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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.netbeans.modules.schema2beans;

import java.util.*;
import java.beans.*;

import org.w3c.dom.*;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;

 *  This class is the base class for any generated bean. This class provides
 *  the property book-keeping and access as a set of dynamic creation/accessor
 *  property methods.
 *  BaseBean is the class that any generated schema2beans class extends. The
 *  generated code implements the specific accessors methods while the BaseBean
 *  class provides the generic ones. For example, a generated bean would have
 *    public String getDescription() {
 *        return (String)this.getValue(DESCRIPTION);
 *    }
 *  BaseBean handles any value as an Object, where the generated schema2beans
 *  class handles a specific class/scalar type depending on its corresponding
 *  DTD element (and optional mdd values. See user document for mdd info).
 *  The idea of BaseBean is to provide the unique schema2beans java bean on
 *  which all generated schema2beans class rely. This is the user entry point
 *  of the schema2beans runtime. This is where you find all the generic methods
 *  that apply to all schema2beans classes: merge, find, clone, get/set attributes,
 *  etc.
 *  If we had to draw a gereric overview of the schema2beans architecture, we would
 *  draw three parts: BaseBean, BeanProp and DOMBinding. This is where most
 *  of the schema2beans runtime is implemented.
 *  There is one BaseBean instance per schema2beans node (one non final element
 *  of the DTD has one generated class that extends BaseBean).
 *  Each BaseBean holds its properties as BeanProp objects. For each property,
 *  BaseBean has one instance of BeanProp. For example, if we have as a DTD:
 *  The we would have two classes that would extend BaseBean: Book and Chapter.
 *  The book BaseBean would handle two instance of BeanProp, one for the
 *  property chapter and one of summary.
 *  The BeanProp for summary would handle a single String property, and the
 *  BeanProp for chapter would handle an indexed property of Chapter classes.
 *  Also, the chapter BaseBean (one instance for each element of the indexed
 *  property), would have one instance of BeanProp, that would handle the 
 *  String indexed property line.
 *  The internal graph representation of the XML document is handled using
 *  a DOM tree. DOMBinding is the class that takes care of linking the
 *  BeanProp instances to the DOM nodes.
public abstract class BaseBean implements Cloneable, Bean {
     *	Because schema2beans doesn't generate user information about the
     *	relationship between the properties, BaseBean provides some
     *	method to give the user this information.
    public class IterateChoiceProperties implements java.util.Iterator {
        private ArrayList groups;
        private int index;
        public IterateChoiceProperties() {
            this.groups = new ArrayList();
            this.index = 0;
        void add(BeanProp prop) {
            if ( != null && !this.groups.contains(
        public boolean hasNext() {
            return (this.index < this.groups.size());
        public Object next() throws NoSuchElementException {
            if (hasNext()) {
                BeanProp.GroupProp gp =
                return (BaseProperty[])gp.list();
                throw new NoSuchElementException();
        public void remove()
            throws UnsupportedOperationException, IllegalStateException {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    //	The binding object that links us to the DOM node. This might be null
    //	if there is no DOM Node yet (brand new object not attached to a graph)
    protected DOMBinding 		binding;
    //	A unique instance for all the nodes of the schema2beans tree
    protected GraphManager 		graphManager;
    //	HashMaps of the properties - those are the same properties but are
    //	sorted by Bean name (propByName) and by dtd name (propByDtdName).
    private Map 			propByName;
    private Map 			propByOrder;
    //	If we use this hashMap, we have better performances whenever we
    //	access the element using the dtd name. Since schema2beans generate classes
    //	using Bean names, we can assume that very few accesses are performed
    //	using the dtd name and we can then save memory commenting out this 
    //	hashMap. If performance is an issue while accessing the element using
    //	dtd names, we should consider using this hashmap again.
    //private HashMap 			propByDtdName;
    //	When an attribute is added, we might not be part of a graph yet.
    //  In this case, we want to cache the attribute information and defer
    //	its processing. Whenever the node is added to a schema2beans tree, 
    //	the values of the cache are automatically check to populate
    //	the attribute values.
    private HashMap			attrCache;
    //	We can define an array of comparator, even though most of the usage
    //	is to have one comparator.
    private ArrayList			comparators;

    // This is a provision to mark at runtime the version of each node
    // of the schema2beans tree. As this is not of much use for now, we simply
    // save the memory space.
    //private Version 		version;
    //	True if this node is the root of the schema2beans graph.
    private boolean 			isRoot;
    //	When the properties are created (calls from the generated class
    //	constructor), we give a number to each property so we know what
    //	their order is. This is how we know, when we add a new property
    //	where it should be added (it has to match the DTD order declaration)
    private int				propertyOrder;

    private String			defaultNamespace;

    public BaseBean() {
        this(null, new Version(Version.MAJVER, Version.MINVER,
        System.out.println("warning: schema2beans.BaseBean: unknown version of generated beans being used.");
     * @param comps the comparators to use.  Can be null
     * @param version which runtime version to be compatible with.  This should be the version of the generated beans.
    public BaseBean(Vector comps, Version version) {
        init(comps, version);

    protected void init(Vector comps, Version version) {
        if (version.getMajor() < 3) {
        this.comparators = new ArrayList(2);
        //this.version = version;
        this.isRoot = false;
        this.propertyOrder = 0;
        this.attrCache = null;
        if ((comps == null) || (comps.size()==0)) {
            //	Use the default comparator
            this.comparators.add(new BeanComparator());
        else {
            int size = comps.size();
            for (int i=0; i the number of expected elements / load factor.
        // If we make the load factor=1, then the initial capacity could be
        // just the expected elements + 1.  However, if 2 elements map to
        // the same bucket, then they start getting strung together in
        // a list, and that slows things down (you lose the O(1) performance).
        // So, double the expected size to make it less likely that 2
        // elements will map to the same bucket.
        int hashTableSize = propertyCount * 2;
        this.propByName = new HashMap(hashTableSize, 1.0f);
        this.propByOrder = new HashMap(hashTableSize, 1.0f);
        //this.propByDtdName = new HashMap(hashTableSize, 1.0f);
    //	Dynamically add/remove a comparator. Comparator are used to compare
    //	and merge graphs. There are usually populated in the constructor
    public synchronized void addBeanComparator(BeanComparator cmp) {
	if (cmp != null)
    public synchronized void removeBeanComparator(BeanComparator cmp) {
	int i = this.comparators.indexOf(cmp);
	if (i != -1)
     *	Create a new property for the current bean, selecting default option
     *	values.
    public void createProperty(String dtdName, String beanName, Class type) {
	int o = Common.TYPE_0_1;
	if (type.isInstance(java.lang.String.class))
	    o |= Common.TYPE_STRING;
	    o |= Common.TYPE_BEAN;
	this.createProperty(dtdName, beanName, o, type);
     *	Create the root element of the graph
    public void createRoot(String dtdName, String beanName,
			   int option, Class type) throws Schema2BeansRuntimeException {
	BeanProp prop = new BeanProp(this, dtdName, beanName,
				     option, type, true);
    try {
        this.graphManager.createRootBinding(this, prop, null);
    } catch (Schema2BeansException e) {
        throw new Schema2BeansRuntimeException(e);
	this.isRoot = true;
     *	Create a new property for the current bean. This creates a BeanProp
     *	object (which is the internal representation of a single/indexed
     *	property) and adds it to the bean property hash table.
     *	This property is later accessed by its bean name.
    public void createProperty(String dtdName, String beanName,
			       int option, Class type) throws
                   Schema2BeansRuntimeException {

	//  This number represents the order of this property amoung
	//  its siblings. The beans generator generates the createProperty()
	//  method calls in the order of the DTD declaration. Therefore, we
	//  can simply relies on the order of the createProperty method calls
	//  to affect the order value for the property.

	BeanProp prop = new BeanProp(this, dtdName, beanName, option, type);
	Object 	 obj1 = this.propByName.put(beanName, prop);
	//Object 	 obj2 = this.propByDtdName.put(dtdName, prop);
	this.propByOrder.put(String.valueOf(this.propertyOrder), prop);
	if (obj1 != null) // || obj2 != null)
	    throw new Schema2BeansRuntimeException(Common.

    public void setDefaultNamespace(String namespace) {
        defaultNamespace = namespace;
        createAttribute("xmlns", "xmlns", AttrProp.CDATA | AttrProp.IMPLIED,
                        null, namespace);
        setAttributeValue("xmlns", namespace);

    public String getDefaultNamespace() {
        return defaultNamespace;
     *	Returns the list of properties of this bean as an array.
    public BeanProp[] beanProps() {
	int size = this.propByOrder.size();
	BeanProp[] ret = new BeanProp[size];
	for (int i=1; i<=size; i++)
	    ret[i-1] = (BeanProp)this.propByOrder.get(String.valueOf(i));
	return ret;
     *	Returns the list of properties of this bean as an array.
    protected Iterator beanPropsIterator() {
        return propByName.values().iterator();
     *	Return the internal object representation of the property. This method
     *	cannot return null. If there is no object available for the specified
     *	property name, an exception is thrown.
    public BeanProp beanProp(String name) {
	BeanProp prop = (BeanProp)this.propByName.get(name);
	if (prop == null) {
	    //	Search using the dtd name
	    String beanName = Common.convertName(name);
	    prop = (BeanProp)this.propByName.get(beanName);
	    if (prop == null)
		throw new IllegalArgumentException(Common.
			       this.getClass().getName(), name));
	return prop;
     *	Return the internal object representation of the property. This method
     *	cannot return null. If there is no object available for the specified
     *	property name, an exception is thrown.
    public BeanProp beanProp(int order) {
	return (BeanProp)this.propByOrder.get(String.valueOf(order));
     *	Return the value of the single property named name.
    public Object getValue(String name) {
	return this.beanProp(name).getValue(0);
     *	Return one element of the indexed property named name.
    public Object getValue(String name, int index) {
	return this.beanProp(name).getValue(index);
     *	Return one element of the index property using the internal
     *	id index value. This index is unique and doesn't change over
     *	the time of the graph life. This method allows to get an element
     *	of an indexed property without keeping track of index shifting,
     *	and other elements removal.
    public Object getValueById(String name, int id) {
	return this.beanProp(name).getValueById(id);
     *	Convert an unique internal index value into the user visible
     *	index value. The property name specified must be an indexed
     *	property.
     * This method may return -1 if we cannot figure out the index.
    public int idToIndex(String name, int id) {
	return this.beanProp(name).idToIndex(id);
     *	Convert the user index value into the internal unique index value.
     *	The property name specified must be an indexed property.
    public int indexToId(String name, int index) {
	return this.beanProp(name).indexToId(index);
     *	Return true if this property is null
    public boolean isNull(String name) {
	return (this.getValue(name) == null);
     *	Return true if this property is null
    public boolean isNull(String name, int index) {
	return (this.getValue(name, index) == null);
     *	Return the values of the indexed property named name. The result
     *	can be cast as an array of the property type.
    public Object[] getValues(String name) {
	return this.beanProp(name).getValues();
     *	Set the value for the single property named name.
    public void setValue(String name, Object value) {
        setValue(beanProp(name), 0, value);
     *	Set the value of an element for the indexed property named name.
    public void setValue(String name, int index, Object value) {
        setValue(beanProp(name), index, value);

    protected void setValue(BeanProp prop, int index, Object value) {
        prop.setValue(index, value);

    protected int addValue(BeanProp prop, Object value) {
        return prop.addValue(value);

    protected int removeValue(BeanProp prop, Object value) {
        return prop.removeValue(value);
    protected void removeValue(BeanProp prop, int index) {
     *	Set the value of an element for the indexed property named name,
     *	using the unique internal index.
    public void setValueById(String name, int id, Object value) {
	BeanProp bp = this.beanProp(name);
	int index = bp.idToIndex(id);
	bp.setValue(index, value);
     *	Set the values for the indexed property named name.
    public void setValue(String name, Object[] value) {
     *	Add a value to the indexed property named name.
    public int addValue(String name, Object value) {
        return addValue(beanProp(name), value);
     *	Remove a value from the indexed property named name.
    public int removeValue(String name, Object value) {
        return removeValue(beanProp(name), value);

     *	Remove a value from the indexed property named name.
    public void removeValue(String name, int index) {
        removeValue(beanProp(name), index);
     *	Returns the position of the indexed property element.
     *	If the type of the property is a bean, use the == comparison,
     *	else use the equals() method.
     *	If the element is not found, return -1.
    public int indexOf(String name, Object value) throws
    Schema2BeansRuntimeException {
	BeanProp 	bp = this.beanProp(name);
	if (bp == null)
	    throw new Schema2BeansRuntimeException(Common.
		getMessage("UnknownPropertyName_msg", name));
	if (Common.isArray(bp.type)) {
	    boolean isBean = Common.isBean(bp.type);
	    int size = bp.size();
	    for (int i=0; i0) {
	    Iterator it = this.attrCache.keySet().iterator();
	    int i = 0;
	    while (it.hasNext())
		ret[i++] =;
	return ret;
     *	Return the value cached for the attribute named name.
    String cachedAttributeValue(String name) {
	if (this.attrCache != null)
	    return (String)this.attrCache.get(name);
	    return null;
     *	Return the value cached for the attribute named name.
    void cachedAttributeClear() {
	this.attrCache = null;
     *	Get the attribute value on the current property bean.
     *  If there is no current attribute (or element for that matter),
     *  then null is returned.
    public String getAttributeValue(String name) {
	BeanProp bp = this.beanProp();
	if (bp != null) {
	    //	Find out what our index is within the BeanProp object
	    int i = bp.idToIndex(this.binding.getId());
        if (i < 0)   // I guess we're not part of the BeanProp yet.
            return null;
	    return bp.getAttributeValue(i, name);
	else {
	    //	That's a brand new bean not attached yet to a graph. Try
	    //	to get the value from the cache.
	    if (this.attrCache != null)
		return (String)this.attrCache.get(name);
		return null;
     *	Get the attribute value (see BeanProp class)
    public String getAttributeValue(String propName, String name) {
	return this.beanProp(propName).getAttributeValue(0, name);
     *	Set the value of the attribute (see the BeanClass class)
    public void setAttributeValue(String propName, int index, String name,
				  String value) {
	this.beanProp(propName).setAttributeValue(index, name, value);
     *	Get the attribute value (see BeanProp class)
    public String getAttributeValue(String propName, int index, String name) {
	return this.beanProp(propName).getAttributeValue(index, name);
     *	Return the list of all known attribute names for this property
     *	(even if they are not set).
    public String[] getAttributeNames(String propName) {
	return this.beanProp(propName).getAttributeNames();
     *	Return the list of all known attribute names for the current bean
    public String[] getAttributeNames() {
	BeanProp bp = this.beanProp();
	if (bp != null)
	    return bp.getAttributeNames();
	    return null;
     *	Return the list of all known attribute names for this property
     *	(even if they are not set).
    public BaseAttribute[] listAttributes(String propName) {
	return this.beanProp(propName).getAttributes();
     *	Return the list of all known attribute names for the current bean
    public BaseAttribute[] listAttributes() {
	BeanProp bp = this.beanProp();
	if (bp != null)
	    return bp.getAttributes();
	    return null;
    //	Called by find() method. Where the attributes are searched for.
    private void lookForAttribute(ArrayList found, BeanProp bp, BaseBean bean,
				  BaseAttribute[] attrs, String attrName,
				  Object value) {

	for (int j=0; j":bean.getClass().getName()) +
			    " - " + propName + "/" + attrName + " for value " +
			    ((value == null)?"":value.toString()));
	if (bean == null || value == null)
	BaseProperty[] props = bean.listProperties();
	//  Search our own attributes first (as any node might be the
	//  root of the search, we have to start by ourself first)
	BaseAttribute[] attrs = bean.listAttributes();
	if (propName == null && attrs != null && attrs.length > 0) {
	    BeanProp bp = bean.beanProp();
	    this.lookForAttribute(found, bp, bean, attrs, attrName, value);
	//  Look for the properties and the attributes of the non-bean
	//  properties (bean property attributes are searched as the root
	//  case explained above)
	for (int i=0; i 0)
		    this.lookForAttribute(found, bp, null, attrs,
					  attrName, value);
	    // recurse
	    if (p.isBean() && p.isIndexed()) {
		BaseBean[] ba = (BaseBean[])bean.getValues(name);
		for (int k=0; k G1 + E2
     *		INTERSECT is	G1 n G2 <=> (G1 U G2) - E1 - E2
    public static final int MERGE_NONE 		= 0x00;
    public static final int MERGE_INTERSECT	= 0x01;
    public static final int MERGE_UNION		= 0x02;
    public static final int MERGE_UPDATE 	= (MERGE_UNION|MERGE_INTERSECT);
    public static final int MERGE_COMPARE 	= 0x04;
    static String mergeModeToString(int mode) {
	switch(mode) {
	    case MERGE_NONE: return "MERGE_NONE";		// NOI18N
	    case MERGE_UNION: return "MERGE_UNION";		// NOI18N
	    case MERGE_UPDATE: return "MERGE_UPDATE";	// NOI18N
	    case MERGE_COMPARE: return "MERGE_COMPARE";	// NOI18N
	    default: return "Unknown merge mode: " + mode;	// NOI18N

     *	Merge the specified bean schema2beans graph into the current graph using
     *	the specified mode.
    public void merge(BaseBean bean, int mode) {
        if (mode == MERGE_UPDATE)
            mergeTreeRoot(bean, mode);
     *	Merge the bean tree with the current graph using the default 
     *	merging option.
    public void merge(BaseBean bean) {

     * Same as merge(BaseBean bean).
     * It's possible to override this method and make it more efficient,
     * than the generic one.
    public void mergeUpdate(BaseBean sourceBean) {
        mergeTreeRoot(sourceBean, MERGE_UPDATE);
    //	Called by mergeTree to set the default hasKey value
    private boolean setHasKeyDefaultValue(BeanProp prop) {
	BeanComparator cmp = (BeanComparator)this.comparators.get(0);
	return cmp.hasKeyDefined(prop);

     *	Copy a property from the graph 'bean' to the graph 'prop', making
     *	sure that both property and attributes are copied.
     *	This method is used to copy non BaseBean properties
     *	(a clone on a BaseBean automatically copies the attributes).
    protected void copyProperty(BeanProp prop, BaseBean bean, 
                                int index, Object value) {

        boolean isArray = Common.isArray(prop.type);
        String name = prop.getName();

        //  Copy the property value
        if (value == null) {
            if (isArray)
                value = bean.getValue(name, index);
                value = bean.getValue(name, 0);

        int newIndex = 0;

        if (isArray) {
            newIndex = addValue(prop, value);
        } else {
            setValue(prop, 0, value);
            index = 0;

        this.copyAttributes(prop, newIndex, bean, index);

     *	This copies the attributes of a property from 'bean' (whole BaseBean)
     *	to a property BeanProp (the specific BeanProp of the other BaseBean
     *	where the copy as to occur).
    private void copyAttributes(BeanProp prop, int propIndex, 
			        BaseBean bean, int beanIndex) {

	//	Copy the attributes
	String name = prop.getName();
	BaseAttribute[] ba = bean.listAttributes(name);
	if (ba != null) {
	    for(int j=0; j":bean.getClass().getName()) +
			    " - " + mergeModeToString(mode));
	//	The merge method is called only when two beans are logically
	//	identical. Therefore, this method doesn't try to check if it
	//	is equal to the other beans, but find out which properties
	//	have to be updated.
	if (this.getClass().isInstance(bean)) {
	    //	We got the same as ourself in another graph
	    Iterator it = beanPropsIterator();
	    //	Parse our attributes
	    //	To have the following code easier to read, we could
	    //	call the setter/getter method of the BaseBean object for
	    //	both our attributes and the bean-to-merge attributes.
	    //	However, since we get the BeanProp objects from our
	    //	properties hashtable, we can call directly the BeanProp
	    //	getter/setter methods for our properties and the
	    //	BaseBean getter/setter for the bean we have to merge.
	    while (it.hasNext()) {
		//	Get our next property (as a BeanProp)
		BeanProp prop = (BeanProp);
		if (prop == null)
		String 		name = prop.getBeanName();
		boolean 	isArray = Common.isArray(prop.type);
		boolean 	isBean = Common.isBean(prop.type);
		Object 		o1, o2, o3;
		boolean		hasKey = false;
		boolean		hasKeyDefined = false;
		if (isArray) {
		    //	For each element of the index property, we have to
		    //	find if there is a matching element in the other
		    //	indexed property. If there is, merge the two
		    //	elements if this is a bean. If there are no
		    //	matching elements, remove it. At the end,
		    //	add any new elements of the other indexed property.
		    int		i, j = 0;
		    int 	size1 = prop.size();
		    int 	size2 = bean.size(name);
		    boolean 	toRemove[] = new boolean[size1];
		    boolean 	toAdd[] = new boolean[size2];
		    boolean 	compared[] = new boolean[size2];
		    //	To keep track of that need to be removed
		    Arrays.fill(toRemove, false);
		    //	To keep track of what we'll need to add after the loop
		    Arrays.fill(toAdd, true);
		    //	To make sure that we do not match twice the same elt
		    Arrays.fill(compared, false);
		    if (DDLogFlags.debug) {
			TraceLogger.put(TraceLogger.DEBUG, TraceLogger.SVC_DD,
					DDLogFlags.DBG_UBN, 5,
					this.getClass().getName() + "." +
					name + "[" + size1 + "] / " +
					bean.getClass().getName() + "." +
					name + "[" + size2 + "]");
		    //	For each of our current property elts ...
		    for (i=0; i " +
                                        name + "[" + j + "]");
                } else {
                    toRemove[i] = true;	//	no more exists
                    if (DDLogFlags.debug) {
                                        DDLogFlags.DBG_UBN, 5,
                                        name + "[" + i +
                                        "] to be removed");
		    //	We want to make sure that we set a proper value
		    //	to hasKey when one of the two array is empty
		    //	(either null or containing null elements)
		    if (!hasKeyDefined)
                hasKey = this.setHasKeyDefaultValue(prop);
		    if ((mode & MERGE_COMPARE) == MERGE_COMPARE) {
                //	Any diff returns false
                for (i=0; i Same");
                    //System.out.println("--> Different");
                    if (pos1 >= size1) {
                        //System.out.println("New stuff added to end.");
                        for (; pos2 < size2; ++pos2) {
                            n2 = nodes2.item(pos2);
                            if (n2 instanceof CharacterData) {
                                Node newNode = doc1.importNode(n2, true);
                    if (pos2 >= size2) {
                        //System.out.println("Stuff deleted from end.");
                        for (int i = size1 - 1; i >= pos1; --i) {
                            n1 = nodes1.item(i);
                            if (n1 instanceof CharacterData) {
                    if (n1 instanceof CharacterData &&
                        n2 != null && n2.getNodeType() == n1.getNodeType()) {
                        String value1 = n1.getNodeValue();
                        String value2 = n2.getNodeValue();
                        // Are they both just whitespace?
                        if ((value1 == null || "".equals(value1.trim())) &&
                            (value2 == null || "".equals(value2.trim())) ) {
                            //System.out.println("whitespace was changed in graph 2");
                    int j2 = pos2;
                    int j1 = -1;
                    for (; j2 < size2; ++j2) {
                        Node j2node = nodes2.item(j2);
                        // Skip whitespace here
                        if (j2node instanceof CharacterData) {
                            String j2value = j2node.getNodeValue();
                            if (j2value == null || "".equals(j2value.trim()))
                        j1 = findInNodeList(nodes1, j2node, pos1);
                        if (j1 >= 0)
                    //System.out.println("j1="+j1+" j2="+j2);
                    if (j1 == pos1 && j2 > pos2) {
                        //System.out.println("stuff was added in graph 2");
                        // pos2 thru j2 were added (including pos2 and not j2)
                        Node nodeToInsertBefore = nodes1.item(j1);
                        for (; pos2 < j2; ++pos2) {
                            n2 = nodes2.item(pos2);
                            if (n2 instanceof CharacterData) {
                                Node newNode = doc1.importNode(n2, true);
                                startingNode1.insertBefore(newNode, nodeToInsertBefore);
                        // reestablish nodes1 and size1 data
                        nodes1 = startingNode1.getChildNodes();
                        size1 = nodes1.getLength();
                    } else if (j1 - 1 < pos1) {
                        //System.out.println("Simply replace n1 with n2");
                        if (n2 instanceof CharacterData) {
                            startingNode1.replaceChild(doc1.importNode(n2, true), n1);
                    } else {
                        //System.out.println("stuff was deleted in graph 2");
                        for (int i = j1 - 1; i >= pos1; --i) {
                            n1 = nodes1.item(i);
                            if (n1 instanceof CharacterData) {
                                //System.out.println("Deleting: "+n1);
                            } else {
                        // reestablish nodes1 and size1 data
                        nodes1 = startingNode1.getChildNodes();
                        size1 = nodes1.getLength();
	    //	For the MERGE_COMPARE option: if we reach this point, that
	    //	means we didn't find any diff. We can therefore return true.
	    //	Any other option returns always true.
	    return true;
	    throw new IllegalArgumentException(Common.getMessage(
	        "MergeWrongClassType_msg", this.getClass().getName(),
		(bean==null ? "" : bean.getClass().getName())));

     * Compare 2 Node's and tell me if they're roughly equivalent.
     * By roughly equivalent, attributes and children are ignored.
    private boolean areNodesEqual(Node node1, Node node2) {
        if (node1 == null && node2 == null)
            return true;
        if (node1 == null || node2 == null)
            return false;
        if (node1.getNodeType() != node2.getNodeType())
            return false;
        if (!node1.getNodeName().equals(node2.getNodeName()))
            return false;
        String value1 = node1.getNodeValue();
        String value2 = node2.getNodeValue();
        if (value1 == null) {
            if (value2 != null)
                return false;
        } else if (!value1.equals(value2))
            return false;
        return true;

     * Search in @param nodes for an equivalent node to @param node
     * (equivalent as defined by areNodesEqual) starting the search
     * at position @param start.
    private int findInNodeList(NodeList nodes, Node node, int start) {
        return findInNodeList(nodes, node, start, nodes.getLength());

     * Search in @param nodes for an equivalent node to @param node
     * (equivalent as defined by areNodesEqual) starting the search
     * at position @param start, giving up the search at position
     * @param maxPosition.
    private int findInNodeList(NodeList nodes, Node node,
                               int start, int maxPosition) {
        for (; start < maxPosition; ++start) {
            if (areNodesEqual(nodes.item(start), node))
                return start;
        return -1;

     *	Perform a deep recursive comparison. Return true if the two graphs
     *	are equals, false otherwise.
     *	The comparison is using the comparators and therfore returns a
     *	result wrt to the comparators. That means a true return value
     *	only means that the graphs are logically equals depending on the
     *	comparator implementation.
     *	Note that the default comparator compares every property value.
    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
	boolean ret = false;
	try {
	    if (this == obj)
		return true;
		if (obj instanceof BaseBean)
		    ret = this.mergeTreeRoot((BaseBean)obj, MERGE_COMPARE);
	catch(Exception e) {
	    //	Equals method only returns either true or false
	    if (DDLogFlags.debug) {
		TraceLogger.put(TraceLogger.DEBUG, TraceLogger.SVC_DD,
				DDLogFlags.DBG_UBN, 1, DDLogFlags.EQUALS,
				"got exception while comparing: " +
				e + "\n");
	    ret = false;
	if (DDLogFlags.debug) {
	    TraceLogger.put(TraceLogger.DEBUG, TraceLogger.SVC_DD,
			    DDLogFlags.DBG_UBN, 1, DDLogFlags.EQUALS,
	return ret;

    public int hashCode() {
        int result = 17;
        for (Iterator it = beanPropsIterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
            BeanProp prop = (BeanProp);
            boolean 	isArray = Common.isArray(prop.type);
            int size;
            if (isArray) {
                size = prop.size();
            } else {
                size = 1;
            for (int propNum = 0; propNum < size; ++propNum) {
                Object obj = prop.getValue(propNum);
                result = 37*result + (obj == null ? 0 : obj.hashCode());
        // And attributes
        if (beanProp() != null) {
            String[] attributeNames = beanProp().getAttributeNames();
            for (int attrNum = 0; attrNum < attributeNames.length; ++attrNum) {
                String attrName = attributeNames[attrNum];
                String attrValue = getAttributeValue(attrName);
                result = 37*result + (attrValue == null ? 0 : attrValue.hashCode());
        return result;
     *	Get the bean using its unique identifier. This identifier is not
     *	the indexed position of the element in the array but a unique id
     *	associated to the DOMBinding object (see the BeanProp and DOMBinding
     *	classes)
    public Bean propertyById(String name, int id) {
        BeanProp bp = this.beanProp(name);
        if (Common.isBean(bp.type)) {
            if (Common.isArray(bp.type))
                return (BaseBean)bp.getValueById(id);
                return (BaseBean)bp.getValue(0);
            throw new IllegalStateException(Common.
                                            getMessage("PropertyIsNotABean_msg", name));
     *	Return the BeanProp object where this bean belongs.
    public BeanProp beanProp() {
	if (this.binding != null)
	    return this.binding.getBeanProp(this);
	    return null;

     *  Return the BaseBean parent of the current bean. This might return null
     *	either because this is the root of the graph or because this node is not
     *	part of a schema2beans graph yet.
    public BaseBean parent() {
        BeanProp bp = this.beanProp();
        if (bp != null)
            return this.beanProp().getBean();
            return null;

    public Bean _getParent() {
        return parent();

     * Return the root of the graph.  If the graph is not connected to a
     * generated root, then the topmost bean is returned.
    public Bean _getRoot() {
        Bean b = this;
        Bean bParent;
        while (!b.isRoot()) {
            bParent = b._getParent();
            if (bParent == null)
            b = bParent;
        return b;

     *	Return the path name of this element in the graph.
    public String fullName() {
	StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer();
	return str.toString();
    public boolean hasName(String name) {
	if (name != null)
	    return (name.equals( || name.equals(this.dtdName()));
	    return false;

     *	Return true if this element is the root of the schema2beans tree.
    public boolean isRoot() {
	return this.isRoot;

     *	Return the bean name of this schema2beans graph node.
    public String name() {
	BeanProp bp = this.beanProp();
	if (bp != null)
	    return this.beanProp().getBeanName();
	    return "";	// NOI18N
     *	Return the DTD name of this schema2beans graph node.
    public String dtdName() {
	return this.beanProp().getDtdName();
    public void createBean(Node node, GraphManager mgr) throws Schema2BeansRuntimeException {
	if (this.isRoot) {
	    mgr.completeRootBinding(this, node);
	this.graphManager = mgr;
    try {
        mgr.fillProperties(this.beanProps(), node);
    } catch (Schema2BeansException e) {
        throw new Schema2BeansRuntimeException(e);
     *	Return a new instance of the specified bean property
    public BaseBean newInstance(String name) {
	return this.beanProp(name).newBeanInstance();
    public abstract void dump(StringBuffer str, String indent);

    // The old abstract verify method never did anything.
    // a validate method will get generated if the -validate option is on.
    //public abstract void validate() throws org.netbeans.modules.schema2beans.ValidateException;
     *	Dump the DOM content of this bean. If nodeName is specified,
     *	dump only from the subname named nodeName.
    public String dumpDomNode(String nodeName, int depth) {
	Node n = null;
	if (this.binding == null)
	    return "";	// NOI18N
	else {
	    n = this.binding.node;
	    if (n == null)
		return "";	// NOI18N
	return DDFactory.XmlToString(n, depth, nodeName);
    public String dumpDomNode(int depth) {
	return this.dumpDomNode(null, depth);
    public String dumpDomNode() {
	return this.dumpDomNode(null, 99999);
    public String dumpBeanNode() {
	return null;
    public void dumpAttributes(String name, int index, StringBuffer str,
    String indent) {
	String[] names = this.getAttributeNames(name);
	for (int i=0; i
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