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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
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package org.openide.util.lookup;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Arrays;

import org.openide.util.Lookup;

 * A convinience class with couple of static factory methods. It is impossible
 * to create an instance of this class.
 * @author David Strupl
 * @since 2.21
public class Lookups {
    /** Noone should ever create intstances of this class. */
    private Lookups() {
     * Creates a singleton lookup. It means lookup that contains only
     * one object specified via the supplied parameter. The lookup will
     * either return the object or null if the supplied template does
     * not match the class. If the specified argument is null the method
     * will end with NullPointerException.
     * @return Fully initialized lookup object ready to use
     * @throws NullPointerException if the supplied argument is null
     * @since 2.21
    public static Lookup singleton(Object objectToLookup) {
        if (objectToLookup == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException();
        // performance of the resulting lookup might be further
        // improved by providing specialized singleton result (and lookup)
        // instead of using SimpleResult
        return new SimpleLookup(Collections.singleton(objectToLookup));
     * Creates a lookup that contains an array of objects specified via the
     * parameter. The resulting lookup is fixed in the following sense: it
     * contains only fixed set of objects passed in by the array parameter.
     * Its contents never changes so registering listeners on such lookup
     * does not have any observable effect (the listeners are never called).
     * @return Fully initialized lookup object ready to use
     * @throws NullPointerException if the supplied argument is null
     * @since 2.21
    public static Lookup fixed(Object[] objectsToLookup) {
        if (objectsToLookup == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException();
        return new SimpleLookup(Arrays.asList(objectsToLookup));
     * Creates a lookup that contains an array of objects specified via the
     * parameter. The resulting lookup is fixed in the following sense: it
     * contains only fixed set of objects passed in by the array parameter.
     * The objects returned from this lookup are converted to real objects
     * before they are returned by the lookup.
     * Its contents never changes so registering listeners on such lookup
     * does not have any observable effect (the listeners are never called).
     * @return Fully initialized lookup object ready to use
     * @throws NullPointerException if the any of the arguments is null
     * @since 2.21
    public static Lookup fixed(Object[] keys, InstanceContent.Convertor convertor) {
        if (keys == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException();
        if    (convertor == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException();
        return new SimpleLookup(Arrays.asList(keys), convertor);
     /** Creates a lookup that delegates to another one but that one can change
      * from time to time. The returned lookup checks every time somebody calls
      * lookup or lookupItem method whether the 
      * provider still returns the same lookup. If not, it updates state of 
      * all Lookup.Results that it created (and that still exists).

* The user of this method has to implement its provider's getLookup * method (must be thread safe and fast, will be called often and from any thread) * pass it to this method and use the returned lookup. Whenever the user * changes the return value from the getLookup method and wants * to notify listeners on the lookup about that it should trigger the event * firing, for example by calling lookup.lookup (Object.class) * that forces check of the return value of getLookup. * * @param provider the provider that returns a lookup to delegate to * @return lookup delegating to the lookup returned by the provider * @since 3.9 */ public static Lookup proxy (Lookup.Provider provider) { return new SimpleProxyLookup (provider); } /** Returns a lookup that implements the JDK1.3 JAR services mechanism and delegates * to META-INF/services/name.of.class files. *

Note: It is not dynamic - so if you need to change the classloader or JARs, * wrap it in a ProxyLookup and change the delegate when necessary. * Existing instances will be kept if the implementation classes are unchanged, * so there is "stability" in doing this provided some parent loaders are the same * as the previous ones. * @since 3.35 */ public static Lookup metaInfServices(ClassLoader classLoader) { return new MetaInfServicesLookup(classLoader); } /** Creates Lookup.Item representing the instance passed in. * * @param instance the object for which Lookup.Item should be creted * @param id unique identification of the object, for details see {@link org.openide.util.Lookup.Item#getId}, * can be null * @return lookup item representing instance * @since 4.8 */ public static Lookup.Item lookupItem(Object instance, String id) { return new LookupItem(instance, id); } private static class LookupItem extends Lookup.Item { private String id; private Object instance; public LookupItem( Object instance ) { this( instance, null ); } public LookupItem( Object instance, String id ) { = id; this.instance = instance; } public String getDisplayName() { return getId(); } public String getId() { return id == null ? instance.toString() : id; } public Object getInstance() { return instance; } public Class getType() { return instance.getClass(); } public boolean equals( Object object ) { if ( object instanceof LookupItem ) { return instance == ((LookupItem)object).getInstance(); } return false; } public int hashCode() { return instance.hashCode(); } } // End of LookupItem class }

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