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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
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package org.openide.util;

import java.util.*;

/** Exception that signals that a topological sort failed due to
* unsortable nature of the graph and that provides support for
* reporting and recovering from that state.
* @author Jaroslav Tulach
* @since 3.30
* @see Utilities#topologicalSort
public final class TopologicalSortException extends Exception {
    /** all vertexes */
    private Collection vertexes;
    /** map with edges */
    private Map edges;
    /** result if called twice */
    private Set[] result;
    /** counter to number the vertexes */
    private int counter;
    /** vertexes sorted by increasing value of y */
    private Stack dualGraph = new Stack ();
    TopologicalSortException (Collection vertexes, Map edges) {
        this.vertexes = vertexes;
        this.edges = edges;
    /** Because the full sort was not possible, this methods
     * returns the best possible substitute for it that is available.
     * @return list of partially sorted objects, the list can be freely modified
    public final List partialSort () {
        Set[] all = topologicalSets ();
        ArrayList res = new ArrayList (vertexes.size ());
        for (int i = 0; i < all.length; i++) {
            res.addAll (all[i]);
        return res;
    /** The topological sort could not be finished as there 
     * are some objects that are mutually refering to each other.
     * This methods finds such objects and partition them into
     * separate sets. All objects in one set (transitively) refer to 
     * each other and thus prevent the sort from succeding. As
     * there can be more of such "unsortable sets" an array
     * of them is returned.
     * @return array of sets that contain some of the original objects, result 
     *   shall not be modified
    public final Set[] unsortableSets () {
        Set[] all = topologicalSets ();
        ArrayList unsort = new ArrayList ();
        for (int i = 0; i < all.length; i++) {
            if (all[i].size () > 1 || !(all[i] instanceof HashSet)) {
                unsort.add (all[i]);
        return (Set[])unsort.toArray (new Set[0]);
    /** Adds description why the graph cannot be sorted.
     * @param w writer to write to
    public final void printStackTrace ( w) {
        w.print ("TopologicalSortException - Collection: "); // NOI18N
        w.print (vertexes);
        w.print (" with edges "); // NOI18N
        w.print (edges);
        w.println (" cannot be sorted");  // NOI18N
        Set[] bad = unsortableSets();
        for (int i = 0; i < bad.length; i++) {
            w.print (" Conflict #"); // NOI18N
            w.print (i);
            w.print (": "); // NOI18N
            w.println (bad[i]); 
    /** Adds description why the graph cannot be sorted.
     * @param s stream to write to
    public final void printStackTrace ( s) { w = new (s);

    /** As the full topological sort cannot be finished due to cycles
     * in the graph this methods performs a partition topological sort.

* First of all it identifies unsortable parts of the graph and * partitions the graph into sets of original objects. Each set contains * objects that are mutually unsortable (there is a cycle between them). * Then the topological sort is performed again on those sets, this * sort succeeds because the graph of sets is DAG (all problematic edges * were only between objects now grouped inside the sets) and the * result forms the return value of this method. * * @return array of sorted sets that contain the original objects, each * object from the original collection is exactly in one set, result * shall not be modified */ public final Set[] topologicalSets () { if (result != null) return result; HashMap vertexInfo = new HashMap (); // computes value X and Y for each vertex counter = 0; Iterator it = vertexes.iterator (); while (it.hasNext ()) { constructDualGraph (counter, (), vertexInfo); } // now connect vertexes that cannot be sorted into own // sets // map from the original objects to Map objectsToSets = new HashMap (); ArrayList sets = new ArrayList (); while (!dualGraph.isEmpty()) { Vertex v = (Vertex)dualGraph.pop (); if (!v.visited) { Set set = new HashSet (); visitDualGraph (v, set); if (set.size () == 1 && v.edgesFrom.contains (v)) { // mark if there is a self reference and the // set is only one element big, it means that there // is a self cycle // // do not use HashSet but Collections.singleton // to recognize such cycles set = Collections.singleton(v.object); } sets.add (set); // fill the objectsToSets mapping it = set.iterator (); while (it.hasNext ()) { objectsToSets.put ( (), set); } } } // now topologically sort the sets // 1. prepare the map HashMap edgesBetweenSets = new HashMap (); it = edges.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext ()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) (); Collection leadsTo = (Collection)entry.getValue (); if (leadsTo == null || leadsTo.isEmpty ()) { continue; } Set from = (Set)objectsToSets.get (entry.getKey ()); Collection setsTo = (Collection)edgesBetweenSets.get (from); if (setsTo == null) { setsTo = new ArrayList (); edgesBetweenSets.put (from, setsTo); } Iterator convert = leadsTo.iterator(); while (convert.hasNext ()) { Set to = (Set)objectsToSets.get ( ()); if (from != to) { // avoid self cycles setsTo.add (to); } } } // 2. do the sort try { result = (Set[])Utilities.topologicalSort(sets, edgesBetweenSets).toArray (new Set[0]); } catch (TopologicalSortException ex) { throw new IllegalStateException ("Cannot happen"); // NOI18N } return result; } /** Traverses the tree * @param counter current value * @param vertex current vertex * @param vertexInfo the info */ private Vertex constructDualGraph (int counter, Object vertex, HashMap vertexInfo) { Vertex info = (Vertex)vertexInfo.get (vertex); if (info == null) { info = new Vertex (vertex, counter++); vertexInfo.put (vertex, info); } else { // already (being) processed return info; } // process children Collection c = (Collection)edges.get (vertex); if (c != null) { Iterator it = c.iterator (); while (it.hasNext ()) { Vertex next = constructDualGraph (counter, (), vertexInfo); next.edgesFrom.add (info); } } // leaving the vertex info.y = counter++; dualGraph.push (info); return info; } /** Visit dual graph. Decreasing value of Y gives the order. * Number * * @param vertex vertex to start from * @param visited list of all objects that we've been to */ private void visitDualGraph (Vertex vertex, Collection visited) { if (vertex.visited) { return; } visited.add (vertex.object); vertex.visited = true; Iterator it = vertex.edges(); while (it.hasNext()) { Vertex v = (Vertex) (); visitDualGraph (v, visited); } } /** Represents info about a vertex in the graph. Vertexes are * comparable by the value of Y, but only after the value is set, * so the sort has to be done latelly. */ private static final class Vertex implements Comparable { /** the found object */ public Object object; /** list of vertexes that point to this one */ public List edgesFrom = new ArrayList (); /** the counter state when we entered the vertex */ public final int x; /** the counter when we exited the vertex */ public int y; /** already sorted, true if the edges has been sorted */ public boolean sorted; /** true if visited in dual graph */ public boolean visited; public Vertex (Object obj, int x) { this.x = x; this.object = obj; } /** Iterator over edges * @return iterator of Vertex items */ public Iterator edges () { if (!sorted) { Collections.sort (edgesFrom); sorted = true; } return edgesFrom.iterator(); } /** Comparing based on value of Y. * * @param o the Object to be compared. * @return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this object * is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified object. */ public int compareTo(Object o) { Vertex v = (Vertex)o; return v.y - y; } } }

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