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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.netbeans.modules.vcscore;

import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;

import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileStateInvalidException;
import org.openide.nodes.Node;
import org.openide.loaders.DataObject;
import org.openide.loaders.DataObjectNotFoundException;
import org.openide.cookies.SaveCookie;

import org.netbeans.api.vcs.VcsManager;
import org.netbeans.api.vcs.commands.Command;
import org.netbeans.api.vcs.commands.CommandTask;

import org.netbeans.spi.vcs.commands.CommandSupport;

import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.util.VcsUtilities;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.util.Table;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.caching.FileCacheProvider;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.caching.FileStatusProvider;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.cmdline.UserCommand;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.cmdline.UserCommandSupport;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.cmdline.UserCommandTask;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.cmdline.WrappingCommandTask;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.commands.*;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.versioning.VersioningFileSystem;
import org.openide.ErrorManager;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileSystem;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil;

 * The action, that enables you to conveniently run an VCS command through
 * the old private "API". It's no longer a NodeAction, it contains just
 * several static methods.
 * @deprecated This class is retained just for compatibility reasons. Use the
 *             new VCS APIs instead.
 * @author Martin Entlicher
public class VcsAction extends Object {//NodeAction implements ActionListener {
    private VcsAction() {

    public void setFileSystem(VcsFileSystem fileSystem) {
        this.fileSystem = new WeakReference(fileSystem);
    public void setSelectedFileObjects(Collection fos) {
        variablesForSelectedFiles = null;
        if (fos == null) {
            this.selectedFileObjects = getSelectedFileObjectsFromActivatedNodes();
            return ;
        for (Iterator it = fos.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
            System.out.println("  ";
        //ArrayList reordered = VcsUtilities.reorderFileObjects(fos); -- not necessary
        // since DataObject.files() returns the "right" order
        /*System.out.println(" reorderedFileObjects():");
        for (Iterator it = reordered.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
            System.out.println("  ";
        this.selectedFileObjects = new WeakList(fos);
        /*System.out.println(" Weak setSelectedFileObjects():");
        for (Iterator it = selectedFileObjects.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
            System.out.println("  ";

     * Create the collection of selected files from the activated nodes.
    private Collection getSelectedFileObjectsFromActivatedNodes() {
        ArrayList files = new ArrayList();
        Node[] nodes = getActivatedNodes();
        for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
            if (nodes[i] instanceof VcsGroupNode) {
                VcsGroupNode grNode = (VcsGroupNode) nodes[i];
                if (variablesForSelectedFiles == null) variablesForSelectedFiles = new HashMap();
                Hashtable additionalVars = new Hashtable();
                additionalVars.put(Variables.GROUP_NAME, grNode.getDisplayName());
                String description = grNode.getShortDescription();
                if (description != null) {
                    additionalVars.put(Variables.GROUP_DESCRIPTION, description);
                WeakList varFiles = new WeakList();
                Enumeration children = nodes[i].getChildren().nodes();
                while (children.hasMoreElements()) {
                    Node nd = (Node) children.nextElement();
                    DataObject dd = (DataObject) nd.getCookie(DataObject.class);
                    if (dd == null) continue;
                    FileObject primary = dd.getPrimaryFile();
                    variablesForSelectedFiles.put(additionalVars, varFiles);
            } else {
                DataObject dd = (DataObject) (nodes[i].getCookie(DataObject.class));
                if (dd == null) continue;
        return new WeakList(files);
    public void setCommandsSubTrees(Node[] commandsSubTrees) {
        actionCommandsSubTrees = commandsSubTrees;

    public VcsCacheFile parseFromCache (String[] cacheRecord) {
        return null; // TODO

     * Get a human presentable name of the action.
     * @return the name of the action
    public String getName() {
        VcsFileSystem fileSystem = (VcsFileSystem) this.fileSystem.get();
        if (fileSystem == null) {
            return org.openide.util.NbBundle.getBundle(VcsAction.class).getString("CTL_Version_Control");
        return fileSystem.getBundleProperty("CTL_Version_Control"); // NOI18N

     * Get a help context for the action.
     * @return the help context for this action
    public HelpCtx getHelpCtx(){
        //D.deb("getHelpCtx()"); // NOI18N
        return null;

    //public abstract void doList(String path);
    //public abstract void doDetails(Vector files);
    //public abstract void doCheckIn(Vector files);
    //public abstract void doCheckOut(Vector files);
    //public abstract void doAdd(Vector files);
    //public abstract void doRemove(Vector files);
    //public abstract JMenuItem getPopupPresenter();
    //public abstract void doAdditionalCommand(String name, Vector files);
    //protected abstract void doCommand(Vector files, VcsCommand cmd);

    private void killAllCommands() {
        VcsFileSystem fileSystem = (VcsFileSystem) this.fileSystem.get();
        CommandsPool cmdPool = fileSystem.getCommandsPool();
        String[] labels = cmdPool.getRunningCommandsLabels();
        if (labels.length > 0) {
            if (NotifyDescriptor.Confirmation.YES_OPTION.equals (
                            TopManager.getDefault ().notify (new NotifyDescriptor.Confirmation (
                                                             fileSystem.getBundleProperty("MSG_KILL_ALL_CMDS", VcsUtilities.arrayToString(labels)), NotifyDescriptor.Confirmation.YES_NO_OPTION)))) { // NOI18N

     * Do refresh children of a directory.
     * @param path the directory path
    private static void doList(VcsFileSystem fileSystem, String path) {

        FileStatusProvider statusProvider = fileSystem.getStatusProvider();
        FileCacheProvider cache = fileSystem.getCacheProvider();
        if (statusProvider == null) return;
        //System.out.println("cache = "+cache+", cache.isDir("+path+") = "+cache.isDir(path));
        if (cache == null || cache.isDir(path)) {
        } else {
            String dirName = VcsUtilities.getDirNamePart(path);

     * Do recursive refresh of a directory.
     * @param path the directory path
    public void doListSub(String path) {
        VcsFileSystem fileSystem = (VcsFileSystem) this.fileSystem.get();
        CommandExecutorSupport.doRefresh(fileSystem, path, true);
        //D.deb("doListSub('"+path+"')"); // NOI18N
        FileStatusProvider statusProvider = fileSystem.getStatusProvider();
        FileCacheProvider cache = fileSystem.getCacheProvider();
        if (statusProvider == null) return;
        VcsCommand cmd = fileSystem.getCommand(VcsCommand.NAME_REFRESH_RECURSIVELY);
        String dirName = ""; // NOI18N
        if (cache == null || cache.isDir(path)) {
            dirName = path;
            dirName = VcsUtilities.getDirNamePart(path);
        //Object exec = VcsCommandIO.getCommandProperty(cmd, "exec", String.class);
        Object exec = cmd.getProperty(VcsCommand.PROPERTY_EXEC);
        if (cmd != null && (exec != null && ((String) exec).trim().length() > 0)) {
        } else {
            RetrievingDialog rd = new RetrievingDialog(fileSystem, dirName, new JFrame(), false);
            Thread t = new Thread(rd, "VCS Recursive Retrieving Thread - "+dirName); // NOI18N

     * Whether the files should be locked in VCS. This command does not save the file contents.
     * Executes the VcsCommand.NAME_SHOULD_DO_LOCK command, which should
     * find out, whether the file is already locked.
     * @param files the table pairs of file name and associated FileObject
     * @return true if the command succeeds and therefore the file should be locked,
     *         false otherwise
    public static boolean shouldDoLock(Table files, VcsFileSystem fileSystem) {
        VcsCommand cmd = fileSystem.getCommand(VcsCommand.NAME_SHOULD_DO_LOCK);
        if (cmd != null) {
            VcsCommandExecutor[] execs = doCommand(files, cmd, null, fileSystem, null, null, null, null, false);
            for (int i = 0; i < execs.length; i++) {
                if (execs[i].getExitStatus() != VcsCommandExecutor.SUCCEEDED) return false;
        return true;
     * Lock files in VCS. This command does not save the file contents.
     * @param files the table pairs of file name and associated FileObject
     * @return The array of command executors if the lock command was found.
     *         Otherwise null is returned.
    public static VcsCommandExecutor[] doLock(Table files, VcsFileSystem fileSystem) {
        VcsCommand cmd = fileSystem.getCommand(VcsCommand.NAME_LOCK);
        if (cmd != null) {
            return doCommand(files, cmd, null, fileSystem, null, null, null, null, false);
        } else {
            return null;
     * Unlock files in VCS.
     * @param files the table pairs of file name and associated FileObject
    public static void doUnlock(Table files, VcsFileSystem fileSystem) {
        VcsCommand cmd = fileSystem.getCommand(VcsCommand.NAME_UNLOCK);
        if (cmd != null) doCommand(files, cmd, null, fileSystem);
     * Prepare for edit files in VCS. This command does not save the file contents.
     * @param files the table pairs of file name and associated FileObject
     * @return The array of command executors if the edit command was found.
     *         Otherwise null is returned.
    public static VcsCommandExecutor[] doEdit(Table files, VcsFileSystem fileSystem) {
        VcsCommand cmd = fileSystem.getCommand(VcsCommand.NAME_EDIT);
        if (cmd != null) {
            // Because the EDIT command is executed for read-only files,
            // the doCommand() method must be called with 'false' as last argument;
            // 'true' would indicate the files would be saved prior to execution,
            // which generally is not possible for read-only files...
            VcsCommandExecutor[] executors = doCommand(files, cmd, null, fileSystem, null, null, null, null, false);
            /* Wait for the executor(s) to finish. - according to version 1.11 this leads to a deadlock
            for (int i = 0; i < executors.length; i++) {
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
                    // Silently ignore...
            return executors;
        } else {
            return null;

     * Do a command on a set of files.
     * @param files the table of pairs of files and file objects, to perform the command on
     * @param cmd the command to perform
     * @param additionalVars additional variables to FS variables, or null when no additional variables are needed
     * @param fileSystem the VCS file system
     * @return the command executors of all executed commands.
    public static VcsCommandExecutor[] doCommand(Table files, VcsCommand cmd, Hashtable additionalVars, VcsFileSystem fileSystem) {
        return doCommand(files, cmd, additionalVars, fileSystem, null, null, null, null);
     * Do a command on a set of files.
     * @param files the table of pairs of files and file objects, to perform the command on
     * @param cmd the command to perform
     * @param additionalVars additional variables to FS variables, or null when no additional variables are needed
     * @param fileSystem the VCS file system
     * @return the command executors of all executed commands.
    public static VcsCommandExecutor[] doCommand(Table files, VcsCommand cmd, Hashtable additionalVars, VcsFileSystem fileSystem,
                                                 CommandOutputListener stdoutListener, CommandOutputListener stderrListener,
                                                 CommandDataOutputListener stdoutDataListener, CommandDataOutputListener stderrDataListener) {
        return doCommand(files, cmd, additionalVars, fileSystem, stdoutListener, stderrListener, stdoutDataListener, stderrDataListener, true);
    private static class RegexDataListenerBridge extends Object implements RegexErrorListener {
        private CommandDataOutputListener dataListener;
        public RegexDataListenerBridge(CommandDataOutputListener dataListener) {
            this.dataListener = dataListener;
         * This method is called, with elements of the parsed data.
         * @param elements the elements of parsed data.
        public void outputMatchedGroups(String[] elements) {
     * Do a command on a set of files.
     * @param files the table of pairs of files and file objects, to perform the command on
     * @param cmd the command to perform
     * @param additionalVars additional variables to FS variables, or null when no additional variables are needed
     * @param fileSystem the VCS file system
     * @param saveProcessingFiles whether save processing files prior command execution
     * @return the command executors of all executed commands.
    public static VcsCommandExecutor[] doCommand(Table files, VcsCommand cmd, Hashtable additionalVars, VcsFileSystem fileSystem,
                                                 CommandOutputListener stdoutListener, CommandOutputListener stderrListener,
                                                 CommandDataOutputListener stdoutDataListener, CommandDataOutputListener stderrDataListener,
                                                 boolean saveProcessingFiles) {
        //System.out.println("doCommand("+VcsUtilities.arrayToString((String[]) files.keySet().toArray(new String[0]))+", "+cmd+")");
        if (files.size() == 0) return new VcsCommandExecutor[0];
        if (saveProcessingFiles) {
        UserCommand ucmd = (UserCommand) cmd;
        CommandSupport cmdSupp = fileSystem.getCommandSupport(cmd.getName());
        if (cmdSupp == null || !cmd.equals(fileSystem.getCommand(cmd.getName()))) {
            cmdSupp = new UserCommandSupport(ucmd, fileSystem);
        Command command = cmdSupp.createCommand();
        if (command instanceof VcsDescribedCommand) {
            VcsDescribedCommand dcmd = (VcsDescribedCommand) command;
            if (additionalVars != null) dcmd.setAdditionalVariables(additionalVars);
            if (stdoutListener != null) dcmd.addTextOutputListener(stdoutListener);
            if (stderrListener != null) dcmd.addTextErrorListener(stderrListener);
            if (stdoutDataListener != null) dcmd.addRegexOutputListener(new RegexDataListenerBridge(stdoutDataListener));
            if (stderrDataListener != null) dcmd.addRegexErrorListener(new RegexDataListenerBridge(stderrDataListener));
        if (additionalVars != null) {
            String ctrlInAction = (String) additionalVars.get(VcsFileSystem.VAR_CTRL_DOWN_IN_ACTION);
            if (ctrlInAction != null && ctrlInAction.length() > 0) {
        UserCommandSupport.setCommandFilesFromTable(command, files, fileSystem);
        if (!VcsManager.getDefault().showCustomizer(command)) return new VcsCommandExecutor[0];
        CommandTask task = command.execute();
        if (task instanceof UserCommandTask) {
            return new VcsCommandExecutor[] { ((UserCommandTask) task).getExecutor() };
        } else if (task instanceof WrappingCommandTask) {
            UserCommandTask[] tasks = ((WrappingCommandTask) task).getTasks();
            VcsCommandExecutor[] executors = new VcsCommandExecutor[tasks.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < executors.length; i++) {
                executors[i] = tasks[i].getExecutor();
            return executors;
        } else {
            return new VcsCommandExecutor[0];
        if (VcsCommandIO.getBooleanPropertyAssumeDefault(cmd, VcsCommand.PROPERTY_NEEDS_HIERARCHICAL_ORDER)) {
            files = createHierarchicalOrder(files);
        ArrayList executors = new ArrayList();
        boolean[] askForEachFile = null;
        //String quoting = fileSystem.getQuoting();
        String quoting = "${QUOTE}"; // NOI18N
        int preprocessStatus;
        boolean cmdCanRunOnMultipleFiles = VcsCommandIO.getBooleanPropertyAssumeDefault(cmd, VcsCommand.PROPERTY_RUN_ON_MULTIPLE_FILES);
        boolean cmdCanRunOnMultipleFilesInFolder = VcsCommandIO.getBooleanPropertyAssumeDefault(cmd, VcsCommand.PROPERTY_RUN_ON_MULTIPLE_FILES_IN_FOLDER);
        VariableValueAdjustment valueAdjustment = fileSystem.getVarValueAdjustment();
        Map scheduledFilesMap = extractScheduledFiles(files, cmd);
        String scheduledAttribute = null;
        VcsCommand scheduledCmd = cmd;
        do {
            Hashtable vars = fileSystem.getVariablesAsHashtable();
            if (additionalVars != null) vars.putAll(additionalVars);
            if (files.size() > 1) {
                askForEachFile = new boolean[1];
                askForEachFile[0] = true;
            Object[] askForEachFileRef = new Object[] { askForEachFile };
            Object[] varsRef = new Object[] { vars };
            do {
                //System.out.println("setupRestrictedFileMap("+VcsUtilities.arrayToString((String[]) files.keySet().toArray(new String[0]))+")");
                Table subFiles = setupRestrictedFileMap(files, varsRef, scheduledCmd);
                ArrayList subFilesNames = new ArrayList();
                for (Iterator it = subFiles.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
                do {
                    if (files.size() == 0) {
                        preprocessStatus = CommandsPool.PREPROCESS_DONE;
                    } else {
                        preprocessStatus = doCommandExecution(subFiles, varsRef, additionalVars, 
                                                              fileSystem, scheduledCmd,
                                                              quoting, askForEachFileRef,
                                                              valueAdjustment, executors,
                                                              stdoutListener, stderrListener,
                                                              stdoutDataListener, stderrDataListener);
                    if (CommandsPool.PREPROCESS_CANCELLED == preprocessStatus) break;
                } while (CommandsPool.PREPROCESS_NEXT_FILE == preprocessStatus);
                for (Iterator it = subFilesNames.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
            } while (CommandsPool.PREPROCESS_CANCELLED != preprocessStatus && files.size() > 0);
            if (CommandsPool.PREPROCESS_CANCELLED != preprocessStatus && scheduledFilesMap.size() > 0) {
                scheduledAttribute = (String) scheduledFilesMap.keySet().iterator().next();
                Table scheduledFiles = (Table) scheduledFilesMap.get(scheduledAttribute);
                files = scheduledFiles;
                preprocessStatus = CommandsPool.PREPROCESS_NEXT_FILE;
                String scheduledCmdStr = (String) cmd.getProperty(VcsCommand.PROPERTY_EXEC_SCHEDULED_COMMAND + scheduledAttribute);
                if (scheduledCmdStr != null) {
                    scheduledCmd = fileSystem.getCommand(scheduledCmdStr);
                    if (scheduledCmd == null) scheduledCmd = cmd;
        } while(CommandsPool.PREPROCESS_NEXT_FILE == preprocessStatus);
        //System.out.println("VcsAction.doCommand(): executors started = "+executors.size());
        return (VcsCommandExecutor[]) executors.toArray(new VcsCommandExecutor[executors.size()]);
    private static Table setupRestrictedFileMap(Table files, Object[] varsRef, VcsCommand cmd) {
        String[] attrsToVars = (String[]) cmd.getProperty(VcsCommand.PROPERTY_LOAD_ATTRS_TO_VARS);
        if (attrsToVars != null) {
            files = getAttributeRestrictedFileMap(files, varsRef, cmd, attrsToVars);
        if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(cmd.getProperty(VcsCommand.PROPERTY_DISTINGUISH_BINARY_FILES))) {
            files = getBinaryRestrictedFileMap(files, varsRef, cmd);
        return files;
    private static Table getAttributeRestrictedFileMap(Table files, Object[] varsRef, VcsCommand cmd, String[] attrsToVars) {
        String[] attrNames;
        Map attrNonNullVars = null;
        Map attrValueVars = null;
        attrNames = (String[]) cmd.getProperty(PROPERTY_PARSED_ATTR_NAMES);
        if (attrNames != null) {
            attrNonNullVars = (Map) cmd.getProperty(PROPERTY_PARSED_ATTR_NEMPTY_VARS);
            attrValueVars = (Map) cmd.getProperty(PROPERTY_PARSED_ATTR_VALUES_VARS);
        } else {
            attrNonNullVars = new HashMap();
            attrValueVars = new HashMap();
            attrNames = getAttrNamesAndVars(attrNonNullVars, attrValueVars, attrsToVars);
            cmd.setProperty(PROPERTY_PARSED_ATTR_NAMES, attrNames);
            cmd.setProperty(PROPERTY_PARSED_ATTR_NEMPTY_VARS, attrNonNullVars);
            cmd.setProperty(PROPERTY_PARSED_ATTR_VALUES_VARS, attrValueVars);
        Table subFiles;
        if (attrNames != null) {
            subFiles = setVarsFromAttrs(files, (Hashtable) varsRef[0], attrNames, attrNonNullVars, attrValueVars);
        } else {
            subFiles = files;
        return subFiles;
    private static Table getBinaryRestrictedFileMap(Table files, Object[] varsRef, VcsCommand cmd) {
        Table restrictedFiles = new Table();
        boolean isBinary;
        Iterator it = files.keySet().iterator();
        if (!it.hasNext()) return files;
        String name = (String);
        FileObject fo = (FileObject) files.get(name);
        if (fo == null) {
            isBinary = false;
        } else {
            isBinary = isFOBinary(fo);
        restrictedFiles.put(name, fo);
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            name = (String);
            fo = (FileObject) files.get(name);
            if (fo == null) {
                if (isBinary) continue;
            } else {
                if (isBinary != isFOBinary(fo)) continue;
            restrictedFiles.put(name, fo);
        Hashtable vars = (Hashtable) varsRef[0];
        vars.put("PROCESSING_BINARY_FILES", isBinary ? Boolean.TRUE.toString() : ""); // NOI18N
        return restrictedFiles;
    private static boolean isFOBinary(FileObject fo) {
        String mimeType = fo.getMIMEType();
        return !mimeType.startsWith("text") && !"content/unknown".equals(mimeType); // NOI18N
     * Do a command on a set of files.
     * @param files the table of pairs of files and file objects, to perform the command on
     * @param cmd the command to perform
     * @param additionalVars additional variables to FS variables, or null when no additional variables are needed
    private void doCommand(Table files, VcsCommand cmd) {
        Hashtable map = new Hashtable(1);
        VcsFileSystem fileSystem = (VcsFileSystem) this.fileSystem.get();
        if (!fileSystem.isExpertMode()) {
            if (CTRL_Down) {
                map.put(VcsFileSystem.VAR_CTRL_DOWN_IN_ACTION, Boolean.TRUE.toString());
        VcsAction.doCommand(files, cmd, map, fileSystem);
    private static int doCommandExecution(Table files, Object[] varsRef, Hashtable additionalVars,
                                          VcsFileSystem fileSystem, VcsCommand cmd,
                                          boolean cmdCanRunOnMultipleFiles,
                                          boolean cmdCanRunOnMultipleFilesInFolder,
                                          String quoting, Object[] askForEachFileRef,
                                          VariableValueAdjustment valueAdjustment, List executors,
                                          CommandOutputListener stdoutListener, CommandOutputListener stderrListener,
                                          CommandDataOutputListener stdoutDataListener, CommandDataOutputListener stderrDataListener) {
        boolean[] askForEachFile = (boolean[]) askForEachFileRef[0];
        Hashtable vars = (Hashtable) varsRef[0];
        FileCacheProvider cacheProvider = fileSystem.getCacheProvider();
        setVariables(files, vars, quoting, valueAdjustment, cacheProvider,
                     fileSystem.getRelativeMountPoint(), true);//VcsCommandIO.getBooleanProperty(cmd, VcsCommand.PROPERTY_NEEDS_GREATEST_COMMON_PARENT));
        VcsCommandExecutor vce = fileSystem.getVcsFactory().getCommandExecutor(cmd, vars);
        CommandsPool pool = fileSystem.getCommandsPool();
        int preprocessStatus = pool.preprocessCommand(vce, vars, fileSystem, askForEachFile);
        //System.out.println("VcsAction.doCommand(): CommandsPool.preprocessCommand() = "+preprocessStatus+", askForEachFile = "+((askForEachFile.length > 0) ? ""+askForEachFile : ""+askForEachFile[0]));
        if (CommandsPool.PREPROCESS_CANCELLED == preprocessStatus) {
            return preprocessStatus;
        if (!cmdCanRunOnMultipleFiles && !cmdCanRunOnMultipleFilesInFolder) {
            // When the executor can not run on more than one file, it has to be processed one by one.
            preprocessStatus = CommandsPool.PREPROCESS_NEXT_FILE;
        if (files.size() == 1) preprocessStatus = CommandsPool.PREPROCESS_DONE;
        Table singleFolderTable = null;
        if (CommandsPool.PREPROCESS_NEXT_FILE == preprocessStatus) {
            Table singleFileTable = new Table();
            Object singleFile = files.keys().nextElement();
            singleFileTable.put(singleFile, files.get(singleFile));
            setVariables(singleFileTable, vars, quoting, valueAdjustment, cacheProvider,
                         fileSystem.getRelativeMountPoint(), true);//VcsCommandIO.getBooleanProperty(cmd, VcsCommand.PROPERTY_NEEDS_GREATEST_COMMON_PARENT));
        } else if (cmdCanRunOnMultipleFilesInFolder) {
            singleFolderTable = new Table();
            Enumeration keys = files.keys();
            String file = (String) keys.nextElement();
            singleFolderTable.put(file, files.get(file));
            //String folder = file.getPackageName('/');
            String folder = ""; // NOI18N
            int index = file.lastIndexOf('/');
            if (index >= 0) folder = file.substring(0, index);
            while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
                file = (String) keys.nextElement();
                String testFolder = ""; // NOI18N
                index = file.lastIndexOf('/');
                if (index >= 0) testFolder = file.substring(0, index);
                if (folder.equals(testFolder)) {
                    singleFolderTable.put(file, files.get(file));
            setVariables(singleFolderTable, vars, quoting, valueAdjustment, cacheProvider,
                         fileSystem.getRelativeMountPoint(), true);//VcsCommandIO.getBooleanProperty(cmd, VcsCommand.PROPERTY_NEEDS_GREATEST_COMMON_PARENT));
        if (stdoutListener != null) vce.addOutputListener(stdoutListener);
        if (stderrListener != null) vce.addErrorOutputListener(stderrListener);
        if (stdoutDataListener != null) vce.addDataOutputListener(stdoutDataListener);
        if (stderrDataListener != null) vce.addDataErrorOutputListener(stderrDataListener);
        synchronized (vars) {
            if (askForEachFile != null && askForEachFile[0] == true) {
                vars = new Hashtable(fileSystem.getVariablesAsHashtable());
                if (additionalVars != null) vars.putAll(additionalVars);
            } else {
                vars = new Hashtable(vars);
        if (CommandsPool.PREPROCESS_NEXT_FILE == preprocessStatus) {
            files.remove(files.keys().nextElement()); // remove the processed file
            if (files.size() == 1 && askForEachFile != null && askForEachFile[0] == true) {
                askForEachFile = null; // Do not show the check box for the last file.
        } else if (cmdCanRunOnMultipleFilesInFolder) {
            for (Enumeration keys = singleFolderTable.keys(); keys.hasMoreElements(); ) {
            if (files.size() == 1 && askForEachFile != null && askForEachFile[0] == true) {
                askForEachFile = null; // Do not show the check box for the last file.
            if (files.size() > 0) {
                preprocessStatus = CommandsPool.PREPROCESS_NEXT_FILE;
        varsRef[0] = vars;
        askForEachFileRef[0] = askForEachFile;
        return preprocessStatus;
    private static Map extractScheduledFiles(Table files, VcsCommand cmd) {
        HashMap scheduledMap = new HashMap();
        //Table scheduled = new Table();
        LinkedList keys = new LinkedList();
        for (Enumeration enum = files.keys(); enum.hasMoreElements(); ) {
        for (Iterator it = keys.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
            String fileName = (String);
            FileObject fo = (FileObject) files.get(fileName);
            String attr;
            if (fo == null) {
                attr = VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULING_REMOVE;
            } else {
                attr = (String) fo.getAttribute(VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULED_FILE_ATTR);
            if (attr == null) continue;
            String scheduledCmdStr = (String) cmd.getProperty(VcsCommand.PROPERTY_EXEC_SCHEDULED_COMMAND + attr);
            if (scheduledCmdStr == null) continue;
            Table scheduled = (Table) scheduledMap.get(attr);
            if (scheduled == null) {
                scheduled = new Table();
                scheduledMap.put(attr, scheduled);
            scheduled.put(fileName, fo);
        return scheduledMap;
        if (scheduled.size() > 0) {
            return scheduled;
        } else {
            return null;
    /** Make sure, that the files are saved. If not, save them.
     * Synchronized, so that we do not try to save the same objects twice in parallel.
     * @param fos the collection of FileObjects which or under which modified
     *        files are saved.
    public static synchronized void assureFilesSaved(Collection fos) {
        DataObject[] modified = DataObject.getRegistry().getModified();
        if (modified.length == 0) return ;
        Set files = new HashSet(fos);
        List folders = null;
        for (Iterator it = fos.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
            FileObject fo = (FileObject);
            if (fo == null) {
            if (fo.isFolder()) {
                if (folders == null) {
                    folders = new ArrayList();
        if (folders == null) {
            folders = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
        boolean wasSaved = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < modified.length; i++) {
            Set modifiedFiles = modified[i].files();
            for (Iterator modIt = modifiedFiles.iterator(); modIt.hasNext(); ) {
                FileObject modifiedFile = (FileObject);
                if (shouldBeSaved(modifiedFile, files, folders)) {
                    Node.Cookie cake = modified[i].getCookie(SaveCookie.class);
                    try {
                        if (cake != null) {
                            ((SaveCookie) cake).save();
                            wasSaved = true;
                    } catch ( exc) {
        if (wasSaved) {
            // If we saved some data, we need to wait at least one second.
            // This will assure, that any further command, that will modify
            // the conent of a saved file will actually change the modification
            // time (time resolution is ~1s). See issue #36065 for details.
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException iex) {}
    private static boolean shouldBeSaved(FileObject modifiedFile, Collection files, Collection folders) {
        FileSystem fs = (FileSystem) modifiedFile.getAttribute(VcsAttributes.VCS_NATIVE_FS);
        if (fs == null) return false;
        String path = (String) modifiedFile.getAttribute(VcsAttributes.VCS_NATIVE_PACKAGE_NAME_EXT);
        modifiedFile = fs.findResource(path);
        if (modifiedFile == null) return false;
        if (files.contains(modifiedFile)) {
            return true;
        } else {
            for (Iterator it = folders.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
                FileObject folder = (FileObject);
                if (isAFileInAFolder(folder, modifiedFile)) {
                    return true;
            return false;
    private static boolean isAFileInAFolder(FileObject folder, FileObject file) {
        boolean isIn = false;
        boolean canBeIn = true;
        while (!isIn && canBeIn) {
            file = file.getParent();
            if (file == null) break;
            if (folder.equals(file)) {
                isIn = true;
            } else {
                canBeIn = file.getPath().startsWith(folder.getPath());
        return isIn;
    /** Reorder the table of files by the path hierarchical order.
     * @param files the table of pairs of files and file objects
     * @return the reordered table
    private static Table createHierarchicalOrder(Table files) {
        TreeMap sorted = new TreeMap(files);
        Table sortedFiles = new Table();
        for (Iterator it = sorted.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
            Object key =;
            sortedFiles.put(key, files.get(key));
        return sortedFiles;

     * Test if some of the selected nodes are directories.
     * @return true if some of the selected nodes are directories,
     *         false otherwise.
    protected boolean isOnDirectory() {
        boolean is = false;
        if (selectedFileObjects != null) {
            for (Iterator it = selectedFileObjects.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
                FileObject fo = (FileObject);
                if (fo.isFolder()) is = true;
        return is && !isOnRoot();

     * Test if some of the selected nodes are files.
     * @return true if some of the selected nodes are files,
     *         false otherwise.
    protected boolean isOnFile() {
        if (selectedFileObjects != null) {
            //System.out.println("isOnFile(): selectedFileObjects = "+selectedFileObjects+", size = "+selectedFileObjects.size());
            for (Iterator it = selectedFileObjects.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
                FileObject fo = (FileObject);
                //System.out.println("  fo = "+fo);
                if (!fo.isFolder()) return true;
        return false;

     * Test if one of the selected nodes is the root node.
     * @return true if at least one of the selected nodes is the root node,
     *         false otherwise.
    protected boolean isOnRoot() {
        if (selectedFileObjects != null) {
            for (Iterator it = selectedFileObjects.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
                FileObject fo = (FileObject);
                if (fo.getPackageNameExt('/', '.').length() == 0) return true;
        return false;

     * Add files marked as important.
     * @param dd the data object from which the files are read.
     * @param res the Table of path and FileObject pairs which are important.
     * @param all whether to add unimportant files as well
    protected void addImportantFiles(Collection fos, Table res, boolean all, boolean doNotTestFS) {
        VcsFileSystem fileSystem = (VcsFileSystem) this.fileSystem.get();
        addImportantFiles(fos, res, all, fileSystem, doNotTestFS);

     * Add files.
     * @param dd the data object from which the files are read.
     * @param res the Table of path and FileObject pairs.
     * @param all whether to add unimportant files as well
     * @param fileSystem the file system
    public static void addImportantFiles(Collection fos, Table res, boolean all, VcsFileSystem fileSystem) {
        addImportantFiles(fos, res, all, fileSystem, false);
     * Add files.
     * @param dd the data object from which the files are read.
     * @param res the Table of path and FileObject pairs.
     * @param all whether to add unimportant files as well
     * @param fileSystem the file system
     * @param doNotTestFS if true, FileObjects will not be tested whether they belong to VcsFileSystem
    public static void addImportantFiles(Collection fos, Table res, boolean all, VcsFileSystem fileSystem, boolean doNotTestFS) {
        for(Iterator it = fos.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
            FileObject ff = (FileObject);
            try {
                if (!doNotTestFS && ff.getFileSystem() != fileSystem)
            } catch (FileStateInvalidException exc) {
            String fileName = ff.getPath();
            //VcsFile file = fileSystem.getCache().getFile(fileName);
            //D.deb("file = "+file+" for "+fileName);
            //if (file == null || file.isImportant()) {
            if (all || fileSystem.isImportant(fileName)) {
                //D.deb(fileName+" is important");
                res.put(fileName, ff);
            Set[] scheduled = (Set[]) ff.getAttribute(VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULED_FILES_ATTR);
            if (scheduled != null && scheduled[0] != null) {
                for (Iterator sit = scheduled[0].iterator(); sit.hasNext(); ) {
                    String name = (String);
                    res.put(name, null);
            //else D.deb(fileName+" is NOT important");
    private Set getSelectedFileStatusAttributes() {
        Set statuses = new HashSet();
        VcsFileSystem fileSystem = (VcsFileSystem) this.fileSystem.get();
        FileStatusProvider statusProv = fileSystem.getStatusProvider();
        boolean processAll = fileSystem.isProcessUnimportantFiles();
        if (statusProv != null) {
            if (selectedFileObjects != null) {
                for (Iterator it = selectedFileObjects.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
                    FileObject fo = (FileObject);
                    String path = fo.getPackageNameExt('/', '.');
                    FileSystem fs = null;
                    try {
                        fs = fo.getFileSystem();
                    } catch (FileStateInvalidException exc) {}
                    if (fs instanceof VersioningFileSystem || processAll || fileSystem.isImportant(path)) {
                        String status = statusProv.getFileStatus(path);
                        if (status != null) statuses.add(status);
                    Set[] scheduled = (Set[]) fo.getAttribute(VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULED_FILES_ATTR);
                    if (scheduled != null && scheduled[0] != null) {
                        for (Iterator sit = scheduled[0].iterator(); sit.hasNext(); ) {
                            path = (String);
                            String status = statusProv.getFileStatus(path);
        return statuses;

     * Create the command menu item.
     * @param cmd the command
    private static JMenuItem createItem(VcsCommand cmd, boolean expertMode,
                                        List switchableList, String advancedOptionsSign,
                                        ActionListener listener, Hashtable variables) {
        JMenuItem item = null;
        String label = cmd.getDisplayName();
        label = Variables.expand(variables, label, false);
        //if (label.indexOf('$') >= 0) {
        //    Variables v = new Variables();
        //    label = v.expandFast(vars, label, true);
        //System.out.println("VcsAction.createItem("+name+"): menu '"+label+"' created.");
        boolean hasExpert = VcsCommandIO.getBooleanProperty(cmd, VcsCommand.PROPERTY_SUPPORTS_ADVANCED_MODE);
        if (hasExpert && expertMode) label += advancedOptionsSign;
        item = new JMenuItem(label);
        String mnemonic = (String) cmd.getProperty(VcsCommand.PROPERTY_LABEL_MNEMONIC);
        if (mnemonic != null && mnemonic.length() > 0) {
        String[] props = cmd.getPropertyNames();
        if (props != null && props.length > 0) {
        if (hasExpert && (!expertMode)) {
        return item;

     * Get a menu item that can present this action in a JMenu.
    public JMenuItem getMenuPresenter() {
        return getPresenter(true);
     * Get a menu item that can present this action in a JPopupMenu.
    public JMenuItem getPopupPresenter() {
        return getPresenter(false);
    private JMenuItem getPresenter(boolean inMenu) {
        boolean onRoot = isOnRoot();
        boolean onDir;
        boolean onFile;
        switchableList = new ArrayList();
        if (onRoot) {
            onDir = onFile = false;
        } else {
            onDir = isOnDirectory();
            onFile = isOnFile();
        //System.out.println("onRoot = "+onRoot+", onDir = "+onDir+", onFile = "+onFile);
        Set statuses = getSelectedFileStatusAttributes();
        JInlineMenu inlineMenu = new JInlineMenu();
        ArrayList menuItems = new ArrayList();
        for (int i = 0; i < actionCommandsSubTrees.length; i++) {
            JMenuItem menuItem = getPopupPresenter(actionCommandsSubTrees[i], onDir,
                                                   onFile, onRoot, statuses, inMenu);
            if (menuItem != null) menuItems.add(menuItem);
        inlineMenu.setMenuItems((JMenuItem[]) menuItems.toArray(new JMenuItem[menuItems.size()]));
        return inlineMenu;

     * Get a menu item that can present this action in a JPopupMenu.
    private JMenuItem getPopupPresenter(Node commandRoot, boolean onDir, boolean onFile,
                                        boolean onRoot, Set statuses, boolean inMenu) {
        String name = commandRoot.getDisplayName();
        if (name == null) {
            name = fileSystem.getBundleProperty("CTL_Version_Control");
        JMenuItem menu;
        if (!commandRoot.isLeaf()) {
            menu = new VcsAction.CommandMenu(commandRoot, onRoot, onFile, onDir,
                                             (VcsFileSystem) fileSystem.get(),
                                             statuses, switchableList, advancedOptionsSign,
                                             REMOVE_DISABLED, this);//JMenuPlus(name);
            if (inMenu) {
            JMenu mn = (JMenu)menu;
            menu.addMenuKeyListener(new CtrlMenuKeyListener());
            mn.addMenuListener(new javax.swing.event.MenuListener() {
                public void menuDeselected(javax.swing.event.MenuEvent e) {
                    //                deselectedMenu();
                    //                System.out.println("menu deselected");
                public void menuCanceled(javax.swing.event.MenuEvent e) {
                    //                deselectedMenu();
                    //                System.out.println("menu canceled");
                public void menuSelected(javax.swing.event.MenuEvent e) {
                    //                System.out.println("Selected menu");
        } else {
            VcsCommand cmd = (VcsCommand) commandRoot.getCookie(VcsCommand.class);
            if (cmd == null) {
                return null;
            } else {
                VcsFileSystem fileSystem = (VcsFileSystem) this.fileSystem.get();
                menu = getCommandMenuItem(cmd, onFile, onDir, onRoot,
                                          fileSystem, fileSystem.getVariablesAsHashtable(),
                                          switchableList, advancedOptionsSign, this);
                if (menu != null) {
                    if (inMenu) {
                    boolean disabled = VcsUtilities.isSetContainedInQuotedStrings(
                        (String) cmd.getProperty(VcsCommand.PROPERTY_DISABLED_ON_STATUS), statuses);
                    if (disabled && REMOVE_DISABLED) menu = null;
                    else menu.setEnabled(!disabled);

        return menu;
    private static JMenuItem getCommandMenuItem(VcsCommand cmd, boolean onFile,
                                                boolean onDir, boolean onRoot,
                                                VcsFileSystem fileSystem,
                                                Hashtable variables,
                                                List switchableList,
                                                String advancedOptionsSign,
                                                ActionListener listener) {
        JMenuItem menu;
        String hiddenTestExpression;
        if (cmd.getDisplayName() == null
            || onDir && !VcsCommandIO.getBooleanPropertyAssumeDefault(cmd, VcsCommand.PROPERTY_ON_DIR)
            || onFile && !VcsCommandIO.getBooleanPropertyAssumeDefault(cmd, VcsCommand.PROPERTY_ON_FILE)
            || onRoot && !VcsCommandIO.getBooleanPropertyAssumeDefault(cmd, VcsCommand.PROPERTY_ON_ROOT)
            || VcsCommandIO.getBooleanPropertyAssumeDefault(cmd, VcsCommand.PROPERTY_HIDDEN)
            || ((hiddenTestExpression = (String) cmd.getProperty(VcsCommand.PROPERTY_HIDDEN_TEST_EXPRESSION)) != null
                && Variables.expand(variables, hiddenTestExpression, false).trim().length() > 0)) {
            menu = null;
        } else {
            //VcsFileSystem fileSystem = (VcsFileSystem) this.fileSystem.get();
            boolean isOffLine = fileSystem.isOffLine();
            if (VcsCommand.NAME_REFRESH.equals(cmd.getName()) && isOffLine && fileSystem.getCommand(VcsCommand.NAME_REFRESH_OFFLINE) != null) {
                menu = null;
            } else if (VcsCommand.NAME_REFRESH_OFFLINE.equals(cmd.getName()) && !isOffLine && fileSystem.getCommand(VcsCommand.NAME_REFRESH) != null) {
                menu = null;
            } else if (VcsCommand.NAME_REFRESH_RECURSIVELY.equals(cmd.getName()) && isOffLine) {
                menu = null;
            } else if (VcsCommand.NAME_REFRESH_RECURSIVELY_OFFLINE.equals(cmd.getName()) && !isOffLine && fileSystem.getCommand(VcsCommand.NAME_REFRESH_RECURSIVELY) != null) {
                menu = null;
            } else {
                menu = createItem(cmd, fileSystem.isExpertMode(), switchableList,
                                  advancedOptionsSign, listener, variables);
        return menu;

     * Test whether the action should be enabled based on the currently activated nodes.
     * @return true for non-empty set of nodes.
    public boolean enable(Node[] nodes) {
        FileSystem fs = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
            if (nodes[i] instanceof VcsGroupNode) {
                Enumeration children = nodes[i].getChildren().nodes();
                while (children.hasMoreElements()) {
                    Node nd = (Node) children.nextElement();
                    DataObject dd = (DataObject) nd.getCookie(DataObject.class);
                    if (dd == null) return false;
                    FileObject primary = dd.getPrimaryFile();
                    try {
                        FileSystem testFs = primary.getFileSystem();
                        if (fs == null) fs = testFs;
                        else if (fs != testFs) return false;
                    } catch (FileStateInvalidException fsiex) {
                        return false;
            } else {
                DataObject dd = (DataObject) (nodes[i].getCookie(DataObject.class));
                if (dd == null) return false;
                FileObject primary = dd.getPrimaryFile();
                try {
                    FileSystem testFs = primary.getFileSystem();
                    if (fs == null) fs = testFs;
                    else if (fs != testFs) return false;
                } catch (FileStateInvalidException fsiex) {
                    return false;
        return (nodes.length > 0);
    /** Add files specific variables.
     * The following variables are added:
PATH - the full path to the first file from the filesystem root *
DIR - the directory of the first file from the filesystem root *
FILE - the first file *
QFILE - the first file quoted *
MIMETYPE - the MIME type of the first file *
FILES - all files delimeted by the system file separator *
PATHS - full paths to all files delimeted by two system file separators *
QPATHS - full paths to all files quoted by filesystem quotation string and delimeted by spaces *
NUM_FILES - the number of files *
MULTIPLE_FILES - "true" when more than one file is to be processed, "" otherwise *
COMMON_PARENT - the greatest common parent of provided files. If defined, * all file paths change to be relative to this common parent * * @param files the table of files * @param vars the table of variables to extend * @param quoting the quotation string used when more than one file is to be processed * @param valueAdjustment the variable value adjustment utility object * @param cacheProvider the provider of cached file attributes * @param useGreatestParentPaths whether to define COMMON_PARENT variable and * change the file paths to be relative to this greatest common parent * of all provided files. * protected static void setVariables(Table files, Hashtable vars, String quoting, VariableValueAdjustment valueAdjustment, FileCacheProvider cacheProvider, String relativeMountPoint, boolean useGreatestParentPaths) { // At first, find the greatest parent String greatestParent; if (useGreatestParentPaths) { greatestParent = findGreatestParent(files); if (greatestParent != null && greatestParent.length() == 0) { greatestParent = null; } } else { greatestParent = null; } // Then, find the first file and set the variables String fullName = (String) files.keys().nextElement(); FileObject fo = (FileObject) files.get(fullName); boolean isFileFolder = (fo != null && fo.isFolder()); String origFullName = fullName; if (greatestParent != null) { fullName = fullName.substring(greatestParent.length()); while (fullName.startsWith("/")) fullName = fullName.substring(1); } String path = VcsUtilities.getDirNamePart(fullName); String file = VcsUtilities.getFileNamePart(fullName); String separator = (String) vars.get("PS"); // NOI18N char separatorChar = (separator != null && separator.length() == 1) ? separator.charAt(0) :; path = path.replace('/', separatorChar); fullName = fullName.replace('/', separatorChar); file = valueAdjustment.adjustVarValue(file); path = valueAdjustment.adjustVarValue(path); fullName = valueAdjustment.adjustVarValue(fullName); if (fullName.length() == 0) fullName = "."; // NOI18N String module = relativeMountPoint;//(String) vars.get("MODULE"); // NOI18N if (module == null) module = ""; // NOI18N if (greatestParent != null) { if (module.length() > 0) module += separatorChar; module += greatestParent; //vars.put("MODULE", module); } if (module.length() > 0) { module = module.replace('/', separatorChar); module = valueAdjustment.adjustVarValue(module); } vars.put("MODULE", module); if (module.length() > 0) { module += separatorChar; } vars.put("PATH", fullName); // NOI18N vars.put("QPATH", (fullName.length() > 0) ? quoting+fullName+quoting : fullName); // NOI18N vars.put("DIR", path); // NOI18N if (path.length() == 0 && file.length() > 0 && file.charAt(0) == '/') file = file.substring (1, file.length ()); vars.put("FILE", file); // NOI18N vars.put("QFILE", quoting+file+quoting); // NOI18N if (fo != null) { vars.put("MIMETYPE", fo.getMIMEType()); // NOI18N } else { int extIndex = file.lastIndexOf('.'); String ext = (extIndex >= 0 && extIndex < file.length() - 1) ? file.substring(extIndex + 1) : ""; // NOI18N String mime = FileUtil.getMIMEType(ext); if (mime != null) vars.put("MIMETYPE", mime); // NOI18N } if (isFileFolder) { CacheDir cDir = cacheProvider.getDir(origFullName); if (cDir != null) { vars.put("CACHED_ATTR", cDir.getAttr()); } else { vars.remove("CACHED_ATTR"); } } else { CacheFile cFile = cacheProvider.getFile(origFullName); if (cFile != null) { vars.put("CACHED_ATTR", cFile.getAttr()); } else { vars.remove("CACHED_ATTR"); } } vars.put("FILE_IS_FOLDER", (isFileFolder) ? Boolean.TRUE.toString() : "");// the FILE is a folder // NOI18N // Second, set the multifiles variables StringBuffer qpaths = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer paths = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer mpaths = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer qmpaths = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer vfiles = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer qfiles = new StringBuffer(); int nVARS = 6; int nFILES = files.size(); int[][] fileIndexes = new int[6][nFILES]; // The array is automatically initialized with zeros. int iFile = 0; for (Enumeration enum = files.keys(); enum.hasMoreElements(); iFile++) { fullName = (String) enum.nextElement(); fo = (FileObject) files.get(fullName); origFullName = fullName; if (greatestParent != null) { fullName = fullName.substring(greatestParent.length()); while (fullName.startsWith("/")) fullName = fullName.substring(1); } if (fullName.length() == 0) fullName = "."; // NOI18N isFileFolder |= (fo != null && fo.isFolder()); file = VcsUtilities.getFileNamePart(fullName); fullName = fullName.replace('/', separatorChar); file = valueAdjustment.adjustVarValue(file); fullName = valueAdjustment.adjustVarValue(fullName); fileIndexes[0][iFile] = vfiles.length(); fileIndexes[1][iFile] = qfiles.length(); fileIndexes[2][iFile] = paths.length(); fileIndexes[3][iFile] = qpaths.length(); fileIndexes[4][iFile] = mpaths.length(); fileIndexes[5][iFile] = qmpaths.length(); vfiles.append(file); vfiles.append(separatorChar); qfiles.append(quoting); qfiles.append(file); qfiles.append(quoting); qfiles.append(" "); // NOI18N paths.append(fullName); paths.append(""+separatorChar+separatorChar); // NOI18N qpaths.append(quoting); qpaths.append(fullName); qpaths.append(quoting); qpaths.append(" "); // NOI18N mpaths.append(module + fullName); mpaths.append(" "); // NOI18N qmpaths.append(quoting); qmpaths.append(module + fullName); qmpaths.append(quoting); qmpaths.append(" "); // NOI18N } vars.put("FILES", vfiles.delete(vfiles.length() - 1, vfiles.length()).toString()); // NOI18N vars.put("QFILES", qfiles.toString().trim()); // NOI18N vars.put("PATHS", paths.delete(paths.length() - 2, paths.length()).toString()); // NOI18N vars.put("QPATHS", qpaths.toString().trim()); // NOI18N vars.put("MPATHS", mpaths.toString().trim()); // NOI18N vars.put("QMPATHS", qmpaths.toString().trim()); // NOI18N try { vars.put("FILES_FILE_POS_INDEXES", VcsUtilities.encodeValue(fileIndexes[0])); vars.put("QFILES_FILE_POS_INDEXES", VcsUtilities.encodeValue(fileIndexes[1])); vars.put("PATHS_FILE_POS_INDEXES", VcsUtilities.encodeValue(fileIndexes[2])); vars.put("QPATHS_FILE_POS_INDEXES", VcsUtilities.encodeValue(fileIndexes[3])); vars.put("MPATHS_FILE_POS_INDEXES", VcsUtilities.encodeValue(fileIndexes[4])); vars.put("QMPATHS_FILE_POS_INDEXES", VcsUtilities.encodeValue(fileIndexes[5])); } catch ( ioex) {} vars.put("NUM_FILES", ""+files.size()); // NOI18N vars.put("MULTIPLE_FILES", (files.size() > 1) ? Boolean.TRUE.toString() : ""); // NOI18N vars.put("FILES_IS_FOLDER", (isFileFolder) ? Boolean.TRUE.toString() : "");// among FILES there is a folder // NOI18N if (greatestParent != null) { greatestParent = greatestParent.replace('/', separatorChar); greatestParent = valueAdjustment.adjustVarValue(greatestParent); vars.put("COMMON_PARENT", greatestParent); } else { vars.remove("COMMON_PARENT"); } /* System.out.println("VARIABLES set after setVariables() (greatestParent = "+greatestParent+")"); for (Iterator it = new java.util.TreeSet(vars.keySet()).iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { String varName = (String); System.out.println(" "+varName+" = '"+vars.get(varName)+"'"); } System.out.println(""); *//* } */ /** * Find the greatest parent folder of files. * private static String findGreatestParent(Table files) { String greatestParent = null; for (Enumeration enum = files.keys(); enum.hasMoreElements(); ) { String fullName = (String) enum.nextElement(); String parent = VcsUtilities.getDirNamePart(fullName); //System.out.println("findGreatestParent: fullName = '"+fullName+"', parent = '"+parent+"', prev greatestParent = '"+greatestParent+"'"); if (greatestParent == null) { greatestParent = parent; } else { if (!parent.startsWith(greatestParent)) { StringBuffer commonParent = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < parent.length() && i < greatestParent.length(); i++) { char c = parent.charAt(i); if (greatestParent.charAt(i) != c) break; commonParent.append(c); } // It can happen, that I end up in a middle of a folder name // (e.g. "mySources" and "myLibraries" will end up with "my" which is not a folder name) int end = commonParent.length(); if (!(parent.length() == end || parent.charAt(end) == '/' || greatestParent.length() == end || greatestParent.charAt(end) == '/')) { // I'm somewhere in the middle of a folder name! for (int i = end - 1; i >= 0; i--) { char c = commonParent.charAt(i); commonParent.deleteCharAt(i); if (c == '/') break; } } greatestParent = commonParent.toString(); } } //System.out.println("findGreatestParent: new greatestParent = '"+greatestParent+"'"); } if (greatestParent != null) { while (greatestParent.endsWith("/")) { greatestParent = greatestParent.substring(0, greatestParent.length() - 1); } } return greatestParent; } /** * Parse the array of attribute names and variable names into the array * of attribute names and two maps with variable names. * @param attrNonNullVars this map is filled with pairs of attribute name * and the variable name, that is set when the attribute value is * null. * @param attrValueVars this map is filled with pairs of attribute name * and the variable name, that is set to the string representation * of the attribute value. * @param attrsToVars the array of attribute names and variable names * as described at {@link VcsCommand.PROPERTY_LOAD_ATTRS_TO_VARS}. * This array can be null. * private static String[] getAttrNamesAndVars(Map attrNonNullVars, Map attrValueVars, String[] attrsToVars) { String[] attrNames = new String[attrsToVars.length / 3]; for (int i = 0; i < attrsToVars.length - 2; i += 3) { String attrName = attrsToVars[i]; attrNames[i/3] = attrName; attrNonNullVars.put(attrName, attrsToVars[i + 1]); attrValueVars.put(attrName, attrsToVars[ i + 2]); } return attrNames; } /** * Set the variables from files attributes. * @param files the table of files * @param vars the map of variables, where the new variables will be filled * @param attrsToVars the array of attribute names and variable names * as described at {@link VcsCommand.PROPERTY_LOAD_ATTRS_TO_VARS}. * This array can be null. * @return the files for which the attributes were successfully converted * to variable values and the values were the same for all of them. * private static Table setVarsFromAttrs(Table files, Hashtable vars, String[] attrNames, Map attrNonNullVars, Map attrValueVars) { if (attrNames.length == 0) return files; Table result = new Table(); Object[] attrs = getAttributes(result, files, attrNames); for (int i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) { vars.put(attrNonNullVars.get(attrNames[i]), (attrs[i] != null) ? Boolean.TRUE.toString() : ""); // NOI18N if (attrs[i] != null) vars.put(attrValueVars.get(attrNames[i]), attrs[i].toString()); else vars.remove(attrValueVars.get(attrNames[i])); } return result; } */ /** * Get the file attribute values. * @param result the table filled with files, which have the same attribute values * @param files the table of files * @param attrNames the array of file attribute names * @return the array of attribute values * private static Object[] getAttributes(Table result, Table files, String[] attrNames) { ArrayList values = new ArrayList(); Iterator it = files.keySet().iterator(); if (!it.hasNext()) return values.toArray(); String name = (String); FileObject fo = (FileObject) files.get(name); if (fo == null) { values.addAll(Collections.nCopies(attrNames.length, null)); } else { for (int i = 0; i < attrNames.length; i++) { values.add(fo.getAttribute(attrNames[i])); } } result.put(name, fo); while (it.hasNext()) { name = (String); fo = (FileObject) files.get(name); if (fo == null) { if (!Arrays.equals(values.toArray(), Collections.nCopies(attrNames.length, null).toArray())) continue; } else { int i; for (i = 0; i < attrNames.length; i++) { Object value = values.get(i); Object attr = fo.getAttribute(attrNames[i]); if (!(value == null && attr == null || value != null && value.equals(attr))) break; } if (i < attrNames.length) continue; } result.put(name, fo); } return values.toArray(); } /** Remove the files for which the command is disabled */ private static Table removeDisabled(FileStatusProvider statusProvider, Table files, VcsCommand cmd) { if (statusProvider == null) return files; String disabledStatus = (String) cmd.getProperty(VcsCommand.PROPERTY_DISABLED_ON_STATUS); if (disabledStatus == null) return files; Table remaining = new Table(); for (Enumeration enum = files.keys(); enum.hasMoreElements(); ) { String name = (String) enum.nextElement(); String status = statusProvider.getFileStatus(name); boolean disabled = VcsUtilities.isSetContainedInQuotedStrings( disabledStatus, Collections.singleton(status)); if (!disabled) { remaining.put(name, files.get(name)); } } return remaining; } /** * Perform the specified VCS command on a collection of FileObjects. * Can handle also LIST and LIST_SUB commands. */ public static void performVcsCommand(VcsCommand cmd, VcsFileSystem fileSystem, Collection fileObjects, boolean isExpert) { performVcsCommand(cmd, fileSystem, fileObjects, isExpert, null); } private static String getPackageNameSlashes(FileObject fo) { String path = fo.getPath(); int i = path.lastIndexOf('.'); if (i != -1 && i > path.lastIndexOf('/')) { path = path.substring(0, i); } return path; } /** * Perform the specified VCS command on a collection of FileObjects. * Can handle also LIST and LIST_SUB commands. */ public static void performVcsCommand(VcsCommand cmd, VcsFileSystem fileSystem, Collection fileObjects, boolean isExpert, Hashtable additionalVars) { boolean processAll = VcsCommandIO.getBooleanPropertyAssumeDefault(cmd, VcsCommand.PROPERTY_PROCESS_ALL_FILES) || fileSystem.isProcessUnimportantFiles(); Table files = new Table(); //boolean refreshDone = false; addImportantFiles(fileObjects, files, processAll, fileSystem, true); files = removeDisabled(fileSystem.getStatusProvider(), files, cmd); if (VcsCommand.NAME_REFRESH.equals(cmd.getName()) || (VcsCommand.NAME_REFRESH + VcsCommand.NAME_SUFFIX_OFFLINE).equals(cmd.getName())) { ArrayList paths = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator it = files.values().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { FileObject fo = (FileObject); if (fo == null) continue; String path = getPackageNameSlashes(fo); if (!paths.contains(path)) { doList(fileSystem, path); // TODO how does it differ from CommandExecutorSupport.doRefresh(fileSystem, path, false); bellow paths.add(path); } } } else if (VcsCommand.NAME_REFRESH_RECURSIVELY.equals(cmd.getName()) || (VcsCommand.NAME_REFRESH_RECURSIVELY + VcsCommand.NAME_SUFFIX_OFFLINE).equals(cmd.getName())) { ArrayList paths = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator it = files.values().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { FileObject fo = (FileObject); if (fo == null) continue; String path = getPackageNameSlashes(fo); if (!paths.contains(path)) { CommandExecutorSupport.doRefresh(fileSystem, path, true); paths.add(path); } } } else if (files.size() > 0) { if (isExpert && !fileSystem.isExpertMode()) { if (additionalVars == null) additionalVars = new Hashtable(); additionalVars.put(VcsFileSystem.VAR_CTRL_DOWN_IN_ACTION, Boolean.TRUE.toString()); } doCommand(files, cmd, additionalVars, fileSystem); } } /* protected void performCommand(final String cmdName, final Node[] nodes) { //System.out.println("performCommand("+cmdName+")");// on "+nodes.length+" nodes."); /* should not be used any more: if (cmdName.equals("KILL_ALL_CMDS")) { killAllCommands(); return; } *//* VcsFileSystem fileSystem = (VcsFileSystem) this.fileSystem.get(); final VcsCommand cmd = fileSystem.getCommand(cmdName); if (cmd == null) return; if (selectedFileObjects != null) { ArrayList allFiles = new ArrayList(selectedFileObjects); if (variablesForSelectedFiles != null) { Iterator it = variablesForSelectedFiles.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Hashtable vars = (Hashtable); Collection files = (Collection) variablesForSelectedFiles.get(vars); performVcsCommand(cmd, fileSystem, files, CTRL_Down, vars); allFiles.removeAll(files); } if (allFiles.size() > 0) { performVcsCommand(cmd, fileSystem, allFiles, CTRL_Down); } } else { performVcsCommand(cmd, fileSystem, selectedFileObjects, CTRL_Down); } } else { ArrayList fileObjects = new ArrayList(); Hashtable additionalVars = new Hashtable(); for(int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { //D.deb("nodes["+i+"]="+nodes[i]); // NOI18N if (nodes[i] instanceof VcsGroupNode) { VcsGroupNode grNode = (VcsGroupNode) nodes[i]; additionalVars.put(Variables.GROUP_NAME, grNode.getDisplayName()); additionalVars.put(Variables.GROUP_DESCRIPTION, grNode.getShortDescription()); Enumeration children = nodes[i].getChildren().nodes(); while (children.hasMoreElements()) { Node nd = (Node) children.nextElement(); DataObject dd = (DataObject) nd.getCookie(DataObject.class); if (dd != null) fileObjects.addAll(dd.files()); } } else { DataObject dd = (DataObject) (nodes[i].getCookie(DataObject.class)); if (dd != null) fileObjects.addAll(dd.files()); } } performVcsCommand(cmd, fileSystem, fileObjects, CTRL_Down, additionalVars); } //String mimeType = null; //String path = ""; /* if (selectedFileObjects != null) { addImportantFiles(selectedFileObjects, files, processAll, true); } else { for(int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { //D.deb("nodes["+i+"]="+nodes[i]); // NOI18N DataObject dd = (DataObject) (nodes[i].getCookie(DataObject.class)); if (dd != null) addImportantFiles(dd.files(), files, processAll, false); else continue; } } *//* } */ /* public void performAction(Node[] nodes) { //D.deb("performAction()"); // NOI18N //System.out.println("performAction("+nodes+")"); } private static RequestProcessor actionRequestProcesor; private static final Object ACTION_LOCK = new Object(); public void actionPerformed(final java.awt.event.ActionEvent e){ //D.deb("actionPerformed("+e+")"); // NOI18N //System.out.println("actionPerformed("+e+")"); final String cmdName = e.getActionCommand(); //D.deb("cmd="+cmd); // NOI18N Runnable cpr; if (selectedFileObjects != null) { cpr = new Runnable() { public void run() { performCommand(cmdName, null); } }; } else { final Node[] nodes = getActivatedNodes(); cpr = new Runnable() { public void run() { performCommand(cmdName, nodes); } }; } synchronized (ACTION_LOCK) { if (actionRequestProcesor == null) { actionRequestProcesor = new RequestProcessor("Vcs Action Request Processor"); // NOI18N } }; //new Thread(cpr, "Vcs Commands Performing Thread").start(); // NOI18N } private class CtrlMenuKeyListener implements javax.swing.event.MenuKeyListener { public void menuKeyTyped(javax.swing.event.MenuKeyEvent p1) { } public void menuKeyPressed(javax.swing.event.MenuKeyEvent p1) { boolean newCTRL_Down = "Ctrl".equals(p1.getKeyText(p1.getKeyCode())) || p1.isControlDown(); // NOI18N // System.out.println("key pressed=" + newCTRL_Down); // System.out.println("is down=" + p1.isControlDown()); changeCtrlSigns(newCTRL_Down); CTRL_Down = newCTRL_Down; } public void menuKeyReleased(javax.swing.event.MenuKeyEvent p1) { boolean newCTRL_Down = "Ctrl".equals(p1.getKeyText(p1.getKeyCode())) || !p1.isControlDown(); // NOI18N // System.out.println("key Released=" + newCTRL_Down); // System.out.println("keykode=" + p1.getKeyText(p1.getKeyCode())); changeCtrlSigns(!newCTRL_Down); CTRL_Down = !newCTRL_Down; } } private void deselectedMenu() { changeCtrlSigns(false); CTRL_Down = false; } private void changeCtrlSigns(boolean newValue) { if (newValue == CTRL_Down) return; Iterator it = switchableList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { JMenuItem item = (JMenuItem); String text = item.getText(); if (newValue) { // do turn ctrl sign on if (!text.endsWith(advancedOptionsSign)) {text = text + advancedOptionsSign;} } else { // turn it off - ctrl released if (text.endsWith(advancedOptionsSign)) {text = text.substring(0, text.length() - advancedOptionsSign.length());} } item.setText(text); } } private static class CommandMenu extends JMenuPlus { private Node commandRoot; private boolean onRoot; private boolean onFile; private boolean onDir; private VcsFileSystem fileSystem; private Set statuses; private List switchableList; private String advancedOptionsSign; private boolean removeDisabled; private ActionListener listener; private boolean popupCreated = false; public CommandMenu(Node commandRoot, boolean onRoot, boolean onFile, boolean onDir, VcsFileSystem fileSystem, Set statuses, List switchableList, String advancedOptionsSign, boolean removeDisabled, ActionListener listener) { super(); this.commandRoot = commandRoot; this.onRoot = onRoot; this.onFile = onFile; this.onDir = onDir; this.fileSystem = fileSystem; this.statuses = statuses; this.switchableList = switchableList; this.advancedOptionsSign = advancedOptionsSign; this.removeDisabled = removeDisabled; this.listener = listener; VcsCommand cmd = (VcsCommand) commandRoot.getCookie(VcsCommand.class); if (cmd != null) { setText(cmd.getDisplayName()); String mnemonic = (String) cmd.getProperty(VcsCommand.PROPERTY_LABEL_MNEMONIC); if (mnemonic != null && mnemonic.length() > 0) { setMnemonic(mnemonic.charAt(0)); } } } /** Overrides superclass method. Adds lazy popup menu creation * if it is necessary. * public JPopupMenu getPopupMenu() { if (!popupCreated) createPopup(); return super.getPopupMenu(); } private void createPopup() { boolean wasSeparator = false; boolean wasNullCommand = false; Hashtable variables = fileSystem.getVariablesAsHashtable(); Children children = commandRoot.getChildren(); for (Enumeration subnodes = children.nodes(); subnodes.hasMoreElements(); ) { Node child = (Node) subnodes.nextElement(); VcsCommand cmd = (VcsCommand) child.getCookie(VcsCommand.class); if (cmd == null) { // an extra check to not allow more separators, than appropriate if (!wasSeparator || wasNullCommand) { addSeparator(); } wasSeparator = true; wasNullCommand = true; continue; } wasNullCommand = false; //System.out.println("VcsAction.addMenu(): cmd = "+cmd.getName()); JMenuItem cmdMenu = getCommandMenuItem(cmd, onFile, onDir, onRoot, fileSystem, variables, switchableList, advancedOptionsSign, listener); if (cmdMenu == null) continue; boolean disabled = VcsUtilities.isSetContainedInQuotedStrings( (String) cmd.getProperty(VcsCommand.PROPERTY_DISABLED_ON_STATUS), statuses); //System.out.println("VcsAction: isSetContainedInQuotedStrings("+(String) cmd.getProperty(VcsCommand.PROPERTY_DISABLED_ON_STATUS)+ // ", "+VcsUtilities.arrayToString((String[]) statuses.toArray(new String[0]))+") = "+disabled); if (disabled && removeDisabled) continue; wasSeparator = false; JMenuItem item; if (!child.isLeaf()) { JMenu submenu; submenu = new VcsAction.CommandMenu(child, onRoot, onFile, onDir, fileSystem, statuses, switchableList, advancedOptionsSign, removeDisabled, listener); add(submenu); item = submenu; } else { item = cmdMenu; // item.addMenuKeyListener(ctrlListener); add(item); } if (disabled) { item.setEnabled(false); } } popupCreated = true; } } */ }
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