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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.netbeans.modules.tasklist.usertasks.translators;

import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.SimpleTimeZone;
import java.util.TimeZone;

import org.netbeans.modules.tasklist.client.SuggestionPriority;
import org.netbeans.modules.tasklist.core.Task;
import org.netbeans.modules.tasklist.core.TaskList;
import org.netbeans.modules.tasklist.core.translators.AbstractTranslator;
import org.netbeans.modules.tasklist.core.translators.UnknownFormatException;
import org.netbeans.modules.tasklist.usertasks.UserTask;
import org.netbeans.modules.tasklist.usertasks.UserTaskList;
import org.openide.ErrorManager;
import org.openide.util.NbBundle;

 * This class provides import/export capabilities for the iCalendar calendar
 * format (used by for example KDE's Konqueror calendar/todoitem tool)
 * as specified in RFC 2445 with the following exceptions:
 * @todo Write the exceptions to the RFC here!!
 * @todo Store the alarm-part of the associated time as an VALARM field (but
 *       I guess I must hardcode some of the fields (the alarm action etc);)
 * @todo Trond: I have left traces after a class named AssociatedTime in this
 *       file. I might need some of it again when we decide we want to
 *       event support.
 * @author Tor Norbye
 * @author Trond Norbye
public class iCalSupport extends AbstractTranslator {
    public String getDefaultExtension() {
        return "ics";
    public String getImportName() {
        return NbBundle.getMessage(iCalSupport.class, "iCalImp"); // NOI18N
    public String getExportName() {
        return NbBundle.getMessage(iCalSupport.class, "iCalExp"); // NOI18N
    public boolean supportsImport() {
        return true;
    public boolean supportsExport() {
        return true;
    // Extends AbstractTranslator
    protected String getExportDialogTitle() {
        return NbBundle.getMessage(iCalSupport.class, "ExportICAL"); // NOI18N
    protected String getImportDialogTitle() {
        return NbBundle.getMessage(iCalSupport.class, "ImportICAL"); // NOI18N

    // Format which includes the timezone at the end. This is the format
    // used by the tasklist's own written files for example.
    private static final String DATEFORMATZ = "yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z'"; // NOI18N
    // Format used when the timezone is specified separetly, e.g. with TZ:PST
    private static final String DATEFORMAT = "yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss"; // NOI18N
     * Do the actual export of the list into the stream
     *  @param lst The tasklist to store
     *  @param out The output stream object to use
     *  @param interactive Whether or not the user should be kept informed
        @param dir May be null, or a directory where the writer is
                 going to write the tasklist. Exporters may for example
                 write additional files in this directory.
     *  @return true if the list was successfully written
    public boolean writeList(TaskList lst, OutputStream out , boolean interactive, File dir) throws IOException {
        UserTaskList list = (UserTaskList)lst;

        // 4.1.4:
        // There is not a property parameter to declare the character set used
        // in a property value. The default character set for an iCalendar
        // object is UTF-8 as defined in [RFC 2279].
        Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(out, "UTF-8");  

        // Write header
        writer.write("BEGIN:VCALENDAR\r\n" +
        "PRODID:-//NetBeans tasklist//NONSGML 1.0//EN\r\n" +
        "VERSION:2.0\r\n"); // NOI18N
        //writer.write("TZ:GMT\r\n"); // NOI18N
        SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(DATEFORMATZ);
        // Dates in UTC
        formatter.setTimeZone(new SimpleTimeZone(0, "GMT")); // NOI18N
        // Write out todo items
        Iterator it = list.getTasks().iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            // Note: The previous try/catch block was superfluous (?) since
            // no exceptions will we thrown inside this block (unless
            // the listiterator contains something else than UserTask ;-)
            UserTask item = (UserTask);
            writeTask(writer, item, formatter);

        // Store all non-vtodo's
        if (otherItems != null) {
            // This might not be an elegant way to do this, but instead of
            // having to restore everything, I have stored all other items
            // in a (folded) string..
            writer.write("\r\n" + otherItems);

        return true;
     * Write out the given todo item to the given writer.
     * @param writer The writer object to use
     * @param task The task/todo item to use
     * @param sdf A "SimpleDateFormat-formatter" used to convert a date to string
     * @todo Finish all the unused fields
    private void writeTask(Writer writer, UserTask task, SimpleDateFormat sdf) {
        try {
            // Catch errors locally so that we don't botch the whole
            // list if you run into an I/O error
            writer.write("\r\nBEGIN:VTODO\r\n"); // NOI18N
            // UID (Unique Identifier)  (see RFC 822 and RFC 2445)
            writer.write("UID:"); // NOI18N
            writer.write("\r\n"); // NOI18N
            // Created date
            long created = task.getCreatedDate();
            String datestring = sdf.format(new Date(created));
            writer.write("CREATED:"); // NOI18N
            writer.write("\r\n"); // NOI18N
            // dtstart -- not yet implemented
            // due -- not yet implemented
            // organizer -- not yet implemented
            // summary: (Description)
            String desc = task.getSummary();
            if (desc != null && desc.length() > 0) {
                writeEscaped(writer, "SUMMARY", null, desc); // NOI18N
                writer.write("\r\n"); // NOI18N
            // description (details)
            String details = task.getDetails();
            if (details != null && details.length() > 0) {
                writeEscaped(writer, "DESCRIPTION", null, details); // NOI18N
                writer.write("\r\n"); // NOI18N
            // Priority
            if (task.getPriority() != SuggestionPriority.MEDIUM) {
                writer.write("PRIORITY:"); // NOI18N
            // Class -- not implemented (always PRIVATE, right?) Also allowed:
            /* XXX Don't bother with this yet... waste of diskspace
               and parsing time -- only needed when we either export
               to XCS, or directly interoperate. There's too much
               missing yet to add partial support
            // For now, hardcode to private such that others don't get access
            writer.write("CLASS:PRIVATE\r\n"); // NOI18N
            // attendee -- not implemented
            // Others not implemented:
            // dtstart, geo, location, organizer, percent, recurid, seq, status,
            // due, duration (both cannot occur)
            // Optional ones not implemented:
            // attach, attendee, categories, comment, contact, exdate, exrule,
            // rstatus, related, resources, rdate, rrule, x-prop (actually,
            // xprop is special, we will have those)
            writer.write("PERCENT-COMPLETE:"); // NOI18N
            writer.write("\r\n"); // NOI18N
            boolean computed = task.isProgressComputed();
            if (computed) {
                writeEscaped(writer, "X-NETBEANS-PROGRESS-COMPUTED",  // NOI18N
                             null, "yes");
                writer.write("\r\n"); // NOI18N
            writer.write("X-NETBEANS-EFFORT:"); // NOI18N
            writer.write("\r\n"); // NOI18N
            computed = task.isEffortComputed();
            if (computed) {
                writeEscaped(writer, "X-NETBEANS-EFFORT-COMPUTED",  // NOI18N
                             null, "yes");
                writer.write("\r\n"); // NOI18N
            writer.write("X-NETBEANS-SPENT-TIME:"); // NOI18N
            writer.write("\r\n"); // NOI18N
            computed = task.isSpentTimeComputed();
            if (computed) {
                writeEscaped(writer, "X-NETBEANS-SPENT-TIME-COMPUTED",  // NOI18N
                             null, "yes");
                writer.write("\r\n"); // NOI18N
            // Category (XXX standard allows MULTIPLE categories, I must handle
            // that when I parse back)
            String category = task.getCategory();
            if (category != null && category.length() > 0) {
                // TODO Write out multiple CATEGORIES lines instead
                // of a combined comma separated list which is what we're
                // doing here
                writeEscaped(writer, "CATEGORIES", null, category); // NOI18N
                writer.write("\r\n"); // NOI18N
            // Last modified
            // Last Edited Date, if different than created
            long edited = task.getLastEditedDate();
            if (edited != created) {
                // They differ
                datestring = sdf.format(new Date(edited));
                writer.write("LAST-MODIFIED:"); // NOI18N
                writer.write("\r\n"); // NOI18N
            // Filename
            String filename = task.getFilename();
            if (filename != null && filename.length() > 0) {
                writeEscaped(writer, "X-NETBEANS-FILENAME",  // NOI18N
                             null, filename);
                writer.write("\r\n"); // NOI18N
            // Line number
            int lineno = task.getLineNumber();
            if (lineno != 0) {
                writer.write("X-NETBEANS-LINE:"); // NOI18N
                writer.write("\r\n"); // NOI18N
            // URL -- not yet implemented
            // Parent item
            // attribute reltype for related-to defaults to "PARENT" so we
            // don't need to specify it
            if (task.getParent() != null) {
                String parentuid = ((UserTask)task.getParent()).getUID();
                writer.write("RELATED-TO:"); // NOI18N
                // XXX does it need to be escaped?
                // Certainly my uids don't need to be, but other tools
                // may be generating UIDs with characters that need to
                // be escaped. Or does the spec forbid that?
                writer.write("\r\n"); // NOI18N
            Date d = task.getDueDate();
            if (d != null) {
                writer.write("X-NETBEANS-DUETIME:"); // NOI18N
                writer.write("\r\n"); // NOI18N

                if (task.isDueAlarmSent()) {
                    writer.write("X-NETBEANS-DUE-SIGNALED:true\r\n"); // NOI18N                    
//            AssociatedTime associatedTime = task.getAssociatedTime();
//            if (associatedTime != null) {
//                Date d = associatedTime.getStartTime();
//                if (d != null) {
//                    writer.write("X-NETBEANS-STARTTIME:"); // NOI18N
//                    writer.write(Long.toString(d.getTime()));
//                    writer.write("\r\n"); // NOI18N
//                }
//                d = associatedTime.getEndTime();
//                if (d != null) {
//                    writer.write("X-NETBEANS-ENDTIME:"); // NOI18N
//                    writer.write(Long.toString(d.getTime()));
//                    writer.write("\r\n"); // NOI18N
//                }
//                d = associatedTime.getDueDate();
//                if (d != null) {
//                    writer.write("X-NETBEANS-DUETIME:"); // NOI18N
//                    writer.write(Long.toString(d.getTime()));
//                    writer.write("\r\n"); // NOI18N
//                }
//                if (associatedTime.isRecurrent()) {
//                    writer.write("X-NETBEANS-DUERECURRENT-INTERVAL:"); // NOI18N
//                    writer.write(Integer.toString(associatedTime.getInterval()));
//                    writer.write("\r\nX-NETBEANS-DUERECURRENT-MEASUREMENT:"); // NOI18N
//                    switch (associatedTime.getMeasurement()) {
//                        case AssociatedTime.DAY :
//                            writer.write("DAY\r\n"); // NOI18N
//                            break;
//                        case AssociatedTime.WEEK :
//                            writer.write("WEEK\r\n"); // NOI18N
//                            break;
//                        case AssociatedTime.MONTH :
//                            writer.write("MONTH\r\n"); // NOI18N
//                            break;
//                        case AssociatedTime.YEAR :
//                            writer.write("YEAR\r\n"); // NOI18N
//                            break;
//                        default :
//                            System.err.println("EINVAL"); //NOI18N
//                    }
//                }
//            }
            // Write out unsupported tags on this VTODO
            if (taskHashMap != null) {
                StringBuffer sb = (StringBuffer)taskHashMap.get(task);
                if (sb != null) {
                    // The string is stored in folded format!
            writer.write("END:VTODO\r\n"); // NOI18N
            // Recurse over subtasks
            // XXX do the other tags here...
            Iterator it = task.subtasksIterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                UserTask subtask = (UserTask);
                writeTask(writer, subtask, sdf);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, e);
     * Write out a content line escaped according to the spec:
     * break at 75 chars, add escapes to certain characters, etc.
     * @param writer the writer used to write the data
     * @param name the name of the tag to write (without the ':')
     * @param param the param of the field
     * @param value the value to write
    private void writeEscaped(Writer writer, String name, String param, String value) throws IOException {
        int col = name.length();
        if (param != null) {
            col += param.length() + 1; // NOI18N
            writer.write(" "); // NOI18N
        int n = value.length();
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            char c = value.charAt(i);
            switch (c) {
                case '\n':
                    writer.write("\\n"); // NOI18N
                    col++; // One extra char expansion
                case ';':
                case ',':
                case '\\':
                    // Escape the character by preceding it by a "\"
                    col++; // One extra char expansion
                    // NOTE FALL THROUGH!
            if (col >= 75) {
                col = 1; // for the space on the next line
                writer.write("\r\n "); // NOI18N   note the space - important
    private Reader reader = null;
    private int lineno = 0;
    private int prevChar = -1;
    private StringBuffer nsb = new StringBuffer(400); // Name
    private StringBuffer psb = new StringBuffer(400); // Param
    private StringBuffer vsb = new StringBuffer(400); // Value
    /** Return most recently parsed value nextContentLine */
    private String getValue() {
        return vsb.toString();
    /** Return most recently parsed value nextContentLine */
    private String getName() {
        String name = nsb.toString();
        if (name.length() == 0) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return name;
     * Get the most recently parsed parameter
    private String getParam() {
        String param = psb.toString();
        if (param.length() == 0) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return param;
    /** Read (doing all the ical unfolding) the next content line.
     * Side effects the reader object and the lineno.
     * @return The next content line, or null if there is some
     * I/O problem preventing us from continuing (e.g. EOF).
    private void processContentLine() throws IOException {
        // ignore it - and locate the next field
        // Reuse string buffers for improved efficiency
        if (prevChar != -1) {
        // Read in characters, doing substitutions as necessary
        boolean escape = (prevChar == '\\');
        prevChar = -1;
        StringBuffer sb = nsb; // Processing name
        boolean processingName = true; // may not need these flags anymore, use sb
        boolean processingValue = false;
        while (true) {
            int ci =;
            if (ci == -1) {
                // End of stream
            char c = (char)ci;
            // See section 4.3.11 in rfc 2445
            if (escape) {
                escape = false;
                switch (c) {
                    case '\\':
                    case 'n':
                    case 'N':
                    case ';':
                    case ',':
                        // Error - illegal input. For now I guess
                        // we'll just pass the escape through...
            } else {
                switch (c) {
                    case '\\':
                        escape = true;
                    case ' ':
                        if (processingName) {
                            processingName = false;
                            sb = psb;
                        } else if (processingValue) {
                    case ';':
                        if (processingName) {
                            processingName = false;
                            sb = psb;
                        } else if (processingValue) {
                    case ':':
                        if (processingValue) {
                            // Error in input - I've seen Korganizer do this;
                            // they're supposed to escape : but they didn't
                        } else {
                            sb = vsb;
                            processingValue = true;
                            processingName = false;
                    case '\r':
                        // The spec calls for lines to be terminated with \r\n
                        // but internally we don't want \r's
                    case '\n':
                        // New line
                        prevChar =;
                        while (prevChar == '\n') {
                            // Skip blank lines
                            prevChar =;
                        // @TODO TROND: Si meg... dette stemmer vel ikke helt??
                        // jeg skal jo ogs? godta HTAB (ASCII 9!!!)
                        if (prevChar == ' ' || prevChar == '\t') {
                            // Aha! Line continuation -- we've just
                            // unfolded a line, keep processing
                        } else { // includes case where prevChar==-1: EOF
                            // No, this is a new content line so
                            // consider ourselves done with this line
     * Stash away a bulk of data in the writer
     * @param writer where to store data
     * @param name the last name read from the stream
     * @param param the last param read from the stream
     * @param value the last value read from the stream
     * @throws IOException if anything goes wrong...
    private void stashBulk(Writer writer, String name, String param, String value) throws IOException {
        int stack = 0;
        writeEscaped(writer, name, param, value);
        writer.write("\r\n"); // NOI18N
        boolean done = false;
        while (!done) {
            name = getName();
            if (name == null) {
            value = getValue();
            param = getParam();
            if (name.equals("BEGIN")) { // NOI18N
            } else if (name.equals("END")) { // NOI18N
                if (stack == 0) {
                    done = true;
                } else {
            writeEscaped(writer, name, param, value);
            writer.write("\r\n"); // NOI18N
     * Read and parse a single VTODO entry.
     * @param list The list of usertasks
     * @param formatter A date formatter object used to parse dates.
     * @return the complete VTODO entry or null
    private Task readVTODO(UserTaskList list, UserTask prev, SimpleDateFormat formatter) throws IOException {
        UserTask task = new UserTask("", list);
        task.setSilentUpdate(true, false);
        StringWriter writer = null;
        String related = null;
        while (true) {
            String name = getName();
            if (name == null) {
                // incomplete entry, throw it away!!! @@@
                // but what happens to the stream????
                return null;
            String value = getValue();
            String param = getParam();
            if (name.equals("BEGIN")) { // NOI18N
                if (writer == null) {
                    writer = new StringWriter();
                stashBulk(writer, name, param, value);
            if (name.equals("END")) { // NOI18N
                break;  // @@@ Should I verify that this is the end of a VTODO???
            } else if (name.equals("CREATED")) { // NOI18N
                try {
                    Date created = formatter.parse(value);
                } catch (ParseException e) {
            } else if (name.equals("UID")) { // NOI18N
            } else if (name.equals("LAST-MODIFIED")) { // NOI18N
                try {
                    Date edited = formatter.parse(value);
                } catch (ParseException e) {
            } else if (name.equals("PERCENT-COMPLETE")) { // NOI18N
                try {
                    int complete = Integer.parseInt(value);
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            } else if (name.equals("X-NETBEANS-PROGRESS-COMPUTED")) { // NOI18N
                if (value.equals("yes"))
            } else if (name.equals("PRIORITY")) { // NOI18N
                try {
                    int prio = Integer.parseInt(value);
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            } else if (name.equals("X-NETBEANS-EFFORT-COMPUTED")) { // NOI18N
                if (value.equals("yes"))
            } else if (name.equals("X-NETBEANS-EFFORT")) { // NOI18N
                try {
                    int e = Integer.parseInt(value);
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            } else if (name.equals("X-NETBEANS-SPENT-TIME-COMPUTED")) { // NOI18N
                if (value.equals("yes"))
            } else if (name.equals("X-NETBEANS-SPENT-TIME")) { // NOI18N
                try {
                    int e = Integer.parseInt(value);
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            } else if (name.equals("CATEGORIES")) { // NOI18N
                String cat = value;
                String oldcat = task.getCategory();
                if ((oldcat != null) && (oldcat.length() > 0)) {
                    // Multiple categories.
                    // Just append
                    cat = oldcat + "," + cat;
            } else if ("DESCRIPTION".equals(name)) { // NOI18N
            } else if ("SUMMARY".equals(name)) { // NOI18N
            } else if ("X-NETBEANS-FILENAME".equals(name)) { // NOI18N
            } else if ("X-NETBEANS-LINE".equals(name)) { // NOI18N
                int lineno = 0;
                try {
                    lineno = Integer.parseInt(value);
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            } else if ("RELATED-TO".equals(name)) { // NOI18N
                related = value;
//            } else if ("X-NETBEANS-STARTTIME".equals(name)) { // NOI18N  
//                long start = Long.MAX_VALUE;
//                try {
//                    start = Long.parseLong(value);
//                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
//                    ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(e);
//                }
//                if (start != Long.MAX_VALUE) {
//                    if (associatedTime == null) {
//                        associatedTime = new AssociatedTime();
//                    }
//                    associatedTime.setStartTime(new java.util.Date(start));
//                }
//            } else if ("X-NETBEANS-ENDTIME".equals(name)) { // NOI18N
//                long end = Long.MAX_VALUE;
//                try {
//                    end = Long.parseLong(value);
//                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
//                    ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(e);
//                }
//                if (end != Long.MAX_VALUE) {
//                    if (associatedTime == null) {
//                        associatedTime = new AssociatedTime();
//                    }
//                    associatedTime.setEndTime(new java.util.Date(end));
//                }
            } else if ("X-NETBEANS-DUETIME".equals(name)) { // NOI18N
                Date d = null;
                try {
                    d = new Date(Long.parseLong(value));
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            } else if ("DUE".equals(name)) { // NOI18N
                try {
                    Date due = formatter.parse(value);
                } catch (ParseException e) {
            } else if ("X-NETBEANS-DUE-SIGNALED".equals(name)) {
//            } else if ("X-NETBEANS-DUERECURRENT-INTERVAL".equals(name)) { // NOI18N
//                int interval = 0;
//                try {
//                    interval = Integer.parseInt(value);
//                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
//                    ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(e);
//                }
//                if (associatedTime == null) {
//                    associatedTime = new AssociatedTime();
//                }
//                associatedTime.setInterval(interval);
//            } else if ("X-NETBEANS-DUERECURRENT-MEASUREMENT".equals(name)) { // NOI18N
//                int measurement = AssociatedTime.DAY;
//                if ("DAY".equals(value)) { // NOI18N
//                    measurement = AssociatedTime.DAY;
//                } else if ("WEEK".equals(value)) { // NOI18N
//                    measurement = AssociatedTime.WEEK;
//                } else if ("MONTH".equals(value)) { // NOI18N
//                    measurement = AssociatedTime.MONTH;
//                } else if ("YEAR".equals(value)) { // NOI18N
//                    measurement = AssociatedTime.YEAR;   
//                } 
//                if (associatedTime == null) {
//                    associatedTime = new AssociatedTime();
//                }
//                associatedTime.setMeasurement(measurement);
            } else {
                // stash away the line!!!
                if (writer == null) {
                    writer = new StringWriter();
                writeEscaped(writer, name, param, value);
                writer.write("\r\n"); // NOI18N
//        if (associatedTime != null) {
//            task.setAssociatedTime(associatedTime);
//        }
        if (writer != null) {
            if (taskHashMap == null) {
                taskHashMap = new HashMap();
            taskHashMap.put(task, writer.getBuffer());
        UserTask alreadyExists = list.findItem(list.getTasks().iterator(), task.getUID());
        if (alreadyExists != null) {
            // I should replace alreadyexists with task...
            Task parent = alreadyExists.getParent();
            Iterator li = alreadyExists.subtasksIterator();
            while (li.hasNext()) {
                Task c = (Task);
        } else if (related != null) {
            // the parent setting !!
            UserTask parent;
            if (prev != null && prev.getUID().equals(related)) {
                parent = prev;
            } else {
                parent = list.findItem(list.getTasks().iterator(), related);
            if (parent != null) {
                parent.addSubtask(task, true);
        return task;
     * Read an iCalendar stream, and store all of the VTODOs inside the tasklist.
     * Keep all unrecognized lines in otherItems...
     * @param list where to store the list
     * @param reader the reader to use on the input stream
     * @param interactive ???
     * @throws IOException if a read error occurs
     * @throws UnknownFileFormatException if I somehow believes that this is no
     *         iCalendar format...
     * @return true if success
    public boolean readList(TaskList list, InputStream reader, boolean interactive) throws IOException, UnknownFormatException 
        this.reader = new InputStreamReader(reader, "UTF-8");
        UserTaskList ulist = (UserTaskList)list;
        UserTask prev = null;
        StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
        SimpleDateFormat formatter = null;
        formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(DATEFORMATZ);
        formatter.setTimeZone(new SimpleTimeZone(0, "GMT")); // NOI18N
        do {
            String name = getName();
            if (name == null) {
            } else if (name.length() == 0 || name.equals("\r")) { // NOI18N
                continue; // skip empty lines....
            String value = getValue();
            String param = getParam();
            if (name.equals("BEGIN")) { // NOI18N
                if (value == null) {
                    // SYNTAX ERROR!! XXX What to do??
                    return false;
                if (value.equals("VTODO")) { // NOI18N
                    // Call a sub-function to process this line!!!
                    Task task = readVTODO(ulist, prev, formatter);
                    if (task != null) {
                        if (task.getParent() == null) {
                        task.setSilentUpdate(false, false);
                        prev = (UserTask)task;
                } else if (value.equals("VCALENDAR")) { // NOI18N
                    // Just swallow
                } else {
                    // Stash away everything up to the corresponding END
                    stashBulk(writer, name, param, value);
            } else if (name.equals("PRODID")) { // NOI18N
                // just swallow
            } else if (name.equals("VERSION")) { // NOI18N
                // just swallow
            } else if (name.equals("END")) { // NOI18N
                // Just swallow
            } else if (name.equals("CALSCALE")) { // NOI18N
                // Evolution (if not others) adds CALSCALE:GREGORIAN near
                // the top of the file.
                // Just swallow
                // ...or make sure that value=GREGORIAN and if not, warn user?
            } else if (name.equals("TZ")) { // NOI18N
                formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(DATEFORMAT);
                if (!value.equals("GMT")) {
                    // Use a date format without a timezone at the end
                    // of it, since they're probably not included now
                    // that the timezone has been reported once and for
                    // all. GnomeCal writes tasklists in this format.
                    TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(value);
                    if (tz != null) {
                    } else {
                        ErrorManager.getDefault().log("Timezone \"" + value + "\" unknown. Times in imported task(s) may be incorrect by up to 24 hours");
            } else {
                if (lineno <= 1) {
                    // XXX Hmmm I should probably read the RFC and see
                    // what I could XXX expect.. For now, just treat
                    // it as an incorrect file format.
                    // See RFC 2446 chapter 5 - it specifies which
                    // entries must be handled and which can be
                    // ignored.
                    String msg = NbBundle.getMessage(iCalSupport.class, "ProbablyNotiCalFormat"); // NOI18N
                    throw new UnknownFormatException(msg);
                } else {
                    // Error on some other line: probably an
                    // unsupported tag (For example, I discovered that
                    // it claimed evolution-task files aren't in ics
                    // format because it came across the tag CALSCALE
                    // and bailed.)
                    if (name.startsWith("X-")) { // NOI18N
                           ErrorManager.WARNING, "WARNING: " +
                           "Ignoring nonstandard entry (line " + lineno +
                           "): name=" + name + ", value=" + value + ", param=" +
                    } else {
                           ErrorManager.WARNING, "WARNING: " +
                           "Unsupported iCalendar file entry (line " + lineno +
                           "): name=" + name + ", value=" + value + ", param=" +
        } while (true);
        otherItems = writer.getBuffer().toString();
        if (otherItems.length() == 0) {
            otherItems = null;
        return true;
     * The iCalendar supports other "tags" for a VTODO item than Tasklist. In
     * order to avoid loosing such information, these unknown tags are stored
     * inside the iCalSupport object.
     * The hashmap contains an usertask and a StringBuffer
    private HashMap taskHashMap;
     * The iCalendar format supports other items than VTODO's. In order to
     * avoid loosing such information, these unknown tags are stored inside the
     * iCalSupport object.
    private java.lang.String otherItems;
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