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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.openide.nodes;

import org.openide.util.WeakListeners;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.beans.*;
import java.beans.beancontext.BeanContext;
import java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChild;
import java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextProxy;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;

import org.openide.ErrorManager;
import org.openide.util.HelpCtx;
import org.openide.util.Utilities;
import org.openide.util.actions.SystemAction;

/** Represents one JavaBean in the nodes hierarchy.
* It provides all methods that are needed for communication between
* the IDE and the bean.

You may use this node type for an already-existing JavaBean (possibly * using BeanContext) in order for its JavaBean properties to be reflected * as corresponding node properties. Thus, it serves as a compatibility wrapper. * * @author Jan Jancura, Ian Formanek, Jaroslav Tulach */ public class BeanNode extends AbstractNode { // static .................................................................................................................. /** Icon base for bean nodes */ private static final String ICON_BASE = "org/openide/resources/beans"; // NOI18N private static Children getChildren (Object bean) { if (bean instanceof BeanContext) return new BeanChildren ((BeanContext)bean); if (bean instanceof BeanContextProxy) { BeanContextChild bch = ((BeanContextProxy)bean).getBeanContextProxy(); if (bch instanceof BeanContext) return new BeanChildren ((BeanContext)bch); } return Children.LEAF; } // variables ............................................................................................................. /** bean */ private final Object bean; /** bean info for the bean */ private BeanInfo beanInfo; /** functions to operate on beans */ private Method nameGetter = null; private Method nameSetter = null; /** remove PropertyChangeListener method */ private Method removePCLMethod = null; /** listener for properties */ private PropL propertyChangeListener = null; /** is synchronization of name in progress */ private boolean synchronizeName; // init .................................................................................................................. /** * Constructs a node for a JavaBean. If the bean is a {@link BeanContext}, * creates a child list as well. * * @param bean the bean this node will be based on * @throws IntrospectionException if the bean cannot be analyzed */ public BeanNode (Object bean) throws IntrospectionException { this ( bean, getChildren (bean) ); } /** Constructs a node for a JavaBean with a defined child list. * Intended for use by subclasses with different strategies for computing the children. * @param bean the bean this node will be based on * @param children children for the node (default if null) * @throws IntrospectionException if the bean cannot be analyzed */ protected BeanNode (Object bean, Children children) throws IntrospectionException { super (children == null ? getChildren(bean) : children); if (bean == null) throw new NullPointerException("cannot make a node for a null bean"); // NOI18N this.bean = bean; try { initialization (); } catch (IntrospectionException ie) { throw ie; } catch (RuntimeException re) { throw mkie(re); } catch (LinkageError le) { throw mkie(le); } } private static IntrospectionException mkie(Throwable t) { IntrospectionException ie = new IntrospectionException(t.toString()); ErrorManager.getDefault().annotate(ie, t); return ie; } /** Set whether or not to keep the node name and Bean name synchronized automatically. * If enabled, the node will listen to changes in the name of the bean * and update the (system) name of the node appropriately. The name of the bean can * be obtained by calling getName (), getDisplayName () or from {@link BeanDescriptor#getDisplayName}. *

Also when the (system) name of the node is changing, the change propagates if possible to * methods setName (String) or setDisplayName (String). (This * does not apply to setting the display name of the node, however.) *

* By default this feature is turned on. * * @param watch true if the name of the node should be synchronized with * the name of the bean, false if the name of the node should be independent * or manually updated * */ protected void setSynchronizeName (boolean watch) { synchronizeName = watch; } /** Provides access to the bean represented by this BeanNode. * @return instance of the bean represented by this BeanNode */ protected Object getBean () { return bean; } /** Detaches all listeners from the bean and destroys it. * @throws IOException if there was a problem */ public void destroy () throws IOException { if (removePCLMethod != null) { try { Object o = Beans.getInstanceOf (bean, removePCLMethod.getDeclaringClass ()); removePCLMethod.invoke (o, new Object[] {propertyChangeListener}); } catch (Exception e) { NodeOp.exception (e); } } super.destroy (); } /** Can this node be removed? * @return true in this implementation */ public boolean canDestroy () { return true; } /** Set the node name. * Also may attempt to change the name of the bean, * according to {@link #setSynchronizeName}. * @param s the new name */ public void setName (String s) { if (synchronizeName) { Method m = nameSetter; if (m != null) { try { m.invoke (bean, new Object[] {s}); } catch (Exception e) { NodeOp.exception (e); } } } super.setName (s); } /** Can this node be renamed? * @return true if there is no name synchronization, or there is * a valid setter method for the name */ public boolean canRename () { return ! synchronizeName || nameSetter != null; } /** Get an icon for this node in the closed state. * Uses the Bean's icon if possible. * * @param type constant from {@link java.beans.BeanInfo} * @return icon to use */ public Image getIcon (int type) { Image image = beanInfo.getIcon (type); if (image != null) return image; return super.getIcon(type); } /** Get an icon for this node in the open state. * * @param type type constants * @return icon to use. The default implementation just uses {@link #getIcon}. */ public Image getOpenedIcon (int type) { return getIcon(type); } public HelpCtx getHelpCtx() { HelpCtx h = HelpCtx.findHelp(bean); if (h != HelpCtx.DEFAULT_HELP) { return h; } else { return new HelpCtx(BeanNode.class); } } /** Prepare node properties based on the bean, storing them into the current property sheet. * Called when the bean info is ready. * This implementation always creates a set for standard properties * and may create a set for expert ones if there are any. * @see #computeProperties * @param bean bean to compute properties for * @param info information about the bean */ protected void createProperties (Object bean, BeanInfo info) { Descriptor d = computeProperties (bean, beanInfo); Sheet sets = getSheet (); Sheet.Set pset = Sheet.createPropertiesSet (); pset.put (; BeanDescriptor bd = info.getBeanDescriptor(); if ( bd != null && bd.getValue( "propertiesHelpID" ) != null ) { // NOI18N pset.setValue( "helpID", bd.getValue( "propertiesHelpID" ) ); // NOI18N } sets.put (pset); if ( != 0) { Sheet.Set eset = Sheet.createExpertSet (); eset.put (; if ( bd != null && bd.getValue( "expertHelpID" ) != null ) { // NOI18N eset.setValue( "helpID", bd.getValue( "expertHelpID" ) ); // NOI18N } sets.put (eset); } } /** Can this node be copied? * @return true in the default implementation */ public boolean canCopy () { return true; } /** Can this node be cut? * @return false in the default implementation */ public boolean canCut () { return false; } /* Getter for set of actions that should be present in the * popup menu of this node. This set is used in construction of * menu returned from getContextMenu and specially when a menu for * more nodes is constructed. * * @return array of system actions that should be in popup menu */ protected SystemAction[] createActions () { return NodeOp.createFromNames (new String[] { "CustomizeBean", null, "Copy", null, "Tools", "Properties" // NOI18N }); } /* Test if there is a customizer for this node. If true * the customizer can be obtained via getCustomizer method. * * @return true if there is a customizer. */ public boolean hasCustomizer () { // true if we have already computed beanInfo and it has customizer class return beanInfo.getBeanDescriptor ().getCustomizerClass () != null; } /* Returns the customizer component. * @return the component or null if there is no customizer */ public java.awt.Component getCustomizer () { Class clazz = beanInfo.getBeanDescriptor ().getCustomizerClass (); if (clazz == null) return null; Object o; try { o = clazz.newInstance (); } catch (InstantiationException e) { NodeOp.exception (e); return null; } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { NodeOp.exception (e); return null; } if (! (o instanceof Customizer) ) { // no customizer => no fun // [PENDING] this ought to perform some sort of notification! return null; } Customizer cust = ((java.beans.Customizer)o); TMUtil.attachCustomizer (this, cust); // looking for the component java.awt.Component comp = null; if (o instanceof java.awt.Component) { comp = (java.awt.Component)o; } else { // create the dialog from descriptor comp = TMUtil.createDialog (o); } if (comp == null) { // no component provided return null; } cust.setObject (bean); if (removePCLMethod == null) { cust.addPropertyChangeListener ( new PropertyChangeListener () { public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) { firePropertyChange ( e.getPropertyName (), e.getOldValue (), e.getNewValue () ); } }); } return comp; } /** Computes a descriptor for properties from a bean info. *

Property code names are taken from the property descriptor names * according to the JavaBeans specification. For example, a pair of * methods getFoo and setFoo would result in * a node property with code name foo. If you call * MyBean.setFoo(...), this should result in a property * change event with name foo; if you are using these * properties in some other context (attached to something other than * a BeanNode) then be careful to fire changes with the correct * name, or there may be problems with refreshing display of the property etc. * @param bean bean to create properties for * @param info about the bean * @return three property lists */ public static Descriptor computeProperties (Object bean, BeanInfo info) { ArrayList property = new ArrayList (); ArrayList expert = new ArrayList (); ArrayList hidden = new ArrayList (); PropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptor = info.getPropertyDescriptors (); int k = propertyDescriptor.length; for (int i = 0; i < k; i ++) { if (propertyDescriptor[i].getPropertyType() == null) continue; Node.Property prop; if (propertyDescriptor[i] instanceof IndexedPropertyDescriptor) { IndexedPropertyDescriptor p = (IndexedPropertyDescriptor) propertyDescriptor [i]; if ((p.getReadMethod() != null) && (!p.getReadMethod().getReturnType().isArray())) { // this is fix for #17728. This situation should never happen // But if the BeanInfo (IndexedPropertyDescriptor) is wrong // we will ignore this property continue; } IndexedPropertySupport support = new IndexedPropertySupport ( bean, p.getPropertyType (), p.getIndexedPropertyType(), p.getReadMethod (), p.getWriteMethod (), p.getIndexedReadMethod (), p.getIndexedWriteMethod () ); support.setName (p.getName ()); support.setDisplayName (p.getDisplayName ()); support.setShortDescription (p.getShortDescription ()); for (Enumeration e = p.attributeNames(); e.hasMoreElements();) { String aname = (String)e.nextElement(); support.setValue(aname, p.getValue(aname)); } prop = support; } else { PropertyDescriptor p = propertyDescriptor [i]; // Note that PS.R sets the method accessible even if it is e.g. // defined as public in a package-accessible superclass. PropertySupport.Reflection support = new PropertySupport.Reflection ( bean, p.getPropertyType (), p.getReadMethod (), p.getWriteMethod () ); support.setName (p.getName ()); support.setDisplayName (p.getDisplayName ()); support.setShortDescription (p.getShortDescription ()); support.setPropertyEditorClass (p.getPropertyEditorClass ()); for (Enumeration e = p.attributeNames(); e.hasMoreElements();) { String aname = (String)e.nextElement(); support.setValue(aname, p.getValue(aname)); } prop = support; } // Propagate helpID's. Object help = propertyDescriptor[i].getValue ("helpID"); // NOI18N if (help != null && (help instanceof String)) { prop.setValue ("helpID", help); // NOI18N } // Add to right category. if (propertyDescriptor[i].isHidden ()) { // hidden property hidden.add (prop); } else { if (propertyDescriptor[i].isExpert ()) { expert.add (prop); } else { property.add (prop); } } }// for return new Descriptor (property, expert, hidden); } // // // Initialization methods // // /** Performs initalization of the node */ private void initialization () throws IntrospectionException { setIconBase (ICON_BASE); // default action is org.openide.actions.PropertiesAction SystemAction[] arr = NodeOp.createFromNames (new String[] { "Properties" }); // NOI18N if (arr.length != 0) { setDefaultAction (arr[0]); } setSynchronizeName (true); // Find the first public superclass of the actual class. // Should not introspect on a private class, because then the method objects // used for the property descriptors will not be callable without an // IllegalAccessException, even if overriding a public method from a public superclass. Class clazz = bean.getClass (); while (! Modifier.isPublic (clazz.getModifiers ()) && !hasExplicitBeanInfo (clazz)) { clazz = clazz.getSuperclass (); if (clazz == null) clazz = Object.class; // in case it was an interface } beanInfo = Utilities.getBeanInfo (clazz); // resolving the name of this bean registerName (); setNameSilently (getNameForBean ()); BeanDescriptor descriptor = beanInfo.getBeanDescriptor (); String sd = descriptor.getShortDescription (); if (! Utilities.compareObjects (sd, descriptor.getDisplayName ())) setShortDescription (sd); // add propertyChangeListener EventSetDescriptor[] eventSetDescriptors = beanInfo.getEventSetDescriptors(); int i, k = eventSetDescriptors.length; Method method = null; for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { method = eventSetDescriptors [i].getAddListenerMethod (); if (method != null && method.getName().equals("addPropertyChangeListener") && // NOI18N // Possible for a public class to extend a package-private class, // where the private class defines addPropertyChangeListener, in which // case the introspector lists an inaccessible method in the event // set descriptor. In such a case, do not try to add a listener. Modifier.isPublic(method.getModifiers())) { break; } } if (i != k) { try { Object o = Beans.getInstanceOf (bean, method.getDeclaringClass ()); propertyChangeListener = new PropL (); method.invoke (o, new Object[] { WeakListeners.propertyChange (propertyChangeListener, o) }); removePCLMethod = eventSetDescriptors [i].getRemoveListenerMethod (); } catch (Exception e) { // Warning, not info: likely to call e.g. getters or other things used // during startup of the bean, so it is not good to swallow errors here // (e.g. SharedClassObject.initialize throws RuntimeException -> it is // caught here and probably someone wants to know). ErrorManager.getDefault().annotate(e, ErrorManager.UNKNOWN, "Trying to invoke " + method + " where introspected class is " + clazz.getName(), null, null, null); // NOI18N NodeOp.warning (e); } } createProperties (bean, beanInfo); for (Enumeration e = beanInfo.getBeanDescriptor().attributeNames(); e.hasMoreElements();) { String aname = (String)e.nextElement(); setValue(aname, beanInfo.getBeanDescriptor().getValue(aname)); } Node.Cookie instanceCookie = TMUtil.createInstanceCookie (bean); if (instanceCookie != null) { getCookieSet ().add (instanceCookie); } } /** Checks whether there is an explicit bean info for given class. * @param clazz the class to test * @return true if explicit bean info exists */ private boolean hasExplicitBeanInfo (Class clazz) { String className = clazz.getName (); int indx = className.lastIndexOf('.'); className = className.substring (indx + 1); String[] paths = Introspector.getBeanInfoSearchPath(); for (int i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { String s = paths[i] + '.' + className + "BeanInfo"; // NOI18N try { // test if such class exists Class.forName (s); return true; } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { // OK, this is normal. } } return false; } // name resolving methods /** * Finds setter and getter methods for the name of the bean. Resisters listener * for changing of name. */ private void registerName () { // [PENDING] ought to use introspection, rather than look up the methods by name --jglick Class clazz = bean.getClass (); // Do not want to use getName, even if public, on a private class: while (! Modifier.isPublic (clazz.getModifiers ())) { clazz = clazz.getSuperclass (); if (clazz == null) clazz = Object.class; } Class[] param = new Class [0]; // find getter for the name try { try { nameGetter = clazz.getMethod ("getName", param); // NOI18N if (nameGetter.getReturnType () != String.class) throw new NoSuchMethodException (); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { try { nameGetter = clazz.getMethod ("getDisplayName", param); // NOI18N if (nameGetter.getReturnType () != String.class) throw new NoSuchMethodException (); } catch (NoSuchMethodException ee) { nameGetter = null; return; } } } catch (SecurityException se) { NodeOp.exception (se); nameGetter = null; return; } // this code tests wheter everything is fine and the getter is // invokable try { // make sure this is cast to String too: String result = (String) nameGetter.invoke (bean, null); } catch (Exception e) { ErrorManager em = ErrorManager.getDefault (); em.annotate (e, ErrorManager.WARNING, "Bad method: " + clazz.getName () + "." + nameGetter.getName (), //NOI18N null, null, null); em.notify ( ErrorManager.WARNING, e); nameGetter = null; return; } // find the setter for the name param = new Class[] {String.class}; try { try { // tries to find method setName (String) nameSetter = clazz.getMethod ("setName", param); // NOI18N if (nameSetter.getReturnType () != Void.TYPE) throw new NoSuchMethodException (); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { try { nameSetter = clazz.getMethod ("setDisplayName", param); // NOI18N if (nameSetter.getReturnType () != Void.TYPE) throw new NoSuchMethodException (); } catch (NoSuchMethodException ee) { nameSetter = null; } } } catch (SecurityException se) { NodeOp.exception (se); } } /** * Returns name of the bean. */ private String getNameForBean () { if (nameGetter != null) { try { String name = (String) nameGetter.invoke (bean, null); return name != null ? name : ""; // NOI18N } catch (Exception ex) { NodeOp.warning (ex); } } BeanDescriptor descriptor = beanInfo.getBeanDescriptor (); return descriptor.getDisplayName (); } /** To allow innerclasses to access the super.setName method. */ void setNameSilently (String name) { super.setName (name); } /** Descriptor of three types of properties. Regular, * expert and hidden. */ public static final class Descriptor extends Object { /** Regular properties. */ public final Node.Property[] property; /** Expert properties. */ public final Node.Property[] expert; /** Hidden properties. */ public final Node.Property[] hidden; /** private constructor */ Descriptor (ArrayList p, ArrayList e, ArrayList h) { property = new Node.Property[p.size ()]; p.toArray (property); expert = new Node.Property[e.size ()]; e.toArray (expert); hidden = new Node.Property[h.size ()]; h.toArray (hidden); } } /** Property change listener to update the properties of the node and * also the name of the node (sometimes) */ private final class PropL extends Object implements PropertyChangeListener { PropL() {} public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) { String name = e.getPropertyName (); if (name == null) { firePropertyChange (null, e.getOldValue (), e.getNewValue ()); } else { PropertyDescriptor[] arr = beanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors (); for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i].isHidden ()) continue; if (name.equals (arr[i].getName ())) { firePropertyChange (e.getPropertyName (), e.getOldValue (), e.getNewValue ()); break; } } } if (synchronizeName) { if (name == null || name.equals ("name") || name.equals ("displayName")) { // NOI18N String newName = getNameForBean (); if (!newName.equals (getName ())) { setNameSilently (newName); } } } } } }

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