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This file is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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  *                 Sun Public License Notice
  * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
  * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
  * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
  * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
  * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2000 Sun
  * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.netbeans.modules.web.core.syntax;

import org.openide.ErrorManager;
import org.netbeans.editor.Syntax;
import org.netbeans.editor.TokenID;
import org.netbeans.editor.ext.html.HTMLTokenContext;

* Syntax for JSP files. This is a MultiSyntax consisting of three slave syntaxes: 
* content language syntax (for example HTMLSyntax), JspTagSyntax and scripting 
* language syntax (for example JavaSyntax). The content language and scripting language
* syntaxes are completely pluggable, moreover, they can be changed dynamically by 
* setContentSyntax() and setScriptingSyntax() methods. The caller of these methods should 
* make sure that the whole document is recolored after calling these methods.
* @author Petr Jiricka
* @version 1.00

public class JspMultiSyntax extends Syntax {

    // modes of nesting of languages
    public static final int MODE_HOST             = 1;
    public static final int MODE_HOST_JSPTAG      = 2;
    public static final int MODE_HOST_EL          = 5;
    public static final int MODE_HOST_JSPTAG_EL   = 6;
    public static final int MODE_HOST_JSPTAG_JAVA = 3;
    public static final int MODE_HOST_JAVA        = 4;
    // constants for result of operation of checking delimiters                               
    protected static final int DELIMCHECK_NO = -1;
    protected static final int DELIMCHECK_PART = -2;
    // states of this multisyntax
    private static final int ISI_LANGUAGE = 1; // one syntax is active and working
    // states for switching from the host language to JSP tag or Java or EL
    private static final int ISI_HOST_JSPTAG = 2; // just before  in Java (go to JSPTAG)
    private static final int ISI_JAVA1_PC = 12; // as ISI_JAVA1_SWITCH after %
    private static final int ISI_JAVA1_JUMP = 13; // after %> in Java, now really switch to JSPTAG
    // states for switching from Java to host
    private static final int ISI_JAVA2_SWITCH = 14; // just before %> in Java (go to host)
    private static final int ISI_JAVA2_PC = 15; // as ISI_JAVA2_SWITCH after %
    private static final int ISI_JAVA2_JUMP = 16; // after %> in Java, now really switch to host
    // states for switching from EL to a JSP tag
    private static final int ISI_EL1_SWITCH = 25; // just before } in EL (go to JSPTAG)
    private static final int ISI_EL1_JUMP = 26; // after } in EL, now really switch to JSPTAG
    // states for switching from EL to host
    private static final int ISI_EL2_SWITCH = 27; // just before } in EL (go to host)
    private static final int ISI_EL2_JUMP = 28; // after } in EL, now really switch to host
    // states of the automaton which looks for delimiters in the host language
    private static final int HOST_INIT = 1; // initial state - host language
    private static final int HOST_LT = 2; // after < - host language
    private static final int HOST_LT_PC = 3; // after <% - host language
    private static final int HOST_LT_BLANK = 4; // after < or 
  • 'Regular' stateinfos contain the state of all active languages at 'offset'. For inactive * languages they are null.
  • *
  • If tokenOffset != offset, the scanning 'help' stateinfo contains the state of the scanning * language at 'tokenOffset'.
  • *
  • If tokenOffset != offset, firstTokenID contains the token returned by the first call of * slave's nextToken() in the current token, may be null !
  • * */ protected TokenID parseToken() { //debug = (tokenOffset != offset); //debug = !((tokenOffset == offset) || (firstTokenID == null)); // !firstTokenNotRead //if (debug) //System.out.println("parseToken tokenOffset=" + tokenOffset + ", offset=" + offset + ", state=" + state + //", nestMode=" + nestMode + ", stopOffset=" + stopOffset + ", lastBuffer=" + lastBuffer); if (state != ISI_LANGUAGE) { char actChar; while(offset < stopOffset) { actChar = buffer[offset]; // System.out.println("JspMultiSyntax: parseToken tokenOffset=" + tokenOffset + ", actChar='" + actChar + ", offset=" + offset + ", state=" + getStateName(state) + // ", nestMode=" + getNestModeName( nestMode) + ", stopOffset=" + stopOffset + ", lastBuffer=" + lastBuffer); switch (state) { case ISI_HOST_JSPTAG: // switch to JspTagSyntax //if (debug) //System.out.println("switching from HOST to JSPTAG, hostState " + ((BaseStateInfo)hostStateInfo).toString(this)); nestMode = MODE_HOST_JSPTAG; state = ISI_LANGUAGE; transferMasterToSlave(jspTagSyntax, null); //jspTagSyntax.load(null, buffer, offset, stopOffset - offset, lastBuffer); if (jspTagStateInfo == null) { jspTagStateInfo = jspTagSyntax.createStateInfo(); } jspTagSyntax.storeState(jspTagStateInfo); break; case ISI_HOST_JAVA: // switch from hostSyntax to JavaSyntax switch (actChar) { case '<': state = ISI_HOST_JAVA_LT; break; default: ErrorManager.getDefault ().notify (ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, new Exception("bad hostsyntax analyzer")); // NOI18N } // switch (actChar) break; case ISI_HOST_JAVA_LT: switch (actChar) { case '%': state = ISI_HOST_JAVA_LT_PC; break; default: ErrorManager.getDefault ().notify (ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, new Exception("bad hostsyntax analyzer")); // NOI18N } // switch (actChar) break; case ISI_HOST_JAVA_LT_PC: switch (actChar) { case '!': // declaration case '=': // expression state = ISI_HOST_JAVA_JUMP; offset++; tokenContextPath = JspMultiTokenContext.jspTagContextPath; return JspTagTokenContext.SYMBOL2; default: // assume this is a scriptlet state = ISI_HOST_JAVA_JUMP; tokenContextPath = JspMultiTokenContext.jspTagContextPath; return JspTagTokenContext.SYMBOL2; } // switch (actChar) // break; - not reached case ISI_HOST_JAVA_JUMP: nestMode = MODE_HOST_JAVA; state = ISI_LANGUAGE; transferMasterToSlave(javaSyntax, null); //javaSyntax.load(null, buffer, offset, stopOffset - offset, lastBuffer); if (javaStateInfo == null) { javaStateInfo = javaSyntax.createStateInfo(); } javaSyntax.storeState(javaStateInfo); break; case ISI_HOST_EL: // switch from hostSyntax to ELSyntax switch (actChar) { case '$': state = ISI_HOST_EL_D; break; default: ErrorManager.getDefault ().notify (ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, new Exception("bad hostsyntax analyzer")); // NOI18N } // switch (actChar) break; case ISI_HOST_EL_D: switch (actChar) { case '{': // EL expression state = ISI_HOST_EL_JUMP; offset++; tokenContextPath = JspMultiTokenContext.elContextPath; return ELTokenContext.EL_DELIM; default: ErrorManager.getDefault ().notify (ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, new Exception("bad hostsyntax analyzer")); // NOI18N } // switch (actChar) break; case ISI_HOST_EL_JUMP: nestMode = MODE_HOST_EL; state = ISI_LANGUAGE; transferMasterToSlave(elSyntax, null); //elSyntax.load(null, buffer, offset, stopOffset - offset, lastBuffer); if (elStateInfo == null) { elStateInfo = elSyntax.createStateInfo(); } elSyntax.storeState(elStateInfo); break; case ISI_JSPTAG_JAVA: // switch from JSP tag to JavaSyntax switch (actChar) { case '<': state = ISI_JSPTAG_JAVA_LT; break; default: ErrorManager.getDefault ().notify (ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, new Exception("bad hostsyntax analyzer")); // NOI18N } // switch (actChar) break; case ISI_JSPTAG_JAVA_LT: switch (actChar) { case '%': state = ISI_JSPTAG_JAVA_LT_PC; break; default: ErrorManager.getDefault ().notify (ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, new Exception("bad hostsyntax analyzer")); // NOI18N } // switch (actChar) break; case ISI_JSPTAG_JAVA_LT_PC: switch (actChar) { case '!': // declaration case '=': // expression state = ISI_JSPTAG_JAVA_JUMP; offset++; //if (debug) //System.out.println("returning (1x) pos " + offset + " symbol " + getTokenName(JspTagSyntax.JSP_SYMBOL2 + jspTagSyntaxInfo.tokenIDShift)); tokenContextPath = JspMultiTokenContext.jspTagContextPath; return JspTagTokenContext.SYMBOL2; default: // assume this is a scriptlet state = ISI_JSPTAG_JAVA_JUMP; //if (debug) //System.out.println("returning (2x) pos " + offset + " symbol " + getTokenName(JspTagSyntax.JSP_SYMBOL2 + jspTagSyntaxInfo.tokenIDShift)); tokenContextPath = JspMultiTokenContext.jspTagContextPath; return JspTagTokenContext.SYMBOL2; } // switch (actChar) // break; - not reached case ISI_JSPTAG_JAVA_JUMP: nestMode = MODE_HOST_JSPTAG_JAVA; state = ISI_LANGUAGE; transferMasterToSlave(javaSyntax, null); //javaSyntax.load(null, buffer, offset, stopOffset - offset, lastBuffer); if (javaStateInfo == null) { javaStateInfo = javaSyntax.createStateInfo(); } javaSyntax.storeState(javaStateInfo); break; case ISI_JSPTAG_EL: // switch from JspTagSyntax to ELSyntax switch (actChar) { case '$': state = ISI_JSPTAG_EL_D; break; default: ErrorManager.getDefault ().notify (ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, new Exception("bad hostsyntax analyzer")); // NOI18N } // switch (actChar) break; case ISI_JSPTAG_EL_D: switch (actChar) { case '{': // EL expression state = ISI_JSPTAG_EL_JUMP; offset++; tokenContextPath = JspMultiTokenContext.elContextPath; return ELTokenContext.EL_DELIM; default: ErrorManager.getDefault ().notify (ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, new Exception("bad hostsyntax analyzer")); // NOI18N } // switch (actChar) break; case ISI_JSPTAG_EL_JUMP: nestMode = MODE_HOST_JSPTAG_EL; state = ISI_LANGUAGE; transferMasterToSlave(elSyntax, null); //elSyntax.load(null, buffer, offset, stopOffset - offset, lastBuffer); if (elStateInfo == null) { elStateInfo = elSyntax.createStateInfo(); } elSyntax.storeState(elStateInfo); break; // switching from Java back to JSPTAG case ISI_JAVA1_SWITCH: switch (actChar) { case '%': state = ISI_JAVA1_PC; break; default: ErrorManager.getDefault ().notify (ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, new Exception("bad hostsyntax analyzer")); // NOI18N } // switch (actChar) break; case ISI_JAVA1_PC: switch (actChar) { case '>': state = ISI_JAVA1_JUMP; offset++; //if (debug) //System.out.println("returning (1xx) pos " + offset + " symbol " + getTokenName(JspTagSyntax.JSP_SYMBOL2 + jspTagSyntaxInfo.tokenIDShift)); tokenContextPath = JspMultiTokenContext.jspTagContextPath; return JspTagTokenContext.SYMBOL2; default: ErrorManager.getDefault ().notify (ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, new Exception("bad hostsyntax analyzer")); // NOI18N } case ISI_JAVA1_JUMP: nestMode = MODE_HOST_JSPTAG; jspTagStateInfo.setPreScan(0); state = ISI_LANGUAGE; javaStateInfo = null; break; // switching from Java back to host case ISI_JAVA2_SWITCH: switch (actChar) { case '%': state = ISI_JAVA2_PC; break; default: ErrorManager.getDefault ().notify (ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, new Exception("bad hostsyntax analyzer")); // NOI18N } // switch (actChar) break; case ISI_JAVA2_PC: switch (actChar) { case '>': state = ISI_JAVA2_JUMP; offset++; //if (debug) //System.out.println("returning (2xx) pos " + offset + " symbol " + getTokenName(JspTagSyntax.JSP_SYMBOL2 + jspTagSyntaxInfo.tokenIDShift)); tokenContextPath = JspMultiTokenContext.jspTagContextPath; return JspTagTokenContext.SYMBOL2; default: ErrorManager.getDefault ().notify (ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, new Exception("bad hostsyntax analyzer")); // NOI18N } case ISI_JAVA2_JUMP: nestMode = MODE_HOST; hostStateInfo.setPreScan(0); state = ISI_LANGUAGE; javaStateInfo = null; break; // switching from EL back to JSPTAG case ISI_EL1_SWITCH: switch (actChar) { case '}': state = ISI_EL1_JUMP; offset++; //if (debug) //System.out.println("returning (1xx) pos " + offset + " symbol " + getTokenName(ELSyntax.ED_DELIM + elSyntaxInfo.tokenIDShift)); tokenContextPath = JspMultiTokenContext.elContextPath; return ELTokenContext.EL_DELIM; default: ErrorManager.getDefault ().notify (ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, new Exception("bad hostsyntax analyzer")); // NOI18N } // switch (actChar) break; case ISI_EL1_JUMP: nestMode = MODE_HOST_JSPTAG; jspTagStateInfo.setPreScan(0); state = ISI_LANGUAGE; elStateInfo = null; break; // switching from EL back to host case ISI_EL2_SWITCH: switch (actChar) { case '}': state = ISI_EL2_JUMP; offset++; //if (debug) //System.out.println("returning (1xx) pos " + offset + " symbol " + getTokenName(ELSyntax.ED_DELIM + elSyntaxInfo.tokenIDShift)); tokenContextPath = JspMultiTokenContext.elContextPath; return ELTokenContext.EL_DELIM; default: ErrorManager.getDefault ().notify (ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, new Exception("bad hostsyntax analyzer")); // NOI18N } // switch (actChar) break; case ISI_EL2_JUMP: nestMode = MODE_HOST; hostStateInfo.setPreScan(0); state = ISI_LANGUAGE; elStateInfo = null; break; } if (state == ISI_LANGUAGE) break; offset = ++offset; } // end of while(offset...) if (state != ISI_LANGUAGE) { /** At this stage there's no more text in the scanned buffer. * Scanner first checks whether this is completely the last * available buffer. */ if (lastBuffer) { switch(state) { case ISI_HOST_JSPTAG: case ISI_HOST_JAVA: case ISI_HOST_JAVA_LT: case ISI_HOST_JAVA_LT_PC: case ISI_HOST_JAVA_JUMP: case ISI_JSPTAG_JAVA: case ISI_JSPTAG_JAVA_LT: case ISI_JSPTAG_JAVA_LT_PC: case ISI_JSPTAG_JAVA_JUMP: case ISI_JAVA1_SWITCH: case ISI_JAVA1_PC: case ISI_JAVA1_JUMP: case ISI_JAVA2_SWITCH: case ISI_JAVA2_PC: case ISI_JAVA2_JUMP: //if (debug) //System.out.println("returning (3) pos " + offset + " symbol " + getTokenName(JspTagSyntax.JSP_SYMBOL2 + jspTagSyntaxInfo.tokenIDShift)); tokenContextPath = JspMultiTokenContext.jspTagContextPath; return JspTagTokenContext.SYMBOL2; case ISI_HOST_EL: case ISI_HOST_EL_D: case ISI_HOST_EL_JUMP: case ISI_JSPTAG_EL: case ISI_JSPTAG_EL_D: case ISI_JSPTAG_EL_JUMP: case ISI_EL1_SWITCH: case ISI_EL1_JUMP: case ISI_EL2_SWITCH: case ISI_EL2_JUMP: //if (debug) //System.out.println("returning (3.5) pos " + offset + " symbol " + getTokenName(JspELSyntax.EL_DELIM + elSyntaxInfo.tokenIDShift)); tokenContextPath = JspMultiTokenContext.elContextPath; return ELTokenContext.EL_DELIM; } // switch (state) } // if lastBuffer //if (debug) //System.out.println("returning (4) pos " + offset + " symbol " + getTokenName(null)); return null; } // if state != ISI_LANGUAGE - inner } // if state != ISI_LANGUAGE - outer // now state is ISI_LANGUAGE //if (state != ISI_LANGUAGE) new Exception("state should be ISI_LANGUAGE").printStackTrace(); TokenID slaveTokenID = null; TokenID returnedTokenID; int slaveOffset; int canBe; boolean firstTokenNotRead = ((tokenOffset == offset) || (firstTokenID == null)); boolean equalPositions = (tokenOffset == offset); switch (nestMode) { // BIG BRANCH - we are in the HOST mode case MODE_HOST: if (hostStateInfo == null) { hostStateInfo = hostSyntax.createStateInfo(); hostSyntax.reset(); hostSyntax.storeState(hostStateInfo); } /*if (debug) { System.out.print("NOT EQUAL tokenOffset=" + tokenOffset + ", offset=" + offset + ", tokenPart='"); for (int i = tokenOffset; i= tokenOffset + firstTokenLength) //new Exception("value of canBe is invalid !!!!!!!").printStackTrace(); // now use the saved state if (equalPositions) { hostSyntax.load(hostStateInfo, buffer, tokenOffset, canBe - tokenOffset, true, -1); } else { hostSyntax.load(helpHostStateInfo, buffer, tokenOffset, canBe - tokenOffset, true, -1); } returnedTokenID = hostSyntax.nextToken(); tokenContextPath = JspMultiTokenContext.context.getContextPath( hostSyntax.getTokenContextPath()); // we got the StateInfo, which is why we did all this if (hostStateInfo == null) { hostStateInfo = hostSyntax.createStateInfo(); } //if (debug) //System.out.println("html state before saving back " + ((BaseStateInfo)hostStateInfo).toString(this)); hostSyntax.storeState(hostStateInfo); hostStateInfo.setPreScan(0); //if (hostSyntax.getOffset() != canBe) //new Exception("bad number of characters parsed !!!").printStackTrace(); offset = canBe; /*if (debug) { System.out.println("switching from HOST to JSPTAG at offset " + offset + ", hostState " + ((BaseStateInfo)hostStateInfo).toString(this)); System.out.println("offset of the returned (a)" + hostSyntax.getOffset()); System.out.println("found delimiter at " + offset); System.out.println("returnuju (5) " + firstTokenID + " at " + offset); }*/ return firstTokenID; } //break; //- not reached // BIG BRANCH - we are in the HOST_JSPTAG mode case MODE_HOST_JSPTAG: // check if the JSP tag hasn't finished on its own will if ((jspTagStateInfo != null) && (jspTagStateInfo.getState() == JspTagSyntax.ISA_END_JSP)) { // give up control jspTagStateInfo = null; nestMode = MODE_HOST; //if (debug) { //System.out.println("switching back to HOST from JSPTAG at offset " + offset + ", hostState " + ((BaseStateInfo)hostStateInfo).toString(this)); //System.out.println("returnuju (6) " /*+ JspTagSyntax.TEXT + jspTagSyntaxInfo.tokenIDShift */+ " at " + offset); //} tokenContextPath = JspMultiTokenContext.jspTagContextPath; return JspTagTokenContext.TEXT; } if (jspTagStateInfo == null) { jspTagStateInfo = jspTagSyntax.createStateInfo(); jspTagSyntax.reset(); jspTagSyntax.storeState(jspTagStateInfo); } if (firstTokenNotRead) { // the first step - parse the first token of the slave transferMasterToSlave(jspTagSyntax, jspTagStateInfo); returnedTokenID = jspTagSyntax.nextToken(); if (returnedTokenID == JspTagTokenContext.AFTER_UNEXPECTED_LT) { // give up control jspTagStateInfo = null; nestMode = MODE_HOST; hostStateInfo.setPreScan(0); tokenContextPath = JspMultiTokenContext.jspTagContextPath; //System.out.println("switch to host " + returnedTokenID + " at " + offset); return returnedTokenID; } slaveTokenID = returnedTokenID; tokenContextPath = JspMultiTokenContext.jspTagContextPath; //if (debug) //System.out.println("first JSPtoken returned '" + getToken(jspTagSyntax) + "' id " + slaveTokenID); slaveOffset = jspTagSyntax.getOffset(); firstTokenID = slaveTokenID; firstTokenLength = jspTagSyntax.getTokenLength(); if (slaveTokenID == null) { offset = slaveOffset; firstTokenLength = -1; // need to properly transfer states if (equalPositions) { helpJspTagStateInfo = jspTagStateInfo; jspTagStateInfo = jspTagSyntax.createStateInfo(); jspTagSyntax.storeState(jspTagStateInfo); } else { if (jspTagStateInfo == null) { jspTagStateInfo = jspTagSyntax.createStateInfo(); } jspTagSyntax.storeState(jspTagStateInfo); } //if (debug) //System.out.println("returnuju (7) " + null + " at " + offset); return null; } // find out if the token could contain a starting symbol for Java canBe = canBeJspTagDelimiter(tokenOffset, slaveOffset, slaveOffset, false, returnedTokenID == JspTagTokenContext.COMMENT); if (canBe == DELIMCHECK_NO) { // do not switch offset = slaveOffset; if (jspTagStateInfo == null) { jspTagStateInfo = jspTagSyntax.createStateInfo(); } jspTagSyntax.storeState(jspTagStateInfo); //if (debug) //System.out.println("returnuju (8) " + slaveTokenID + " at " + offset); return slaveTokenID; } // store the state jspTagSyntax.storeState(firstJspTagStateInfo); } else { // first position read - offsets different and firstTokenID is a valid token transferMasterToSlave(jspTagSyntax, jspTagStateInfo); canBe = DELIMCHECK_PART; } // we have successfully read the first token, the following statements hold: // - canBe is not DELIMCHECK_NO // - firstTokenID and firstTokenLength are meaningful // - if (equalPositions) then firstJspTagStateInfo is meaningful //if (firstTokenID == null) { //new Exception("invalid firstTokenID !!!!!!!").printStackTrace(); //} while (canBe == DELIMCHECK_PART) { // need another token // now get the new token returnedTokenID = jspTagSyntax.nextToken(); slaveTokenID = returnedTokenID; tokenContextPath = JspMultiTokenContext.jspTagContextPath; slaveOffset = jspTagSyntax.getOffset(); if ((slaveTokenID == null) && lastBuffer) { // ask about the delimiter, but with lastPart=true canBe = canBeJspTagDelimiter(tokenOffset, slaveOffset, tokenOffset + firstTokenLength, true, returnedTokenID == JspTagTokenContext.COMMENT); if (canBe != DELIMCHECK_PART) break; } if (slaveTokenID == null) { if (lastBuffer) { canBe = DELIMCHECK_NO; break; } offset = slaveOffset; if (equalPositions) { helpJspTagStateInfo = jspTagStateInfo; jspTagStateInfo = jspTagSyntax.createStateInfo(); jspTagSyntax.storeState(jspTagStateInfo); } else { if (jspTagStateInfo == null) { jspTagStateInfo = jspTagSyntax.createStateInfo(); } jspTagSyntax.storeState(jspTagStateInfo); } //if (debug) //System.out.println("returnuju (9) " + null + " at " + offset); return null; } canBe = canBeJspTagDelimiter(tokenOffset, slaveOffset, tokenOffset + firstTokenLength, false, returnedTokenID == JspTagTokenContext.COMMENT); } // now canBe is not DELIMCHECK_PART // now we have read possibly more tokens and know whether to switch or not if (canBe == DELIMCHECK_NO) { // do not switch offset = tokenOffset + firstTokenLength; if (equalPositions) { jspTagStateInfo = firstJspTagStateInfo; firstJspTagStateInfo = jspTagSyntax.createStateInfo(); } else { //if (debug) //System.out.println("= imagine - rescan called !!"); // we need to rescan the first token to find out the state // now helpJspTagStateInfo is useful jspTagSyntax.load(helpJspTagStateInfo, buffer, tokenOffset, stopOffset - tokenOffset, lastBuffer, -1); returnedTokenID = jspTagSyntax.nextToken(); tokenContextPath = JspMultiTokenContext.jspTagContextPath; slaveTokenID = returnedTokenID; if (jspTagStateInfo == null) { jspTagStateInfo = jspTagSyntax.createStateInfo(); } jspTagSyntax.storeState(jspTagStateInfo); //if (slaveTokenID != firstTokenID) //new Exception("token ID does not match !!!!!!!").printStackTrace(); //if (offset != jspTagSyntax.getOffset()) //new Exception("offset does not match !!!!!!!").printStackTrace(); } //if (debug) //System.out.println("returnuju (10) " + firstTokenID + " at " + offset); return firstTokenID; } else { // we found a delimiter //if (canBe >= tokenOffset + firstTokenLength) //new Exception("value of canBe is invalid !!!!!!!").printStackTrace(); // now use the saved state if (equalPositions) { jspTagSyntax.load(jspTagStateInfo, buffer, tokenOffset, canBe - tokenOffset, true, -1); } else { jspTagSyntax.load(helpJspTagStateInfo, buffer, tokenOffset, canBe - tokenOffset, true, -1); } returnedTokenID = jspTagSyntax.nextToken(); tokenContextPath = JspMultiTokenContext.jspTagContextPath; // we got the StateInfo, which is why we did all this if (jspTagStateInfo == null) { jspTagStateInfo = jspTagSyntax.createStateInfo(); } jspTagSyntax.storeState(jspTagStateInfo); jspTagStateInfo.setPreScan(0); //if (jspTagSyntax.getOffset() != canBe) //new Exception("bad number of characters parsed !!!").printStackTrace(); offset = canBe; //if (debug) { //System.out.println("offset of the returned (a)" + jspTagSyntax.getOffset()); //System.out.println("found delimiter at " + offset); //System.out.println("returnuju (11) " + firstTokenID + " at " + offset); //} return firstTokenID; } //break; //- not reached case MODE_HOST_JSPTAG_JAVA: case MODE_HOST_JAVA: if (javaStateInfo == null) { javaStateInfo = javaSyntax.createStateInfo(); javaSyntax.reset(); javaSyntax.storeState(javaStateInfo); } if (firstTokenNotRead) { // the first step - parse the first token of the slave transferMasterToSlave(javaSyntax, javaStateInfo); returnedTokenID = javaSyntax.nextToken(); tokenContextPath = JspMultiTokenContext.javaContextPath; slaveTokenID = returnedTokenID; slaveOffset = javaSyntax.getOffset(); firstTokenID = slaveTokenID; firstTokenLength = javaSyntax.getTokenLength(); if (slaveTokenID == null) { offset = slaveOffset; firstTokenLength = -1; // need to property transfer states if (equalPositions) { helpJavaStateInfo = javaStateInfo; javaStateInfo = javaSyntax.createStateInfo(); javaSyntax.storeState(javaStateInfo); } else { if (javaStateInfo == null) { javaStateInfo = javaSyntax.createStateInfo(); } javaSyntax.storeState(javaStateInfo); } //if (debug) //System.out.println("returnuju (12) " + null + " at " + offset); return null; } // find out if the token could contain an ending symbol for a Java block canBe = canBeJavaDelimiter(tokenOffset, slaveOffset, slaveOffset, false, nestMode); if (canBe == DELIMCHECK_NO) { // do not switch offset = slaveOffset; if (javaStateInfo == null) { javaStateInfo = javaSyntax.createStateInfo(); } javaSyntax.storeState(javaStateInfo); //if (debug) //System.out.println("returnuju (13) " + slaveTokenID + " at " + offset); return slaveTokenID; } // store the state javaSyntax.storeState(firstJavaStateInfo); } else { // first position read - offsets different and firstTokenID is a valid token transferMasterToSlave(javaSyntax, javaStateInfo); canBe = DELIMCHECK_PART; } // we have successfully read the first token, the following statements hold: // - canBe is not DELIMCHECK_NO // - firstTokenID and firstTokenLength are meaningful // - if (equalPositions) then firstJavaStateInfo is meaningful //if (firstTokenID == null) { //new Exception("invalid firstTokenID !!!!!!!").printStackTrace(); //} while (canBe == DELIMCHECK_PART) { // need another token // now get the new token returnedTokenID = javaSyntax.nextToken(); slaveTokenID = returnedTokenID; tokenContextPath = JspMultiTokenContext.javaContextPath; slaveOffset = javaSyntax.getOffset(); if ((slaveTokenID == null) && lastBuffer) { // ask about the delimiter, but with lastPart=true canBe = canBeJavaDelimiter(tokenOffset, slaveOffset, tokenOffset + firstTokenLength, true, nestMode); if (canBe != DELIMCHECK_PART) break; } if (slaveTokenID == null) { if (lastBuffer) { canBe = DELIMCHECK_NO; break; } offset = slaveOffset; if (equalPositions) { helpJavaStateInfo = javaStateInfo; javaStateInfo = javaSyntax.createStateInfo(); javaSyntax.storeState(javaStateInfo); } else { if (javaStateInfo == null) { javaStateInfo = javaSyntax.createStateInfo(); } javaSyntax.storeState(javaStateInfo); } //if (debug) //System.out.println("returnuju (14) " + null + " at " + offset); return null; } canBe = canBeJavaDelimiter(tokenOffset, slaveOffset, tokenOffset + firstTokenLength, false, nestMode); } // now canBe is not DELIMCHECK_PART // now we have read possibly more tokens and know whether to switch or not if (canBe == DELIMCHECK_NO) { // do not switch offset = tokenOffset + firstTokenLength; if (equalPositions) { javaStateInfo = firstJavaStateInfo; firstJavaStateInfo = javaSyntax.createStateInfo(); } else { //if (debug) //System.out.println("= imagine - rescan called !!"); // we need to rescan the first token to find out the state // now helpJavaStateInfo is useful javaSyntax.load(helpJavaStateInfo, buffer, tokenOffset, stopOffset - tokenOffset, lastBuffer, -1); returnedTokenID = javaSyntax.nextToken(); slaveTokenID = returnedTokenID; tokenContextPath = JspMultiTokenContext.javaContextPath; if (javaStateInfo == null) { javaStateInfo = javaSyntax.createStateInfo(); } javaSyntax.storeState(javaStateInfo); //if (slaveTokenID != firstTokenID) //new Exception("token ID does not match !!!!!!!").printStackTrace(); //if (offset != javaSyntax.getOffset()) //new Exception("offset does not match !!!!!!!").printStackTrace(); } //if (debug) //System.out.println("returnuju (15) " + firstTokenID + " at " + offset); return firstTokenID; } else { // we found a delimiter //if (canBe >= tokenOffset + firstTokenLength) //new Exception("value of canBe is invalid !!!!!!!").printStackTrace(); // now use the saved state if (equalPositions) { javaSyntax.load(javaStateInfo, buffer, tokenOffset, canBe - tokenOffset, true, -1); } else { javaSyntax.load(helpJavaStateInfo, buffer, tokenOffset, canBe - tokenOffset, true, -1); } returnedTokenID = javaSyntax.nextToken(); tokenContextPath = JspMultiTokenContext.javaContextPath; // we got the StateInfo, which is why we did all this if (javaStateInfo == null) { javaStateInfo = javaSyntax.createStateInfo(); } javaSyntax.storeState(javaStateInfo); javaStateInfo.setPreScan(0); //if (javaSyntax.getOffset() != canBe) //new Exception("bad number of characters parsed !!!").printStackTrace(); offset = canBe; /*if (debug) { System.out.println("offset of the returned (a)" + javaSyntax.getOffset()); System.out.println("found delimiter at " + offset); System.out.println("returnuju (16) " + firstTokenID + " at " + offset); }*/ return firstTokenID; } // break; //- not reached case MODE_HOST_JSPTAG_EL: case MODE_HOST_EL: if (elStateInfo == null) { elStateInfo = elSyntax.createStateInfo(); elSyntax.reset(); elSyntax.storeState(elStateInfo); } if (firstTokenNotRead) { // the first step - parse the first token of the slave transferMasterToSlave(elSyntax, elStateInfo); returnedTokenID = elSyntax.nextToken(); tokenContextPath = JspMultiTokenContext.elContextPath; slaveTokenID = returnedTokenID; slaveOffset = elSyntax.getOffset(); firstTokenID = slaveTokenID; firstTokenLength = elSyntax.getTokenLength(); if (slaveTokenID == null) { offset = slaveOffset; firstTokenLength = -1; // need to property transfer states if (equalPositions) { helpELStateInfo = elStateInfo; elStateInfo = elSyntax.createStateInfo(); elSyntax.storeState(elStateInfo); } else { if (elStateInfo == null) { elStateInfo = elSyntax.createStateInfo(); } elSyntax.storeState(elStateInfo); } //if (debug) //System.out.println("returnuju (12.5) " + null + " at " + offset); return null; } // find out if the token could contain an ending symbol for a EL block canBe = canBeELDelimiter(tokenOffset, slaveOffset, slaveOffset, false, nestMode); if (canBe == DELIMCHECK_NO) { // do not switch offset = slaveOffset; if (elStateInfo == null) { elStateInfo = elSyntax.createStateInfo(); } elSyntax.storeState(elStateInfo); //if (debug) //System.out.println("returnuju (13.5) " + slaveTokenID + " at " + offset); return slaveTokenID; } // store the state elSyntax.storeState(firstELStateInfo); } else { // first position read - offsets different and firstTokenID is a valid token transferMasterToSlave(elSyntax, elStateInfo); canBe = DELIMCHECK_PART; } // we have successfully read the first token, the following statements hold: // - canBe is not DELIMCHECK_NO // - firstTokenID and firstTokenLength are meaningful // - if (equalPositions) then firstELStateInfo is meaningful //if (firstTokenID == null) { //new Exception("invalid firstTokenID !!!!!!!").printStackTrace(); //} while (canBe == DELIMCHECK_PART) { // need another token // now get the new token returnedTokenID = elSyntax.nextToken(); slaveTokenID = returnedTokenID; tokenContextPath = JspMultiTokenContext.elContextPath; slaveOffset = elSyntax.getOffset(); if ((slaveTokenID == null) && lastBuffer) { // ask about the delimiter, but with lastPart=true canBe = canBeELDelimiter(tokenOffset, slaveOffset, tokenOffset + firstTokenLength, true, nestMode); if (canBe != DELIMCHECK_PART) break; } if (slaveTokenID == null) { if (lastBuffer) { canBe = DELIMCHECK_NO; break; } offset = slaveOffset; if (equalPositions) { helpELStateInfo = elStateInfo; elStateInfo = elSyntax.createStateInfo(); elSyntax.storeState(elStateInfo); } else { if (elStateInfo == null) { elStateInfo = elSyntax.createStateInfo(); } elSyntax.storeState(elStateInfo); } //if (debug) //System.out.println("returnuju (14) " + null + " at " + offset); return null; } canBe = canBeELDelimiter(tokenOffset, slaveOffset, tokenOffset + firstTokenLength, false, nestMode); } // now canBe is not DELIMCHECK_PART // now we have read possibly more tokens and know whether to switch or not if (canBe == DELIMCHECK_NO) { // do not switch offset = tokenOffset + firstTokenLength; if (equalPositions) { elStateInfo = firstELStateInfo; firstELStateInfo = elSyntax.createStateInfo(); } else { //if (debug) //System.out.println("= imagine - rescan called !!"); // we need to rescan the first token to find out the state // now helpELStateInfo is useful elSyntax.load(helpELStateInfo, buffer, tokenOffset, stopOffset - tokenOffset, lastBuffer, -1); returnedTokenID = elSyntax.nextToken(); slaveTokenID = returnedTokenID; tokenContextPath = JspMultiTokenContext.elContextPath; if (elStateInfo == null) { elStateInfo = elSyntax.createStateInfo(); } elSyntax.storeState(elStateInfo); //if (slaveTokenID != firstTokenID) //new Exception("token ID does not match !!!!!!!").printStackTrace(); //if (offset != elSyntax.getOffset()) //new Exception("offset does not match !!!!!!!").printStackTrace(); } //if (debug) //System.out.println("returnuju (15.5) " + firstTokenID + " at " + offset); return firstTokenID; } else { // we found a delimiter //if (canBe >= tokenOffset + firstTokenLength) //new Exception("value of canBe is invalid !!!!!!!").printStackTrace(); // now use the saved state if (equalPositions) { elSyntax.load(elStateInfo, buffer, tokenOffset, canBe - tokenOffset, true, -1); } else { elSyntax.load(helpELStateInfo, buffer, tokenOffset, canBe - tokenOffset, true, -1); } returnedTokenID = elSyntax.nextToken(); tokenContextPath = JspMultiTokenContext.elContextPath; // we got the StateInfo, which is why we did all this if (elStateInfo == null) { elStateInfo = elSyntax.createStateInfo(); } elSyntax.storeState(elStateInfo); elStateInfo.setPreScan(0); //if (elSyntax.getOffset() != canBe) //new Exception("bad number of characters parsed !!!").printStackTrace(); offset = canBe; /*if (debug) { System.out.println("offset of the returned (a)" + elSyntax.getOffset()); System.out.println("found delimiter at " + offset); System.out.println("returnuju (16.5) " + firstTokenID + " at " + offset); }*/ return firstTokenID; } // break; //- not reached default: ErrorManager.getDefault ().notify (ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, new Exception("bad nestmode")); // NOI18N tokenContextPath = JspMultiTokenContext.contextPath; return JspMultiTokenContext.ERROR; // !!! don't know what to return } } /** Method for debugging purposes */ private String getToken(Syntax syntax) { StringBuffer token = new StringBuffer(); for (int i=syntax.getOffset()-syntax.getTokenLength();i<jsp:useBean or <%=. * @return
    • DELIMCHECK_NO if the part of the buffer does not contain a delimiter or its part
    • *
    • DELIMCHECK_PART if the part of the buffer contains part of the delimiter
    • *
    • index of the starting symbol of the delimiter if the part of the buffer contains the delimiter. * In such a case variable state is set properly.
    • *
    */ protected int canBeHostDelimiter(int tokenOffset, int endOffset, int firstTokenEnd, boolean lastPart) { int offset = tokenOffset; char actChar; int possibleBeginning = DELIMCHECK_NO; StringBuffer tagString = null; int delimState = HOST_INIT; while(offset < endOffset) { actChar = buffer[offset]; switch (delimState) { case HOST_INIT: switch (actChar) { case '<': if (offset >= firstTokenEnd) return DELIMCHECK_NO; delimState = HOST_LT; possibleBeginning = offset; break; case '$': if (offset >= firstTokenEnd) return DELIMCHECK_NO; if (!isELIgnored(false)) { delimState = HOST_D; possibleBeginning = offset; } break; case '\\': if (offset >= firstTokenEnd) return DELIMCHECK_NO; delimState = HOST_BS; possibleBeginning = offset; // not really true, the delimiter can't start here break; default: if (offset >= firstTokenEnd) return DELIMCHECK_NO; break; } break; case HOST_LT: if ((actChar >= 'A' && actChar <= 'Z') || (actChar >= 'a' && actChar <= 'z') || (actChar == '_') ) { // possible tag begining delimState = HOST_TAG; tagString = new StringBuffer(); tagString.append(actChar); break; // the switch statement } switch (actChar) { case '\n': delimState = HOST_INIT; break; case '%': delimState = HOST_LT_PC; break; case '/': delimState = HOST_LT_SLASH; break; case ' ': case '\t': delimState = HOST_LT_BLANK; break; default: delimState = HOST_INIT; offset--; break; } break; case HOST_LT_SLASH: if ((actChar >= 'A' && actChar <= 'Z') || (actChar >= 'a' && actChar <= 'z') || (actChar == '_') ) { // possible tag begining delimState = HOST_TAG; tagString = new StringBuffer(); tagString.append(actChar); break; // the switch statement } switch (actChar) { case '\n': delimState = HOST_INIT; break; case ' ': case '\t': delimState = HOST_LT_BLANK; break; default: delimState = HOST_INIT; offset--; break; } break; case HOST_LT_BLANK: if ((actChar >= 'A' && actChar <= 'Z') || (actChar >= 'a' && actChar <= 'z') || (actChar == '_') ) { // possible tag begining delimState = HOST_TAG; // we are checking whether this is a JSP tag, however even if it is, // JspTagSyntax will report any spaces between < and tagname as errors tagString = new StringBuffer(); tagString.append(actChar); break; // the switch statement } switch (actChar) { case '\n': delimState = HOST_INIT; break; case ' ': case '\t': break; default: delimState = HOST_INIT; offset--; break; } break; case HOST_TAG: if ((actChar >= 'A' && actChar <= 'Z') || (actChar >= 'a' && actChar <= 'z') || (actChar >= '0' && actChar <= '9') || (actChar == ':') || (actChar == '-') || (actChar == '_') ) { // the tag continues tagString.append(actChar); break; // the switch statement } switch (actChar) { default: if (isJspTag(tagString.toString())) { state = ISI_HOST_JSPTAG; //if (debug) //System.out.println("found beginning of JspTag at " + possibleBeginning); return possibleBeginning; } else { delimState = HOST_INIT; offset--; break; } } break; case HOST_LT_PC: switch (actChar) { case '@': // directive case '-': // JSP comment state = ISI_HOST_JSPTAG; //if (debug) //System.out.println("found beginning of directive/comment at " + possibleBeginning); return possibleBeginning; case '!': // declaration case '=': // expression state = ISI_HOST_JAVA; //if (debug) //System.out.println("found beginning of declaration/expression at " + possibleBeginning); return possibleBeginning; default: // scriptlet state = ISI_HOST_JAVA; //if (debug) //System.out.println("found beginning of scriptlet at " + possibleBeginning); return possibleBeginning; } //break; case HOST_D: switch (actChar) { case '\n': delimState = HOST_INIT; break; case '{': state = ISI_HOST_EL; return possibleBeginning; default: delimState = HOST_INIT; offset--; break; } break; case HOST_BS: switch (actChar) { case '<': if (offset >= firstTokenEnd) return DELIMCHECK_NO; delimState = HOST_LT; possibleBeginning = offset; break; case '\\': if (offset >= firstTokenEnd) return DELIMCHECK_NO; possibleBeginning = offset; // not really true, the delimiter can't start here break; default: delimState = HOST_INIT; break; } break; } offset++; } if (lastPart) { switch (delimState) { case HOST_LT_PC: state = ISI_HOST_JAVA; return possibleBeginning; case HOST_TAG: if (isJspTag(tagString.toString())) { state = ISI_HOST_JSPTAG; //if (debug) //System.out.println("found beginning of JspTag at " + possibleBeginning); return possibleBeginning; } } } // we have reached the end of the scanned area switch (delimState) { case HOST_INIT: return DELIMCHECK_NO; case HOST_LT: case HOST_LT_SLASH: case HOST_LT_PC: case HOST_LT_BLANK: case HOST_TAG: case HOST_D: case HOST_BS: return DELIMCHECK_PART; default: ErrorManager.getDefault ().notify (ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, new Exception("invalid state")); // NOI18N return DELIMCHECK_NO; } } /** Checks if the part of the buffer starting at tokenOffset and ending just before endOffset * contains a "delimiter" or could contain a starting part of a "delimiter", where * "delimiter" is a lexical structure which could start a Java block inside a JSP tag, * i.e. <%=. * @return
    • DELIMCHECK_NO if the part of the buffer does not contain a delimiter or its part
    • *
    • DELIMCHECK_PART if the part of the buffer contains part of the delimiter
    • *
    • index of the starting symbol of the delimiter if the part of the buffer contains the delimiter. * In such a case variable state is set properly.
    • *
    */ protected int canBeJspTagDelimiter(int tokenOffset, int endOffset, int firstTokenEnd, boolean lastPart, boolean isComment) { if (isComment) return DELIMCHECK_NO; int offset = tokenOffset; char actChar; int possibleBeginning = DELIMCHECK_NO; int delimState = JSPTAG_INIT; while(offset < endOffset) { actChar = buffer[offset]; switch (delimState) { case JSPTAG_INIT: switch (actChar) { case '<': if (offset >= firstTokenEnd) return DELIMCHECK_NO; delimState = JSPTAG_LT; possibleBeginning = offset; break; case '$': if (offset >= firstTokenEnd) return DELIMCHECK_NO; if (!isELIgnored(true)) { delimState = JSPTAG_D; possibleBeginning = offset; } break; case '\\': if (offset >= firstTokenEnd) return DELIMCHECK_NO; delimState = JSPTAG_BS; possibleBeginning = offset; // not really true, the delimiter can't start here break; default: if (offset >= firstTokenEnd) return DELIMCHECK_NO; break; } break; case JSPTAG_LT: switch (actChar) { case '\n': delimState = JSPTAG_INIT; break; case '%': delimState = JSPTAG_LT_PC; break; default: delimState = JSPTAG_INIT; offset--; break; } break; case JSPTAG_LT_PC: switch (actChar) { case '!': // declaration case '=': // expression state = ISI_JSPTAG_JAVA; //if (debug) //System.out.println("found beginning of declaration/expression at " + possibleBeginning); return possibleBeginning; case '@': // declaration case '-': // comment delimState = JSPTAG_INIT; break; default: // scriptlet state = ISI_JSPTAG_JAVA; //if (debug) //System.out.println("found beginning of scriptlet at " + possibleBeginning); return possibleBeginning; } //break; case JSPTAG_D: switch (actChar) { case '\n': delimState = JSPTAG_INIT; break; case '{': state = ISI_JSPTAG_EL; return possibleBeginning; default: delimState = JSPTAG_INIT; offset--; break; } break; case JSPTAG_BS: switch (actChar) { case '<': if (offset >= firstTokenEnd) return DELIMCHECK_NO; delimState = JSPTAG_LT; possibleBeginning = offset; break; case '\\': if (offset >= firstTokenEnd) return DELIMCHECK_NO; possibleBeginning = offset; // not really true, the delimiter can't start here break; default: delimState = JSPTAG_INIT; break; } break; } offset++; } if (lastPart) { switch (delimState) { case JSPTAG_LT_PC: state = ISI_JSPTAG_JAVA; //if (debug) //System.out.println("found beginning of scriptlet at " + possibleBeginning); return possibleBeginning; } } // we have reached the end of the scanned area switch (delimState) { case JSPTAG_INIT: return DELIMCHECK_NO; case JSPTAG_LT: return DELIMCHECK_PART; case JSPTAG_LT_PC: return DELIMCHECK_PART; case JSPTAG_D: return DELIMCHECK_PART; case JSPTAG_BS: //this state (error???) happens when only one character '\' //is scanned by this method (tokenOffset = endOffset - 1) return DELIMCHECK_NO; default: ErrorManager.getDefault ().notify (ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, new Exception("invalid state " + delimState)); // NOI18N return DELIMCHECK_NO; } } /** Checks if the part of the buffer starting at tokenOffset and ending just before endOffset * contains a "delimiter" or could contain a starting part of a "delimiter", where * "delimiter" is a lexical structure which could end a Java block, * i.e. %>. * @return
    • DELIMCHECK_NO if the part of the buffer does not contain a delimiter or its part
    • *
    • DELIMCHECK_PART if the part of the buffer contains part of the delimiter
    • *
    • index of the starting symbol of the delimiter if the part of the buffer contains the delimiter. * In such a case variable state is set properly.
    • *
    */ protected int canBeJavaDelimiter(int tokenOffset, int endOffset, int firstTokenEnd, boolean lastPart, int myNestMode) { int offset = tokenOffset; char actChar; int possibleBeginning = DELIMCHECK_NO; int delimState = JAVA_INIT; while(offset < endOffset) { actChar = buffer[offset]; switch (delimState) { case JAVA_INIT: switch (actChar) { case '%': if (offset >= firstTokenEnd) return DELIMCHECK_NO; delimState = JAVA_PC; possibleBeginning = offset; break; default: if (offset >= firstTokenEnd) return DELIMCHECK_NO; break; } break; case JAVA_PC: switch (actChar) { case '>': switch (myNestMode) { case MODE_HOST_JSPTAG_JAVA: state = ISI_JAVA1_SWITCH; //if (debug) //System.out.println("found end of Java at " + possibleBeginning); return possibleBeginning; case MODE_HOST_JAVA: state = ISI_JAVA2_SWITCH; //if (debug) //System.out.println("found end of Java at " + possibleBeginning); return possibleBeginning; } ErrorManager.getDefault ().notify (ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, new Exception("bad nestMode")); // NOI18N //break; - not reached case '%': if (offset >= firstTokenEnd) return DELIMCHECK_NO; delimState = JAVA_PC; possibleBeginning = offset; break; default: delimState = JAVA_INIT; break; } break; } offset++; } // we have reached the end of the scanned area switch (delimState) { case JAVA_INIT: return DELIMCHECK_NO; case JAVA_PC: return DELIMCHECK_PART; default: ErrorManager.getDefault ().notify (ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, new Exception("invalid state")); // NOI18N return DELIMCHECK_NO; } } /** Checks if the part of the buffer starting at tokenOffset and ending just before endOffset * contains a "delimiter" or could contain a starting part of a "delimiter", where * "delimiter" is a lexical structure which could end a EL block, * i.e. }. * @return
    • DELIMCHECK_NO if the part of the buffer does not contain a delimiter or its part
    • *
    • DELIMCHECK_PART if the part of the buffer contains part of the delimiter
    • *
    • index of the starting symbol of the delimiter if the part of the buffer contains the delimiter. * In such a case variable state is set properly.
    • *
    */ protected int canBeELDelimiter(int tokenOffset, int endOffset, int firstTokenEnd, boolean lastPart, int myNestMode) { int offset = tokenOffset; char actChar; int possibleBeginning = DELIMCHECK_NO; int delimState = EL_INIT; while(offset < endOffset) { actChar = buffer[offset]; switch (delimState) { case EL_INIT: // the only state for now switch (actChar) { case '}': if (offset >= firstTokenEnd) return DELIMCHECK_NO; possibleBeginning = offset; switch (myNestMode) { case MODE_HOST_JSPTAG_EL: state = ISI_EL1_SWITCH; //if (debug) //System.out.println("found end of EL at " + possibleBeginning); return possibleBeginning; case MODE_HOST_EL: state = ISI_EL2_SWITCH; //if (debug) //System.out.println("found end of EL at " + possibleBeginning); return possibleBeginning; } ErrorManager.getDefault ().notify (ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, new Exception("bad nestMode")); // NOI18N break; default: if (offset >= firstTokenEnd) return DELIMCHECK_NO; break; } break; } offset++; } // we have reached the end of the scanned area switch (delimState) { case EL_INIT: return DELIMCHECK_NO; default: ErrorManager.getDefault ().notify (ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, new Exception("invalid state")); // NOI18N return DELIMCHECK_NO; } } /** Determines whether a given string is a JSP tag. */ protected boolean isJspTag(String tagName) { boolean canBeJsp = tagName.startsWith("jsp:"); // NOI18N return canBeJsp; } /** Determines whether any EL expressions should be colored as expressions, * or ignored. This class does not have all the context necessary to decide this, * so it just returns false (meaning that EL should be colored). Subclasses * should override this to return the correct value per section JSP.3.3.2 * of the specification. * @param whether this expression is inside the JSP tag value, or just in template text * @return true if the expression should be ignored, false if it should be treated as an expression */ protected boolean isELIgnored(boolean inJspTag) { return false; } /** Determines whether the page is in xml syntax or not. * This class does not have all the context necessary to decide this, * so it just returns false. Subclasses * should override this to return the correct value. * @return true if the page is JSP Document, false if the page is in standart syntax */ protected boolean isXMLSyntax(){ return false; } private void transferMasterToSlave(Syntax slave, StateInfo stateInfo) { slave.load(stateInfo, buffer, offset, stopOffset - offset, lastBuffer, -1); //slave.setLastBuffer(lastBuffer); // PENDING - maybe not necessary //slave.setStopOffset(stopOffset); // PENDING - maybe not necessary } /** Store state of this analyzer into given mark state. */ public void storeState(StateInfo stateInfo) { super.storeState(stateInfo); JspStateInfo jspsi = (JspStateInfo)stateInfo; // nest mode jspsi.nestMode = nestMode; // regular stateinfos if (hostStateInfo == null) { jspsi.hostStateInfo = null; } else { jspsi.hostStateInfo = hostSyntax.createStateInfo(); hostSyntax.load(hostStateInfo, buffer, offset, 0, false, -1); hostSyntax.storeState(jspsi.hostStateInfo); } if (jspTagStateInfo == null) { jspsi.jspTagStateInfo = null; } else { jspsi.jspTagStateInfo = jspTagSyntax.createStateInfo(); jspTagSyntax.load(jspTagStateInfo, buffer, offset, 0, false, -1); jspTagSyntax.storeState(jspsi.jspTagStateInfo); } if (elStateInfo == null) { jspsi.elStateInfo = null; } else { jspsi.elStateInfo = elSyntax.createStateInfo(); elSyntax.load(elStateInfo, buffer, offset, 0, false, -1); elSyntax.storeState(jspsi.elStateInfo); } if (javaStateInfo == null) { jspsi.javaStateInfo = null; } else { jspsi.javaStateInfo = javaSyntax.createStateInfo(); javaSyntax.load(javaStateInfo, buffer, offset, 0, false, -1); javaSyntax.storeState(jspsi.javaStateInfo); } // stateOfScanningAtInit, firstTokenID, firstTokenLength if (jspsi.isFirstTokenValid()) { jspsi.firstTokenID = firstTokenID; jspsi.firstTokenLength = firstTokenLength; switch (nestMode) { case MODE_HOST: jspsi.stateOfScanningAtInit = hostSyntax.createStateInfo(); hostSyntax.load(helpHostStateInfo, buffer, offset, 0, false, -1); hostSyntax.storeState(jspsi.stateOfScanningAtInit); break; case MODE_HOST_JSPTAG: jspsi.stateOfScanningAtInit = jspTagSyntax.createStateInfo(); jspTagSyntax.load(helpJspTagStateInfo, buffer, offset, 0, false, -1); jspTagSyntax.storeState(jspsi.stateOfScanningAtInit); break; case MODE_HOST_JSPTAG_EL: case MODE_HOST_EL: jspsi.stateOfScanningAtInit = elSyntax.createStateInfo(); elSyntax.load(helpELStateInfo, buffer, offset, 0, false, -1); elSyntax.storeState(jspsi.stateOfScanningAtInit); break; case MODE_HOST_JSPTAG_JAVA: case MODE_HOST_JAVA: jspsi.stateOfScanningAtInit = javaSyntax.createStateInfo(); javaSyntax.load(helpJavaStateInfo, buffer, offset, 0, false, -1); javaSyntax.storeState(jspsi.stateOfScanningAtInit); break; } } else { jspsi.stateOfScanningAtInit = null; jspsi.firstTokenID = null; jspsi.firstTokenLength = -1; } /*System.out.print("storing state at offset=" + offset + ", tokenOffset=" + tokenOffset + ", token="); for(int i=tokenOffset;i
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