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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.netbeans.modules.schema2beans;

import java.util.*;
import java.beans.*;

//  To dynamically build an array of the bean clastype (class[] getter method)
import java.lang.reflect.*;

import org.w3c.dom.*;

 *  The BeanProp class is the internal representation of a schema2beans property.
 *  The three main classes that make the schema2beans architecture are: BaseBean,
 *  BeanProp and DOMBinding. BaseBean is the schema2beans java beans that maps
 *  a tag DTD element (BaseBean is the class extended by the generated code,
 *  specific to the DTD names). BaseBean contains as much as BeanProp object
 *  instances as it containes properties (element tags). A BeanProp handle
 *  both single and array properties. A single property is represented
 *  by one BeanProp instance that will be of type 'single' (TYPE_0_1 or TYPE_1).
 *  An array property is represented also by one BeanProp instance, 
 *  but of type 'array' (TYPE_0_N or TYPE_1_N).
 *  The BeanProp class is handling properties, and is acting between 
 *  the BaseBean (user view) and the DOMBinding (access to the DOM tree).
 *  The events, add/change/remove code and logic is on the BeanProp class.
public class BeanProp implements BaseProperty {
    //	The goal of the GroupProp class is to provide a common container
    //	for DTD or'd elements. Each or'd element of a same group references
    //	the same GroupProp instance.
    //	For example, (a | b | c) in a DTD generates 3 properties A, B, C. For
    //	each property, a BeanProp is created. One GroupProp is created
    //	for these 3 properties, and each BeanProp reference this GroupProp.
    static class GroupProp {
        ArrayList group;
        public GroupProp(BeanProp prop) {
   = new ArrayList();
        void add(BeanProp prop) {
        BeanProp[] list() {
            int size =;
            BeanProp[] ret = new BeanProp[size];
            for (int i=0; i 0);
        void delay() {
            if (useEvents())
        void addEvent(PropertyChangeEvent e, boolean propagate) {
            if (useEvents()) {
                if (this.isDelayed()) {
           Evt(e, propagate));
                } else {
                    this.bp.notifyInternal(e, propagate);
        void fireEvents() {
            if (useEvents()) {
                if (this.delayed == 0)
                if (this.delayed == 0) {
                    int size =;
                    if (size > 0) {
                        for (int i=0; i, then the order
    //	values for the properties b, c and d are: 1, 2 and 3.
    //	If we need to insert the property c, we know that is should
    //	be inserted before the property d, simply looking at its order
    //	number (see the BaseBean.createProperty for comment on the order
    //	value)
    private int				order;
    //	If this property is defined as or'd (char |) in the DTD file,
    //	the following GroupProp instance holds references to the other
    //	BeanProp sharing the same or'd definition (a | b | c ...)
    //	The following group reference should be null if the property
    //	is simply defined as an 'and sequence' (a, b, c ...)
    GroupProp		group;
    public BeanProp(BaseBean bean, String dtdName, String beanName,
		    int type, Class propClass) {
        this(bean, dtdName, beanName, type, propClass, 10);
    public BeanProp(BaseBean bean, String dtdName, String beanName,
		    int type, Class propClass, int initialCapacity) {
	this.dtdName = dtdName;
	this.beanName = beanName;
	this.type = type;
	this.propClass = propClass;
	this.bean = bean;
    if (initialCapacity >= 0) {
        this.bindings = new ArrayList(initialCapacity);
        this.attributes = new ArrayList(initialCapacity);
	this.changeListeners = null;
	this.vetoableListeners = null;
	this.knownValues = null;
	this.isRoot = false;
	this.order = 0;
	this.eventMgr = new EventMgr(this); = null;
    public BeanProp(BaseBean bean, String dtdName, String beanName,
		    int type, Class propClass, boolean isRoot) {
        this(bean, dtdName, beanName, type, propClass, isRoot, 10);

    public BeanProp(BaseBean bean, String dtdName, String beanName,
		    int type, Class propClass, boolean isRoot, int initialCapacity) {
	this(bean, dtdName, beanName, type, propClass, initialCapacity);
	this.isRoot = isRoot;

     *	Called by the BaseBean class when the property is fully created.
     *	(no more creation work needs to be done in the BaseBean for this
     *	property.). This is where any extra initialization work should take
     * 	place if this couldn't be done in the constructor.
    public void initialize() {
	//  If the property us or'd with others, group these properties
	//  together. The following assumes that the property are created
	//  through the BaseBean in the DTD order (which is how the GenBeans
	//  works), and also assumes that two sets of or'd properties never
	//  follow each others. (for example: (a | b) (c | d)).
	if (Common.isSequenceOr(this.type)) {
	    //	Try to get the previous reference, else create a new one
	    //	(first element in the list of or'd elements)
	    BeanProp previousProp = null;
	    if (this.order > 1) {
		previousProp = this.bean.beanProp(this.order-1);
	    if ((previousProp != null) && ( != null)) {
		//  The previous property already have one - use it; =;
	    if ( == null) { = new GroupProp(this);
    boolean useEvents() {
	return handleEvents;
    boolean useVetoEvents() {
	return handleVetoEvents;
    void setOrder(int order) {
	this.order = order;
    public Class getPropClass() {
	return this.propClass;
    public int getType() {
	return this.type;
    public String getBeanName() {
	return this.beanName;
    public BaseBean getBean() {
	return this.bean;
    public BaseBean getParent() {
	return this.getBean();

    NodeFactory getNodeFactory() {
	return this.bean.graphManager().getNodeFactory();
    Node getParentNode() {
	//  If we are the root, there is no parent node
	if (this.isRoot) {
	    return null;
	Node	    n = null;
	DOMBinding  b = this.bean.domBinding();
	if (b != null) {
	    n = b.getNode();
	if (n == null) {
	    throw new IllegalStateException(Common.getMessage("ParentNodeCantBeNull_msg"));
	} else {
	    return n;
    //	This method is called by the DOMBinding class when a DOM object
    //	needs to be inserted into the DOM graph. The goal of this method
    //	is to find out the next property (using the order value of the
    //	BeanProp) that has a DOM node, and if this is an indexed property,
    //	which DOM Node is the first of the list. This method makes sure that
    //	the new elements are inserted in the right property order (as specified
    //	by the DTD)
    Node getFollowingSibling(DOMBinding binding) {
	BeanProp bp = null;
	int	 next = this.order+1;
	bp = this.bean.beanProp(next++);
    //System.out.println("getFollowingSibling next="+next+" bp="+bp);
	while (bp != null) {
	    boolean	found = false;
	    int 	size = bp.size();
	    //	Find out if there is any DOM Node
	    for (int i=0; i 0) || (this.bindingsSize() == 0))
                return null;
        if (bindingsSize() == 0) {
            // Ok no value set so far. return null.
            return null;
        } // end of if (this.bindingsSize() == 0)

        DOMBinding b = (DOMBinding)this.bindings.get(index);

        if (b != null)
            return b.getValue(this);
            return null;
     *	Return the element which as the unique DOMBinding identifier id
     *	(Every DOMBinding has a unique identifier which identifies uniquely
     *	the DOM element referenced by the DOMBinding object. This id is,
     *	for example, used to build the absolute name of an elt of the graph)
    public Object getValueById(int id) {
        int size = this.bindingsSize();
        for (int i=0; i=0 && index=0)?(size+extraElements):size));
	//	If we have enough space
		int i=0;
		try {
            if (extraElements >= 0) {
                for (i=0; i= this.bindingsSize() && 
	    Common.isVetoable(this.type) && useVetoEvents()) {

	    DOMBinding b = (DOMBinding)this.bindings.get(index);
	    if (b != null) {
		Object value = b.getValue(this);

		//	Check before doing any change if this is ok
		this.raiseVetoableEvent(value, 0, OP_SETTER_REMOVE);
	    //	If we reach this point, no exception has been raised,
	    //	and the change can happen.

	this.removeElement(index, true);
    //	Common sanity check on the parameters
    private void checkParams(int index, Object value, boolean add) {
	if (add) {
	    if (value == null)
		throw new IllegalArgumentException(Common.
	else {
	    if (!Common.isArray(this.type)) {
		if (index > 0)
		    throw new IllegalArgumentException(Common.
	    else {
		if ((index < 0) || (index >= this.bindingsSize()))
		    throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
     *	Different cases might happen in this method, depending on the
     *	type of the property, if the property is an array or not,
     *	and also depending on the type of the value parameter.
     *	If the property is a single property, the value replaces the
     *	previous value.
     *	If the property is an indexed value, the operation is not allowed.
     *	If the propery didn't have any value (no DOM node yet), a DOMBinding
     *	is created and takes care of setting the new value.
    protected int setElement(int index, Object value, boolean add) {
	this.checkParams(index, value, add);
	if ((value != null) && Common.isBean(this.type)
	    && ((BaseBean)value).hasDomNode()) {
        Document doc1 = null;
        Document doc2 = null;
        DOMBinding domBinding1 = ((BaseBean)value).domBinding();
        DOMBinding domBinding2 = bean.domBinding();
        if (domBinding1 != null && domBinding2 != null) {
            Node node1 = domBinding1.getNode();
            Node node2 = domBinding2.getNode();
            if (node1 != null && node2 != null) {
                doc1 = node1.getOwnerDocument();
                doc2 = node2.getOwnerDocument();
        if (doc1 != null && doc1 == doc2) {
            //	For now, reject any attempt to insert an element which
            //	is already part of the DOM graph.
            //	We could clone the element automatically, but for now,
            //	we just reject it.
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(Common.

	//  If String, store a copy of the string
	if (value instanceof java.lang.String) {
	    //	An empty optional String is equivalement to a null string
	    if (!this.isBean()
	        && ((this.type & Common.MASK_INSTANCE) == Common.TYPE_0_1)
            && value.equals("")) { // NOI18N    
            value = null;
	    } else {
            value = new String((String)value);
	if (DDLogFlags.debug) {
	    TraceLogger.put(TraceLogger.DEBUG, TraceLogger.SVC_DD,
	    DDLogFlags.DBG_BLD, 1, DDLogFlags.SETVALUE,
	    this.dtdName + "[" + index + "] - " +
	//  If the object is null, the setValue call is equivalent to a remove
	//  Otherwise, the object might be a bean or a wrapper object (String,
	//  Boolean, Date, ...)
	//  If the object is a bean, we have to remove first the previous bean.
	//  Then, we affect the new bean to the DOMBinding object.
	//  (See the comment in the delete() operation to see how this
	//  involves the BeanProp and DOMBinding data structure).
	//  If the object is a wrapper, simply call the DomBinding to change
	//  the DOM node value (there is no change in the internal structure).
	//  Do not send any event while updating
	if (value != null) {
	    //	Before adding the new value, remove the previous one
	    if (Common.isBean(this.type) && !add)
            this.removeElement(index, false);
	    DOMBinding b = null;
	    boolean empty = true;
	    Object	oldValue = null;
	    if (!add) {
            empty = (this.bindingsSize() == 0);
            if (!empty)
                b = (DOMBinding)this.bindings.get(index);
	    if (b == null) {
            //  This is a brand new property - create the DOMBinding
            //  for this object. The DOMBinding will take care
            //  later on to create the proper DOM tree structures.
            b = new DOMBinding();
            b.register(this, value);
	    if (add)
            index = this.bindingsSize();
	    if (empty)
            this.bindings.set(index, b);
	    if (DDLogFlags.debug) {
            TraceLogger.put(TraceLogger.DEBUG, TraceLogger.SVC_DD,
                            DDLogFlags.DBG_BLD, 1, DDLogFlags.NEWBIND,
                            this.dtdName + "[" + (empty?0:index) + "]");
	    oldValue = b.setValue(this, value);
	    //	If the parent bean is attached to a DOM Node, this new
	    //	value has to be attached to the DOM Node. Otherwise,
	    //	the new value stays cached in the DOMBinding.
	    //	The algorithm is: if the parent is not anchored to the DOM
	    //	tree, cache the value. If the parent is attached,
	    //	flush into the DOM tree all the cached values.
	    if (this.bean.hasDomNode()) {
            b.syncNodes(this, new Action(Action.ADD));
	    else {
            if (DDLogFlags.debug) {
                TraceLogger.put(TraceLogger.DEBUG, TraceLogger.SVC_DD,
                                DDLogFlags.DBG_BLD, 1, DDLogFlags.CACHING,
	    //	Now that the setValue is done, ask the DOMBinding to signal
	    //	all the properties bound to this Node (including ourself).
	    b.notifyBeansForChange(oldValue, value, null);
	    //	Attribute values might have been cached in the bean
	    if (Common.isBean(this.type) && (value != null)) {
            BaseBean bb = (BaseBean)value;
            String[] names = bb.cachedAttributeNames();
            for (int i=0; i= this.bindingsSize()) {
	    // There is nothing here so do nothing.
	b = (DOMBinding)this.bindings.get(index);
	if (b != null) {
	    Object oldValue = b.getValue(this);
	    b.setLastKnownIndex(this, index);
	    PropertyChangeEvent e = this.createEvent(b, oldValue, null, null);
	    if (DDLogFlags.debug) {
		TraceLogger.put(TraceLogger.DEBUG, TraceLogger.SVC_DD,
		DDLogFlags.DBG_EVT, 1, DDLogFlags.CREATEREM,
		(e==null?"no-event":e.getPropertyName()) +
		" - source " + this.beanName +
		"\n\t\toldValue is " +
		oldValue.toString()+">") +
		"\n\t\tnewValue is null");
	    if (remove)
		this.bindings.set(index, null);
	    //	Remove and notify the subtree included ourself
	    b.syncNodes(this, new Action(Action.REMOVE, e));
	    //	Notify the parents
	    this.notifyInternal(e, true);
    //	Return the list of well known values
    public Object[] knownValues() {
	if (this.knownValues == null)
	    return null;
	int size = this.knownValues.size();
	Object a = Array.newInstance(this.propClass, size);
	for (int i=0; i 0) || (this.bindingsSize() == 0))
		return null;
	DOMBinding b = (DOMBinding)this.bindings.get(index);
	if (b != null)
	    ret = b.getAttributeValue(this, ap.getDtdName());
	if (DDLogFlags.debug) {
	    TraceLogger.put(TraceLogger.DEBUG, TraceLogger.SVC_DD,
	    DDLogFlags.DBG_BLD, 10, DDLogFlags.GETATTR,
	    this.beanName + "[" + index + "]." +
	    ap.getDtdName() + ": " + ret + " " +
	    " BP(" + this.hashCode() + ")");
	return ret;
    //	Attributes methods
     *	Called back by the DOMBinding when another bean removed the binding.
     *	This allows an automatic update of all the bean trees sharing the
     *	same DOM nodes.
    void removeBinding(DOMBinding binding) {
	throw new UnsupportedOperationException(Common.
     *	Create the DOM Nodes for all the properties previously cached.
     *	(Cached because no beans/values created could be attached
     *	to the real DOM tree: no element was attached to the DOM tree
     *	at the time of their creation - see the setElement() method)
    void syncNodes(Action a) {
	int 		size = this.bindingsSize();
	for (int i=0; i":"<"+
	    oldValue.toString()+">") +
	    "\n\t\tnewValue is " +
	return e;
    //	Helper method
    void notifyInternal(PropertyChangeEvent e, boolean propagate) {
	this.notifyInternal(new InternalEvent(InternalEvent.CHANGED, e),
    //	Mechanism used to propagate an event through the tree up to the root
    void notifyInternal(InternalEvent ie, boolean propagate) {
	if (ie.type == InternalEvent.CHANGED) {
	    if (!useEvents())
	    if (this.eventMgr.isDelayed()) {
		this.eventMgr.addEvent(ie.getPropertyChangeEvent(), propagate);
	    if (DDLogFlags.debug) {
		TraceLogger.put(TraceLogger.DEBUG, TraceLogger.SVC_DD,
		DDLogFlags.DBG_EVT, 1, DDLogFlags.NOTIFYCHG,
		(propagate?"(P)":"") +
		" in " + this.beanName + " - " +
		(this.changeListeners==null?"null listener":
		    "has listeners":"no listener")) );
	    if (this.changeListeners != null)
		//  Notify the object listening on this property
	    if (ie.type == InternalEvent.VETOABLE) {
		if( !useVetoEvents())
		if (DDLogFlags.debug) {
		    TraceLogger.put(TraceLogger.DEBUG, TraceLogger.SVC_DD,
		    DDLogFlags.DBG_EVT, 1, DDLogFlags.NOTIFYVETO,
		    (propagate?"(P)":"") +
		    " in " + this.beanName + " - " +
		    (this.vetoableListeners==null?"null listener":
			"has listeners":"no listener")) );
		try {
		    if (this.vetoableListeners != null)
			//  Notify the object listening on this property
		catch(PropertyVetoException ve) {
		    //	This has been vetoed, raise our internal runtime exception
		    //	holding this ve. We'll rethrow it later on, from the
		    //	generated beans.
		    throw new BaseProperty.VetoException(ve,
	//  Notify the parent (this will go up to the root)
	if (!this.isRoot && (this.bean != null) && propagate)
    private void raiseVetoableEvent(Object value, int index, int op) {
	Object curValue = null;
	Object newValue = null;
	//  Get the current and new value
	if (Common.isArray(this.type)) {
	    Object []arrValue;
	    curValue = this.getValues();
	    switch(op) {
		    //	The new value is the new array
		    newValue = value;
		    //	One element only will change
		    arrValue = this.getObjectArray(0);
		    arrValue[index] = value;
		    newValue = arrValue;
		    //	Add the new element at the end of the array
		    arrValue = this.getObjectArray(1);
		    arrValue[this.bindingsSize()] = value;
		    newValue = arrValue;
		    //	One element removed
		    //	This call only allocate the array (no values)
		    int i, j;
		    Object[] curValues = (Object[])curValue;
		    arrValue = this.getObjectArray(-1);
		    for (i=0; i":"<"+
		curValue.toString()+">") +
		"\n\t\tnewValue is " +
	//  Propagate this vetoable event up to the root
	this.notifyInternal(new InternalEvent(InternalEvent.VETOABLE, e),
     *	Book-keeping of the listeners
    public void addPCListener(PropertyChangeListener l) {
	handleEvents = true;
	if (this.changeListeners == null) {
	    Object obj = (this.bean==null)?(Object)this:(Object)this.bean;
	    this.changeListeners = new PropertyChangeSupport(obj);
    public void removePCListener(PropertyChangeListener l) {
	if (this.changeListeners != null)
    public void addVCListener(VetoableChangeListener l) {
	if (this.checkVetoable(true)) {
	    handleVetoEvents = true;
	    if (this.vetoableListeners == null) {
		Object obj = (this.bean==null)?(Object)this:(Object)this.bean;
		this.vetoableListeners = new VetoableChangeSupport(obj);
    public void removeVCListener(VetoableChangeListener l) {
	if (this.checkVetoable(false))
    //	A property might not support the veto mechanism either because
    //	it has not been generated to support it, or because it is a bean.
    private boolean checkVetoable(boolean raise) {
	if (Common.isVetoable(this.type) || Common.isBean(this.type))
	    return true;
	if (raise) {
	    if (!Common.isBean(this.type)) {
		throw new Schema2BeansRuntimeException(Common.
		    getMessage("PropertyDoesntSupportVeto_msg", this.beanName));
	return false;
     *	If the current property is a bean, returns an instance of the bean
    BaseBean newBeanInstance() {
	if (Common.isBean(this.type)) {
	    try {
		Constructor c = null;
		try {
		    Class[] cc = new Class[] {int.class};
		    c = this.propClass.getDeclaredConstructor(cc);
		catch(NoSuchMethodException me) {
		    return (BaseBean)this.propClass.newInstance();
		//  Do not initialize the default values
		Object[] p =
		    new Object[] {new Integer(Common.NO_DEFAULT_VALUES)};
		return (BaseBean)c.newInstance(p);
	    catch(Exception e) {
		throw new Schema2BeansRuntimeException(Common.
		    getMessage("CantInstantiateBean_msg", e.getMessage()));
	return null;
     *	This method is called to associate this bean property to a DOM Node.
     *	When the bean graph is built from the DOM graph, the DOM graph is
     *	parsed while trying to match the element names of the DOM graph
     *	with the property names of the bean graph.
     *	When a match is found between a bean property name and a DOM element
     *	name, this method is called to associate the DOM node to the bean.
     *	The bean property might be a simple String (#PCDATA in DTD) as the
     *	leaf of the bean graph, or a bean object, containing other beans.
     *	(One node of the bean graph). Whatever the case is, there is a DOM Node
     *	that correspond to this property.
     *	Also, the propery might be either a single value property or an
     *	array. In the first case, only one Node of the DOM graph can match
     *	the property (if not, this is fatal error in building the bean graph).
     *	In the second case, this property contains an array referencing the
     *	DOM graph.
     *	Note that the property might be of type: optional, mandatory,
     *	an array possibly empty or an array with at least one element.
     *	The verify() method	might be called to check the consistency of the
     *	type of the property, especially after the bean graph is built or
     *	before a modified bean graph has to be saved.
     *	See also the DOMBinding class comments.
    public DOMBinding registerDomNode(Node node, DOMBinding binding,
				      BaseBean bean) throws Schema2BeansException {
	int 		count = 0;
	int 		size = this.bindingsSize();
	//	Check that we don't already know this node
	for (int i=0; i 0) || (this.bindingsSize() == 0))
                return null;
        DOMBinding b = (DOMBinding)this.bindings.get(index);
        if (b != null) {
            if (attr != null) {
                name.append(":");	// NOI18N
            this.buildPathName(b, name);
            return null;
        return name.toString();
    public int getInstanceType() {
	return (this.type & Common.MASK_INSTANCE);
    public boolean isChoiceProperty() {
	return ( != null);
    public BaseProperty[] getChoiceProperties() {
	if (this.isChoiceProperty()) {
	return null;
    //	true if the name is either the mangled name or the dtd name
    public boolean hasName(String name) {
	if (name.equals(this.beanName) || name.equals(this.dtdName))
	    return true;
	    return false;

    public boolean isKey() {
	return Common.isKey(this.type);

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