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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2004 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.netbeans.modules.vcs.profiles.cvsprofiles.commands;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.netbeans.api.queries.SharabilityQuery;
import org.netbeans.api.vcs.VcsManager;
import org.netbeans.api.vcs.commands.Command;
import org.netbeans.api.vcs.commands.CommandTask;

import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.VcsFileSystem;

import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.cmdline.ExecuteCommand;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.cmdline.VcsAdditionalCommand;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.commands.CommandDataOutputListener;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.commands.CommandExecutionContext;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.commands.CommandOutputListener;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.commands.TextErrorListener;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.commands.VcsDescribedCommand;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.util.VcsUtilities;

import org.netbeans.spi.vcs.commands.CommandSupport;

import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil;

 * An import command, that checks whether the processed files and folders are sharable
 * before it invokes the cvs import command. 

* * All folders that are given to this command are checked for sharability. * Sharable folders are given to import command, mixed folders * are checked for sharable files. If no sharable files are found, * sharable sub-folders are imported. If some sharable files are found, * the folder is imported, but unsharable files and folders are added * into ignore list. But in this case it needs to be checked that * the ignored files and folders do not exist as sharable in * the imported directory subtree. If some sharable files exist, * the import is not possible. If some sharable folders exist, they * need to be imported later. * * @author Martin Entlicher */ public class SharableImport implements VcsAdditionalCommand { private static final String UNSHARABLE_IGNORE_VAR = "UNSHARABLE_IGNORE"; // NOI18N public static final String VAR_NON_SHARABLE_FILES = "NON_SHARABLE_FILES"; // NOI18N private CommandExecutionContext execContext; private VcsFileSystem fileSystem; private Hashtable vars; private CommandOutputListener stderrListener; /** Creates a new instance of Echo */ public SharableImport() { } /** Set the VCS file system to use to execute commands. */ public void setExecutionContext(CommandExecutionContext execContext) { this.execContext = execContext; if (execContext instanceof VcsFileSystem) { fileSystem = (VcsFileSystem) execContext; } } private FileObject[] getFiles(Collection fileNames, Collection diskFiles) { if (fileSystem == null) { for (Iterator it = fileNames.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { String name = (String); diskFiles.add(new File(name)); } return new FileObject[0]; } else { ArrayList fos = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator it = fileNames.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { String name = (String); FileObject fo = fileSystem.findResource(name); if (fo != null) { fos.add(fo); } else { diskFiles.add(fileSystem.getFile(name)); } } return (FileObject[]) fos.toArray(new FileObject[0]); } } private boolean runOnSharableFolders(CommandSupport cmdSupp, Map vars, Collection fileNames, Collection nonSharableFiles) { for (Iterator it = fileNames.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { String name = (String); File file; if (fileSystem != null) { file = fileSystem.getFile(name); } else { file = new File(name); } int sharability = SharabilityQuery.getSharability(file); //System.out.println(" runOnSharableFolders(): name '"+name+"' sharability = "+sharability); if (sharability == SharabilityQuery.SHARABLE || file.isFile() && sharability == SharabilityQuery.UNKNOWN) { //if (file.isDirectory()) { CommandTask task = runCommand(cmdSupp, vars, file, name); // the selected file must be a directory try { task.waitFinished(0); } catch (InterruptedException iex) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } if (task.getExitStatus() != task.STATUS_SUCCEEDED) { return false; } } else if (sharability == SharabilityQuery.MIXED || file.isDirectory() && sharability == SharabilityQuery.UNKNOWN) { boolean status = runOnMixedFolders(cmdSupp, vars, file, name, nonSharableFiles); if (!status) return false; } else { nonSharableFiles.add(name); } } return true; } private boolean runOnMixedFolders(CommandSupport cmdSupp, Map vars, File folder, String name, Collection nonSharableFiles) { File[] children = folder.listFiles(); if (children == null) return true; Collection sharableFileNames = new ArrayList(); Collection unsharableFileNames = new ArrayList(); Collection mixedFolders = new ArrayList(); Collection sharableFolders = new ArrayList(); Collection unsharableFolders = new ArrayList(); if (name.length() == 0 || name.length() == 1 && name.charAt(0) == '.') { name = ""; } else { name += "/"; } for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { String fileName = children[i].getName(); boolean isDirectory = children[i].isDirectory(); int sharability = SharabilityQuery.getSharability(children[i]); if (sharability == SharabilityQuery.SHARABLE || !isDirectory && sharability == SharabilityQuery.UNKNOWN) { if (isDirectory) { sharableFolders.add(fileName); } else { sharableFileNames.add(fileName); } } else if (sharability == SharabilityQuery.MIXED || isDirectory && sharability == SharabilityQuery.UNKNOWN) { mixedFolders.add(fileName); } else { if (!isDirectory) { unsharableFileNames.add(fileName); } else { unsharableFolders.add(fileName); } nonSharableFiles.add(name + fileName); } } //System.out.println("sharableFileNames = "+sharableFileNames+", unsharableFileNames = "+unsharableFileNames+ // ", mixedFolders = "+mixedFolders+", sharableFolders = "+sharableFolders+", unsharableFolders = "+unsharableFolders); if (sharableFileNames.size() == 0) { // When no sharable files are found, run command on sharable folders // and re-run this on mixed folders for (Iterator it = sharableFolders.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { String fileName = (String); CommandTask task = runCommand(cmdSupp, vars, new File(folder, fileName), name + fileName); try { task.waitFinished(0); } catch (InterruptedException iex) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } if (task.getExitStatus() != task.STATUS_SUCCEEDED) { return false; } } } else { Collection ignoredNames = new HashSet(unsharableFileNames.size() + unsharableFolders.size() + mixedFolders.size()); ignoredNames.addAll(unsharableFileNames); ignoredNames.addAll(unsharableFolders); ignoredNames.addAll(mixedFolders); String[] sharableFileRef = new String[1]; if (existSharableFilesUnder(folder, ignoredNames, sharableFileRef)) { stderrListener.outputLine("It's not possible to import folder '"+folder+ "', because it contains unsharable file '"+sharableFileRef[0]+ "', but a file of the same name exists as sharable in the subtree."); stderrListener.outputLine("Remove the unsharable files, if possible, to resolve that conflict."); return false; } CommandTask task = runCommand(cmdSupp, vars, folder, name, ignoredNames); try { task.waitFinished(0); } catch (InterruptedException iex) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } if (task.getExitStatus() != task.STATUS_SUCCEEDED) { return false; } Map sharableSubFolders = new HashMap(); if (sharableFoldersUnder(folder, name, ignoredNames, sharableSubFolders)) { for (Iterator it = sharableSubFolders.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { File subFolder = (File); String filePath = (String) sharableSubFolders.get(subFolder); task = runCommand(cmdSupp, vars, subFolder, filePath); try { task.waitFinished(0); } catch (InterruptedException iex) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } if (task.getExitStatus() != task.STATUS_SUCCEEDED) { return false; } } } } for (Iterator it = mixedFolders.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { String fileName = (String); boolean status = runOnMixedFolders(cmdSupp, vars, new File(folder, fileName), name + fileName, nonSharableFiles); if (!status) return false; } return true; } private static boolean existSharableFilesUnder(File folder, Collection names, String[] sharableFileRef) { File[] children = folder.listFiles(); if (children == null) return false; boolean exist = false; for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { if (children[i].isDirectory()) { exist = exist && existSharableFilesUnder(children[i], names, sharableFileRef); } else { String fileName = (String) children[i].getName(); if (names.contains(fileName) && SharabilityQuery.getSharability(children[i]) != SharabilityQuery.NOT_SHARABLE) { exist = true; sharableFileRef[0] = fileName; break; } } } return exist; } private boolean sharableFoldersUnder(File folder, String path, Collection names, Map sharableFolders) { File[] children = folder.listFiles(); if (children == null) return false; boolean exist = false; for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { if (children[i].isDirectory()) { String fileName = (String) children[i].getName(); if (names.contains(fileName) && SharabilityQuery.getSharability(children[i]) != SharabilityQuery.NOT_SHARABLE) { sharableFolders.put(children[i], path + fileName); } exist = exist && sharableFoldersUnder(children[i], path + fileName + '/', names, sharableFolders); } } return exist; } private CommandTask runCommand(CommandSupport cmdSupp, Map vars, File file, String path) { return runCommand(cmdSupp, vars, file, path, null); } private static String assembleIgnoreExpressions(Collection ignoredNames) { StringBuffer ignores = new StringBuffer(); for (Iterator it = ignoredNames.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { String name = (String); ignores.append("-I ${QUOTE}"); ignores.append(name); ignores.append("${QUOTE} "); } return ignores.toString(); } private CommandTask runCommand(CommandSupport cmdSupp, Map vars, File file, String path, Collection ignoredNames) { if (path.endsWith("/")) path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 1); //System.out.println("runCommand("+file+", "+path+", "+ignoredNames+")"); VcsDescribedCommand cmd = (VcsDescribedCommand) cmdSupp.createCommand(); cmd.setAdditionalVariables(new HashMap(vars)); cmd.addTextErrorListener(new TextErrorListener() { public void outputLine(String line) { stderrListener.outputLine(line); } }); if (ignoredNames != null) { vars = cmd.getAdditionalVariables(); vars.put(UNSHARABLE_IGNORE_VAR, assembleIgnoreExpressions(ignoredNames)); cmd.setAdditionalVariables(vars); } FileObject fo = null; if (fileSystem != null) { fo = fileSystem.findResource(path); if (fo != null) { cmd.setFiles(new FileObject[] { fo }); } } if (fo == null) { cmd.setDiskFiles(new File[] { file }); vars = cmd.getAdditionalVariables(); String repos = (String) vars.get("REPOS_DIR"); if (repos != null) { String root = (String) vars.get("ROOTDIR"); String relPath = path.substring(root.length()); while(relPath.startsWith("/") || relPath.startsWith(File.separator)) relPath = relPath.substring(1); if (relPath.length() > 0) { if (repos.length() == 0 || repos.equals(".")) repos = relPath; else repos += "/" + relPath; vars.put("REPOS_DIR", repos); } } vars.put("ROOTDIR", file.getAbsolutePath()); cmd.setAdditionalVariables(vars); } VcsManager.getDefault().showCustomizer(cmd); //System.out.println(" assigned FileObjects = "+((cmd.getFiles() != null) ? java.util.Arrays.asList(cmd.getFiles()) : null)); //System.out.println(" assigned Files = "+((cmd.getDiskFiles() != null) ? java.util.Arrays.asList(cmd.getDiskFiles()) : null)); return cmd.execute(); } public boolean exec(Hashtable vars, String[] args, final CommandOutputListener stdoutListener, final CommandOutputListener stderrListener, final CommandDataOutputListener stdoutDataListener, String dataRegex, final CommandDataOutputListener stderrDataListener, String errorRegex) { this.vars = vars; int arglen = args.length; this.stderrListener = stderrListener; //System.out.println("DIFF: args = "+VcsUtilities.arrayToString(args)); if (arglen < 1) { stderrListener.outputLine("Too few arguments, expecting a name of a command."); return false; } CommandSupport cmdSupp = execContext.getCommandSupport(args[0]); if (cmdSupp == null) { stderrListener.outputLine("Did not find command '"+args[0]+"'."); return false; } Collection nonSharableFiles = new ArrayList(); Collection processingFiles; if (fileSystem != null) { processingFiles = ExecuteCommand.createProcessingFiles(execContext, vars); } else { processingFiles = Collections.singleton(vars.get("ROOTDIR")); } //System.out.println("Processing files = "+processingFiles); boolean status = runOnSharableFolders(cmdSupp, vars, processingFiles, nonSharableFiles); if (nonSharableFiles.size() > 0) { String[] nonSharableFilesArray = (String[]) nonSharableFiles.toArray(new String[0]); if (fileSystem == null) { String root = (String) vars.get("ROOTDIR"); for (int i = 0; i < nonSharableFilesArray.length; i++) { nonSharableFilesArray[i] = nonSharableFilesArray[i].substring(root.length() + 1); } } vars.put(VAR_NON_SHARABLE_FILES, VcsUtilities.arrayToQuotedStrings(nonSharableFilesArray)); } return status; } }

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