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This file is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2004 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.netbeans.api.project;

import java.lang.ref.Reference;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
import org.netbeans.modules.projectapi.TimedWeakReference;
import org.netbeans.spi.project.ProjectFactory;
import org.netbeans.spi.project.ProjectState;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileChangeAdapter;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileChangeListener;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileEvent;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
import org.openide.util.Lookup;
import org.openide.util.LookupEvent;
import org.openide.util.LookupListener;
import org.openide.util.Mutex;
import org.openide.util.MutexException;

 * Manages loaded projects.
 * @author Jesse Glick
public final class ProjectManager {
    // XXX need to figure out how to convince the system that a Project object is modified
    // so that Save All and the exit dialog work... could temporarily use a DataLoader
    // which recognizes project dirs and gives them a SaveCookie, perhaps
    // see also #36280
    // (but currently customizers always save the project on exit, so not so high priority)
    // XXX change listeners?
    private static final Lookup.Result/**/ factories =
        Lookup.getDefault().lookup(new Lookup.Template(ProjectFactory.class));
    private ProjectManager() {
        factories.addLookupListener(new LookupListener() {
            public void resultChanged(LookupEvent e) {
    private static final ProjectManager DEFAULT = new ProjectManager();

     * Returns the singleton project manager instance.
    public static ProjectManager getDefault() {
        return DEFAULT;
    private static final Mutex MUTEX = new Mutex();
     * Get a read/write lock to be used for all project metadata accesses.
     * All methods relating to recognizing and loading projects, saving them,
     * getting or setting their metadata, etc. should be controlled by this
     * mutex and be marked as read operations or write operations. Unless
     * otherwise stated, project-related methods automatically acquire the
     * mutex for you, so you do not necessarily need to pay attention to it;
     * but you may directly acquire the mutex in order to ensure that a block
     * of reads does not have any interspersed writes, or in order to ensure
     * that a write is not clobbering an unrelated write, etc.
     * @return a general read/write lock for project metadata operations of all sorts
    public static Mutex mutex() {
        return MUTEX;
     * Marker for a directory which is known to not be a project.
    private static final Object NO_SUCH_PROJECT = "NO_SUCH_PROJECT"; // NOI18N
     * Marker for a directory which is known to (probably) be a project but is not loaded.
    private static final Object SOME_SUCH_PROJECT = "SOME_SUCH_PROJECT"; // NOI18N
     * Marker for a directory which may currently be being loaded as a project.
     * When this is the value, other reader threads should wait for the result.
    private static final Object LOADING_PROJECT = "LOADING_PROJECT"; // NOI18N
     * Cache of loaded projects (modified or not).
     * Also caches a dir which is not a project.
    private final Map/*|NO_SUCH_PROJECT|SOME_SUCH_PROJECT|LOADING_PROJECT>*/ dir2Proj = new WeakHashMap();
     * Set of modified projects (subset of loaded projects).
    private final Set/**/ modifiedProjects = new HashSet();
     * Mapping from projects to the factories that created them.
    private final Map/**/ proj2Factory = new WeakHashMap();
     * Checks for deleted projects.
    private final FileChangeListener projectDeletionListener = new ProjectDeletionListener();
     * The thread which is currently loading a project, if any.
    private Thread loadingThread = null;
     * Clear internal state.
     * Useful from unit tests.
    void reset() {
     * Find an open project corresponding to a given project directory.
     * Will be created in memory if necessary.

* Acquires read access. *


* It is not guaranteed that the returned instance will be identical * to that which is created by the appropriate {@link ProjectFactory}. In * particular, the project manager is free to return only wrapper Project * instances which delegate to the factory's implementation. If you know your * factory created a particular project, you cannot safely cast the return value * of this method to your project type implementation class; you should instead * place an implementation of some suitable private interface into your project's * lookup, which would be safely proxied. *

* @param projectDirectory the project top directory * @return the project (object identity may or may not vary between calls) * or null if the directory is not recognized as a project by any * registered {@link ProjectFactory} * (might be null even if {@link #isProject} returns true) * @throws IOException if the project was recognized but could not be loaded * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the supplied file object is null or not a folder */ public Project findProject(final FileObject projectDirectory) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException { if (projectDirectory == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempted to pass a null directory to findProject"); // NOI18N } if (!projectDirectory.isFolder()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempted to pass a non-directory to findProject: " + projectDirectory); // NOI18N } try { return (Project)mutex().readAccess(new Mutex.ExceptionAction() { public Object run() throws IOException { // Read access, but still needs to synch on the cache since there // may be >1 reader. synchronized (dir2Proj) { Object o; do { o = dir2Proj.get(projectDirectory); if (o == LOADING_PROJECT) { try { if (Thread.currentThread() == loadingThread) { throw new IllegalStateException("Attempt to call ProjectManager.findProject within the body of ProjectFactory.loadProject (hint: try using ProjectManager.mutex().postWriteRequest(...) within the body of your Project's constructor to prevent this)"); // NOI18N } dir2Proj.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } while (o == LOADING_PROJECT); assert o != LOADING_PROJECT; if (o == NO_SUCH_PROJECT) { return null; } else if (o != null && o != SOME_SUCH_PROJECT) { Reference r = (Reference)o; Project p = (Project)r.get(); if (p != null) { return p; } } // not in cache dir2Proj.put(projectDirectory, LOADING_PROJECT); loadingThread = Thread.currentThread(); } boolean resetLP = false; try { Project p = createProject(projectDirectory); synchronized (dir2Proj) { dir2Proj.notifyAll(); projectDirectory.addFileChangeListener(projectDeletionListener); if (p != null) { dir2Proj.put(projectDirectory, new TimedWeakReference(p)); resetLP = true; return p; } else { dir2Proj.put(projectDirectory, NO_SUCH_PROJECT); resetLP = true; return null; } } } catch (IOException e) { // Do not cache the exception. Might be useful in some cases // but would also cause problems if there were a project that was // temporarily corrupted, fP is called, then it is fixed, then fP is // called again (without anything being GC'd) throw e; } finally { loadingThread = null; if (!resetLP) { // IOException or a runtime exception interrupted. assert dir2Proj.get(projectDirectory) == LOADING_PROJECT; dir2Proj.remove(projectDirectory); } } } }); } catch (MutexException e) { throw (IOException)e.getException(); } } /** * Create a project from a given directory. * @param dir the project dir * @return a project made from it, or null if it is not recognized * @throws IOException if there was a problem loading the project */ private Project createProject(FileObject dir) throws IOException { assert dir != null; assert dir.isFolder(); //assert mutex().canRead(); ProjectStateImpl state = new ProjectStateImpl(); Iterator it = factories.allInstances().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ProjectFactory factory = (ProjectFactory); Project p = factory.loadProject(dir, state); if (p != null) { proj2Factory.put(p, factory); state.attach(p); return p; } } return null; } /** * Check whether a given directory is likely to contain a project without * actually loading it. * Should be faster and use less memory than {@link #findProject} when called * on a large number of directories. *

The result is not guaranteed to be accurate; there may be false positives * (directories for which isProject is true but {@link #findProject} * will return false), for example if there is trouble loading the project. * False negatives are possible only if there are bugs in the project factory.


Acquires read access.

* @param projectDirectory a directory which may be some project's top directory * @return true if the directory is likely to contain a project according to * some registered {@link ProjectFactory} * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the supplied file object is null or not a folder */ public boolean isProject(final FileObject projectDirectory) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (projectDirectory == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempted to pass a null directory to isProject"); // NOI18N } if (!projectDirectory.isFolder()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempted to pass a non-directory to isProject: " + projectDirectory); // NOI18N } return ((Boolean)mutex().readAccess(new Mutex.Action() { public Object run() { synchronized (dir2Proj) { Object o; do { o = dir2Proj.get(projectDirectory); if (o == LOADING_PROJECT) { try { dir2Proj.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } while (o == LOADING_PROJECT); assert o != LOADING_PROJECT; if (o == NO_SUCH_PROJECT) { return Boolean.FALSE; } else if (o != null) { // Reference or SOME_SUCH_PROJECT return Boolean.TRUE; } // Not in cache. dir2Proj.put(projectDirectory, LOADING_PROJECT); } boolean resetLP = false; try { boolean p = checkForProject(projectDirectory); synchronized (dir2Proj) { resetLP = true; dir2Proj.notifyAll(); if (p) { dir2Proj.put(projectDirectory, SOME_SUCH_PROJECT); return Boolean.TRUE; } else { dir2Proj.put(projectDirectory, NO_SUCH_PROJECT); return Boolean.FALSE; } } } finally { if (!resetLP) { // some runtime exception interrupted. assert dir2Proj.get(projectDirectory) == LOADING_PROJECT; dir2Proj.remove(projectDirectory); } } } })).booleanValue(); } private boolean checkForProject(FileObject dir) { assert dir != null; assert dir.isFolder() : dir; //assert mutex().canRead(); Iterator it = factories.allInstances().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ProjectFactory factory = (ProjectFactory); if (factory.isProject(dir)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Clear the cached list of folders thought not to be projects. * This may be useful after creating project metadata in a folder, etc. * Cached project objects, i.e. folders that are known to be * projects, are not affected. */ public void clearNonProjectCache() { synchronized (dir2Proj) { dir2Proj.values().removeAll(Arrays.asList(new Object[] { NO_SUCH_PROJECT, SOME_SUCH_PROJECT, })); // XXX remove everything too? but then e.g. AntProjectFactorySingleton // will stay while its delegates are changed, which does no good // XXX should there be any way to signal that a particular // folder should be "reloaded" by a new factory? } } private final class ProjectStateImpl implements ProjectState { private Project p; void attach(Project p) { assert p != null; assert this.p == null; this.p = p; } public void markModified() { assert p != null; mutex().writeAccess(new Mutex.Action() { public Object run() { assert proj2Factory.get(p) != null; modifiedProjects.add(p); return null; } }); } } /** * Get a list of all projects which are modified and need to be saved. *

Acquires read access. * @return an immutable set of {@link Project}s */ public Set/**/ getModifiedProjects() { return (Set/**/)mutex().readAccess(new Mutex.Action() { public Object run() { return new HashSet(modifiedProjects); } }); } /** * Check whether a given project is current modified. *

Acquires read access. * @param p a project loaded by this manager * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the project was not created through this manager */ public boolean isModified(final Project p) throws IllegalArgumentException { return ((Boolean)mutex().readAccess(new Mutex.Action() { public Object run() { synchronized (dir2Proj) { if (!proj2Factory.containsKey(p)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Project " + p + " not created by " + ProjectManager.this); // NOI18N } } return Boolean.valueOf(modifiedProjects.contains(p)); } })).booleanValue(); } /** * Save one project (if it was in fact modified). *

Acquires write access.


* Although the project infrastructure permits a modified project to be saved * at any time, current UI principles dictate that the "save project" concept * should be internal only - i.e. a project customizer should automatically * save the project when it is closed e.g. with an "OK" button. Currently there * is no UI display of modified projects; this module does not ensure that modified projects * are saved at system exit time the way modified files are, though the Project UI * implementation module currently does this check. *

* @param p the project to save * @throws IOException if it cannot be saved * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the project was not created through this manager */ public void saveProject(final Project p) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException { try { mutex().writeAccess(new Mutex.ExceptionAction() { public Object run() throws IOException { if (!proj2Factory.containsKey(p)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Project " + p + " not created by " + ProjectManager.this); // NOI18N } if (modifiedProjects.contains(p)) { ProjectFactory f = (ProjectFactory)proj2Factory.get(p); f.saveProject(p); modifiedProjects.remove(p); } return null; } }); } catch (MutexException e) { throw (IOException)e.getException(); } } /** * Save all modified projects. *

Acquires write access. * @throws IOException if any of them cannot be saved */ public void saveAllProjects() throws IOException { try { mutex().writeAccess(new Mutex.ExceptionAction() { public Object run() throws IOException { Iterator it = modifiedProjects.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Project p = (Project); ProjectFactory f = (ProjectFactory)proj2Factory.get(p); f.saveProject(p); it.remove(); } return null; } }); } catch (MutexException e) { throw (IOException)e.getException(); } } /** * Removes cache entries for deleted projects. */ private final class ProjectDeletionListener extends FileChangeAdapter { public ProjectDeletionListener() {} public void fileDeleted(FileEvent fe) { synchronized (dir2Proj) { dir2Proj.remove(fe.getFile()); } } } }

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