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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
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 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
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package org.netbeans.modules.tasklist.core;

import java.util.*;

import org.netbeans.modules.tasklist.core.translators.XMLTranslator;
import org.netbeans.modules.tasklist.core.translators.HTMLSupport;
import org.netbeans.modules.tasklist.core.translators.FormatTranslator;
import org.openide.ErrorManager;
import org.openide.util.NbBundle;

 * This class models flat list or hierarchical tasks.
 * It dispatches membership events.
 * @author Tor Norbye
public class TaskList implements ObservableList, TaskListener {

    // List category
    final static String USER_CATEGORY = "usertasks"; // NOI18N

     * Data holder, you must synchonize on it and keep listCopy updated (reset it to null on modification).


     * e.g. write operation:       e.g. read operation:
     * synchronized(tasks) {       synchronized(tasks) {
     *   // tasks.modify();          // iterator = tasks.iterator();
     *   listCopy = null;            // return tasks.size();
     * }                           }
*/ private List tasks = new LinkedList(); // #43166 this one is distributed to clients private List listCopy; private final ArrayList listeners = new ArrayList(67); /** Has the options set changed such that we need to save */ protected boolean needSave = false; protected boolean dontSave = false; /** * Creates a new instance of TaskList. */ public TaskList() { } protected void setNeedSave(boolean b) { needSave = b; } protected void setDontSave(boolean b) { dontSave = b; } /** Read-only access to tasks held by this list. */ public final List getTasks() { synchronized(tasks) { if (listCopy == null) { // #43166 clone it for iterators safeness listCopy = Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList(tasks)); } return listCopy; } } /** Add a list of tasks to the tasklist, and remove a list of * tasks from the tasklist. This is done instead of a separate * add and remove method such that you can change the tasklist * atomically without having an intermediate screen refresh. * Note that if a task appears in both lists, it will be ADDED. * (Because the removal will occur first.) * * @param addList The list of tasks to be added. Can be null. * @param removeList The list of tasks to be removed. Can be null. * @param append If true, append to the list, otherwise prepend. Ignored * if the after parameter is not null. * @param parent Normally null, but you can specify a parent task * here if you want to add subitems * @param after The task which will be immediately before * the new subtask after the addition (e.g. add * this subtask directly AFTER the specified * task). Overrides the append parameter. * * @todo Consider to add removeList.removeAll(addList) tricks, it could speedup * all clients (eliminating remove foloved by add events). */ public void addRemove(List addList, List removeList, boolean append, Task parent, Task after) { // Disable updates for the duration of the list update setSilentUpdate(true, false); boolean modified = false; // Remove items // TODO add Task.removeSubtasks(List) ? See addSubtasks below Iterator it; if (removeList != null) { it = removeList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Task task = (Task); if (parent != null) { parent.removeSubtask(task); task.removeTaskListener(this); } else { removeTask(task); } modified = true; } } // if (parent == null) { // if (root == null) { // root = getRoot(); // } // parent = root; // } if (addList != null && addList.size()>0) { modified = true; // User insert: prepend to the list if (parent != null) { it = addList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Task next = (Task); next.addTaskListener(this); } parent.addSubtasks(addList, append, after); } else { if (after != null) { addTasks(addList, after); } else { addTasks(addList, append); } } } // Update the task list now // Only save if non-temporary items were added // XXX - now that I have added a parent reference, should // the property notification happen relative to it? Probably yes. // Need parent reference in setSilentUpdate setSilentUpdate(false, modified); } /** * Add top level tasks_ to the list and fire event. * Treats tasks_ as single task keeping their original order. */ public final void addTasks(List tasks_, boolean append) { Iterator it = tasks_.iterator(); int slot = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { Task task = (Task); task.addTaskListener(this); if (append) { synchronized(tasks) { tasks.add(task); listCopy = null; } } else { synchronized(tasks) { tasks.add(slot++, task); listCopy = null; } } fireAdded(task); // TODO silent update? } } private void addTasks(List tasks, Task after) { int index = tasks.indexOf(after); if (index == -1) { addTasks(tasks, true); } else { tasks.addAll(index+1, tasks); Iterator it = tasks.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Task task = (Task); task.addTaskListener(this); fireAdded(task); } } } /** * Add top level task to the list and fire event. */ public final void appendTask(Task task) { task.addTaskListener(this); synchronized(tasks) { tasks.add(task); listCopy = null; } fireAdded(task); } /** * Remove top level tasks from the list and fire event */ public final void removeTasks(List tasks) { Iterator it = tasks.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Task task = (Task); removeTask(task); } } /** * Remove top level task from the list and fire event */ public final void removeTask(Task task) { task.removeTaskListener(this); boolean removed = false; int index; synchronized(tasks) { index = tasks.indexOf(task); removed = tasks.remove(task); listCopy = null; } if (removed) { fireRemoved(null, task, index); // TODO silent update? } } /** * Notify the task list that some aspect of it has been changed, so * it should save itself soon. Eventually calls save */ public void markChanged() { // For now, save right away.... // TODO - make a timer here, for example 10 seconds, such that // everytime we get a markChanged() message, we reset the timer. // When the timer expires, we save. // Then go change the code such that nobody calls save() directly, // only markChanged() - except for the window, perhaps, which may call // save on program shutdown. We don't want edits within 10 seconds // of shutting down the IDE to be lost... needSave = true; save(); } /** Write tasks out to disk */ public void save() { needSave = false; } /** Setter for property silentUpdate. * When true, don't notify anybody or save the task list when contents changes. This is used for batch operations (such as inserting a series of tasks when scanning a source file.) * @param silentUpdate New value of property silentUpdate. * @param saveOnFinish If true, save the task when we stop being silent * * @deprecated use {@link #addRemove} that should merge events (but it does not right now) */ final void setSilentUpdate(boolean silentUpdate, boolean saveOnFinish) {// XXX remove the publicness dontSave = silentUpdate; needSave = true; // if (silentUpdate) { // // XXX this is going to generate lots of updates. // // I should set silentUpdate on the root during the // // deletions... // root.setSilentUpdate(true, false); // } else { // // XXX It would be better NOT to do this, so I don't get // // a refresh after the items have been deleted! // root.setSilentUpdate(false, true); // } if (!dontSave && saveOnFinish) { // May do nothing if setSilentUpdate above did a TaskList.markChanged() save(); } } public void addTaskListener(TaskListener listener) { synchronized (listeners) { listeners.add(listener); } } public void removeTaskListener(TaskListener listener) { synchronized (listeners) { listeners.remove(listener); } } /** Fire TaskListener.addedTask */ protected void fireAdded(Task task) { synchronized (listeners) { int n = listeners.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { TaskListener tl = (TaskListener) listeners.get(i); tl.addedTask(task); } } } /** * Fire TaskListener.selectedTask * @deprecated splitting model from the view */ private void notifySelected(Task task) { synchronized (listeners) { int n = listeners.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { TaskListener tl = (TaskListener) listeners.get(i); tl.selectedTask(task); } } } /** * Fire TaskListener.warpedTask * @deprecated splitting model from the view */ private void notifyWarped(Task task) { synchronized (listeners) { int n = listeners.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { TaskListener tl = (TaskListener) listeners.get(i); tl.warpedTask(task); } } } /** Fire TaskListener.structureChanged */ protected void fireStructureChanged(Task task) { TaskListener[] taskListeners; // some listeners are self deregistering on this event causing index exception synchronized (listeners) { taskListeners = new TaskListener[listeners.size()]; taskListeners = (TaskListener[]) listeners.toArray(taskListeners); } for (int i = 0; i < taskListeners.length; i++) { taskListeners[i].structureChanged(task); } } /** Fire TaskListener.removedTask */ protected void fireRemoved(Task pt, Task task, int index) { TaskListener[] taskListeners; // some listeners are self deregistering on this event causing index exception synchronized (listeners) { taskListeners = new TaskListener[listeners.size()]; taskListeners = (TaskListener[]) listeners.toArray(taskListeners); } for (int i = 0; i < taskListeners.length; i++) { taskListeners[i].removedTask(pt, task, index); } } /** * Return a count of the number of tasks in this list. * * @deprecated use TLUtils#recursiveCount */ public int size() { synchronized(tasks) { return TLUtils.recursiveCount(tasks.iterator()); } } /** Return the translators capable of handling this tasklist. * @return Array of translators that can read/write the tasklist */ public FormatTranslator[] getTranslators() { // XXX is it really tasklist property? FormatTranslator[] translators = new FormatTranslator[]{ new HTMLSupport(), new XMLTranslator() }; return translators; } /** * Remove all the tasks in this tasklist */ public void clear() { synchronized(tasks) { tasks.clear(); listCopy = null; } fireStructureChanged(null); } /** For debugging purposes, only. Writes directly to serr. */ public void print() { System.err.println("\nTask List:\n-------------"); synchronized(tasks) { Iterator it = tasks.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Task next = (Task); recursivePrint(next, 0); } } System.err.println("\n\n"); } private void recursivePrint(Task node, int depth) { if (depth > 20) { // probably invalid list Thread.dumpStack(); return; } for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) { System.err.print(" "); } System.err.println(node); if (node.getSubtasks() != null) { List l = node.getSubtasks(); ListIterator it = l.listIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Task task = (Task); recursivePrint(task, depth + 1); } } } // TaskListener impl ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /** Internal listener implementtaion. Cumulates event from list members to list level. */ public void selectedTask(Task t) { // XXX ignore } /** Internal listener implementtaion. Cumulates event from list members to list level. */ public void warpedTask(Task t) { // XXX ignore } /** Internal listener implementtaion. Cumulates event from list members to list level. */ public void addedTask(Task t) { fireAdded(t); } /** Internal listener implementtaion. Cumulates event from list members to list level. */ public void removedTask(Task pt, Task t, int index) { fireRemoved(pt, t, index); } /** Internal listener implementtaion. Cumulates event from list members to list level. */ public void structureChanged(Task t) { fireStructureChanged(t); } /** * Is this task list empty? * * @return true if this task list has no tasks */ public boolean isEmpty() { return tasks.size() == 0; } }
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