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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2004 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.netbeans.api.project;

import java.lang.ref.Reference;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import org.netbeans.junit.NbTestCase;
import org.netbeans.modules.projectapi.TimedWeakReference;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
import org.openide.util.Lookup;
import org.openide.util.lookup.Lookups;

/* XXX tests needed:
 * - testModifiedProjectsNotGCd
 * ensure that modified projects cannot be collected
 * and that unmodified projects can (incl. after a save)
 * - testIsProject
 * - testCallFindProjectWithinLoadProjectProhibited
 * - testDeleteAndRecreateProject

 * Test ProjectManager find and save functionality.
 * @author Jesse Glick
public class ProjectManagerTest extends NbTestCase {
    static {
        // For easier testing.
        TimedWeakReference.TIMEOUT = 1000;
    public ProjectManagerTest(String name) {
    private FileObject scratch;
    private FileObject goodproject;
    private FileObject goodproject2;
    private FileObject badproject;
    private FileObject mysteryproject;
    private ProjectManager pm;
    protected void setUp() throws Exception {
        scratch = TestUtil.makeScratchDir(this);
        goodproject = scratch.createFolder("good");
        goodproject2 = scratch.createFolder("good2");
        badproject = scratch.createFolder("bad");
        mysteryproject = scratch.createFolder("mystery");
        pm = ProjectManager.getDefault();
    protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
        scratch = null;
        goodproject = null;
        badproject = null;
        mysteryproject = null;
        pm = null;
    public void testFindProject() throws Exception {
        Project p = null;
        try {
            p = pm.findProject(goodproject);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("Should not fail to load goodproject: " + e);
        assertNotNull("Should have recognized goodproject", p);
        assertEquals("Correct project directory set", goodproject, p.getProjectDirectory());
        Project p2 = null;
        try {
            p2 = pm.findProject(badproject);
            fail("Should not have succeeded loading badproject");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // OK
        try {
            p2 = pm.findProject(mysteryproject);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("Should not have failed loading mysteryproject: " + e);
        assertNull("Should not have been able to load mysteryproject", p2);
        assertEquals("Repeated find calls should give same result", p, pm.findProject(goodproject));
        assertEquals("ProjectFactory was called only once on goodproject", 1, TestUtil.projectLoadCount(goodproject));
    public void testFindProjectGC() throws Exception {
        Project p = null;
        try {
            p = pm.findProject(goodproject);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("Should not fail to load goodproject: " + e);
        assertNotNull("Should have recognized goodproject", p);
        assertEquals("ProjectFactory was called once so far on goodproject", 1, TestUtil.projectLoadCount(goodproject));
        Reference pref = new WeakReference(p);
        p = null;
        Thread.sleep(TimedWeakReference.TIMEOUT); // make sure it is not being held strongly
        assertGC("Can collect an unused project with project directory still set", pref);
        p = pm.findProject(goodproject);
        assertNotNull("Can load goodproject again", p);
        assertEquals("Correct project directory set", goodproject, p.getProjectDirectory());
        assertEquals("ProjectFactory was called again on goodproject", 2, TestUtil.projectLoadCount(goodproject));
        pref = new WeakReference(p);
        p = null;
        Reference dirref = new WeakReference(goodproject);
        goodproject = null;
        assertGC("Collected the project directory", dirref);
        assertGC("Can collect an unused project with project directory discarded", pref);
        goodproject = scratch.getFileObject("good");
        assertNotNull("goodproject dir still exists", goodproject);
        p = pm.findProject(goodproject);
        assertNotNull("Can load goodproject yet again", p);
        assertEquals("Correct project directory set again", goodproject, p.getProjectDirectory());
        assertEquals("ProjectFactory was called only once on new goodproject folder object", 1, TestUtil.projectLoadCount(goodproject));
    public void testFindProjectDoesNotCacheLoadErrors() throws Exception {
        Project p = null;
        try {
            p = pm.findProject(badproject);
            fail("Should not have been able to load badproject");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // Expected.
        FileObject badprojectSubdir = badproject.getFileObject("testproject");
        assertNotNull("Has testproject", badprojectSubdir);
        FileObject brokenFile = badprojectSubdir.getFileObject("broken");
        assertNotNull("Has broken file", brokenFile);
        try {
            p = pm.findProject(badproject);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("badproject has been corrected, should not fail to load now: " + e);
        assertNotNull("Loaded project", p);
        assertEquals("Right project dir", badproject, p.getProjectDirectory());
        Project p2 = null;
        try {
            p2 = pm.findProject(badproject);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            fail("badproject is broken on disk but should still be in cache: " + e);
        assertEquals("Cached badproject", p, p2);
        Reference pref = new WeakReference(p);
        p = null;
        p2 = null;
        assertGC("Collected badproject cache", pref);
        try {
            p = pm.findProject(badproject);
            fail("Should not have been able to load badproject now that it is rebroken and not in cache");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // Expected.
    public void testModify() throws Exception {
        Project p1 = pm.findProject(goodproject);
        Project p2 = pm.findProject(goodproject2);
        Set/**/ p1p2 = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(new Project[] {p1, p2}));
        assertEquals("start with no modified projects", Collections.EMPTY_SET, pm.getModifiedProjects());
        assertTrue("p1 is not yet modified", !pm.isModified(p1));
        assertTrue("p2 is not yet modified", !pm.isModified(p2));
        assertEquals("just p1 has been modified", Collections.singleton(p1), pm.getModifiedProjects());
        assertTrue("p1 is modified", pm.isModified(p1));
        assertTrue("p2 is still not modified", !pm.isModified(p2));
        assertEquals("now both p1 and p2 have been modified", p1p2, pm.getModifiedProjects());
        assertTrue("p1 is modified", pm.isModified(p1));
        assertTrue("and p2 is modified too", pm.isModified(p2));
    public void testSave() throws Exception {
        Project p1 = pm.findProject(goodproject);
        Project p2 = pm.findProject(goodproject2);
        Set/**/ p1p2 = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(new Project[] {p1, p2}));
        assertEquals("start with no modified projects", Collections.EMPTY_SET, pm.getModifiedProjects());
        assertEquals("p1 has never been saved", 0, TestUtil.projectSaveCount(p1));
        assertEquals("p2 has never been saved", 0, TestUtil.projectSaveCount(p2));
        assertEquals("just p1 was modified", Collections.singleton(p1), pm.getModifiedProjects());
        assertEquals("both p1 and p2 were modified now", p1p2, pm.getModifiedProjects());
        assertEquals("p1 was saved so just p2 is modified", Collections.singleton(p2), pm.getModifiedProjects());
        assertEquals("p1 was saved once", 1, TestUtil.projectSaveCount(p1));
        assertEquals("p2 has not yet been saved", 0, TestUtil.projectSaveCount(p2));
        assertEquals("now p1 and p2 are both saved", Collections.EMPTY_SET, pm.getModifiedProjects());
        assertEquals("p1 was saved once", 1, TestUtil.projectSaveCount(p1));
        assertEquals("p2 has now been saved once", 1, TestUtil.projectSaveCount(p2));
        assertEquals("saving p2 again has no effect", Collections.EMPTY_SET, pm.getModifiedProjects());
        assertEquals("p1 still saved just once", 1, TestUtil.projectSaveCount(p1));
        assertEquals("redundant call to save did not really save again", 1, TestUtil.projectSaveCount(p2));
        assertEquals("both p1 and p2 modified again", p1p2, pm.getModifiedProjects());
        assertEquals("saveAllProjects saved both p1 and p2", Collections.EMPTY_SET, pm.getModifiedProjects());
        assertEquals("p1 was saved again by saveAllProjects", 2, TestUtil.projectSaveCount(p1));
        assertEquals("p2 was saved again by saveAllProjects", 2, TestUtil.projectSaveCount(p2));
        assertEquals("saveAllProjects twice has no effect", Collections.EMPTY_SET, pm.getModifiedProjects());
        assertEquals("p1 still only saved twice", 2, TestUtil.projectSaveCount(p1));
        assertEquals("p2 still only saved twice", 2, TestUtil.projectSaveCount(p2));
    public void testSaveError() throws Exception {
        Project p1 = pm.findProject(goodproject);
        Project p2 = pm.findProject(goodproject2);
        Set/**/ p1p2 = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(new Project[] {p1, p2}));
        assertEquals("both p1 and p2 are modified", p1p2, pm.getModifiedProjects());
        TestUtil.setProjectSaveWillFail(p1, new IOException("expected"));
        try {
            fail("Saving p1 should have failed with an IOException");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // Good.
        assertTrue("p1 is still modified", pm.isModified(p1));
        assertEquals("both p1 and p2 are still modified", p1p2, pm.getModifiedProjects());
        assertEquals("p1 was saved so just p2 is modified", Collections.singleton(p2), pm.getModifiedProjects());
        assertEquals("p1 was saved once", 1, TestUtil.projectSaveCount(p1));
        TestUtil.setProjectSaveWillFail(p1, new RuntimeException("expected"));
        try {
            fail("Saving p1 should have failed with a RuntimeException");
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            // Good.
        assertTrue("p1 is still modified", pm.isModified(p1));
        TestUtil.setProjectSaveWillFail(p1, new Error("expected"));
        try {
            fail("Saving p1 should have failed with an Error");
        } catch (Error e) {
            // Good.
        assertTrue("p1 is still modified", pm.isModified(p1));
        assertEquals("both p1 and p2 are still modified", p1p2, pm.getModifiedProjects());
        TestUtil.setProjectSaveWillFail(p1, new IOException("expected"));
        try {
            fail("Saving p1 should have failed with an IOException");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // Good.
        assertTrue("p1 is still modified", pm.isModified(p1));
        assertTrue("p1 is still in the modified set", pm.getModifiedProjects().contains(p1));
        assertEquals("p1 was still only saved once", 1, TestUtil.projectSaveCount(p1));
        assertEquals("both p1 and p2 are now saved", Collections.EMPTY_SET, pm.getModifiedProjects());
        assertEquals("p1 was now saved twice", 2, TestUtil.projectSaveCount(p1));
        assertEquals("p2 was saved exactly once (by one or the other saveAllProjects)", 1, TestUtil.projectSaveCount(p2));
    public void testClearNonProjectCache() throws Exception {
        FileObject p1 = scratch.createFolder("p1");
        Project proj1 = pm.findProject(p1);
        assertNotNull("p1 immediately recognized as a project", proj1);
        FileObject p2 = scratch.createFolder("p2");
        assertNull("p2 not yet recognized as a project", pm.findProject(p2));
        FileObject p2a = scratch.createFolder("p2a");
        assertNull("p2a not yet recognized as a project", pm.findProject(p2a));
        FileObject p3 = scratch.createFolder("p3");
        FileObject p3broken = p3.createFolder("testproject").createData("broken");
        try {
            fail("p3 should throw an error");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // Correct.
        assertNotNull("now p2 is recognized as a project", pm.findProject(p2));
        assertNotNull("now p2a is recognized as a project", pm.findProject(p2a));
        assertNotNull("now p3 is recognized as a non-broken project", pm.findProject(p3));
        assertEquals("p1 still recognized as a project", proj1, pm.findProject(p1));
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