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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2000 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.netbeans.modules.web.core.syntax;

import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;

import org.netbeans.editor.BaseDocument;
import org.netbeans.editor.TokenItem;
import org.netbeans.editor.ext.html.HTMLTokenContext;
import org.netbeans.modules.editor.NbEditorUtilities;

import org.netbeans.modules.web.jsps.parserapi.PageInfo;
import org.netbeans.modules.web.jsps.parserapi.JspParserAPI;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;

 * @author  pjiricka
public class JspJavaSyntaxSupport extends NbJavaSyntaxSupport {
    JspSyntaxSupport jspSup;
    /** Hold all imported classes. */
    private HashMap importClasses;
    private HashMap importClassesCache;
    private JCClass cc;
    /** Creates new JspJavaSyntaxSupport */
    public JspJavaSyntaxSupport(BaseDocument doc, JspSyntaxSupport jspSup) {
        this.jspSup = jspSup;
        /** Holds imported expressions. It's used for comparing, whether 
         *   a expression was added or removed.
        importClassesCache = null;
        /** Chache for all imported classes. If the imported expression ends with
         *  '.*', then holds all classes in the package.
        importClasses = null;
        cc = null;
    protected int getMethodStartPosition(int pos) {
        return 0;
    /** Builds the global variable map by JSP rules, i.e. there are three sources of
     * variables
  • the standard JPS variables (request, application, page, ...)
  • *
  • beans imported by useBean action
  • *
  • JSP valiables declared by declaration elements in this JSP - not implemented yet
  • *
  • JSP variables declared by custom tags - not implemented yet
  • *
*/ protected Map buildGlobalVariableMap(int pos) { Map globMap = new HashMap(); // implicit JSP objects globMap.put("request", getClazzRepresentation("javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest")); // NOI18N globMap.put("response", getClazzRepresentation("javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse")); // NOI18N globMap.put("session", getClazzRepresentation("javax.servlet.http.HttpSession")); // NOI18N globMap.put("application", getClazzRepresentation("javax.servlet.ServletContext")); // NOI18N globMap.put("out", getClazzRepresentation("javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter")); // NOI18N globMap.put("config", getClazzRepresentation("javax.servlet.ServletConfig")); // NOI18N if (NbEditorUtilities.getMimeType(jspSup.getDocument()).equals(JspUtils.TAG_MIME_TYPE)){ globMap.put("jspContext", getClazzRepresentation("javax.servlet.jsp.JspContext")); // NOI18N } else{ globMap.put("page", getClazzRepresentation("java.lang.Object")); // NOI18N globMap.put("pageContext", getClazzRepresentation("javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext")); // NOI18N } // used beans PageInfo.BeanData[] beanData = jspSup.getBeanData(); for (int i = 0; i < beanData.length; i++) { globMap.put(beanData[i].getId(), getClazzRepresentation(beanData[i].getClassName())); } return globMap; } private Object getClazzRepresentation(String decType) { JCClass cls = getClassFromName(decType, true); if (cls != null) { return JavaCompletion.getType(cls, 0); } return null; } public boolean isStaticBlock(int pos) { return false; } public JCClass getTopClass(){ return getClass(0); } public JCClass getClass(int pos) { if (cc == null){ org.openide.filesystems.FileObject fo = jspSup.getFileObject(); cc =new JspJavaCompletion.JCJspClass (fo.getName()+"_"+fo.getExt(), createPackageName(fo) , jspSup, this); // NOI18N } return cc; } private String createPackageName(FileObject fo) { FileObject wmRoot = JspUtils.guessWebModuleRoot(getDocument(), fo); if (wmRoot == null) return ""; // the jsp page is outside a webmodule. String path = JspUtils.findRelativeContextPath(wmRoot, fo); if (path.length()-1 > fo.getNameExt().length() ){ path = path.substring(1, path.indexOf(fo.getNameExt())-1); path = path.replace('/','.'); } else{ path = ""; } return path; } /** Removes all classes which are imported with the * impExp. */ private void removeImport(String impExp, JCFinder finder){ if (impExp.endsWith("*")){ // NOI18N impExp = impExp.substring(0, impExp.lastIndexOf('.')); JCPackage pkg = finder.getExactPackage(impExp); if (pkg != null) { JCClass[] classes = pkg.getClasses(); for (int j = 0; j < classes.length; j++) { importClasses.remove(classes[j].getName()); } } } else { JCClass cls = finder.getExactClass(impExp); if (cls != null){ importClasses.remove(cls.getName()); } } } /** Adds all classes which are imported with the impExp */ private void addImport(String impExp, JCFinder finder){ if (impExp.endsWith("*")){ // NOI18N impExp = impExp.substring(0, impExp.lastIndexOf('.')); JCPackage pkg = finder.getExactPackage(impExp); if (pkg != null) { JCClass[] classes = pkg.getClasses(); for (int j = 0; j < classes.length; j++) { importClasses.put(classes[j].getName(), classes[j]); } } } else { JCClass cls = finder.getExactClass(impExp); if (cls != null){ importClasses.put(cls.getName(), cls); } } } /** Are there any changes in the imports? */ private void updateImportClasses(){ boolean remove = false; boolean update = false; if (importClasses == null){ importClasses = new HashMap(); importClassesCache = new HashMap(); update = true; } JspParserAPI.ParseResult pre = jspSup.getParseResult(); if (pre != null){ List imports = pre.getPageInfo().getImports(); JCFinder finder = JCFinderFactory.getDefault().getFinder(jspSup.getFileObject()); Iterator iter = importClassesCache.keySet().iterator(); String impExp; ArrayList removeList = new ArrayList(); while (iter.hasNext()){ impExp = (String); if (!imports.contains(impExp)){ remove = true; update = true; removeList.add(impExp); } } for (int i = 0; i < removeList.size(); i++){ impExp = (String)removeList.get(i); importClassesCache.remove(impExp); removeImport(impExp, finder); } for (int i = 0; i < imports.size(); i ++){ impExp = (String)imports.get(i); if (!importClassesCache.containsKey(impExp)){ importClassesCache.put(impExp, null); addImport(impExp, finder); update = true; } } } if (update){ JavaImport res = super.getJavaImport(); if (remove){ // clear the map in the java CC res.appendCustomImportsMap(null); } res.appendCustomImportsMap(importClasses); } java.util.Date stop = new java.util.Date(); } /*public synchronized JavaImport getJavaImport(){ updateImportClasses(); return super.getJavaImport(); }*/ public void refreshClassInfo() { if (!jcValid) { JCClass classToAppend = getClass (0); if (classToAppend != null) { updateImportClasses(); JCFinderFactory.getDefault().appendClass(classToAppend); } jcValid = true; } } }
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