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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
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package org.netbeans.test.gui.web.util;

import javax.swing.tree.TreePath;
import javax.swing.JPopupMenu;

import org.netbeans.core.ui.SwingBrowser;

import org.netbeans.jellytools.Bundle;
import org.netbeans.jellytools.EditorOperator; 
import org.netbeans.jellytools.EditorWindowOperator; 
import org.netbeans.jellytools.ExplorerOperator;
import org.netbeans.jellytools.MainWindowOperator; 
import org.netbeans.jellytools.NbDialogOperator;
import org.netbeans.jellytools.NbFrameOperator;
import org.netbeans.jellytools.OptionsOperator;
import org.netbeans.jellytools.OutputWindowOperator;
import org.netbeans.jellytools.TreeTableOperator;

import org.netbeans.jellytools.nodes.FilesystemNode;
import org.netbeans.jellytools.nodes.FormNode;


import org.netbeans.jemmy.Timeouts;
import org.netbeans.jemmy.TimeoutExpiredException;
import org.netbeans.jemmy.Waiter;
import org.netbeans.jemmy.operators.JButtonOperator;
import org.netbeans.jemmy.operators.JPopupMenuOperator;
import org.netbeans.jemmy.operators.JTextComponentOperator;
import org.netbeans.jemmy.operators.JTreeOperator;

import org.netbeans.web.test.actions.ToggleBreakpointAction;
import org.netbeans.web.test.util.Utils;
import org.netbeans.web.test.util.StatusWaitable;

 * Common Utilites for JSP/Servlet Debug tests.
 * @author Vladimir Strigun
public class CommonUtils {
    //private static String alternateViewTitle =  "Mount Web Module";
    private static String finishDebugDialogTitle = "Finish Debugging Sessions";
    private static String informationDialogTitle = "Information";
    private static String port = "8081";
    private static String fSep = "/";
    private static String breakpointsPath = "Debugger|Breakpoint";
    private static String delim = "|";

    public CommonUtils() {

     * This tests close dialogs that appears before debugger start.
     * Two dialogs are handled: 
  1. "Internal HTTP server not running" dialog. It's informed user that * internal server not running yet. *
  2. *
  3. "Information" dialog. It's informed user that internal web browser * do not support some functions. *
  4. *
      * @return null if no exception occured while waiting dialogs. Othrwise return non-empty string. */ public static String handleDialogsBeforeDebuggerStart(){ try { NbDialogOperator dialog = new NbDialogOperator(Bundle.getStringTrimmed("org.netbeans.modules.web.monitor.client.Bundle", "MON_NoServerTitle")); dialog.ok(); }catch(Exception e) { if(e instanceof org.netbeans.jemmy.TimeoutExpiredException){ System.out.println("HTTP server dialog do not opened"); } else { System.out.println("Debugging: Exception while waiting information dialog: "+e); return "Exception occured while waiting information dialog"; } } try { NbDialogOperator dialog = new NbDialogOperator(informationDialogTitle); dialog.ok(); } catch(Exception e) { if(e instanceof org.netbeans.jemmy.TimeoutExpiredException){ return("Information dialog do not opened"); } else { System.out.println("Debugging: Exception while waiting information dialog: "+e); return "Exception occured while waiting information dialog"; } } return null; } public static String handleJSPCompilationDialog(){ try { NbDialogOperator dialog = new NbDialogOperator(Bundle.getStringTrimmed("org.netbeans.modules.web.core.Bundle", "CTL_Ask_if_compile_Title")); String alwaysCompileCaption = Bundle.getStringTrimmed("org.netbeans.modules.web.core.Bundle", "CTL_DLG_DebugCompile_AlwaysCompile"); JButtonOperator btAlwaysCompile = new JButtonOperator(dialog, alwaysCompileCaption); btAlwaysCompile.push(); }catch(Exception e) { if(e instanceof org.netbeans.jemmy.TimeoutExpiredException){ System.out.println("Compilation dialog do not opened"); return "not opened"; } else { System.out.println("Debugging: Exception while waiting compilation dialog: "+e); return "Exception occured while waiting compilation dialog"; } } return null; } //Begin of part of service functions to manipulate breakpoints /** * This method check whether servlet breakpoint exist for specified * file name and line. * Method return true if breakpoint is exist in Debugger->Breakpoints * tree, otherwise methos return false. */ public static boolean isServletBreakpointExist(String fileName, String servletName, int jspLineNumber, int servletLineNumber, boolean isDeferred) { boolean result = true; ExplorerOperator explorer = ExplorerOperator.invoke(); explorer.selectPageRuntime(); try { String path = null; if(!isDeferred) path = breakpointsPath+delim+"JSP "+fileName+".jsp:"+jspLineNumber+delim+servletName+":"+servletLineNumber; else path = breakpointsPath+delim+"JSP "+fileName+".jsp:"+jspLineNumber+" deferred"+delim+servletName+":"+servletLineNumber; JTreeOperator operator = explorer.runtimeTab().tree(); System.out.println("isServletBreakpointExist:: full path is:"+path); operator.findPath(path,delim); }catch(TimeoutExpiredException tee) { result = false; } explorer.selectPageFilesystems(); return result; } /** * This method remove all Breakpoints. It's invoke popup menu on Debugger->Breakpoints * node of Runtime Tab of explorer and press "Delete All" popup menu item. * @return true if no any exception occured while executing, otherwise return false. * public static boolean deleteAllBreakpoints() { boolean result = true; ExplorerOperator explorer = ExplorerOperator.invoke(); JTreeOperator jTreeOper = explorer.runtimeTab().tree(); try{ TreePath treePath = jTreeOper.findPath(breakpointsPath, delim); JPopupMenu popupMenu = jTreeOper.callPopupOnPath(treePath); JPopupMenuOperator popupOper = new JPopupMenuOperator(popupMenu); popupOper.pushMenu(Bundle.getStringTrimmed("", "CTL_DeleteAll"), "|"); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); result = false; } return result; } /** * This method check whether all breakpoints removed. * It's try to open Runtime Tab of explorer and check that Breakpoints node * do not have any leafs. * @return true if all breakpoints removed, otherwise return false. */ public static boolean isAllBreakpointsRemoved(){ ExplorerOperator explorer = ExplorerOperator.invoke(); explorer.selectPageRuntime(); try{ JTreeOperator operator = explorer.runtimeTab().tree(); TreePath treePath = operator.findPath(breakpointsPath, delim); int childCount = operator.getChildCount(treePath); if(childCount==0) return true; else return false; }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("Exception occured:"+e.toString()); return false; } } /** * This method open breakpoint properties window through Runtime * tab of explorer. * @param fileName defines file name (use "jsp1" name format instead of "jsp1.jsp"). * @param lineNumber defines line number of breakpoint. * @param isDeferred boolean value defines whether breakpoint deferred or not. * @return true if breakpoint if correct breakpoint exist in Debugger->Breakpoints * tree, otherwise methos return false. */ public static boolean getPropertiesWindowForBreakpoint(String fileName, int lineNumber, boolean isDeferred){ boolean result = true; String fullName = null; fullName = "JSP "+fileName+".jsp:"+lineNumber; if(isDeferred){ fullName = fullName+" deferred"; } ExplorerOperator explorer = ExplorerOperator.invoke(); JTreeOperator jTreeOper = explorer.runtimeTab().tree(); Timeouts.initDefault("JTreeOperator.WaitNodeExpandedTimeout", 3000); try{ //System.out.println("SVA DEBUG:: getPropertiesWindow for breakpoint="+fullName); TreePath treePath = jTreeOper.findPath(breakpointsPath+delim+fullName, delim); JPopupMenu popupMenu = jTreeOper.callPopupOnPath(treePath); JPopupMenuOperator popupOper = new JPopupMenuOperator(popupMenu); popupOper.pushMenu("Properties", "|"); PropertySheetOperator properties = PropertySheetOperator.invoke(); PropertySheetTabOperator propertiesSheet = new PropertySheetTabOperator(properties, "Properties"); TextFieldProperty lineProperty = new TextFieldProperty(propertiesSheet, "Line Number"); ComboBoxProperty stateProperty = new ComboBoxProperty(propertiesSheet, "Enabled"); String line = lineProperty.getValue(); String state = stateProperty.getValue(); if(state.equals("False") | !line.equals((new Integer(lineNumber)).toString())){ result = false; } properties.close(); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); result = false; } return result; } /** * This method delete breakpoint through Runtime Tab of Explorer. * Method delete jsp breakpoint (with correspondent servlet breakpoint) if * servletLine != 0, otherwise it delete only servlet breakpoint for current * jsp breakpoint. * @param fileName defines file name (use "jsp1" name format instead of "jsp1.jsp"). * @param servletName defines servlet name. * @param lineNumber defines line number of breakpoint. * @param servletLine defines line of breakpoint in generated servlet. * @param isDeferred boolean value defines whether breakpoint deferred or not. * @return true if breakpoint removed and false otherwise. */ public static boolean deleteBreakpoint(String fileName, String servletName, int lineNumber, int servletLine, boolean isDeferred) { boolean result = true; String fullName = null; fullName = "JSP "+fileName+".jsp:"+lineNumber; if(isDeferred){ fullName = fullName+" deferred"; } ExplorerOperator explorer = ExplorerOperator.invoke(); JTreeOperator jTreeOper = explorer.runtimeTab().tree(); try{ String breakpointNode = breakpointsPath+delim+fullName; if(servletLine!=0) breakpointNode += delim+servletName+":"+servletLine; TreePath treePath = jTreeOper.findPath(breakpointNode, delim); JPopupMenu popupMenu = jTreeOper.callPopupOnPath(treePath); JPopupMenuOperator popupOper = new JPopupMenuOperator(popupMenu); popupOper.pushMenu("Delete", "|"); NbDialogOperator dialog = new NbDialogOperator(Bundle.getStringTrimmed("org.openide.explorer.Bundle", "MSG_ConfirmDeleteObjectTitle")); dialog.yes(); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); result = false; } return result; } /** * This method check whether breakpoint exist. If breakpoint do not exist, * it's add breakpoint by ToggleBreakpoint action. * This method can add deferred breakpoint. * @param name defines file name (use "jsp1" name format instead of "jsp1.jsp"). * @param breakpointFileName defines full name of jsp file (with directory). * @param lineNumber defines line number of breakpoint. * @param servletLine defines line of breakpoint in generated servlet. * @param isDeferred boolean value defines whether breakpoint deferred or not. If this parameter true, method will add deferred breakpoint. * @param workDir defines working directory for current jsp file. */ public static void checkBreakpointExist(String name, String breakpointFileName, int line, int servletLine, boolean isDeferred, String workDir) { String fullName = null; fullName = "JSP "+breakpointFileName+".jsp:"+line; if(isDeferred){ fullName = fullName+" deferred"; } if(!Utils.isExplorerItemExist(breakpointsPath+delim+fullName)){ EditorOperator editor = Utils.openFile(workDir, name); if(isDeferred) { editor.clickForPopup(100, 100); new JPopupMenuOperator().pushMenu("Show code in Servlet", "|"); EditorWindowOperator editorWindow = new EditorWindowOperator("Servlet for "+name); editor = editorWindow.selectPage("Servlet for "+name); editor.setCaretPositionToLine(servletLine); (new ToggleBreakpointAction()).performShortcut(); } else { editor.setCaretPositionToLine(line); (new ToggleBreakpointAction()).performShortcut(); } return; } } /** * This method invoke popup menu on breakpoint specified by paramaters and * click on "Go to source" menu item. Also it's check that cursor placed on * correct line of JSP of generated servlet. * @param fileName defines file name (use "jsp1" name format instead of "jsp1.jsp"). * @param servletName defines servlet name. * @param lineNumber defines line number of breakpoint. * @param servletLine defines line of breakpoint in generated servlet. * @param isDeferred boolean value defines whether breakpoint deferred or not. * @param toServlet * @return true if no exception occured while execution. */ //Should be modified!!!!! public static boolean goToSource(String fileName, String servletName, int lineNumber, int servletLine, boolean isDeferred, boolean toServlet) { boolean result = true; String fullName = null; fullName = "JSP "+fileName+".jsp:"+lineNumber; if(isDeferred){ fullName = fullName+" deferred"; } ExplorerOperator explorer = ExplorerOperator.invoke(); JTreeOperator jTreeOper = explorer.runtimeTab().tree(); try{ String fullPath = breakpointsPath+delim+fullName; if(toServlet) fullPath += delim+servletName+":"+servletLine; TreePath treePath = jTreeOper.findPath(fullPath, delim); JPopupMenu popupMenu = jTreeOper.callPopupOnPath(treePath); JPopupMenuOperator popupOper = new JPopupMenuOperator(popupMenu); popupOper.pushMenu(Bundle.getStringTrimmed("", "CTL_GoToSource"), "|"); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); result = false; } try{ EditorWindowOperator editorWindow = new EditorWindowOperator("Servlet for "+fileName.substring(fileName.indexOf("/")+1)); EditorOperator editor = editorWindow.selectPage("Servlet for "+fileName.substring(fileName.indexOf("/")+1)); int position = editor.getLineNumber(); if(position != servletLine) result = false; }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); result = false; } return result; } //End of part of service functions to manipulate breakpoints /** * This method check whether compilation successful or not. * It's open Output Window, select compiler tab and check that * "Finished fileName" text is exist inside. * @param fileName defines file name (use "jsp1" name format instead of "jsp1.jsp"). * @return true if compilation successful and false otherwise. */ public static boolean isCompilationSuccessful(String fileName){ (new OutputWindowOperator()).selectCompilerPage(); String text = (new OutputWindowOperator()).getText(); if(text.indexOf("Finished "+fileName+".")!=-1){ return true; } return false; } /** * This method check whether compilation break successful or not. * It's open Output Window, select compiler tab and check that * "Compilation interrupted" text is exist inside. * @param fileName defines file name (use "jsp1" name format instead of "jsp1.jsp"). * @return true if compilation break successful and false otherwise. */ public static boolean isCompilationBreakSuccessful(String fileName){ (new OutputWindowOperator()).selectCompilerPage(); String text = (new OutputWindowOperator()).getText(); if(text.indexOf("Compilation Interrupted\nErrors compiling "+fileName+".")!=-1){ return true; } return false; } /** * Method wait while correct jsp will be loaded in internal web browser. * @param name specify jsp name (use "jsp1" name format instead of "jsp1.jsp"). * @param workDir specify working directory. * @return null if file loaded in browser correctly and non-empty string otherwise. */ public static String waitCorrectJSPLoaded(String name, String workDir){ String url = "http://localhost:"+port+"/"+workDir+"/"+name+".jsp"; URLLoadedWaitable urlLoader = new URLLoadedWaitable(url); Waiter w = new Waiter(urlLoader); try { w.waitAction(urlLoader); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return("Exception while waiting loading URL:" + e); } catch (TimeoutExpiredException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); return("Exception while waiting loading URL:" + e1); } return null; } /** * Method check whethet correct content of jsp displayed in internal web browser. * @param name specify jsp name (use "jsp1" name format instead of "jsp1.jsp"). * @param correctOut specify a string that should be displayed in browser. * @param workDir specify working directory. * @return null if file correct content of jsp displayed in browser correctly and non-empty string otherwise. */ public static String checkCorrectJSPOutput(String fileName, String correctOut, String workDir){ String result = waitCorrectJSPLoaded(fileName, workDir); if(result!=null){ System.out.println("Waitable of JSP loaded return:"+result); Utils.finishDebugger(); return "Cannot load correct JSP in browser"; } NbFrameOperator browser=new NbFrameOperator("Web Browser"); Utils.wait(3000); String currOut = (new JTextComponentOperator(browser, 0)).getText(); if(currOut.indexOf(correctOut)==-1){ browser.close(); System.out.println("DEBUG:: checkCorrectJSPOutput procedure, correctOut="+correctOut); return "Web browser displays incorrect JSP file"; } //browser.close(); return null; } public static void pressRefreshInBrowser(){ NbFrameOperator browser=new NbFrameOperator("Web Browser"); Utils.wait(3000); browser.getFocus(); (new JButtonOperator(browser, 3)).push(); } /** * Method set "Skip Static Lines" option. * It's open Tools->Options , select "Skip Static Lines" options and sets * value defined by staticLines variable. * @param staticLines boolean variable to be set. */ public static void selectStaticLines(boolean staticLines) { MainWindowOperator.getDefault().switchToEditingWorkspace(); OptionsOperator optOper = OptionsOperator.invoke(); TreeTableOperator treetable = optOper.treeTable(); int i = optOper.selectOption("Debugging and Executing"); i = optOper.selectOption("Debugging and Executing|"+Bundle.getString("org.netbeans.modules.web.core.Bundle", "LBL_ServletSettingsNode")); Utils.wait(2000); PropertySheetOperator properties = PropertySheetOperator.invoke(); PropertySheetTabOperator propertiesSheet = new PropertySheetTabOperator(properties, "Properties"); ComboBoxProperty linesProperty = new ComboBoxProperty(propertiesSheet, "Skip Static Lines"); if(staticLines) linesProperty.setValue("True"); else linesProperty.setValue("False"); properties.close(); optOper.close(); } /** * Method set "Compile JSPs before debugging" option. * It's open Tools->Options , select "Compile JSPs before debugging" options and sets * value defined by value variable. * @param velue int variable to be set.
      * Please, use following items: *
      • 0 - set "Compile JSPs before debugging to "Yes"
      • *
      • 1 - set "Compile JSPs before debugging to "No"
      • *
      • 2 - set "Compile JSPs before debugging to "Always ask"
      • *
      */ public static void setCompileJSPsBeforeDebug(int value) { OptionsOperator optOper = OptionsOperator.invoke(); TreeTableOperator treetable = optOper.treeTable(); int i = optOper.selectOption("Debugging and Executing"); i = optOper.selectOption("Debugging and Executing|"+Bundle.getString("org.netbeans.modules.web.core.Bundle", "LBL_ServletSettingsNode")); PropertySheetOperator properties = PropertySheetOperator.invoke(); PropertySheetTabOperator propertiesSheet = new PropertySheetTabOperator(properties, "Properties"); ComboBoxProperty compileProperty = new ComboBoxProperty(propertiesSheet, "Compile JSPs before debugging"); compileProperty.setValue(value); //this waiter should be removed!!! Utils.wait(2000); optOper.close(); } // begin a part of waiters /** * Wait while debugger stop when breakpoint reached. * @param name specify jsp name (use "jsp1" name format instead of "jsp1.jsp"). * @param line specify line number to stop on. * @return null if debugger stops on breakpoint or non-empty string otherwise. */ //TODO: add check of line coloring public static String waitDebuggerStoppedOnBreakpoint(String name, int line) { String className = "org.apache.jsp."+name+"$jsp"; String[] variants = {"Breakpoint reached at line " + line + " in class "+className}; StatusWaitable csw = new StatusWaitable(variants, false); String result = Utils.waitDebuggerStop(csw); (new OutputWindowOperator()).selectPage("Debugger Console"); String text = (new OutputWindowOperator()).getText(); System.out.println("SVA DEBUG:: text="+text); if(text.indexOf("Breakpoint reached at line " + line + " in class "+className)!=-1){ return null; } return result; } /** * Wait while debugger stop when method reached. * @param jspName specify jsp name (use "jsp1" name format instead of "jsp1.jsp"). * @param methodName specify a method name. * @param line specify line number to stop on. * @return null if debugger stops on method or non-empty string otherwise. */ public static String waitDebuggerStoppedOnMethod(String jspName, String methodName, int line){ String className = "org.apache.jsp."+jspName+"$jsp"; String[] variants = {"Method "+methodName+" reached at line " + line + " in class "+className}; StatusWaitable csw = new StatusWaitable(variants, false); return Utils.waitDebuggerStop(csw); } /** * Wait while debugger stop when exception caught. * @param jspName specify jsp name (use "jsp1" name format instead of "jsp1.jsp"). * @param exceptionName specify a exception name. * @param line specify line number to stop on. * @return null if debugger stops on "exception caught" or non-empty string otherwise. */ public static String waitDebuggerStoppedOnExceptionCaught(String name, String exceptionName, String line) { String className = "org.apache.jsp."+name+"$jsp"; String[] variants = {"Exception "+exceptionName+" reached at line " + line + " in class "+className}; StatusWaitable csw = new StatusWaitable(variants, false); return Utils.waitDebuggerStop(csw); } // end a part of waiters }
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