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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
package org.netbeans.modules.xml.core.text;

import java.awt.event.*;
import java.text.*;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;

import javax.swing.Timer;
import javax.swing.JEditorPane;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import javax.swing.text.*;
import javax.swing.JViewport;

import org.openide.*;
import org.openide.awt.StatusDisplayer;
import org.openide.text.*;
import org.openide.util.*;
import org.openide.loaders.*;
import org.openide.cookies.*;
import org.openide.nodes.*;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileLock;

import org.netbeans.modules.xml.core.*;
import org.netbeans.modules.xml.core.lib.*;
import org.netbeans.modules.xml.core.sync.*;
import org.netbeans.modules.xml.core.cookies.*;

import org.netbeans.modules.xml.core.settings.CoreSettings;

 * Text editor support that handles I/O encoding and sync with tree.
 * There are two timers a long time and a short time. The long time
 * updates tree even in middle of writing text. The short time is restarted
 * at every text change..

* Listens for: text document change (edit), timers and document status change (loading). */ public class TextEditorSupport extends DataEditorSupport implements EditorCookie.Observable, EditCookie, CloseCookie, PrintCookie { // ToDo: // + extend CloneableEditorSupport instead of DataEditorSupport which is associated with DataObject /** * Swings document property added by this support. */ public static final String PROP_DOCUMENT_URL = "doc-url"; /** XML Settings */ static final CoreSettings settings = CoreSettings.getDefault(); /** Timer which countdowns the auto-reparsing time. */ private Timer timer; /** Used as lock object in close and openCloneableTopComponent. */ private static java.awt.Container awtLock; private Representation rep; //it is my representation // // init // /** public jsu for backward compatibility purposes. */ protected TextEditorSupport (XMLDataObjectLook xmlDO, Env env, String mime_type) { super ((DataObject)xmlDO, env); //??? initListeners xmlDO.addPropertyChangeListener (new ModificationListener()); setMIMEType (mime_type); initTimer(); initListeners(); //??? why it is not under text module control? // it must be more lazy, why we must open document // it looks that Document's StreamDescriptionProperty fits // try { // if (xmlDO instanceof DataObject) { // DataObject dobj = (DataObject) xmlDO; // we must cast, we cannot as for cookie in cookie that is produced by factory // FileObject fo = dobj.getPrimaryFile(); // URL url = fo.getURL(); // String system = url.toExternalForm(); // openDocument().putProperty(PROP_DOCUMENT_URL, system); //openit // } else { // new RuntimeException("DO expected").printStackTrace(); // } // } catch (Exception ex) { // // just let property undefined // ex.printStackTrace(); // } } /** public jsu for backward compatibility purposes. */ public TextEditorSupport (XMLDataObjectLook xmlDO, String mime_type) { this (xmlDO, new Env (xmlDO), mime_type); } // // timer // /** * Initialize timers and handle their ticks. */ private void initTimer () { timer = new Timer (0, new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { // we are called from the AWT thread so put itno other one public void actionPerformed (java.awt.event.ActionEvent e) { if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("$$ TextEditorSupport::initTimer::actionPerformed: event = " + e); RequestProcessor.postRequest( new Runnable() { public void run() { syncDocument (false); } }); } }); timer.setInitialDelay (settings.getAutoParsingDelay()); timer.setRepeats (false); } /* * Add listeners at Document and document memory status (loading). */ private void initListeners() { // create document listener final DocumentListener docListener = new DocumentListener () { public void insertUpdate (DocumentEvent e) { if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("** TextEditorSupport::DocumentListener::insertUpdate: event = " + e); restartTime(); } public void changedUpdate (DocumentEvent e) { if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("** TextEditorSupport::DocumentListener::changedUpdate: event = " + e); // not interested in attribute changes } public void removeUpdate (DocumentEvent e) { if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("** TextEditorSupport::DocumentListener::removeUpdate: event = " + e); restartTime(); } private void restartTime() { if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("** TextEditorSupport::DocumentListener::restartTime: isInSync = " + getXMLDataObjectLook().getSyncInterface().isInSync()); if (getXMLDataObjectLook().getSyncInterface().isInSync()) { return; } restartTimer(false); } }; // listen for document loading then register to it the docListener as weak addChangeListener (new ChangeListener() { public void stateChanged (ChangeEvent evt) { if (isDocumentLoaded()) { Document doc = getDocument(); doc.addDocumentListener(WeakListener.document(docListener, doc)); if (rep == null) { XMLDataObjectLook dobj = (XMLDataObjectLook) getDataObject(); Synchronizator sync = dobj.getSyncInterface(); //!!! What does this hardcoding mean??? //[DEPENDENCY] it introduces really ugly core to it's client dependencies!!! if (dobj instanceof org.netbeans.modules.xml.core.XMLDataObject) { rep = new XMLTextRepresentation(TextEditorSupport.this, sync); } else if (dobj instanceof DTDDataObject) { rep = new DTDTextRepresentation(TextEditorSupport.this, sync); } else if (dobj instanceof EntityDataObject) { rep = new EntityTextRepresentation (TextEditorSupport.this, sync); } if (rep != null) { sync.addRepresentation (rep); } } // } else { // moved to notifyClosed // XMLDataObjectLook dobj = (XMLDataObjectLook) getDataObject(); // Synchronizator sync = dobj.getSyncInterface(); // rep = null; // sync.removeRepresentation(rep); } } }); } /** * It simply calls super.notifyClosed() for all instances except * TextEditorSupport.class == this.getClass(). */ protected void notifyClosed () { super.notifyClosed(); // #15756 following code handles synchronization on text editor closing only! if (this.getClass() != TextEditorSupport.class) return; XMLDataObjectLook dobj = (XMLDataObjectLook) getDataObject(); Synchronizator sync = dobj.getSyncInterface(); Representation oldRep = rep; rep = null; if ( oldRep != null ) { // because of remove modified document sync.removeRepresentation (oldRep); } // if ( isModified() ) { // possible way to remove needless closeDocument followed by open // Task reload = reloadDocument(); // reload.waitFinished(); // } } /** */ Env getEnv () { return (Env) env; } /** */ protected XMLDataObjectLook getXMLDataObjectLook () { return getEnv().getXMLDataObjectLook(); } /* * Update presence of SaveCookie on first keystroke. */ protected boolean notifyModified () { if (getEnv().isModified()) { return true; } if (!!! super.notifyModified ()) { return false; } else { CookieManagerCookie manager = getEnv().getXMLDataObjectLook().getCookieManager(); manager.addCookie (getEnv()); return true; } } /* * Update presence of SaveCookie after save. */ protected void notifyUnmodified () { if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("Notifing unmodified"); // NOI18N super.notifyUnmodified (); CookieManagerCookie manager = getEnv().getXMLDataObjectLook().getCookieManager(); manager.removeCookie (getEnv()); } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I/O ENCODING HANDLING ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //indicates than document has wrong encoding @see #edit private volatile boolean encodingErr = false; /** Read the file from the stream, detect right encoding. */ protected void loadFromStreamToKit (StyledDocument doc, InputStream in, EditorKit kit) throws IOException, BadLocationException { // predetect it to get optimalized XmlReader if utf-8 String enc = EncodingHelper.detectEncoding(in); if (enc == null) { enc = "UTF8"; //!!! // NOI18N } try { Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(in, enc);, doc, 0); } catch (CharConversionException ex) { if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("\n!!! TextEditorSupport.loadFromStreamToKit: enc = '" + enc + "'", ex); encodingErr = true; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("\n!!! TextEditorSupport.loadFromStreamToKit: enc = '" + enc + "'", ex); encodingErr = true; } } /** Store the document in proper encoding. */ protected void saveFromKitToStream(StyledDocument doc, EditorKit kit, OutputStream out) throws IOException, BadLocationException { String enc = EncodingHelper.detectEncoding(doc); if (enc == null) { enc = "UTF8"; //!!! // NOI18N } try { if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("Saving using encoding");//, new RuntimeException (enc)); // NOI18N if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("!!! TextEditorSupport::saveFromKitToStream: enc = " + enc); //test encoding on dummy stream new OutputStreamWriter(new ByteArrayOutputStream(1), enc); if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("!!! ::saveFromKitToStream: after first test -> OK"); Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(out, enc); if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("!!! ::saveFromKitToStream: writer = " + writer); kit.write(writer, doc, 0, doc.getLength()); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { //!!! just write nothing //?? save say as UTF-8 ErrorManager emgr = ErrorManager.getDefault(); IOException ioex = new IOException("Unsupported encoding " + enc); // NOI18N emgr.annotate(ioex, Util.THIS.getString ("MSG_unsupported_encoding", enc)); throw ioex; } } /* * Save document using encoding declared in XML prolog if possible otherwise * at UTF-8 (in such case it updates the prolog). */ public void saveDocument () throws IOException { if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("saveDocument()..."); // NOI18N final StyledDocument doc = getDocument(); String enc = EncodingHelper.detectEncoding(doc); if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("!!! TextEditorSupport::saveDocument: enc = " + enc); if (enc == null) { enc = "UTF8"; //!!! // NOI18N } try { //test encoding on dummy stream new OutputStreamWriter(new ByteArrayOutputStream(1), enc); super.saveDocument(); //moved from getDataObject().setModified (false); getXMLDataObjectLook().getSyncInterface().representationChanged(Document.class); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { // ask user what next? NotifyDescriptor descriptor = new NotifyDescriptor.Confirmation(java.text.MessageFormat.format(Util.THIS.getString("TEXT_SAVE_AS_UTF"), new Object[] {enc})); Object res = DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(descriptor); if (res.equals(NotifyDescriptor.YES_OPTION)) { // update prolog to new valid encoding try { final int MAX_PROLOG = 1000; int maxPrologLen = Math.min(MAX_PROLOG, doc.getLength()); final char prolog[] = doc.getText(0, maxPrologLen).toCharArray(); int prologLen = 0; // actual prolog length //parse prolog and get prolog end if (prolog[0] == '<' && prolog[1] == '?' && prolog[2] == 'x') { // look for delimitting ?> for (int i = 3; i') { prologLen = i + 1; break; } } } final int passPrologLen = prologLen; Runnable edit = new Runnable() { public void run() { try { doc.remove(0, passPrologLen + 1); // +1 it removes exclusive doc.insertString(0, " \n", null); // NOI18N } catch (BadLocationException e) { if (System.getProperty("netbeans.debug.exceptions") != null) // NOI18N e.printStackTrace(); } } }; NbDocument.runAtomic(doc, edit); super.saveDocument(); //moved from getDataObject().setModified (false); getXMLDataObjectLook().getSyncInterface().representationChanged(Document.class); if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("Saved."); // NOI18N } catch (BadLocationException lex) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(lex); } } else { // NotifyDescriptor != YES_OPTION if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("Let unsaved."); // NOI18N return; } } // of catch UnsupportedEncodingException } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SYNC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /** * TEXT changed -> update TREE. */ protected void syncDocument (boolean fromFocus) { if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("@@ TextEditorSupport::syncDocument: fromFocus = " + fromFocus); if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("@@ ::syncDocument: timer.isRunning = " + timer.isRunning()); if (fromFocus && !timer.isRunning()) return; if (timer.isRunning()) timer.stop(); XMLDataObjectLook sync = getXMLDataObjectLook(); if (sync != null) { // && isModified()) { sync.getSyncInterface().representationChanged(Document.class); } } /** Restart the timer which starts the parser after the specified delay. * @param onlyIfRunning Restarts the timer only if it is already running */ void restartTimer (boolean onlyIfRunning) { if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("## TextEditorSupport::restartTimer: onlyIfRunning = " + onlyIfRunning); if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("## ::restartTimer: timer.isRunning = " + timer.isRunning()); if (onlyIfRunning && !timer.isRunning()) return; int delay = settings.getAutoParsingDelay(); if (delay > 0) { timer.setInitialDelay (delay); timer.restart(); } } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /* * An entry point via EditCookie. * Delegate to openDocument(). */ public final void edit () { try { openDocument(); //use sync version of call - prepare encodingErr if (encodingErr) { String pattern = Util.THIS.getString("TEXT_WRONG_ENCODING"); String msg = MessageFormat.format(pattern, new Object[] { getDataObject().getPrimaryFile().toString() /*compatibleEntry.getFile().toString()*/}); DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(new NotifyDescriptor.Message(msg, NotifyDescriptor.ERROR_MESSAGE)); } else { Mutex.EVENT.writeAccess (new Runnable () { public void run () { CloneableTopComponent editor = openCloneableEditor(); editor.requestActive(); } }); } } catch (IOException ex) { String pattern = Util.THIS.getString("TEXT_LOADING_ERROR"); String msg = MessageFormat.format(pattern, new Object[] { getDataObject().getPrimaryFile().toString() /*compatibleEntry.getFile().toString()*/}); DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(new NotifyDescriptor.Message(msg, NotifyDescriptor.ERROR_MESSAGE)); } } /* * Simply open for an cloneable editor. It at first tries to locate * existing component in allEditors then if it fails create new one * and registers it with allEditors>/code>. */ protected final CloneableEditor openCloneableEditor () { CloneableEditor ret = null; synchronized (getLock()) { String msg = messageOpening(); if (msg != null) { StatusDisplayer.getDefault().setStatusText (msg); } Enumeration en = allEditors.getComponents(); while ( en.hasMoreElements() ) { CloneableTopComponent editor = (CloneableTopComponent)en.nextElement(); if ( editor instanceof CloneableEditor ) {; ret = (CloneableEditor) editor; } } // no opened editor, create a new one if (ret == null) { CloneableEditor editor = (CloneableEditor)createCloneableTopComponent(); // this is important -- see final createCloneableTopComponent editor.setReference (allEditors);; ret = editor; } msg = messageOpened(); if (msg == null) { msg = ""; // NOI18N } StatusDisplayer.getDefault ().setStatusText (msg); return ret; } } /** * Creates lock object used in close and openCloneableTopComponent. * @return never null */ protected Object getLock() { if (awtLock == null) { awtLock = new java.awt.Container(); } return awtLock.getTreeLock(); } /* * @return component visualizing this support. */ protected CloneableEditor createCloneableEditor () { return new TextEditorComponent (this); } // This must call super createCloneableTopComponent because it prepare document, create cloneable editor and initialize it. See super. protected final CloneableTopComponent createCloneableTopComponent () { return super.createCloneableTopComponent(); // creates CloneableEditor (calling createCloneableEditor) } /** * Listening for peer DataObject modification and translating it in * notifyModified() or notifyUnmodified() respectively. The then manipulate * SaveCookie presence. */ private class ModificationListener implements PropertyChangeListener { public void propertyChange (PropertyChangeEvent ev) { if (ev.getPropertyName().equals (DataObject.PROP_MODIFIED)) { boolean isModif = getXMLDataObjectLook().isModified(); boolean hasSaveCook = getXMLDataObjectLook().getCookie (SaveCookie.class) != null; if (isModif == hasSaveCook) return; if (isModif) { TextEditorSupport.this.notifyModified(); } else { TextEditorSupport.this.notifyUnmodified(); } } } } /** */ public static final TextEditorSupportFactory findEditorSupportFactory (XMLDataObjectLook xmlDO, String mime) { EditorSupportFactoryCreater editorSupportFactoryCreater = (EditorSupportFactoryCreater) Lookup.getDefault().lookup (EditorSupportFactoryCreater.class); if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("TextEditorSupport.findEditorSupportFactory: editorSupportFactoryCreater = " + editorSupportFactoryCreater); TextEditorSupportFactory editorSupportFactory = null; if ( editorSupportFactoryCreater != null ) { editorSupportFactory = editorSupportFactoryCreater.createEditorSupportFactory (xmlDO, mime); } else { editorSupportFactory = new TextEditorSupportFactory (xmlDO, mime); } if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("--> editorSupportFactory = " + editorSupportFactory); return editorSupportFactory; } // // class Env // /** * */ protected static class Env extends DataEditorSupport.Env implements SaveCookie { /** Serial Version UID */ private static final long serialVersionUID=-5285524519399090028L; /** */ public Env (XMLDataObjectLook obj) { super ((DataObject)obj); } /** */ protected XMLDataObjectLook getXMLDataObjectLook () { return (XMLDataObjectLook) getDataObject (); } /** */ protected FileObject getFile () { return getDataObject ().getPrimaryFile (); } /** */ protected FileLock takeLock () throws IOException { return ((MultiDataObject)getDataObject()).getPrimaryEntry().takeLock(); } /** */ public synchronized void save () throws IOException { findTextEditorSupport().saveDocument(); } /** */ public CloneableOpenSupport findCloneableOpenSupport () { return findTextEditorSupport(); } /** */ public TextEditorSupport findTextEditorSupport () { return (TextEditorSupport) getDataObject().getCookie (EditCookie.class); } // copy pasted, do not get it public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent ev) { if (DataObject.PROP_PRIMARY_FILE.equals(ev.getPropertyName())) { changeFile (); } super.propertyChange(ev); } } // end: class Env // // class TextEditorSupportFactory // /** * */ public static class TextEditorSupportFactory implements CookieSet.Factory { /** */ private WeakReference editorRef; /** */ private final XMLDataObjectLook dataObject; // used while creating the editor /** */ private final String mime; // used while creating the editor // // init // /** Create new TextEditorSupportFactory. */ public TextEditorSupportFactory (XMLDataObjectLook dobj, String mime) { this.dataObject = dobj; this.mime = mime; } /** */ protected Class[] supportedCookies () { return new Class[] { EditorCookie.class, EditorCookie.Observable.class, EditCookie.class, CloseCookie.class, PrintCookie.class, }; } /** */ public final void registerCookies (CookieSet cookieSet) { Class[] supportedCookies = supportedCookies(); for (int i = 0; i < supportedCookies.length; i++) { cookieSet.add (supportedCookies[i], this); } } /** Creates a Node.Cookie of given class. The method * may be called more than once. */ public final Node.Cookie createCookie (Class klass) { Class[] supportedCookies = supportedCookies(); for (int i = 0; i < supportedCookies.length; i++) { if ( supportedCookies[i].isAssignableFrom (klass) ) { return createEditor(); } } return null; } /** */ private final synchronized TextEditorSupport createEditor () { // atomic test and set TextEditorSupport editorSupport = null; if ( editorRef != null ) { editorSupport = (TextEditorSupport) editorRef.get(); } if ( editorSupport == null ) { editorSupport = prepareEditor (); editorRef = new WeakReference (editorSupport); } return editorSupport; } /** */ protected TextEditorSupport prepareEditor () { if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("Initializing TextEditorSupport ..."); // NOI18N return new TextEditorSupport (getDataObject(), getMIMEType()); } /** */ protected final XMLDataObjectLook getDataObject () { return dataObject; } /** */ protected final String getMIMEType () { return mime; } } // end of class TextEditorSupportFactory // // interface EditorSupportFactoryCreater // /** * */ public static interface EditorSupportFactoryCreater { /** */ public TextEditorSupportFactory createEditorSupportFactory (XMLDataObjectLook xmlDO, String mime); } // end of interface EditorSupportFactoryCreater }

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