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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.netbeans.modules.vcscore;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;

import org.openide.ErrorManager;

import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.util.*;
//import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.*;

 * This class contains static methods for variable expansion.

* Expand Bash style variables, e.g. ${USER}, with some additional gramatic. * * @author Michal Fadljevic, Pavel Buzek, Martin Entlicher */ //------------------------------------------- public class Variables { /** * Automatically set context-specific variables. */ /** The name of a variable, whose value is set to the selected file name. * When more than one file is selected, the first one is taken. */ public static final String FILE = "FILE"; /** The name of a variable, whose value is set to the selected file name quoted * by the value of the QUOTING variable. * When more than one file is selected, the first one is taken. */ public static final String QFILE = "QFILE"; /** The name of a variable, whose value is set to the selected file names. * They are delimeted by the path separator. */ public static final String FILES = "FILES"; /** The name of a variable, whose value is set to the selected file names each * quoted by the value of the QUOTING variable and delimeted by spaces. */ public static final String QFILES = "QFILES"; public static final String DIR = "DIR"; public static final String PATH = "PATH"; public static final String QPATH = "QPATH"; public static final String PATHS = "PATHS"; public static final String QPATHS = "QPATHS"; public static final String MPATHS = "MPATHS"; public static final String QMPATHS = "QMPATHS"; public static final String MIMETYPE = "MIMETYPE"; public static final String NUM_FILES = "NUM_FILES"; public static final String NUM_IMPORTANT_FILES = "NUM_IMPORTANT_FILES"; public static final String FILE_IS_FOLDER = "FILE_IS_FOLDER"; public static final String FILES_IS_FOLDER = "FILES_IS_FOLDER"; public static final String MULTIPLE_FILES = "MULTIPLE_FILES"; /** * Variables with special functionality. */ /** * This variable is defined only when used in the execution string * and is filled with the full path to a temporary file, that is created * and exists ONLY while the command is running. The file is deleted * automatically as soon as the command finish. */ public static final String TEMPORARY_FILE = "TEMPORARY_FILE"; // NOI18N /** * When non-empty, the directory reader should read also files, which were deleted * from the version control system, but their old revisions exist. */ public static final String SHOW_DEAD_FILES = "SHOW_DEAD_FILES"; /** * The content of this variable is taken as a message, * that is used to ask whether the EDIT command should be executed. * This message is used only when the execution is caused by typing * to a read-oly file. */ public static final String MSG_PROMPT_FOR_AUTO_EDIT = "MSG_PROMPT_FOR_AUTO_EDIT"; /** * The content of this variable is taken as a message, * that is used to ask whether the LOCK command should be executed. * This message is used only when the execution is caused by typing * to a file, that is not locked by the user. */ public static final String MSG_PROMPT_FOR_AUTO_LOCK = "MSG_PROMPT_FOR_AUTO_LOCK"; /** * If this variable is defined, than it's value (should be integer) is supposed * to be the maximum length of a command in the system. * If the length of the execution string exceeds this value and it's possible * to split it (the command takes more than one file as an argument), * the execution string is split into two or more execution strings. * These are then executed synchronously in the OS. */ public static final String MAX_CMD_LENGTH = "MAX_CMD_LENGTH"; // NOI18N //private boolean warnUndefVars = true; private static final String SUBSTRACT = "-"; // NOI18N private static final String REPLACE = "_"; // NOI18N private static final String[] VARS_SYS_PROP = { "netbeans.user", "java.home", "file.separator", // NOI18N "", "os.arch", "os.version", "", "user.home", // NOI18N }; private static Collection contextVariablesNames = null; private static Map defaultVariablesMap = null; private Variables() { } public static synchronized Collection getContextVariablesNames() { if (contextVariablesNames == null) { contextVariablesNames = createContextVariablesNames(); } return contextVariablesNames; } private static Collection createContextVariablesNames() { HashSet varNames = new HashSet(); varNames.addAll(Arrays.asList(new String[] { FILE, QFILE, FILES, QFILES, DIR, PATH, QPATH, PATHS, QPATHS, MPATHS, QMPATHS, MIMETYPE, NUM_FILES, NUM_IMPORTANT_FILES, FILE_IS_FOLDER, FILES_IS_FOLDER, MULTIPLE_FILES })); return Collections.unmodifiableSet(varNames); } public static synchronized Map getDefaultVariablesMap() { if (defaultVariablesMap == null) { defaultVariablesMap = createDefaultVariablesMap(); } return defaultVariablesMap; } private static Map createDefaultVariablesMap() { Map vars = new HashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < VARS_SYS_PROP.length; i++) { vars.put(VARS_SYS_PROP[i], System.getProperty(VARS_SYS_PROP[i])); } vars.put("classpath.separator",; // NOI18N vars.put("path.separator",; // NOI18N return Collections.unmodifiableMap(vars); } /** Expand all occurences of ${VARIABLE_NAME} repeatetively. * It uses {@link #needFurtherExpansion} function to see * when to stop scanning (via {@link #expandOnce}). * @param tab Hashtable holding (String)VARIABLE, (String)VALUE pairs * @param cmd Command with ${VAR} sequences * @return String with all variables expanded * public static String expand_OLD(Hashtable tab, String cmd, boolean warnUndefVars) { String cmd_cond = ""; // NOI18N //this.warnUndefVars = warnUndefVars; boolean expanded = false; do { while (true) { cmd_cond = expandConditional (tab, cmd, warnUndefVars); if (cmd.equals(cmd_cond)) break; cmd = cmd_cond; } expanded = true; while(needFurtherExpansion(cmd) == true) { cmd = expandOnce(tab, cmd, warnUndefVars); expanded = false; } } while(!expanded); cmd = org.openide.util.Utilities.replaceString(cmd, "\\${", "${"); cmd = org.openide.util.Utilities.replaceString(cmd, "\\$[", "$["); return cmd; //return VcsUtilities.replaceBackslashDollars( cmd ); } */ /** Expand all occurences of ${} repeatetively. * Expand also conditionals like $[? ] [] * []. * @param tab a map holding (String)VARIABLE, (String)VALUE pairs * @param cmd Command with ${VAR} sequences * @return String with all variables expanded */ public static String expand(Map tab, String cmd, boolean warnUndefVars) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); int begin = 0; int end; do { end = cmd.indexOf("$", begin); if (end < 0) { result.append(cmd.substring(begin, cmd.length())); break; } boolean var = false; boolean cond = false; boolean escape = false; if (end > 0 && (escape = (cmd.charAt(end - 1) == '\\')) || end == (cmd.length() - 1) || (!(var = (cmd.charAt(end + 1) == '{')) && (!(cond = (cmd.charAt(end + 1) == '['))))) { if (escape && (end < (cmd.length() - 1)) && ((cmd.charAt(end + 1) == '{') || (cmd.charAt(end + 1) == '['))) { result.append(cmd.substring(begin, end - 1)); result.append('$'); } else { result.append(cmd.substring(begin, end + 1)); } begin = end + 1; } else { result.append(cmd.substring(begin, end)); begin = end + 2; if (var) { end = VcsUtilities.getPairIndex(cmd, begin, '{', '}'); // cmd.indexOf("}",begin); // NOI18N if (end < 0) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.WARNING, new IOException("Missing closing bracket '}'. Corresponding opening bracket '{' is at pos = "+(begin - 1))); result.append("${"); } else { String expansion = expandVariable(tab, cmd.substring(begin, end), warnUndefVars); if (expansion == null) { if (warnUndefVars) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.WARNING, new IOException("Variable undefined '"+cmd.substring(begin, end)+ "'. Expanding it to an empty string.")); // NOI18N } } else { result.append(expansion); } begin = end + 1; } } else if (cond) { int[] expandEnd = new int[1]; String expansion = expandConditional(tab, cmd.substring(begin - 2), warnUndefVars, expandEnd); if (expandEnd[0] < 0) { result.append("$["); } else { result.append(expansion); begin += expandEnd[0] - 1; } } } } while (begin < cmd.length()); return result.toString(); } public static String expandVariable(Map tab, String name, boolean warnUndefVars) { String value = (String) tab.get(name); char replC1 = (char) -1; char replC2 = (char) -1; if (value == null) { int r = name.lastIndexOf(REPLACE); if (r > 0 && name.length() == (r + 3)) { value = (String) tab.get(name.substring(0, r)); if (value != null) { replC1 = name.charAt(r+1); replC2 = name.charAt(r+2); //value = value.replace(c1, c2); } } } if (value == null) { int substr; int begin = 0; while((substr = name.indexOf(SUBSTRACT, begin)) > 0) { String var = name.substring(begin, substr); if (var != null) var = var.trim(); String svalue = expandVariable(tab, var, warnUndefVars); if (svalue == null) { if (warnUndefVars) { ErrorManager.getDefault().log("Variable undefined '"+var+"'."); } return null; } if (begin == 0) value = svalue; else value = substractVariables(value, svalue);//VcsFileSystem.substractRootDir(value, svalue); begin = substr + SUBSTRACT.length(); } if (begin == 0) value = (String) tab.get(name); else { String svalue = expandVariable(tab, name.substring(begin).trim(), warnUndefVars); if (svalue == null) { return null; } value = substractVariables(value, svalue); //VcsFileSystem.substractRootDir(value, svalue); } } else { value = expand(tab, value, warnUndefVars); } if (replC1 != ((char) -1)) { if (value != null) value = value.replace(replC1, replC2); } return value; } private static String substractVariables(String value1, String value2) { if (value2 == null || value2.length() == 0) return value1; int index = value1.lastIndexOf(value2); if (index < 0) return value1; else return value1.substring(0, index); } private static String expandConditional(Map tab, String cmd, boolean warnUndefVars, int[] expandEnd) { expandEnd[0] = -1; if (!cmd.startsWith("$[?")) return null; int begin = 3; int end = VcsUtilities.getPairIndex(cmd, begin, '[', ']'); if (end < 0) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.WARNING, new IOException("Missing closing bracket ']'."+ " Corresponding opening bracket '[' is at pos = "+(begin - 1))); return null; } String var = cmd.substring(begin, end).trim(); String value = expandVariable(tab, var, warnUndefVars); if (value == null) { if (warnUndefVars) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.WARNING, new IOException("Variable undefined '"+var+ "'. Expanding it to an empty string.")); // NOI18N } } // find first and second option and choose // first int firstBegin = cmd.indexOf("[", end + 1); // NOI18N if (firstBegin < 0) { return null; } int firstEnd = VcsUtilities.getPairIndex(cmd, firstBegin + 1, '[', ']'); if (firstEnd < 0) { return null; } String first = cmd.substring(firstBegin + 1, firstEnd); //index = firstEnd; // second int secondBegin=cmd.indexOf("[", firstEnd); // NOI18N if (secondBegin < 0) { return null; } //result.append(cmd.substring(index,secondBegin)); int secondEnd = VcsUtilities.getPairIndex(cmd, secondBegin + 1, '[', ']'); if (secondEnd < 0) { return null; } String second = cmd.substring(secondBegin+1, secondEnd); expandEnd[0] = secondEnd; String result; if (value == null || value.length() == 0) { result = second; } else { result = first; } return expand(tab, result, warnUndefVars); } /** Expand all occurences of ${VARIABLE_NAME}. * It makes only one expansion cycle, no variables inside other variables are expanded. * @param tab Hashtable holding (String)VARIABLE, (String)VALUE pairs * @param cmd Command with ${VAR} sequences * @return String with variables expanded */ public static String expandFast(Map tab, String cmd, boolean warnUndefVars) { String cmd_cond = ""; // NOI18N //this.warnUndefVars = warnUndefVars; boolean expanded = false; cmd_cond = expandConditional (tab, cmd, warnUndefVars); cmd = expandOnce(tab, cmd_cond, warnUndefVars); return VcsUtilities.replaceBackslashDollars( cmd ); } public static String expandConditional (Map tab, String cmd, boolean warnUndefVars) { int index = 0; int size = cmd.length(); int begin = 0; int end = 0; int nextBegin = 0; StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(size+20); while(true) { begin = cmd.indexOf("$[?", index); // NOI18N if (begin < 0) { result.append(cmd.substring(index)); break; } result.append(cmd.substring(index,begin)); int fake = cmd.indexOf("\\$[?", index); // NOI18N if (fake >= 0 && fake + 1 == begin) { index = begin + 1; result.append('$'); continue; } //end=cmd.indexOf("]",begin); // NOI18N end = VcsUtilities.getPairIndex(cmd, begin + 3, '[', ']'); if (end < 0) { index = begin + 1; continue; } String var = cmd.substring(begin+3, end).trim(); String value = getVarValue(tab, var); //(String)tab.get(var); if (value == null) { if (warnUndefVars) { ErrorManager.getDefault().log(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, "Variable undefined '"+var+"'. Expanding it to an empty string."); } if (var.indexOf("$[?") >= 0) { // NOI18N ErrorManager.getDefault().log(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, "Missing closing bracket ']' ?"); } } index = end + 1; // find first and second option and choose // first int firstBegin = cmd.indexOf("[", index); // NOI18N if (firstBegin < 0) { result.append(cmd.substring(index)); break; } //result.append(cmd.substring(index,firstBegin)); fake = cmd.indexOf("\\[", index); // NOI18N if (fake >= 0 && fake + 1 == firstBegin) { index = firstBegin + 1; result.append('['); continue; } //int firstEnd=cmd.indexOf("]",firstBegin); // NOI18N int firstEnd = VcsUtilities.getPairIndex(cmd, firstBegin + 1, '[', ']'); if (firstEnd < 0) { index = firstBegin+1; continue; } String first = cmd.substring(firstBegin + 1, firstEnd); index = firstEnd; // second int secondBegin=cmd.indexOf("[", index); // NOI18N if (secondBegin < 0) { result.append(cmd.substring(index)); break; } //result.append(cmd.substring(index,secondBegin)); fake = cmd.indexOf("\\[", index); // NOI18N if (fake >= 0 && fake + 1 == secondBegin) { index = secondBegin + 1; result.append('['); continue; } //int secondEnd=cmd.indexOf("]",secondBegin); // NOI18N int secondEnd = VcsUtilities.getPairIndex(cmd, secondBegin + 1, '[', ']'); if (secondEnd < 0) { index = secondBegin + 1; continue; } String second = cmd.substring(secondBegin+1, secondEnd); index = secondEnd + 1; if (value == null || value.equals ("")) { // NOI18N result.append (/*"["+*/second); // NOI18N } else { result.append (/*"["+*/first); // NOI18N } } return new String(result); } //------------------------------------------- public static boolean needFurtherExpansion(String cmd) { int begin = cmd.indexOf("${"); // NOI18N int fake = cmd.indexOf("\\${"); // NOI18N if (begin < 0) { return false ; } if (fake >= 0 && fake + 1 == begin) { return needFurtherExpansion(cmd.substring(begin + 1)); } return true ; } //------------------------------------------- /** Expand (once) ${VARIABLE} variables in command. * It scans 'cmd' string and replaces all occurences of ${VARIABLE} * to VALUE=tab.get(VARIABLE). Both VARIABLE and VALUE must be Strings. *

* Note that 'cmd' string is scanned only once. * Use {@link #needFurtherExpansion} function to see if it should * be called again. * @param tab Hashtable holding (String)VARIABLE=(String)VALUE pairs * @param cmd Command in which ${VAR} sequences * @return String with all variables expanded */ public static String expandOnce(Map tab, String cmd, boolean warnUndefVars) { int index=0; int size=cmd.length(); int begin=0,end=0,nextBegin=0; StringBuffer result=new StringBuffer(size+20); while(true){ begin=cmd.indexOf("${",index); // NOI18N if( begin<0 ){ result.append(cmd.substring(index)); break; } result.append(cmd.substring(index,begin)); int fake = cmd.indexOf("\\${",index); // NOI18N if(fake >= 0 && (fake + 1 == begin)) { index=begin + 1; result.append('$'); continue; } end = VcsUtilities.getPairIndex(cmd, begin + 2, '{', '}'); // cmd.indexOf("}",begin); // NOI18N if( end<0 ){ index=begin+1; continue; } String var=cmd.substring(begin+2,end); String value=getVarValue(tab, var); //String value=(String)tab.get(var); if( value != null ){ result.append(value); } else { if (warnUndefVars) { ErrorManager.getDefault().log(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, "Variable undefined '"+var+"'. Expanding it to an empty string."); } if( var.indexOf("${")>=0 ){ // NOI18N ErrorManager.getDefault().log("Missing closing bracket '}' ?"); // cvs commit has enclosed variable ${FILE} => do not warn of this case } } index=end+1; } return new String(result); } /** Expand (once) ${VARIABLE} variables in command only if they are known. * It scans 'cmd' string and replaces all occurences of ${VARIABLE} * to VALUE=tab.get(VARIABLE). Both VARIABLE and VALUE must be Strings. *

* Note that 'cmd' string is scanned only once. * @param tab Hashtable holding (String)VARIABLE=(String)VALUE pairs * @param cmd Command in which ${VAR} sequences * @return String with all known variables expanded */ public static String expandKnownOnly(Map tab, String cmd) { int index=0; int size=cmd.length(); int begin=0,end=0,nextBegin=0; StringBuffer result=new StringBuffer(size+20); while(true){ begin=cmd.indexOf("${",index); // NOI18N if( begin<0 ){ result.append(cmd.substring(index)); break; } result.append(cmd.substring(index,begin)); int fake=cmd.indexOf("\\${",index); // NOI18N if( fake<0 ){ fake=-5; } if(fake+1==begin){ index=begin+1; result.append('$'); continue; } end = VcsUtilities.getPairIndex(cmd, begin + 2, '{', '}'); // cmd.indexOf("}",begin); // NOI18N if( end<0 ){ index=begin+1; continue; } String var=cmd.substring(begin+2,end); String value=getVarValue(tab, var); //String value=(String)tab.get(var); if( value != null ){ result.append(value); } else { result.append(cmd.substring(begin, end+1)); } index=end+1; } return new String(result); } /** * Get the value of a variable. If the variable name is not known, * this method search for the last occurence of character '_' and if it * is followed by two more chracters it replaces the first by the second * in the value of that variable. * @param tab The table holding (String)VARIABLE=(String)VALUE pairs * @param name The variable name or expression to evaluate */ private static String getReplaceVarValue(Map tab, String name) { if (name == null) return null; String value = (String) tab.get(name); if (value == null) { int r = name.lastIndexOf(REPLACE); if (r > 0) { value = (String) tab.get(name.substring(0, r)); if (value != null && name.length() >= r+3) { char c1 = name.charAt(r+1); char c2 = name.charAt(r+2); value = value.replace(c1, c2); } } } return value; } /** * Get the value of a variable or an expression. * @param tab The table holding (String)VARIABLE=(String)VALUE pairs * @param name The variable name or expression to evaluate */ private static String getVarValue(Map tab, String name) { int substr; int begin = 0; String value = getReplaceVarValue(tab, name); if (value == null) { while((substr = name.indexOf(SUBSTRACT, begin)) > 0) { String var = name.substring(begin, substr); if (var != null) var = var.trim(); String svalue = getReplaceVarValue(tab, var); if (svalue == null) { return null; } if (begin == 0) value = svalue; else value = VcsFileSystem.substractRootDir(value, svalue); begin = substr + SUBSTRACT.length(); } if (begin == 0) value = (String) tab.get(name); else value = VcsFileSystem.substractRootDir(value, getReplaceVarValue(tab, name.substring(begin).trim())); } return value; } /* //------------------------------------------- public static void main(String[] args){ Hashtable vars=new Hashtable(); vars.put("A","a"); // NOI18N vars.put("B","${A}b"); // NOI18N vars.put("BB","\\${A}b"); // NOI18N vars.put("C","${B}c"); // NOI18N vars.put("CC","\\${A}\\${B}c"); // NOI18N vars.put("DIR","src"); // NOI18N vars.put("STCMD","stcmd30"); // NOI18N Variables v=new Variables(); System.out.println("vars="+vars); // NOI18N System.out.println("orig='"+args[0]+"'"); // NOI18N System.out.println("new ='"+v.expand(vars,args[0], true)+"'"); // NOI18N } */ }

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