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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2004 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.netbeans.modules.vcscore;

import java.awt.*;
import java.beans.*;
import java.lang.ref.Reference;
import java.text.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException;
import javax.swing.*;

import org.openide.*;
import org.openide.util.actions.*;
import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileChangeListener;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileSystem;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileSystem.Status;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileStateInvalidException;
import org.openide.filesystems.AbstractFileSystem;
import org.openide.filesystems.DefaultAttributes;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileStatusEvent;
import org.openide.filesystems.Repository;
import org.openide.loaders.DataLoader;
import org.openide.loaders.DataLoaderPool;
import org.openide.loaders.DataObject;
import org.openide.loaders.DataObjectNotFoundException;
import org.openide.loaders.DataShadow;
import org.openide.nodes.Node;
import org.openide.nodes.Children;
import org.openide.util.RequestProcessor;
import org.openide.util.Utilities;
import org.openide.util.SharedClassObject;
import org.openide.util.UserQuestionException;
import org.openide.util.WeakListener;
import org.openide.util.WeakListeners;

import org.netbeans.api.queries.SharabilityQuery;

import org.netbeans.api.vcs.FileStatusInfo;
import org.netbeans.api.vcs.VcsManager;
import org.netbeans.api.vcs.commands.Command;
import org.netbeans.api.vcs.commands.CommandTask;

import org.netbeans.spi.vcs.VcsCommandsProvider;
import org.netbeans.spi.vcs.commands.CommandSupport;

import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.cache.CacheHandlerListener;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.cache.CacheHandlerEvent;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.cache.CacheFile;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.cache.CacheDir;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.cache.CacheHandler;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.cache.CacheReference;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.cache.FileSystemCache;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.caching.*;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.cmdline.UserCommandSupport;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.commands.*;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.grouping.AddToGroupDialog;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.grouping.GroupUtils;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.grouping.VcsGroupSettings;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.objectintegrity.IntegritySupportMaintainer;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.objectintegrity.VcsOISActivator;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.objectintegrity.VcsObjectIntegritySupport;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.registry.FSInfo;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.registry.FSRegistry;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.registry.FSRegistryListener;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.runtime.RuntimeFolderNode;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.runtime.VcsRuntimeCommandsProvider;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.settings.GeneralVcsSettings;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.util.*;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.util.virtuals.VcsRefreshRequest;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.util.virtuals.VirtualsDataLoader;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.util.virtuals.VirtualsRefreshing;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.versioning.RevisionEvent;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.versioning.RevisionListener;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.versioning.VersioningFileSystem;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.versioning.VersioningRepository;

/** Generic VCS filesystem.
 * @author Michal Fadljevic, Martin Entlicher
public abstract class VcsFileSystem extends AbstractFileSystem implements VariableInputDialog.FilePromptDocumentListener,
                                                                          VcsSearchTypeFileSystem, VirtualsRefreshing,
                                                                          AbstractFileSystem.List, AbstractFileSystem.Info,
                                                                          AbstractFileSystem.Change, FileSystem.Status,
                                                                          CommandExecutionContext, CacheHandlerListener,
                                                                          FileObjectExistence, VcsOISActivator, Serializable,
                                                                          FileSystem.HtmlStatus {

    public static interface IgnoreListSupport {

        public ArrayList createInitialIgnoreList ();
        public java.util.List createIgnoreList (String fileName, java.util.List parentIgnoreList);

    private static final int BADGE_ICON_SHIFT_X = 16;
    private static final int BADGE_ICON_SHIFT_Y = 8;

    public static final String VCS_PROVIDER_ATTRIBUTE = "VCS Provider";
    public static final String VCS_FILESYSTEM_ICON_BASE = "VCS Icon Base";

    //public static final String PROP_ROOT = "root"; // NOI18N
    public static final String PROP_VARIABLES = "variables"; // NOI18N
    public static final String PROP_COMMANDS = "commands"; // NOI18N
    public static final String PROP_DEBUG = "debug"; // NOI18N
    public static final String PROP_CALL_EDIT = "edit"; // NOI18N
    public static final String PROP_CALL_EDIT_PROMPT = "editPrompt"; // NOI18N
    public static final String PROP_CALL_LOCK = "lock"; // NOI18N
    public static final String PROP_CALL_LOCK_PROMPT = "lockPrompt"; // NOI18N
    public static final String PROP_EXPERT_MODE = "expertMode"; // NOI18N
    public static final String PROP_PROCESS_UNIMPORTANT_FILES = "processUnimportantFiles"; // NOI18N
    public static final String PROP_ANNOTATION_PATTERN = "annotationPattern"; // NOI18N
    public static final String PROP_ANNOTATION_TYPES = "annotationTypes"; // NOI18N
    public static final String PROP_COMMAND_NOTIFICATION = "commandNotification"; // NOI18N
    public static final String PROP_PASSWORD = "password"; // NOI18N
    public static final String PROP_REMEMBER_PASSWORD = "rememberPassword"; // NOI18N
    public static final String PROP_CREATE_RUNTIME_COMMANDS = "createRuntimeCommands"; // NOI18N
    public static final String PROP_CREATE_VERSIONING_EXPLORER = "createVersioningExplorer"; // NOI18N
    public static final String PROP_CREATE_BACKUP_FILES = "createBackupFiles"; // NOI18N
    public static final String PROP_PROMPT_FOR_VARS_FOR_EACH_FILE = "promptForVarsForEachFile"; // NOI18N
    public static final String PROP_VCS_REFRESH_TIME = "vcsRefreshTime"; // NOI18N
    public static final String PROP_FILE_FILTER = "fileFilter"; // NOI18N
    protected static final String PROP_USE_UNIX_SHELL = "useUnixShell"; // NOI18N
    protected static final String PROP_NOT_MODIFIABLE_STATUSES = "notModifiableStatuses"; // NOI18N

    public static final String VAR_TRUE = "true"; // NOI18N
    public static final String VAR_FALSE = "false"; // NOI18N

     * The value of this variable is used to surround file names.
    public static final String VAR_QUOTING = "QUOTE"; // NOI18N
     * The test on this variable can be performed in the exec string to decide
     * what options to use or what to ask the user for. When the expert mode
     * is on, this variable is non empty.
    public static final String VAR_EXPERT_MODE = "EXPERT_MODE"; // NOI18N

     * If Expert mode is off.. this variable carries information that CTrl was pressed down when
     * displaying the Vcsaction = user requested to have the advanced options displayed..

    public static final String VAR_CTRL_DOWN_IN_ACTION = "CTRL_DOWN_IN_ACTION";
     * This variable can contain the display name, which is prepended to the
     * root path of the file system to create the display name.
    public static final String VAR_FS_DISPLAY_NAME = "FS_DISPLAY_NAME"; // NOI18N
     * This variable can contain the whole annotation of file system display name.
     * This variable can contain the whole annotation of file system system name.

     * This is a prefix, for environment variable. If a variable name starts with
     * this prefix, it is considered as an environment variable, and its value
     * is added to the process environment.
    public static final String VAR_ENVIRONMENT_PREFIX = "ENVIRONMENT_VAR_";
     * This is a prefix, for environment variable, that should be removed from the command
     * environment. If a variable name starts with this prefix, variable of this name is
     * removed from the list of environment variables. It's value is ignored.

    public static final String VAR_STATUS_SCHEDULED_ADD = "STATUS_SCHEDULED_ADD";
    /** The user name of current user, that locks files.
     *  It's supposed that LOCK command will lock files with that user name.
     *  If empty, System.getProperty("") is used instead. */
    public static final String VAR_LOCKER_USER_NAME = "LOCKER_USER_NAME"; // NOI18N

    protected static final int REFRESH_TIME = 0; // Disabled by default (see #28352).
    protected volatile int refreshTimeToSet = REFRESH_TIME;

    private static final String LOCAL_FILES_ADD_VAR = "SHOWLOCALFILES"; // NOI18N
    private static final String LOCK_FILES_ON = "LOCKFILES"; // NOI18N
    private static final String PROMPT_FOR_LOCK_ON = "PROMPTFORLOCK"; // NOI18N
    private static final String EDIT_FILES_ON = "CALLEDITONFILES"; // NOI18N
    private static final String PROMPT_FOR_EDIT_ON = "PROMPTFOREDIT"; // NOI18N

    private static final String DEFAULT_QUOTING_VALUE = "\\\""; // NOI18N

    private static final String DEFAULT_CACHE_ID = "VCS_Cache"; // NOI18N

    private static final String FILE_PROMPT_PREFIX = "tmppf"; // NOI18N
     * The name of the variable for the global additional parameters.
    private static final String USER_GLOBAL_PARAM = "USER_GLOBAL_PARAM";
     * The name of the variable for the local additional parameters.
    private static final String USER_PARAM = "USER_PARAM";
    private static int last_refreshTime = REFRESH_TIME;
    private static volatile File last_rootFile = new File (System.getProperty("user.home")); // NOI18N

    private static boolean last_useUnixShell = false;

    private transient Hashtable commandsByName=null;
    /** root file */
    private volatile File rootFile = last_rootFile; // NOI18N

    private boolean useUnixShell = last_useUnixShell;

    /** is read only */
    private boolean readOnly;
    protected Hashtable variablesByName = new Hashtable ();

    private boolean lockFilesOn = false;
    private boolean promptForLockOn = true;
    //private volatile boolean promptForLockResult = false;
    private boolean promptForEditOn = true;
    private boolean callEditFilesOn = true;

    private boolean debug = false;

    /** user variables Vector 'name=value' */
    private Vector variables = new Vector(10);
     * This variable stores the environment variables and their values
     * in the form: "VAR1=Value1", "VAR2=Value2", etc.
    private transient String[] environmentVars = null;

    private String password = null;

    private boolean rememberPassword = false;

    /** Advanced confgiguration.
     * Not used any more, use commandsRoot instead.
     * Needed only for deserialization from NetBeans 3.1 and older
    private Object advanced = null;
    private transient CommandsTree commandsRoot = null;

    private String cacheID = null;
    protected transient FileCacheProvider cache = null;
    protected transient FileStatusProvider statusProvider = null;

    private int[] multiFilesAnnotationTypes = null;
    private String annotationPattern = null;

    //private long cacheId = 0;
    //private String cacheRoot = null; // NOI18N

    private transient VcsFactory factory = null;
    private transient VcsCommandsProvider commandsProvider = new DefaultVcsCommandsProvider(new CommandsTree(null));

    private transient Object processUnimportantFilesLock = new Object();
    private Boolean processUnimportantFiles = Boolean.FALSE;

     * Table used to transfer status name obtained by refresh to the name presented to the user.
     * Can be used to make localization of file statuses.
    protected HashMap possibleFileStatusesMap = null;

    /** Original file status infos provided by file status provider, that should
     * be retained. */
    private transient Set origPossibleFileStatusInfos = null;
    /** Possible file status infos. */
    private transient Set possibleFileStatusInfos = null;
    /** Map of status names obtained by refresh to the FileStatusInfo object. */
    private transient Map possibleFileStatusInfoMap = null;
    /** Map of generic names (in FileStatusInfo class) to possible VCS status names. */
    private transient Map genericStatusTranslation = null;
    /** The lock for synchronized access to structures holding possible file status information. */
    private transient Object possibleFileStatusesLock = new Object();

     * The table used to get the icon badge on the objects' data node.
     * The table contains the original statuses (obtained from the VCS tool)
     * as keys and the icons of type Image as values.
    //protected transient HashMap statusIconMap = null;

     * The default icon badge, that is used when no icon can be obtained from {@link statusIconMap}.
    protected transient Image statusIconDefault = null;

    protected boolean ready=false;
    private boolean askIfDownloadRecursively = true;
    private volatile Hashtable numDoAutoRefreshes = new Hashtable();

    protected transient boolean deserialized; // Whether this class was created by deserialization

     * Whether to prompt the user for variables for each selected file. Value of this variable
     * will be the default value in the VariableInputDialog and changing the value there will
     * change the value of this variable.
    private boolean promptForVarsForEachFile = false;

    private Vector tempFiles = new Vector();

     * Additional user parameters to the command. These are global parameters to all commands.
     * Parameters local to each command are stored in UserCommand.userParams.
     * The user is asked for them when acceptUserParams = true
    private volatile String[] userParams = null;
     * Labels to additional user parameters.
    private volatile String[] userParamsLabels = null;
     * Labels to local additional user parameters.
    private volatile String[] userLocalParamsLabels = null;

    private volatile boolean acceptUserParams = false;

    /** The expert mode. When true, the user might be prompted for other options.
    private boolean expertMode = false;

     * Whether to run command when doing refresh of folders. Recommended to turn this property off when working off-line.
    //private boolean doCommandRefresh = true;

    // CommandsPool reference kept for compatibility only.
    private volatile transient CommandsPool commandsPool = null;
    private Integer numberOfFinishedCmdsToCollect = new Integer(RuntimeFolderNode.DEFAULT_NUM_OF_FINISHED_CMDS_TO_COLLECT);
    private int versioningFileSystemMessageLength = 50;
    private boolean versioningFileSystemShowMessage = true;
    private boolean versioningFileSystemShowLocalFiles = true;
    private boolean versioningFileSystemShowUnimportantFiles = false;
    private boolean versioningFileSystemShowDeadFiles = false;

    private transient ArrayList revisionListeners;
    private transient Object revisionListenersLock;

    /** The offline mode.
     * Whether to run command when doing refresh of folders.
     * Recommended to turn this property on when working off-line.
    private volatile boolean offLine; // is set in the constructor
    private volatile int autoRefresh; // is set in the constructor
    private volatile boolean hideShadowFiles; // is set in the constructor

    private transient PropertyChangeListener settingsChangeListener = null;

    private transient FSRegistryListener addRemoveFSListener;

    private VariableValueAdjustment varValueAdjustment;

    private volatile boolean commandNotification = true;

    private Collection notModifiableStatuses = Collections.EMPTY_SET;
    private String missingFileStatus = null;
    private String missingFolderStatus = null;
    private Collection notMissingableFileStatuses = Collections.EMPTY_SET;
    private Collection notMissingableFolderStatuses = Collections.EMPTY_SET;
    private Map lockedFilesToBeModified;

    private Boolean createRuntimeCommands = Boolean.TRUE;

    private Boolean createVersioningSystem = Boolean.FALSE;

    private transient VcsActionSupporter actionSupporter = null;

    private transient IgnoreListSupport ignoreListSupport = null;

    private transient IntegritySupportMaintainer integritySupportMaintainer = null;

    private Boolean createBackupFiles = null;

    private transient VersioningFileSystem versioningSystem = null;

    private transient AbstractFileSystem.List vcsList = null;
    private transient LocalFilenameFilter localFilenameFilter = null;

    /** The refresh request instead of the standard refreshing. */
    private transient VcsRefreshRequest refresher = new VcsRefreshRequest (this, 0, this);

    /** The InputOutput used for display of VCS commands output */
    private transient InputOutput cmdIO = null;
    /** The display name of the filesystem */
    private transient String displayName;
    private String preferredSystemName = null;

    public boolean isLockFilesOn () {
        return lockFilesOn && isEnabledLockFiles();
    public void setLockFilesOn (boolean lock) {
        if (lock != lockFilesOn) {
            lockFilesOn = lock;
            VcsConfigVariable var = (VcsConfigVariable) variablesByName.get(LOCK_FILES_ON);
            if (var == null) {
                var = new VcsConfigVariable(LOCK_FILES_ON, null, "", false, false, false, null);
                variablesByName.put(var.getName(), var);
            var.setValue(lock ? "true" : "false"); // NOI18N
            firePropertyChange(PROP_CALL_LOCK, !lockFilesOn ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE, lockFilesOn ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);
    public boolean isPromptForLockOn () { return promptForLockOn; }
    public void setPromptForLockOn (boolean prompt) {
        if (prompt != promptForLockOn) {
            promptForLockOn = prompt;
            VcsConfigVariable var = (VcsConfigVariable) variablesByName.get(PROMPT_FOR_LOCK_ON);
            if (var == null) {
                var = new VcsConfigVariable(PROMPT_FOR_LOCK_ON, null, "", false, false, false, null);
                variablesByName.put(var.getName(), var);
            var.setValue(prompt ? "true" : "false"); // NOI18N
            firePropertyChange(PROP_CALL_LOCK_PROMPT, !promptForLockOn ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE, promptForLockOn ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);
    public boolean getAskIfDownloadRecursively () { return askIfDownloadRecursively; }
    public void setAskIfDownloadRecursively (boolean ask) { askIfDownloadRecursively = ask; }
    public boolean isCallEditFilesOn() {
        return callEditFilesOn && isEnabledEditFiles();
    public void setCallEditFilesOn(boolean edit) {
        if (edit != callEditFilesOn) {
            callEditFilesOn = edit;
            VcsConfigVariable var = (VcsConfigVariable) variablesByName.get(EDIT_FILES_ON);
            if (var == null) {
                var = new VcsConfigVariable(EDIT_FILES_ON, null, "", false, false, false, null);
                variablesByName.put(var.getName(), var);
            var.setValue(edit ? "true" : "false"); // NOI18N
            firePropertyChange(PROP_CALL_EDIT, !callEditFilesOn ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE, callEditFilesOn ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);
    public boolean isPromptForEditOn () { return promptForEditOn; }
    public void setPromptForEditOn (boolean prompt) {
        if (prompt != promptForEditOn) {
            promptForEditOn = prompt;
            VcsConfigVariable var = (VcsConfigVariable) variablesByName.get(PROMPT_FOR_EDIT_ON);
            if (var == null) {
                var = new VcsConfigVariable(PROMPT_FOR_EDIT_ON, null, "", false, false, false, null);
                variablesByName.put(var.getName(), var);
            var.setValue(prompt ? "true" : "false"); // NOI18N
            firePropertyChange(PROP_CALL_EDIT_PROMPT, !promptForEditOn ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE, promptForEditOn ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);
    public boolean isUseUnixShell () { return useUnixShell; }

    public boolean isEnabledLockFiles() {
        return (getCommandSupport(VcsCommand.NAME_LOCK) != null);

    public boolean isEnabledEditFiles() {
        return (getCommandSupport(VcsCommand.NAME_EDIT) != null);

    protected void setUseUnixShell (boolean unixShell) {
        if (unixShell != useUnixShell) {
            useUnixShell = unixShell;
            last_useUnixShell = unixShell;
            firePropertyChange(PROP_USE_UNIX_SHELL, !unixShell ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE, unixShell ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

    public void setAcceptUserParams(boolean acceptUserParams) {
        this.acceptUserParams = acceptUserParams;

    public boolean isAcceptUserParams() {
        return acceptUserParams;

    public void setUserLocalParamsLabels(String[] labels) {
        userLocalParamsLabels = labels;

    public String[] getUserLocalParamsLabels() {
        return userLocalParamsLabels;

    public void setUserParamsLabels(String[] labels) {
        userParamsLabels = labels;
        userParams = new String[labels.length];

    public String[] getUserParamsLabels() {
        return userParamsLabels;

    public void setUserParams(String[] userParams) {
        this.userParams = userParams;

    public String[] getUserParams() {
        return userParams;

    public void setExpertMode(boolean expertMode) {
        if (expertMode != this.expertMode) {
            this.expertMode = expertMode;
            if (commandsProvider instanceof CommandsTree.Provider) {
                ((CommandsTree.Provider) commandsProvider).setExpertMode(expertMode);
            firePropertyChange(PROP_EXPERT_MODE, !expertMode ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE, expertMode ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

    public boolean isExpertMode() {
        return expertMode;

    public void setCommandNotification(boolean commandNotification) {
        if (commandNotification != this.commandNotification) {
            this.commandNotification = commandNotification;
            firePropertyChange(PROP_COMMAND_NOTIFICATION, !commandNotification ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE, commandNotification ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

    public boolean isCommandNotification() {
        return commandNotification;

     * Set whether to prompt the user for variables for each selected file. Set the
     * initial default value in the VariableInputDialog.
    public void setPromptForVarsForEachFile(boolean promptForVarsForEachFile) {
        if (this.promptForVarsForEachFile != promptForVarsForEachFile) {
            this.promptForVarsForEachFile = promptForVarsForEachFile;
            firePropertyChange(PROP_PROMPT_FOR_VARS_FOR_EACH_FILE, !promptForVarsForEachFile ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE, promptForVarsForEachFile ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

     * Whether to prompt the user for variables for each selected file. This value
     * will be the default value in the VariableInputDialog and changing the value
     * there will change the value returned.
    public boolean isPromptForVarsForEachFile() {
        return promptForVarsForEachFile;

     * Get the CommandsPool associated with this filesystem.
     * @deprecated For compatibility only
    public CommandsPool getCommandsPool() {
        return commandsPool;

    public void setProcessUnimportantFiles(boolean processUnimportantFiles) {
        boolean fire = false;
        Boolean old = null;
        synchronized (this.processUnimportantFilesLock) {
            if (processUnimportantFiles != this.processUnimportantFiles.booleanValue()) {
                old = this.processUnimportantFiles;
                this.processUnimportantFiles = processUnimportantFiles ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
                fire = true;
        if (fire) {
            firePropertyChange(PROP_PROCESS_UNIMPORTANT_FILES, old, this.processUnimportantFiles);

    public boolean isProcessUnimportantFiles() {
        synchronized (processUnimportantFilesLock) {
            return processUnimportantFiles.booleanValue();

    /** Instruct FS to refrest folders, XXX asynchronous operation. */
    public void refreshExistingFolders() {

    protected void refreshExistingFolders(final String name) {
        org.openide.util.RequestProcessor.getDefault().post(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                FileObject root;
                if (name == null) {
                    root = getRoot();
                } else {
                    root = findResource(name);
                if (root == null) return ;
                Enumeration e = existingFileObjects(root);
                while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
                    FileObject fo = (FileObject) e.nextElement();
                    if (fo.isFolder()) {

    protected boolean isCreateBackupFilesSet() {
        return createBackupFiles != null;

    public boolean isCreateBackupFiles() {
        return createBackupFiles != null && createBackupFiles.booleanValue();

    public void setCreateBackupFiles(boolean createBackupFiles) {
        if (this.createBackupFiles == null || createBackupFiles != this.createBackupFiles.booleanValue()) {
            this.createBackupFiles = createBackupFiles ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
            firePropertyChange(PROP_CREATE_BACKUP_FILES, null, this.createBackupFiles);

    public void setOffLine(boolean offLine) {
        if (offLine != this.offLine) {
            this.offLine = offLine;
            firePropertyChange (GeneralVcsSettings.PROP_OFFLINE, !offLine ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE, offLine ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

    public boolean isOffLine() {
        return offLine;

    /** Get the mode of auto refresh. */
    public int getAutoRefresh() {
        return autoRefresh;

    /** Set the mode of auto refresh. */
    public void setAutoRefresh(int newAuto) {
        if (newAuto != autoRefresh) {
            int oldAuto = autoRefresh;
            autoRefresh = newAuto;
            firePropertyChange (GeneralVcsSettings.PROP_AUTO_REFRESH, new Integer(oldAuto), new Integer(autoRefresh));

    /** Whether to hide files, which does not exist locally. */
    public boolean isHideShadowFiles() {
        return hideShadowFiles;

    /** Set whether to hide files, which does not exist locally. */
    public void setHideShadowFiles(boolean hideShadowFiles) {
        if (hideShadowFiles != this.hideShadowFiles) {
            this.hideShadowFiles = hideShadowFiles;
            firePropertyChange (GeneralVcsSettings.PROP_HIDE_SHADOW_FILES, !hideShadowFiles ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE, hideShadowFiles ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

    public boolean isShowDeadFiles() {
        VcsConfigVariable var = (VcsConfigVariable) variablesByName.get(Variables.SHOW_DEAD_FILES);
        if (var == null) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return (var.getValue().trim().length() > 0);

    public void setShowDeadFiles(boolean showDeadFiles) {
        VcsConfigVariable var = (VcsConfigVariable) variablesByName.get(Variables.SHOW_DEAD_FILES);
        if (var == null) {
            if (showDeadFiles) {
                var = new VcsConfigVariable(Variables.SHOW_DEAD_FILES, null, "true", false, false, false, null);
                synchronized (this) {
                    variablesByName.put(Variables.SHOW_DEAD_FILES, var);
        } else {
            var.setValue(showDeadFiles ? "true" : "");

    public int getNumberOfFinishedCmdsToCollect() {
        //System.out.println("VcsFileSystem.getNumberOfFinishedCmdsToCollect() = "+numberOfFinishedCmdsToCollect.intValue());
        return numberOfFinishedCmdsToCollect.intValue();

    public void setNumberOfFinishedCmdsToCollect(int numberOfFinishedCmdsToCollect) {
        this.numberOfFinishedCmdsToCollect = new Integer(numberOfFinishedCmdsToCollect);
        firePropertyChange(org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.runtime.RuntimeFolderNode.PROPERTY_NUM_OF_FINISHED_CMDS_TO_COLLECT, null, null);

    public int getVFSMessageLength() {
        return versioningFileSystemMessageLength;
    public void setVFSMessageLength(int newVal) {
        versioningFileSystemMessageLength = newVal;

    public boolean getVFSShowLocalFiles() {
        return versioningFileSystemShowLocalFiles;
    public void setVFSShowLocalFiles(boolean newVal) {
        versioningFileSystemShowLocalFiles = newVal;

    public boolean getVFSShowMessage() {
        return versioningFileSystemShowMessage;
    public void setVFSShowMessage(boolean newVal) {
        versioningFileSystemShowMessage = newVal;

    public boolean getVFSShowUnimportantFiles() {
        return versioningFileSystemShowUnimportantFiles;
    public void setVFSShowUnimportantFiles(boolean newVal) {
        versioningFileSystemShowUnimportantFiles = newVal;

    public boolean getVFSShowDeadFiles() {
        return versioningFileSystemShowDeadFiles;
    public void setVFSShowDeadFiles(boolean newVal) {
        versioningFileSystemShowDeadFiles = newVal;

    public void addRevisionListener(RevisionListener listener) {
        synchronized (revisionListenersLock) {
            if (revisionListeners == null) revisionListeners = new ArrayList();

    public boolean removeRevisionListener(RevisionListener listener) {
        synchronized (revisionListenersLock) {
            if (revisionListeners == null) return false;
            return revisionListeners.remove(listener);

    public void fireRevisionsChanged(RevisionEvent event) {//int whatChanged, FileObject fo, Object info) {
        java.util.List listeners;
        synchronized (revisionListenersLock) {
            if (revisionListeners == null) return;
            listeners = new ArrayList(revisionListeners);
        for(Iterator it = listeners.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
            //((RevisionListener), fo, info);

    protected void setNotModifiableStatuses(Collection notModifiableStatuses) {
        this.notModifiableStatuses = notModifiableStatuses;
        firePropertyChange(PROP_NOT_MODIFIABLE_STATUSES, null, notModifiableStatuses);

    protected void setMissingFileStatus(String missingFileStatus) {
        this.missingFileStatus = missingFileStatus;

    protected void setMissingFolderStatus(String missingFolderStatus) {
        this.missingFolderStatus = missingFolderStatus;

    protected void setNotMissingableFileStatuses(Collection notMissingableFileStatuses) {
        this.notMissingableFileStatuses = notMissingableFileStatuses;

    protected void setNotMissingableFolderStatuses(Collection notMissingableFolderStatuses) {
        this.notMissingableFolderStatuses = notMissingableFolderStatuses;

     * Get whether to perform the auto-refresh in the given directory path.
     * @param path The given directory path
    public boolean getDoAutoRefresh(String path) {
        synchronized (numDoAutoRefreshes) {
            int numDoAutoRefresh = getNumDoAutoRefresh(path);
            if (numDoAutoRefresh > 0) {
                if (numDoAutoRefresh > 0) setNumDoAutoRefresh(numDoAutoRefresh, path);
                else removeNumDoAutoRefresh(path);
                return (numDoAutoRefresh == 0);
            } else { return true;} // nothing known about that path, but refresh requested. // NOI18N

     * Set how many times I call a command after which the auto-refresh is executed in the given path.
     * @param numDoAutoRefresh The number of auto-refreshes
     * @param path The given directory path
    public void setNumDoAutoRefresh(int numDoAutoRefresh, String path) {
        synchronized (numDoAutoRefreshes) {
            numDoAutoRefreshes.put(path, new Integer(numDoAutoRefresh));

     * Get the number of command calls after which perform the auto-refresh command in the given path.
     * @param path The given path
    public int getNumDoAutoRefresh(String path) {
        synchronized (numDoAutoRefreshes) {
            Integer numDoAutoRefreshObj = (Integer) numDoAutoRefreshes.get(path);
            int numDoAutoRefresh = 0;
            if (numDoAutoRefreshObj != null) {
                numDoAutoRefresh = numDoAutoRefreshObj.intValue();
            return numDoAutoRefresh;

     * Remove the number of command calls after which perform the auto-refresh command in the given path.
     * @param path The given path
    public void removeNumDoAutoRefresh(String path) {
        if (path == null) return;
        synchronized (numDoAutoRefreshes) {

    /** Set the number of milliseconds between automatic refreshes of the
     * directory structure. Replaces the functionality of setRefreshTime.
     * You should not use setRefreshTime() in subclasses of VcsFileSystem at all!
     * Use this method instead.
     * @param ms number of milliseconds between two refreshes; if <= 0 then refreshing is disabled
    protected final void setVcsRefreshTime(int ms) {
        setVcsRefreshTime(ms, true);

    private final void setVcsRefreshTime(int ms, boolean fireChange) {
        int oldMS = getVcsRefreshTime();
        refreshTimeToSet = ms;
        if (oldMS == ms) return ;
        refresher.setRefreshTime(Boolean.getBoolean("netbeans.debug.heap") ? 0 : ms); // NOI18N
        if (fireChange) firePropertyChange(PROP_VCS_REFRESH_TIME, null, null);

    /** Get the number of milliseconds between automatic refreshes of the
     * directory structure. Replaces the functionality of getRefreshTime.
     * You should not use getRefreshTime() in subclasses of VcsFileSystem at all!
     * Use this method instead.
     * By default, automatic refreshing is disabled.
     * @return the number of milliseconds, or 0 if refreshing is disabled
    protected final int getVcsRefreshTime() {
        VcsRefreshRequest r = refresher;
        return r == null ? 0 : r.getRefreshTime ();

     * Returns all existing files in the file system (both folders and data).
     * Please note, that the name of this method is misguided. It does not return
     * only existing folders, but also existing files.
    public Enumeration getExistingFolders() {
        return this.existingFileObjects(getRoot());

     * Returns all existing files in the file system.
    public Enumeration getExistingFiles() {
        return this.existingFileObjects(getRoot());

     * Do the refresh of a folder.
    public void doVirtualsRefresh(FileObject fo) {

    /** Return the working directory of the file system.
     *  To that, relative mountpoints are added later to enable compilation etc.
    public String getFSRoot() {
      return VcsFileSystem.substractRootDir(getRootDirectory().toString(), getRelativeMountPoint());

    public String getRelativeMountPoint() {
      VcsConfigVariable module = (VcsConfigVariable) variablesByName.get("MODULE");
      if (module == null) return "";
      return module.getValue();

    public void setRelativeMountPoint(final String module) throws PropertyVetoException, IOException {
        runAtomicAction(new FileSystem.AtomicAction() {
            public void run() throws IOException {
                String moduleToSet = module;
                if (moduleToSet.length() > 0) {
                    moduleToSet = moduleToSet.replaceAll("/{2,}+", "/");
                    moduleToSet = moduleToSet.replaceAll("\\\\{2,}+", "\\");
                    if (moduleToSet.endsWith("/") || moduleToSet.endsWith("\\")) {
                        moduleToSet = moduleToSet.substring(0, moduleToSet.length() - 1);
                    if (moduleToSet.startsWith("/") || moduleToSet.startsWith("\\")) {
                        moduleToSet = moduleToSet.substring(1);
                synchronized (this) {
                    //System.out.println("setRelativeMountPoint('"+module+"' -> '"+moduleToSet+"')");
                    Hashtable vars = variablesByName;
                    String root = VcsFileSystem.this.getFSRoot();
                    VcsConfigVariable mod = (VcsConfigVariable) vars.get("MODULE");
                    if (mod != null && moduleToSet.equals(mod.getValue())) return ;
                    if (mod == null) {
                        mod = new VcsConfigVariable("MODULE", "", moduleToSet, false, false, false, null);
                        variablesByName.put("MODULE", mod);
                    String oldModule = mod.getValue();
                    try {
                        setRootDirectory(new File(root));
                    } catch (PropertyVetoException prop) {
                        throw (IOException) ErrorManager.getDefault().annotate(new IOException(), prop);
                    } catch (IOException io) {
                        throw io;

     * Mark the file as being unimportant.
     * Unimplemented, obsoleted by SharabilityQuery
     * @param name the file name
    public void markUnimportant(String name) {

     * Returns true when the given file is sharable.
     * @param name The file name relative to FS root
    public boolean isImportant(String name) {
        int sharability = SharabilityQuery.getSharability(getFile(name));
        return sharability != SharabilityQuery.NOT_SHARABLE;

    private static RequestProcessor statusRequestProcessor;
    private static final Object STATUS_REQUEST_PROCESSOR_LOCK = new Object();

     * Get a special request processor, that is used to refresh the file status.
     * This is necessary to prevent some kind of deadlocks, that can occure
     * if the default RequestProcessor is used.
    public static RequestProcessor getStatusChangeRequestProcessor() {
        synchronized (STATUS_REQUEST_PROCESSOR_LOCK) {
            if (statusRequestProcessor == null) {
                statusRequestProcessor = new RequestProcessor("VCS Status Update Request Processor"); // NOI18N
        return statusRequestProcessor;

     * Perform refresh of status information on all children of a directory
     * @param path the directory path
     * @param recursivey whether to refresh recursively
    public void statusChanged (final String path, final boolean recursively) {
        getStatusChangeRequestProcessor().post(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                FileObject fo = findExistingResource(path);
                if (fo == null) return;
                Enumeration enum = existingFileObjects(fo);
                //Enumeration enum = fo.getChildren(recursively);
                HashSet hs = new HashSet();
                if (enum.hasMoreElements()) {
                    // First add the root FileObject
                while(enum.hasMoreElements()) {
                    //fo = (FileObject) enum.nextElement();
                    FileObject chfo = (FileObject) enum.nextElement();
                    if (!recursively && !fo.equals(chfo.getParent())) break;
                Set s = Collections.synchronizedSet(hs);
                fireFileStatusChanged(new FileStatusEvent(VcsFileSystem.this, s, true, true));

    private transient StatusChangeUpdater statusUpdateRunnable;
    private transient RequestProcessor.Task statusUpdateTask;

     * Fire status chnage information of a file. Batch to minimally 200ms chunks.
     * @param name the full file name (path to root)
    public void statusChanged (final String name) {
        if (statusUpdateTask == null) {
            statusUpdateRunnable = new StatusChangeUpdater();
            statusUpdateTask = getStatusChangeRequestProcessor().post(
                                statusUpdateRunnable, 200, Thread.MIN_PRIORITY);

     * Find the existing resources on this file system.
     * This method is not much efficient, because it collects all existing
     * FileObjects and search them for the desired ones.
     * @param names The collection of file names
     * @return The set of FileObjects
    private Set findExistingResources(Collection names) {
        Enumeration enum = existingFileObjects(getRoot());
        Set fos = new HashSet();
        int n = names.size();
        int i = 0;
        while (enum.hasMoreElements() && i < n) {
            FileObject obj = (FileObject) enum.nextElement();
            String name = obj.getPath();
            if (names.contains(name)) {
        return fos;

     * Find the existing resource on this file system.
     * This method is not much efficient, because it collects all existing
     * FileObjects and search them for the desired one.
    public FileObject findExistingResource(String name) {
        Enumeration enum = existingFileObjects(getRoot());
        FileObject fo = null;
        while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {
            FileObject obj = (FileObject) enum.nextElement();
            if (name.equals(obj.getPath())) {
                fo = obj;
        return fo;

     * Check the scheduled states for the set of file objects.
     * Files scheduled for ADD are controlled by this method. When they change their
     * status, they are removed from the list of scheduled files.
     * @param fos the set of files to check.
    private void checkScheduledStates(Set fos) {

        FileStatusProvider status = getStatusProvider();
        if (status == null) return ;
        VcsConfigVariable schVar = (VcsConfigVariable) variablesByName.get(VAR_STATUS_SCHEDULED_ADD);
        String scheduledStatusAdd = (schVar != null) ? schVar.getValue() : null;
        schVar = (VcsConfigVariable) variablesByName.get(VAR_STATUS_SCHEDULED_REMOVE);
        String scheduledStatusRemove = (schVar != null) ? schVar.getValue() : null;
        //System.out.println("checkScheduledStates(): scheduledStatusAdd = "+scheduledStatusAdd+", scheduledStatusRemove = "+scheduledStatusRemove);
        for (Iterator it = fos.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
            FileObject fo = (FileObject);
            //System.out.println("checkScheduledStates("+fo.getPackageNameExt('/', '.')+")");
            String attr = (String) fo.getAttribute(VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULED_FILE_ATTR);
            //System.out.println("attr("+VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULED_FILE_ATTR+") = "+attr);
            if (VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULING_ADD.equals(attr) && scheduledStatusAdd != null &&
                !scheduledStatusAdd.equals(status.getFileStatus(fo.getPath())) &&
                isSchedulingDone(fo.getPath())) {
                try {
                    fo.setAttribute(VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULED_FILE_ATTR, null);
                } catch (IOException exc) {}
                removeScheduledFromPrimary(fo, 1);
            if (VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULING_REMOVE.equals(attr) && scheduledStatusRemove != null &&
                !scheduledStatusRemove.equals(status.getFileStatus(fo.getPackageNameExt('/', '.')))) {
                try {
                    fo.setAttribute(VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULED_FILE_ATTR, null);
                } catch (IOException exc) {}
                removeScheduledFromPrimary(fo, 0);

     * Remove a file from the list of scheduled files.
     * @param fo the scheduled file object
     * @param id the scheduling ID (0 for removed, 1 for added).
    private static void removeScheduledFromPrimary(FileObject fo, int id) {
        DataObject dobj;
        try {
            dobj = DataObject.find(fo);
        } catch (org.openide.loaders.DataObjectNotFoundException exc) {
            return ;
        FileObject primary = dobj.getPrimaryFile();
        Set[] scheduled = (Set[]) primary.getAttribute(VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULED_FILES_ATTR);
        if (scheduled != null && scheduled[id] != null) {
            scheduled = cleanScheduledAttrs(scheduled);
            try {
                primary.setAttribute(VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULED_FILES_ATTR, scheduled);
                if (scheduled == null) {
                    primary.setAttribute(VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULING_MASTER_FILE_NAME_ATTR, null);
            } catch (IOException exc) {}
            // We have removed some sec. files and we must assure, that
            // the corresponding node will refresh it's status annotation:
            try {
                FileSystem fs = fo.getFileSystem();
                if (fs instanceof VcsFileSystem) {
                    ((VcsFileSystem) fs).statusChanged(primary.getPath());
            } catch (FileStateInvalidException fsiex) {
                // Ignored. No need to refresh invalid file.

     * Remove a file from the list of scheduled files.
     * @param scheduledFile the scheduled file name
     * @param primaryFile the associated primary file name
     * @param id the scheduling ID (0 for removed, 1 for added).
    private void removeScheduledFromPrimary(String scheduledFile, String primaryFile, int id) {
        Set[] scheduled = (Set[]) attr.readAttribute(primaryFile, VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULED_FILES_ATTR);
        if (scheduled != null && scheduled[id] != null) {
            scheduled = cleanScheduledAttrs(scheduled);
            try {
                attr.writeAttribute(primaryFile, VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULED_FILES_ATTR, scheduled);
                if (scheduled == null) {
                    attr.writeAttribute(primaryFile, VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULING_MASTER_FILE_NAME_ATTR, null);
            } catch (IOException exc) {}
            // We have removed some sec. files and we must assure, that
            // the corresponding node will refresh it's status annotation:

    public void disableRefresh() {
        synchronized (this) {
            refreshTimeToSet = getVcsRefreshTime();
            if (refresher != null) refresher.setRefreshTime(0); // NOI18N
            //setVcsRefreshTime(0, false);

    public void enableRefresh() {
        synchronized (this) {
            if (refresher != null) refresher.setRefreshTime(Boolean.getBoolean("netbeans.debug.heap") ? 0 : refreshTimeToSet); // NOI18N
            //setVcsRefreshTime(refreshTimeToSet, false);

    public void setRefreshTimeToSet() {

    public void setCustomRefreshTime (int time) {
        if (isValid ()) {
            //System.out.println("Filesystem valid, setting the refresh time to "+time); // NOI18N
            setVcsRefreshTime (time);
        } else {
            //System.out.println("Filesystem not valid yet for refresh time "+time); // NOI18N
            refreshTimeToSet = time;
        last_refreshTime = time;

    public int getCustomRefreshTime () {
        if (isValid ()) {
            //System.out.println("Filesystem valid, getting the refresh time "+getVcsRefreshTime ()); // NOI18N
            return getVcsRefreshTime ();
        } else {
            return refreshTimeToSet;

    public void setZeroRefreshTime() {

    protected InputOutput getCommandsIO () {
        if (cmdIO == null) {
            cmdIO =
                        NbBundle.getMessage(VcsFileSystem.class, "LBL_VCS_Output"),
        return cmdIO;

     * Clear the debug output.
    public void debugClear() {
        if (getDebug()) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException ioex) {}

     * Print a debug output. If the debug property is true, the message
     * is printed to the Output Window.
     * @param msg The message to print out.
    public void debug(String msg) {
        if (getDebug()) {

     * Print an error output. Force the message to print to the Output Window.
     * The debug property is not considered.
     * @param msg the message to print out.
    public void debugErr(String msg) {
        InputOutput out = getCommandsIO();

    /** Creates Reference. In FileSystem, which subclasses AbstractFileSystem, you can overload method
     * createReference(FileObject fo) to achieve another type of Reference (weak, strong etc.)
     * @param fo is FileObject. It`s reference yourequire to get.
     * @return Reference to FileObject
    protected java.lang.ref.Reference createReference(final FileObject fo) {
        Reference result = null;

        if (cache != null) {
            result = cache.createReference(fo);
            String fullName = fo.getPath();
            if (!getFile(fullName).exists()) {
                // When the file does not exist on disk, it must be virtual.
                ((CacheReference)result).setVirtual (true);
        } else {
            result =  super.createReference(fo);
        String fullName = fo.getPath();
        return result;

     * Utility method that find the fileobject reference and if it exists, retypes it to CacheReference.
     * @param name pathname of the resource.
     * @return  the cacheReference instance if one exists or null
     * @deprecated use getFileReference
    protected final CacheReference getCacheReference(String name) {

       Reference ref = findReference(name);
       if (ref != null && ref instanceof CacheReference) {
          CacheReference cref = (CacheReference) ref;
          return cref;
       return null;

     * Get the provider of the cache.
     * @deprecated by both Turbo and CacheHandler
    public FileCacheProvider getCacheProvider() {
        return cache;

     * Get the provider of file status attributes.
     * @deprecated by both Turbo and CacheHandler
    public FileStatusProvider getStatusProvider() {
        return statusProvider;

    public void setCache(FileCacheProvider cache) {
        this.cache = cache;

     * Get the full file path where cache information should be stored.
     * @return the cache file path or null, if no disk cache should be used for this path
    public abstract String getCacheFileName(String path);

     * Get the full file path where cache information should be stored.
     * Consults profile. It takes two parameters to avoid FileObject creations.
     * @param file subject of search
     * @param path io.file path relative to FS root.
    public abstract File getCacheFileName(File file, String path);

     * Initialize the identification of cache used.
     * The default implementation returns a unique string each time it is called.
     * @return the cache identification string
    public String initCacheIdStr() {
        return DEFAULT_CACHE_ID + new Object().hashCode();

     * Get the cache identification.
    public String getCacheIdStr() {
        synchronized (this) {
            if (cacheID == null) {
                cacheID = initCacheIdStr();
                firePropertyChange("cacheID", null, cacheID); // NOI18N
        return cacheID;

    public VcsCommandsProvider getCommandsProvider() {
        return commandsProvider;

     * Gets the default factory {@link DefaultVcsFactory}. Subclasses may override this to return different instance of {@link VcsFactory}.
    public VcsFactory getVcsFactory () {
        synchronized (this) {
            if (factory == null) {
                factory = new DefaultVcsFactory(this);
        return factory;

    private void createDir(String path) {
        File dir = new File(path);
        if (dir.isDirectory()) {
            return ;
        if (dir.mkdirs() == false) {
            E.err(g("MSG_UnableToCreateDirectory", path)); // NOI18N
            debug(g("MSG_UnableToCreateDirectory", path)); // NOI18N

     * Perform some initialization job. This method is called both when a new instance
     * of this class is created and after deserialization. Subclasses should call super.init().
    protected void init() {
        revisionListenersLock = new Object();
        lockedFilesToBeModified = new HashMap();
        displayName = computeDisplayName();
        localFilenameFilter = new LocalFilenameFilter();
        if (tempFiles == null) tempFiles = new Vector();
        cache = getVcsFactory().getFileCacheProvider();
        statusProvider = getVcsFactory().getFileStatusProvider();
        if (commandsProvider == null) {
            commandsProvider = new DefaultVcsCommandsProvider(new CommandsTree(null));
        if (possibleFileStatusesMap == null) {
            if (statusProvider != null) {
                possibleFileStatusesMap = statusProvider.getPossibleFileStatusesTable();
            } else {
                possibleFileStatusesMap = new HashMap();
        if (possibleFileStatusInfos == null) {

            if (statusProvider != null) {
                Set statusInfos = Collections.unmodifiableSet(statusProvider.getPossibleFileStatusInfos());
                setPossibleFileStatusInfos(statusInfos, Collections.EMPTY_MAP);
                origPossibleFileStatusInfos = statusInfos;
                //possibleFileStatusInfos = origPossibleFileStatusInfos;
            } else {
                setPossibleFileStatusInfos(Collections.EMPTY_SET, Collections.EMPTY_MAP);
                //possibleFileStatusInfos = Collections.EMPTY_SET;
        if (statusIconMap == null) {
            if (statusProvider != null) {
                statusIconMap = statusProvider.getStatusIconMap();
            } else {
                statusIconMap = new HashMap();
        //errorDialog = new ErrorCommandDialog(null, new JFrame(), false);
        try {
        } catch (PropertyVetoException e) {
            // Could not set root directory
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // Could not set root directory
        if (multiFilesAnnotationTypes == null) {
            multiFilesAnnotationTypes = RefreshCommandSupport.DEFAULT_MULTI_FILES_ANNOTATION_TYPES;
        if (annotationPattern == null) {
            annotationPattern = RefreshCommandSupport.DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_PATTERN;
        if (notModifiableStatuses == null) {
            notModifiableStatuses = Collections.EMPTY_SET;
        if (createRuntimeCommands == null) createRuntimeCommands = Boolean.TRUE;
        if (createVersioningSystem == null) createVersioningSystem = Boolean.FALSE;
        //if (revisionListsByName == null) revisionListsByName = new Hashtable();
        commandsPool = CommandsPool.getInstance();
        if (numberOfFinishedCmdsToCollect == null) {
            numberOfFinishedCmdsToCollect = new Integer(RuntimeFolderNode.DEFAULT_NUM_OF_FINISHED_CMDS_TO_COLLECT);
        if (varValueAdjustment == null) varValueAdjustment = new VariableValueAdjustment();
        if (attr instanceof VcsAttributes) {
            ((VcsAttributes) attr).setCommandsProvider(getCommandsProvider());
            if (isCreateRuntimeCommands()) {
                ((VcsAttributes) attr).setRuntimeCommandsProvider(new VcsRuntimeCommandsProvider(this));
        deleteFileCommandQueue = new ArrayList();
        deleteFolderCommandQueue = new ArrayList();

        FileSystemCache fsCache = CacheHandler.getInstance().getCache(getCacheIdStr());
        if (fsCache != null) {
            // Hold the IntegritySupportMaintainer so that it's not garbage-collected.
            integritySupportMaintainer = new IntegritySupportMaintainer(this, this);

    public void activate(VcsObjectIntegritySupport objectIntegritySupport) {
        FileSystemCache fsCache = CacheHandler.getInstance().getCache(getCacheIdStr());
        if (fsCache != null) {
            objectIntegritySupport.activate(this, fsCache, getFile("").getAbsolutePath(), this);

    private void initListeners() {
        settingsChangeListener = new SettingsPropertyChangeListener();
        GeneralVcsSettings settings = (GeneralVcsSettings) SharedClassObject.findObject(GeneralVcsSettings.class, true);
        settings.addPropertyChangeListener(WeakListeners.propertyChange(settingsChangeListener, settings));
        addPropertyChangeListener(new FSPropertyChangeListener());
        addRemoveFSListener = new VcsFileSystem.RegistryListener();
        FSRegistry.getDefault().addFSRegistryListener((FSRegistryListener) WeakListeners.create(FSRegistryListener.class, addRemoveFSListener, FSRegistry.getDefault()));
        // It may happen, that the FSInfo of this FS is already registered
        // (It could be registered when this FS did not exist yet)
        FSInfo[] infos = FSRegistry.getDefault().getRegistered();
        for (int i = 0; i < infos.length; i++) {
            if (VcsFileSystem.this.equals(infos[i].getExistingFileSystem())) {

    protected AbstractFileSystem.List getVcsList() {
        return vcsList;

    protected AbstractFileSystem.Info getVcsInfo() {
        return info;

     * Notifies this file system that it has been added to the repository.
     * Since we can not rely on the addNotify() method (see issue #30763),
     * this method was introduced to be notified when this FS is really added.
     * Call super.notifyFSAdded() when you're extending this method. Do not
     * call directly.
    protected void notifyFSAdded() {
        //System.out.println("isOffLine() = "+isOffLine()+", auto refresh = "+getAutoRefresh()+", deserialized = "+deserialized);
        if (!isOffLine()
            && (getAutoRefresh() == GeneralVcsSettings.AUTO_REFRESH_ON_MOUNT_AND_RESTART
            || (deserialized && getAutoRefresh() == GeneralVcsSettings.AUTO_REFRESH_ON_RESTART)
            || (!deserialized && getAutoRefresh() == GeneralVcsSettings.AUTO_REFRESH_ON_MOUNT))) {

                //XXX does not it interfere with initial checkout&refresh (if selected)
                CommandExecutorSupport.doRefresh(VcsFileSystem.this, "", true);
        if (isCreateVersioningSystem()) {
            org.openide.util.RequestProcessor.getDefault().post(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    if (versioningSystem == null) {

     * Notifies this file system that it has been removed from the repository.
     * Since we can not rely on the removeNotify() method (see issue #30763),
     * this method was introduced to be notified when this FS is really removed.
     * Call super.notifyFSRemoved() when you're extending this method. Do not
     * call directly.
    protected void notifyFSRemoved() {
        //System.out.println("fileSystem Removed("+this+")");
        if (versioningSystem != null) {
            org.openide.util.RequestProcessor.getDefault().post(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    if (versioningSystem == null) return ;
    protected final void createVersioningFileSystem() {
        versioningSystem = new VcsVersioningSystem(VcsFileSystem.this);
    protected final void removeVersioningFileSystem() {
        versioningSystem = null;

    protected void setCreateRuntimeCommands(boolean createRuntimeCommands) {
        if (this.createRuntimeCommands == null || createRuntimeCommands != this.createRuntimeCommands.booleanValue()) {
            this.createRuntimeCommands = createRuntimeCommands ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
            if (attr instanceof VcsAttributes) {
                ((VcsAttributes) attr).setRuntimeCommandsProvider(
                    (createRuntimeCommands) ? new VcsRuntimeCommandsProvider(this) : null);
            firePropertyChange(PROP_CREATE_RUNTIME_COMMANDS, null, this.createRuntimeCommands);

    public boolean isCreateRuntimeCommands() {
        return createRuntimeCommands.booleanValue();

    protected void setCreateVersioningSystem(boolean createVersioningSystem) {
        if (this.createVersioningSystem == null || createVersioningSystem != this.createVersioningSystem.booleanValue()) {
            this.createVersioningSystem = createVersioningSystem ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
            firePropertyChange(PROP_CREATE_VERSIONING_EXPLORER, null, this.createVersioningSystem);

    protected boolean isCreateVersioningSystem() {
        return createVersioningSystem.booleanValue();

    public VersioningFileSystem getVersioningFileSystem() {
        return versioningSystem;

    protected VcsActionSupporter getVcsActionSupporter() {
        return actionSupporter;

    protected VcsAttributes getVcsAttributes() {
        return (VcsAttributes) attr;

    private static final long serialVersionUID =8108342718973310275L;

     * Create a new VCS filesystem.
    public VcsFileSystem() {
        deserialized = false;
        info = this;
        change = this;
        actionSupporter = new VcsActionSupporter();
        VcsAttributes a = new VcsAttributes (rootFile, info, change, this, this, actionSupporter);
        attr = a;
        list = a;
        vcsList = new VcsList();
        setRefreshTime (0); // disable the standard refresh, VcsRefreshRequest is used instead
        setVcsRefreshTime (0, false); // due to customization
        refreshTimeToSet = last_refreshTime;
        cacheRoot = System.getProperty("netbeans.user")+File.separator+
                    "system"+File.separator+"vcs"+File.separator+"cache"; // NOI18N
        GeneralVcsSettings settings = (GeneralVcsSettings) SharedClassObject.findObject(GeneralVcsSettings.class, true);
        //possibleFileStatusesMap = statusProvider.getPossibleFileStatusesTable();

    public String[] getPossibleFileStatuses() {
        Set statusInfos = getPossibleFileStatusInfos();
        String[] statuses = new String[statusInfos.size()];
        int i = 0;
        for(Iterator it = statusInfos.iterator(); it.hasNext(); i++) {
            FileStatusInfo statusInfo = (FileStatusInfo);
            statuses[i] = statusInfo.getDisplayName();
        return statuses;

     * Get the map of possible pairs of status name and corresponding FileStatusInfo object.
    public Map getPossibleFileStatusInfoMap() {
        return possibleFileStatusInfoMap;

     * Get a copy of stauses transfer table.
    public HashMap getPossibleFileStatusesTable() {
        HashMap statusesTable;
        if (possibleFileStatusesMap == null) return null;
        synchronized (possibleFileStatusesMap) {
            statusesTable = new HashMap(possibleFileStatusesMap);
        return statusesTable;

     * Get the set of all possible FileStatusInfo objects.
    public Set getPossibleFileStatusInfos() {
        synchronized (possibleFileStatusesLock) {
            if (possibleFileStatusInfos == null) {
                return Collections.EMPTY_SET;
            } else {
                return possibleFileStatusInfos;
     * Get the map of generic file status names (that are defined in
     * FileStatusInfo class) as keys and translated file status names
     * (that are provided in the possibleFileStatusInfos set) as values.
    public Map getGenericStatusTranslation() {
        return genericStatusTranslation;

     * Set a set of all possible FileStatusInfo objects. Also a translation of
     * generic status names to provided possible status names is supplied.
     * @param fileStatusInfos The set of FileStatusInfo objects
     * @param genericStatusTranslation The map of generic file status names
     *        (that are defined in FileStatusInfo class) as keys and translated
     *        file status names (that are provided in the fileStatusInfos set)
     *        as values.
    protected final void setPossibleFileStatusInfos(Set fileStatusInfos, Map genericStatusTranslation) {
        synchronized (possibleFileStatusesLock) {
            if (this.origPossibleFileStatusInfos == null || this.origPossibleFileStatusInfos.size() == 0) {
                this.possibleFileStatusInfos = Collections.unmodifiableSet(fileStatusInfos);
            } else {
                this.possibleFileStatusInfos = new HashSet(origPossibleFileStatusInfos);
                for (Iterator newIt = fileStatusInfos.iterator(); newIt.hasNext(); ) {
                    FileStatusInfo newStatusInfo = (FileStatusInfo);
                    for (Iterator origIt = this.origPossibleFileStatusInfos.iterator(); origIt.hasNext(); ) {
                        FileStatusInfo origStatusInfo = (FileStatusInfo);
                        if (origStatusInfo.equals(newStatusInfo)) {
                this.possibleFileStatusInfos = Collections.unmodifiableSet(this.possibleFileStatusInfos);
            possibleFileStatusInfoMap = new HashMap();
            for (Iterator it = this.possibleFileStatusInfos.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
                FileStatusInfo statusInfo = (FileStatusInfo);
                possibleFileStatusInfoMap.put(statusInfo.getName(), statusInfo);
            possibleFileStatusInfoMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(possibleFileStatusInfoMap);
            this.genericStatusTranslation = Collections.unmodifiableMap(genericStatusTranslation);
    private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException, NotActiveException {
        // cache is transient
        //System.out.println("VcsFileSystem.readObject() ...");
        //try {
            //ObjectInputStream din = (ObjectInputStream) in;
        deserialized = true;
        possibleFileStatusesLock = new Object();
        boolean localFilesOn = in.readBoolean ();
        refresher = new VcsRefreshRequest (this, 0, this);
        actionSupporter = new VcsActionSupporter();
        if (!(attr instanceof VcsAttributes)) {
            VcsAttributes a = new VcsAttributes (rootFile, info, change, this, this, actionSupporter);
            attr = a;
            list = a;
        } else {
            ((VcsAttributes) attr).setCurrentSupporter(actionSupporter);
        if (vcsList == null) vcsList = new VcsList();
        //last_rootFile = rootFile;
        last_refreshTime = getCustomRefreshTime ();
        last_useUnixShell = useUnixShell;
        //cache.setLocalFilesAdd (localFilesOn);
        processUnimportantFilesLock = new Object();
        if (null == processUnimportantFiles) processUnimportantFiles = Boolean.FALSE;
        last_rootFile = new File(getFSRoot());
        //} catch (Throwable thr) {
        //    System.out.println("VcsFileSystem.readObject():");
        //    thr.printStackTrace();
        setExpertMode(isAcceptUserParams()); // to be compatible with 3.1

    private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException {
        // cache is transient

        out.writeBoolean (true/*cache.isLocalFilesAdd ()*/); // for compatibility
        String myPassword = password;
        if (!rememberPassword) password = null;
        password = myPassword; // to keep the password set if the object is written,
                               // but still in use.

    public void setDebug(boolean debug){
        if (this.debug != debug) {
            this.debug = debug;
            firePropertyChange(PROP_DEBUG, !debug ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE, debug ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

    public boolean getDebug(){
        return debug;

     * Get the environment variables and their values
     * in the form: "VAR1=Value1", "VAR2=Value2", etc.
    public String[] getEnvironmentVars() {
        return environmentVars;

    public void addEnvironmentVar (String key, String value) {
	String[] tmp = new String[environmentVars.length+1];
	System.arraycopy (this.environmentVars,0,tmp,0,this.environmentVars.length);
	tmp[environmentVars.length] = key+"="+value;
	this.environmentVars = tmp;

    public void setEnvironmentVar (String key, String value) {
	for (int i=0; i change the directory accross disks is NOT possible by a single command !!!
        int os = Utilities.getOperatingSystem();
        String cdValue = (Utilities.isWindows()
                          && os != Utilities.OS_WIN95
                          && os != Utilities.OS_WIN98) ? "cd /D" : "cd";
        int len = variables.size ();
        VcsConfigVariable var;
        for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            var = (VcsConfigVariable) variables.get (i);
            if(var.getName ().equalsIgnoreCase (LOCAL_FILES_ADD_VAR)) {
                if(var.getValue ().equalsIgnoreCase (VAR_TRUE)) {
                    cache.setLocalFilesAdd (true);
                if(var.getValue ().equalsIgnoreCase (VAR_FALSE)) {
                    cache.setLocalFilesAdd (false);
            if(var.getName ().equalsIgnoreCase (LOCK_FILES_ON)) {
                if(var.getValue ().equalsIgnoreCase (VAR_TRUE)) {
                    setLockFilesOn (true);
                if(var.getValue ().equalsIgnoreCase (VAR_FALSE)) {
                    setLockFilesOn (false);
            if(var.getName ().equalsIgnoreCase (PROMPT_FOR_LOCK_ON)) {
                if(var.getValue ().equalsIgnoreCase (VAR_TRUE)) {
                    setPromptForLockOn (true);
                if(var.getValue ().equalsIgnoreCase (VAR_FALSE)) {
                    setPromptForLockOn (false);
            if(var.getName ().equalsIgnoreCase (EDIT_FILES_ON)) {
                if(var.getValue ().equalsIgnoreCase (VAR_TRUE)) {
                    setCallEditFilesOn (true);
                if(var.getValue ().equalsIgnoreCase (VAR_FALSE)) {
                    setCallEditFilesOn (false);
            if(var.getName ().equalsIgnoreCase (PROMPT_FOR_EDIT_ON)) {
                if(var.getValue ().equalsIgnoreCase (VAR_TRUE)) {
                    setPromptForEditOn (true);
                if(var.getValue ().equalsIgnoreCase (VAR_FALSE)) {
                    setPromptForEditOn (false);
            if(var.getName ().equals ("CD")) { // NOI18N
                //var.setValue (cdValue); <- I don't want to change the value if it is set !!
                containsCd = true;
        if (variables.equals(this.variables)) {
            return ;
        if (!containsCd) {
            variables.add (new VcsConfigVariable ("CD", "cd", cdValue, false, false, false, "", 0)); // NOI18N
        Vector old = this.variables;
        synchronized (this) {
            this.variables = variables;

        VcsConfigVariable mod = (VcsConfigVariable) variablesByName.get("MODULE");
        HashMap newVarsByName = new HashMap();
        for (int i = 0, n = variables.size (); i < n; i++) {
            var = (VcsConfigVariable) variables.get (i);
            newVarsByName.put (var.getName (), var);
        if (!newVarsByName.containsKey("MODULE") && mod != null) { // The module was previosly defined, it has to be copied to new variables.
            newVarsByName.put (mod.getName (), mod);
        synchronized (this) {
            variablesByName = new Hashtable(newVarsByName);

        if (variables.equals(old)) old = null; // To fire the event even when the variables were changed in this vector.
        firePropertyChange(PROP_VARIABLES, old, variables);
        //try {
        //} catch (PropertyVetoException exc) {}
        displayName = computeDisplayName();
        firePropertyChange(PROP_DISPLAY_NAME, null, getDisplayName());

    public static String substractRootDir(String rDir, String module) {
        if (module == null || module.length() == 0) return rDir;
        String m;
        if (module.charAt(module.length() - 1) == File.separatorChar)
            m = module.substring(0, module.length() - 1);
            m = module.substring(0);
        String rDirSlashes;
        boolean chRDir = false;
        if (File.separatorChar != '/' && rDir.indexOf(File.separatorChar) > 0) {
            rDirSlashes = rDir.replace(File.separatorChar, '/');
            chRDir = true;
        } else rDirSlashes = rDir;
        String moduleSlashes;
        if (File.separatorChar != '/' && m.indexOf(File.separatorChar) > 0) {
            moduleSlashes = m.replace(File.separatorChar, '/');
        } else moduleSlashes = m;
        int i = rDirSlashes.lastIndexOf(moduleSlashes);
        if (i > 0) {
            if (chRDir) rDir = rDir.substring(0, i-1).replace('/', File.separatorChar);
            else rDir = rDir.substring(0, i-1); // I have to remove the slash also.
        if (org.openide.util.Utilities.isWindows() && rDir.length() == 2 &&
            Character.isLetter(rDir.charAt(0)) && ':' == rDir.charAt(1)) {
            rDir += "\\"; // A special case for C:\
        return rDir;

    public Hashtable getVariablesAsHashtable() {
        Vector vars;
        String rootDir;
        Hashtable result;
        synchronized (this) {
            vars = getVariables();
            rootDir = getRootDirectory().toString();
            int len = vars.size();
            Map defVars = Variables.getDefaultVariablesMap();
            result = new Hashtable(len + defVars.size() + 5);
            for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                VcsConfigVariable var = (VcsConfigVariable) vars.elementAt (i);
                String value = var.getValue();
                if (value != null) result.put(var.getName (), value);
        if (result.get("PS") == null) { // NOI18N
            result.put("PS", File.separator); // NOI18N

        String module = (String) result.get("MODULE"); // NOI18N
        //if (osName.indexOf("Win") >= 0) // NOI18N
        result.put("ROOTDIR", VcsFileSystem.substractRootDir(rootDir, module)); // NOI18N
        result.put(VAR_EXPERT_MODE, expertMode ? "expert" : "");

        return result;

    public void setPassword(String password){
        if (this.password == null && password != null ||
            this.password != null && !this.password.equals(password)) {

            this.password = password;
            firePropertyChange(PROP_PASSWORD, null, password);

    public String getPassword(){
        return password;

    public void setRememberPassword(boolean remember) {
        if (this.rememberPassword != remember) {
            this.rememberPassword = remember;
            firePropertyChange(PROP_REMEMBER_PASSWORD, !remember ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE, remember ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);

    public boolean isRememberPassword() {
        return rememberPassword;
     * Get the description of the password, typically the name of the service
     * that requests the password. 

* This method returns null by default, subclasses are expected * to override this method and return meaningful value. * @return The description or null when no description is available. */ public String getPasswordDescription() { return null; } /** * Allows some cleanup of the document which the user is asked for. * doc The Document * promptNum the order of the document * docIdentif some identification that can be set in settting the listener. */ public void filePromptDocumentCleanup(javax.swing.JTextArea ta, int promptNum, Object docIdentif) { // Let the document unchanged by default } protected void warnDirectoriesDoNotExists() { String module; File root; synchronized (this) { Hashtable vars = getVariablesAsHashtable(); module = (String) vars.get("MODULE"); if (module == null) module = ""; String rootDir = VcsFileSystem.substractRootDir(getRootDirectory().toString(), module); root = new File(rootDir); } if(!root.isDirectory() ){ final String badDir = root.toString(); javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable () { public void run () { DialogDisplayer.getDefault ().notify (new NotifyDescriptor.Message(MessageFormat.format (org.openide.util.NbBundle.getBundle(VcsFileSystem.class).getString("Filesystem.notRootDirectory"), new Object[] { badDir } ))); } }); return ; } File moduleDir = new File(root, module); if (!moduleDir.isDirectory()) { //System.out.println("NOT DIRECTORY: "+moduleDir); final String badDir = module; javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable () { public void run () { DialogDisplayer.getDefault ().notify (new NotifyDescriptor.Message(MessageFormat.format (org.openide.util.NbBundle.getBundle(VcsFileSystem.class).getString("Filesystem.notModuleDirectory"), new Object[] { badDir } ))); } }); } } public String getAnnotationPattern() { return annotationPattern; } public void setAnnotationPattern(String annotationPattern) { String old = this.annotationPattern; this.annotationPattern = annotationPattern; firePropertyChange(PROP_ANNOTATION_PATTERN, old, this.annotationPattern); } public int[] getMultiFileAnnotationTypes() { return multiFilesAnnotationTypes; } public void setMultiFileAnnotationTypes(int[] multiFileAnnotationTypes) { if (multiFilesAnnotationTypes.length != StatusFormat.NUM_ELEMENTS) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong length of the array ("+multiFileAnnotationTypes.length+" != "+StatusFormat.NUM_ELEMENTS+")"); } int[] old = this.multiFilesAnnotationTypes; this.multiFilesAnnotationTypes = multiFilesAnnotationTypes; firePropertyChange(PROP_ANNOTATION_TYPES, old, this.multiFilesAnnotationTypes); } //------------------------------------------- public FileSystem.Status getStatus(){ return this; } public String getStatus(FileObject fo) { String status; if (statusProvider != null) { fo = convertForeignFileObjectToMyFileObject(fo); String fullName = fo.getPath(); status = statusProvider.getFileStatus(fullName).trim(); } else status = ""; return status; } /** * Get states of all important files inside the DataObject. To get the status, * wait for the status reader command if necessary. * @param dobj The DataObject * @return The list of important files states. The order of files is kept unchanged. */ public String[] getStates(DataObject dobj) { Set files = dobj.files(); Object[] oo = files.toArray(); int len = oo.length; if (len == 0) return new String[0]; if (statusProvider == null) { return new String[0]; } else { for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { oo[i] = convertForeignFileObjectToMyFileObject((FileObject) oo[i]); } if (len == 1) { return new String[] { getRealStatus(((FileObject) oo[0]).getPath()) }; } else { ArrayList importantFiles = getImportantFiles(oo); String[] states = new String[importantFiles.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < states.length; i++) { states[i] = getRealStatus((String) importantFiles.get(i)); } return states; } } } /** Get the "real" status of a file. If necessary wait for the status to be * retrieved from the VCS */ private String getRealStatus(String fullName) { if (cache != null) { //findLoadedCacheDir(fullName); String dirName = VcsUtilities.getDirNamePart(fullName); String fileName = VcsUtilities.getFileNamePart(fullName); CacheDir dir = cache.getDir(dirName); if (dir == null || dir.isLocal()) { dir = findLoadedCacheDir(dirName); } // first ask for the status - this will either read the file status // from memory cache or from disk cache or start a Refresh command String firstStatus = statusProvider.getFileStatus(fullName); // If the cache directory exists wait till it's fully loaded (till the Refresh command finish) if (dir != null && dir instanceof VcsCacheDir) { VcsCacheDir vcsdir = (VcsCacheDir) dir; if (!vcsdir.isLocal()) { try { vcsdir.waitToLoad(); } catch (InterruptedException inex) {} } // Also ask whether the file is ignored to load the list of ignored files dir.isIgnored(fileName); } } // Now the correct status should be ready String status = statusProvider.getFileStatus(fullName); String trans = null; if (status != null) { synchronized (possibleFileStatusesLock) { FileStatusInfo statusInfo = (FileStatusInfo) possibleFileStatusInfoMap.get(status); if (statusInfo != null) { trans = statusInfo.getDisplayName(); } } } /* HashMap possibleFileStatusesMap = statusProvider.getPossibleFileStatusesTable(); if (possibleFileStatusesMap != null && status != null) { synchronized (possibleFileStatusesMap) { trans = (String) possibleFileStatusesMap.get(status); } } */ if (trans != null) { status = trans; } return status; } /** find a cache dir, that currently does not exist, but can be obtained * after it's parents are loaded */ private CacheDir findLoadedCacheDir(String name) { String dirName = VcsUtilities.getDirNamePart(name); String fileName = VcsUtilities.getFileNamePart(name); if (dirName.length() == 0 || dirName.length() == name.length()) return null; CacheDir dir = cache.getDir(dirName); if (dir == null || dir.isLocal()) { dir = findLoadedCacheDir(dirName); } if (dir != null && !dir.isLocal() && (dir instanceof VcsCacheDir)) { VcsCacheDir vcsdir = (VcsCacheDir) dir; if (!vcsdir.isLoaded()) { // ask for the status - this will either read the file status // from memory cache or from disk cache or start a Refresh command String firstStatus = statusProvider.getFileStatus(name); // If the cache directory exists wait till it's fully loaded (till the Refresh command finish) if (!vcsdir.isLocal()) { try { vcsdir.waitToLoad(); } catch (InterruptedException inex) {} } } } if (dir != null) { // Also ask whether the file is ignored to load the list of ignored files dir.isIgnored(fileName); dir = dir.getSubDir(fileName); } return dir; } /** Converts a FileObject from a different file system (usually * a multifilesystem which I'm a part of) to a FileObject from my (this) * filesystem. */ private FileObject convertForeignFileObjectToMyFileObject(FileObject fo) { FileSystem fs = null; try { fs = fo.getFileSystem(); } catch (FileStateInvalidException fsiex) {} if (fs != null) { if (!this.equals(fs)) { file = org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil.toFile(fo); if (file != null) { String filePath = file.getAbsolutePath().replace(, '/'); root = org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil.toFile(this.getRoot()); String rootPath = root.getAbsolutePath().replace(, '/'); if (filePath.startsWith(rootPath)) { String foPath = filePath.substring(rootPath.length()); while (foPath.startsWith("/")) foPath = foPath.substring(1); fo = findFileObject(foPath); } } } } return fo; } //------------------------------------------- public Image annotateIcon(Image icon, int iconType, Set files) { /* System.out.print("annotateIcon("); for (Iterator it = files.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { System.out.print(", "); } System.out.println(")"); Frame f = new Frame(); f.add(new Label("Original :")); f.add(new JButton(new ImageIcon(icon))); f.pack(); f.setVisible(true); */ Object[] oo = files.toArray(); int len = oo.length; if (len == 0/* || name.indexOf(getRootDirectory().toString()) >= 0*/) { return icon; } if (statusProvider != null) { ArrayList importantFiles = getImportantFiles(oo); len = importantFiles.size(); FileStatusInfo status = null; if (len == 1) { String fullName = (String) importantFiles.get(0); if ("".equals(fullName)) return icon; // DO NOT override the root icon ! status = statusProvider.getFileStatusInfo(fullName); } else { for (Iterator it = importantFiles.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { String fullName = (String); FileStatusInfo fileStatus = statusProvider.getFileStatusInfo(fullName); if (status == null) status = fileStatus; if (status != null && !status.equals(fileStatus)) { status = null;//statusProvider.getNotInSynchStatus(); break; } } } if (status != null) { Image img = status.getIcon();//(Image) statusIconMap.get(status); //System.out.println("annotateIcon: status = "+status+" => img = "+img); if (img == null) img = statusIconDefault; if (img != null) { icon = org.openide.util.Utilities.mergeImages(icon, img, BADGE_ICON_SHIFT_X, BADGE_ICON_SHIFT_Y); } } } /* f = new Frame(); f.add(new Label("MyReturned :")); f.add(new JButton(new ImageIcon(icon))); f.pack(); f.setVisible(true); */ return icon; } public String annotateNameHtml (String name, java.util.Set files) { String result = name; if (result == null) return result; // Null name, ignore it //Object[] oo = files.toArray(); int len = files.size(); if (len == 0 || name.indexOf(getRootDirectory().toString()) >= 0) { return result; } if (statusProvider != null) { ArrayList importantFiles = getImportantFiles(files.toArray()); len = importantFiles.size(); //if (print) System.out.println(" length of important = "+len); if (len == 1) { String fullName = (String) importantFiles.get(0); //System.out.println(" fullName = "+fullName); result = RefreshCommandSupport.getHtmlStatusAnnotation(name, fullName, annotationPattern, statusProvider, null); } else { //importantFiles = VcsUtilities.reorderFileObjects(importantFiles); - not needed after DataObject.files() return files in the right order //if (print) System.out.println(" importantFiles = "+VcsUtilities.arrayToString((String[]) importantFiles.toArray(new String[0]))); result = RefreshCommandSupport.getHtmlStatusAnnotation(name, importantFiles, annotationPattern, statusProvider, multiFilesAnnotationTypes); } } //String result = annotateName (name, files); String fontColor = ""; if(javax.swing.UIManager.getDefaults().getColor("Tree.selectionBackground").equals(javax.swing.UIManager.getDefaults().getColor("controlShadow"))){ fontColor = ""; } result = Utilities.replaceString(result,name, name + fontColor); return result; } /** Find the file object from a file path. * @param fullName the full path to the file * @return the file object of that file */ public FileObject findFileObject(String fullName) { return findResource(fullName); } /** Annotate the set of files with additional version control attributes. * @param name the original annotation * @param files the files to annotate * @return the annotation string */ public String annotateName(String name, Set files) { /* boolean print = false; //"Class1".equals(name); if (print) { String filesStr = ""; for (Iterator it = files.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) filesStr += ((FileObject) + ", "; System.out.println("annotateName("+name+", "+filesStr.substring(0, filesStr.length() - 2)+")"); Thread.currentThread().dumpStack(); } */ String result = name; if (result == null) return result; // Null name, ignore it //Object[] oo = files.toArray(); int len = files.size(); if (len == 0 || name.indexOf(getRootDirectory().toString()) >= 0) { return result; } if (statusProvider != null) { ArrayList importantFiles = getImportantFiles(files.toArray()); len = importantFiles.size(); //if (print) System.out.println(" length of important = "+len); if (len == 1) { String fullName = (String) importantFiles.get(0); //System.out.println(" fullName = "+fullName); result = RefreshCommandSupport.getStatusAnnotation(name, fullName, annotationPattern, statusProvider); } else { //importantFiles = VcsUtilities.reorderFileObjects(importantFiles); - not needed after DataObject.files() return files in the right order //if (print) System.out.println(" importantFiles = "+VcsUtilities.arrayToString((String[]) importantFiles.toArray(new String[0]))); result = RefreshCommandSupport.getStatusAnnotation(name, importantFiles, annotationPattern, statusProvider, multiFilesAnnotationTypes); } } //if (print) System.out.println(" annotateName("+name+") -> result='"+result+"'"); return result; } /** * Get the important files. Also add files scheduled for remove. * @return the Vector of important files as Strings */ private ArrayList/*VcsFile*/ getImportantFiles(Object[] oo){ ArrayList result = new ArrayList(); int len=oo.length; boolean processAll = isProcessUnimportantFiles(); for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) { FileObject ff = (FileObject) oo[i]; //System.out.println(" getImportantFiles("+ff+")"); boolean isFromThisFs = true; try { isFromThisFs = ff.getFileSystem().equals(this); } catch (org.openide.filesystems.FileStateInvalidException exc) { isFromThisFs = true; } //System.out.println(" isFromThisFs = "+isFromThisFs); if (isFromThisFs) { String fullName = ff.getPath(); //System.out.println(" fullName = "+fullName+", isImportant = "+isImportant(fullName)); if (processAll || isImportant(fullName)) { result.add(fullName); } } // check for scheduled files: Set[] scheduled = (Set[]) ff.getAttribute(VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULED_FILES_ATTR); if (scheduled != null && scheduled[0] != null) { String filePath = (String) ff.getAttribute(VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULING_MASTER_FILE_NAME_ATTR); if (filePath != null) { File currentFile = FileUtil.toFile(ff); if (currentFile != null && !filePath.equals(currentFile.getAbsolutePath())) { // the file was moved/copied/renamed to another location. // Delete all it's scheduling attributes, because they are out-of-date try { ff.setAttribute(VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULING_MASTER_FILE_NAME_ATTR, null); ff.setAttribute(VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULED_FILES_ATTR, null); scheduled[0].clear(); } catch (IOException exc) {} } } // add all scheduled files result.addAll(scheduled[0]); } } return result; } /** * Get the VCS actions. * @return the actions retrieved from VcsFactory.getActions(null) */ public SystemAction[] getActions() { return getVcsFactory ().getActions(null); } /** * Get the VCS actions on a collection of FileObjects. * @param fos the collection of FileObjects to act on. * @return the actions retrieved from VcsFactory.getActions(fos) */ public SystemAction[] getActions(Set fos) { /* System.out.print("getActions("); for(Iterator it = fos.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { System.out.print(((FileObject) ? ", " : "")); } System.out.println(")"); */ return getVcsFactory ().getActions(fos); } protected String computeDisplayName() { //System.out.print("VcsFileSystem.computeDisplayName(): commandsRoot = "+commandsRoot); Hashtable vars = getVariablesAsHashtable(); String displayNameAnnotation = (String) vars.get(VAR_FS_DISPLAY_NAME_ANNOTATION); if (displayNameAnnotation != null) { if (statusProvider != null) { displayNameAnnotation = RefreshCommandSupport.getStatusAnnotation("", "", displayNameAnnotation, statusProvider, vars); } else { displayNameAnnotation = Variables.expand(vars, displayNameAnnotation, false); } //System.out.println(displayNameAnnotation); return displayNameAnnotation; } VcsConfigVariable preDisplayNameVar = (VcsConfigVariable) variablesByName.get(VAR_FS_DISPLAY_NAME); if (preDisplayNameVar != null) { if (Boolean.getBoolean("netbeans.vcs.T9Y")) { String builtIn = (String) vars.get("BUILT-IN"); if (builtIn != null) { if (builtIn.length() == 0) { return preDisplayNameVar.getValue() + "-EXT " + rootFile.toString(); } else { return preDisplayNameVar.getValue() + "-INT " + rootFile.toString(); } } } //System.out.println(preDisplayNameVar.getValue() + " " + rootFile.toString()); return preDisplayNameVar.getValue() + " " + rootFile.toString(); } else if (commandsRoot != null) { CommandSupport cmdSupport = commandsRoot.getCommandSupport(); if (cmdSupport != null) { String VCSName = cmdSupport.getDisplayName(); //System.out.println("VCSName = '"+VCSName+"'"); if (VCSName != null && VCSName.length() > 0) { //System.out.println("VcsFileSystem.getDisplayName() = "+VCSName + " " + rootFile.toString()); return VCSName + " " + rootFile.toString(); } } } //System.out.println(g("LAB_FileSystemValid", rootFile.toString ())); return g("LAB_FileSystemValid", rootFile.toString ()); // NOI18N } /** * Get a human presentable name of the file system */ public final String getDisplayName() { //System.out.print("VcsFileSystem.getDisplayName(): commandsRoot = "+commandsRoot); return displayName; } /** * Set the root directory of the filesystem to the parameter passed. * @param r file to set root to * @exception PropertyVetoException if the value if vetoed by someone else (usually * by the {@link org.openide.filesystems.Repository Repository}) * @exception IOException if the root does not exists or some other error occured */ private synchronized void setInitRootDirectory(File r) throws PropertyVetoException, IOException { Hashtable vars = getVariablesAsHashtable(); String module = (String) vars.get("MODULE"); if (module == null) module = ""; String root = r.getCanonicalPath(); if (module.length() > 0) { int i = root.lastIndexOf(module); if (i > 0) root = root.substring(0, i - 1); } r = new File(root); setRootDirectory(r); } /** Set the root directory of the file system. It adds the module name to the parameter. * @param r file to set root to plus module name * @exception PropertyVetoException if the value if vetoed by someone else (usually * by the {@link org.openide.filesystems.Repository Repository}) * @exception IOException if the root does not exists or some other error occured */ public synchronized void setRootDirectory (File r) throws PropertyVetoException, IOException { setRootDirectory(r, false); } /** Set the root directory of the file system. It adds the module name to the parameter. * @param r file to set root to plus module name * @exception PropertyVetoException if the value if vetoed by someone else (usually * by the {@link org.openide.filesystems.Repository Repository}) * @exception IOException if the root does not exists or some other error occured */ protected final void setRootDirectory (File r, boolean forceToSet) throws PropertyVetoException, IOException { if (/*!r.exists() ||*/ r.isFile ()) { throw new IOException(g("EXC_RootNotExist", r.toString ())); // NOI18N } r = FileUtil.normalizeFile(r); String rDir = r.getPath(); if (rDir.length() == 0) { throw new PropertyVetoException("Can not set empty root.", null); } if (org.openide.util.Utilities.isWindows() && rDir.length() == 2 && Character.isLetter(rDir.charAt(0)) && ':' == rDir.charAt(1)) { rDir += "\\"; // A special case for C:\ r = new File(rDir); } File root; String module; synchronized (this) { module = getRelativeMountPoint(); root = new File(r, module); } if (!forceToSet && rootFile.equals(root)) return ; // Provide a possibility to veto the change of the root. fireVetoableChange (PROP_ROOT, getRoot(), null); String name = computeSystemName (root); synchronized (this) { /* Ignoring other filesystems' names => it is possible to mount VCS filesystem with the same name. Enumeration en = TopManager.getDefault ().getRepository ().fileSystems (); while (en.hasMoreElements ()) { FileSystem fs = (FileSystem) en.nextElement (); if (((org.openide.util.Utilities.isWindows() && fs.getSystemName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) || (!org.openide.util.Utilities.isWindows() && fs.getSystemName().equals(name))) && !fs.equals(this)) { // Ignore my name if I'm already mounted // NotifyDescriptor.Exception nd = new NotifyDescriptor.Exception ( throw (PropertyVetoException) TopManager.getDefault().getErrorManager().annotate( new PropertyVetoException (g("EXC_DirectoryMounted"), // NOI18N new PropertyChangeEvent (this, PROP_ROOT, getSystemName (), name)), // NOI18N g("EXC_DirectoryMounted")); // NOI18N // TopManager.getDefault ().notify (nd); } } */ setAdjustedSystemName(name); rootFile = root; last_rootFile = new File(getFSRoot()); ready=true ; //HACK // this.cache.refreshDir(this.getRelativeMountPoint()); if (cache != null) { cache.setFSRoot(r.getAbsolutePath()); cache.setRelativeMountPoint(module); } // When we change the root, we have to create new attributes, // that are with respect to the new root. VcsAttributes a = new VcsAttributes (rootFile, info, change, this, this, actionSupporter); VcsAttributes oldAttrs = getVcsAttributes(); if (oldAttrs != null) { a.setRuntimeCommandsProvider(oldAttrs.getRuntimeCommandsProvider()); } attr = a; list = a; } displayName = computeDisplayName(); firePropertyChange(PROP_DISPLAY_NAME, null, null); firePropertyChange(PROP_ROOT, null, refreshRoot ()); } /** Modified to never throw PropertyVetoException by the name adjustment. */ public void setAdjustedSystemName(String name) { int seed = 0; String testName = name; do { try { setSystemName(testName); testName = null; } catch (PropertyVetoException pvexc) { testName = name + " - " + (++seed); // NOI18N } } while (testName != null); } /** Get the root directory of the file system. * @return root directory */ public File getRootDirectory () { return rootFile; } /** Set whether the file system should be read only. * @param flag true if it should */ public void setReadOnly(boolean flag) { if (flag != readOnly) { readOnly = flag; firePropertyChange (PROP_READ_ONLY, !flag ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE, flag ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE); } } /* Test whether file system is read only. * @return true if file system is read only */ public boolean isReadOnly() { return readOnly; } /** Compute the system name of this file system for a given root directory. *

* The default implementation simply returns the filename separated by slashes. * @see FileSystem#setSystemName * @param rootFile root directory for the filesystem * @return system name for the filesystem */ private String computeSystemNameBase (File rootFile) { //System.out.println("computeSystemName()"); if (preferredSystemName != null) { return preferredSystemName; } Hashtable vars = getVariablesAsHashtable(); String systemNameAnnotation = (String) vars.get(VAR_FS_SYSTEM_NAME_ANNOTATION); if (systemNameAnnotation != null) { if (statusProvider != null) { systemNameAnnotation = RefreshCommandSupport.getStatusAnnotation("", "", systemNameAnnotation, statusProvider, vars); } else { systemNameAnnotation = Variables.expand(vars, systemNameAnnotation, false); } return systemNameAnnotation; } return this.getClass().getName()+" "+rootFile.toString ().replace(File.separatorChar, '/'); } /** Compute the system name of this file system for a given root directory. *

* The default implementation simply returns the filename separated by slashes * or looks for special system name annotation variable. * This method also assures, that the system name will be unique among * mounted filesystems. Thus when this filesystem will be mounted it will * not be invalidated. * @see FileSystem#setSystemName * @param rootFile root directory for the filesystem * @return system name for the filesystem */ protected String computeSystemName(File rootFile) { String name = computeSystemNameBase(rootFile); String testName = name; int seed = 0; do { Enumeration en = org.openide.filesystems.Repository.getDefault().fileSystems (); while (en.hasMoreElements ()) { FileSystem fs = (FileSystem) en.nextElement (); if (fs == this) continue; if (fs.getSystemName().equals(testName)) { testName = name + " - " + (++seed); break; } } if (!en.hasMoreElements()) { name = testName; testName = null; } } while (testName != null); return name; } /** * Set a preferred system name of the filesystem. * This have higher priority then VAR_FS_SYSTEM_NAME_ANNOTATION. */ public void setPreferredSystemName(String preferredSystemName) { this.preferredSystemName = preferredSystemName; setAdjustedSystemName(preferredSystemName); } /** * Get a preferred system name of the filesystem. * This have higher priority then VAR_FS_SYSTEM_NAME_ANNOTATION. */ public String getPreferredSystemName() { return preferredSystemName; } /** Get file representation for given string name. * @param name the name * @return the file */ public File getFile (String name) { File file = new File (rootFile, name); String path = file.getAbsolutePath(); boolean repaired = false; if (path.endsWith(File.separator + ".")) { path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 2); repaired = true; } if (path.endsWith(File.separator)) { path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 1); repaired = true; } if (repaired) { file = new File(path); if (!file.isAbsolute()) { // On some systems it might not be safe to remove the last // File.separator from the path!!! (e.g. "D:\" must be kept // with the last backslash!) file = new File(path + File.separator); } } file = FileUtil.normalizeFile(file); return file; } //------------------------------------------- // // List // String[] getLocalFiles(String name) { File dir = new File(getRootDirectory(), name); if (!dir.canRead()) return new String[0]; String files[] = dir.list(); if (files == null) return new String[0]; // is null when dir is not a directory return files; } /** * The file scheduled for remove is on the disk. * If it does not contain VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULING_REMOVE, * it will be removed from the list of scheduled files, because it was * deleted and reappeared. */ private void checkScheduledLocals(String path, Collection locals, Map removedFilesScheduledForRemove) { // old strange code FileStatusProvider status = getStatusProvider(); if (status == null) return ; VcsConfigVariable schVar = (VcsConfigVariable) variablesByName.get(VAR_STATUS_SCHEDULED_REMOVE); String scheduledStatusRemove = (schVar != null) ? schVar.getValue() : null; if (scheduledStatusRemove == null) return ; for (Iterator it = locals.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { String name = (path.length() > 0) ? (path + "/" + : (""; if (removedFilesScheduledForRemove.containsKey(name)) { String primary = (String) removedFilesScheduledForRemove.get(name); //System.out.println("checkScheduledLocals("+name+")"); String attribute = (String) attr.readAttribute(name, VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULED_FILE_ATTR); //System.out.println("attr("+VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULED_FILE_ATTR+") = "+attr); if (!VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULING_REMOVE.equals(attribute) && isSchedulingDone(name)) { removeScheduledFromPrimary(name, primary, 0); } } } } String[] addLocalFiles(String name, String[] cachedFiles, Map removedFilesScheduledForRemove) { String[] files = getLocalFiles(name); String[] mergedFiles; if (files == null || files.length == 0) { files = new String[0]; mergedFiles = cachedFiles; } else { java.util.List cached = new LinkedList(Arrays.asList(cachedFiles)); java.util.List local = new LinkedList(Arrays.asList(files)); local.removeAll(cached); checkScheduledLocals(name, local, removedFilesScheduledForRemove); cached.addAll(local); mergedFiles = (String[]) cached.toArray(new String[0]); } if (cache != null) { if (missingFileStatus != null || missingFolderStatus != null) { markAsMissingFiles(name, files, cachedFiles); } } return mergedFiles; // merged files are local + cached virtual = rerged - local } private void markAsMissingFiles(String name, String[] local, String[] cached) { java.util.List locals = Arrays.asList(local); //if (name.length() > 0) name += "/"; ArrayList files = new ArrayList(); if (missingFileStatus != null && missingFileStatus.equals(missingFolderStatus) && notMissingableFileStatuses.equals(notMissingableFolderStatuses)) { for (int i = 0; i < cached.length; i++) { if (!locals.contains(cached[i])) files.add(cached[i]);//statusProvider.setFileMissing(name + cached[i]); } if (files.size() > 0) { cache.setExistingFileStatus(name, (String[]) files.toArray(new String[0]), missingFileStatus, notMissingableFileStatuses, true); } } else { ArrayList folders = new ArrayList(); String name1 = (name.length() > 0) ? name + "/" : name; for (int i = 0; i < cached.length; i++) { if (!locals.contains(cached[i])) { if (folder(name1 + cached[i])) folders.add(cached[i]);//statusProvider.setFileMissing(name + cached[i]); else files.add(cached[i]); } } if (missingFileStatus != null && files.size() > 0) { cache.setExistingFileStatus(name, (String[]) files.toArray(new String[0]), missingFileStatus, notMissingableFileStatuses, true); } if (missingFolderStatus != null && folders.size() > 0) { cache.setExistingFileStatus(name, (String[]) folders.toArray(new String[0]), missingFolderStatus, notMissingableFolderStatuses, true); } } } private transient boolean isRootReferenced = false; /* Get children files inside a folder * @param name the name of the folder */ public String[] children (String name) { //System.out.println("children('"+name+"'), refresh time = "+getVcsRefreshTime()); String[] vcsFiles = null; String[] files = null; if (!ready) { //System.out.println("children: not ready !!"); // NOI18N return new String[0]; } if (!isRootReferenced) { if (cache != null) { cache.createReference(getRoot()); } isRootReferenced = true; } HashMap removedFilesScheduledForRemove = new HashMap(); if (cache != null && !isHideShadowFiles()) {// && cache.isDir(name)) { Object cacheLocker = new Object(); cache.readDirFromDiskCache(name/*, cacheLocker*/); vcsFiles = cache.getFilesAndSubdirs(name); if (!isShowDeadFiles()) { vcsFiles = filterDeadFilesOut(name, vcsFiles); } //System.out.println(" getFilesAndSubdirs = "+VcsUtilities.arrayToString(vcsFiles)); /* String p=""; // NOI18N try{ p=rootFile.getCanonicalPath(); } catch (IOException e){ E.err(e,"getCanonicalPath() failed"); // NOI18N } files=cache.dirsFirst(p+File.separator+name,vcsFiles); return files; */ if (vcsFiles != null) { vcsFiles = filterScheduledSecondaryFiles(name, vcsFiles, removedFilesScheduledForRemove); } } if (vcsFiles == null) files = getLocalFiles(name); else files = addLocalFiles(name, vcsFiles, removedFilesScheduledForRemove); //cleanupNonExistingAddedFiles(name, files); if (cache != null) { VcsCacheDir cacheDir = (VcsCacheDir) cache.getDir(name); //System.out.println("files = "+VcsUtilities.arrayToString(files)); //System.out.println("cacheDir = "+cacheDir+"; is Loaded = "+((cacheDir != null) ? ""+cacheDir.isLoaded() : "x")+", is Local = "+((cacheDir != null) ? ""+cacheDir.isLocal() : "x")); if (files.length == 0 && (cacheDir == null || (!cacheDir.isLoaded() && !cacheDir.isLocal())) || (cacheDir == null || (!cacheDir.isLoaded() && !cacheDir.isLocal())) && areOnlyHiddenFiles(files)) cache.readDir(name/*, false*/); // DO refresh when the local directory is empty ! } //System.out.println("children = "+files); //System.out.println(" children = "+VcsUtilities.arrayToString(files)); return files; } private static boolean areOnlyHiddenFiles(String[] files) { ArrayList fileList = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(files)); fileList.remove(".nbintdb"); // NOI18N fileList.remove(".nbattrs"); // NOI18N fileList.remove("fileSystem.attributes"); // NOI18N for (int i = 0; i < fileList.size(); i++) { String file = (String) fileList.get(i); if (file.endsWith("~")) fileList.remove(i--); // NOI18N } return fileList.size() == 0; } private String[] filterDeadFilesOut(String name, String[] vcsFiles) { if (vcsFiles == null) return null; FileStatusProvider statusProvider = getStatusProvider(); if (statusProvider == null) return vcsFiles; FileCacheProvider cacheProvider = getCacheProvider(); // If the folder is not in the cache, do not search it's status if (cacheProvider != null && !cacheProvider.isDir(name)) return vcsFiles; ArrayList files = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(vcsFiles)); int n = files.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { String file = (name.length() > 0) ? (name + "/" + (String) files.get(i)) : (String) files.get(i); if (cacheProvider != null && !cacheProvider.isFile(file)) continue; if (CacheStatuses.STATUS_DEAD.equals(statusProvider.getFileStatus(file))) { files.remove(i--); n--; } } return (String[]) files.toArray(new String[0]); } private transient Vector scheduledFilesToBeProcessed; /** * The scheduling action is started for a file. * Mark this file as being processed by a scheduling action. */ void addScheduledFileToBeProcessed(String name) { if (scheduledFilesToBeProcessed == null) { scheduledFilesToBeProcessed = new Vector(); } scheduledFilesToBeProcessed.add(name); } /** * The scheduling action is done for a file. * Remove this file from the list of files being processed by a scheduling action. */ void removeScheduledFileToBeProcessed(String name) { if (scheduledFilesToBeProcessed == null) { scheduledFilesToBeProcessed = new Vector(); } scheduledFilesToBeProcessed.remove(name); } /** test, whether the scheduling action was done */ private boolean isSchedulingDone(String name) { return scheduledFilesToBeProcessed == null || !scheduledFilesToBeProcessed.contains(name); } /** * Filter files, that are scheduled for remove. * @param packageName the name of a package the files come from. * @param files the original list of files * @param removedFiles the map of pairs of removed file names and package names. * This map is filled by these pairs in the method. * @return the filtered list of files. All files, that are scheduled for remove * are filtered out. */ private String[] filterScheduledSecondaryFiles(String packageName, String[] files, Map removedFiles) { ArrayList filtered = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(files)); boolean emptyPackage = (packageName.length() == 0); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { String fileName = (emptyPackage) ? files[i] : (packageName + "/" + files[i]); Set[] scheduled = (Set[]) attr.readAttribute(fileName, VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULED_FILES_ATTR); //System.out.println("filterScheduledSecondaryFiles("+packageName+"): "+ packageName + "/" + files[i]+" scheduled = "+scheduled); if (scheduled != null && scheduled[0] != null) { LinkedList toRemove = new LinkedList(); for (Iterator it = scheduled[0].iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { String secFile = (String); //System.out.println("secFile = '"+secFile+"'"); if (!emptyPackage && secFile.startsWith(packageName) || emptyPackage && secFile.indexOf('/') < 0) { //System.out.println("removing '"+secFile.substring(packageName.length() + 1)+"'"); String nameOnly = (emptyPackage) ? secFile : secFile.substring(packageName.length() + 1); boolean removed = filtered.remove(nameOnly); // if removed is true, the file was in the original list //System.out.println("removed = "+removed+", filtered.contains("+nameOnly+") = "+filtered.contains(nameOnly)); if (!removed) { // if the file was not in the original list, delete it's attibutes, // because it's supposed to be deleted in the VCS repository. toRemove.add(secFile); try { attr.writeAttribute(secFile, VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULED_FILE_ATTR, null); } catch (IOException exc) {} } else { // the file was removed from the list and put to the list of removed files removedFiles.put(secFile, fileName); } } } if (toRemove.size() > 0) { // we have some files, that were not present in the original list // and therefore their scheduling attributes has to be cleaned. scheduled[0].removeAll(toRemove); scheduled = cleanScheduledAttrs(scheduled); try { attr.writeAttribute(fileName, VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULED_FILES_ATTR, scheduled); if (scheduled == null) { attr.writeAttribute(fileName, VcsAttributes.VCS_SCHEDULING_MASTER_FILE_NAME_ATTR, null); } } catch (IOException exc) {} // We have removed some sec. files and we must assure, that // the corresponding node will refresh it's status annotation: statusChanged(fileName); } } } return (String[]) filtered.toArray(new String[0]); } /** * Clean the array of sets of scheduled file names. * If any set in this array becomes empty, substitute it by null, * if all items in the array are null, return null. * @param scheduled the array of sets of scheduled file names. * @return the array cleaned as much as possible */ private static final Set[] cleanScheduledAttrs(Set[] scheduled) { //System.out.print("cleanScheduledAttrs("+scheduled+") = "); boolean canClean = true; for (int k = 0; k < scheduled.length; k++) { if (scheduled[k] != null && scheduled[k].size() == 0) scheduled[k] = null; if (scheduled[k] != null) { canClean = false; break; } } if (canClean) scheduled = null; //System.out.println(scheduled); return scheduled; } //------------------------------------------- // // Change // /** * Lock the files so that they can not be modified in the IDE. * This is necessary for commands, that make changes to the processed files. * It's crutial, that the file does not get modified twice - externally via * the update command and internally (e.g. through the Editor). * One MUST call {@link #unlockFilesToBeModified} after the command * finish. * @param path The path of the file to be locked or directory in which all * files will be locked. * @param recursively Whether the files in directories should be locked recursively. */ public void lockFilesToBeModified(String path, boolean recursively) { if (".".equals(path)) path = ""; synchronized (lockedFilesToBeModified) { // Multiple locks are not considered. It's locked just once. lockedFilesToBeModified.put(path, recursively ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE); } } /** * Unlock the files that were previously locked by {@link #lockFilesToBeModified} * method. It's necessary to call this method with appropriate arguments after * the command finish so that the user can edit the files. */ public void unlockFilesToBeModified(String path, boolean recursively) { if (".".equals(path)) path = ""; synchronized (lockedFilesToBeModified) { lockedFilesToBeModified.remove(path); } } /** Check whether the provided name is locked for modification. * If yes, IOException is thrown. */ private void checkModificationLock(final String name) throws IOException { boolean isLocked; synchronized (lockedFilesToBeModified) { isLocked = lockedFilesToBeModified.get(name) != null; if (!isLocked) { for (Iterator it = lockedFilesToBeModified.keySet().iterator(); !isLocked && it.hasNext(); ) { String path = (String); if (path.length() == 0 || (name.startsWith(path) && name.charAt(path.length()) == '/')) { boolean recursively = ((Boolean) lockedFilesToBeModified.get(path)).booleanValue(); // either we lock it recursively or there are no more path separators '/': isLocked = (recursively || name.indexOf('/', path.length() + 1) < 0); } } } } if (isLocked) { IOException exc = new IOException("File "+name+" can be altered by a running VCS command, it's modification in the IDE is temporarily disabled.") { // It's necessary to define localized message separately, so that it's written to the Status bar !!!!!! See issue #9069. public String getLocalizedMessage() { return NbBundle.getMessage (VcsFileSystem.class, "EXC_file_is_being_modified", name); } }; //exc = (IOException) ErrorManager.getDefault().annotate(exc, NbBundle.getMessage (VcsFileSystem.class, "EXC_file_is_being_modified", name)); throw exc; } } /** * Should be called when the modification in a file or folder is expected * and its content should be refreshed. */ public void checkForModifications(String path) { checkForModifications(path, true, true, true); } /** * Should be called when the modification in a file or folder is expected * and its content should be refreshed. */ public void checkForModifications(String path, final boolean recursively, boolean refreshData, boolean refreshFolders) { //System.out.println("checkForModifications("+path+")"); if (".".equals(path)) path = ""; FileObject first = this.findResource(path); Enumeration enum = existingFileObjects(first); while(enum.hasMoreElements()) { FileObject fo = (FileObject) enum.nextElement(); if (!(fo.isData() && refreshData || fo.isFolder() && refreshFolders)) { continue; } if (!recursively) { if (!first.equals(fo.getParent())) { if (!first.equals(fo)) break; } } String name = fo.getPath(); //System.out.println("refreshResource("+name+")"); refreshResource(name, true); } } /* Creates new folder named name. * @param name name of folder * @throws IOException if operation fails */ public void createFolder (String name) throws { if( name.startsWith("/") ){ // NOI18N // Jarda TODO name=name.substring(1); } File f = getFile (name); Object[] errorParams = new Object[] { f.getName (), getDisplayName (), f.toString () }; if (name.equals ("")) { // NOI18N throw new IOException(MessageFormat.format (g("EXC_CannotCreateF"), errorParams)); // NOI18N } if (f.exists()) { throw new IOException(MessageFormat.format (g("EXC_FolderAlreadyExist"), errorParams)); // NOI18N } int lastSeparator = name.lastIndexOf ("/"); // NOI18N if (lastSeparator > 0) { File folder = getFile(name.substring (0, lastSeparator)); if (!folder.exists()) { if (!folder.mkdirs()) { throw new IOException(MessageFormat.format (g("EXC_CannotCreateF"), new Object[] { folder.getName(), getDisplayName(), folder.toString() } )); // NOI18N } } } boolean b = f.mkdir(); if (!b) { throw new IOException(MessageFormat.format (g("EXC_CannotCreateF"), errorParams)); // NOI18N } if (cache != null) cache.addFolder(name); } /** Create new data file. * @param name name of the file * @return the new data file object * @exception IOException if the file cannot be created (e.g. already exists) */ public void createData (String name) throws IOException { if( name.startsWith("/") ){ // NOI18N // Jarda TODO name=name.substring(1); } File f = getFile (name); int lastSeparator = name.lastIndexOf ("/"); // NOI18N if (lastSeparator > 0) { File folder = getFile(name.substring (0, lastSeparator)); if (!folder.exists()) { if (!folder.mkdirs()) { throw new IOException(MessageFormat.format (g("EXC_CannotCreateF"), new Object[] { folder.getName(), getDisplayName(), folder.toString() } )); // NOI18N } } } if (!f.createNewFile ()) { throw new IOException(MessageFormat.format (g("EXC_DataAlreadyExist"), new Object[] { f.getName (), getDisplayName (), f.toString () } )); // NOI18N } /* we do not store local files to cache. if (cache != null) { cache.addFile(name); } */ if (statusProvider != null) { statusProvider.setFileStatus(name, statusProvider.getLocalFileStatus()); } } private void addParentToRefresher(String name) { //System.out.println("addParentToRefresher("+name+")"); int lastIndex = name.lastIndexOf('/'); String parent; if (lastIndex > 0) { parent = name.substring(0, lastIndex); } else { parent = ""; } if (refresher != null) { //System.out.println("addPrefferedFolder("+parent+")"); refresher.addPrefferedFolder(parent); } } /** Rename a file. * @param oldName old name of the file * @param newName new name of the file */ public void rename(String oldName, String newName) throws IOException { File of = getFile (oldName); File nf = getFile (newName); // #7086 - (nf.exists() && !nf.equals(of)) instead of nf.exists() - fix for Win32 if ((nf.exists() && !nf.equals(of)) || !of.renameTo (nf)) { final String msg = g("EXC_CannotRename", oldName, getDisplayName (), newName); // NOI18N throw new IOException(msg) { public String getLocalizedMessage() { return msg; } }; } /* if (cache != null) cache.rename(oldName, newName); if (statusProvider != null) { String newStatus = statusProvider.getFileStatus(newName); if (!notModifiableStatuses.contains(newStatus)) { statusProvider.setFileModified(newName); } } */ addParentToRefresher(oldName); } /** Delete a file. * @param name name of the file * @exception IOException if the file could not be deleted */ public void delete (final String name) throws IOException { final File file = getFile (name); if (!deleteFile(file, name)) { throw new IOException () { public String getLocalizedMessage () { return g("EXC_CannotDelete", name, getDisplayName (), file.toString ()); // NOI18N } }; } } protected boolean deleteFile(final File file, String name) throws IOException { if (!file.exists()) return true; // non existing file is successfully deleted if (!file.canWrite()/* || !file.canRead()*/) { throw new IOException() { /** Localized message. */ public String getLocalizedMessage () { return g("EXC_CannotDeleteReadOnly", file.toString()); } }; } boolean wasDir = file.isDirectory(); if (wasDir) { // first of all delete whole content File[] arr = file.listFiles(); if (arr != null) { for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (!deleteFile (arr[i], name + "/" + arr[i].getName())) { return false; } } } } boolean success = file.delete(); //Currently vcscore only allows one fixed text for //missing status, but some vcs profiler may want to change the missing //status depending on the context. So we don't delete the cache here,and //leave it to the vcs profiler. // addParentToRefresher(name); if (success) callDeleteCommand(name, wasDir); return success; } /** * When a file or folder was deleted, a command DELETE_FILE * or DELETE_DIR is called. Subclasses can do their own actions here. */ protected void callDeleteCommand(String name, boolean isDir) { CommandSupport cmd; if (isDir) { cmd = getCommandSupport(VcsCommand.NAME_DELETE_DIR); } else { cmd = getCommandSupport(VcsCommand.NAME_DELETE_FILE); } if (cmd != null) { //if (VcsCommandIO.getBooleanProperty(cmd, VcsCommand.PROPERTY_RUN_ON_MULTIPLE_FILES)) { addDeleteCommand(name, isDir); /* } else { Table files = new Table(); files.put(name, findResource(name)); VcsAction.doCommand(files, cmd, null, this); } */ } } private transient ArrayList deleteFileCommandQueue;// initialized in init() private transient ArrayList deleteFolderCommandQueue;// initialized in init() private transient Thread deleteCommandThread = null; private void addDeleteCommand(String name, boolean isDir) { synchronized (deleteFileCommandQueue) { if (isDir) { deleteFolderCommandQueue.add(name); } else { deleteFileCommandQueue.add(name); } deleteFileCommandQueue.notifyAll(); if (deleteCommandThread == null || !deleteCommandThread.isAlive()) { deleteCommandThread = createDeleteCommandThread(); deleteCommandThread.start(); } } } private Thread createDeleteCommandThread() { return new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { do { boolean changed = true; int n = deleteFolderCommandQueue.size() + deleteFileCommandQueue.size(); while (changed) { synchronized (deleteFileCommandQueue) { try { deleteFileCommandQueue.wait(1000); } catch (InterruptedException exc) {} } int n1 = deleteFolderCommandQueue.size() + deleteFileCommandQueue.size(); changed = n != n1; n = n1; } ArrayList fileCommand = new ArrayList(); ArrayList folderCommand = new ArrayList(); synchronized (deleteFileCommandQueue) { fileCommand.addAll(deleteFileCommandQueue); deleteFileCommandQueue.clear(); folderCommand.addAll(deleteFolderCommandQueue); deleteFolderCommandQueue.clear(); } if (fileCommand.size() > 0) { runDeleteFilesCommand(fileCommand, getCommandSupport(VcsCommand.NAME_DELETE_FILE)); } if (folderCommand.size() > 0) { runDeleteFilesCommand(folderCommand, getCommandSupport(VcsCommand.NAME_DELETE_DIR)); } synchronized (deleteFileCommandQueue) { try { deleteFileCommandQueue.wait(1000); } catch (InterruptedException exc) {} } } while (deleteFolderCommandQueue.size() + deleteFileCommandQueue.size() > 0); } }, "VCS Delete file/dir command"); } private void runDeleteFilesCommand(java.util.List filesList, CommandSupport cmd) { ArrayList files = new ArrayList(); ArrayList diskFiles = new ArrayList(); //Table files = new Table(); for (Iterator it = filesList.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { String name = (String); FileObject fo = findResource(name); if (fo != null) { files.add(fo); } else { diskFiles.add(getFile(name)); } } Command command = cmd.createCommand(); command.setFiles((FileObject[]) files.toArray(new FileObject[files.size()])); if (command instanceof VcsDescribedCommand) { ((VcsDescribedCommand) command).setDiskFiles((File[]) diskFiles.toArray(new File[diskFiles.size()])); } command.setGUIMode(false); command.execute(); //VcsAction.doCommand(files, cmd, null, this); } //------------------------------------------- // // Info // /** * Get last modification time. * @param name the file to test * @return the date */ public java.util.Date lastModified(String name) { File file = getFile(name); if (!file.exists()) { if (cache != null) { CacheFile cFile = cache.getDir(name); if (cFile == null) cFile = cache.getFile(name); if (cFile != null) { String date = cFile.getDate(); String time = cFile.getTime(); if (date != null && date.length() > 0 && time != null && time.length() > 0) { Date pdate = null; try { pdate = java.text.DateFormat.getInstance().parse(date + " " + time); } catch (java.text.ParseException pexc) {} if (pdate != null) return pdate; } } } return new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); } else { return new Date (file.lastModified ()); } //return new java.util.Date (getFile (name).lastModified ()); } /** Test if the file is folder or contains data. * @param name name of the file * @return true if the file is folder, false otherwise */ public boolean folder (String name) { boolean isFolder; if (cache != null) { isFolder = cache.isDir(name); if (!isFolder && !cache.isFile(name)) { isFolder = getFile(name).isDirectory(); } } else { isFolder = getFile(name).isDirectory(); } return isFolder; // return getFile (name).isDirectory (); } /** Test whether this file can be written to or not. * All folders are not read only, they are created before writting into them. * @param name the file to test * @return true if file is read-only */ public boolean readOnly (String name) { if(folder(name)) return false; return !getFile (name).canWrite (); } public String mimeType (String name) { // Mentioned in #42965: do not return non-null without a good reason. return null; } /** Get the size of a file. * @param name the file to test * @return the size of the file in bytes or zero if the file does not contain data (does not * exist or is a folder). */ public long size (String name) { return getFile (name).length (); } /** Get input stream to a file. * @param name the file to test * @return an input stream to read the contents of this file * @exception FileNotFoundException if the file does not exists or is invalid */ public InputStream inputStream (String name) throws { InputStream in = null; try { in = new FileInputStream (getFile (name)); } catch ( exc) { final String fname = name; throw ( ErrorManager.getDefault().annotate( new { public String getLocalizedMessage() { return g("MSG_FileNotExist", fname); } }, g("MSG_FileNotExist", fname)); } return in; } private static final Object GROUP_LOCK = new Object(); /** Change file status and add it to a vcs group. */ private void fileChanged(final String name) { if (statusProvider != null) { // Fire the change asynchronously to prevent deadlocks. org.openide.util.RequestProcessor.getDefault().post(new Runnable() { public void run() { String oldStatus = statusProvider.getFileStatus(name); if (!notModifiableStatuses.contains(oldStatus)) { statusProvider.setFileModified(name); } VcsGroupSettings grSettings = (VcsGroupSettings) SharedClassObject.findObject(VcsGroupSettings.class, true); if (!grSettings.isDisableGroups()) { if (grSettings.getAutoAddition() == VcsGroupSettings.ADDITION_TO_DEFAULT || grSettings.getAutoAddition() == VcsGroupSettings.ADDITION_ASK) { FileObject fo = findResource(name); if (fo != null) { try { DataObject dobj = DataObject.find(fo); if (VcsFileSystem.this.isImportant(name)) { synchronized (GROUP_LOCK) { DataShadow shadow = GroupUtils.findDOInGroups(dobj); if (shadow == null) { // it doesn't exist in groups, add it.. if (grSettings.getAutoAddition() == VcsGroupSettings.ADDITION_ASK) { AddToGroupDialog.openChooseDialog(dobj); } else { GroupUtils.addToDefaultGroup(new Node[] {dobj.getNodeDelegate()}); } } } } } catch (DataObjectNotFoundException exc) { } } } } } }); } } private class FileOutputStreamPlus extends FileOutputStream { private String name; public FileOutputStreamPlus(File file, String name) throws IOException { super(file); = name; } public void close() throws IOException { super.close(); // assure, that we mark the file as modified only once. // FileOutputStream will call close() on finalization even when close() was called before. if (name != null) { if (!isIDESettingsFile(name) && !name.endsWith(getBackupExtension())) { VcsFileSystem.this.fileChanged(name); } name = null; } } } protected String getBackupExtension() { return "~"; // NOI18N } private static boolean isIDESettingsFile(String name) { name = name.replace(, '/'); return name.equals(".nbintdb") || // NOI18N name.endsWith("/.nbintdb") || // NOI18N name.equals(".nbattrs") || // NOI18N name.endsWith("/.nbattrs") || // NOI18N name.equals("filesystem.attributes") || // NOI18N name.endsWith("/filesystem.attributes"); // NOI18N } protected void createBackupFile(String name) throws { if (name.endsWith(getBackupExtension()) || isIDESettingsFile(name) || !getFile(name).exists() || !isImportant(name)) { return ; } InputStream in = inputStream(name); try { OutputStream out = outputStream (name + getBackupExtension()); try { FileUtil.copy(in, out); } finally { out.close(); } } finally { in.close(); } } /** Get output stream to a file. * @param name the file to test * @return output stream to overwrite the contents of this file * @exception IOException if an error occures (the file is invalid, etc.) */ public OutputStream outputStream (String name) throws { if (isCreateBackupFiles()) { createBackupFile(name); } FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStreamPlus (getFile (name), name); return output; } /* public synchronized boolean getPromptForLockResult() { return promptForLockResult; } public synchronized void setPromptForLockResult(boolean promptForLockResult) { this.promptForLockResult = promptForLockResult; } */ /** * Test whether the current user has locked file with given locker attribute. * @param lockerAttribute The file locker attribute. It can contain more * lockers separated by commas. * @param lockerUserName The locker user name, or null when * the system user name should be taken. * @return Whether there is the locker user name one of the lockers in the * locker attribute. */ public static boolean lockerMatch(String lockerAttribute, String lockerUserName) { if (lockerAttribute != null) { if (lockerUserName == null || lockerUserName.length() == 0) { lockerUserName = System.getProperty(""); } int comma = lockerAttribute.indexOf(','); if (comma < 0) { if (lockerAttribute.equals(lockerUserName)) { return true; } } else { int begin = 0; do { if (lockerAttribute.substring(begin, comma).trim().equals(lockerUserName)) { return true; } begin = comma + 1; if (begin > lockerAttribute.length()) { break; } comma = lockerAttribute.indexOf(',', begin); if (comma < 0) comma = lockerAttribute.length(); } while (true); } } return false; } /** * Whether the LOCK command should be performed for this file. This method should * check whether the file is already locked.

* The default implementation search for the locker status and compare with * the user name stored in {@link #VAR_LOCKER_USER_NAME} variable or * system property. * The fact, that the locker property can contain more locker user names * delimited by commas is taken into account. * @return true if the file is not locked yet and lock command should run. */ protected boolean shouldLock(String name) { /* if (getCommand(VcsCommand.NAME_SHOULD_DO_LOCK) != null) { Table files = new Table(); files.put(name, findResource(name)); return VcsAction.shouldDoLock (files, VcsFileSystem.this); } else */ if (getCommand(VcsCommand.NAME_LOCK) == null) return false; // The LOCK command is not defined if (statusProvider != null) { String locker = statusProvider.getFileLocker(name); String currentLocker = null; VcsConfigVariable currentLockerVar = (VcsConfigVariable) variablesByName.get(VAR_LOCKER_USER_NAME); if (currentLockerVar != null) { currentLocker = currentLockerVar.getValue(); if (currentLocker != null && currentLocker.length() > 0) { currentLocker = Variables.expand(getVariablesAsHashtable(), currentLocker, false); } } if (lockerMatch(locker, currentLocker)) { return false; } } return true; } /** Table of files to be locked ( and the array of LOCK command executors */ private Map lockCommandExecutors = new HashMap(); /** Table of files to be edited ( and the array of EDIT command executors */ private Map editCommandExecutors = new HashMap(); /** Run the LOCK command to lock the file. * * @param name name of the file */ public void lock (final String name) throws IOException { //System.out.println("lock("+name+")"); if (!isImportant(name)) return; // ignore locking of unimportant files checkModificationLock(name); //final VcsFileSystem current = this; final File file = getFile (name); final String filePath = file.getAbsolutePath().intern(); if (!file.exists()) return; // Ignore the lock when the file does not exist. if (isReadOnly()) { // I'm on a read-only filesystem => can not lock throw new IOException ("Cannot Lock "+name); // NOI18N } if (isCallEditFilesOn()) { if (!file.canWrite ()) { VcsCacheFile vcsFile = (cache != null) ? ((VcsCacheFile) cache.getFile (name)) : null; if (vcsFile != null && !vcsFile.isLocal () && !name.endsWith (".orig")) { // NOI18N if (isPromptForEditOn()) { VcsConfigVariable msgVar = (VcsConfigVariable) variablesByName.get(Variables.MSG_PROMPT_FOR_AUTO_EDIT); String message; if (msgVar != null && msgVar.getValue().length() > 0) message = msgVar.getValue(); else message = g("MSG_EditFileCh"); throw new FileLockUserQuestionException(message, "EDIT", name, filePath, editCommandExecutors); } else { runFileLockCommand("EDIT", name, filePath, editCommandExecutors); } } } } if (isLockFilesOn()) { VcsCacheFile vcsFile = (cache != null) ? ((VcsCacheFile) cache.getFile (name)) : null; // *.orig is a temporary file created by AbstractFileObject // on saving every file to enable undo if saving fails if (shouldLock(name) && vcsFile != null && !vcsFile.isLocal () && !name.endsWith (".orig")) { // NOI18N if (isPromptForLockOn ()) { VcsConfigVariable msgVar = (VcsConfigVariable) variablesByName.get(Variables.MSG_PROMPT_FOR_AUTO_LOCK); String message; if (msgVar != null && msgVar.getValue().length() > 0) message = msgVar.getValue(); else message = g("MSG_LockFileCh"); throw new FileLockUserQuestionException(message, "LOCK", name, filePath, lockCommandExecutors); } else { runFileLockCommand("LOCK", name, filePath, lockCommandExecutors); } } } if (!file.canWrite () && file.exists()) { throw new IOException() { /** Localized message. */ public String getLocalizedMessage () { return g("EXC_CannotLockReadOnly", file.toString()); } }; } } private final class FileLockUserQuestionException extends UserQuestionException { private String cmdName; private String fileName; private String filePath; private Map commandExecutors; FileLockUserQuestionException(String message, String cmdName, String fileName, String filePath, Map commandExecutors) { super(message); this.cmdName = cmdName; this.fileName = fileName; this.filePath = filePath; this.commandExecutors = commandExecutors; } public void confirmed() throws { runFileLockCommand(cmdName, fileName, filePath, commandExecutors); } } private void runFileLockCommand(String cmdName, String fileName, String filePath, Map commandExecutors) { CommandTask exec = null; DialogVisualizerWrapper dialogWrapper = createDialogWrapper(); synchronized (commandExecutors) { CommandTask executor = (CommandTask) commandExecutors.get(filePath); if (executor != null) { if (executor.isFinished()) { commandExecutors.remove(filePath); } } if (!commandExecutors.containsKey(filePath)) { Command command = createCommand(cmdName, fileName, dialogWrapper); boolean customized = VcsManager.getDefault().showCustomizer(command); if (customized) { exec = command.execute(); if (exec != null) { commandExecutors.put(filePath, exec); } } } else { exec = executor; dialogWrapper.setTask(exec); } } if (exec != null) { waitForCommand(exec, dialogWrapper); synchronized (commandExecutors) { commandExecutors.remove(filePath); } } } /** Create a dialog wrapper, if necessary. */ private static DialogVisualizerWrapper createDialogWrapper() { if (EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) { return new DialogVisualizerWrapper(); } else { return null; } } /** Create a command of a given name, acting on a given file and associate * a dialog wrapper with it. */ private Command createCommand(String cmdName, String fileName, DialogVisualizerWrapper wrapper) { CommandSupport cmd = getCommandSupport(cmdName); Command command = cmd.createCommand(); command.setFiles(new FileObject[] { findResource(fileName) }); if (wrapper != null && command instanceof VcsDescribedCommand) { ((VcsDescribedCommand) command).setVisualizerWrapper(wrapper); } return command; } /** Wait safely for the command. A special modal dialog wrapper is used * when we should wait in AWT thread. */ private static void waitForCommand(CommandTask exec, DialogVisualizerWrapper dialog) { if (dialog != null) { //DialogVisualizerWrapper dialog = new DialogVisualizerWrapper(exec);; // The dialog will wait for the command to finish } else { try { exec.waitFinished(0); } catch (InterruptedException iex) { // Interrupted, so we continue... } } } /** Call the UNLOCK command to unlock the file. * * @param name name of the file */ public void unlock (String name) { //System.out.println("unlock("+name+")"); if (!isImportant(name)) return; // ignore unlocking of unimportant files if(isLockFilesOn ()) { VcsCacheFile vcsFile = (cache != null) ? ((VcsCacheFile) cache.getFile (name)) : null; if (vcsFile != null && !vcsFile.isLocal () && !name.endsWith (".orig")) { // NOI18N CommandSupport cmd = getCommandSupport("UNLOCK"); if (cmd != null) { Command command = cmd.createCommand(); command.setFiles(new FileObject[] { findResource(name) }); boolean customized = VcsManager.getDefault().showCustomizer(command); if (customized) { CommandTask exec = command.execute(); } } } } } //------------------------------------------- /** Does nothing to mark the file as unimportant. * * @param name the file to mark * public void markUnimportant (String name) { // TODO... D.deb(" ==== markUnimportant("+name+") ==== "); // NOI18N VcsFile file=cache.getFile(name); if( file==null ){ //E.err("no such file '"+name+"'"); // NOI18N return ; } file.setImportant(false); } */ //-------------------- methods from CacheHandlerListener------------------------ public void cacheAdded(CacheHandlerEvent event) { String root = getRootDirectory().getAbsolutePath(); String absPath = event.getCacheFile().getAbsolutePath(); if (absPath.startsWith(root)) { // it belongs to this FS -> do something String path; if (root.length() == absPath.length()) { path = ""; } else { if (root.endsWith(File.separator) || root.endsWith("/")) { path = absPath.substring(root.length(), absPath.length()); } else { path = absPath.substring(root.length() + 1, absPath.length()); } } path = path.replace(File.separatorChar, '/'); statusChanged(path); } } public void cacheRemoved(CacheHandlerEvent event) { String root = getRootDirectory().getAbsolutePath(); CacheFile removedFile = event.getCacheFile(); String absPath = removedFile.getAbsolutePath(); if (absPath.startsWith(root)) { // it belongs to this FS -> do something String path; if (root.length() == absPath.length()) { path = ""; } else { if (root.endsWith(File.separator) || root.endsWith("/")) { path = absPath.substring(root.length(), absPath.length()); } else { path = absPath.substring(root.length() + 1, absPath.length()); } } path = path.replace(File.separatorChar, '/'); if (removedFile instanceof CacheDir) { // refresh the parent folder first, because the removed dir does not have to exist at all any more. String parentDir = VcsUtilities.getDirNamePart(path); if (!path.equals(parentDir)) { refreshResource(parentDir, true); } refreshExistingFolders(path); statusChanged(path, true); } else { statusChanged(path); } } } public void statusChanged(CacheHandlerEvent event) { //System.out.println("^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"); //System.out.println("statusChanged called for:" + event.getCacheFile().getAbsolutePath()); String root = getRootDirectory().getAbsolutePath(); String absPath = event.getCacheFile().getAbsolutePath(); if (absPath.startsWith(root)) { // it belongs to this FS -> do something String path; if (root.length() == absPath.length()) { path = ""; } else { if (root.endsWith(File.separator) || root.endsWith("/")) { path = absPath.substring(root.length(), absPath.length()); } else { path = absPath.substring(root.length() + 1, absPath.length()); } } path = path.replace(File.separatorChar, '/'); if (event.getCacheFile() instanceof org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.cache.CacheDir) { statusChanged(path, event.isRecursive()); } else { statusChanged(path); } /* FileObject fo = findResource(path); if (fo == null) { E.err("statusChanged().. could not find FileObject.. name=" + path); return; } fireFileStatusChanged (new FileStatusEvent(this, fo, false, true)); */ } } private void addCommandsToHashTable(CommandsTree root) { CommandsTree[] children = root.children(); synchronized (commandsByName) { for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { CommandSupport cmdSupp = children[i].getCommandSupport(); if (cmdSupp != null) { commandsByName.put(cmdSupp.getName(), cmdSupp); } if (children[i].hasChildren()) addCommandsToHashTable(children[i]); } } } /** * For compatibility reasons only. * This method is to be used when deserialization from NetBeans 3.1 and older is performed. */ private void setAdvancedConfig (Object advanced) { //super.setAdvancedConfig (advanced); this.advanced = advanced; Vector commands = (Vector) advanced; int len = commands.size(); if (len == 0) return ; commandsByName = new Hashtable(len * 4 / 3 + 1, 0.75f); //mainCommands = new Vector(); //revisionCommands = new Vector(); org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.cmdline.UserCommand root = new org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.cmdline.UserCommand(); root.setName("ROOT"); root.setDisplayName("VCS"); //Children rootCh = new Children.Array(); commandsRoot = new CommandsTree(new UserCommandSupport(root, this)); VcsCommand cmd = (VcsCommand) commands.elementAt(0); CommandsTree commandList = new CommandsTree(new UserCommandSupport((org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.cmdline.UserCommand) cmd, this)); commandsRoot.add(commandList); for(int i = 1; i < len; i++) { VcsCommand uc = (VcsCommand) commands.elementAt(i); commandList.add(new CommandsTree(new UserCommandSupport((org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.cmdline.UserCommand) uc, this))); } } /** Set the tree structure of commands. * @param root the tree of {@link VcsCommandNode} objects. */ public void setCommands(CommandsTree root) { //System.out.println("setCommands()"); Object old = commandsRoot; if (root == null) { if (advanced != null) { setAdvancedConfig(advanced); } } else { if (commandsByName != null) { removeCmdActionsFromSupporter(); } commandsRoot = root; commandsByName = new Hashtable(); addCommandsToHashTable(root); addCmdActionsToSupporter(); } VariableInputDescriptorCompat.createInputDescriptorFormExec(commandsByName); ((DefaultVcsCommandsProvider) commandsProvider).setCommands(root); firePropertyChange(PROP_COMMANDS, old, commandsRoot); } /** Get the commands. * @return the root command */ public CommandsTree getCommands() { return commandsRoot; } /** Get a command by its name. * @param name the name of the command to get * @return the command of the given name or null, * when the command is not defined * @deprecated Retained for compatibility reasons only to be able to use * the old VCS "API" for commands execution. Use * {@link #getCommandSupport()} instead. */ public VcsCommand getCommand(String name) { CommandSupport support = getCommandSupport(name); if (support instanceof UserCommandSupport) { return ((UserCommandSupport) support).getVcsCommand(); } else { return null; } } /** * Get a command support by it's name. * @param name the name of the command to get * @return the command support of the given name or null, * when the command support is not defined */ public CommandSupport getCommandSupport(String name){ if (commandsByName == null) { CommandsTree commands = getCommands(); if (commands == null) return null; setCommands (commands); } return (CommandSupport) commandsByName.get(name); } private void addCmdActionsToSupporter() { synchronized (commandsByName) { for (Iterator it = commandsByName.values().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { CommandSupport cmdSupport = (CommandSupport); if (cmdSupport instanceof ActionCommandSupport) { Class actionClass = ((ActionCommandSupport) cmdSupport).getActionClass(); if (actionClass != null) { actionSupporter.addSupportForAction(actionClass, cmdSupport); } } } } } private void removeCmdActionsFromSupporter() { synchronized (commandsByName) { for (Iterator it = commandsByName.values().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { CommandSupport cmdSupport = (CommandSupport); if (cmdSupport instanceof ActionCommandSupport) { Class actionClass = ((ActionCommandSupport) cmdSupport).getActionClass(); if (actionClass != null) { actionSupporter.removeSupportForAction(actionClass); } } } } } /** * The subclasses can define their own filename filter. This additional * filename filter can be set through this method. */ protected final void setAdditionalFileFilter(FilenameFilter additionalFileFilter) { localFilenameFilter.setOptionalFilter(additionalFileFilter); firePropertyChange(PROP_FILE_FILTER, null, getFileFilter()); } /** * Get the filename filter of this file system. This file system does not * filter these files itself. */ public FilenameFilter getFileFilter() { return localFilenameFilter; } /** * This method is called from AbstractFileObject.isVirtual. Tests if file * really exists or is missing. Some operation on it may be restricted if returns true. * @param name of the file * @return true indicates that the file is missing. */ protected boolean checkVirtual(String name) { File file = getFile(name); return !file.exists(); } /** * Perform the check of whether the file is or is not still virtual. This * method is called on every file status change with the set of potentially * changed files. * This method does nothing, subclasses may override it with some meaningfull * action (e.g. call setVirtualDataLoader() and invalidate the current * DataObject if the setVirtualDataLoader() returns true). * @param foSet set of FileObjects whose status was changed */ protected void checkVirtualFiles(Set foSet) { Iterator it = foSet.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { FileObject o = (FileObject); if (checkVirtual (o.getPath())) { try { o.setAttribute ("NetBeansAttrAssignedLoader", VirtualsDataLoader.class.getName()); //NoI18N } catch (IOException e) {} } else { Reference ref = findReference (o.getPath()); if ( (ref instanceof CacheReference) && ((CacheReference)ref).isVirtual()) { try { o.setAttribute ("NetBeansAttrAssignedLoader",null); //NoI18N } catch (IOException e) {} } } } } private void settingsChanged(String propName, Object oldVal, Object newVal) { GeneralVcsSettings settings = (GeneralVcsSettings) SharedClassObject.findObject(GeneralVcsSettings.class, true); if (GeneralVcsSettings.PROP_USE_GLOBAL.equals(propName)) { if (((Boolean) newVal).booleanValue() == true) { setOffLine(settings.isOffLine()); setAutoRefresh(settings.getAutoRefresh()); setHideShadowFiles(settings.isHideShadowFiles()); } } else { if (settings.isUseGlobal()) { if (GeneralVcsSettings.PROP_OFFLINE.equals(propName)) { setOffLine(settings.isOffLine()); } else if (GeneralVcsSettings.PROP_AUTO_REFRESH.equals(propName)) { setAutoRefresh(settings.getAutoRefresh()); } else if (GeneralVcsSettings.PROP_HOME.equals(propName)) { updateEnvironmentVars(); } else if (GeneralVcsSettings.PROP_HIDE_SHADOW_FILES.equals(propName)) { setHideShadowFiles(settings.isHideShadowFiles()); } } } } private class FSPropertyChangeListener implements PropertyChangeListener { public FSPropertyChangeListener() { } public void propertyChange(final PropertyChangeEvent event) { String propName = event.getPropertyName(); Object oldValue = event.getOldValue(); Object newValue = event.getNewValue(); if (PROP_ANNOTATION_PATTERN.equals(propName)) { FileObject root = findResource(""); Set foSet = new HashSet(); Enumeration enum = existingFileObjects(root); while (enum.hasMoreElements()) { foSet.add(enum.nextElement()); } fireFileStatusChanged(new FileStatusEvent(VcsFileSystem.this, foSet, false, true)); } } } private class SettingsPropertyChangeListener implements PropertyChangeListener { public void propertyChange(final PropertyChangeEvent event) { settingsChanged(event.getPropertyName(), event.getOldValue(), event.getNewValue()); } } private class VcsList implements AbstractFileSystem.List { private static final long serialVersionUID = 9164232967348550668L; public String[] children(String name) { return list.children(name); } } /** * The listener on Repository to be informed when this filesystem was mounted * and unmounted. addNotify() and removeNotify() are not reliable methods. * They can be called even when this filesystem is added into or removed from * a multifilesystem. */ private class RegistryListener extends Object implements FSRegistryListener { public void fsAdded(org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.registry.FSRegistryEvent ev) { if (VcsFileSystem.this.equals(ev.getInfo().getExistingFileSystem())) { notifyFSAdded(); } } public void fsRemoved(org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.registry.FSRegistryEvent ev) { if (VcsFileSystem.this.equals(ev.getInfo().getExistingFileSystem())) { notifyFSRemoved(); } } } /** * A runnable class, that fires the status change for the collected files. */ private class StatusChangeUpdater extends Object implements Runnable { private java.util.Set namesToUpdate = new HashSet(); public StatusChangeUpdater() { } public synchronized void addNameToUpdate(String name) { namesToUpdate.add(name); } /** * Run the status update process. */ public void run() { java.util.Set names; synchronized (this) { names = namesToUpdate; namesToUpdate = new HashSet(); } Set fos = findExistingResources(names); //System.out.println("statusChanged: findResource("+names+") = "+fos); if (fos.isEmpty()) return; fireFileStatusChanged(new FileStatusEvent(VcsFileSystem.this, fos, true, true)); checkScheduledStates(fos); checkVirtualFiles(fos); } } private static class LocalFilenameFilter extends Object implements FilenameFilter { private final boolean ignoreCase; private FilenameFilter optionalFilter; public LocalFilenameFilter() { ignoreCase = Utilities.isWindows(); } public void setOptionalFilter(FilenameFilter optionalFilter) { this.optionalFilter = optionalFilter; } public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { if (ignoreCase && IntegritySupportMaintainer.DB_FILE_NAME.equalsIgnoreCase(name) || !ignoreCase && IntegritySupportMaintainer.DB_FILE_NAME.equals(name)) { return false; } else if (optionalFilter != null) { return optionalFilter.accept(dir, name); } else { return true; } } } public String getBundleProperty(String s) { return g(s); } public String getBundleProperty(String s, Object obj) { return g(s, obj); } public IgnoreListSupport getIgnoreListSupport () { return this.ignoreListSupport; } public void setIgnoreListSupport (IgnoreListSupport support) { this.ignoreListSupport = support; } //------------------------------------------- protected String g(String s) { return NbBundle.getMessage(VcsFileSystem.class, s); } protected String g(String s, Object obj) { return MessageFormat.format (g(s), new Object[] { obj }); } protected String g(String s, Object obj1, Object obj2) { return MessageFormat.format (g(s), new Object[] { obj1, obj2 }); } protected String g(String s, Object obj1, Object obj2, Object obj3) { return MessageFormat.format (g(s), new Object[] { obj1, obj2, obj3 }); } }

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