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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.caching;

import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.lang.ref.Reference;
import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.*;

import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil;
import org.openide.util.RequestProcessor;
import org.openide.util.WeakSet;
import org.openide.ErrorManager;

import org.netbeans.api.vcs.VcsManager;
import org.netbeans.api.vcs.commands.Command;
import org.netbeans.api.vcs.commands.CommandTask;

import org.netbeans.spi.vcs.commands.CommandSupport;

import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.cache.*;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.util.VcsUtilities;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.VcsFactory;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.DirReaderListener;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.FileReaderListener;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.VcsDirContainer;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.VcsFileSystem;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.commands.VcsCommand;//Executor;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.commands.VcsDescribedCommand;

 * @author  Martin Entlicher
public final class VcsCache extends FileSystemCache implements FileReaderListener {
    //public static final String VCS_CACHE_NAME = "VCS_Cache";
    private Reference fileSystem;
    private String fsRoot;
    private int rootNameLength;
    /** No file above this path key is cached. */
    private String normalizedRootKey;
    private int normalizedRootKeyLength;

    /** Staistics for limited in-memory cache. */
    private static long cacheHits = 0;

    /** Staistics for limited in-memory cache. */
    private static long cacheRequests = 0;

    /** A hashtable of cache files, identified by full path.
     * Key: full path (string)  for Files File.getAbsolutePath()
     *                          for VcsCacheDirs VcsCacheDir.getAbsolutePath()
     * Value: a weak reference to instance of VcsCacheDir

* FS root typically does not contain a /CVS folder, * in which the disk cache is stored. If it does not exist * it caches nothing. Therefore roots must be held in memory. * @see #getCacheFileName(File) */ private Map permanentCache = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap(5)); /** * The map of paths, which should be refreshed after they become non-local * with their strategies. */ private HashMap refreshStrategyWhenNonLocal; /** * The map of directories, that are scheduled for later refresh (those which * are being loaded and should be refreshed after the loading is finished). * The values are arrays of two objects: Boolean (whether to refresh recursively) * and Object (locker). */ private Map directoriesScheduledForRefresh; private static RequestProcessor refreshRequestProcessor = new RequestProcessor("Refresh Requests Processor"); /** Creates new VcsCache with default name VCS_CACHE_NAME * public VcsCache(Reference fileSystem) { this(fileSystem, VCS_CACHE_NAME); } */ /** Creates new VcsCache of a custom name * @param cacheName the cache name. */ public VcsCache(Reference fileSystem, String cacheName) { super(cacheName); //System.out.println("NEW VcsCache("+fileSystem+", "+cacheName+")"); this.fileSystem = fileSystem; updateFSRoot(); VcsFileSystem fsystem = (VcsFileSystem) fileSystem.get(); fsystem.addPropertyChangeListener(new PropertyChangeListener() { public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { updateFSRoot(); } }); refreshStrategyWhenNonLocal = new HashMap(); directoriesScheduledForRefresh = new HashMap(); } /* void setFSRoot(File fsRoot) { this.fsRoot = fsRoot; } File getFSRoot() { return fsRoot; } */ private void updateFSRoot() { //System.out.println("VcsCache.updateFSRoot()"); VcsFileSystem fsystem = (VcsFileSystem) fileSystem.get(); fsRoot = fsystem.getRootDirectory().getAbsolutePath(); // filesystem has to exist during construction normalizedRootKey = pathToKey(fsRoot); normalizedRootKeyLength = normalizedRootKey.length(); rootNameLength = fsRoot.length(); } /** * Get the path from the root of the filesystem for the given file. */ String getPath(File file) { String filePath = file.getAbsolutePath(); //System.out.println("VcsCache.getPath("+filePath+"), rootNameLength = "+rootNameLength); if (filePath.length() <= rootNameLength) return ""; // NOI18N String path; if (filePath.charAt(rootNameLength) == '/' || filePath.charAt(rootNameLength) == File.separatorChar) { path = filePath.substring(rootNameLength + 1); // skip the path separator also } else { path = filePath.substring(rootNameLength); } path = path.replace(File.separatorChar, '/'); //System.out.println(" -> path = "+path); return path; } String getAbsolutePath(File file) { return file.getAbsolutePath();//.replace(File.separatorChar, '/'); } private VcsFactory getFactory() { VcsFileSystem fsystem = (VcsFileSystem) fileSystem.get(); if (fsystem == null) return null; return fsystem.getVcsFactory(); } /** Run the directory reader on the directory * @param dir the absolute path to the directory */ void runVcsDirReader(VcsCacheDir cacheDir, Object locker) { VcsFileSystem fsystem; //String path; synchronized (this) { fsystem = (VcsFileSystem) fileSystem.get(); if (fsystem == null) return ; //System.out.println("runVcsDirReader("+dir+"), absolutePath = "+getAbsolutePath(dir)+", cahceDir = "+cacheDir); //System.out.println("runVcsDirReader: cacheDir = "+cacheDir+", isBeingLoaded = "+cacheDir.isBeingLoaded()+", isLoaded = "+cacheDir.isLoaded()); if (cacheDir.isBeingLoaded()) return ; cacheDir.setBeingLoaded(true); //path = getPath(dir); } final CommandSupport list; if (fsystem.isOffLine()) { list = fsystem.getCommandSupport(VcsCommand.NAME_REFRESH + VcsCommand.NAME_SUFFIX_OFFLINE); } else { list = fsystem.getCommandSupport(VcsCommand.NAME_REFRESH); } if (list != null) { RefreshProcessStarter(list, cacheDir.getFile(), locker)); } else { synchronized (this) { cacheDir.setBeingLoaded(false); } } /* VcsFactory factory = fsystem.getVcsFactory(); VcsCommandExecutor exec = factory.getVcsDirReader(new VcsCache.DirReaderListenerWithLock(locker), path); if (exec != null) fsystem.getCommandsPool().startExecutor(exec, fsystem); */ } /** Run the recursive directory reader on the directory * @param dir the absolute path to the directory */ synchronized void runVcsDirReaderRecursive(VcsCacheDir cacheDir, Object locker) { VcsFileSystem fsystem = (VcsFileSystem) fileSystem.get(); if (fsystem == null) return ; CommandSupport list; if (fsystem.isOffLine()) { list = fsystem.getCommandSupport(VcsCommand.NAME_REFRESH_RECURSIVELY + VcsCommand.NAME_SUFFIX_OFFLINE); } else { list = fsystem.getCommandSupport(VcsCommand.NAME_REFRESH_RECURSIVELY); } if (list != null) { RefreshProcessStarter(list, cacheDir.getFile(), locker)); } /* VcsFactory factory = fsystem.getVcsFactory(); VcsCommandExecutor exec = factory.getVcsDirReaderRecursive(new VcsCache.DirReaderListenerWithLock(locker), getPath(dir)); if (exec != null) fsystem.getCommandsPool().startExecutor(exec, fsystem); */ } /** * @return null if cannot be stored to disk */ String getCacheFileName(File dir) { VcsFileSystem fsystem = (VcsFileSystem) fileSystem.get(); if (fsystem == null) return null; return fsystem.getCacheFileName(getPath(dir)); } String getLocalFileStatus() { VcsFileSystem fsystem = (VcsFileSystem) fileSystem.get(); if (fsystem == null) return ""; // NOI18N FileStatusProvider statusProvider = fsystem.getStatusProvider(); if (statusProvider == null) return ""; // NOI18N return statusProvider.getLocalFileStatus(); } public void writeAllToDisk() { } protected void loadDir(CacheDir dir, int strategy, Object locker) { //System.out.println("dir = " + dir + " strategy=" + strategy); if (strategy == CacheHandler.STRAT_REFRESH || strategy == CacheHandler.STRAT_REFRESH_RECURS) { ((VcsCacheDir) dir).refreshLocal(strategy == CacheHandler.STRAT_REFRESH_RECURS); //dir.setComplete(true); if (!dir.isLocal()) { if (doesStrategyApply(dir, strategy, CacheHandler.STRAT_REFRESH)) { //System.out.println(" checking the server."); dir.checkServer(locker); //dir.setComplete(true); } if (doesStrategyApply(dir, strategy, CacheHandler.STRAT_REFRESHING)) { //dir.setComplete(true); dir.setAppliedLevel(CacheHandler.STRAT_REFRESHING); } if (doesStrategyApply(dir, strategy, CacheHandler.STRAT_REFRESH_RECURS)) { dir.checkServerRecursive(locker); //dir.setComplete(true); } } } else { super.loadDir(dir, strategy, locker); } if (dir.isLocal()) { if (doesStrategyApply(dir, strategy, CacheHandler.STRAT_REFRESH) || doesStrategyApply(dir, strategy, CacheHandler.STRAT_DISK)) { refreshStrategyWhenNonLocal.put(dir.getAbsolutePath(), new Integer(strategy)); refreshParentIfNecessary(dir, strategy); } } else { CacheDir[] subdirs = dir.getSubDirs(); for (int i = 0; i < subdirs.length; i++) { if (subdirs[i].isLocal()) continue; Integer refresh = (Integer) refreshStrategyWhenNonLocal.remove(subdirs[i].getAbsolutePath()); if (refresh != null) { loadDir(subdirs[i], refresh.intValue(), null); } } } } private void refreshParentIfNecessary(CacheDir dir, int strategy) { //System.out.println("refreshParentIfNecessary("+dir.getAbsolutePath()+", "+strategy+")"); CacheDir parent = dir.getParent(); if (parent != null) { Integer refresh = (Integer) refreshStrategyWhenNonLocal.get(parent.getAbsolutePath()); if (refresh != null) { refreshParentIfNecessary(parent, strategy); } else { if (!((VcsCacheDir) parent).isBeingLoaded()) { //System.out.println("REFRESHING NECESSARY PARENT: "+parent); loadDir(parent, strategy, null); } } } } public CacheFile getCacheFile(File toFind, int strategy, Object locker) { //boolean print = toFind.getAbsolutePath().endsWith("/A") || toFind.getAbsolutePath().endsWith("/B") || toFind.getAbsolutePath().indexOf("/A/") > 0 || toFind.getAbsolutePath().indexOf("/B/") > 0; //if (print) System.out.println("getCacheFile:" + toFind.toString() + " Strategy=" + strategy); //System.out.println("getCacheFile:" + toFind.toString() + " Strategy=" + strategy); VcsFileSystem fsystem = (VcsFileSystem) fileSystem.get(); if (fsystem == null) return null; //System.out.println(toFind+".compareTo FS root ("+fsystem.getRootDirectory()+") = "+fsystem.getRootDirectory().compareTo(toFind)); String parentDir; boolean findThis = false; if (fsystem.getRootDirectory().equals(toFind) || toFind.getParentFile() == null) { parentDir = toFind.getAbsolutePath(); toFind = fsystem.getRootDirectory(); findThis = true; } else { parentDir = toFind.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath(); } CacheDir cacheDir = getDir(parentDir); //if (print) System.out.println(" parentDir = "+parentDir+" => cacheDir = "+cacheDir); if (cacheDir == null) { boolean[] grandParentExists = { false }; cacheDir = lookupCacheDir(new File(parentDir), grandParentExists); if (!grandParentExists[0]) { //System.out.println("DIDN'T find a parent dir '"+parentDir+"'! Initializing a new one..."); cacheDir = initCacheDir(new File(parentDir)); // We must keep the roots permanentCache.put(parentDir, new HardReference(cacheDir)); } //cacheDir = new VcsCacheDir(getId(), toFind.getParentFile()); //cacheDir.setParent(null); //registerDir(cacheDir); //if (cacheDir == null) System.out.println(" return null !!!"); if (cacheDir == null) return null; } if (strategy == CacheHandler.STRAT_DISK_AND_LOCAL_REFRESH) { int level = cacheDir.getAppliedLevel(); if (level >= CacheHandler.STRAT_DISK) { cacheDir.populateWithLocal(locker); cacheDir.setAppliedLevel(level); } strategy = CacheHandler.STRAT_DISK; } //System.out.println(" dir "+cacheDir+", isLoaded = "+((VcsCacheDir) cacheDir).isLoaded()+" applied level = "+cacheDir.getAppliedLevel()); if ((strategy == CacheHandler.STRAT_DISK_OR_REFRESH || strategy == CacheHandler.STRAT_DISK || strategy == CacheHandler.STRAT_NONE) && // when we're looking for "disk or refresh" level or "none" level cacheDir.getAppliedLevel() >= CacheHandler.STRAT_DISK// && // it's enough when the directory passed disk level already /*cacheDir.isComplete()*/) { // I have the directory loaded } else { //if (!cacheDir.isComplete() || !((VcsCacheDir) cacheDir).isLoaded()) { //System.out.println(" LOADING !!!!"); loadDir(cacheDir, strategy, locker); } //if (cacheDir == null) return null; //if (findThis) System.out.println(" return "+cacheDir.getAbsolutePath()); if (findThis) return cacheDir; String name = toFind.getName(); CacheFile file = cacheDir.getFile(name); //if (file != null) System.out.println(" return "+file); if (file != null) return file; CacheDir dir = cacheDir.getSubDir(name); /*if (dir != null) { System.out.println(" return "+dir.getAbsolutePath()); } else { System.out.println(" return null !!"); }*/ return dir; } public void doRefreshDir(CacheDir dir, boolean recursively) { doRefreshDir(dir, recursively, null); } public void doRefreshDir(CacheDir dir, boolean recursively, Object locker) { int strategy = recursively ? CacheHandler.STRAT_REFRESH_RECURS : CacheHandler.STRAT_REFRESH; if (dir instanceof VcsCacheDir) { VcsCacheDir vdir = (VcsCacheDir) dir; if (vdir.isBeingLoaded()) { // Someone is already refreshing this directory. // We need to schedule the refresh after this directory is loaded: synchronized (directoriesScheduledForRefresh) { Object[] params = (Object[]) directoriesScheduledForRefresh.get(vdir); if (params != null) { if (recursively && !((Boolean) params[0]).booleanValue()) { params[0] = Boolean.TRUE; } } else { params = new Object[] { ((recursively) ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE), locker }; directoriesScheduledForRefresh.put(vdir, params); } } } else { vdir.setLoaded(false); // to force the reload loadDir(dir, strategy, locker); } } else { loadDir(dir, strategy, locker); } } private void runScheduledRefresh(CacheDir dir) { Object[] params; synchronized (directoriesScheduledForRefresh) { params = (Object[]) directoriesScheduledForRefresh.remove(dir); } if (params != null) { doRefreshDir(dir, ((Boolean) params[0]).booleanValue(), params[1]); } } /* public CacheDir getCacheDir(File toFind, int strategy) { String parentDir = toFind.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath(); CacheDir cacheDir = getDir(parentDir); if (cacheDir == null) { //it doesn't have a parent -> is some kind of root. cacheDir = initCacheDir(toFind); loadDir(cacheDir, strategy); return cacheDir; } loadDir(cacheDir, strategy); if (cacheDir == null) return null; return cacheDir.getSubDir(toFind.getName()); } */ /** * Lookup for the cache dir in it's parents, do not make any changes to the * cache directory structure.. * This is necessary for the cache directories consistence. * @param file The file to find the cache dir for * @param grandParentExists A "pointer" to a single boolean value, which is * set to true if some grand parent exists. * @deprecated try to use faster {@link #seekCacheDir} */ private CacheDir lookupCacheDir(File file, boolean[] grandParentExists) { File parent = file.getParentFile(); //System.err.println("lookupCacheDir("+file+"), parent = "+parent); if (parent == null) return null; CacheDir parentDir = getDir(parent.getAbsolutePath()); //System.err.println("getDir("+parent.getAbsolutePath()+") = "+parentDir); if (parentDir == null) parentDir = lookupCacheDir(parent, grandParentExists); CacheDir dir = null; if (parentDir != null) { grandParentExists[0] = true; dir = parentDir.getSubDir(file.getName()); } return dir; } /** * Lookup for the cache dir in it's parents, do not make any changes to the * cache directory structure.. * This is necessary for the cache directories consistence. * @param path The normalized path to find the cache dir for * @param grandParentExists A "pointer" to a single boolean value, which is * set to true if some grand parent exists. */ private CacheDir seekCacheDir(String path, boolean[] grandParentExists) { //System.err.println("seekCacheDir("+path+")"); //assert normalizedRootKey.length() < path.length() : "ROOT " + normalizedRootKey + " cannot cover path " + path; // if (path.getParentFile() == null) retrun null; : if (normalizedRootKeyLength > path.length() || normalizedRootKey.equals(path)) { // we are at root return null; } String parentPath = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar)); CacheDir parentDir = getDir(parentPath); //System.err.println("getDir("+parentPath+") = "+parentDir); if (parentDir == null) parentDir = seekCacheDir(parentPath, grandParentExists); CacheDir dir = null; if (parentDir != null) { grandParentExists[0] = true; String fileName = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar) + 1); dir = parentDir.getSubDir(fileName); } return dir; } /** * Lookup for the cache dir in it's parents and create the necessary * intermediate files. * This is necessary for the cache directories consistence. * @param local Set the newly created directory as local or not. */ CacheDir lookupCacheDir(File file, boolean local) { File parent = file.getParentFile(); //System.err.println("lookupCacheDir("+file+"), parent = "+parent); if (parent == null) return null; CacheDir parentDir = getDir(parent.getAbsolutePath()); //System.err.println("getDir("+parent.getAbsolutePath()+") = "+parentDir); if (parentDir == null) parentDir = lookupCacheDir(parent, local); if (parentDir != null) { //System.err.println("lookupCacheDir: RETURN dir name = "+file.getName()+" of "+parentDir+"\n => "+parentDir.getSubDir(file.getName())); CacheDir dir = parentDir.getSubDir(file.getName()); if (dir == null) { dir = new VcsCacheDir(getId(), file); parentDir.addChildDir(dir, false); // I have to suppose, that the initial directory is not local, // otherwise no refresh would be performed on it. dir.setLocal(local); if (local) { dir.setStatus(getLocalFileStatus()); } else { ((VcsCacheDir) dir).readChildNamesFromDisk(); } //((VcsCacheFile.VcsPersistentData) dir.getPersistentData()).setModified(true); // To save it later - done by setParent() } registerDir(dir); //System.err.println("lookupCacheDir: RETURN dir = "+dir); return dir; } else { return null; } } private CacheDir initCacheDir(File toInit) { //System.out.println("initCacheDir("+toInit+")"); File parentFile = toInit.getParentFile(); CacheDir parentDir = null; if (parentFile != null) { parentDir = getDir(parentFile.getAbsolutePath()); } CacheDir initDir = null; if (parentDir == null && parentFile != null) { parentDir = lookupCacheDir(parentFile, false); } if (parentDir == null) { //System.out.println("initCacheDir ("+toInit+") without parent."); // the current dir will be prolly a root directory of sorts.. VcsFileSystem fsystem = (VcsFileSystem) fileSystem.get(); if (fsystem == null) return null; VcsFactory factory = fsystem.getVcsFactory(); initDir = new VcsCacheDir(getId(), toInit); // I have to suppose, that the initial directory is not local, // otherwise no refresh would be performed on it. initDir.setLocal(false); ((VcsCacheFile.VcsPersistentData) initDir.getPersistentData()).setModified(true); // To save it later } else { // now let's see in the disc cache first.. parent has to have the curr. dir in the children list //System.out.println("initCacheDir has parent = "+parentDir.getName()); initDir = parentDir.getSubDir(toInit.getName()); if (initDir == null) { //System.out.println("initCacheDir ("+toInit+") parent does not contain me!"); initDir = new VcsCacheDir(getId(), toInit); parentDir.addChildDir(initDir, false); // I have to suppose, that the initial directory is not local, // otherwise no refresh would be performed on it. initDir.setLocal(false); //((VcsCacheFile.VcsPersistentData) initDir.getPersistentData()).setModified(true); // To save it later -- done by setParent() } } registerDir(initDir); //System.out.println("initCacheDir: initDir = "+initDir); return initDir; } //public boolean isCacheFile(File toFind) { //} /** Adds entry into size limited in-memory cache. */ public void registerDir(CacheDir dir) { if (dir != null) { String fullName = pathToKey(dir.getAbsolutePath()); File f = new File(fullName); if (getCacheFileName(f) == null) { // put into pernament cache permanentCache.put(fullName, new HardReference(dir)); } } } public void registerDirRecursive(CacheDir dir) { registerDir(dir); CacheDir[] dirs = dir.getSubDirs(); for (int i = 0; i < dirs.length; i++) { registerDirRecursive(dirs[i]); } } public void unregisterDir(CacheDir dir) { if (dir != null) { String fullName = pathToKey(dir.getAbsolutePath()); //System.err.println("VcsCache.unregisterDir("+fullName+")"); permanentCache.remove(fullName); CacheDir[] subDirs = dir.getSubDirs(); for (int i = 0; i < subDirs.length; i++) { unregisterDir(subDirs[i]); } } } private static final String SEPARATOR_DUPLICITY = File.separator + File.separator; /** Removes unnecasary File.separator duplicities in path making it 'canonical' :-). */ private static String pathToKey(String path) { while (path.endsWith(File.separator)) { path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 1); } int index; while((index = path.indexOf(SEPARATOR_DUPLICITY)) > 0) { path = path.substring(0, index) + path.substring(index + 1, path.length()); } return path; } /** * Get the cache directory * @param fullName the absolute path to the folder you want to obtain the cache for */ public CacheDir getDir(String fullName) { fullName = pathToKey(fullName); // XXX it's nightmare to observe requests here, you can see a lot of nonsense requests if ((cacheRequests % 1000) == 0) { if (cacheRequests != 0) { double percent = (((double)cacheHits)/(double)cacheRequests)*100; String msg = "VcsCache in-memory cache has " + percent + " % hits. Recent request " + fullName; // NOI18N ErrorManager.getDefault().log(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, msg); } } // consult pernament cache CacheDir ret = null; Reference retRef = (Reference) permanentCache.get(fullName); if (retRef != null) { ret = (CacheDir) retRef.get(); if (ret != null) { return ret; } } cacheRequests++; boolean[] grandParentExists = { false }; CacheDir cacheDir = seekCacheDir(fullName, grandParentExists); return cacheDir; } /** Statistics of whole caching system. */ public static long getCacheHits() { return cacheHits; } /** Statistics of whole caching system. */ public static long getCacheRequests() { return cacheRequests; } /** * To be called when any change on directory occures that results in diferent appearence. */ private void heyDoRefreshDir(String path) { //System.out.println("heyDoRefreshDir("+path+")"); VcsFileSystem fsystem = (VcsFileSystem) fileSystem.get(); if (fsystem != null) { org.openide.filesystems.FileObject fo = fsystem.findExistingResource(path); if (fo != null) { //System.out.println("heyDoRefreshDir("+path+") REFRESH CALLED."); fo.refresh(); // Also check the existing data in this folder for external modification. fsystem.checkForModifications(fo.getPath(), false, true, false); } } } /** * To be called when any change on directory occures that results in diferent appearence. */ private void heyDoRefreshDirRecursive(VcsCacheDir dir) { heyDoRefreshDir(getPath(dir.getFile())); CacheDir[] subdirs = dir.getSubDirs(); for(int i = 0; i < subdirs.length; i++) { //CacheDir subdir = subdirs[i]; //if (subdir != null) { heyDoRefreshDirRecursive((VcsCacheDir) subdirs[i]); //} } } private ArrayList getNonLocalSubfiles(VcsCacheDir dir) { String[] mySubFiles = dir.getFilesAndSubdirs(); ArrayList lastNonLocal = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(mySubFiles)); for (int i = 0; i < lastNonLocal.size(); i++) { String fileName = (String) lastNonLocal.get(i); CacheFile file = dir.getFile(fileName); if (file instanceof VcsCacheFile) { if (((VcsCacheFile) file).isLocal()) lastNonLocal.remove(i--); } else if (file instanceof VcsCacheDir) { if (((VcsCacheDir) file).isLocal()) lastNonLocal.remove(i--); } CacheDir subDir = dir.getSubDir(fileName); if (subDir instanceof VcsCacheDir) { if (((VcsCacheDir) subDir).isLocal()) lastNonLocal.remove(i--); } } return lastNonLocal; } /** @param path the path relative to the fs root */ private VcsCacheDir createSubFiles(VcsFileSystem fs, String path, Collection rawData, Object locker) { // Cache provider has to be != null, otherwise I would not get here //System.out.println("createSubFiles("+path+", "+rawData+")"); VcsCacheDir dir = (VcsCacheDir) fs.getCacheProvider().getDir(path); //System.out.println("dir = "+dir+", path = "+((dir != null) ? ""+dir.getFile() : "null")); if (dir == null) { dir = createAndRefreshReadFolders(fs.getFile(path)); if (dir == null) { dir = (VcsCacheDir) initCacheDir(fs.getFile(path)); } } //CacheDir[] subDirs = dir.getSubDirs(); //String[] subDirPaths = new String[subDirs.length]; //ArrayList knownSubDirPaths = new ArrayList(); //for(int i = 0; i < subDirs.length; i++) knownSubDirPaths.add(subDirs[i].getAbsolutePath()); CacheHandler handler = CacheHandler.getInstance(); ArrayList lastNonLocal = getNonLocalSubfiles(dir); for (Iterator it = rawData.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { String[] elements = (String[]); String elemName = StatusFormat.getFileName(elements); // Adjust the element name in case we have it as a directory // This is necessary for Subversion, because "svn status" does not // appent directory names with a slash. if (elemName != null && !elemName.endsWith("/") && dir.getSubDir(elemName) != null) { elements[StatusFormat.ELEMENT_INDEX_FILE_NAME] += "/"; } CacheFile file = RefreshCommandSupport.matchToFile(elements, fs.getCacheIdStr(), dir.getFile()); handler.addCacheLocker(locker, file); String fileName = file.getName(); if (file instanceof VcsCacheFile) { ((VcsCacheFile) file).setLocal(false); if (lastNonLocal.contains(fileName)) { dir.removeFile(fileName, false); dir.addFile(file, false); lastNonLocal.remove(fileName); } else { dir.addFile(file, true); } } else if (file instanceof VcsCacheDir) { VcsCacheDir sDir = (VcsCacheDir) file; sDir.setLocal(false); if (lastNonLocal.contains(fileName)) { // Has no sense to remove & add the same dir. We'll change the status only later. //dir.removeChildDir(fileName, false); //dir.addChildDir(sDir, false); lastNonLocal.remove(fileName); } else { dir.addChildDir(sDir, true); } if (sDir != dir.getSubDir(fileName)) { // There was already this dir in the cache VcsCacheDir origDir = (VcsCacheDir) dir.getSubDir(fileName); origDir.setStatus(sDir.getStatus()); origDir.setSticky(sDir.getSticky()); origDir.setLocker(sDir.getLocker()); origDir.setRevision(sDir.getRevision()); origDir.setSize(sDir.getSize()); origDir.setDate(sDir.getDate()); origDir.setTime(sDir.getTime()); origDir.setAttr(sDir.getAttr()); origDir.setLocal(false); handler.removeCacheLocker(locker, sDir); sDir = origDir; handler.addCacheLocker(locker, sDir); } Integer refresh = (Integer) refreshStrategyWhenNonLocal.remove(sDir.getAbsolutePath()); if (refresh != null) { loadDir(sDir, refresh.intValue(), null); } } //System.out.println("createSubFiles("+path+"): I've got file = "+file+"\nfile path = "+file.getAbsolutePath()); //System.out.println("elements = "+VcsUtilities.arrayToString(elements)+" => file = "+file); //if (file instanceof CacheDir) { // registerDir((CacheDir) file); -- done in addChildDir() //knownSubDirPaths.remove(file.getAbsolutePath()); //} } /* for(Iterator it = knownSubDirPaths.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { String subPath = (String); dir.removeChildDir(VcsUtilities.getFileNamePart(subPath), true); } */ if (lastNonLocal.size() > 0) { for (int i = lastNonLocal.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { String fileName = (String) lastNonLocal.get(i); CacheFile file = dir.getFile(fileName); if (file != null) { dir.removeFile(fileName, true); } else { CacheDir subDir = dir.getSubDir(fileName); if (subDir != null) { dir.removeChildDir(fileName, true); } } } dir.refreshLocal(false); // Some !local files might change to local } //System.out.println("VcsCache.createDir("+path+"): dir = "+dir); dir.setLoaded(true); //System.out.println("createSubFiles("+path+") = "+dir); return dir; } private VcsCacheDir createSubFiles(VcsFileSystem fs, VcsDirContainer filesByName, Object locker) { Hashtable fileElements = (Hashtable) filesByName.getElement(); Collection rawData; if (fileElements == null) rawData = Collections.EMPTY_LIST; else rawData = fileElements.values(); CacheHandler handler = CacheHandler.getInstance(); VcsCacheDir dir = createSubFiles(fs, filesByName.getPath(), rawData, locker); handler.addCacheLocker(locker, dir); VcsDirContainer[] subfilesByName = filesByName.getSubdirContainers(); for(int i = 0; i < subfilesByName.length; i++) { //VcsDirContainer subfilesByName = filesByName.getSubdir(subdirs[i]); VcsCacheDir subDir; dir.addChildDir(subDir = createSubFiles(fs, subfilesByName[i], locker), true); handler.addCacheLocker(locker, subDir); } return dir; } // TODO similar pattern is ised in lookup cache methods private VcsCacheDir createAndRefreshReadFolders(File file) { File parent = file.getParentFile(); //System.err.println("createAndRefreshIntermediateFolders("+file+")"); if (parent == null) return null; VcsCacheDir parentDir = (VcsCacheDir) getDir(parent.getAbsolutePath()); //System.err.println("getDir("+parent.getAbsolutePath()+") = "+parentDir); if (parentDir == null) parentDir = createAndRefreshReadFolders(parent); if (parentDir != null) { if (!parentDir.isLocal() && !parentDir.isLoaded() && !parentDir.isBeingLoaded()) { getCacheFile(new File(parentDir.getFile(), "testing"), CacheHandler.STRAT_DISK_OR_REFRESH, null); /* It's dangerous to wait here, deadlock will happen when Refresh command will be executed, * because the OutputGrabbersProcessor will be locked here. try { parentDir.waitToLoad(); } catch (InterruptedException iex) { /* Ignored *//*} */ } //System.err.println("createAndRefreshIntermediateFolders: RETURN dir name = "+file.getName()+" of "+parentDir+"\n => "+parentDir.getSubDir(file.getName())); CacheDir dir = parentDir.getSubDir(file.getName()); if (dir == null) { dir = new VcsCacheDir(getId(), file); parentDir.addChildDir(dir, false); // I have to suppose, that the initial directory is not local, // otherwise no refresh would be performed on it. dir.setLocal(false); ((VcsCacheDir) dir).readChildNamesFromDisk(); //((VcsCacheFile.VcsPersistentData) dir.getPersistentData()).setModified(true); // To save it later - done by setParent() } parentDir.writeToDisk(); registerDir(dir); heyDoRefreshDir(getPath(parentDir.getFile())); //System.err.println("lookupCacheDir: RETURN dir = "+dir); return (VcsCacheDir) dir; } else { return null; } } /** * The reading of file attributes was finished. * @param path the path of the file relative to the file system root. * @param rawData the collection of attribute elements of one or more files. * Each elements should be an array of Strings with file name and status attributes. * If the array contains only a single element, it's considered as a file name, * which should be deleted from the cache. */ public void readFileFinished(String path, Collection rawData) { //System.out.println("readDirFinished("+path+", "+rawData+")"); VcsFileSystem fs = (VcsFileSystem) fileSystem.get(); if (fs == null) return; // FS no longer exists VcsCacheDir dir = (VcsCacheDir) fs.getCacheProvider().getDir(path); if (dir == null) { dir = createAndRefreshReadFolders(fs.getFile(path)); if (dir == null) { dir = (VcsCacheDir) initCacheDir(fs.getFile(path)); registerDir(dir); } } // Put all read files there not to free them till they are written. Set readFilesLocked = new HashSet(); for (Iterator it = rawData.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { String[] elements = (String[]); if (elements.length == 1) { // Just the file name is there => I'll remove the file from the cache. CacheFile file = dir.getFile(elements[0]); if (file != null) { dir.removeFile(elements[0], true); } else { file = dir.getSubDir(elements[0]); if (file != null) { dir.removeChildDir(elements[0], true); } } continue; } CacheFile file = RefreshCommandSupport.matchToExistingFile(elements, fs.getCacheIdStr(), dir.getFile()); readFilesLocked.add(file); String fileName = file.getName(); boolean isAdded = false; if ((file instanceof VcsCacheFile) && (dir.getFile(fileName) == null)) { dir.addFile(file, true); isAdded = true; } else if ((file instanceof VcsCacheDir) && (dir.getSubDir(fileName) == null)) { dir.addChildDir((CacheDir) file, true); isAdded = true; } if (isAdded) { fireCacheHandlerEvent(EVENT_ADD, file); } else { try { fireCacheHandlerEvent(EVENT_CHANGED, file); } catch (java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException utex) { throw (java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException) org.openide.ErrorManager.getDefault().annotate(utex, "BAD cache file fired: "+file+", it's parent = "+file.getParent()+ ", dir = "+dir+", registered dir for file '"+dir.getFile().getAbsolutePath()+"' = "+getDir(dir.getFile().getAbsolutePath())+ "\nPlease attach this text to issue #24340"); } } } //VcsCacheDir dir = createSubFiles(fs, path, rawData); //System.out.println("readDirFinished: cacheDir = "+dir+", isBeingLoaded = "+dir.isBeingLoaded()+", isLoaded = "+dir.isLoaded()); dir.writeToDisk(); heyDoRefreshDir(getPath(dir.getFile())); } /** * Called by VcsDirReader when asynchronous reading of directory is completed. * @param path directory that was read by VcsDirReader relative to the filesystem root * @param rawData vector of String[] that describes files and subdirectories * @param success whether the refresh command succeeded. */ public void readDirFinished(String path, Collection rawData, boolean success, Object locker) { //System.out.println("VcsCache.readDirFinished("+path+", rawData = "+rawData+", success = "+success); /* for (Iterator it = rawData.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { String[] elements = (String[]); System.out.print(VcsUtilities.arrayToString(elements)+", "); } System.out.println(""); */ VcsFileSystem fs = (VcsFileSystem) fileSystem.get(); if (fs == null) return; // FS no longer exists String absolutePath = fsRoot + File.separatorChar + path.replace('/', File.separatorChar); if (!success && rawData.size() == 0) { CacheDir dir = getDir(absolutePath); if (dir instanceof VcsCacheDir) { ((VcsCacheDir) dir).setBeingLoaded(false); ((VcsCacheDir) dir).setLoaded(true); } return ; } //lockFileObjects(absolutePath, false); VcsCacheDir dir = createSubFiles(fs, path, rawData, locker); //dir.populateWithLocal(null); This will set applied level to STRAT_LOCAL! The dir should already contain the local stuff anyway, it should have been already loaded with locals?? //System.out.println("readDirFinished: cacheDir = "+dir+", isBeingLoaded = "+dir.isBeingLoaded()+", isLoaded = "+dir.isLoaded()); registerDir(dir); dir.writeToDisk(); dir.setBeingLoaded(false); fireCacheHandlerEvent(EVENT_CHANGED, dir); //removeLockedFileObjects(absolutePath); heyDoRefreshDir(getPath(dir.getFile())); runScheduledRefresh(dir); } /** * Called by VcsDirReader when asynchronous recursive reading of directory is completed. * @param path directory that was read by VcsDirReaderRecursive relative to the filesystem root * @param rawData vector of String[] that describes files and subdirectories * @param success whether the refresh command succeeded. */ public void readDirFinishedRecursive(String path, VcsDirContainer rawData, boolean success, Object locker) { //System.out.println("VcsCache.readDirFinishedRecursive("+path+", "+rawData.getPath()+", rawData = "+rawData+", success = "+success); VcsFileSystem fs = (VcsFileSystem) fileSystem.get(); if (fs == null) return; // FS no longer exists String absolutePath = fsRoot + File.separatorChar + path.replace('/', File.separatorChar); //lockFileObjects(absolutePath, true); VcsCacheDir dir = createSubFiles(fs, rawData, locker); //populateWithLocalRecursively(dir); This will set applied level to STRAT_LOCAL! The locals should have been already loaded. registerDirRecursive(dir); dir.writeToDiskRecursively(); fireCacheHandlerEvent(EVENT_CHANGED_RECURSIVELY, dir); //removeLockedFileObjects(absolutePath); heyDoRefreshDirRecursive(dir); } private void populateWithLocalRecursively(CacheDir dir) { dir.populateWithLocal(null); CacheDir[] dirs = dir.getSubDirs(); for (int i = 0; i < dirs.length; i++) { populateWithLocalRecursively(dirs[i]); } } private static RequestProcessor ignoreListRequestProcessor; private static WeakSet vcsCacheInstanceSet; void createIgnoreList(final VcsCacheDir dir, final List parentIgnoreList) { VcsFileSystem fs = (VcsFileSystem) fileSystem.get(); if (fs == null) return; // FS no longer exists final VcsFileSystem.IgnoreListSupport ignSupport = fs.getIgnoreListSupport(); // Create the ignore list lazily. It usually takes time and we do not want // to block the AWT (potentionally). synchronized (VcsCache.class) { if (vcsCacheInstanceSet == null) { vcsCacheInstanceSet = new WeakSet(); } vcsCacheInstanceSet.add(this); if (ignoreListRequestProcessor == null) { ignoreListRequestProcessor = new RequestProcessor("Ignore List Creation Request Processor"); } Runnable() { public void run() { // serialize the creation of ignore list for every cache // system so that parent ignore lists are correctly set. // One private RequestProcessor is used to assure the serialization. if (dir.isIgnoreListSet()) return ; // The ignore list could // already be set List ignoreList = VcsUtilities.createIgnoreList(dir, getPath(dir.getFile()), ignSupport); dir.setIgnoreList(ignoreList); } }); } } protected void finalize() throws Throwable { super.finalize(); // Clean up the request processor if all instances of this class are finalized. synchronized (VcsCache.class) { if (vcsCacheInstanceSet != null && vcsCacheInstanceSet.isEmpty()) { vcsCacheInstanceSet = null; ignoreListRequestProcessor = null; } } } /** * Creates a list of FileObjects that are contents of the topNode. * Adds that list to the map of nodes being locked. * If such node is being already locked, the lock is multiplied. * boolean lockFileObjects(String absolutePath, boolean recursively) { // make path relative to fs.. String found = this.fsRoot; VcsFileSystem fsystem = (VcsFileSystem) fileSystem.get(); if (absolutePath.length() <= found.length()) return false; String path = absolutePath.substring(found.length()); path = path.replace(File.separatorChar,'/'); if (path.startsWith("/")) path = path.substring(1); // NOI18N FileObject topFO = fsystem.findResource(path); // System.out.println("topFO = " + topFO); return doLockFileObjects(topFO, absolutePath, recursively); } */ /** * Creates a list of FileObjects that are contents of the topNode. * Adds that list to the map of nodes being locked. * If such node is being already locked, the lock is multiplied. * boolean lockFileObjects(CacheDir topNode, boolean recursively) { String path = topNode.getAbsolutePath(); return lockFileObjects(path, recursively); } */ /** * A Runnable class, that starts the refresh command on background. */ private class RefreshProcessStarter extends Object implements Runnable { private CommandSupport list; private File dir; private Object locker; public RefreshProcessStarter(CommandSupport list, File dir, Object locker) { this.list = list; this.dir = dir; = locker; } public void run() { Command cmd = list.createCommand(); if (cmd instanceof VcsDescribedCommand) { ((VcsDescribedCommand) cmd).setDiskFiles(new File[] { dir }); ((VcsDescribedCommand) cmd).addDirReaderListener(new VcsCache.DirReaderListenerWithLock(locker)); VcsManager.getDefault().showCustomizer(cmd); cmd.execute(); } } } private class DirReaderListenerWithLock extends Object implements DirReaderListener { private Object locker; public DirReaderListenerWithLock(Object locker) { = locker; } /** The reading of a directory was finished. The files attributes data are provided. * @param path the path of the read directory relative to the file system root. * @param rawData the collection of arrays of elements defined in * {@link org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.caching.RefreshCommandSupport} class. * @param whether the reading process succeeded */ public void readDirFinished(String path, Collection rawData, boolean success) { VcsCache.this.readDirFinished(path, rawData, success, locker); locker = null; } /** The recursive reading of a directory was finished. The files attributes data are provided. * @param path the path of the read directory relative to the file system root. * @param rawData the container of the retrieved directory structure with * associated array of elements defined in * {@link org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.caching.RefreshCommandSupport} class. * @param whether the reading process succeeded */ public void readDirFinishedRecursive(String path, VcsDirContainer rawData, boolean success) { VcsCache.this.readDirFinishedRecursive(path, rawData, success, locker); locker = null; } } private static final class HardReference extends SoftReference { private Object obj; public HardReference(Object obj) { super(obj); this.obj = obj; } } }

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