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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2004 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.versioning.impl;

import org.openide.ErrorManager;
import org.openide.loaders.DataFolder;
import org.openide.loaders.DataObject;
import org.openide.loaders.DataObjectNotFoundException;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileStateInvalidException;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileStatusEvent;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileStatusListener;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileSystem;
import org.openide.nodes.*;
import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
import org.openide.util.WeakListeners;
import org.openide.util.HelpCtx;
import org.openide.util.lookup.Lookups;
import org.openide.util.lookup.InstanceContent;
import org.openide.util.lookup.AbstractLookup;
import org.openide.util.actions.SystemAction;
import org.openide.util.actions.NodeAction;

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.beans.BeanInfo;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Collections;

import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.caching.FileStatusProvider;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.versioning.VersioningFileSystem;

 * Visualizes folder as much closely to FolderNode as possible
 * without need for data systems layer. It adds
 * actions, cookies, icon, display name and property
 * sheet all based on background file. It does not
 * support any clipboard operations.

* TODO It adds FileObject into associated lookup that * should replace DataObject in cookies. Actions that * are driven by DataObject can work wrongly because * they typically operate over primary file that can differ * from wrapped file (e.g. diff on .form files works over * respective .java files). * * @author Petr Kuzel */ class FolderNode extends AbstractNode implements Node.Cookie { public static final String PROP_STATUS = "status"; public static final String PROP_LOCKER = "locker"; public static final String PROP_REVISION = "revision"; public static final String PROP_STICKY = "sticky"; public static final String PROP_ALL_STATES = "all"; // cached properties private String status = null; private String locker = null; private String revision = null; private String sticky = null; private FileStatusListener vcsFileStatusListener; /** The file or folder */ private final FileObject file; private final InstanceContent content; // XXX probably undeclatred dependency, copied from loaders.FolderNode static final String FOLDER_ICON_BASE = "org/openide/loaders/defaultFolder"; // NOI18N public FolderNode(FileObject folder) { this(new FolderChildren(folder), folder); setIconBase(FOLDER_ICON_BASE); } FolderNode(Children ch, FileObject file) { this(ch, file, new InstanceContent()); } private FolderNode(Children ch, FileObject file, InstanceContent content) { super(ch, new AbstractLookup(content)); // setup lookup content content.add(file); content.add(this); InstanceContent.Convertor lazyDataObject = new InstanceContent.Convertor() { public Object convert(Object obj) { try { return DataObject.find(FolderNode.this.file); } catch (DataObjectNotFoundException e) { // ignore, call super later on } return null; } public Class type(Object obj) { return (Class) obj; } public String id(Object obj) { return ""; } public String displayName(Object obj) { return ""; } }; content.add(DataObject.class, lazyDataObject); if (file.isFolder()) { content.add(DataFolder.class, lazyDataObject); } this.file = file; this.content = content; init(file); } /** Allows sobclasses to customize lookup content. */ protected final InstanceContent getLookupContent() { return content; } private void init(FileObject file) { try { FileSystem fs = file.getFileSystem(); vcsFileStatusListener = new VCSFileStatusListener(); fs.addFileStatusListener((FileStatusListener) WeakListeners.create(FileStatusListener.class, vcsFileStatusListener, fs)); } catch (FileStateInvalidException exc) { ErrorManager err = ErrorManager.getDefault(); err.notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, exc); return; } } public String getName() { return file.getNameExt(); } public String getDisplayName() { String s; try { Set target = Collections.singleton(file); s = file.getFileSystem().getStatus().annotateName(file.getNameExt(), target); } catch (FileStateInvalidException exc) { s = super.getDisplayName(); } return s; } public String getHtmlDisplayName() { try { Set target = Collections.singleton(file); FileSystem.Status fsStatus = file.getFileSystem().getStatus(); if (fsStatus instanceof FileSystem.HtmlStatus) { return ((FileSystem.HtmlStatus) fsStatus).annotateNameHtml(file.getNameExt(), target); } } catch (FileStateInvalidException exc) { // null bellow } // we cannot provide HTNL status, framework will ask us for plain display name return null; } protected Image getBlankIcon(int type) { return super.getIcon(type); } public Image getIcon (int type) { Image img = null; if (type == BeanInfo.ICON_COLOR_16x16) { // search for proper folder icon installed by core/windows module img = (Image)UIManager.get("Nb.Explorer.Folder.icon"); } if (img == null) { img = super.getIcon(type); } // give chance to annotate icon // copied from DataNode to keep the contract try { Set target = Collections.singleton(file); img = file.getFileSystem(). getStatus().annotateIcon(img, type, target); } catch (FileStateInvalidException e) { // no fs, do nothing } return img; } /** Overrides folder icon to search for icon in UIManager table for * BeanInfo.ICON_COLOR_16x16 type, to allow for different icons * across Look and Feels. * Keeps possibility of icon annotations. */ public Image getOpenedIcon (int type) { Image img = null; if (type == BeanInfo.ICON_COLOR_16x16) { // search for proper folder icon installed by core/windows module img = (Image)UIManager.get("Nb.Explorer.Folder.openedIcon"); } if (img == null) { img = super.getOpenedIcon(type); } // give chance to annotate icon // copied from DataNode to keep the contract try { Set target = Collections.singleton(file); img = file.getFileSystem(). getStatus().annotateIcon(img, type, target); } catch (FileStateInvalidException e) { // no fs, do nothing } return img; } public Action[] getActions(boolean context) { return FolderNode.getFolderActions(); } public static SystemAction[] getFolderActions() { return new SystemAction[] { //SystemAction.get(DebugAction.class), SystemAction.get (org.openide.actions.OpenLocalExplorerAction.class), SystemAction.get (org.openide.actions.FindAction.class), null, SystemAction.get (org.openide.actions.FileSystemAction.class), null, SystemAction.get (org.openide.actions.ToolsAction.class), SystemAction.get (org.openide.actions.PropertiesAction.class) }; } public boolean canCopy() { return false; } public boolean canCut() { return false; } public boolean canDestroy() { return false; } public boolean canRename() { return false; } /** * Create the property sheet. * * @return the sheet */ protected Sheet createSheet() { Sheet sheet = Sheet.createDefault(); Sheet.Set ps = sheet.get(Sheet.PROPERTIES); ps.put(new PropertySupport.ReadOnly(FolderNode.PROP_STATUS, String.class, NbBundle.getMessage(FolderNode.class, "PROP_Status"), NbBundle.getMessage(FolderNode.class, "HINT_Status")) { public Object getValue() { String value = getStatus(); return (value == null) ? "" : value; } }); ps.put(new PropertySupport.ReadOnly(FolderNode.PROP_REVISION, String.class, NbBundle.getMessage(FolderNode.class, "PROP_Revision"), NbBundle.getMessage(FolderNode.class, "HINT_Revision")) { public Object getValue() { String value = getRevision(); return (value == null) ? "" : value; } }); ps.put(new PropertySupport.ReadOnly(FolderNode.PROP_STICKY, String.class, NbBundle.getMessage(FolderNode.class, "PROP_Sticky"), NbBundle.getMessage(FolderNode.class, "HINT_Sticky")) { public Object getValue() { String value = getSticky(); return (value == null) ? "" : value; } }); sheet.put(ps); Sheet.Set expert = Sheet.createExpertSet(); expert.put(new PropertySupport.ReadOnly(FolderNode.PROP_LOCKER, String.class, NbBundle.getMessage(FolderNode.class, "PROP_Locker"), NbBundle.getMessage(FolderNode.class, "HINT_Locker")) { public Object getValue() { String value = getLocker(); return (value == null) ? "" : value; } }); sheet.put(expert); return sheet; } /** Get the file this node operates on. */ protected FileObject getFile() { return file; } private FileStatusProvider getFileStatusProvider() { VersioningFileSystem vfs; try { vfs = VersioningFileSystem.findFor(file.getFileSystem()); return vfs.getFileStatusProvider(); } catch (FileStateInvalidException exc) { return null; } } /** * Getter for property status. * * @return Value of property status. */ public String getStatus() { if (status == null) { FileStatusProvider statusProvider = getFileStatusProvider(); if (statusProvider == null) return null; status = statusProvider.getFileStatus(file.getPath()); } return status; } /** * Getter for property locker. * * @return Value of property locker. */ public String getLocker() { if (locker == null) { FileStatusProvider statusProvider = getFileStatusProvider(); if (statusProvider == null) return null; locker = statusProvider.getFileLocker(file.getPath()); } return locker; } /** * Getter for property revision. * * @return Value of property revision. */ public String getRevision() { if (revision == null) { FileStatusProvider statusProvider = getFileStatusProvider(); if (statusProvider == null) return null; revision = statusProvider.getFileRevision(file.getPath()); } return revision; } /** * Getter for property sticky. * * @return Value of property sticky. */ public String getSticky() { if (sticky == null) { FileStatusProvider statusProvider = getFileStatusProvider(); if (statusProvider == null) return null; sticky = statusProvider.getFileSticky(file.getPath()); } return sticky; } private class VCSFileStatusListener implements FileStatusListener { public void annotationChanged(FileStatusEvent ev) { if (ev.hasChanged(file)) { String name = file.getPath(); String newState; String oldState; FileStatusProvider statusProvider = null; statusProvider = getFileStatusProvider(); if (statusProvider == null) return; newState = statusProvider.getFileStatus(name); if (status == null && newState != null || status != null && !status.equals(newState)) { oldState = status; status = newState; firePropertyChange(PROP_STATUS, oldState, newState); } newState = statusProvider.getFileLocker(name); if (locker == null && newState != null || locker != null && !locker.equals(newState)) { oldState = locker; locker = newState; firePropertyChange(PROP_LOCKER, oldState, newState); } newState = statusProvider.getFileRevision(name); if (revision == null && newState != null || revision != null && !revision.equals(newState)) { oldState = revision; revision = newState; firePropertyChange(PROP_REVISION, oldState, newState); } newState = statusProvider.getFileSticky(name); if (sticky == null && newState != null || sticky != null && !sticky.equals(newState)) { oldState = sticky; sticky = newState; firePropertyChange(PROP_STICKY, oldState, newState); } // Refresh annotation and/or icon of this node if (ev.isNameChange()) { fireDisplayNameChange(null, null); } if (ev.isIconChange()) { fireIconChange(); } } } } static class DebugAction extends NodeAction { public String getName() { return "Debug Status Cache"; // NOI18N } public HelpCtx getHelpCtx() { return null; } protected void performAction(Node[] activatedNodes) { FolderNode self = (FolderNode) activatedNodes[0].getCookie(FolderNode.class); self.getHtmlDisplayName(); // put breakpoint here } protected boolean enable(Node[] activatedNodes) { return true; } } }

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