writable
    private FileObject writable () throws IOException {
        MultiFileSystem fs = getMultiFileSystem ();
        FileSystem single = fs.createWritableOn (getPath ());

        if (single != leader.getFileSystem()) {
            // if writing to a file that is not on writable fs =>
            // copy it

            if (leader.isFolder()) {
                leader = FileUtil.createFolder (root (single), getPath ());
            } else {
                FileObject folder = FileUtil.createFolder(root (single), getParent ().getPath ());
                leader = leader.copy (folder, leader.getName (), leader.getExt ());

            MfLock l = (MfLock)(lock == null ? null : lock.get ());
            if (l != null) {
                // update the lock
                l.addLock (leader);

        return leader;

    /** All objects that are beyond this one.
    * @return enumeration of FileObject
    private Enumeration delegates () {
        return getMultiFileSystem ().delegates (getPath ());

    /** Method that goes upon list of folders and updates its locks. This is used when
    * an object is masked which may lead to creation of folders on a disk.
    * @param fo folder to check
    * @exception IOException if something locks cannot be updated
    private static void updateFoldersLock (FileObject fo) throws IOException {
        while (fo != null) {
            MultiFileObject mfo = (MultiFileObject)fo;

            MfLock l = (MfLock)(mfo.lock == null ? null : mfo.lock.get ());
            if (l != null) {
                // the file has been locked => update the lock
                mfo.writable ();

            fo = fo.getParent ();

    // List

    /** Method that allows subclasses to return its children.
    * @return names (name . ext) of subfiles
    protected final String[] list () {
        Properties exclude = new Properties ();
        LinkedList addList = new LinkedList ();
        HashSet addSet = new HashSet (101);
        Enumeration it = delegates ();
        while (it.hasMoreElements()) { // cycle 1
            FileObject folder = (FileObject)it.nextElement ();
            if (folder == null || !folder.isFolder ()) continue;
            FileObject[] arr = folder.getChildren ();
            Properties local = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
                String name = arr[i].getNameExt ();
                if (name.endsWith (MultiFileSystem.MASK)) {
                    String basename = name.substring (0, name.length () - MultiFileSystem.MASK.length ());
                    // this name should be excluded from next rounds of cycle 1
                    if (local == null) {
                        local = new Properties (exclude);
                    local.setProperty(basename, basename);
                    if (! getMultiFileSystem ().getPropagateMasks ()) {
                        // By default, unused mask files are not displayed as file children.
                        // When propagate masks is turned on, though, they should be.
                        // This is useful e.g. when using MFSs as delegates for other MFSs.
                // lets add this name, if not added yet and is not excluded by
                // previous level
                if (!addSet.contains (name) && exclude.getProperty (name) == null) {
                    addSet.add (name);
                    addList.add (name);
            // change the excludes to the new ones produced at this round
            if (local != null) {
                exclude = local;
        if (getMultiFileSystem ().getPropagateMasks ()) {
            // remove all masked files from the array, even if they were
            // masked on the same level as they were added
            addList.removeAll (exclude.keySet ());
        String[] res = (String[])addList.toArray (new String[addList.size()]);
        return res;
    /** When refreshing, also update the state of delegates.
    /** [PENDING] expected rename of some refresh method */
    /*protected void internalRefresh (
        String add, String remove, boolean fire, boolean expected, String[] list
    protected void refresh (
        String add, String remove, boolean fire, boolean expected
    ) {
        try {
            getFileSystem ().beginAtomicAction ();        
            synchronized (this) {
                update ();
                 /** [PENDING] expected rename of some refresh method */
                //super.internalRefresh (add, remove, fire, expected, list);
                super.refresh (add, remove, fire, expected);
            validFlag &= leader.isValid();  
        } finally {
            getFileSystem ().finishAtomicAction ();

    /** Method to create a file object for given subfile.
    * @param name of the subfile
    * @return the file object
    protected final AbstractFolder createFile (String name) {
        return new MultiFileObject (getMultiFileSystem (), this, name);

    // Info

    /* Test whether this object is a folder.
    * @return true if the file object is a folder (i.e., can have children)
    public boolean isFolder () {
        return parent == null || leader.isFolder ();

    * Get last modification time.
    * @return the date
    public java.util.Date lastModified() {
        return leader.lastModified ();

    /* Test whether this object is a data object.
    * This is exclusive with {@link #isFolder}.
    * @return true if the file object represents data (i.e., can be read and written)
    public boolean isData () {
        return leader.isData ();

    /* Test whether this file can be written to or not.
    * @return true if file is read-only
    public boolean isReadOnly () {
        MultiFileSystem fs = getMultiFileSystem ();

        if (fs.isReadOnly ()) {
            return true;

        if (leader.isReadOnly ()) {
            // if we can make it writable then nothing
            try {
                FileSystem simple = fs.createWritableOn (getPath ());
                return simple == leader.getFileSystem ();
            } catch (IOException e) {
                return true;

        return false;

    /* Get the MIME type of this file.
    * The MIME type identifies the type of the file's contents and should be used in the same way as in the Java
    * Activation Framework or in the {@link java.awt.datatransfer} package.

* The default implementation calls {@link FileUtil#getMIMEType}. * * @return the MIME type textual representation, e.g. "text/plain" */ public String getMIMEType () { return leader.getMIMEType (); } /* Get the size of the file. * @return the size of the file in bytes or zero if the file does not contain data (does not * exist or is a folder). */ public long getSize () { return leader.getSize (); } /** Get input stream. * @return an input stream to read the contents of this file * @exception FileNotFoundException if the file does not exists, is a folder * rather than a regular file or is invalid */ public InputStream getInputStream () throws { return leader.getInputStream (); } /* Get output stream. * @param lock the lock that belongs to this file (obtained by a call to * {@link #lock}) * @return output stream to overwrite the contents of this file * @exception IOException if an error occures (the file is invalid, etc.) */ public OutputStream getOutputStream (FileLock lock) throws { MfLock l; FileLock lWritable; FileObject fo; try { getFileSystem ().beginAtomicAction (markAtomicAction); synchronized (this) { l = testLock (lock); // this can also change lock in l.lock fo = writable (); lWritable = l.findLock (fo); } return fo.getOutputStream (lWritable); } finally { getFileSystem ().finishAtomicAction (); } } /* Lock this file. * @return lock that can be used to perform various modifications on the file * @throws FileAlreadyLockedException if the file is already locked */ public synchronized FileLock lock () throws IOException { if (lock != null) { FileLock f = (FileLock)lock.get (); if (f != null) { // [PENDING] construct localized message throw new FileAlreadyLockedException (getPath ()); } } java.util.Set set = getMultiFileSystem ().createLocksOn (getPath ()); FileLock l = new MfLock (leader, delegates (), set); lock = new WeakReference (l); // Thread.dumpStack (); // System.out.println ("Locking file: " + this); // NOI18N return l; } /** Tests the lock if it is valid, if not throws exception. * @param l lock to test * @return the mf lock for this file object */ private MfLock testLock (FileLock l) throws { if (lock == null) ("EXC_InvalidLock", l, getPath (), getMultiFileSystem ().getDisplayName (), lock); // NOI18N if (lock.get () != l) ("EXC_InvalidLock", l, getPath (), getMultiFileSystem ().getDisplayName (), lock.get ()); // NOI18N return (MfLock)l; } // [???] Implicit file state is important. /* Indicate whether this file is important from a user perspective. * This method allows a file system to distingush between important and * unimportant files when this distinction is possible. *

* For example: Java sources have important .java files and * unimportant .class files. If the file system provides * an "archive" feature it should archive only .java files. * @param b true if the file should be considered important */ public void setImportant (boolean b) { Enumeration en = delegates (); while (en.hasMoreElements ()) { FileObject fo = (FileObject)en.nextElement (); fo.setImportant (b); } if (!b) { getMultiFileSystem ().markUnimportant (this); } } /** Special value used to indicate null masking of an attribute. * The level is zero in simple cases; incremented when one MFS asks * another to store a VoidValue. */ private static final class VoidValue implements Externalizable { int level; VoidValue (int level) { this.level = level; } public String toString () { return "org.openide.filesystems.MultiFileObject.VoidValue#" + level; // NOI18N } // Externalizable: private static final long serialVersionUID = -2743645909916238684L; public VoidValue () {} public void writeExternal (ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeInt (level); } public void readExternal (ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { level = in.readInt (); } } /** Add one void-wrapping to an object. */ private static final Object voidify (Object o) { if (o == null) { return new VoidValue (0); } else if (o instanceof VoidValue) { VoidValue vv = (VoidValue) o; return new VoidValue (vv.level + 1); } else { return o; } } /** Strip off one void-wrapping from an object. */ private static final Object devoidify (Object o) { if (o instanceof VoidValue) { VoidValue vv = (VoidValue) o; if (vv.level == 0) { return null; } else { return new VoidValue (vv.level - 1); } } else { return o; } } /* Get the file attribute with the specified name. * @param attrName name of the attribute * @return appropriate (serializable) value or null if the attribute is unset (or could not be properly restored for some reason) */ public Object getAttribute(String attrName) { // Performance optimization (avoid calling getPath() too many times): return getAttribute (attrName, getPath ()); } private final Object getAttribute (String attrName, String path) { // Look for attribute in any file system starting at the front. // Additionally, look for attribute in root folder, where // the relative path from the folder to the target file is // prepended to the attribute name, all separated with slashes. // This search scheme permits writable front systems to set file // attributes on deeply buried files in back systems without // actually creating copies of the files or even their parent folders. // [PENDING] consider the effects of mask files String prefixattr = ((path.length () == 0) ? null : (path.replace ('/', '\\') + '\\' + attrName)); { /*There was proved that this block enhances performance*/ Object oPerf; FileObject localFo = lastAttrCacheFile; String cachedAttrName = lastAttrCacheName; if (localFo != null && !localFo.equals(this) && cachedAttrName.equals(attrName)) { if (localFo.isRoot() && prefixattr != null) { try { FileSystem foFs = localFo.getFileSystem (); if ( !(foFs instanceof XMLFileSystem)) { localFo = foFs.getRoot (); oPerf = getAttribute (localFo,prefixattr, ""); // NOI18N if (oPerf != null) return devoidify ( oPerf); } } catch (FileStateInvalidException fiex) { //then continue } } /** There is no chance to cache localFo.getPath(), because every * rename up to it in hierarchy makes this cache invalid. */ oPerf = getAttribute (localFo,attrName, localFo.getPath()); if (oPerf != null) return devoidify ( oPerf); } } FileSystem[] systems = getMultiFileSystem ().getDelegates (); FileSystem leaderfs; try { leaderfs = getLeaderFileSystem (); } catch (FileStateInvalidException fsie) { // Whatever. leaderfs = null; } // boolean isLoaderAttr = /* DataObject.EA_ASSIGNED_LOADER */ "NetBeansAttrAssignedLoader".equals (attrName); // NOI18N for (int i = 0; i < systems.length; i++) { if (systems[i] == null) { continue; } // Don't check for any assigned loader overrides except for leader & writable systems. // Note that this prevents front layers from overriding default loader! // Could be revisited but in the meantime this is a performance optimization. // if (isLoaderAttr && leaderfs != null && systems[i] != leaderfs && systems[i].isReadOnly ()) { // continue; // } // The normal check: FileObject fo = getMultiFileSystem ().findResourceOn (systems[i], path); if (fo != null) { Object o = getAttribute (fo,attrName, fo.getPath());// Performance tricks: if (o != null) return devoidify (o); } // Don't check for root override on XMLFileSystem's; the override // could only have been made on a writable filesystem to begin with. // Could skip all RO FSs but then multi-user installs would not work // quite right. if (prefixattr != null && ! (systems[i] instanceof XMLFileSystem)) { fo = systems[i].getRoot (); Object o = getAttribute (fo,prefixattr, ""); // NOI18N if (o != null) return devoidify (o); } } return null; } static final ThreadLocal attrAskedFileObject = new ThreadLocal(); private Object getAttribute (FileObject fo, String attrName, String path ) { Object o; FileObject topFO = (FileObject) attrAskedFileObject.get(); if (topFO == null) { attrAskedFileObject.set(this); } try { if (fo instanceof MultiFileObject) { o = ((MultiFileObject) fo).getAttribute (attrName, path); } else if (fo instanceof AbstractFileObject) { o = ((AbstractFileObject) fo).getAttribute (attrName, path); } else { o = fo.getAttribute (attrName); } } finally { if (topFO == null) { attrAskedFileObject.set(null); } } if (o != null) { lastAttrCacheFile = fo; lastAttrCacheName = attrName; } return o; } /* Set the file attribute with the specified name. * @param attrName name of the attribute * @param value new value or null to clear the attribute. Must be serializable, although particular file systems may or may not use serialization to store attribute values. * @exception IOException if the attribute cannot be set. If serialization is used to store it, this may in fact be a subclass such as {@link NotSerializableException}. */ public void setAttribute(String attrName, Object value) throws IOException { setAttribute(attrName, value, true); //NOI18N } /* helper method for MFO.setAttribute. MFO can disable firing from underlaying * layers. Should be reviewed in 3.4 or later *@see MultiFileObject#setAttribute*/ void setAttribute(String attrName, Object value, boolean fire) throws IOException { // Similar to getAttribute. Here we use createWritableOn to decide which fs // the attribute should be stored on; it is stored on the actual file if // possible, if not then the lowest containing folder. String path = getPath (); FileSystem fs = getMultiFileSystem ().createWritableOn (path); FileObject fo = getMultiFileSystem ().findResourceOn (fs,path); Object oldValue = null; String attrToSet = attrName; if (fire) oldValue = getAttribute (attrName); if (fo == null) { fo = fs.getRoot (); attrToSet = path.replace ('/', '\\') + '\\' + attrName; } lastAttrCacheFile = fo; lastAttrCacheName = attrToSet; if (fo instanceof AbstractFolder) ((AbstractFolder)fo).setAttribute(attrToSet, voidify (value), false); else { /** cannot disable firing from underlaying delegate if not AbstractFolder * without API change. So I don`t fire events from this method with one * exception - root. */ fire = fire && fo.isRoot (); fo.setAttribute (attrToSet, voidify (value)); } // fire changes for original attribute name even if the attr is actually // stored in the root FO if FO instanceof AbstractFolder (that has supressed firing). /* [PENDING] only this MultiFileObject should fire event and it`s delegate * should not fire event (nevertheless this delegate is physically used * to write given attribute - only implementation detail - * nobody should rely on current implementation). **/ if (fire && oldValue != value && hasAtLeastOneListeners () ) fileAttributeChanged0 (new FileAttributeEvent (this,attrName,oldValue,value)); } /* Get all file attribute names for this file. * @return enumeration of keys (as strings) */ public Enumeration getAttributes() { return getAttributes (getPath ()); } private final Enumeration getAttributes (String path) { Set s = new HashSet (); FileSystem[] systems = getMultiFileSystem ().getDelegates (); // [PENDING] will not remove from the enumeration voided-out attributes // (though this is probably not actually necessary) String prefix = path.length () == 0 ? null : path.replace ('/', '\\') + '\\'; for (int i = 0; i < systems.length; i++) { if (systems[i] == null) { continue; } FileObject fo = getMultiFileSystem ().findResourceOn (systems[i],path); if (fo != null) { Enumeration e = fo.getAttributes (); while (e.hasMoreElements ()) { String attr = (String) e.nextElement (); s.add (attr); } } if (prefix != null) { fo = systems[i].getRoot (); Enumeration e; if (fo instanceof MultiFileObject) { e = ((MultiFileObject) fo).getAttributes (""); // NOI18N } else if (fo instanceof AbstractFileObject) { e = ((AbstractFileObject) fo).getAttributes (""); // NOI18N } else { e = fo.getAttributes (); } while (e.hasMoreElements ()) { String attr = (String) e.nextElement (); if (attr.startsWith (prefix) && attr.substring (prefix.length ()).indexOf ('\\') == -1) { s.add (attr.substring (prefix.length ())); } } } } return Collections.enumeration (s); } /* Create a new folder below this one with the specified name. Fires * fileCreated event. * * @param name the name of folder to create (without extension) * @return the new folder * @exception IOException if the folder cannot be created (e.g. already exists) */ public FileObject createFolder (String name) throws IOException { MultiFileObject fo; try { getFileSystem ().beginAtomicAction (); synchronized (this) { MultiFileSystem fs = getMultiFileSystem (); if (fs.isReadOnly()) { ("EXC_FSisRO", fs.getDisplayName ()); // NOI18N } if (isReadOnly()) { ("EXC_FisRO", name, fs.getDisplayName ()); // NOI18N } String fullName = getPath () + PATH_SEP + name; if (! isFolder()) { ("EXC_FoNotFolder", name, getPath(), fs.getDisplayName ()); // NOI18N } if (this.getFileObject (name) != null) ("EXC_FolderAlreadyExist", name, fs.getDisplayName ()); // NOI18N FileSystem simple = fs.createWritableOn (fullName); // create FileUtil.createFolder (root (simple), fullName); // try to unmask if necessary getMultiFileSystem ().unmaskFileOnAll (simple, fullName); /** [PENDING] expected rename of some refresh method */ //internalRefresh (name, null, true, false,null); refresh (name, null, true, false); fo = getMultiChild (name); if (fo == null) { // system error throw new FileStateInvalidException (FileSystem.getString ("EXC_ApplicationCreateError", getPath (), name)); } FileObject chlds[] = fo.getChildren(); for (int i = 0; i < chlds.length; i++) { getMultiFileSystem ().maskFile (simple, chlds[i].getPath()); } if (hasListeners ()) { fileCreated0(new FileEvent(this, fo), false); } } } finally { getFileSystem ().finishAtomicAction (); } return fo; } /* Create new data file in this folder with the specified name. Fires * fileCreated event. * * @param name the name of data object to create (should not contain a period) * @param ext the extension of the file (or null or "") * * @return the new data file object * @exception IOException if the file cannot be created (e.g. already exists) */ public FileObject createData (String name, String ext) throws IOException { MultiFileObject fo; try { getFileSystem ().beginAtomicAction (); synchronized (this) { MultiFileSystem fs = getMultiFileSystem (); if (fs.isReadOnly()) { ("EXC_FSisRO", fs.getDisplayName ()); // NOI18N } if (isReadOnly()) { ("EXC_FisRO", name, fs.getDisplayName ()); // NOI18N } String n = "".equals (ext) ? name : name + EXT_SEP + ext; // NOI18N if (! isFolder()) { ("EXC_FoNotFolder", n, getPath(), fs.getDisplayName ()); // NOI18N } if (this.getFileObject (name, ext) != null) ("EXC_DataAlreadyExist", n, fs.getDisplayName ()); // NOI18N String fullName = getPath () + PATH_SEP + n; FileSystem simple = fs.createWritableOn (fullName); // create FileUtil.createData (root (simple), fullName); // try to unmask if necessary getMultiFileSystem ().unmaskFileOnAll (simple, fullName); /** [PENDING] expected rename of some refresh method */ //internalRefresh (n, null, true, false,null); refresh (n, null, true, false); fo = getMultiChild (n); if (fo == null) { // system error throw new FileStateInvalidException (FileSystem.getString ("EXC_ApplicationCreateError", getPath (), n)); } if (hasListeners ()) { fileCreated0(new FileEvent(this, fo), true); } } } finally { getFileSystem ().finishAtomicAction (); } return fo; } /* Renames this file (or folder). * Both the new basename and new extension should be specified. *

* Note that using this call, it is currently only possible to rename within * a parent folder, and not to do moves across folders. * Conversely, implementing file systems need only implement "simple" renames. * If you wish to move a file across folders, you should call {@link FileUtil#moveFile}. * @param lock File must be locked before renaming. * @param name new basename of file * @param ext new extension of file (ignored for folders) */ public void rename(FileLock lock, String name, String ext) throws IOException { MultiFileSystem fs = getMultiFileSystem (); if (parent == null) { ("EXC_CannotRenameRoot", fs.getDisplayName ()); // NOI18N } try { getFileSystem ().beginAtomicAction (); synchronized (parent) { // synchronize on your folder MfLock l = testLock (lock); String newFullName = parent.getPath () + PATH_SEP + name; if (isData ()) { newFullName += EXT_SEP + ext; } String oldFullName = getPath (); if (isReadOnly ()) { ("EXC_CannotRename", getPath (), getMultiFileSystem ().getDisplayName (), newFullName); // NOI18N } if (getFileSystem ().isReadOnly()) { ("EXC_FSisRO", getMultiFileSystem ().getDisplayName ()); // NOI18N } String on = getName (); String oe = getExt (); //!!! getMultiFileSystem ().change.rename (oldFullName, newFullName); FileSystem single = fs.createWritableOnForRename (oldFullName, newFullName); if (single == leader.getFileSystem ()) { // delete the file if we can on the selected // system leader.rename (l.findLock (leader), name, ext); getMultiFileSystem ().unmaskFileOnAll (single, newFullName); copyContent (this,leader); } else { // rename file that is on different file system // means to copy it FileObject previousLeader = leader; if (isData ()) { // data FileObject folder = FileUtil.createFolder(root (single), getParent ().getPath ()); leader = leader.copy (folder, name, ext); copyAttrs (this, leader); } else { // folder FileObject fo = FileUtil.createFolder (root (single), newFullName); copyContent (this, fo); leader = fo; = name;// must be done before update update (); } // releases lock for previousLeader and aquiares // new for leader l.changeLocks (previousLeader, leader); } if (getMultiFileSystem ().delegates (oldFullName).hasMoreElements ()) { // if there is older version of the file // then we have to mask it getMultiFileSystem ().maskFile (single, oldFullName); updateFoldersLock (getParent ()); } if (isData ()) { name = name + EXT_SEP + ext; } String oldName =; = name; /* System.out.println ("Resulting file is: " + getPath ()); System.out.println ("Bedw file is: " + newFullName); System.out.println ("Name: " + name); System.out.println ("Old : " + oldName); */ /** [PENDING] expected to delete*/ parent.refresh (name, oldName); //!!! getMultiFileSystem ().attr.renameAttributes (oldFullName, newFullName); if (hasAtLeastOneListeners ()) { fileRenamed0 (new FileRenameEvent(this, on, oe)); } } } finally { getFileSystem ().finishAtomicAction (); } } /* Delete this file. If the file is a folder and it is not empty then * all of its contents are also recursively deleted. * * @param lock the lock obtained by a call to {@link #lock} * @exception IOException if the file could not be deleted */ void handleDelete (FileLock lock) throws IOException { if (parent == null) { ( "EXC_CannotDeleteRoot", getMultiFileSystem ().getDisplayName () // NOI18N ); } MultiFileSystem fs = getMultiFileSystem (); try { getFileSystem ().beginAtomicAction (); synchronized (parent) { String fullName = getPath (); FileSystem single = fs.createWritableOn (fullName); if (needsMask (lock, true)) { getMultiFileSystem ().maskFile (single, fullName); updateFoldersLock (getParent ()); } String n = name; validFlag = false; /** [PENDING] expected rename of some refresh method */ //parent.internalRefresh (null, n, true, false, null); parent.refresh (null, n, true, false); if (hasAtLeastOneListeners ()) { fileDeleted0 (new FileEvent(this)); } } } finally { getFileSystem ().finishAtomicAction (); } } // // Transfer // /** Copies this file. This allows the filesystem to perform any additional * operation associated with the copy. But the default implementation is simple * copy of the file and its attributes * * @param target target folder to move this file to * @param name new basename of file * @param ext new extension of file (ignored for folders) * @return the newly created file object representing the moved file */ public FileObject copy (FileObject target, String name, String ext) throws IOException { return leader.copy (target, name, ext); } /** Moves this file. This allows the filesystem to perform any additional * operation associated with the move. But the default implementation is encapsulated * as copy and delete. * * @param lock File must be locked before renaming. * @param target target folder to move this file to * @param name new basename of file * @param ext new extension of file (ignored for folders) * @return the newly created file object representing the moved file */ public FileObject move (FileLock lock, FileObject target, String name, String ext) throws IOException { MultiFileSystem fs = getMultiFileSystem (); try { fs.beginAtomicAction (); if (parent == null) { ( "EXC_CannotDeleteRoot", fs.getDisplayName () // NOI18N ); } MfLock lck = testLock (lock); FileLock l = lck.findLock (leader); FileSystem simple = fs.createWritableOn(getPath()); if (fs.isReadOnly()) { ("EXC_FSisRO", fs.getDisplayName ()); // NOI18N } if (l == null && leader.getFileSystem() != simple) { leader = writable (); l = lck.findLock (leader); } if (needsMask (lock, false)) { getMultiFileSystem ().maskFile (simple, getPath ()); updateFoldersLock (getParent ()); } return leader.move (l, target, name, ext); } finally { fs.finishAtomicAction (); } } /* Refresh the contents of a folder. Rescans the list of children names. */ public final void refresh(boolean expected) { if (!isInitialized () && isFolder ()) return; Enumeration en = delegates (); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { FileObject fo = (FileObject)en.nextElement(); fo.refresh (expected); } super.refresh (expected); } // // Listeners // /** Fired when a new folder is created. This action can only be * listened to in folders containing the created folder up to the root of * file system. * * @param fe the event describing context where action has taken place */ public void fileFolderCreated(FileEvent fe) { /*One of underlaing layers notifies that new folder was created. And this folder may have any other childern anywhere deep in hierarchy and then must be updated and refreshed deep down*/ updateAll (); } /** Fired when a new file is created. This action can only be * listened in folders containing the created file up to the root of * file system. * * @param fe the event describing context where action has taken place */ public void fileDataCreated(FileEvent fe) { refreshAfterEvent (fe); } /** Fired when a file is changed. * @param fe the event describing context where action has taken place */ public void fileChanged(FileEvent fe) { FileObject changedFile = this; if (fe.getSource().equals(leader) && hasAtLeastOneListeners() && !fe.firedFrom(markAtomicAction)) { /**There should not dissapear information about source and changed file*/ if (!fe.getFile().equals(fe.getSource())) changedFile = getFileObject(fe.getFile().getName(), fe.getFile().getExt()); /**fileChanged1 - should not fire event for this.getParent (). * I think that already bottom layer forked event.*/ /** [PENDING] fix of #16926, #16895. But there should be investigated * why this MFO doesn`t know about child ?*/ if (changedFile != null) fileChanged1(new FileEvent(this,changedFile, fe.getTime())); } } /** Fired when a file is deleted. * @param fe the event describing context where action has taken place */ public void fileDeleted(FileEvent fe) { if (fe.getFile().isFolder()) updateAll (); else refreshAfterEvent (fe); } /** Fired when a file is renamed. * @param fe the event describing context where action has taken place * and the original name and extension. */ public void fileRenamed(FileRenameEvent fe) { updateAll (); } /** Fired when a file attribute is changed. * @param fe the event describing context where action has taken place, * the name of attribute and the old and new values. */ public void fileAttributeChanged(FileAttributeEvent fe) { // [PENDING] this is not at all sufficient to notify every change in attributes. // One, parent dirs of front filesystems can now hold attributes for missing // files. Two, non-leader files can have attributes too which are merged in. // In principle all files/folders whose path is a prefix of this path on all // contained filesystems should be listened to for attribute change events. if (!hasAtLeastOneListeners () || leader == null) return; /** If change is not fired from leader then leader may mask this attribute * and then event should not be fired */ if (!fe.getFile().equals(leader) && fe.getName() != null && leader.getAttribute (fe.getName()) != null) return; /** If change is not fired from leader then another delegate may mask this attribute * and then event should not be fired. */ if (!fe.getFile().equals(leader) && fe.getNewValue() != null && fe.getName() != null && !fe.getNewValue().equals (getAttribute (fe.getName()))) return; fileAttributeChanged0 (new FileAttributeEvent ( this, fe.getName(), fe.getOldValue(), fe.getNewValue())); } /** Copies content of one folder into another. * @param source source folder * @param target target folder * @exception IOException if it fails */ private static void copyContent (FileObject source, FileObject target) throws IOException { FileObject[] srcArr = source.getChildren (); copyAttrs (source, target);//added for (int i = 0; i < srcArr.length; i++) { FileObject child = srcArr[i]; if (MultiFileSystem.isMaskFile (child) ) continue; if (target.getFileObject (child.getName (), child.getExt ()) == null) { if (child.isData ()) { FileObject fo = FileUtil.copyFile (child, target, child.getName (), child.getExt ()); if (fo != null) copyAttrs (child, fo); } else { FileObject targetChild = target.createFolder (child.getName ()); copyContent (child, targetChild); } } } } /** Copies attributes of one FileObject into another. * @param source source folder or file * @param target target folder or file * @exception IOException if it fails */ private static void copyAttrs (FileObject source,FileObject target) { Enumeration en = source.getAttributes (); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { String key = (String) en.nextElement(); Object value = source.getAttribute (key); try { target.setAttribute (key, value); } catch (IOException ie){} } } /** * auxiliary method that returns true if mask is needed and deletes all delegates * on writable layers if deleteDelegates is true. * @param lock * @param deleteDelegates if true all delegates on writable layers will be deleted * @throws IOException is thrown if lock is not valid. * @return true if mask is necessary*/ private boolean needsMask(FileLock lock, boolean deleteDelegates) throws IOException{ MfLock lck = testLock(lock); Enumeration e = getMultiFileSystem().delegates(getPath()); boolean needsMask = false; while (e.hasMoreElements()) { FileObject fo = (FileObject) e.nextElement(); FileLock lockForFo = lck.findLock(fo); if (lockForFo == null) { // we will need to create mask needsMask = true; } else { if (deleteDelegates) fo.delete(lockForFo); } } return needsMask; } /** Finds a root for given file system. It also counts with * redefined method findResourceOn. * * @param fs the filesystem to seach on * @return the root on the fs */ private FileObject root (FileSystem fs) { return getMultiFileSystem ().findResourceOn (fs, ""); // NOI18N } final FileObject getLeader () { return leader; } /** Implementation of lock for abstract files. */ private class MfLock extends FileLock { /** lock for all files (map from FileObject to FileLock) */ private Map map = new HashMap (11); /** * @param leader leader file object * @param delegates all delegates for this file object * @param systems a set of filesystems we should create lock on * @exception IOException if the lock cannot be obtained */ public MfLock (FileObject leader, Enumeration delegates, Set systems) throws IOException { while (delegates.hasMoreElements()) { FileObject fo = (FileObject)delegates.nextElement(); if (systems.contains (fo.getFileSystem())) { FileLock l = fo.lock (); map.put (fo, l); } } /* JST: Commented out because cause problems when locking a file that is only of filesystems that are readonly (for example when file is only on shared installation and locks are allowed only on local => then there is nothing to lock. if (map.isEmpty()) { // trouble, the filesystem returned wrong set of systems to lock // on => warn about possibly wrong implementation // to correct the problem override appropriatelly createLocksOn // method of MultiFileSystem throw new IOException ("Writable file is not on filesystem from createLocksOn"); // NOI18N } */ } /** Finds lock for given file object. * @param fo one of delegates * @return the lock or null */ public FileLock findLock (FileObject fo) { return (FileLock)map.get (fo); } /** Adds another lock into this lock. * @param fo file object to keep the lock for * @exception IOException if the lock cannot be obtained */ public void addLock (FileObject fo) throws IOException { map.put (fo, fo.lock ()); } /** Releases lock for old file object and * takes new one from newFo */ public void changeLocks ( FileObject old, FileObject n ) throws IOException { FileLock l = (FileLock)map.remove (old); if (l != null) { l.releaseLock(); } addLock (n); } public void releaseLock () { if (this.isValid()) { super.releaseLock(); releaseLockForDelegates(); if (getCurrentMfLock() == this) { // clears the reference to this lock from the file object MultiFileObject.this.lock = null; } } } private FileLock getCurrentMfLock() { FileLock currentLock = null;; if (lock != null) { currentLock = (FileLock)lock.get(); } return currentLock; } private void releaseLockForDelegates() { Iterator it = map.values().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { FileLock l = (FileLock) (); l.releaseLock (); } map.clear (); } // for better debugging public String toString() { return super.toString() + " for " + MultiFileObject.this + " valid=" + isValid(); // NOI18N } } /** Overloaded WeakListener.FileChange only to be able recognize this listener * by means of instanceof. */ static interface MfoWeakListener extends FileChangeListener { } // MfLock }

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