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/* Generated By:JavaCC: Do not edit this line. Version 3.0 */
package org.netbeans.modules.tasklist.usertasks.ics.parser;

 * An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to
 * contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing).

public class SimpleCharStream
  public static final boolean staticFlag = false;
  int bufsize;
  int available;
  int tokenBegin;
  public int bufpos = -1;
  protected int bufline[];
  protected int bufcolumn[];

  protected int column = 0;
  protected int line = 1;

  protected boolean prevCharIsCR = false;
  protected boolean prevCharIsLF = false;

  protected inputStream;

  protected char[] buffer;
  protected int maxNextCharInd = 0;
  protected int inBuf = 0;

  protected void ExpandBuff(boolean wrapAround)
     char[] newbuffer = new char[bufsize + 2048];
     int newbufline[] = new int[bufsize + 2048];
     int newbufcolumn[] = new int[bufsize + 2048];

        if (wrapAround)
           System.arraycopy(buffer, tokenBegin, newbuffer, 0, bufsize - tokenBegin);
           System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, newbuffer,
                                             bufsize - tokenBegin, bufpos);
           buffer = newbuffer;

           System.arraycopy(bufline, tokenBegin, newbufline, 0, bufsize - tokenBegin);
           System.arraycopy(bufline, 0, newbufline, bufsize - tokenBegin, bufpos);
           bufline = newbufline;

           System.arraycopy(bufcolumn, tokenBegin, newbufcolumn, 0, bufsize - tokenBegin);
           System.arraycopy(bufcolumn, 0, newbufcolumn, bufsize - tokenBegin, bufpos);
           bufcolumn = newbufcolumn;

           maxNextCharInd = (bufpos += (bufsize - tokenBegin));
           System.arraycopy(buffer, tokenBegin, newbuffer, 0, bufsize - tokenBegin);
           buffer = newbuffer;

           System.arraycopy(bufline, tokenBegin, newbufline, 0, bufsize - tokenBegin);
           bufline = newbufline;

           System.arraycopy(bufcolumn, tokenBegin, newbufcolumn, 0, bufsize - tokenBegin);
           bufcolumn = newbufcolumn;

           maxNextCharInd = (bufpos -= tokenBegin);
     catch (Throwable t)
        throw new Error(t.getMessage());

     bufsize += 2048;
     available = bufsize;
     tokenBegin = 0;

  protected void FillBuff() throws
     if (maxNextCharInd == available)
        if (available == bufsize)
           if (tokenBegin > 2048)
              bufpos = maxNextCharInd = 0;
              available = tokenBegin;
           else if (tokenBegin < 0)
              bufpos = maxNextCharInd = 0;
        else if (available > tokenBegin)
           available = bufsize;
        else if ((tokenBegin - available) < 2048)
           available = tokenBegin;

     int i;
     try {
        if ((i =, maxNextCharInd,
                                    available - maxNextCharInd)) == -1)
           throw new;
           maxNextCharInd += i;
     catch( e) {
        if (tokenBegin == -1)
           tokenBegin = bufpos;
        throw e;

  public char BeginToken() throws
     tokenBegin = -1;
     char c = readChar();
     tokenBegin = bufpos;

     return c;

  protected void UpdateLineColumn(char c)

     if (prevCharIsLF)
        prevCharIsLF = false;
        line += (column = 1);
     else if (prevCharIsCR)
        prevCharIsCR = false;
        if (c == '\n')
           prevCharIsLF = true;
           line += (column = 1);

     switch (c)
        case '\r' :
           prevCharIsCR = true;
        case '\n' :
           prevCharIsLF = true;
        case '\t' :
           column += (8 - (column & 07));
        default :

     bufline[bufpos] = line;
     bufcolumn[bufpos] = column;

  public char readChar() throws
     if (inBuf > 0)

        if (++bufpos == bufsize)
           bufpos = 0;

        return buffer[bufpos];

     if (++bufpos >= maxNextCharInd)

     char c = buffer[bufpos];

     return (c);

   * @deprecated 
   * @see #getEndColumn

  public int getColumn() {
     return bufcolumn[bufpos];

   * @deprecated 
   * @see #getEndLine

  public int getLine() {
     return bufline[bufpos];

  public int getEndColumn() {
     return bufcolumn[bufpos];

  public int getEndLine() {
     return bufline[bufpos];

  public int getBeginColumn() {
     return bufcolumn[tokenBegin];

  public int getBeginLine() {
     return bufline[tokenBegin];

  public void backup(int amount) {

    inBuf += amount;
    if ((bufpos -= amount) < 0)
       bufpos += bufsize;

  public SimpleCharStream( dstream, int startline,
  int startcolumn, int buffersize)
    inputStream = dstream;
    line = startline;
    column = startcolumn - 1;

    available = bufsize = buffersize;
    buffer = new char[buffersize];
    bufline = new int[buffersize];
    bufcolumn = new int[buffersize];

  public SimpleCharStream( dstream, int startline,
                                                           int startcolumn)
     this(dstream, startline, startcolumn, 4096);

  public SimpleCharStream( dstream)
     this(dstream, 1, 1, 4096);
  public void ReInit( dstream, int startline,
  int startcolumn, int buffersize)
    inputStream = dstream;
    line = startline;
    column = startcolumn - 1;

    if (buffer == null || buffersize != buffer.length)
      available = bufsize = buffersize;
      buffer = new char[buffersize];
      bufline = new int[buffersize];
      bufcolumn = new int[buffersize];
    prevCharIsLF = prevCharIsCR = false;
    tokenBegin = inBuf = maxNextCharInd = 0;
    bufpos = -1;

  public void ReInit( dstream, int startline,
                                                           int startcolumn)
     ReInit(dstream, startline, startcolumn, 4096);

  public void ReInit( dstream)
     ReInit(dstream, 1, 1, 4096);
  public SimpleCharStream( dstream, int startline,
  int startcolumn, int buffersize)
     this(new, startline, startcolumn, 4096);

  public SimpleCharStream( dstream, int startline,
                                                           int startcolumn)
     this(dstream, startline, startcolumn, 4096);

  public SimpleCharStream( dstream)
     this(dstream, 1, 1, 4096);

  public void ReInit( dstream, int startline,
                          int startcolumn, int buffersize)
     ReInit(new, startline, startcolumn, 4096);

  public void ReInit( dstream)
     ReInit(dstream, 1, 1, 4096);
  public void ReInit( dstream, int startline,
                                                           int startcolumn)
     ReInit(dstream, startline, startcolumn, 4096);
  public String GetImage()
     if (bufpos >= tokenBegin)
        return new String(buffer, tokenBegin, bufpos - tokenBegin + 1);
        return new String(buffer, tokenBegin, bufsize - tokenBegin) +
                              new String(buffer, 0, bufpos + 1);

  public char[] GetSuffix(int len)
     char[] ret = new char[len];

     if ((bufpos + 1) >= len)
        System.arraycopy(buffer, bufpos - len + 1, ret, 0, len);
        System.arraycopy(buffer, bufsize - (len - bufpos - 1), ret, 0,
                                                          len - bufpos - 1);
        System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, ret, len - bufpos - 1, bufpos + 1);

     return ret;

  public void Done()
     buffer = null;
     bufline = null;
     bufcolumn = null;

   * Method to adjust line and column numbers for the start of a token.
  public void adjustBeginLineColumn(int newLine, int newCol)
     int start = tokenBegin;
     int len;

     if (bufpos >= tokenBegin)
        len = bufpos - tokenBegin + inBuf + 1;
        len = bufsize - tokenBegin + bufpos + 1 + inBuf;

     int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0;
     int nextColDiff = 0, columnDiff = 0;

     while (i < len &&
            bufline[j = start % bufsize] == bufline[k = ++start % bufsize])
        bufline[j] = newLine;
        nextColDiff = columnDiff + bufcolumn[k] - bufcolumn[j];
        bufcolumn[j] = newCol + columnDiff;
        columnDiff = nextColDiff;

     if (i < len)
        bufline[j] = newLine++;
        bufcolumn[j] = newCol + columnDiff;

        while (i++ < len)
           if (bufline[j = start % bufsize] != bufline[++start % bufsize])
              bufline[j] = newLine++;
              bufline[j] = newLine;

     line = bufline[j];
     column = bufcolumn[j];

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