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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2004 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
package org.openide.filesystems;

import java.util.*;
import java.lang.StringBuffer;

import org.openide.util.Lookup;
import org.openide.util.LookupEvent;
import org.openide.util.LookupListener;
import org.openide.util.Utilities;

/** Mapper from FileObject -> URL.
 * Should be registered in default lookup. For details see {@link Lookup#getDefault()}.
 * For all methods, if the passed-in file object is the root folder
 * of some filesystem, then it is assumed that any valid file object
 * in that filesystem may also have a URL constructed for it by means
 * of appending the file object's resource path to the URL of the root
 * folder. If this cannot work for all file objects on the filesystem,
 * the root folder must not be assigned a URL of that type. nbfs: URLs
 * of course always work correctly in this regard.
 * @since 2.16
public abstract class URLMapper {

    /** URL which works inside this VM.*/
    public static final int INTERNAL = 0;
    /** URL which works inside this machine.*/        
    public static final int EXTERNAL = 1;
    /** URL which works from networked machines.*/
    public static final int NETWORK = 2;
    /** results with URLMapper instances*/
    private static Lookup.Result result;
    static {
        result = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(new Lookup.Template (URLMapper.class));
        result.addLookupListener(new LookupListener() {
            public void resultChanged (LookupEvent ev) {
                synchronized (URLMapper.class) {
                    cache = null;

    /** Basic impl. for JarFileSystem, LocalFileSystem, MultiFileSystem */    
    private static URLMapper defMapper;
    /** Cache of all available URLMapper instances. */
    private static List/**/ cache;

    /** Find a good URL for this file object which works according to type:
     * -inside this VM
     * - inside this machine
     * - from networked machines 
     * @return a suitable URL, or null
    public static  URL findURL(FileObject fo, int type) {
        URL retVal;
        /** secondly registered URLMappers are asked to resolve URL */
        Iterator instances = getInstances().iterator();                
        while (instances.hasNext()) {
            URLMapper mapper = (URLMapper);
            if (mapper == getDefault ()) continue;            
            retVal = mapper.getURL (fo, type);
            if (retVal != null) return retVal;            

        /** first basic implementation */
        retVal = getDefault ().getURL (fo, type);
        if (retVal != null) return retVal;
        /** if not resolved yet then internal URL with nbfs protocol is returned */        
        if (type == INTERNAL) {
            try {
                retVal =  FileURL.encodeFileObject (fo);
            } catch (FileStateInvalidException iex) { return null;}
        return retVal;
    /** Get a good URL for this file object which works according to type:
     * -inside this VM
     * - inside this machine
     * - from networked machines
     * The implementation can't use neither {@link FileUtil#toFile} nor {@link FileUtil#toFileObject}
     * otherwise StackOverflowError maybe thrown.  
     * @return a suitable URL, or null
    public abstract URL getURL(FileObject fo, int type);

    /** Find an array of FileObjects for this url
     * Zero or more FOs may be returned.
     * For each returned FO, it must be true that FO -> URL gives the
     * exact URL which was passed in, but depends on appripriate type
     *  findURL(FileObject fo, int type) .
     * @param url to wanted FileObjects
     * @return a suitable arry of FileObjects, or empty array if not successful
     * @since  2.22
     * @deprecated Use {@link #findFileObject} instead.
    public static FileObject[] findFileObjects (URL url) {
        /** first basic implementation */
        Set retSet = new LinkedHashSet ();
        FileObject[] retVal = null;
        Iterator instances = getInstances().iterator();
        while (instances.hasNext()) {
            URLMapper mapper = (URLMapper);
            if (mapper == getDefault ()) continue;                        
            retVal = mapper.getFileObjects(url);
            if (retVal != null) {

        retVal = getDefault ().getFileObjects (url);
        if (retVal != null) {
        retVal = new FileObject [retSet.size()];
        return retVal;

    /** Find an appropiate instance of FileObject that addresses this url
     * @param url url to be converted to file object
     * @return file object corresponding to url or null if no one was found
     * @since  4.29
    public static FileObject findFileObject(URL url) {
        if (url == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("Cannot pass null URL to URLMapper.findFileObject"); // NOI18N
        /** first basic implementation */
        FileObject[] results = null;

        Iterator instances = getInstances().iterator();
        while (instances.hasNext() && (results == null || results.length == 0)) {
            URLMapper mapper = (URLMapper);
            if (mapper == getDefault()) continue;
            results = mapper.getFileObjects(url);
        /** first basic implementation */
        if (results == null || results.length == 0) {
            results = getDefault().getFileObjects(url);

        return (results != null && results.length > 0) ? results[0] : null;

    /** Get an array of FileObjects for this url. There is no reason to return array
     * with size greater than one because method {@link #findFileObject findFileObject}
     * uses just first element (next elements won't be accepted anyway).
     * The implementation can't use neither {@link FileUtil#toFile} nor {@link FileUtil#toFileObject}
     * otherwise StackOverflowError maybe thrown.  

There isn't necessary to return array here. * The only one reason is just backward compatibility.

* @param url to wanted FileObjects * @return an array of FileObjects with size no greater than one, or null * @since 2.22*/ public abstract FileObject[] getFileObjects (URL url); /** this method is expeceted to be invoked to create instance of URLMapper, * because of method invocation (attr name="instanceCreate" * methodvalue="org.openide.filesystems.URLMapper.getDefault")*/ private static URLMapper getDefault () { synchronized (URLMapper.class) { if (defMapper == null) defMapper = new DefaultURLMapper (); return defMapper; } } /** Returns all available instances of URLMapper. * @return list of URLMapper instances */ private static List getInstances() { synchronized (URLMapper.class) { if (cache != null) { return cache; } // Set cache to empty array here to prevent infinite loop. // See issue #41358, #43359 cache = new ArrayList(); } ArrayList res = null; try { res = new ArrayList(result.allInstances()); } finally { synchronized (URLMapper.class) { cache = res; } } // Just in case cahe == null: // return empty array to prevent NPE // but let cache null to be able to recover from undeclared exception // caused by lookup (see #45546) return (cache == null) ? new ArrayList() : cache; } /*** Basic impl. for JarFileSystem, LocalFileSystem, MultiFileSystem */ private static class DefaultURLMapper extends URLMapper { DefaultURLMapper() {} // implements URLMapper.getFileObjects(URL url) public FileObject[] getFileObjects(URL url) { String prot = url.getProtocol(); if (prot.equals("nbfs")) { //// NOI18N FileObject retVal = FileURL.decodeURL(url); return (retVal == null) ? null : new FileObject[] {retVal}; } if (prot.equals("jar")) { //// NOI18N return getFileObjectsForJarProtocol(url); } if (prot.equals("file")) { //// NOI18N File f = toFile(url); if (f != null) { FileObject[] foRes = findFileObjectsInRepository(f); if (foRes != null && foRes.length > 0) { return foRes; } } } return null; } private FileObject[] findFileObjectsInRepository(File f) { if (!f.equals(FileUtil.normalizeFile(f))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter file was not "+ // NOI18N "normalized. Was "+f+" instead of "+FileUtil.normalizeFile(f)); // NOI18N } Enumeration en = Repository.getDefault().getFileSystems(); LinkedList list = new LinkedList (); String fileName = f.getAbsolutePath(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { FileSystem fs = (FileSystem)en.nextElement(); String rootName = null; FileObject fsRoot = fs.getRoot (); File root = findFileInRepository (fsRoot); if (root == null) { Object rootPath = fsRoot.getAttribute("FileSystem.rootPath");//NOI18N if (rootPath != null && (rootPath instanceof String)) rootName = (String)rootPath; else continue; } if (rootName == null) rootName = root.getAbsolutePath(); /**root is parent of file*/ if (fileName.indexOf(rootName) == 0) { String res = fileName.substring(rootName.length()).replace(File.separatorChar, '/'); FileObject fo = fs.findResource(res); File file2Fo = (fo != null)? findFileInRepository(fo) : null; if (fo != null && file2Fo != null && f.equals(file2Fo)) { if (fo.getClass().toString().indexOf ("org.netbeans.modules.masterfs.MasterFileObject") != -1) {//NOI18N list.addFirst(fo); } else { list.addLast(fo); } } } } FileObject[] results = new FileObject[list.size()]; list.toArray(results); return results; } // implements URLMapper.getURL(FileObject fo, int type) public URL getURL(FileObject fo, int type) { return getURLBasicImpl(fo, type); } private static URL getURLBasicImpl(FileObject fo, int type) { if (fo == null) return null; if (type == NETWORK) return null; if (fo instanceof MultiFileObject && type == INTERNAL) { // Stick to nbfs protocol, otherwise URL calculations // get messed up. See #39613. return null; } File fFile = findFileInRepository(fo); if (fFile != null) { try { return fFile.toURI().toURL(); } catch (MalformedURLException mfx) { assert false : mfx; return null; } } URL retURL = null; FileSystem fs = null; try { fs = fo.getFileSystem(); } catch (FileStateInvalidException fsex) { return null; } if (fs instanceof JarFileSystem) { JarFileSystem jfs = (JarFileSystem) fs; File f = jfs.getJarFile(); if (f == null) return null; try { // XXX fo.getPath() needs to be escaped retURL = new URL("jar:" + f.toURI() + "!/" + fo.getPath() + // NOI18N ((fo.isFolder() && !fo.isRoot()) ? "/" : "")); // NOI18N } catch (MalformedURLException mfx) { mfx.printStackTrace(); return null; } } else if (fs instanceof XMLFileSystem) { URL retVal = null; try { retVal = ((XMLFileSystem) fs).getURL(fo.getPath()); if (retVal == null) return null; if (type == INTERNAL) return retVal; boolean isInternal = retVal.getProtocol().startsWith("nbres");//NOI18N if (type == EXTERNAL && !isInternal) return retVal; return null; } catch (FileNotFoundException fnx) { return null; } } return retURL; } private static File findFileInRepository(FileObject fo) { File f = (File)fo.getAttribute(""); // NOI18N return (f != null) ? FileUtil.normalizeFile(f) : null ; } private static FileObject[] getFileObjectsForJarProtocol(URL url) { FileObject retVal = null; JarURLParser jarUrlParser = new JarURLParser(url); File file = jarUrlParser.getJarFile(); String entryName = jarUrlParser.getEntryName(); if (file != null ) { JarFileSystem fs = findJarFileSystem(file); if (fs != null) { if (entryName == null) entryName = ""; // #39190: root of JAR retVal = fs.findResource(entryName); } } return (retVal == null) ? null : new FileObject[] {retVal}; } private static JarFileSystem findJarFileSystem(File jarFile) { JarFileSystem retVal = null; Enumeration en = Repository.getDefault().getFileSystems(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { FileSystem fs = (FileSystem)en.nextElement(); if (fs instanceof JarFileSystem) { File fsJarFile = ((JarFileSystem)fs).getJarFile(); if (fsJarFile.equals(jarFile)) { retVal = (JarFileSystem)fs; break; } } } return retVal; } private static class JarURLParser { private File jarFile; private String entryName; JarURLParser (URL originalURL) { parse (originalURL); } /** copy & pasted from JarURLConnection.parse*/ void parse (URL originalURL) { String spec = originalURL.getFile(); int separator = spec.indexOf('!'); if (separator != -1) { try { jarFile = toFile(new URL(spec.substring(0, separator++))); entryName = null; } catch (MalformedURLException e) { return; } /* if ! is the last letter of the innerURL, entryName is null */ if (++separator != spec.length()) { entryName = spec.substring(separator, spec.length()); } } } File getJarFile() { return jarFile; } String getEntryName() { return entryName; } } private static File toFile(URL u) { if (u == null) throw new NullPointerException(); try { URI uri = new URI(u.toExternalForm()); return new File(uri); } catch (URISyntaxException use) { // malformed URL return null; } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { // not a file: URL return null; } } } }
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