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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.netbeans.modules.tasklist.usertasks;

import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import org.netbeans.modules.tasklist.client.Suggestion;
import org.netbeans.modules.tasklist.client.SuggestionPriority;
import org.netbeans.modules.tasklist.core.TLUtils;
import org.netbeans.modules.tasklist.core.Task;
import org.netbeans.modules.tasklist.core.TaskAnnotation;
import org.netbeans.modules.tasklist.core.TaskListener;
import org.openide.ErrorManager;
import org.openide.cookies.LineCookie;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil;
import org.openide.loaders.DataObject;
import org.openide.loaders.DataObjectNotFoundException;
import org.openide.text.Line;
import org.openide.text.Line.Set;

 * Class which represents a task in the
 * tasklist.
 * @author Tor Norbye
 * @author Trond Norbye
public final class UserTask extends Task implements TaskListener, PropertyChangeListener {
     * Splits a duration value
     * @param minutes duration in minutes
     * @param hoursPerDay working hours per day
     * @return [0] - minutes, [1] - hours, [2] - days
    public static int[] splitDuration(int minutes, int hoursPerDay) {
        int[] ret = new int[3];
        ret[0] = minutes % 60;
        minutes /= 60;
        ret[1] = minutes % hoursPerDay;
        minutes /= hoursPerDay;
        ret[2] = minutes;
        return ret;
    private UserTaskList list;
    /** Used to create uid's. May be expensive to compute, so only do
     * it once. */
    private static String domain = null;
    /** Used to create uid's. Assign unique id's for this session. */
    private static int unique = 0; 

    private String uid;
     * 0..100 - value in percents 
    private float progress = 0.0f;
     * true means progress will be computed automatically as a weighted average 
     * of the subtasks. If a task has no children it means 0%
    private boolean percentComputed = false;
    private String filename;
    private String basename;

    private TaskAnnotation annotation = null;
    private Date dueDate;
    private boolean dueAlarmSent;
     * 1, 2, 3, ... 0 = no line information 
     * This information is read from a file and is kept here only to
     * know that the line number has changed in the line object.
    private int linenumber;
    private String category;
    private long created;
    private long edited;

    /** Alias shown in the Suggestions view. */
    private Suggestion suggestion;
     * true means that the effort will be computed automatically as them sum of the
     * subtask efforts. If a task has no children it means 0
    private boolean effortComputed = false;
    /** in minutes */
    private int effort = 60;
    /** Time spent on this task */
    private int spentTime = 0;
    private boolean spentTimeComputed;
    // ATTENTION: if you add new fields here do not forget to update copyFrom
     * Creates a task with the specified description
     * @param desc description
     * @param list task list that this task belongs to
    public UserTask(String desc, UserTaskList list) {
        this(desc, false, 3, null, 0, "", "", null, list); // NOI18N
     * Construct a new task with the given parameters.
     * @param desc description
     * @param done true = the task is done
     * @param priority 1..5 (High..Low)
     * @param filename filename or null
     * @param linenumber line number
     * @param details details
     * @param category task's category ("" - no category)
     * @param parent parent task
     * @param list task list that this task belongs to
    public UserTask(String desc, boolean done, int priority,
             String filename, int linenumber, String details, 
             String category, UserTask parent, UserTaskList list) {
        super(desc, parent);
        assert priority >= 1 && priority <= 5 : "priority ?"; // NOI18N
        assert desc != null : "desc == null"; // NOI18N
        assert details != null : "details == null"; // NOI18N
        assert category != null : "category == null"; // NOI18N
        this.list = list;
        if (done)

        this.filename = filename;
        this.category = category;

        created = System.currentTimeMillis();
        edited = created;
        annotation = null;

	if (domain == null) {
            try {
                InetAddress address = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
                domain = address.toString();
            } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
                domain = "unknown"; // NOI18N
        // XXX Later, come up with a better time stamp, e.g. use DateFormat
	String timestamp = Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis());
	// uid = "nb" + timestamp + "." + (unique++) + "@" + domain; 
        uid = new StringBuffer(50).append("nb").append(timestamp). // NOI18N

     * Returns the list this task belongs to.
     * @return task list
    public UserTaskList getList() {
        return list;
     * Returns how long it took to complete this task.
     * @return duration in minutes >= 0
    public int getSpentTime() {
        return spentTime;
     * Changes the duration of this task
     * @param duration new value in minutes
    public void setSpentTime(int spentTime) {
        assert spentTime >= 0;
        if (spentTimeComputed)

        if (isProgressComputed() && !hasSubtasks())
     * Setter for property spentTime. This method does not check the 
     * spentTimeComputed property and so it could be used from setSpentTimeComputed()
     * @param spentTime New value of property spentTime in minutes.
    private void setSpentTime_(int spentTime) {
        int old = this.spentTime;
        if (this.spentTime != spentTime) {
            this.spentTime = spentTime;
            if (!silentUpdate) {
                firePropertyChange("spentTime",  // NOI18N
                    new Integer(old), new Integer(spentTime));
                if (getParent() != null) {
                    UserTask p = (UserTask) getParent();
                    if (p.isSpentTimeComputed())
                    if (p.isSpentTimeComputed())
     * Sets whether the spent time of this task should be computed
     * @param v true = the spent time will be computed
    public void setSpentTimeComputed(boolean v) {
        if (this.spentTimeComputed != v) {
            this.spentTimeComputed = v;
            firePropertyChange("spentTimeComputed", Boolean.valueOf(!v),
            if (v) {
     * Getter for property spentTimeComputed.
     * @return true = the spent time will be computed as the sum of the 
     * subtask values
    public boolean isSpentTimeComputed() {
        return spentTimeComputed;
     * Computes "spentTime" property as the sum of the subtask times.
     * This method should only be called if spentTimeComputed == true
     * This method is used in tests that is why it's package private
     * @return spent time in minutes
    int computeSpentTime() {
        assert spentTimeComputed;

        int sum = 0;
        Iterator it = subtasksIterator();        
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            UserTask child = (UserTask);
            sum += child.getSpentTime();
        return sum;

     * Start to work on this task
    public void start() {
        UserTask started = UserTaskList.getStarted();
        if (started != null) {
            started.firePropertyChange("started", Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.FALSE);
        firePropertyChange("started", Boolean.FALSE, Boolean.TRUE);
     * Stops this task
    public void stop() {
        assert isStarted();
        firePropertyChange("started", Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.FALSE);
     * Is this task currently running?
     * @return true = this is the currently running task
    public boolean isStarted() {
        return UserTaskList.getStarted() == this;
     * Return true iff the task has an associated file position 
     * @return true the task has an associated file position
    public boolean hasAssociatedFilePos() {
	return ((linenumber > 0) && (filename != null) && (filename.length() > 0))
            || (getLine() != null);
     * ???
     * @return TODO
    public boolean isDueAlarmSent() {
        return dueAlarmSent;
     * ???
     * @param flag TODO
    public void setDueAlarmSent(boolean flag) {
        boolean old = this.dueAlarmSent;
        dueAlarmSent = flag;
        firePropertyChange("dueAlarmSent", Boolean.valueOf(old),  // NOI18N
     * Get the "Deadline" for this task
     * @return the "deadline"
    public Date getDueDate() {
        return dueDate;
     * Set the "Deadline" for this task
     * @param d the "deadline"
    public void setDueDate(Date d) {      
        Date old = this.dueDate;
        if (d != null) {
            if (!d.equals(dueDate)) {
                dueAlarmSent = false;
        } else {
            if (dueDate != null) {
                dueAlarmSent = false;
        dueDate = d;
        firePropertyChange("dueDate", old, dueDate); // NOI18N
     * get the "deadline" for this task
     * @return "deadline" for this task, Long.MAX_VALUE == no due time
    public long getDueTime() {
        long ret = Long.MAX_VALUE;
        if (dueDate != null) {
            ret = dueDate.getTime(); // getNextDueDate();
        return ret;

     * Check if this task is due. A task is considered
     * due if its due time has already passed, or will
     * occur in the next 36 hours (that will usually
     * be roughly "today or tomorrow")

* @param when Date when we want to know if the date is due. * You'll probably want to pass in a date corresponding * to now. */ boolean isDue(Date when) { if (dueDate == null) { return false; } long due = dueDate.getTime(); long now = when.getTime(); return (due < (now + (36 * 60 * 60 * 1000))); // number of milliseconds in 36 hours: // 36 hours * 60 minutes * 60 * seconds * 1000 milliseconds } /** * The UID (Unique Identifier) for this item. See RFC 822 and RFC 2445. * * @return unique ID */ public String getUID() { return uid; } public void setUID(String nuid) { String old = this.uid; uid = nuid; firePropertyChange("UID", old, this.uid); // NOI18N } /** * Indicate if the task is done * * @return true iff percents complete equals 100 */ public boolean isDone() { return Math.abs(getPercentComplete() - 100.0f) < 1e-6; } /** * Sets the percent complete to either 0 or 100. * @param done Whether or not the task is done. */ public void setDone(boolean done) { if (done) setPercentComplete(100); else setPercentComplete(0); } /** * Returns the percentage complete for this task. * * @return 0..100 - value in percents */ public int getPercentComplete() { return Math.round(progress); } /** * Returns the percentage complete for this task. * * @return 0..100 - value in percents */ public float getProgress() { return progress; } /** * Computes "percent complete" property as an average of the subtasks * This method should only be called if percentComputed == true * * @return computed percentage */ private float computeProgress() { assert percentComputed; if (!hasSubtasks()) { float p = (((float) getSpentTime()) / getEffort()) * 100.0f; if (p > 99.0) p = 99; return p; } Iterator it = subtasksIterator(); int sum = 0; int full = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { UserTask child = (UserTask); sum += child.getPercentComplete() * child.getEffort(); full += 100 * child.getEffort(); } if (full == sum) return 100; float p = ((float) sum) / full * 100.0f; return p; } /** * Returns true if progress of this task will be computed automatically * from the progress of subtasks * * @return true = automatically computed */ public boolean isProgressComputed() { return percentComputed; } /** * Sets whether the progress of this task should be computed * * @param v true = the progress will be computed */ public void setProgressComputed(boolean v) { if (this.percentComputed != v) { this.percentComputed = v; firePropertyChange("progressComputed", Boolean.valueOf(!v), Boolean.valueOf(v)); if (v) { setProgress_(computeProgress()); } } } /** * Sets the percentage complete for this task. Will also * update the done flag for this task. * * @param percent 0..100 - value in percents */ public void setPercentComplete(int percent) { setProgress(percent); } /** * Sets the percentage complete for this task. Will also * update the done flag for this task. * * @param percent 0..100 - value in percents */ public void setProgress(float progress) { assert progress >= 0 && progress <= 100; if (percentComputed) setProgressComputed(false); setProgress_(progress); if (isDone() && isStarted()) stop(); } /** * Sets the percentage complete for this task. This method does not * check the percentComputed flag and could be used from * setProgressComputed() * * @param percent 0..100 - value in percents */ private void setProgress_(float progress) { float old = this.progress; if (this.progress != progress) { this.progress = progress; if (!silentUpdate) { firePropertyChange("progress", // NOI18N new Float(old), new Float(progress)); if (getParent() != null) { UserTask p = (UserTask) getParent(); if (p.isProgressComputed()) p.setProgress_(p.computeProgress()); } } } } /** * Return the name of the file associated with this * task, or the empty string if none. * * @return filename, or empty string */ public java.lang.String getFilename() { if (filename == null) { return ""; // NOI18N } return filename; } /** * Set file to be associated with this task. * * @param filename Name of file to be associated with this task or null */ public void setFilename(java.lang.String filename) { String old = this.filename; this.filename = filename; basename = null; // Force recomputation firePropertyChange("filename", old, this.filename); if (filename == null) { setLine(null); } } /** * Return the name of the file associated with this * task, or the empty string if none. * * @return basename, or empty string */ public java.lang.String getFileBaseName() { if (basename == null) { // Compute basename from the filename if ((filename == null) || (filename == "")) { basename = ""; } else { int index = filename.lastIndexOf(File.separator); if (index == -1) { basename = filename; } else { basename = filename.substring(index+1); } } } return basename; } /** * Set file to be associated with this task from a basename. * * @param basename Name of file to be associated with this task */ public void setFileBaseName(java.lang.String basename) { this.basename = basename; // If we're given a basename, take the current directory // and replace the basename with it. Otherwise, set the // full filename to this basename. // XXX the below doesn't exactly check to see if it's // an absolute path; in Unix I would just check // basename[0] == File.separator, but on windows you can // have ugly paths like C:\... etc. Supporting relative // path setting doesn't seem very important so for now // I will assume all paths are absolute if they contain // the separator character. (Later I might consider : // to be indicative of a relative path that is really an // absolute path.) if (basename.indexOf(File.separator) != -1) { // Absolute path (with the caveat listed above) setFilename(basename); return; } else { // Just a basename if ((filename == null) || (filename == "")) { // Yuck - unknown directory. Oh well, what does // the user expect if entering a basename as a filename // -- perhaps that I use the current directory of // the current file, whatever that means? (node selection? // editor selection? filesystems explorer selection?) setFilename(basename); return; } else { // Current directory is int index = filename.lastIndexOf(File.separator); if (index == -1) { // Same problem as above: unknown dir setFilename(basename); return; } String newName = filename.substring(0, index) + File.separator + basename; setFilename(newName); return; } } } /** * Return line number associated with the task. * * @return Line number, or "0" if no particular line is * associated. Will always be 0 if there is no associated file. * @see getFilename */ public int getLineNumber() { Line line = getLine(); if(line != null) return line.getLineNumber() + 1; return linenumber; } /** * Set line number to be associated with task, if a file * has also been selected. * * @param linenumber New line number */ public void setLineNumber(int linenumber) { UTUtils.LOGGER.fine("linenumber " + linenumber); if (UTUtils.LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) Thread.dumpStack(); int old = this.linenumber; this.linenumber = linenumber; if (filename != null && linenumber > 0) { setLine(getLineByFile(filename, linenumber)); } else { setLine(null); } firePropertyChange("lineNumber", new Integer(old), new Integer(this.linenumber)); } /** * Return the Line object for a particular line in a file */ private static Line getLineByFile(String filename, int lineno) { // It's gotta be a file FileObject[] fos = FileUtil.fromFile( new File(filename).getAbsoluteFile()); if ((fos == null) || (fos.length == 0)) { /* DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(new Message( NbBundle.getMessage(UserTask.class, "FileNotFound", // NOI18N filename))); */ return null; } DataObject dobj = null; try { for (int i = 0; i < fos.length; i++) { dobj = DataObject.find(fos[i]); break; } } catch (DataObjectNotFoundException e) { ErrorManager.getDefault().log( "No data object could be found for file objects " + fos); // NOI18N } if (dobj == null) return null; // Go to the given line try { LineCookie lc = (LineCookie)dobj.getCookie(LineCookie.class); if (lc != null) { Set ls = lc.getLineSet(); if (ls != null) { // I'm subtracting 1 because empirically I've discovered // that the editor highlights whatever line I ask for plus 1 Line l = ls.getCurrent(lineno-1); return l; } } } catch (Exception e) { ErrorManager.getDefault(). notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, e); } return null; } /** * Return category of the task, or "" if no category * has been selected. * * @return Category name */ public java.lang.String getCategory() { if (category == null) { return ""; } return category; } /** * Set category associated with the task. * * @param category New category */ public void setCategory(java.lang.String category) { String old = this.category; this.category = category; firePropertyChange("category", old, this.category); } /** * Return the date when the item was created * * @return Date when the item was created */ public long getCreatedDate() { return created; } /** * Return any annotation associated with this task */ void setAnnotation(TaskAnnotation annotation) { this.annotation = annotation; } /** * Set annotation associated with this task */ TaskAnnotation getAnnotation() { return annotation; } /** * Set the date when the item was created */ public void setCreatedDate(long cr) { long old = this.created; created = cr; firePropertyChange("createdDate", new Long(old), new Long(this.created)); } /** * Get the date when the item was last edited. * If the item has not been edited since it was created, * this returns the date of creation. Note also that * adding subtasks or removing subtasks is not considered * an edit of this item. * * @return the date when the item was last edited. */ public long getLastEditedDate() { return edited; } /** * Set the date when the item was last edited */ public void setLastEditedDate(long ed) { edited = ed; } /** * @deprecated splitting model from the view */ /*public Node [] createNode() { if (hasSubtasks()) { return new Node [] {new UserTaskNode(this, new UserTaskNode.UserTaskChildren(this))}; } else { return new Node [] {new UserTaskNode(this)}; } }*/ /** * Create an identical copy of a task (a deep copy, e.g. the * list of subtasks will be cloned as well */ protected Object clone() { UserTask t = new UserTask("", list); t.copyFrom(this); return t; } /** * Copy all the fields in the given task into this object. * Should only be called on an object of the EXACT same type. * Thus, if you're implementing a subclass of Task, say * UserTask, you can implement copy assuming that the passed * in Task parameter is of type UserTask. When overriding, * remember to call super.copyFrom. *

* Make a deep copy - except when that doesn't make sense. * For example, you can share the same icon reference. * And in particular, the tasklist reference should be the same. * But the list of subitems should be unique. You get the idea. * * @param from another task */ protected void copyFrom(UserTask from) { super.copyFrom(from); progress = from.progress; percentComputed = from.percentComputed; filename = from.filename; basename = from.basename; linenumber = from.linenumber; category = from.category; created = from.created; edited = from.edited; suggestion = from.suggestion; effort = from.effort; effortComputed = from.effortComputed; spentTime = from.spentTime; spentTimeComputed = from.spentTimeComputed; // [PENDING] annotation - do we want to copy that? } /** * Reads line number from the line property and fires an * event if it was changed. */ void updateLineNumberRecursively() { Line line = getLine(); if (line != null) { if (line.getLineNumber() != linenumber) { int old = this.linenumber; this.linenumber = line.getLineNumber(); firePropertyChange("lineNumber", new Integer(old), new Integer(linenumber)); } } // process subtasks if (subtasks != null) { Iterator it = subtasks.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ((UserTask); } } } /** * Some user tasks can be shown in the Suggestions view * (for example when they're overdue) and since UserTasks cannot * be included directly, we keep a reference to the alias here. */ Suggestion getSuggestion() { return suggestion; } /** * See getSuggestion for a description of this field. This method * sets the suggestion associated with this usertask. */ void setSuggestion(Suggestion s) { suggestion = s; } /** * Update the annotation associated with this task: show or remove * it depending on hasFilePos/getLine and getAnnotation */ void updateAnnotation() { if (getLine() != null) { if (getAnnotation() == null) { TaskAnnotation taskMarker = new TaskAnnotation(this, false); taskMarker.attach(getLine()); setAnnotation(taskMarker); } } else if (getAnnotation() != null) { TaskAnnotation taskMarker = getAnnotation(); taskMarker.detach(); setAnnotation(null); } } /** * Returns the remaining effort in minutes * * @return remaining effort in minutes >= 0 */ public int getRemainingEffort() { return Math.round(getEffort() * (1 - getProgress() / 100)); } /** * Getter for property effort. * * @return effort in minutes > 0 */ public int getEffort() { return effort; } /** * Getter for property effortComputed. * * @return true = effort will be computed as the sum of the subtask efforts */ public boolean isEffortComputed() { return effortComputed; } /** * Setter for property effortComputed. * * @param effortComputed New value of property effortComputed. */ public void setEffortComputed(boolean effortComputed) { if (this.effortComputed != effortComputed) { this.effortComputed = effortComputed; firePropertyChange("effortComputed", Boolean.valueOf(!effortComputed), Boolean.valueOf(effortComputed)); if (effortComputed) { setEffort_(computeEffort()); } } } /** * Computes "effort" property as the sum of the subtask efforts. * This method should only be called if effortComputed == true * * This method is used in tests that is why it's package private * * @return effort in minutes */ int computeEffort() { assert effortComputed; Iterator it = subtasksIterator(); int sum = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { UserTask child = (UserTask); sum += child.getEffort(); } return sum; } /** * Setter for property effort. * * @param effort New value of property effort in minutes. */ public void setEffort(int effort) { assert effort >= 0; if (effortComputed) setEffortComputed(false); setEffort_(effort); if (isProgressComputed() && !hasSubtasks()) setProgress_(computeProgress()); } /** * Setter for property effort. This method does not check the * effortComputed property and so it could be used from setEffortComputed() * * @param effort New value of property effort in minutes. */ private void setEffort_(int effort) { int old = this.effort; if (this.effort != effort) { this.effort = effort; if (!silentUpdate) { firePropertyChange("effort", // NOI18N new Integer(old), new Integer(effort)); if (getParent() != null) { UserTask p = (UserTask) getParent(); if (p.isEffortComputed()) p.setEffort_(p.computeEffort()); if (p.isProgressComputed()) p.setProgress_(p.computeProgress()); } } } } // TaskListener implementation public void removedTask(Task pt, Task t, int index) { structureChanged(t); } public void structureChanged(Task t) { if (isProgressComputed()) { setProgress_(computeProgress()); } if (isEffortComputed()) { setEffort_(computeEffort()); } if (isSpentTimeComputed()) { setSpentTime_(computeSpentTime()); } list.markChanged(); } public void addedTask(Task t) { structureChanged(t); } public void warpedTask(Task t) { } public void selectedTask(Task t) { } /** * Generate a string summary of the task; only used * for debugging. DO NOT depend on this format for anything! * Use generate() instead. * * @return summary string */ public String toString() { return "UserTask[\"" + getSummary() + "]" + super.toString(); // NOI18N } public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { edited = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public void setLine(Line line) { super.setLine(line); } /** * Deletes all completed subtasks of this task (recursively) */ public void purgeCompleted() { Iterator it = subtasksIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { UserTask ut = (UserTask); if (ut.isDone()) { this.removeSubtask(ut); it = subtasksIterator(); } else { ut.purgeCompleted(); } } } protected void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, Object oldValue, Object newValue) { super.firePropertyChange(propertyName, oldValue, newValue); list.markChanged(); } }

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