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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.openide.util;

import java.lang.ref.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.jar.Attributes;

import org.openide.ErrorManager;

/** Convenience class permitting easy loading of localized resources of various sorts.
* Extends the functionality of the default Java resource support, and interacts
* better with class loaders in a multiple-loader system.

Example usage: *

* package com.mycom;
* public class Foo {
*   // Search for tag Foo_theMessage in /com/mycom/
*   private static String theMessage = {@link NbBundle#getMessage(Class, String) NbBundle.getMessage} (Foo.class, "Foo_theMessage");
*   // Might also look in /com/mycom/, etc.
* }
* * @author Petr Hamernik, Jaroslav Tulach, Jesse Glick */ public class NbBundle extends Object { /** * Do not call. * @deprecated There is no reason to instantiate or subclass this class. * All methods in it are static. */ public NbBundle () {} private static final boolean USE_DEBUG_LOADER = Boolean.getBoolean ("org.openide.util.NbBundle.DEBUG"); // NOI18N private static String brandingToken = null; /** Get the current branding token. * @return the branding, or null for none */ public static String getBranding () { return brandingToken; } /** Set the current branding token. * The permitted format, as a regular expression: *
* @param bt the new branding, or null to clear * @throws IllegalArgumentException if in an incorrect format */ public static void setBranding (String bt) throws IllegalArgumentException { // [PENDING] check its format here acc. to above regex brandingToken = bt; } /** * Cache of URLs for localized files. * Keeps only weak references to the class loaders. * @see "#9275" */ private static final Map localizedFileCache = new WeakHashMap(); // Map> /** Get a localized file in the default locale with the default class loader. *

Note that use of this call is similar to using the URL protocol nbresloc * (which is in fact implemented using the fuller form of the method). *

The extension may be null, in which case no final dot will be appended. * If it is the empty string, the resource will end in a dot. * @param baseName base name of file, as dot-separated path (e.g. some.dir.File) * @param ext extension of file (or null) * @return URL of matching localized file * @throws MissingResourceException if not found */ public static synchronized URL getLocalizedFile(String baseName, String ext) throws MissingResourceException { return getLocalizedFile(baseName, ext, Locale.getDefault(), getLoader()); } /** Get a localized file with the default class loader. * @param baseName base name of file, as dot-separated path (e.g. some.dir.File) * @param ext extension of file (or null) * @param locale locale of file * @return URL of matching localized file * @throws MissingResourceException if not found */ public static synchronized URL getLocalizedFile(String baseName, String ext, Locale locale) throws MissingResourceException { return getLocalizedFile(baseName, ext, locale, getLoader()); } /** Get a localized file. * @param baseName base name of file, as dot-separated path (e.g. some.dir.File) * @param ext extension of file (or null) * @param locale locale of file * @param loader class loader to use * @return URL of matching localized file * @throws MissingResourceException if not found */ public static synchronized URL getLocalizedFile(String baseName, String ext, Locale locale, ClassLoader loader) throws MissingResourceException { // [PENDING] in the future, could maybe do something neat if // USE_DEBUG_LOADER and ext is "html" or "txt" etc... URL lookup = null; Iterator it = new LocaleIterator (locale); String cachePrefix = "["+Integer.toString(loader.hashCode())+"]"; // NOI18N List cacheCandidates = new ArrayList(10); // List String baseNameSlashes = baseName.replace('.', '/'); Map perLoaderCache = (Map)localizedFileCache.get(loader); if (perLoaderCache == null) { localizedFileCache.put(loader, perLoaderCache = new HashMap()); } // #31008: better use of domain cache priming. // [PENDING] remove this hack in case the domain cache is precomputed URL baseVariant; String path; if (ext != null) { path = baseNameSlashes + '.' + ext; } else { path = baseNameSlashes; } lookup = (URL)perLoaderCache.get(path); if (lookup == null) { baseVariant = loader.getResource(path); } else { // who cares? already in cache anyway baseVariant = null; } while (it.hasNext ()) { String suffix = (String); if (ext != null) { path = baseNameSlashes + suffix + '.' + ext; } else { path = baseNameSlashes + suffix; } lookup = (URL)perLoaderCache.get(path); if (lookup != null) break; cacheCandidates.add(path); if (suffix.length() == 0) { lookup = baseVariant; } else { lookup = loader.getResource (path); } if (lookup != null) break; } if (lookup == null) { path = baseName.replace ('.', '/'); if (ext != null) path += '.' + ext; throw new MissingResourceException("Cannot find localized resource " + path + " in " + loader, loader.toString(), path); // NOI18N } else { // Note that this is not 100% accurate. If someone calls gLF on something // with a locale/branding combo such as _brand_ja, and the answer is found // as _ja, then a subsequent call with param _brand will find this _ja // version - since the localizing iterator does *not* have the property that // each subsequent item is more general than the previous. However, this // situation is very unlikely, so consider this close enough. it = cacheCandidates.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { perLoaderCache.put(, lookup); } return lookup; } } /** Find a localized value for a given key and locale. * Scans through a map to find * the most localized match possible. For example: *

    *   findLocalizedValue (hashTable, "keyName", new Locale ("cs_CZ"))

This would return the first non-null value obtained from the following tests: *

  • hashTable.get ("keyName_cs_CZ") *
  • hashTable.get ("keyName_cs") *
  • hashTable.get ("keyName") *
* * @param table mapping from localized strings to objects * @param key the key to look for * @param locale the locale to use * @return the localized object or null if no key matches */ public static Object getLocalizedValue (Map table, String key, Locale locale) { if (table instanceof Attributes) { throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Please do not use a java.util.jar.Attributes for NbBundle.getLocalizedValue " + // NOI18N "without using the special form that works properly with Attributes.Name's as keys."); // NOI18N } Iterator it = new LocaleIterator (locale); while (it.hasNext ()) { String physicalKey = key + (String) (); Object v = table.get (physicalKey); if (v != null) { // ok if (USE_DEBUG_LOADER && (v instanceof String)) { // Not read from a bundle, but still localized somehow: return ((String) v) + " (?:" + physicalKey + ")"; // NOI18N } else { return v; } } } return null; } /** Find a localized value for a given key in the default system locale. * * @param table mapping from localized strings to objects * @param key the key to look for * @return the localized object or null if no key matches * @see #getLocalizedValue(Map,String,Locale) */ public static Object getLocalizedValue (Map table, String key) { return getLocalizedValue (table, key, Locale.getDefault ()); } /** Find a localized value in a JAR manifest. * @param attr the manifest attributes * @param key the key to look for (case-insensitive) * @param locale the locale to use * @return the value if found, else null */ public static String getLocalizedValue (Attributes attr, Attributes.Name key, Locale locale) { return (String)getLocalizedValue (attr2Map (attr), key.toString ().toLowerCase (Locale.US), locale); } /** Find a localized value in a JAR manifest in the default system locale. * @param attr the manifest attributes * @param key the key to look for (case-insensitive) * @return the value if found, else null */ public static String getLocalizedValue (Attributes attr, Attributes.Name key) { // Yes, US locale is intentional! The attribute name may only be ASCII anyway. // It is necessary to lowercase it *as ASCII* as in Turkish 'I' does not go to 'i'! return (String)getLocalizedValue (attr2Map (attr), key.toString ().toLowerCase (Locale.US)); } private static class AttributesMap extends HashMap { private Attributes attrs; public AttributesMap (Attributes attrs) { super (7); this.attrs = attrs; } public Object get (Object obj) { Attributes.Name an; try { an = new Attributes.Name ((String)obj); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { // Robustness, and workaround for reported MRJ locale bug: ErrorManager em = ErrorManager.getDefault(); em.annotate (iae, ErrorManager.WARNING, (String) obj, getMessage (NbBundle.class, "EXC_bad_attributes_name", obj, Locale.getDefault ().toString ()), null, null); em.notify (iae); return null; } return attrs.getValue (an); } } /** Necessary because Attributes implements Map; however this is dangerous! * The keys are Attributes.Name's, not Strings. * Also manifest lookups should not be case-sensitive. * (Though the locale suffix still will be!) */ private static Map attr2Map (Attributes attr) { return new AttributesMap (attr); } // ---- LOADING RESOURCE BUNDLES ---- /** * Get a resource bundle with the default class loader and locale. * Caution: {@link #getBundle(Class)} is generally * safer when used from a module as this method relies on the module's * classloader to currently be part of the system classloader. The * IDE does add enabled modules to this classloader, however calls to * this variant of the method made in {@link org.openide.modules.ModuleInstall#validate}, * or made soon after a module is uninstalled (due to background threads) * could fail unexpectedly. * @param baseName bundle basename * @return the resource bundle * @exception MissingResourceException if the bundle does not exist */ public static final ResourceBundle getBundle(String baseName) throws MissingResourceException { return getBundle(baseName, Locale.getDefault(), getLoader()); } /** Get a resource bundle in the same package as the provided class, * with the default locale and the class' own classloader. * This is the usual style of invocation. * * @param clazz the class to take the package name from * @return the resource bundle * @exception MissingResourceException if the bundle does not exist */ public static ResourceBundle getBundle (Class clazz) throws MissingResourceException { String name = findName (clazz); return getBundle(name, Locale.getDefault(), clazz.getClassLoader()); } /** Finds package name for given class */ private static String findName (Class clazz) { String pref = clazz.getName (); int last = pref.lastIndexOf ('.'); if (last >= 0) { pref = pref.substring (0, last + 1); return pref + "Bundle"; // NOI18N } else { // base package, search for bundle return "Bundle"; // NOI18N } } /** * Get a resource bundle with the default class loader. * @param baseName bundle basename * @param locale the locale to use * @return the resource bundle * @exception MissingResourceException if the bundle does not exist */ public static final ResourceBundle getBundle(String baseName, Locale locale) throws MissingResourceException { return getBundle(baseName, locale, getLoader()); } /** Get a resource bundle the hard way. * @param baseName bundle basename * @param locale the locale to use * @param loader the class loader to use * @return the resource bundle * @exception MissingResourceException if the bundle does not exist */ public static final ResourceBundle getBundle(String baseName, Locale locale, ClassLoader loader) throws MissingResourceException { if (USE_DEBUG_LOADER) loader = DebugLoader.get (loader); // Could more simply use ResourceBundle.getBundle (plus some special logic // with MergedBundle to handle branding) instead of manually finding bundles. // However this code is faster and has some other desirable properties. // Cf. #13847. ResourceBundle b = getBundleFast(baseName, locale, loader); if (b != null) { return b; } else { MissingResourceException e = new MissingResourceException("No such bundle " + baseName, baseName, null); // NOI18N if (Lookup.getDefault().lookup(ClassLoader.class) == null) { ErrorManager.getDefault().annotate(e, ErrorManager.UNKNOWN, "Class loader not yet initialized in lookup", null, null, null); // NOI18N } else { ErrorManager.getDefault().annotate(e, ErrorManager.UNKNOWN, "Offending classloader: " + loader, null, null, null); // NOI18N } throw e; } } /** * Cache of resource bundles. */ private static final Map bundleCache = new WeakHashMap(); // Map>> /** * Get a resource bundle by name. * Like {@link ResourceBundle#getBundle(String,Locale,ClassLoader)} but faster, * and also understands branding. * First looks for .properties-based bundles, then .class-based. * @param name the base name of the bundle, e.g. * @param locale the locale to use * @param loader a class loader to search in * @return a resource bundle (locale- and branding-merged), or null if not found */ private static ResourceBundle getBundleFast(String name, Locale locale, ClassLoader loader) { Map m; synchronized (bundleCache) { m = (Map)bundleCache.get(loader); // Map> if (m == null) { bundleCache.put(loader, m = new HashMap()); } } //A minor optimization to cut down on StringBuffer allocations - OptimizeIt //showed the commented out code below was a major source of them. This //just does the same thing with a char array - Tim String localeStr = locale.toString(); char[] k = new char[name.length() + (brandingToken != null ? brandingToken.length() : 1) + 2 + localeStr.length()]; name.getChars(0, name.length(), k, 0); k[name.length()] = '/'; //NOI18N int pos = name.length()+1; if (brandingToken == null) { k[pos]='-'; //NOI18N pos++; } else { brandingToken.getChars(0, brandingToken.length(), k, pos); pos += brandingToken.length(); } k[pos] = '/'; //NOI18N pos++; localeStr.getChars(0, localeStr.length(), k, pos); String key = new String(k); /* String key = name + '/' + (brandingToken != null ? brandingToken : "-") + '/' + locale; // NOI18N */ synchronized (m) { Object o = m.get(key); ResourceBundle b = (o != null) ? (ResourceBundle)((Reference)o).get() : null; if (b != null) { return b; } else { b = loadBundle(name, locale, loader); if (b != null) { m.put(key, new TimedSoftReference(b, m, key)); } else { // Used to cache misses as well, to make the negative test faster. // However this caused problems: see #31578. } return b; } } } /** * Load a resource bundle (without caching). * @param name the base name of the bundle, e.g. * @param locale the locale to use * @param loader a class loader to search in * @return a resource bundle (locale- and branding-merged), or null if not found */ private static ResourceBundle loadBundle(String name, Locale locale, ClassLoader loader) { String sname = name.replace('.', '/'); Iterator it = new LocaleIterator(locale); LinkedList l = new LinkedList(); while (it.hasNext()) { l.addFirst(; } it = l.iterator(); Properties p = new Properties(); boolean first = true; while (it.hasNext()) { String res = sname + (String) + ".properties"; InputStream is = loader.getResourceAsStream(res); if (is != null) { //System.err.println("Loading " + res); try { try { p.load(is); } finally { is.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.WARNING, e); return null; } } else if (first) { // No base *.properties. Try *.class. // Note that you may not mix *.properties w/ *.class this way. return loadBundleClass(name, sname, locale, l, loader); } first = false; } return new PBundle(p, locale); } /** * A resource bundle based on .properties files (or any map). */ private static final class PBundle extends ResourceBundle { private final Map m; // Map private final Locale locale; /** * Create a new bundle based on a map. * @param m a map from resources keys to values (typically both strings) * @param locale the locale it represents (informational) */ public PBundle(Map m, Locale locale) { this.m = m; this.locale = locale; } public Enumeration getKeys() { return Collections.enumeration(m.keySet()); } protected Object handleGetObject(String key) { return m.get(key); } public Locale getLocale() { return locale; } } /** * Load a class-based resource bundle. * @param name the base name of the bundle, e.g. * @param sname the name with slashes, e.g. org/netbeans/modules/foo/Bundle * @param locale the locale to use * @param suffixes a list of suffixes to apply to the bundle name, in increasing order of specificity * @param loader a class loader to search in * @return a resource bundle (merged according to the suffixes), or null if not found */ private static ResourceBundle loadBundleClass(String name, String sname, Locale locale, List suffixes, ClassLoader l) { if (l.getResource(sname + ".class") == null) { // NOI18N // No chance - no base bundle. Don't waste time catching CNFE. return null; } ResourceBundle master = null; Iterator it = suffixes.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { try { Class c = Class.forName(name + (String), true, l); ResourceBundle b = (ResourceBundle)c.newInstance(); if (master == null) { master = b; } else { master = new MergedBundle(locale, b, master); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { // fine - ignore } catch (Exception e) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.WARNING, e); } catch (LinkageError e) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.WARNING, e); } } return master; } /** Special resource bundle which delegates to two others. * Ideally could just set the parent on the first, but this is protected, so... */ private static class MergedBundle extends ResourceBundle { private Locale loc; private ResourceBundle sub1, sub2; /** * Create a new bundle delegating to two others. * @param loc the locale it represents (informational) * @param sub1 one delegate (taking precedence over the other in case of overlap) * @param sub2 the other (weaker) delegate */ public MergedBundle (Locale loc, ResourceBundle sub1, ResourceBundle sub2) { this.loc = loc; this.sub1 = sub1; this.sub2 = sub2; } public Locale getLocale () { return loc; } public Enumeration getKeys () { return Enumerations.removeDuplicates ( Enumerations.concat (sub1.getKeys (), sub2.getKeys ()) ); } protected Object handleGetObject (String key) throws MissingResourceException { try { return sub1.getObject (key); } catch (MissingResourceException mre) { // Ignore exception, and... return sub2.getObject (key); } } } // // Helper methods to simplify localization of messages // /** Finds a localized string in a bundle. * @param clazz the class to use to locate the bundle * @param resName name of the resource to look for * @return the string associated with the resource * @throws MissingResourceException if either the bundle or the string cannot be found */ public static String getMessage (Class clazz, String resName) throws MissingResourceException { return getBundle (clazz).getString(resName); } /** Finds a localized string in a bundle and formats the message * by passing requested parameters. * * @param clazz the class to use to locate the bundle * @param resName name of the resource to look for * @param param1 the argument to use when formatting the message * @return the string associated with the resource * @throws MissingResourceException if either the bundle or the string cannot be found * @see java.text.MessageFormat#format(String,Object[]) */ public static String getMessage ( Class clazz, String resName, Object param1 ) throws MissingResourceException { return getMessage (clazz, resName, new Object[] { param1 }); } /** Finds a localized string in a bundle and formats the message * by passing requested parameters. * * @param clazz the class to use to locate the bundle * @param resName name of the resource to look for * @param param1 the argument to use when formatting the message * @param param2 the second argument to use for formatting * @return the string associated with the resource * @throws MissingResourceException if either the bundle or the string cannot be found * @see java.text.MessageFormat#format(String,Object[]) */ public static String getMessage ( Class clazz, String resName, Object param1, Object param2 ) throws MissingResourceException { return getMessage (clazz, resName, new Object[] { param1, param2 }); } /** Finds a localized string in a bundle and formats the message * by passing requested parameters. * * @param clazz the class to use to locate the bundle * @param resName name of the resource to look for * @param param1 the argument to use when formatting the message * @param param2 the second argument to use for formatting * @param param3 the third argument to use for formatting * @return the string associated with the resource * @throws MissingResourceException if either the bundle or the string cannot be found * @see java.text.MessageFormat#format(String,Object[]) */ public static String getMessage ( Class clazz, String resName, Object param1, Object param2, Object param3 ) throws MissingResourceException { return getMessage (clazz, resName, new Object[] { param1, param2, param3 }); } /** Finds a localized string in a bundle and formats the message * by passing requested parameters. * * @param clazz the class to use to locate the bundle * @param resName name of the resource to look for * @param arr array of parameters to use for formatting the message * @return the string associated with the resource * @throws MissingResourceException if either the bundle or the string cannot be found * @see java.text.MessageFormat#format(String,Object[]) */ public static String getMessage ( Class clazz, String resName, Object[] arr ) throws MissingResourceException { return java.text.MessageFormat.format ( getMessage (clazz, resName), arr ); } /** @return default class loader which is used, when we don't have * any other class loader. (in function getBundle(String), getLocalizedFile(String), * and so on... */ private static ClassLoader getLoader() { ClassLoader c = (ClassLoader)Lookup.getDefault ().lookup (ClassLoader.class); return c != null ? c : ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader (); } /** Get a list of all suffixes used to search for localized resources. * Based on the default locale and branding, returns the list of suffixes * which various NbBundle methods use as the search order. * For example, you might get a sequence such as: *
  1. "_branding_de" *
  2. "_branding" *
  3. "_de" *
  4. "" *
* @return a read-only iterator of type String * @since 1.1.5 */ public static Iterator getLocalizingSuffixes () { return new LocaleIterator (Locale.getDefault ()); } /** This class (enumeration) gives all localized sufixes using nextElement * method. It goes through given Locale and continues through Locale.getDefault() * Example 1: * Locale.getDefault().toString() -> "_en_US" * you call new LocaleIterator(new Locale("cs", "CZ")); * ==> You will gets: "_cs_CZ", "_cs", "", "_en_US", "_en" * * Example 2: * Locale.getDefault().toString() -> "_cs_CZ" * you call new LocaleIterator(new Locale("cs", "CZ")); * ==> You will gets: "_cs_CZ", "_cs", "" * * If there is a branding token in effect, you will get it too as an extra * prefix, taking precedence, e.g. for the token "f4jce": * * "_f4jce_cs_CZ", "_f4jce_cs", "_f4jce", "_f4jce_en_US", "_f4jce_en", "_cs_CZ", "_cs", "", "_en_US", "_en" * * Branding tokens with underscores are broken apart naturally: so e.g. * branding "f4j_ce" looks first for "f4j_ce" branding, then "f4j" branding, then none. */ private static class LocaleIterator extends Object implements Iterator { /** this flag means, if default locale is in progress */ private boolean defaultInProgress = false; /** this flag means, if empty sufix was exported yet */ private boolean empty = false; /** current locale, and initial locale */ private Locale locale, initLocale; /** current sufix which will be returned in next calling nextElement */ private String current; /** the branding string in use */ private String branding; /** Creates new LocaleIterator for given locale. * @param locale given Locale */ public LocaleIterator(Locale locale) { this.locale = this.initLocale = locale; if (locale.equals(Locale.getDefault())) { defaultInProgress = true; } current = '_' + locale.toString(); if (brandingToken == null) branding = null; else branding = "_" + brandingToken; // NOI18N //System.err.println("Constructed: " + this); } /** @return next sufix. * @exception NoSuchElementException if there is no more locale sufix. */ public Object next () throws NoSuchElementException { if (current == null) throw new NoSuchElementException(); final String ret; if (branding == null) { ret = current; } else { ret = branding + current; } int lastUnderbar = current.lastIndexOf('_'); if (lastUnderbar == 0) { if (empty) reset (); else { current = ""; // NOI18N empty = true; } } else { if (lastUnderbar == -1) { if (defaultInProgress) reset (); else { // [PENDING] stuff with trying the default locale // after the real one does not actually seem to work... locale = Locale.getDefault(); current = '_' + locale.toString(); defaultInProgress = true; } } else { current = current.substring(0, lastUnderbar); } } //System.err.println("Returning: `" + ret + "' from: " + this); return ret; } /** Finish a series. * If there was a branding prefix, restart without that prefix * (or with a shorter prefix); else finish. */ private void reset () { if (branding != null) { current = '_' + initLocale.toString (); int idx = branding.lastIndexOf ('_'); if (idx == 0) branding = null; else branding = branding.substring (0, idx); empty = false; } else { current = null; } } /** Tests if there is any sufix.*/ public boolean hasNext () { return (current != null); } public void remove () throws UnsupportedOperationException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException (); } } // end of LocaleIterator /** * Do not use. * @param loaderFinder ignored * @deprecated Useless. */ public static void setClassLoaderFinder (ClassLoaderFinder loaderFinder) { throw new Error (); } /** * Do not use. * @deprecated Useless. */ public static interface ClassLoaderFinder { /** * Do not use. * @return nothing * @deprecated Useless. */ public ClassLoader find (); } /** Classloader whose special trick is inserting debug information * into any *.properties files it loads. */ private static final class DebugLoader extends ClassLoader { /** global bundle index, each loaded bundle gets its own */ private static int count = 0; /** indices of known bundles; needed since DebugLoader's can be collected * when softly reachable, but this should be transparent to the user */ private static final Map knownIDs = new HashMap (); // Map /** cache of existing debug loaders for regular loaders */ private static final Map existing = new WeakHashMap (); // Map> private static int getID (String name) { synchronized (knownIDs) { Integer i = (Integer) knownIDs.get (name); if (i == null) { i = new Integer (++count); knownIDs.put (name, i); System.err.println ("NbBundle trace: #" + i + " = " + name); // NOI18N } return i.intValue (); } } public static ClassLoader get (ClassLoader normal) { //System.err.println("Lookup: normal=" + normal); synchronized (existing) { Reference r = (Reference) existing.get (normal); if (r != null) { ClassLoader dl = (ClassLoader) r.get (); if (dl != null) { //System.err.println("\tcache hit"); return dl; } else { //System.err.println("\tcollected ref"); } } else { //System.err.println("\tnot in cache"); } ClassLoader dl = new DebugLoader (normal); existing.put (normal, new WeakReference (dl)); return dl; } } private DebugLoader (ClassLoader cl) { super (cl); //System.err.println ("new DebugLoader: cl=" + cl); } public InputStream getResourceAsStream (String name) { InputStream base = super.getResourceAsStream (name); if (base == null) return null; if (name.endsWith (".properties")) { // NOI18N int id = getID (name); //System.err.println ("\tthis=" + this + " parent=" + getParent ()); boolean loc = name.indexOf ("/Bundle.") != -1 || name.indexOf ("/Bundle_") != -1; // NOI18N return new DebugInputStream (base, id, loc); } else { return base; } } // [PENDING] getResource not overridden; but ResourceBundle uses getResourceAsStream anyhow /** Wrapper input stream which parses the text as it goes and adds annotations. * Resource-bundle values are annotated with their current line number and also * the supplied it, so e.g. if in the original input stream on line 50 we have: * somekey=somevalue * so in the wrapper stream (id 123) this line will read: * somekey=somevalue (123:50) * Since you see on stderr what #123 is, you can then pinpoint where any bundle key * originally came from, assuming NbBundle loaded it from a *.properties file. * @see {@link Properties#load} for details on the syntax of *.properties files. */ private static final class DebugInputStream extends InputStream { private final InputStream base; private final int id; private final boolean localizable; /** current line number */ private int line = 0; /** state transition diagram constants */ private static final int WAITING_FOR_KEY = 0, IN_COMMENT = 1, IN_KEY = 2, IN_KEY_BACKSLASH = 3, AFTER_KEY = 4, WAITING_FOR_VALUE = 5, IN_VALUE = 6, IN_VALUE_BACKSLASH = 7; /** current state in state machine */ private int state = WAITING_FOR_KEY; /** if true, the last char was a CR, waiting to see if we get a NL too */ private boolean twixtCrAndNl = false; /** if non-null, a string to serve up before continuing (length must be > 0) */ private String toInsert = null; /** if true, the next value encountered should be localizable if normally it would not be, or vice-versa */ private boolean reverseLocalizable = false; /** text of currently read comment, including leading comment character */ private StringBuffer lastComment = null; /** Create a new InputStream which will annotate resource bundles. * Bundles named Bundle*.properties will be treated as localizable by default, * and so annotated; other bundles will be treated as nonlocalizable and not annotated. * Messages can be individually marked as localizable or not to override this default, * in accordance with some I18N conventions for NetBeans. * @param base the unannotated stream * @param id an identifying number to use in annotations * @param localizable if true, this bundle is expected to be localizable * @see */ public DebugInputStream (InputStream base, int id, boolean localizable) { this.base = base; = id; this.localizable = localizable; } public int read () throws IOException { //try{ if (toInsert != null) { char result = toInsert.charAt (0); if (toInsert.length () > 1) { toInsert = toInsert.substring (1); } else { toInsert = null; } return result; } int next = (); if (next == '\n') { twixtCrAndNl = false; line++; } else if (next == '\r') { if (twixtCrAndNl) { line++; } else { twixtCrAndNl = true; } } else { twixtCrAndNl = false; } switch (state) { case WAITING_FOR_KEY: switch (next) { case '#': case '!': state = IN_COMMENT; lastComment = new StringBuffer (); lastComment.append ((char) next); return next; case ' ': case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': case -1: return next; case '\\': state = IN_KEY_BACKSLASH; return next; default: state = IN_KEY; return next; } case IN_COMMENT: switch (next) { case '\n': case '\r': String comment = lastComment.toString (); lastComment = null; if (localizable && comment.equals ("#NOI18N")) { // NOI18N reverseLocalizable = true; } else if (localizable && comment.equals ("#PARTNOI18N")) { // NOI18N System.err.println ("NbBundle WARNING (" + id + ":" + line + "): #PARTNOI18N encountered, will not annotate I18N parts"); // NOI18N reverseLocalizable = true; } else if (! localizable && comment.equals ("#I18N")) { // NOI18N reverseLocalizable = true; } else if (! localizable && comment.equals ("#PARTI18N")) { // NOI18N System.err.println ("NbBundle WARNING (" + id + ":" + line + "): #PARTI18N encountered, will not annotate I18N parts"); // NOI18N reverseLocalizable = false; } else if ((localizable && (comment.equals ("#I18N") || comment.equals ("#PARTI18N"))) || // NOI18N (! localizable && (comment.equals ("#NOI18N") || comment.equals ("#PARTNOI18N")))) { // NOI18N System.err.println ("NbBundle WARNING (" + id + ":" + line + "): incongruous comment " + comment + " found for bundle"); // NOI18N reverseLocalizable = false; } state = WAITING_FOR_KEY; return next; default: lastComment.append ((char) next); return next; } case IN_KEY: switch (next) { case '\\': state = IN_KEY_BACKSLASH; return next; case ' ': case '\t': state = AFTER_KEY; return next; case '=': case ':': state = WAITING_FOR_VALUE; return next; case '\r': case '\n': state = WAITING_FOR_KEY; return next; default: return next; } case IN_KEY_BACKSLASH: state = IN_KEY; return next; case AFTER_KEY: switch (next) { case '=': case ':': state = WAITING_FOR_VALUE; return next; case '\r': case '\n': state = WAITING_FOR_KEY; return next; default: return next; } case WAITING_FOR_VALUE: switch (next) { case '\r': case '\n': state = WAITING_FOR_KEY; return next; case ' ': case '\t': return next; case '\\': state = IN_VALUE_BACKSLASH; return next; default: state = IN_VALUE; return next; } case IN_VALUE: switch (next) { case '\\': // Gloss over distinction between simple escapes and \u1234, which is not important for us. // Also no need to deal specially with continuation lines; for us, there is an escaped // newline, after which will be more value, and that is all that is important. state = IN_VALUE_BACKSLASH; return next; case '\n': case '\r': // End of value. This is the tricky part. boolean revLoc = reverseLocalizable; reverseLocalizable = false; state = WAITING_FOR_KEY; // XXX don't annotate keys ending in _Mnemonic if (localizable ^ revLoc) { // This value is intended to be localizable. Annotate it. toInsert = "(" + id + ":" + line + ")" + new Character ((char) next); // NOI18N // Now return the space before the rest of the string explicitly. return ' '; } else { // This is not supposed to be a localizable value, leave it alone. return next; } default: return next; } case IN_VALUE_BACKSLASH: state = IN_VALUE; return next; default: throw new IOException ("should never happen"); // NOI18N } } //catch(IOException ioe) {ioe.printStackTrace(); throw ioe;} //catch(RuntimeException re) {re.printStackTrace(); throw re;} //} /** For testing correctness of the transformation. Run: * java org.openide.util.NbBundle$DebugLoader$DebugInputStream true < * (The argument says whether to treat the input as localizable by default.) */ public static void main (String[] args) throws Exception { if (args.length != 1) throw new Exception (); boolean loc = Boolean.valueOf (args[0]).booleanValue (); DebugInputStream dis = new DebugInputStream (, 123, loc); int c; while ((c = ()) != -1) { System.out.write (c); } } } } }
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