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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2004 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.netbeans.modules.vcs.profiles.vss.commands;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Stack;
import org.netbeans.api.vcs.commands.Command;
import org.netbeans.api.vcs.commands.CommandTask;

import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.VcsFileSystem;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.cmdline.ExecuteCommand;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.cmdline.VcsAdditionalCommand;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.commands.CommandDataOutputListener;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.commands.CommandExecutionContext;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.commands.CommandOutputListener;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.commands.CommandProcessor;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.commands.RegexErrorListener;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.commands.RegexOutputListener;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.commands.TextErrorListener;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.commands.VcsCommand;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.commands.VcsCommandExecutor;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.commands.VcsCommandIO;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.commands.VcsDescribedCommand;
import org.netbeans.spi.vcs.commands.CommandSupport;
import org.openide.DialogDisplayer;
import org.openide.NotifyDescriptor;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil;
import org.openide.util.NbBundle;

 * Confirmation command is used for commands, that need a "test" command
 * to obtain a confirmation message before the actual command can be executed.

* A test command will be executed first. If there is some output produced, * it will be presented to the user for confirmation. * If confirmed, the real command will be executed.

* * ConfirmationCommand [options] <command name> [<command name>] *
* Possible options are: *

  • -e - grab the question from the error data output (instead of * standard data output that is used by default)
  • *
  • -t - in case that the test command does not provide any output, * do not run the real command
  • *
  • -m[EOM] - handle multiple messages for multiple files. * EOM - optional "End Of Message". * The messages have to contain the appropriate file so that * the real commmand can run on the specfic files. * This options implies -t option as well.
  • *

* When only one command name is provided:
* Run the provided command as a test command (variable TEST_CONFIRMATION * is defined as "true"). If there is any output, it's presented to the user * and the same command (variable TEST_CONFIRMATION is not defined) is executed * if the user confirms the message. *

* When two command names are provided:
* Run the first command (which is considered as the test command). * If there is any output, it's presented to the user and the second command * is executed if the user confirms the message. *

* Variable TEST_CONFIRMATION is defined if and only if only one command name * is provided. * * @author Martin Entlicher */ public class ConfirmationCommand extends Object implements VcsAdditionalCommand { public static final String GRAB_ERROR_OUTPUT = "-e"; // NOI18N public static final String REPORT_ERROR_OF_TEST = "-te"; // NOI18N public static final String TEST_ONLY_WHEN_NO_OUTPUT = "-t"; // NOI18N public static final String MULTI_FILES = "-m"; // NOI18N public static final String VAR_TEST_CONFIRMATION = "TEST_CONFIRMATION"; // NOI18N private VcsFileSystem fileSystem; private CommandExecutionContext executionContext; private boolean errorOutput; private boolean testOnly; private boolean multiFiles; private boolean reportErrorTest; private boolean defineTestVar; private String rootDir; /** Creates a new instance of ConfirmationCommand */ public ConfirmationCommand() { } public void setFileSystem(VcsFileSystem fileSystem) { this.fileSystem = fileSystem; } public void setExecutionContext(CommandExecutionContext executionContext) { this.executionContext = executionContext; if (executionContext instanceof VcsFileSystem) { fileSystem = (VcsFileSystem) executionContext; } } /** * Executes the confirmation command. * @param vars variables needed to run cvs commands * @param args the arguments, * @param stdoutNRListener listener of the standard output of the command * @param stderrNRListener listener of the error output of the command * @param stdoutListener listener of the standard output of the command which * satisfies regex dataRegex * @param dataRegex the regular expression for parsing the standard output * @param stderrListener listener of the error output of the command which * satisfies regex errorRegex * @param errorRegex the regular expression for parsing the error output * @return true if the command was succesfull, * false if some error has occured. */ public boolean exec(final Hashtable vars, String[] args, CommandOutputListener stdoutNRListener, CommandOutputListener stderrNRListener, CommandDataOutputListener stdoutListener, String dataRegex, CommandDataOutputListener stderrListener, String errorRegex) { if (args.length == 0 || (GRAB_ERROR_OUTPUT.equals(args[0]) || TEST_ONLY_WHEN_NO_OUTPUT.equals(args[0])) && args.length <= 1) { stderrNRListener.outputLine("Expecting a command as an argument.\n"+ // NOI18N "ConfirmationCommand [-e] [-m[EOM]] [-t] [-te] []\n"+ // NOI18N "-e to grab error data output instead of standard data output,\n"+ // NOI18N "-m[EOM] to handle command that acts on multiple files, EOM - optional End Of Message,\n"+ // NOI18N "-t not to run the real command if test does not produce output.\n"+ // NOI18N "-te to report error output of test command if it fails and provides no messages.\n"); // NOI18N return true; } errorOutput = false; testOnly = false; multiFiles = false; reportErrorTest = false; String endOfMessage = null; if (fileSystem != null) { rootDir = fileSystem.getRootDirectory().getAbsolutePath(); } else { rootDir = (String) vars.get("ROOTDIR"); } boolean moreOptions; do { moreOptions = false; if (GRAB_ERROR_OUTPUT.equals(args[0])) { moreOptions = true; errorOutput = true; } else if (TEST_ONLY_WHEN_NO_OUTPUT.equals(args[0])) { moreOptions = true; testOnly = true; } else if (args[0].startsWith(MULTI_FILES)) { moreOptions = true; multiFiles = true; if (args[0].length() > MULTI_FILES.length()) { endOfMessage = args[0].substring(MULTI_FILES.length()); } } else if (REPORT_ERROR_OF_TEST.equals(args[0])) { moreOptions = true; reportErrorTest = true; } if (moreOptions) { String[] newArgs = new String[args.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(args, 1, newArgs, 0, newArgs.length); args = newArgs; } } while (moreOptions); defineTestVar = (args.length == 1); String testCommandName = args[0]; String realCommandName = (args.length > 1) ? args[1] : args[0]; CommandSupport testCommand = executionContext.getCommandSupport(testCommandName); CommandSupport realCommand = executionContext.getCommandSupport(realCommandName); //System.out.println("ConfirmationCommand: errorOutput = "+errorOutput+", testOnly = "+testOnly+", multiFiles = "+multiFiles+", EOM = "+endOfMessage+", testCommandName = "+testCommandName+", realCommandName = "+realCommandName); if (testCommand == null) { stderrNRListener.outputLine("Command '"+testCommandName+"' is not defined."); return false; } if (realCommand == null) { stderrNRListener.outputLine("Command '"+realCommandName+"' is not defined."); return false; } Hashtable testVars = new Hashtable(vars); if (defineTestVar) { testVars.put(VAR_TEST_CONFIRMATION, "true"); // NOI18N } boolean confirmed; boolean success = true; boolean[] testSuccess = new boolean[] { true }; List errorOutputList = null; if (reportErrorTest) errorOutputList = new ArrayList(); if (multiFiles) { String[] messages; try { messages = runTestMultiCommand(testCommand, testVars, endOfMessage, testSuccess, errorOutputList); } catch (InterruptedException iexc) { return false; } if (messages == null) { return false; } if (messages.length == 0 && !testSuccess[0] && reportErrorTest) { for (int i = 0; i < errorOutputList.size(); i++) { stderrNRListener.outputLine((String) errorOutputList.get(i)); } return false; } String[] confirmedFiles = confirm(messages, rootDir, getSelectedFiles(rootDir, vars)); confirmed = confirmedFiles != null; if (confirmed && (!testOnly || confirmedFiles.length > 0)) { success = runRealMultiCommand(realCommand, new Hashtable(vars), confirmedFiles); } } else { String message; try { message = runTestCommand(testCommand, testVars, testSuccess, errorOutputList); } catch (InterruptedException iexc) { return false; } if (message == null) { return false; } if (message.length() == 0 && !testSuccess[0] && reportErrorTest) { for (int i = 0; i < errorOutputList.size(); i++) { stderrNRListener.outputLine((String) errorOutputList.get(i)); } return false; } confirmed = confirm(message); if (confirmed && (!testOnly || message.length() > 0)) { success = runRealCommand(realCommand, new Hashtable(vars)); } } if (!confirmed) { // Disable the command notifications when the command is not confirmed: vars.put("COMMAND_NOTIFICATION_DISABLED", "true"); } return success; } private String[] getSelectedFiles(String rootDir, Hashtable vars) { if (fileSystem == null) { String root = (String) vars.get("ROOTDIR"); return new String[] { root }; } Collection filePaths = ExecuteCommand.createProcessingFiles(fileSystem, vars); String[] files = new String[filePaths.size()]; int i = 0; for (Iterator it = filePaths.iterator(); it.hasNext(); i++) { files[i] = rootDir + File.separator + ((String)'/', File.separatorChar); } return files; } /** * @return null when command failed, the output message otherwise. */ private String runTestCommand(CommandSupport cmdSupp, Hashtable vars, boolean[] testSuccess, final List errorOutputList) throws InterruptedException { final StringBuffer messageBuff = new StringBuffer(); Command cmd = cmdSupp.createCommand(); VcsDescribedCommand vcmd = (VcsDescribedCommand) cmd; vcmd.setAdditionalVariables(vars); RegexErrorListener regexOutputListener = new RegexErrorListener() { public void outputMatchedGroups(String[] elements) { if (elements != null && elements.length > 0) { messageBuff.append(elements[0]); } } }; if (errorOutput) { vcmd.addRegexErrorListener(regexOutputListener); } else { vcmd.addRegexOutputListener(regexOutputListener); } if (errorOutputList != null) { vcmd.addTextErrorListener(new TextErrorListener() { public void outputLine(String line) { errorOutputList.add(line); } }); } CommandTask task = cmd.execute(); try { task.waitFinished(0); } catch (InterruptedException iexc) { task.stop(); throw iexc; } testSuccess[0] = (task.getExitStatus() == CommandTask.STATUS_SUCCEEDED); if (task.getExitStatus() != CommandTask.STATUS_SUCCEEDED && !VcsCommandIO.getBooleanProperty(vcmd.getVcsCommand(), VcsCommand.PROPERTY_IGNORE_FAIL)) { //E.err("exec failed "+ec.getExitStatus()); // NOI18N return null; } return messageBuff.toString(); } /** * @return null when command failed, the output messages otherwise. */ private String[] runTestMultiCommand(CommandSupport cmdSupp, Hashtable vars, final String eom, boolean[] testSuccess, final List errorOutputList) throws InterruptedException { final List messages = new ArrayList(); final StringBuffer messageBuff = new StringBuffer(); Command cmd = cmdSupp.createCommand(); VcsDescribedCommand vcmd = (VcsDescribedCommand) cmd; vcmd.setAdditionalVariables(vars); RegexErrorListener regexOutputListener = new RegexErrorListener() { public void outputMatchedGroups(String[] elements) { if (elements != null && elements.length > 0) { if (messageBuff.length() > 0) messageBuff.append(' '); messageBuff.append(elements[0]); if (eom == null || elements[0].endsWith(eom)) { if (eom != null) { messageBuff.delete(messageBuff.length() - eom.length(), messageBuff.length()); } messages.add(messageBuff.toString()); messageBuff.delete(0, messageBuff.length()); } } } }; if (errorOutput) { vcmd.addRegexErrorListener(regexOutputListener); } else { vcmd.addRegexOutputListener(regexOutputListener); } if (errorOutputList != null) { vcmd.addTextErrorListener(new TextErrorListener() { public void outputLine(String line) { errorOutputList.add(line); } }); } CommandTask task = cmd.execute(); try { task.waitFinished(0); } catch (InterruptedException iexc) { task.stop(); throw iexc; } testSuccess[0] = (task.getExitStatus() == CommandTask.STATUS_SUCCEEDED); if (task.getExitStatus() != CommandTask.STATUS_SUCCEEDED && !VcsCommandIO.getBooleanProperty(vcmd.getVcsCommand(), VcsCommand.PROPERTY_IGNORE_FAIL)) { //E.err("exec failed "+ec.getExitStatus()); // NOI18N return null; } return (String[]) messages.toArray(new String[0]); } private boolean runRealCommand(CommandSupport cmdSupp, Hashtable vars) { Command cmd = cmdSupp.createCommand(); VcsDescribedCommand vcmd = (VcsDescribedCommand) cmd; vcmd.setAdditionalVariables(vars); CommandTask task = cmd.execute(); try { task.waitFinished(0); } catch (InterruptedException iexc) { task.stop(); return false; } return (task.getExitStatus() == CommandTask.STATUS_SUCCEEDED) || VcsCommandIO.getBooleanProperty(vcmd.getVcsCommand(), VcsCommand.PROPERTY_IGNORE_FAIL); } private boolean runRealMultiCommand(CommandSupport cmdSupp, Hashtable vars, String[] files) { Command command = cmdSupp.createCommand(); VcsDescribedCommand vcmd = (VcsDescribedCommand) command; vcmd.setAdditionalVariables(vars); boolean haveFiles = setFiles(command, rootDir, files); if (!haveFiles) return true; CommandTask task = command.execute(); try { CommandProcessor.getInstance().waitToFinish(task); } catch (InterruptedException iexc) { CommandProcessor.getInstance().kill(task); return false; } return (task.getExitStatus() == CommandTask.STATUS_SUCCEEDED) || VcsCommandIO.getBooleanProperty(vcmd.getVcsCommand(), VcsCommand.PROPERTY_IGNORE_FAIL); } private boolean setFiles(Command command, String rootDir, String[] filePaths) { List fileObjects = new ArrayList(); List files = new ArrayList(); int rdl = rootDir.length(); for (int i = 0; i < filePaths.length; i++) { FileObject fo = (fileSystem != null) ? fileSystem.findResource(filePaths[i]) : null; if (fo != null) { fileObjects.add(fo); } else { files.add(new File(rootDir + File.separator + filePaths[i].replace('/', File.separatorChar))); } } if (fileObjects.size() > 0) { command.setFiles((FileObject[]) fileObjects.toArray(new FileObject[0])); } if (files.size() > 0) { ((VcsDescribedCommand) command).setDiskFiles((File[]) files.toArray(new File[0])); } return (fileObjects.size() > 0 || files.size() > 0); } private static String retrieveFile(String message, char endChar) { int l = message.length(); int end = message.indexOf(' '); if (end < 0) end = l; else { if (end > 0 && message.charAt(end - 1) == endChar) { return message.substring(0, end - 1); } } String file = message.substring(0, end); while (end < l && !(new File(file).exists())) { end = message.indexOf(' ', end + 1); if (end < 0) end = l; else { if (end > 0 && message.charAt(end - 1) == endChar) { return message.substring(0, end - 1); } } file = message.substring(0, end); } // Take the first space if the file was not found if (end >= l && !(new File(file).exists())) { end = message.indexOf(' '); if (end < 0) end = l; file = message.substring(0, end); } return file; } private static char getEndChar(String message, int pos) { if (pos > 0) { char c = message.charAt(pos - 1); if (c == '"' || c == '\'') return c; } return (char) 0; } private static boolean confirm(String message) { if (message.length() == 0) return true; if (!NotifyDescriptor.Confirmation.YES_OPTION.equals ( DialogDisplayer.getDefault ().notify (new NotifyDescriptor.Confirmation ( message, NotifyDescriptor.Confirmation.YES_NO_OPTION)))) { // NOI18N return false; } return true; } /** * Confirm (asking the user) the questions provided. * @return The files the questions were confirmed on, relative to rootDir. */ private static String[] confirm(String[] messages, String rootDir, String[] selectedFiles) { if (messages.length == 0) return messages; List confirmedFiles = new ArrayList(); List confirmedPatterns = new ArrayList(); List deniedPatterns = new ArrayList(); Object yesAllOption = NbBundle.getMessage(ConfirmationCommand.class, "CTL_YesAll"); Object noAllOption = NbBundle.getMessage(ConfirmationCommand.class, "CTL_NoAll"); Object skipOption = NbBundle.getMessage(ConfirmationCommand.class, "CTL_Skip"); Object skipAllOption = NbBundle.getMessage(ConfirmationCommand.class, "CTL_SkipAll"); List patternItems = new ArrayList(); String[] ambiguousFile = new String[] { null }; Set ambiguousFiles = new HashSet(); boolean doSkipAll = false; for (int i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) { String file = checkPatterns(confirmedPatterns, messages[i]); if (file != null) { if (!file.startsWith(rootDir)) { //System.out.println("Searching for a unique file '"+file+"' among "+java.util.Arrays.asList(selectedFiles)+" ..."); file = uniqueFilePath(file, selectedFiles); //System.out.println(" Unique file = '"+file+"'"); } if (file != null) { file = file.substring(rootDir.length()).replace(File.separatorChar, '/'); while (file.startsWith("/")) file = file.substring(1); confirmedFiles.add(file); continue; } } if (checkPatterns(deniedPatterns, messages[i]) != null) { continue; } patternItems.clear(); file = getUnambiguousFile(messages[i], rootDir, selectedFiles, patternItems, ambiguousFile); //System.out.println(" file = '"+file+"', patternItems = "+patternItems); if (file == null) { if (doSkipAll || ambiguousFiles.contains(ambiguousFile[0])) { continue; } ambiguousFiles.add(ambiguousFile[0]); String msg = reduceBigMessage(messages[i]) + "\n\n" + NbBundle.getMessage(ConfirmationCommand.class, "MSG_Ambiguous"); NotifyDescriptor confirmation = new NotifyDescriptor(msg, NbBundle.getMessage(ConfirmationCommand.class, "TTL_Warning"), NotifyDescriptor.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, NotifyDescriptor.WARNING_MESSAGE, new Object[] { skipOption, skipAllOption, NotifyDescriptor.CANCEL_OPTION }, skipOption); Object result = DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(confirmation); if (skipOption.equals(result)) { continue; } if (skipAllOption.equals(result)) { doSkipAll = true; continue; } else { return null; } } NotifyDescriptor confirmation = new NotifyDescriptor(reduceBigMessage(messages[i]), NbBundle.getMessage(ConfirmationCommand.class, "TTL_Confirmation"), NotifyDescriptor.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION, NotifyDescriptor.QUESTION_MESSAGE, new Object[] { NotifyDescriptor.YES_OPTION, yesAllOption, NotifyDescriptor.NO_OPTION, noAllOption, NotifyDescriptor.CANCEL_OPTION }, NotifyDescriptor.YES_OPTION); Object result = DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(confirmation); if (NotifyDescriptor.YES_OPTION.equals(result)) { confirmedFiles.add(file); } else if (yesAllOption.equals(result)) { confirmedFiles.add(file); confirmedPatterns.add(patternItems.toArray(new String[0])); } else if (NotifyDescriptor.NO_OPTION.equals(result)) { continue; } else if (noAllOption.equals(result)) { deniedPatterns.add(patternItems.toArray(new String[0])); } else { // canceled return null; } } return (String[]) confirmedFiles.toArray(new String[0]); } /** * Get the file relative to rootDir. */ private static String getUnambiguousFile(String message, String rootDir, String[] selectedFiles, List patternItems, String[] ambiguousFile) { int begin = 0; int fileIndex; String file = null; int rdl = rootDir.length(); //System.out.println("getUnambiguousFile("+message+")"); while((fileIndex = message.indexOf(rootDir, begin)) >= 0) { String rfile = retrieveFile(message.substring(fileIndex), getEndChar(message, fileIndex)); patternItems.add(message.substring(begin, fileIndex)); begin = fileIndex + rfile.length(); rfile = rfile.substring(rdl).replace(File.separatorChar, '/'); while (rfile.startsWith("/")) rfile = rfile.substring(1); if (file == null) { file = rfile; } else { //System.out.println("MULTILPLE DIFFERENT FILES found: "+file+" <> "+rfile); if (!file.equals(rfile)) return null; } } if (file != null) { if (begin < message.length()) { patternItems.add(message.substring(begin)); } else { patternItems.add(""); } } else { // The file was not found int sentenceEnd = message.lastIndexOf(". "); if (sentenceEnd > 0) { sentenceEnd += 2; } else { sentenceEnd = 0; } int firstSpace = message.indexOf(' ', sentenceEnd); if (firstSpace > 0) { file = message.substring(sentenceEnd, firstSpace); ambiguousFile[0] = file; file = uniqueFilePath(file, selectedFiles); if (file == null) { return null; } file = file.substring(rdl).replace(File.separatorChar, '/'); while (file.startsWith("/")) file = file.substring(1); patternItems.add("");//message.substring(0, sentenceEnd)); patternItems.add(message.substring(firstSpace + 1)); } } return file; } /** * Check whether the message match at least one of the patterns. * @return The file from the matched pattern. */ private static String checkPatterns(List patterns, String message) { int n = patterns.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { String[] pattern = (String[]) patterns.get(i); //System.out.println("Checking pattern: "+java.util.Arrays.asList(pattern)+"\n in message = '"+message+"'"); if (!message.startsWith(pattern[0])) continue; int l = pattern.length - 1; if (!message.endsWith(pattern[l])) continue; for (l-- ; l > 0; l--) { if (message.indexOf(pattern[l]) < 0) break; } if (l == 0) { int beginIndex = message.indexOf(pattern[pattern.length - 2]); int endIndex = message.length() - pattern[pattern.length - 1].length(); String fileName = message.substring(beginIndex, endIndex).trim(); if (pattern.length == 2 && pattern[0].length() == 0) { int sentenceEnd = fileName.lastIndexOf(". "); if (sentenceEnd > 0) { fileName = fileName.substring(sentenceEnd + 2).trim(); } } //System.out.println(" returning file '"+fileName+"'"); return fileName; } } //System.out.println(" returning NOTHING."); return null; } private static String reduceBigMessage(String msg) { if (msg.length() > 512) { int sentenceEnd = msg.lastIndexOf(". "); if (sentenceEnd >= 0) { if (msg.length() - sentenceEnd < 256) { int nextSentenceLength = msg.lastIndexOf(". ", sentenceEnd - 1); if (nextSentenceLength >= 0 && msg.length() - nextSentenceLength < 512) { sentenceEnd = nextSentenceLength; // Take the last two sentences. } } msg = msg.substring(sentenceEnd + 2); } // else We didn't find an end of the sentence, we have to disply it all } return msg; } private static String uniqueFilePath(String file, String[] rootDirs) { String upath = null; String[] path = new String[] { null }; Stack tempPath = new Stack(); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < rootDirs.length; i++) { FileObject root = FileUtil.toFileObject(FileUtil.normalizeFile(new File(rootDirs[i]))); if (root == null) { return null; } else { //System.out.println("num occurrences = "+countFileOccurences(file, root)); tempPath.clear(); count += countFileOccurences(file, root, tempPath, path); if (path[0] != null) { if (upath == null) { upath = rootDirs[i]+path[0]; } else { return null; // We have > 1 paths => no unique path } } } } if (count == 1) { return upath; } else { return null; } } private static int countFileOccurences(String file, FileObject folder, Stack tempPath, String[] path) { int count = 0; FileObject[] children = folder.getChildren(); for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { if (children[i].isFolder()) { tempPath.push(children[i].getNameExt()); count += countFileOccurences(file, children[i], tempPath, path); tempPath.pop(); } else { if (file.equals(children[i].getNameExt())) { count++; if (path[0] == null) { StringBuffer bPath = new StringBuffer(); for (Iterator it = tempPath.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { bPath.append(File.separator); bPath.append((String); } bPath.append(File.separator); bPath.append(children[i].getNameExt()); path[0] = bPath.toString(); } } } } return count; } }

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