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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
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package org.netbeans.modules.tasklist.suggestions;

import org.netbeans.modules.tasklist.client.SuggestionManager;
import org.netbeans.modules.tasklist.client.Suggestion;
import org.netbeans.modules.tasklist.client.SuggestionPerformer;
import org.netbeans.modules.tasklist.client.SuggestionAgent;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;

 * Passive suggestion manager implementation:
  • creates Suggestion instances *
  • always enabled and observed (does not know its views) *
  • registers suggestions to provided list only * (default register does nothing) supporting single * suggestion type filters. *
* *

* See {@link SuggestionManagerImpl} for active implementation * that handles events from environment to identify currently * opened file and shows suggestions related to it. * * @author Petr Kuzel */ public class DefaultSuggestionManager extends SuggestionManager { // See super for accurate javadoc public SuggestionAgent createSuggestion(String type, String summary, SuggestionPerformer action, Object data) { // "Sanitize" the summary: replace newlines with ':' // " " or ":" (let's pick one). // (Oh crap. What do we do about CRLF's? Replace with ": " ? // This won't work right for \r-only systems, but surely OSX didn't // keep that bad MacOS habit, did it? if (summary.indexOf('\n') != -1) { int n = summary.length(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(2 * n); // worst case for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { char c = summary.charAt(i); if (c == '\n') { sb.append(':'); sb.append(' '); } else if (c != '\r') { sb.append(c); } } summary = sb.toString(); } SPIMonitor.log(" create type: " + type + " summary: " + summary); SuggestionType st = SuggestionTypes.getDefault().getType(type); if (st == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("type " + st + " is not registered"); } SuggestionImpl s = new SuggestionImpl(summary, st, action, data); return new SuggestionAgent(s); } public boolean isEnabled(String id) { return true; } public boolean isObserved(String id) { return true; } /** * Must be over written, does nothing. */ public void register(String type, List add, List remove) { assert false : "This public contract is not implemented use private one!"; } /** * Update target tasklist including grouping (if over treshold). * * @param typeName suggestion type * @param addList suggestions to add * @param removeList suggestion sto remove or null * @param tasklist target tasklist * @param sizeKnown is this registration final (otherwise * another one is planned by registrant) */ public void register(String typeName, List addList, List removeList, SuggestionList tasklist, boolean sizeKnown) { //System.err.println("register(" + typeName + ", " + addList + // ", " + removeList + "," + tasklist + ", " + // request + ", " + sizeKnown + ")"); // TODO check instanceof Task here, and throw an exception if not? // Get the first element, and use its type as the type for all. // This works because all elements in the list must have the same // (meta?) type. SuggestionType type = null; if (typeName != null) { type = SuggestionTypes.getDefault().getType(typeName); if (type == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No such SuggestionType: " + typeName); } } /* Not yet necessary - I'm always stuffing the cache on docHidden() // Clear SuggestionCache entry, if necessary Suggestion first = null; SuggestionProvider provider = null; if ((addList != null) && (addList.size() > 0)) { first = (Suggestion)addList.get(0); } else if ((removeList != null) && (removeList.size() > 0)) { first = (Suggestion)removeList.get(0); } if ((cache != null) && (first != null)) { provider = first.getProvider(); if ((provider != null) && (provider instanceof DocumentSuggestionProvider)) { Line l = first.getLine(); if (l != null) { Document doc = TLUtils.getDocument(l); if (doc != null) { cache.remove(doc); } } } } */ // Must iterate over the list repeatedly, if it contains // multiple types boolean split = (type == null); ListIterator ita = null; ListIterator itr = null; if (split) { List allAdds = addList; List allRems = removeList; if (allAdds != null) { ita = allAdds.listIterator(); addList = new ArrayList(allAdds.size()); } if (allRems != null) { itr = allRems.listIterator(); removeList = new ArrayList(allRems.size()); } } while (true) { // Populate the list with the next homogeneous subset of the // same type if (split) { if ((ita != null) && (ita.hasNext())) { addList.clear(); // setSize(0); ? type = null; while (ita.hasNext()) { SuggestionImpl s = (SuggestionImpl); if (type == null) { type = s.getSType(); } else if (s.getSType() != type) { ita.previous(); // undo advance break; } addList.add(s); } } else { addList = null; } if ((itr != null) && (itr.hasNext())) { removeList.clear(); type = null; while (itr.hasNext()) { SuggestionImpl s = (SuggestionImpl); if (type == null) { type = s.getSType(); } else if (s.getSType() != type) { itr.previous(); // undo advance break; } removeList.add(s); } } else { removeList = null; } if ((addList == null) && (removeList == null)) { break; } } SuggestionImpl category = tasklist.getCategoryTask(type, false); // XXX [PERFORMANCE] Later I can compute the type more quickly // than this - instead of counting each time, keep a count, // stored in a hashmap (I already have a type registry. Just watch // out and remember that because of the Directory Scanning action, // you can have multiple clients of the type registry. int currnum = 0; if (category != null) { currnum = category.subtasksCount(); } else { Iterator it = tasklist.getTasks().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { SuggestionImpl s = (SuggestionImpl); if (s.getSType() == type) { currnum++; } } } int addnum = (addList != null) ? addList.size() : 0; int remnum = (removeList != null) ? removeList.size() : 0; // Assume no stupidity like overlaps in tasks between the lists int newSize = currnum + addnum - remnum; if ((newSize > tasklist.getGroupTreshold()) && (getUnfilteredType() == null)) { // TODO - show the first MAX_INLINE-1 "inlined", followed by the // category node? Or hide all below the category node? For now, // doing the latter since it's a lot easier. if (category == null) { // Now should have subtasks, but previously we didn't; // remove the tasks from the top list category = tasklist.getCategoryTask(type, true); synchronized (this) { List leftover = null; if (removeList != null) { tasklist.addRemove(null, removeList, true, null, null); } if (currnum - remnum > 0) { leftover = new ArrayList(currnum); Iterator it = tasklist.getTasks().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { SuggestionImpl s = (SuggestionImpl); if ((s.getSType() == type) && (s != category)) { leftover.add(s); } } } if ((leftover != null) && (leftover.size() > 0)) { tasklist.addRemove(null, leftover, false, null, null); tasklist.addRemove(leftover, null, true, category, null); } tasklist.addRemove(addList, null, true, category, null); } } else { // Updating tasks within the category node tasklist.addRemove(addList, removeList, false, category, null); } // Leave category task around? Or simply make it invisible? // (Need new Task attribute and appropriate handling in filter // and export methods.) By leaving it around, we don't reorder // the tasks on the user. //tasklist.removeCategory((SuggestionImpl)suggestions.get(0).getParent(), false); updateCategoryCount(category, sizeKnown); // TODO: skip this when filtered } else { SuggestionImpl after = tasklist.findAfter(type); if (category == null) { // Didn't have category nodes before and don't need to // now either... boolean append = (after == null); tasklist.addRemove(addList, removeList, append, null, after); } else { // Had category nodes before but don't need them anymore... // remove the tasks from the top list synchronized (this) { if (removeList != null) { tasklist.addRemove(null, removeList, false, category, null); } List leftover = category.getSubtasks(); if (addList != null) { tasklist.addRemove(addList, null, true, null, after); } if ((leftover != null) && (leftover.size() > 0)) { tasklist.addRemove(leftover, null, true, null, after); } } tasklist.removeCategory(category, true); } } if (!split) { break; } } } private static void updateCategoryCount(SuggestionImpl category, boolean sizeKnown) { SuggestionType type = category.getSType(); int count = category.subtasksCount(); String summary; if ((count != 0) || sizeKnown) { summary = type.getLocalizedName() + " (" + // NOI18N Integer.toString(count) + ")"; // NOI18N } else { summary = type.getLocalizedName(); } category.setSummary(summary); } // XXX premature optimatization, kick it away or // invent view-providers filter events // (e.g. existing global isObserved(), isEnabled() ) /** * When non null, a filter is in effect and only the unfilteredType * is showing. *

* Note that such unmatching suggestions can come from * "side effect" type of suggestion providers at anytime. */ private SuggestionType unfilteredType = null; protected final SuggestionType getUnfilteredType() { return unfilteredType; } protected final void setUnfilteredType(SuggestionType unfilteredType) { this.unfilteredType = unfilteredType; } }

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