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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2004 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.openide.text;

import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.util.*;
import java.awt.print.PrinterJob;
import java.awt.print.Pageable;
import java.awt.print.Printable;
import java.awt.print.PageFormat;
import java.awt.print.PrinterException;
import java.awt.print.PrinterAbortException;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport;
import javax.swing.JButton;

import javax.swing.JEditorPane;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.swing.text.*;
import javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent;
import javax.swing.event.DocumentListener;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;
import javax.swing.event.UndoableEditEvent;
import javax.swing.undo.CannotUndoException;
import javax.swing.undo.CannotRedoException;
import javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit;
import org.openide.DialogDisplayer;

import org.openide.awt.UndoRedo;
import org.openide.ErrorManager;
import org.openide.NotifyDescriptor;
import org.openide.awt.StatusDisplayer;
import org.openide.cookies.EditorCookie;
import org.openide.util.Task;
import org.openide.util.TaskListener;
//import org.openide.util.actions.SystemAction;
import org.openide.util.RequestProcessor;
import org.openide.util.Lookup;
import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
import org.openide.util.UserQuestionException;
import org.openide.text.EnhancedChangeEvent;

/** Support for associating an editor and a Swing {@link Document}.
* Can be assigned as a cookie to any editable data object.
* This class is abstract, so any subclass has to provide implementation
* for abstract method (usually for generating of messages) and also
* provide environment {@link Env} to give this support access to 
* input/output streams, mime type and other features of edited object.

* This class implements methods of the interfaces * {@link org.openide.cookies.EditorCookie}, {@link org.openide.cookies.OpenCookie}, * {@link org.openide.cookies.EditCookie}, * {@link org.openide.cookies.ViewCookie}, {@link org.openide.cookies.LineCookie}, * {@link org.openide.cookies.CloseCookie}, and {@link org.openide.cookies.PrintCookie} * but does not implement * those interfaces. It is up to the subclass to decide which interfaces * really implement and which not. * * @author Jaroslav Tulach */ public abstract class CloneableEditorSupport extends CloneableOpenSupport { /** Common name for editor mode. */ public static final String EDITOR_MODE = "editor"; // NOI18N private static final String PROP_PANE = "CloneableEditorSupport.Pane"; //NOI18N private static final int DOCUMENT_NO = 0; private static final int DOCUMENT_LOADING = 1; private static final int DOCUMENT_READY = 2; private static final int DOCUMENT_RELOADING = 3; /** Flag saying if the CloneableEditorSupport handles already the UserQuestionException*/ private boolean inUserQuestionExceptionHandler; /** Used for allowing to pass getDocument method * when called from loadDocument. */ private static final ThreadLocal LOCAL_LOAD_TASK = new ThreadLocal(); /** Task for preparing the document. Consists for loading a document, * firing stateChange and * initializing it by attaching listeners listening to document changes, such as SavingManager and * LineSet. */ private Task prepareTask; /** editor kit to work with */ private EditorKit kit; /** document we work with */ private StyledDocument doc; /** Non default MIME type used to editing */ private String mimeType; /** Actions to show in toolbar */ // private SystemAction[] actions; /** Listener to the document changes and all other changes */ private Listener listener; /** the undo/redo manager to use for this document */ private UndoRedo.Manager undoRedo; /** lines set for this object */ private Line.Set lineSet; /** Helper variable to prevent multiple cocurrent printing of this * instance. */ private boolean printing; /** Lock used for access to printing variable. */ private final Object LOCK_PRINTING = new Object(); /** position manager */ private PositionRef.Manager positionManager; /** The string which will be appended to the name of top component * when top component becomes modified */ // protected String modifiedAppendix = " *"; // NOI18N /** Listeners for the changing of the state - document in memory X closed. */ private HashSet listeners; /** last selected editor. */ transient Pane lastSelected; /** The time of the last save to determine the real external modifications */ private long lastSaveTime; /** Whether the reload dialog is currently opened. Prevents poping of multiple * reload dialogs if there is more external saves. */ private boolean reloadDialogOpened; /** Support for property change listeners*/ private PropertyChangeSupport propertyChangeSupport; /** context of this editor support */ private Lookup lookup; /** Flag whether the document is already modified or not.*/ // #34728 performance optimization private boolean alreadyModified = false; private int documentStatus = DOCUMENT_NO; private Throwable prepareDocumentRuntimeException; /** Reference to WeakHashMap that is used by all Line.Sets created * for this CloneableEditorSupport. */ private WeakHashMap lineSetWHM; /** Creates new CloneableEditorSupport attached to given environment. * * @param env environment that is source of all actions around the * data object */ public CloneableEditorSupport(Env env) { this (env, org.openide.util.Lookup.EMPTY); } /** Creates new CloneableEditorSupport attached to given environment. * * @param env environment that is source of all actions around the * data object * @param l the context that will be passed to each Line produced * by this support's Line.Set. The line will return it from Line.getLookup * call */ public CloneableEditorSupport(Env env, Lookup l) { super (env); this.lookup = l; } // // abstract messages section // /** Constructs message that should be displayed when the data object * is modified and is being closed. * * @return text to show to the user */ protected abstract String messageSave (); /** Constructs message that should be used to name the editor component. * * @return name of the editor */ protected abstract String messageName (); /** Constructs the ID used for persistence of opened editors. * Should be overridden to return sane ID of the underlying document, * like the name of the disk file. * * @return ID of the document * @since 4.24 */ protected String documentID() { return messageName(); } /** Text to use as tooltip for component. * * @return text to show to the user */ protected abstract String messageToolTip (); /** Computes display name for a line produced * by this {@link CloneableEditorSupport#getLineSet }. The default * implementation reuses messageName and line number of the line. * * @param line the line object to compute display name for * @return display name for the line like "" * * @since 4.3 */ protected String messageLine (Line line) { return NbBundle.getMessage(Line.class, "FMT_CESLineDisplayName", messageName (), new Integer (line.getLineNumber () + 1) ); } // // Section of getter of default objects // /** Getter for the environment that was provided in the constructor. * @return the environment */ final Env env () { return (Env)env; } /** Getter for the kit that loaded the document. */ final EditorKit kit () { return kit; } /** * Gets the undo redo manager. * @return the manager */ protected final synchronized UndoRedo.Manager getUndoRedo() { if(undoRedo == null) { undoRedo = createUndoRedoManager(); } return undoRedo; } /** Provides access to position manager for the document. * It maintains a set of positions even the document is in memory * or is on the disk. * * @return position manager */ final synchronized PositionRef.Manager getPositionManager() { if(positionManager == null) { positionManager = new PositionRef.Manager(this); } return positionManager; } private boolean annotationsLoaded; void ensureAnnotationsLoaded() { if (!annotationsLoaded) { annotationsLoaded = true; Line.Set lines = getLineSet(); Lookup.Result result = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(new Lookup.Template(AnnotationProvider.class)); for (Iterator it = result.allInstances().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { AnnotationProvider act = (AnnotationProvider); act.annotate(lines, lookup); } } } /** When openning of a document fails with an UserQuestionException * this is the method that is supposed to handle the communication. */ private void askUserAndDoOpen (UserQuestionException e) { while (e != null) { NotifyDescriptor nd = new NotifyDescriptor.Confirmation ( e.getLocalizedMessage (), NotifyDescriptor.YES_NO_OPTION ); nd.setOptions (new Object[] { NotifyDescriptor.YES_OPTION, NotifyDescriptor.NO_OPTION }); Object res = DialogDisplayer.getDefault ().notify (nd); if (NotifyDescriptor.OK_OPTION.equals(res)) { try { e.confirmed (); } catch (IOException ex1) { ErrorManager.getDefault ().notify (ex1); return; } } else { return; } e = null; try { getListener ().loadExc = null; prepareTask = null; documentStatus = DOCUMENT_NO; openDocument (); (); } catch (UserQuestionException ex) { e = ex; } catch (IOException ex) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify (ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, ex); } } } /** Overrides superclass method, first processes document preparation. * @see #prepareDocument */ public void open() { try { if (getListener ().loadExc instanceof UserQuestionException) { getListener ().loadExc = null; prepareTask = null; documentStatus = DOCUMENT_NO; } openDocument();; } catch (final UserQuestionException e) { if (SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread ()) { askUserAndDoOpen (e); } else { SwingUtilities.invokeLater (new Runnable () { public void run () { askUserAndDoOpen (e); } }); } } catch (IOException e) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify( ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, e); } } // // EditorCookie.Observable implementation // /** Add a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list. * See {@link org.openide.cookies.EditorCookie.Observable}. * @param l the PropertyChangeListener to be added * @since 3.40 */ public final void addPropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener l) { getPropertyChangeSupport().addPropertyChangeListener (l); } /** Remove a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list. * See {@link org.openide.cookies.EditorCookie.Observable}. * @param l the PropertyChangeListener to be removed * @since 3.40 */ public final void removePropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener l) { getPropertyChangeSupport().removePropertyChangeListener (l); } /** Report a bound property update to any registered listeners. * @param propertyName the programmatic name of the property that was changed. * @param oldValue rhe old value of the property. * @param newValue the new value of the property. * @since 3.40 */ protected final void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, Object oldValue, Object newValue) { getPropertyChangeSupport().firePropertyChange(propertyName, oldValue, newValue); } private synchronized PropertyChangeSupport getPropertyChangeSupport() { if (propertyChangeSupport == null) { propertyChangeSupport = new PropertyChangeSupport(this); } return propertyChangeSupport; } // // EditorCookie implementation // // editor cookie ....................................................................... /** Load the document into memory. This is done * in different thread. A task for the thread is returned * so anyone may test whether the loading has been finished * or is still in process. * * @return task for control over loading */ public Task prepareDocument() { synchronized (getLock()) { switch (documentStatus) { case DOCUMENT_NO: documentStatus = DOCUMENT_LOADING; return prepareDocument(false); default: if (prepareTask == null) { // should never happen throw new IllegalStateException(); } return prepareTask; } } } /** @param clearDocument indicates whether the document is needed * to clear before (used for reloading) */ private Task prepareDocument(final boolean notUsed) { if (prepareTask != null) return prepareTask; try { // listen to modifications on env, but remove // previous instance first env.removePropertyChangeListener(getListener()); env.addPropertyChangeListener(getListener()); // after call to this method the originalDoc and kit are initialized // in spite of that the document is not yet fully read in kit = createEditorKit (); if (doc == null) { doc = createStyledDocument (kit); } final StyledDocument docToLoad = doc; // The thread nume should be: "Loading document " + env; // NOI18N prepareTask = RequestProcessor.getDefault().post(new Runnable () { private boolean runningInAtomicLock; public void run () { // Run the operations under atomic lock primarily due // to reload which occurs in a widely published document instance // where another threads may operate already if (!runningInAtomicLock) { runningInAtomicLock = true; NbDocument.runAtomic(docToLoad, this); return; } // Prevent operating on top of no longer active document synchronized (getLock()) { if (documentStatus == DOCUMENT_NO) { // closed in meanwhile return; // do not continue reload for already closed document } // Check whether the document to be loaded was not closed if (doc != docToLoad) { return; // do not load closed document } prepareDocumentRuntimeException = null; int targetStatus = DOCUMENT_NO; // be pesimistic initially try { // synchronized (getLock ()) { // uses the listener's run method to initialize whole document getListener().run(); // } // assign before fireDocumentChange() as listener should be able to access getDocument() documentStatus = DOCUMENT_READY; fireDocumentChange(doc, false); // Confirm that whole loading succeeded targetStatus = DOCUMENT_READY; // Add undoable listener when all work in // atomic action has finished // definitively sooner than leaving lock section // and notifying al waiters, see #47022 doc.addUndoableEditListener(getUndoRedo()); } catch (RuntimeException t) { prepareDocumentRuntimeException = t; prepareTask = null; ErrorManager.getDefault ().notify (t); throw t; } catch (Error t) { prepareDocumentRuntimeException = t; prepareTask = null; ErrorManager.getDefault ().notify (t); throw t; } finally { synchronized (getLock()) { documentStatus = targetStatus; getLock().notifyAll(); } } } } }); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { synchronized (getLock ()) { prepareDocumentRuntimeException = ex; documentStatus = DOCUMENT_NO; getLock ().notifyAll (); } throw ex; } return prepareTask; } /** Clears the doc document. Helper method. */ private void clearDocument() { NbDocument.runAtomic(doc, new Runnable() { public void run() { try { doc.removeDocumentListener(getListener()); doc.remove(0, doc.getLength()); // remove all text doc.addDocumentListener(getListener()); } catch(BadLocationException ble) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify( ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, ble); } } }); } /** Get the document associated with this cookie. * It is an instance of Swing's {@link StyledDocument} but it should * also understand the NetBeans {@link NbDocument#GUARDED} to * prevent certain lines from being edited by the user. *

* If the document is not loaded the method blocks until * it is. * * @return the styled document for this cookie that * understands the guarded attribute * @exception IOException if the document could not be loaded */ public StyledDocument openDocument () throws IOException { synchronized (getLock()) { return openDocumentCheckIOE(); } } private StyledDocument openDocumentCheckIOE() throws IOException { StyledDocument doc = openDocumentImpl(); IOException ioe = getListener().checkLoadException(); if (ioe != null) { throw ioe; } return doc; } /** * Must be called under getLock(). */ private StyledDocument openDocumentImpl() throws InterruptedIOException { switch (documentStatus) { case DOCUMENT_NO: documentStatus = DOCUMENT_LOADING; prepareDocument(false); return openDocumentImpl(); case DOCUMENT_RELOADING: // proceed to DOCUMENT_READY case DOCUMENT_READY: return doc; default: // loading try { getLock().wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw (InterruptedIOException)new InterruptedIOException().initCause(e); } if (prepareDocumentRuntimeException != null) { if (prepareDocumentRuntimeException instanceof Error) { throw (Error)prepareDocumentRuntimeException; } else { throw (RuntimeException)prepareDocumentRuntimeException; } } return openDocumentImpl(); } } /** Get the document. This method may be called before the document initialization * (prepareTask) * has been completed, in such a case the document must not be modified. * @return document or null if it is not yet loaded */ public StyledDocument getDocument () { synchronized (getLock()) { while (true) { switch (documentStatus) { case DOCUMENT_NO: return null; default: // ready, loading or reloading // XXX #16048. In case there is called this method from loadTask // (possible only via LineListener->DocumentLine..). // PENDING Needs to be tried to redesign DocumentLine to avoid this. if (LOCAL_LOAD_TASK.get() != null) { return doc; } try { return openDocumentCheckIOE(); } catch (IOException e) { return null; } } } } } /** Test whether the document is modified. * @return true if the document is in memory and is modified; * otherwise false */ public boolean isModified () { return env ().isModified (); } /* Whether the file was externally modified or not. * This flag is used only in saveDocument to prevent * overriding of externally modified file. See issue #32777. */ private boolean externallyModified; /** Save the document in this thread. * Create 'orig' document for the case that the save would fail. * @exception IOException on I/O error */ public void saveDocument () throws IOException { // #17714: Don't try to save unmodified doc. if(!env().isModified()) { return; } //#32777: check that file was not modified externally. // If it was then cancel saving operation. It is not absolutely // correct, but there is no other way. if (lastSaveTime != -1) { externallyModified = false; // asking for time should if necessary refresh the underlaying object // (eg. FileObject) and this change can result in document reload task // which will set externallyModified to true env().getTime(); if (externallyModified) { // save operation must be cancelled now. The user get message box // asking user to reload externally modified file. return; } } final StyledDocument myDoc = getDocument(); final IOException[] holder = new IOException[1]; // save the document as a reader myDoc.render(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { OutputStream os = null; // write the document long oldSaveTime = lastSaveTime; try { lastSaveTime = -1; os = new BufferedOutputStream(env ().outputStream()); saveFromKitToStream (myDoc, kit, os); os.close(); // performs firing os = null; // remember time of last save lastSaveTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); notifyUnmodified (); } catch (BadLocationException ex) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ex); } finally { if (lastSaveTime == -1) // restore for unsuccessful save lastSaveTime = oldSaveTime; if (os != null) // try to close if not yet done os.close(); } // Insert before-save undo event to enable unmodifying undo getUndoRedo().undoableEditHappened( new UndoableEditEvent(this, new BeforeSaveEdit(lastSaveTime))); // update cached info about lines updateLineSet (true); updateTitles (); } catch (IOException e) { holder[0] = e; } } }); // refire the exception if (holder[0] != null) throw holder[0]; } /** * Gets editor panes opened by this support. * @return a non-empty array of panes, or null * @see EditorCookie#getOpenedPanes */ public JEditorPane[] getOpenedPanes () { LinkedList ll = new LinkedList (); Enumeration en = allEditors.getComponents (); while (en.hasMoreElements ()) { CloneableTopComponent ctc = (CloneableTopComponent)en.nextElement (); Pane ed = (Pane)ctc.getClientProperty(PROP_PANE); if (ed == null && ctc instanceof Pane) { ed = (Pane)ctc; } if (ed != null) { // #23491: pane could be still null, not yet shown component. // [PENDING] Right solution? TopComponent opened, but pane not. JEditorPane p = ed.getEditorPane(); if(p == null) { continue; } if (lastSelected == ed) { ll.addFirst (p); } else { ll.add (p); } } else { throw new IllegalStateException("No reference to Pane. Please file a bug against openide/text"); } } return ll.isEmpty () ? null : (JEditorPane[])ll.toArray (new JEditorPane[ll.size ()]); } // // LineSet interface impl // /** Get the line set for all paragraphs in the document. * @return positions of all paragraphs on last save */ public Line.Set getLineSet () { return updateLineSet (false); } /** Lazyly creates or finds already created map for internal use. */ final WeakHashMap findWeakHashMap () { // any lock not hold for too much time will do as we do not // call outside in the sync block synchronized (LOCK_PRINTING) { if (lineSetWHM != null) return lineSetWHM; lineSetWHM = new WeakHashMap (); return lineSetWHM; } } // // Print interface // /** A printing implementation suitable for {@link org.openide.cookies.PrintCookie}. */ public void print() { // XXX should this run synch? can be slow for an enormous doc synchronized(LOCK_PRINTING) { if(printing) { return; } printing = true; } try { PrinterJob job = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob(); Object o = NbDocument.findPageable(openDocument()); if (o instanceof Pageable) { job.setPageable((Pageable) o); } else { PageFormat pf = PrintSettings.getPageFormat(job); job.setPrintable((Printable) o, pf); } if (job.printDialog()) { job.print(); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(e); String msg = NbBundle.getBundle(CloneableEditorSupport.class) .getString("CTL_Bad_File"); // NOI18N notifyInAWT(msg); } catch (IOException e) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(e); } catch (PrinterAbortException e) { // user exception String msg = NbBundle.getBundle(CloneableEditorSupport.class) .getString("CTL_Printer_Abort"); // NOI18N notifyInAWT(msg); } catch (PrinterException e) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(e); } finally { synchronized(LOCK_PRINTING) { printing = false; } } } static void notifyInAWT(final String msg) { if (java.awt.EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) { DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(new NotifyDescriptor.Message(msg)); } else { java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { // display in the awt thread public void run() { DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(new NotifyDescriptor.Message(msg)); } }); } } // // Methods overriden from CloneableOpenSupport // /** Prepares document, creates and initializes * new CloneableEditor component. * Typically do not override this method. * For creating your own CloneableEditor type component * override {@link #createCloneableEditor} method. * * @return the {@link CloneableEditor} for this support */ protected CloneableTopComponent createCloneableTopComponent () { // initializes the document if not initialized prepareDocument (); Pane pane = createPane (); pane.getComponent().putClientProperty(PROP_PANE, pane); return pane.getComponent (); } protected Pane createPane () { CloneableEditor ed = createCloneableEditor (); initializeCloneableEditor (ed); return ed; } /** Should test whether all data is saved, and if not, prompt the user * to save. * * @return true if everything can be closed */ protected boolean canClose () { if (env ().isModified ()) { String msg = messageSave (); ResourceBundle bundle = NbBundle.getBundle(CloneableEditorSupport.class); JButton saveOption = new JButton (bundle.getString("CTL_Save")); // NOI18N saveOption.getAccessibleContext ().setAccessibleDescription (bundle.getString("ACSD_CTL_Save")); // NOI18N saveOption.getAccessibleContext ().setAccessibleName (bundle.getString("ACSN_CTL_Save")); // NOI18N JButton discardOption = new JButton (bundle.getString("CTL_Discard")); // NOI18N discardOption.getAccessibleContext ().setAccessibleDescription (bundle.getString("ACSD_CTL_Discard")); // NOI18N discardOption.getAccessibleContext ().setAccessibleName (bundle.getString("ACSN_CTL_Discard")); // NOI18N discardOption.setMnemonic (bundle.getString ("CTL_Discard_Mnemonic").charAt (0)); // NOI18N NotifyDescriptor nd = new NotifyDescriptor( msg, bundle.getString("LBL_SaveFile_Title"), NotifyDescriptor.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION, NotifyDescriptor.QUESTION_MESSAGE, new Object[] {saveOption, discardOption, NotifyDescriptor.CANCEL_OPTION}, saveOption ); Object ret = DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(nd); if (NotifyDescriptor.CANCEL_OPTION.equals(ret) || NotifyDescriptor.CLOSED_OPTION.equals(ret) ) { return false; } if (saveOption.equals(ret)) { try { saveDocument (); } catch (IOException e) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(e); return false; } } } return true; /* old code was: SaveCookie savec = (SaveCookie) entry.getDataObject().getCookie(SaveCookie.class); if (savec != null) { MessageFormat format = new MessageFormat(NbBundle.getBundle(EditorSupport.class).getString("MSG_SaveFile")); // NOI18N String msg = format.format(new Object[] { entry.getDataObject().getName()}); NotifyDescriptor nd = new NotifyDescriptor.Confirmation(msg, NotifyDescriptor.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION); Object ret = DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(nd); if (NotifyDescriptor.CANCEL_OPTION.equals(ret) || NotifyDescriptor.CLOSED_OPTION.equals(ret) ) { return false; } if (NotifyDescriptor.YES_OPTION.equals(ret)) { try {; } catch (IOException e) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(e); return false; } } } */ } // // public methods provided by this class // /** Test whether the document is in memory, or whether loading is still in progress. * @return true if document is loaded */ public boolean isDocumentLoaded() { return documentStatus != DOCUMENT_NO; } /** * Set the MIME type for the document. * @param s the new MIME type */ public void setMIMEType (String s) { mimeType = s; } /** Adds a listener for status changes. An event is fired * when the document is moved or removed from memory. * @param l new listener * @deprecated Deprecated since 3.40. Use {@link #addPropertyChangeListener} instead. * See also {@link org.openide.cookies.EditorCookie.Observable}. */ public synchronized void addChangeListener (ChangeListener l) { if (listeners == null) listeners = new HashSet (8); listeners.add (l); } /** Removes a listener for status changes. * @param l listener to remove * @deprecated Deprecated since 3.40. Use {@link #removePropertyChangeListener} instead. * See also {@link org.openide.cookies.EditorCookie.Observable}. */ public synchronized void removeChangeListener (ChangeListener l) { if (listeners != null) listeners.remove (l); } // Position management methods /** Create a position reference for the given offset. * The position moves as the document is modified and * reacts to closing and opening of the document. * * @param offset the offset to create position at * @param bias the Position.Bias for new creating position. * @return position reference for that offset */ public final PositionRef createPositionRef (int offset, Position.Bias bias) { return new PositionRef (getPositionManager (), offset, bias); } // // Methods that can be overriden by subclasses // /** Allows subclasses to create their own version * of CloneableEditor component. * @return the {@link CloneableEditor} for this support */ protected CloneableEditor createCloneableEditor () { return new CloneableEditor (this); } /** Initialize the editor. This method is called after the editor component * is deserialized and also when the component is created. It allows * the subclasses to annotate the component with icon, selected nodes, etc. * * @param editor the editor that has been created and should be annotated */ protected void initializeCloneableEditor (CloneableEditor editor) { } /** Create an undo/redo manager. * This manager is then attached to the document, and listens to * all changes made in it. *

* The default implementation uses improved UndoRedo.Manager. * * @return the undo/redo manager */ protected UndoRedo.Manager createUndoRedoManager () { return new CESUndoRedoManager (this); } /** Returns an InputStream which reads the current data from this editor, taking into * account the encoding of the file. The returned InputStream will be useful for * example when passing the file to an external compiler or other tool, which * expects an input stream and which deals with encoding internally.
* * See also {@link #saveFromKitToStream}. * * @return input stream for the file. If the file is open in the editor (and possibly modified), * then the returned InputStream will contain the same data as if the file * was written out to the {@link CloneableEditorSupport.Env} (usually disk). So it will contain * guarded block markers etc. If the document is not loaded, * then the InputStream will be taken from the {@link CloneableEditorSupport.Env}. * * @throws IOException if saving the document to a virtual stream or other IO operation fails * @since 4.7 */ public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { // Implementation note // Piped stream will not work, as we are in the same thread // Doing this in a different thread would need to lock the document for // reading through doc.render() while this stream is open, which may be unacceptable // So we copy the document in memory StyledDocument doc = getDocument(); if (doc == null) { return env().inputStream(); } ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { saveFromKitToStream(doc, kit, baos); } catch (BadLocationException e) { //assert false : e; // should not happen ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, e); throw new IllegalStateException(e.getMessage()); } return new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray()); } /** * Actually write file data to an output stream from an editor kit's document. * Called during a file save by {@link #saveDocument}. *

The default implementation just calls {@link EditorKit#write(OutputStream, Document, int, int) EditorKit.write(...)}. * Subclasses could override this to provide support for persistent guard blocks, for example. * @param doc the document to write from * @param kit the associated editor kit * @param stream the open stream to write to * @throws IOException if there was a problem writing the file * @throws BadLocationException should not normally be thrown * @see #loadFromStreamToKit */ protected void saveFromKitToStream (StyledDocument doc, EditorKit kit, OutputStream stream) throws IOException, BadLocationException { kit.write(stream, doc, 0, doc.getLength()); } /** * Actually read file data into an editor kit's document from an input stream. * Called during a file load by {@link #prepareDocument}. *

The default implementation just calls {@link EditorKit#read(InputStream, Document, int)}. * Subclasses could override this to provide support for persistent guard blocks, for example. * @param doc the document to read into * @param stream the open stream to read from * @param kit the associated editor kit * @throws IOException if there was a problem reading the file * @throws BadLocationException should not normally be thrown * @see #saveFromKitToStream */ protected void loadFromStreamToKit (StyledDocument doc, InputStream stream, EditorKit kit) throws IOException, BadLocationException {, doc, 0); } /** Reload the document in response to external modification. * @return task that reloads the document. It can be also obtained * by calling prepareDocument(). */ protected Task reloadDocument() { if (doc != null) { // acquire write access NbDocument.runAtomic(doc, new Runnable () { public void run () { // UndoManager must be detached from document here because it will be attached in loadDocument() doc.removeUndoableEditListener (getUndoRedo ()); // Remember caret positions in all opened panes final JEditorPane[] panes = getOpenedPanes(); final int[] carets; if (panes != null) { carets = new int[panes.length]; for(int i = 0; i < panes.length; i++) { carets[i] = panes[i].getCaretPosition(); } } else { carets = new int[0]; } documentStatus = DOCUMENT_RELOADING; prepareDocumentRuntimeException = null; int targetStatus = DOCUMENT_NO; // be pesimistic initially try { // #24676. Reloading: Put positions into memory // and fire document is closing (little trick // to detach annotations). getPositionManager().documentClosed(); updateLineSet(true); fireDocumentChange(doc, true); clearDocument(); // uses the listener's run method to initialize whole document prepareTask = new Task(getListener());; // } // assign before fireDocumentChange() as listener should be able to access getDocument() documentStatus = DOCUMENT_READY; fireDocumentChange(doc, false); // Confirm that whole loading succeeded targetStatus = DOCUMENT_READY; } catch (RuntimeException t) { prepareDocumentRuntimeException = t; prepareTask = null; ErrorManager.getDefault ().notify (t); throw t; } catch (Error t) { prepareDocumentRuntimeException = t; prepareTask = null; ErrorManager.getDefault ().notify (t); throw t; } finally { synchronized (getLock()) { documentStatus = targetStatus; getLock().notifyAll(); } } SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run () { if (panes != null) for (int i = 0; i < panes.length; i++) { // #26407 Adjusts caret position, // (reloaded doc could be shorter). int textLength = panes[i].getDocument().getLength(); if(carets[i] > textLength) { carets[i] = textLength; } panes[i].setCaretPosition(carets[i]); } // XXX do this from AWT??? getUndoRedo().discardAllEdits(); // reset undo manager // Insert before-save undo event to enable unmodifying undo getUndoRedo().undoableEditHappened( new UndoableEditEvent( CloneableEditorSupport.this, new BeforeSaveEdit(lastSaveTime))); notifyUnmodified (); updateLineSet(true); } }); } }); // Add undoable listener after atomic change has finished doc.addUndoableEditListener(getUndoRedo()); return prepareTask; } return prepareDocument(); } /** Creates editor kit for this source. * @return editor kit */ protected EditorKit createEditorKit () { if (kit != null) return kit; if (mimeType != null) { kit = JEditorPane.createEditorKitForContentType (mimeType); } else { String defaultMIMEType = env ().getMimeType (); kit = JEditorPane.createEditorKitForContentType (defaultMIMEType); } if (isDumbKit (kit)) { kit = JEditorPane.createEditorKitForContentType ("text/plain"); // NOI18N } if (isDumbKit (kit)) { kit = new PlainEditorKit (); } return kit; } /** Is this a useless default kit? * @param kit the kit to test * @return true if so */ private boolean isDumbKit (EditorKit kit) { if (kit == null) return true; String clazz = kit.getClass ().getName (); return (clazz.equals ("javax.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit") || // NOI18N clazz.equals ("javax.swing.JEditorPane$PlainEditorKit") || // NOI18N clazz.equals ("javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit")); // NOI18N } /** Method that can be overriden by children to create empty * styled document or attach additional document properties to it. * * @param kit the kit to use * @return styled document to use */ protected StyledDocument createStyledDocument (EditorKit kit) { StyledDocument sd = createNetBeansDocument (kit.createDefaultDocument ()); sd.putProperty("mimeType", mimeType != null ? mimeType : env().getMimeType()); // NOI18N return sd; } /** Notification method called when the document become unmodified. * Called after save or after reload of document. *

* This implementation simply marks the associated * environement unmodified and updates titles of all components. */ protected void notifyUnmodified () { env.unmarkModified (); updateTitles (); alreadyModified = false; } /** Called when the document is being modified. * The responsibility of this method is to inform the environment * that its document is modified. Current implementation * Just calls env.setModified (true) to notify it about * modification. * * @return true if the environment accepted being marked as modified * or false if it refused it and the document should still be unmodified */ protected boolean notifyModified () { boolean locked = true; try { env.markModified (); } catch (final UserQuestionException ex) { synchronized (this) { if (! this.inUserQuestionExceptionHandler){ this.inUserQuestionExceptionHandler = true; RequestProcessor.getDefault().post(new Runnable() { public void run () { NotifyDescriptor nd = new NotifyDescriptor.Confirmation ( ex.getLocalizedMessage (), NotifyDescriptor.YES_NO_OPTION); Object res = DialogDisplayer.getDefault ().notify (nd); if (NotifyDescriptor.OK_OPTION.equals(res)) { try { ex.confirmed (); } catch (IOException ex1) { ErrorManager.getDefault ().notify (ex1); } } synchronized (CloneableEditorSupport.this) { CloneableEditorSupport.this.inUserQuestionExceptionHandler = false; } } }); } } locked = false; } catch (IOException e) { // locking failed String message = null; if (e.getMessage () != e.getLocalizedMessage ()) { message = e.getLocalizedMessage (); } else { ErrorManager.Annotation[] arr = ErrorManager.getDefault ().findAnnotations (e); if (arr != null) { for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i].getLocalizedMessage () != null) { message = arr[i].getLocalizedMessage (); break; } } } } if (message != null) { StatusDisplayer.getDefault().setStatusText (message); } locked = false; } if (!locked) { revertUpcomingUndo(); return false; } if (!alreadyModified) { updateTitles (); alreadyModified = true; } return true; } /** Resets listening on UndoRedo, * and in case next undo edit comes, schedules processesing of it. * Used to revert modification e.g. of document of [read-only] env. */ private void revertUpcomingUndo() { Listener l = getListener(); l.setUndoTask(createUndoTask()); UndoRedo ur = getUndoRedo(); ur.removeChangeListener(l); ur.addChangeListener(l); } /** Creates Runnable which tries to make one undo. Helper method. * @see #revertUpcomingUndo */ private Runnable createUndoTask() { return new Runnable() { public void run() { StyledDocument sd = doc; if(sd == null) { // #20883, doc can be null(!), doCloseDocument was faster. return; } UndoRedo ur = getUndoRedo(); sd.removeDocumentListener(getListener()); try { if(ur.canUndo()) { Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep(); ur.undo(); } } catch(CannotUndoException cne) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify( ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, cne); } finally { sd.addDocumentListener(getListener()); } } }; } /** Method that is called when all components of the support are * closed. The default implementation closes the document. * */ protected void notifyClosed () { closeDocument(); } // XXX #25762 [PENDING] Needed protected method to allow subclasses to alter it. /** Indicates whether the Env is read only. */ boolean isEnvReadOnly() { return false; } /** Allows access to the document without any checking. */ final StyledDocument getDocumentHack () { return doc; } /** Getter for context associated with this * data object. */ final org.openide.util.Lookup getLookup () { return lookup; } // LineSet methods ..................................................................... /** Updates the line set. * @param clear clear any cached set? * @return the set */ Line.Set updateLineSet (boolean clear) { synchronized(getLock()) { if(lineSet != null && !clear) { return lineSet; } Line.Set oldSet = lineSet; if (doc == null || documentStatus == DOCUMENT_RELOADING) { lineSet = new EditorSupportLineSet.Closed(CloneableEditorSupport.this); } else { lineSet = new EditorSupportLineSet(CloneableEditorSupport.this, doc); } return lineSet; } } // other public methods ................................................................ /* JST: Commented out * Set actions for toolbar. * @param actions list of actions * public void setActions (SystemAction[] actions) { this.actions = actions; } /** Utility method which enables or disables listening to modifications * on asociated document. *

* Could be useful if we have to modify document, but do not want the * Save and Save All actions to be enabled/disabled automatically. * Initially modifications are listened to. * @param listenToModifs whether to listen to modifications * public void setModificationListening (final boolean listenToModifs) { if (this.listenToModifs == listenToModifs) return; this.listenToModifs = listenToModifs; if (doc == null) return; if (listenToModifs) doc.addi(getModifL()); else doc.removeDocumentListener(getModifL()); } */ /** Loads the document for this object. * @param kit kit to use * @param d original document to load data into */ private void loadDocument (EditorKit kit, StyledDocument doc) throws IOException { Throwable aProblem = null; try { InputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(env ().inputStream ()); try { // read the document loadFromStreamToKit (doc, is, kit); } finally { is.close (); } } catch (UserQuestionException ex) { throw ex; } catch (IOException ex) { aProblem = ex; throw ex; } catch (Exception e) { // incl. BadLocationException aProblem = e; } finally { if (aProblem != null) { ErrorManager err = ErrorManager.getDefault (); err.annotate (aProblem, NbBundle.getMessage ( CloneableEditorSupport.class, "EXC_LoadDocument", // NOI18N messageName () )); err.notify (aProblem); } } } /** Closes all opened editors (if the user agrees) and * flushes content of the document to the file. * * @param ask ask whether to save the document or not? * @return false if the operation is cancelled */ protected boolean close (boolean ask) { if (!super.close (ask)) { // if not all editors has been closed return false; } notifyClosed (); return true; } /** Clears all data from memory. */ private void closeDocument () { synchronized (getLock()) { while (true) { switch (documentStatus) { case DOCUMENT_NO: return; case DOCUMENT_LOADING: case DOCUMENT_RELOADING: // let it flow to default: // openDocumentImpl(); // break; // try to close again default: doCloseDocument(); return; } } } } /** Is called under getLock () to close the document. */ private void doCloseDocument () { prepareTask = null; // notifies the support that env ().removePropertyChangeListener(getListener()); notifyUnmodified (); if (doc != null) { doc.removeUndoableEditListener (getUndoRedo ()); doc.removeDocumentListener(getListener()); } if (positionManager != null) { positionManager.documentClosed (); documentStatus = DOCUMENT_NO; fireDocumentChange(doc, true); } documentStatus = DOCUMENT_NO; doc = null; kit = null; getUndoRedo().discardAllEdits(); updateLineSet (true); } /** Handles the actual reload of document. * @param doReload false if we should first ask the user */ private void checkReload(boolean doReload) { StyledDocument d; synchronized (getLock()) { switch (documentStatus) { case DOCUMENT_NO: return; // return if no document loaded } d = doc; // used with reload dialog - should not be null } if (!doReload && !reloadDialogOpened) { String msg = NbBundle.getMessage (CloneableEditorSupport.class, "FMT_External_change", // NOI18N d.getProperty (javax.swing.text.Document.TitleProperty) ); NotifyDescriptor nd = new NotifyDescriptor.Confirmation(msg, NotifyDescriptor.YES_NO_OPTION); reloadDialogOpened = true; try { Object ret = DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(nd); if (NotifyDescriptor.YES_OPTION.equals(ret)) { doReload = true; } } finally { reloadDialogOpened = false; } } synchronized (getLock()) { switch (documentStatus) { case DOCUMENT_NO: return; // return if no document loaded case DOCUMENT_LOADING: case DOCUMENT_RELOADING: try { openDocumentImpl(); // finish opening first } catch (InterruptedIOException e) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify( ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, e); } break; } if (doReload) { // #33165 // reloadDocument() itself should be fast and the task // that it returns is scheduled to RP automatically reloadDocument(); /* #33165 - not posting to RP, reason is above //Bugfix #9612: Call of reloadDocument() is now posted to //RequestProcessor RequestProcessor.getDefault().post(new Runnable() { public void run () { reloadDocument().waitFinished(); } }); */ } } } /** Creates netbeans document for a given document. * @param d document to use as underlaying one * @return styled document that could support Guarded.ATTRIBUTE */ private static StyledDocument createNetBeansDocument (Document d) { if (d instanceof StyledDocument) { return (StyledDocument)d; } else { // create filter return new FilterDocument (d); } } private final void fireDocumentChange(StyledDocument document, boolean closing) { fireStateChangeEvent(document, closing); firePropertyChange(EditorCookie.Observable.PROP_DOCUMENT, null, null); } /** Fires a status change event to all listeners. */ private final void fireStateChangeEvent(StyledDocument document, boolean closing) { if (listeners != null) { EnhancedChangeEvent event = new EnhancedChangeEvent(this, document, closing); HashSet s; synchronized (this) { s = ((HashSet)listeners.clone ()); } Iterator it = s.iterator (); while (it.hasNext ()) { ChangeListener l = (ChangeListener); l.stateChanged(event); } } } /** Updates titles of all editors. */ protected void updateTitles () { Enumeration en = allEditors.getComponents (); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { CloneableTopComponent o = (CloneableTopComponent)en.nextElement(); Pane e = (Pane)o.getClientProperty(PROP_PANE); if (e == null && o instanceof Pane) { e = (Pane)o; } if (e != null) { e.updateName(); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("No reference to Pane. Please file a bug against openide/text"); } } } // #18981. There could happen a thing also another class type // of CloneableTopCoponent then CloneableEditor could be in allEditors. /** Opens a CloneableEditor component. */ private Pane openPane () { Pane ce = null; boolean displayMsgOpened = false; synchronized (getLock()) { ce = getAnyEditor(); if(ce == null) { // no opened editor String msg = messageOpening (); if (msg != null) { StatusDisplayer.getDefault().setStatusText(msg); } // initializes the document if not initialized prepareDocument(); ce = createPane (); ce.getComponent().putClientProperty(PROP_PANE, ce); ce.getComponent().setReference(allEditors); // signal opened msg should be displayed after subsequent open finishes displayMsgOpened = true; } } // #36601 - open moved outside getLock() synchronization ce.getComponent ().open(); if (displayMsgOpened) { String msg = messageOpened (); if (msg == null) { msg = ""; // NOI18N } StatusDisplayer.getDefault().setStatusText(msg); } return ce; } /** If one or more editors are opened finds one. * @return an editor or null if none is opened */ private Pane getAnyEditor () { CloneableTopComponent ctc; ctc = allEditors.getArbitraryComponent(); if(ctc == null) { return null; } Pane e = (Pane)ctc.getClientProperty(PROP_PANE); if (e != null) { return e; } else { if (ctc instanceof Pane) { return (Pane)ctc; } Enumeration en = allEditors.getComponents(); while(en.hasMoreElements()) { ctc = (CloneableTopComponent)en.nextElement(); e = (Pane)ctc.getClientProperty(PROP_PANE); if (e != null) { return e; } else { if (ctc instanceof Pane) { return (Pane)ctc; } throw new IllegalStateException("No reference to Pane. Please file a bug against openide/text"); } } return null; } } /** Forcibly create one editor component. Then set the caret * to the given position. * @param pos where to place the caret * @return always non-null editor */ final Pane openAt(final PositionRef pos, final int column) { final Pane e = openPane (); final Task t = prepareDocument (); e.ensureVisible(); class Selector implements TaskListener, Runnable { public void taskFinished (org.openide.util.Task t2) { javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater (this); t2.removeTaskListener (this); } public void run () { // #25435. Pane can be null. JEditorPane ePane = e.getEditorPane (); if(ePane == null) { return; } StyledDocument doc = getDocument(); if (doc == null) return; // already closed or error loading Caret caret = ePane.getCaret(); if(caret == null) { return; } int offset; if (column >= 0) { javax.swing.text.Element el = NbDocument.findLineRootElement (doc); el = el.getElement (el.getElementIndex (pos.getOffset ())); offset = el.getStartOffset () + column; if (offset > el.getEndOffset ()) { offset = el.getEndOffset (); } } else { offset = pos.getOffset (); } caret.setDot(offset); } } t.addTaskListener (new Selector ()); return e; } /** Access to lock on operations on the support */ final Object getLock () { return allEditors; } /** Accessor to the Listener instance, lazy created on demand. * The instance serves as a listener on document, environment * and also provides document initialization task for this support. * @see Listener */ private Listener getListener () { // Should not need to lock; it is always first // called within a synchronized(getLock()) block anyway. if(listener == null) { listener = new Listener(); } return listener; } // [pnejedly]: helper for 40766 test void howToReproduceDeadlock40766(boolean beforeLock) {} /** Default editor kit. */ private static final class PlainEditorKit extends DefaultEditorKit implements ViewFactory { static final long serialVersionUID =-5788777967029507963L; PlainEditorKit() {} /** @return cloned instance */ public Object clone () { return new PlainEditorKit (); } /** @return this (I am the ViewFactory) */ public ViewFactory getViewFactory() { return this; } /** Plain view for the element */ public View create(Element elem) { return new WrappedPlainView(elem); } /** Set to a sane font (not proportional!). */ public void install (JEditorPane pane) { super.install (pane); pane.setFont (new Font ("Monospaced", Font.PLAIN, pane.getFont().getSize() + 1)); //NOI18N } } /** The listener that this support uses to communicate with * document, environment and also temporarilly on undoredo. */ private final class Listener extends Object implements ChangeListener, DocumentListener, PropertyChangeListener, Runnable { Listener() {} /** Stores exception from loadDocument, can be set in run method */ private IOException loadExc; /** Stores temporarilly undo task for reverting prohibited changes. * @see CloneableEditorSupport#createUndoTask */ private Runnable undoTask; /** Returns exception from loadDocument, caller thread can check * it after load task finishes. Returns null if no exception happened. * It resets loadExc to null. */ public IOException checkLoadException() { IOException ret = loadExc; // loadExc = null; return ret; } /** Sets undo task used to revert prohibited change. */ public void setUndoTask(Runnable undoTask) { this.undoTask = undoTask; } /** Schedules reverting(undoing) of prohibited change. * Implements ChangeListener. * @see #revertUpcomingUndo */ public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent evt) { getUndoRedo().removeChangeListener(this); (); //SwingUtilities.invokeLater(undoTask); undoTask = null; } /** Gives notification that an attribute or set of attributes changed. * @param ev event describing the action */ public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent ev) { //modified(); (bugfix #1492) } /** Gives notification that there was an insert into the document. * @param ev event describing the action */ public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent ev) { notifyModified (); } /** Gives notification that a portion of the document has been removed. * @param ev event describing the action */ public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent ev) { notifyModified (); } /** Listener to changes in the Env. */ public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent ev) { if (Env.PROP_TIME.equals (ev.getPropertyName ())) { // empty new value means to force reload all the time final Date time = (Date)ev.getNewValue (); if (lastSaveTime != -1 && (time == null || time.getTime () > lastSaveTime) ) { //#32777 - set externallyModified to true because file was externally modified externallyModified = true; // - post in AWT event thread because of possible dialog popup // - acquire the write access before checking, so there is no // clash in-between and we're safe for potential reload. SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { boolean inWriteAccess; public void run() { if (!inWriteAccess) { inWriteAccess = true; StyledDocument sd = doc; if(sd == null) return; NbDocument.runAtomic(sd, this); return; } checkReload(time == null || !isModified()); } } ); } } if (Env.PROP_MODIFIED.equals(ev.getPropertyName())) { CloneableEditorSupport.this.firePropertyChange(EditorCookie.Observable.PROP_MODIFIED, ev.getOldValue(), ev.getNewValue()); } } /** Initialization of the document. */ public void run () { // synchronized (getLock ()) { /* Remove existing listener before running the loading task * This should prevent firing of insertUpdate() during load (or reload) * which can prevent dedloks that sometimes occured during file reload. */ doc.removeDocumentListener(getListener()); try { loadExc = null; LOCAL_LOAD_TASK.set(Boolean.TRUE); loadDocument (kit, doc); } catch (IOException e) { loadExc = e; } finally { LOCAL_LOAD_TASK.set(null); } // opening the document, inform position manager getPositionManager ().documentOpened (doc); // create new description of lines updateLineSet (true); lastSaveTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Insert before-save undo event to enable unmodifying undo getUndoRedo().undoableEditHappened( new UndoableEditEvent(this, new BeforeSaveEdit(lastSaveTime))); // Start listening on changes in document doc.addDocumentListener(getListener()); } // } } // // Interfaces to abstract away from the DataSystem and FileSystem level // /** Interface for providing data for the support and also * locking the source of data. */ public static interface Env extends CloneableOpenSupport.Env { /** property that is fired when time of the data is changed */ public static final String PROP_TIME = "time"; // NOI18N /** Obtains the input stream. * @return an input stream permitting the document to be loaded * @exception IOException if an I/O error occures */ public InputStream inputStream () throws IOException; /** Obtains the output stream. * @return an output stream permitting the document to be saved * @exception IOException if an I/O error occures */ public OutputStream outputStream () throws IOException; /** * Gets the last modification time for the document. * @return the date and time when the document is considered to have been * last changed */ public Date getTime (); /** Mime type of the document. * @return the mime type to use for the document */ public String getMimeType (); } /** Generic undoable edit that delegates to the given undoable edit. */ private class FilterUndoableEdit implements UndoableEdit { protected UndoableEdit delegate; FilterUndoableEdit() { } public void undo() throws CannotUndoException { if (delegate != null) { delegate.undo(); } } public boolean canUndo() { if (delegate != null) { return delegate.canUndo(); } else { return false; } } public void redo() throws CannotRedoException { if (delegate != null) { delegate.redo(); } } public boolean canRedo() { if (delegate != null) { return delegate.canRedo(); } else { return false; } } public void die() { if (delegate != null) { delegate.die(); } } public boolean addEdit(UndoableEdit anEdit) { if (delegate != null) { return delegate.addEdit(anEdit); } else { return false; } } public boolean replaceEdit(UndoableEdit anEdit) { if (delegate != null) { return delegate.replaceEdit(anEdit); } else { return false; } } public boolean isSignificant() { if (delegate != null) { return delegate.isSignificant(); } else { return true; } } public String getPresentationName() { if (delegate != null) { return delegate.getPresentationName(); } else { return ""; // NOI18N } } public String getUndoPresentationName() { if (delegate != null) { return delegate.getUndoPresentationName(); } else { return ""; // NOI18N } } public String getRedoPresentationName() { if (delegate != null) { return delegate.getRedoPresentationName(); } else { return ""; // NOI18N } } } /** Undoable edit that is put before the savepoint. Its replaceEdit() * method will consume and wrap the edit that precedes the save. * If the edit is added to the begining of the queue then * the isSignificant() implementation guarantees that the edit * will not be removed from the queue. * When redone it marks the document as not modified. */ private class BeforeSaveEdit extends FilterUndoableEdit { private long saveTime; BeforeSaveEdit(long saveTime) { this.saveTime = saveTime; } public boolean replaceEdit(UndoableEdit anEdit) { if (delegate == null) { delegate = anEdit; return true; // signal consumed } return false; } public boolean addEdit(UndoableEdit anEdit) { if (!(anEdit instanceof BeforeModificationEdit)) { /* UndoRedo.addEdit() must not be done lazily * because the edit must be "inserted" before the current one. */ getUndoRedo().addEdit(new BeforeModificationEdit(saveTime, anEdit)); return true; } return false; } public void redo() { super.redo(); if (saveTime == lastSaveTime) { notifyUnmodified(); } } public boolean isSignificant() { return (delegate != null); } } /** Edit that is created by wrapping the given edit. * When undone it marks the document as not modified. */ private class BeforeModificationEdit extends FilterUndoableEdit { private long saveTime; BeforeModificationEdit(long saveTime, UndoableEdit delegate) { this.saveTime = saveTime; this.delegate = delegate; } public boolean addEdit(UndoableEdit anEdit) { if (delegate == null) { delegate = anEdit; return true; } return false; } public void undo() { super.undo(); if (saveTime == lastSaveTime) { notifyUnmodified(); } } } /** Describes one existing editor. */ public interface Pane { /** * get the editor pane component represented by this wrapper. */ public JEditorPane getEditorPane (); /** * Get the TopComponent that contains the EditorPane */ public CloneableTopComponent getComponent (); public void updateName (); /** * callback for the Pane implementation to adjust itself to the openAt() request. */ public void ensureVisible(); } /** An improved version of UndoRedo manager that locks document before * doing any other operations. */ private final static class CESUndoRedoManager extends UndoRedo.Manager { private CloneableEditorSupport support; public CESUndoRedoManager (CloneableEditorSupport c) { = c; } public void redo() throws javax.swing.undo.CannotRedoException { final StyledDocument myDoc = support.getDocument(); if (myDoc == null) throw new javax.swing.undo.CannotRedoException (); // NOI18N new RenderUndo (0, myDoc); } public void undo() throws javax.swing.undo.CannotUndoException { final StyledDocument myDoc = support.getDocument(); if (myDoc == null) throw new javax.swing.undo.CannotUndoException (); // NOI18N new RenderUndo (1, myDoc); } public boolean canRedo() { final StyledDocument myDoc = support.getDocument(); return new RenderUndo (2, myDoc).booleanResult; } public boolean canUndo() { final StyledDocument myDoc = support.getDocument(); return new RenderUndo (3, myDoc).booleanResult; } public int getLimit() { final StyledDocument myDoc = support.getDocument(); return new RenderUndo (4, myDoc).intResult; } public void discardAllEdits() { final StyledDocument myDoc = support.getDocument(); new RenderUndo (5, myDoc); } public void setLimit(int l) { final StyledDocument myDoc = support.getDocument(); new RenderUndo (6, myDoc, l); } public boolean canUndoOrRedo() { final StyledDocument myDoc = support.getDocument(); return new RenderUndo (7, myDoc).booleanResult; } public java.lang.String getUndoOrRedoPresentationName() { final StyledDocument myDoc = support.getDocument(); return new RenderUndo (8, myDoc).stringResult; } public java.lang.String getRedoPresentationName() { final StyledDocument myDoc = support.getDocument(); return new RenderUndo (9, myDoc).stringResult; } public java.lang.String getUndoPresentationName() { final StyledDocument myDoc = support.getDocument(); return new RenderUndo (10, myDoc).stringResult; } public void undoOrRedo () throws javax.swing.undo.CannotUndoException, javax.swing.undo.CannotRedoException { final StyledDocument myDoc = support.getDocument(); if (myDoc == null) throw new javax.swing.undo.CannotUndoException (); // NOI18N new RenderUndo (11, myDoc); } private final class RenderUndo implements Runnable { private final int type; public boolean booleanResult; public int intResult; public String stringResult; public RenderUndo (int type, StyledDocument doc) { this (type, doc, 0); } public RenderUndo (int type, StyledDocument doc, int intValue) { this.type = type; this.intResult = intValue; if (doc instanceof NbDocument.WriteLockable) { ((NbDocument.WriteLockable)doc).runAtomic (this); } else { // if the document is not one of "NetBeans ready" // that supports locking we do not have many // chances to do something. Maybe check for AbstractDocument // and call writeLock using reflection, but better than // that, let's leave this simple for now and wait for // bug reports (if any appear) run (); } } public void run () { switch (type) { case 0: CESUndoRedoManager.super.redo (); break; case 1: CESUndoRedoManager.super.undo (); break; case 2: booleanResult = CESUndoRedoManager.super.canRedo (); break; case 3: booleanResult = CESUndoRedoManager.super.canUndo (); break; case 4: intResult = CESUndoRedoManager.super.getLimit (); break; case 5: CESUndoRedoManager.super.discardAllEdits (); break; case 6: CESUndoRedoManager.super.setLimit (intResult); break; case 7: CESUndoRedoManager.super.canUndoOrRedo (); break; case 8: stringResult = CESUndoRedoManager.super.getUndoOrRedoPresentationName (); break; case 9: stringResult = CESUndoRedoManager.super.getRedoPresentationName (); break; case 10: stringResult = CESUndoRedoManager.super.getUndoPresentationName (); break; case 11: CESUndoRedoManager.super.undoOrRedo (); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Unknown type: " + type); } } } } }

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