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This file is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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 *                Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2002 Sun1
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package gui.explorer;

//import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
//import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
//import java.lang.reflect.Method;
//import org.netbeans.jellytools.Bundle;
//import org.netbeans.jellytools.EditorOperator;
import org.netbeans.jellytools.JellyTestCase;
//import org.netbeans.jellytools.NbDialogOperator;
//import org.netbeans.jellytools.RepositoryTabOperator;
//import org.netbeans.jellytools.actions.Action;
//import org.netbeans.jellytools.actions.CopyAction;
//import org.netbeans.jellytools.actions.CutAction;
//import org.netbeans.jellytools.actions.DeleteAction;
//import org.netbeans.jellytools.actions.OpenAction;
//import org.netbeans.jellytools.nodes.Node;
//import org.netbeans.jellytools.nodes.RepositoryRootNode;
//import org.netbeans.jemmy.operators.JMenuItemOperator;
//import org.netbeans.jemmy.operators.JPopupMenuOperator;
//import org.netbeans.jemmy.operators.Operator;
// *
// * @author  Jan Lahoda, Lukas Hasik
// */
public class CopyCutPasteRenameTest extends JellyTestCase {
// //declare variables
//        private String S_TESTCLASS;
//        private String S_TESTCLASS1;
//        private String S_TESTCLASS2;
//        private String S_TESTCLASSROOT;
//        private String S_TESTFORM1;
//        private String S_TESTFORM2;
//        private String S_TEST;
//        private String S_TESTPROPERTIES;
//        private String S_TESTTEXT;
//        private String D_TESTCLASSROOT;
//        private String D_TARGET;
//        private String D_TESTCLASS;
//        private String D_TESTCLASS1;
//        private String D_TESTCLASS2;
//        private String D_TESTFORM1;
//        private String D_TESTFORM2;
//        private String JAR_JARTESTCLASS;
//        private String JAR_TARGET;
//        private String D_JARTESTCLASS;
//    /** Creates a new instance of CopyCutPasteRenameTest */
    public CopyCutPasteRenameTest(String name) {
//    private void init() {
//        try {   
//        S_TESTCLASS = getSrcDir() + "|org|test|TestClass";
//        S_TESTCLASS1 = getSrcDir() + "|org|test|TestClass1";
//        S_TESTCLASS2 = getSrcDir() + "|org|test|TestClass2";
//        S_TESTCLASSROOT = getSrcDir() + "|TestClassRoot";
//        S_TESTFORM1 = getSrcDir() + "|org|test|TestForm1";
//        S_TESTFORM2 = getSrcDir() + "|org|test|TestForm2";
//        S_TEST = getSrcDir() + "|org|test";
//        S_TESTPROPERTIES = getSrcDir() + "|org|test|TestProperties";
//        S_TESTTEXT = getSrcDir() + "|org|test|TestText";
//        D_TESTCLASSROOT = getDest1Dir() + "|TestClassRoot";
//        D_TARGET = getDest1Dir() + "|org|target";
//        D_TESTCLASS = getDest1Dir() + "|org|target|TestClass";
//        D_TESTCLASS1 = getDest1Dir() + "|org|target|TestClass1";
//        D_TESTCLASS2 = getDest1Dir() + "|org|target|TestClass2";
//        D_TESTFORM1 = getDest1Dir() + "|org|target|TestForm1";
//        D_TESTFORM2 = getDest1Dir() + "|org|target|TestForm2";
//        JAR_JARTESTCLASS = JAR_NAME + "|org|target|JarTestClass";
//        JAR_TARGET = JAR_NAME + "|org|target";
//        D_JARTESTCLASS = getDest1Dir() + "|org|target|JarTestClass";
//        } catch (IOException ioe) {
//            System.out.println("====================== problem in inicialization =========================");
//            ioe.printStackTrace();
//        }
//    }
//    private static final String SRC_NAME = "src";
//    private static final String DEST1_NAME = "dest1";
//    private static final String DEST2_NAME = "dest2";
//    private static final String JAR_NAME = "test.jar";
//    private boolean standalone = false;
//    private String  standaloneWorkdir = "";
//    public File getWorkDir() throws IOException {
//        if (standalone)
//            return new File(getWorkDirPath());
//        else
//            return super.getWorkDir();
//    }
//    /** it's not useful anymore
//     public String getWorkDirPath() throws IOException {
//        if (standalone)
//            return standaloneWorkdir;
//	else
//	    return super.getWorkDirPath();
//    }
//     */
//    private File getSrcDir() throws IOException {
//        return new File(getWorkDir(), SRC_NAME);
//    }
//    private File getDest1Dir() throws IOException {
//        return new File(getWorkDir(), DEST1_NAME);
//    }
//    private File getDest2Dir() throws IOException {
//        return new File(getWorkDir(), DEST2_NAME);
//    }
//    private File getJarFile() throws IOException {
//        return new File(getWorkDir(), JAR_NAME);
//    }
//    private void copyFiles(String inResource, File outputFile) throws IOException {
//        InputStream in = null;
//        OutputStream out = null; 
//        try {
//            in  = getClass().getResourceAsStream(inResource);
//            out = new FileOutputStream(outputFile);
//            int read;
//            while ((read = != (-1)) {
//                out.write(read);
//            }
//        } finally {
//            if (in != null) {
//                try {
//                    in.close();
//                } catch (IOException e) {
//                    e.printStackTrace(System.err);
//                }
//            }
//            if (out != null) {
//                try {
//                    out.close();
//                } catch (IOException e) {
//                    e.printStackTrace(System.err);
//                }
//            }
//        }
//    }
//    private void createTestingData() throws IOException {
//        System.out.println("====================== creating testing data =========================");
//        File workFolder = new File(new File(getSrcDir(), "org"), "test");;
//        new File(new File(getDest1Dir(), "org"), "target").mkdirs();
//        new File(new File(getDest2Dir(), "org"), "target").mkdirs();
//        workFolder.mkdirs();
//        copyFiles("/gui/explorer/data/testfiles/CopyCutPasteRenameTest/", new File(workFolder, ""));
//        copyFiles("/gui/explorer/data/testfiles/CopyCutPasteRenameTest/", new File(workFolder, ""));
//        copyFiles("/gui/explorer/data/testfiles/CopyCutPasteRenameTest/", new File(workFolder, ""));
//        copyFiles("/gui/explorer/data/testfiles/CopyCutPasteRenameTest/", new File(getSrcDir(), ""));
//        copyFiles("/gui/explorer/data/testfiles/CopyCutPasteRenameTest/", new File(workFolder, ""));
//        copyFiles("/gui/explorer/data/testfiles/CopyCutPasteRenameTest/TestText.txt", new File(workFolder, "TestText.txt"));
//        copyFiles("/gui/explorer/data/testfiles/CopyCutPasteRenameTest/test.jar", new File(getWorkDir(), "test.jar"));
//        copyFiles("/gui/explorer/data/testfiles/CopyCutPasteRenameTest/TestForm1.form", new File(workFolder, "TestForm1.form"));
//        copyFiles("/gui/explorer/data/testfiles/CopyCutPasteRenameTest/", new File(workFolder, ""));
//        copyFiles("/gui/explorer/data/testfiles/CopyCutPasteRenameTest/TestForm2.form", new File(workFolder, "TestForm2.form"));
//        copyFiles("/gui/explorer/data/testfiles/CopyCutPasteRenameTest/", new File(workFolder, ""));
//        System.out.println("====================== creating testing data finished =========================");
//    }
//    private void fullDelete(File dir) throws IOException {
//        File[] children = dir.listFiles();
//        for (int cntr = 0; cntr < children.length; cntr++) {
//            if (children[cntr].isDirectory()) {
//                fullDelete(children[cntr]);
//            } else {
//                children[cntr].delete();
//            }
//        }
//    }
//    private void destroyTestingData() throws IOException {
//        fullDelete(getSrcDir());
//        fullDelete(getDest1Dir());
//        fullDelete(getDest2Dir());
//    }
////    private static final String copyActionName = Bundle.getStringTrimmed("org.openide.actions.Bundle", "Copy");
////    private static final String cutActionName = Bundle.getStringTrimmed("org.openide.actions.Bundle", "Cut");
////    private static final String pasteActionName = Bundle.getStringTrimmed("org.openide.actions.Bundle", "Paste");
//    private void umountFilesystem(String filesystemName) {
//        new Node(RepositoryTabOperator.invoke().getRootNode(), filesystemName).callPopup().pushMenu(new String[] {Bundle.getStringTrimmed("org.netbeans.core.actions.Bundle", "UnmountFS")});
//    }
//    private static RepositoryRootNode getRRN() {
//        return RepositoryTabOperator.invoke().getRootNode();
//    }
//    private static class ActionDescriptor {
//        private TestAction action;
//        private String[] arguments;
//        public ActionDescriptor(TestAction action, String[] arguments) {
//            this.action = action;
//            this.arguments = arguments;
//        }
//        public ActionDescriptor(TestAction action, String argument) {
//            this(action, new String[] {argument});
//        }
//        public ActionDescriptor(TestAction action, String argument1, String argument2) {
//            this(action, new String[] {argument1, argument2});
//        }
//    }
//    public void setUp() throws IOException {
//        init();
//        createTestingData();
//        RepositoryTabOperator.invoke().mountLocalDirectoryAPI(getSrcDir().getAbsolutePath());
//        RepositoryTabOperator.invoke().mountLocalDirectoryAPI(getDest1Dir().getAbsolutePath());
//        RepositoryTabOperator.invoke().mountLocalDirectoryAPI(getDest2Dir().getAbsolutePath());
//        RepositoryTabOperator.invoke().mountArchiveFileAPI(getJarFile().getAbsolutePath());
//    }
//    public void tearDown() throws IOException {
//        umountFilesystem(getSrcDir().getAbsolutePath());
//        umountFilesystem(getDest1Dir().getAbsolutePath());
//        umountFilesystem(getDest2Dir().getAbsolutePath());
//        umountFilesystem(JAR_NAME);
//        destroyTestingData();
//    }
//    /**
//     * copy
//     *
//     * from
//     *    /src
//     * to
//     *    /dest1
//     */    
//    public void testCopyJavaFromRootOfFS1toRootOfFS2() throws IOException {
//        copyAction.perform(S_TESTCLASSROOT);
//        pasteCopyAction.perform(getDest1Dir().getAbsolutePath());
//        verify.perform(D_TESTCLASSROOT);
//        verify.perform(S_TESTCLASSROOT);
//    }
//    /**
//     * @throws IOException
//     */    
//    public void testCopyJavaFromPackageInFS1toPackageInFS2() throws IOException {
//        copyAction.perform(S_TESTCLASS);
//        pasteCopyAction.perform(D_TARGET);
//        verify.perform(D_TESTCLASS);
//        verify.perform(S_TESTCLASS);
//    }
//    public void testCopyFormFromPackageInFS1toPackageInFS2() throws IOException {
//        copyAction.perform(S_TESTFORM1);
//        pasteCopyAction.perform(D_TARGET);
//        verify.perform(D_TESTFORM1);
//        verify.perform(S_TESTFORM1);
//    }
//    public void testCopyJavaFromPackageInFS1toJarFS2() throws IOException {
//        copyAction.perform(S_TESTCLASS);
//        pasteDisabledAction.perform(JAR_NAME);
//        verify.perform(S_TESTCLASS);
//    }
//    public void testCopyJavaFromPackageInFS1toPackageInJarFS2() throws IOException {
//        copyAction.perform(S_TESTCLASS);
//        pasteDisabledAction.perform(JAR_TARGET);
//        verify.perform(S_TESTCLASS);
//    }
//    public void testJavaFromPackageInJarFS1toPackageInFS2() throws IOException {
//        copyAction.perform(JAR_JARTESTCLASS);
//        pasteCopyAction.perform(D_TARGET);
//        verify.perform(D_JARTESTCLASS);
//        verify.perform(JAR_JARTESTCLASS);
//    }
//    public void testCopyMoreJavasAndFormsFromPackageInFS1toPackageInFS2() throws IOException {
//        copyAction.perform(new String[] {S_TESTCLASS1,
//                                         S_TESTCLASS2,
//                                         S_TESTFORM1,
//                                         S_TESTFORM2});      
//        pasteCopyAction.perform(D_TARGET);
//        verify.perform(new String[] {D_TESTCLASS1,
//                                     D_TESTCLASS2,
//                                     D_TESTFORM1,
//                                     D_TESTFORM2,
//                                     S_TESTCLASS1,
//                                     S_TESTCLASS2,
//                                     S_TESTFORM1,
//                                     S_TESTFORM2});
//    }
//    public void testCutJavaFromRootOfFS1toFS2() throws IOException {
//        cutAction.perform(S_TESTCLASSROOT);
//        pasteDirectAction.perform(getDest1Dir().getAbsolutePath());
//        verify.perform(D_TESTCLASSROOT);
//        verifyMissing.perform(S_TESTCLASSROOT);
//    }
//    public void testCutJavaFromPackageInFS1toPackageInFS2() throws IOException {
//        cutAction.perform(S_TESTCLASS1);
//        pasteDirectAction.perform(D_TARGET);
//        verify.perform(D_TESTCLASS1);
//        verifyMissing.perform(S_TESTCLASS1);
//    }
//    public void testCutFormFromPackageInFS1toPackageInFS2() throws IOException {
//        cutAction.perform(S_TESTFORM1);
//        pasteDirectAction.perform(D_TARGET);
//        verify.perform(D_TESTFORM1);
//        verifyMissing.perform(S_TESTFORM1);
//    }
//    public void testCopyPackageInFS1toPackageInFS2() throws IOException {
//        copyAction.perform(S_TEST);
//        pasteCopyAction.perform(getDest1Dir() + "|org");
//        verify.perform(new String[] {getDest1Dir() + "|org|test|TestClass",
//         getDest1Dir() + "|org|test|TestClass1",
//         getDest1Dir() + "|org|test|TestClass2",
//         getDest1Dir() + "|org|test|TestProperties",
//         getDest1Dir() + "|org|test|TestText",
//         getDest1Dir() + "|org|test|TestForm1",
//         getDest1Dir() + "|org|test|TestForm2",
//         S_TESTCLASS,
//         S_TESTCLASS1,
//         S_TESTCLASS2,
//         S_TESTTEXT,
//         S_TESTFORM1,
//         S_TESTFORM2,
//         S_TESTFORM1,
//         S_TESTFORM2});       
//    }
//    public void testCutPackageInFS1toPackageInFS2() throws IOException {
//        cutAction.perform(S_TEST);
//        pasteDirectAction.perform(getDest1Dir() + "|org");
//        verify.perform(new String[] {getDest1Dir() + "|org|test|TestClass",
//                                     getDest1Dir() + "|org|test|TestClass1",
//                                     getDest1Dir() + "|org|test|TestClass2",
//                                     getDest1Dir() + "|org|test|TestProperties",
//                                     getDest1Dir() + "|org|test|TestText",
//                                     getDest1Dir() + "|org|test|TestForm1",
//                                     getDest1Dir() + "|org|test|TestForm2"});
//         verifyMissing.perform(S_TEST);       
//    }
//    public void testCutMoreJavasAndFormsFromPackageInFS1toPackageInFS2() throws IOException {
//        cutAction.perform(new String[] {S_TESTCLASS1,
//                                         S_TESTCLASS2,
//                                         S_TESTFORM1,
//                                         S_TESTFORM2});
//        pasteDirectAction.perform(D_TARGET);
//        verify.perform(new String[] {D_TESTCLASS1,
//                                     D_TESTCLASS2,
//                                     D_TESTFORM1,
//                                     D_TESTFORM2});
//         verifyMissing.perform(new String[] {S_TESTCLASS1,
//                                         S_TESTCLASS2,
//                                         S_TESTFORM1,
//                                         S_TESTFORM2});
//    }
//    public void testDeleteOpenedJavaFile() throws IOException {
//        openInEditorAction.perform(S_TESTCLASS1);
//        deleteConfirmAction.perform(S_TESTCLASS1);
//        verifyMissing.perform(S_TESTCLASS1);
//        //verifyEditorClosed.perform("TestClass1");
//    }
//    public void testDeleteOpenedAndNotOpenedJavaFile() throws IOException {
//        openInEditorAction.perform(S_TESTCLASS1);
//        deleteConfirmAction.perform(new String[] {S_TESTCLASS1,
//                                                 S_TESTCLASS2});
//        verifyMissing.perform(new String[] {S_TESTCLASS1,
//                                                 S_TESTCLASS2});
//        //verifyEditorClosed.perform("TestClass1");
//    }
//     public void testDeletePackage() throws IOException {
//        deleteConfirmAction.perform(S_TEST);
//         verifyMissing.perform(S_TEST);
//    }
//     public void testDeletePackageWithOpenedFiles() throws IOException {
//        openInEditorAction.perform(S_TESTCLASS1);
//        deleteConfirmAction.perform(S_TEST);
//        verifyMissing.perform(S_TEST);
//        //verifyEditorClosed.perform("TestClass1");
//    }
//     public void testDeleteOpenedForm() throws IOException {
//        openInEditorAction.perform(S_TESTFORM1);
//        deleteConfirmAction.perform(S_TESTFORM1);
//        verifyMissing.perform(new String[] {S_TESTFORM1,
//                                                 getSrcDir() + "|org|test|TestForm1.form"});
//        //verifyEditorClosed.perform(new String[] {"TestForm1", "testForm1 [form]"});
//    }
//     public void testDeleteOpenedFormJavaAndPackage() throws IOException {
//        openInEditorAction.perform(S_TESTFORM1);
//        openInEditorAction.perform(S_TESTCLASS1);
//        deleteConfirmAction.perform(new String[] {S_TESTCLASS1,
//                                                  S_TESTFORM1,
//                                                  D_TARGET});
//        verifyMissing.perform(new String[] {S_TESTCLASS1,
//                                            S_TESTFORM1,
//                                            D_TARGET});
//        //verifyEditorClosed.perform(new String[] {"TestForm1", "testForm1 [form]"});
//    }
//    public void donotruntest12() throws IOException {
//        cutDisabledAction.perform(JAR_JARTESTCLASS);
//    }
//    private static final void invokeMethod(Object obj, String method) throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException{
//        Method m = obj.getClass().getMethod(method, new Class[] {});
//        m.invoke(obj, new Object[] {});
//    }
//    private static final void invokeTest(String testName) throws IOException, NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
//        CopyCutPasteRenameTest inst = new CopyCutPasteRenameTest(testName);
//        inst.standalone = true;
//        inst.standaloneWorkdir = "F:\\tmp\\work";
//        System.err.println("Set up for test: " + testName);
//        invokeMethod(inst, "setUp");
//        System.err.println("Test: " + testName);
//        invokeMethod(inst, testName);
//        System.err.println("Tear down for test: " + testName);
//        invokeMethod(inst, "tearDown");
//    }
//    public static final void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
////        String[] tests = new String[] {"test1", "test2", "test3", "test4", "test5", "test6", "test7", "test9", "test10", "test11"/*, "test12"*/};
////        for (int cntr = 0; cntr < tests.length; cntr++) {
////            invokeTest(tests[cntr]);
////        }
//            System.setProperty("nbjunit.workdir", ".");
//            // org.netbeans.junit.NbTestSuite(CopyCutPasteRenameTest.class)); 
//           invokeTest("testDeleteOpenedFormJavaAndPackage");
//    }
//    //Local utility:
//    private static final String pasteActionName = Bundle.getStringTrimmed("org.openide.actions.Bundle", "Paste");
//    private static final String copyActionName = Bundle.getStringTrimmed("org.openide.actions.Bundle", "Copy");
//    private static final String cutActionName = Bundle.getStringTrimmed("org.openide.actions.Bundle", "Cut");
//    private static final TestAction copyAction = new PopupTestAction(new CopyAction());
//    private static final TestAction cutAction = new PopupTestAction(new CutAction());
//    private static final TestAction deleteAction = new PopupTestAction(new DeleteAction());
//    private static final TestAction deleteConfirmAction = new DeleteConfirmTestAction();
//    private static final TestAction pasteDirectAction= new PopupTestAction(new Action(null, pasteActionName));
//    private static final TestAction pasteCopyAction= new PopupTestAction(new Action(null, pasteActionName + "|" + copyActionName));
//    private static final TestAction pasteDisabledAction = new IsDisabledPopupTestAction(pasteActionName);
//    private static final TestAction cutDisabledAction = new IsDisabledPopupTestAction(cutActionName);
//    private static final TestAction verify = new VerifyExistsTestAction();
//    private static final TestAction verifyMissing = new VerifyNotExistTestAction();
//    private static final CopyCutPasteRenameTest.VerifyFilesExistTestAction verifyFiles = new VerifyFilesExistTestAction();
//    private static final TestAction openInEditorAction = new PopupTestAction(new OpenAction());
//    private static final TestAction verifyEditorOpened = new VerifyEditorIsOpened();
//    private static final TestAction verifyEditorClosed = new VerifyEditorIsClosed();
//    private static class ExactStringComparator implements Operator.StringComparator {
//        public boolean equals(String str, String str1) {
//            if (str == str1)
//                return true;
//            if (str == null || str1 == null)
//                return false;
//            return str.equals(str1);
//        }
//    }
//    private static boolean isPopupActionDisabled(Node node, String path) {
//        JPopupMenuOperator oper = node.callPopup();
//        oper.waitComponentVisible(true);
//        JMenuItemOperator item = oper.showMenuItem(path, "|", new ExactStringComparator());
//        item.waitComponentVisible(true);
//        boolean result = !item.isEnabled();
//        if (oper.isVisible())
//            oper.pushKey(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE);
//        return result;
//    }
//    private abstract static class TestAction {
//        public void perform(String nodes) {
//            perform(new String[] {nodes});
//        }
//        public abstract void perform(String[] nodes);
//    }
//    private static class PopupTestAction extends TestAction {
//        private org.netbeans.jellytools.actions.Action toCall;
//        public PopupTestAction(Action toCall) {
//            this.toCall = toCall;
//        }
//        public void perform(String[] nodes) {
//            System.out.println("=============================== Calling " +toCall.toString()+ " on nodes "+ nodes +"=====================================");
//            Node[] nodesImpl = new Node[nodes.length];
//            for (int cntr = 0; cntr < nodes.length; cntr++) {
//                nodesImpl[cntr] = new Node(getRRN(), nodes[cntr]);
//            }
//            toCall.performPopup(nodesImpl);
//        }
//    }
//    private static class IsDisabledPopupTestAction extends TestAction {
//        private String actionPath;
//        public IsDisabledPopupTestAction(String actionPath) {
//            this.actionPath = actionPath;
//        }
//        public void perform(String[] nodes) {
//            for (int cntr = 0; cntr < nodes.length; cntr++) {
//                Node working = new Node(getRRN(), nodes[cntr]);
//                assertTrue("Action " + actionPath + " is not disabled on node " + working.getPath() + ".",
//                           isPopupActionDisabled(working, actionPath));
//            }
//        }
//    }
//    private static class VerifyExistsTestAction extends TestAction {
//        public void perform(String[] nodes) {
//            for (int cntr = 0; cntr < nodes.length; cntr++) {
//                Node working = new Node(getRRN(), nodes[cntr]);
//            }
//        }
//    }
//    private static class VerifyNotExistTestAction extends TestAction {
//        public void perform(String[] nodes) {
//            for (int cntr = 0; cntr < nodes.length; cntr++) {
//                String current = nodes[cntr];
//                int lastPipe = current.lastIndexOf('|');
//                if (lastPipe == (-1)) {
//                    //We can not do anything with this.
//                    System.err.println("VerifyNotExistTestAction: lastPipe=(-1)"); //!!!!
//                    continue;
//                }
//                String parent = current.substring(0, lastPipe);
//                String child  = current.substring(lastPipe + 1);
//                Node working = new Node(getRRN(), parent);
//                working.waitChildNotPresent(child);
//            }
//        }
//    }
//    private static class VerifyFilesExistTestAction extends TestAction {
//        public void perform2(String[] files) throws FileNotFoundException{
//            for (int cntr = 0; cntr < files.length; cntr++) {
//                String current = files[cntr];
//                File file = new File(current);
//                if(!file.exists()) 
//                    throw new FileNotFoundException("File "+current+" doesn't exist and it should");
//            }
//        }
//        public void perform(String[] nodes) {
//        }
//    }
//    private static class VerifyEditorIsOpened extends TestAction {
//        public void perform(String[] nodes) {
//            for (int cntr = 0; cntr < nodes.length; cntr++) {
//                EditorOperator editor = new EditorOperator(nodes[cntr]);
//            }
//        }        
//    }
//     private static class VerifyEditorIsClosed extends TestAction {
//        public void perform(String[] nodes) {
//            System.out.println("=============================== Verifying if these "+ nodes +" aren't opened in Editor =====================================");
//            for (int cntr = 0; cntr < nodes.length; cntr++) {
//                try {
//                    EditorOperator editor = new EditorOperator(nodes[cntr]);
//                } catch(org.netbeans.jemmy.TimeoutExpiredException e) {
//                    //everything is OK
//                }
//            }
//            System.out.println("========================= Editor is opened and should be closed ===========================");
//            fail(); 
//        }
//    }
//     private static class DeleteConfirmTestAction extends TestAction {
//        private org.netbeans.jellytools.actions.Action toCall = new DeleteAction();
//        public void perform(String[] nodes) {
//            Node[] nodesImpl = new Node[nodes.length];
//            System.out.println("=============================== Calling " +toCall.toString()+ " on nodes "+ nodes +"=====================================");
//            String title = (nodes.length == 1) ? "Confirm Object Deletion" : "Confirm Multiple Object Deletion";
//            for (int cntr = 0; cntr < nodes.length; cntr++) {
//                System.out.println("------- " + nodes[cntr]);
//                nodesImpl[cntr] = new Node(getRRN(), nodes[cntr]);
//            }
//            toCall.performPopup(nodesImpl);
//            //wait on confirm dialog
//            NbDialogOperator confirm = new NbDialogOperator(title);
//            confirm.yes();
//        }
//    }

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