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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

import java.util.*;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.lang.reflect.*;

import org.xml.sax.*;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.LocatorImpl;

import org.apache.xerces.xni.*;
import org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLDTDSource;
import org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLDTDContentModelSource;
import org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLDocumentSource;
import org.apache.xerces.parsers.*;

import java.util.List;

 * Xerces Native Interface ("XNI") based implementation. It sets
 * namespace non-aware and non-validating features.

* Do instantiate it directly, prefer TreeBuilder interface loaded by TreeStreamSource * (i.e. ParserLoader). It will do necessary implementation isolation. *

* Every well-formed source must be possible to convert to tree structure. * //!!! A mechanism of supressing particular implemenation constrains will * be needed (JAXP validation on request could be a good approach). * * @author Petr Kuzel * @version rewritten to XNI 2.4.0 */ public final class XNIBuilder implements TreeBuilder { private static final boolean ASSERT = false; // private static final PrintStream dbg = System.err; private static final String DTD_WRAPPER = ""; // NOI18N // TreeStreamSource defines private Class buildClass; //DTD or XML [or Fragment] private InputSource inputSource; // interface for reporting errors during the tree construction private TreeStreamBuilderErrorHandler errorHandler; // do not forget to set to the parser private EntityResolver entityResolver; /** Creates new TreeStreamBuilderXercesImpl */ public XNIBuilder (Class buildClass, InputSource inputSource, EntityResolver entityResolver, TreeStreamBuilderErrorHandler errorHandler) { init (buildClass, inputSource, entityResolver, errorHandler); } /** Initialize it */ private void init (Class buildClass, InputSource inputSource, EntityResolver entityResolver, TreeStreamBuilderErrorHandler errorHandler) { this.inputSource = inputSource; this.buildClass = buildClass; this.errorHandler = errorHandler; this.entityResolver = entityResolver; } /** * Build new TreeDocument by delegating to private class (hiding its * public XNI interfaces implementation). */ public TreeDocumentRoot buildDocument () throws TreeException { boolean buildXML = true; InputSource builderSource = inputSource; EntityResolver builderResolver = entityResolver; /* * We are building DTD so wrap into auxiliary InputSource that * can be passed to XML parser. */ if (buildClass == TreeDTD.class) { String src = MessageFormat.format (DTD_WRAPPER, new Object[] { DTDEntityResolver.DTD_ID, inputSource.getSystemId () }); builderSource = new InputSource (inputSource.getSystemId ()); builderSource.setCharacterStream (new StringReader (src)); builderResolver = new DTDEntityResolver (); buildXML = false; } XMLBuilder builder = XMLBuilder (buildXML); try { final String SAX_FEATURE = ""; // NOI18N final String XERCES_FEATURE = ""; // NOI18N builder.setFeature (SAX_FEATURE + "namespaces", false); //!!! // NOI18N builder.setFeature (SAX_FEATURE + "validation", false); //!!! // NOI18N builder.setFeature (SAX_FEATURE + "external-general-entities", true); // NOI18N builder.setFeature (SAX_FEATURE + "external-parameter-entities", true); // NOI18N builder.setFeature (XERCES_FEATURE + "validation/warn-on-duplicate-attdef", true); // NOI18N // unrecognized in Xerces 2.4.0 //builder.setFeature (XERCES_FEATURE + "validation/warn-on-undeclared-elemdef", true); // NOI18N builder.setFeature (XERCES_FEATURE + "allow-java-encodings", true); // NOI18N builder.setFeature (XERCES_FEATURE + "scanner/notify-char-refs", true); // NOI18N builder.setFeature (XERCES_FEATURE + "scanner/notify-builtin-refs", true); // NOI18N // final String XERCES_PROPERTY = ""; // NOI18N // builder.setProperty(XERCES_PROPERTY + "internal/entity-resolver", builderResolver); // NOI18N builder.setEntityResolver (builderResolver); // the builder extends XNIDocumentParser that receives // error events directly builder.setErrorHandler (new ErrorHandler () { public void error (org.xml.sax.SAXParseException e) {} public void warning (org.xml.sax.SAXParseException e) {} public void fatalError (org.xml.sax.SAXParseException e) {} }); builder.parse (builderSource); } catch (DTDStopException stop) { // we just stopped the parser at the end of standalone DTD } catch (SAXException sex) { // test whether wrapped exception is XNI one // if so it wrrap actual exception Exception exception = sex.getException (); if ((exception instanceof DTDStopException) == false ) { if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("sex", sex); // NOI18N if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("exception", exception); // NOI18N if (exception instanceof XNIException) { exception = ((XNIException)exception).getException (); } if (exception != null) { if (!!! (exception instanceof TreeException)) { exception = new TreeException (sex); } } else { exception = new TreeException (sex); } throw (TreeException) exception; } } catch (IOException exc) { if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("exc", exc); // NOI18N throw new TreeException (exc); } return builder.getDocumentRoot (); } /* * Resolve DTD to original InputSource, forward others. * DTD builder uses wrapping InputSource so XML parser can be used as DTD one. */ private class DTDEntityResolver implements EntityResolver { static final String DTD_ID = "PRIVATE//AUXILIARY DTD ID//PRIVATE"; // NOI18N public InputSource resolveEntity (String publicId, String systemId) throws SAXException, IOException { if (DTD_ID.equals (publicId)) { return inputSource; } else { return entityResolver.resolveEntity (publicId, systemId); } } } /* * It is used to signal that we are parsing a DTD and we reached end of it. * So we can stop the parser by throwing it. */ private class DTDStopException extends XNIException { /** Serial Version UID */ private static final long serialVersionUID =4994054007367982021L; public DTDStopException () { super ("This exception is used to signal end of DTD."); // NOI18N }; // // Look like wrapping exception, so it be converted so SAXException // that wraps this one. // public Exception getException () { return this; } public Throwable fillInStackTrace () { return this; } } // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /* * A pipeline of document components starts with a document source; is * followed by zero or more document filters; and ends with a document * handler. * * The document handler follows. */ /** * Listens on XNI creating XML structure. It uses mini XNI pipe * featuring just with scanner. A validator is used but validity * are discarded since tree must be just well-formed ("WF"). */ private class XMLBuilder extends SAXParser implements XMLDTDContentModelHandler, XMLDocumentHandler, XMLDTDHandler { private TreeDocumentRoot returnDocument; // initial parent private TreeDocumentRoot document; // tmp variable private TreeDocumentType doctype; // it will become parent node of DTD content private TreeNode tempNode; // current working node private Stack parentObjectListStack; // parents' child lists stack private TreeObjectList parentObjectList; // top of the stack private Stack parentNodeStack; // some times we need nodes directly private Stack elementStack; // ??? it could be avoided private int entityCounter; // how deep we entered private boolean isXMLDocument; // do we parser XML or standalone DTD private boolean inCDATASection; // we are in the middle of CDATA private boolean inDTD; // we are in DTD private boolean isCorrect; // builder internal error private boolean inCharacterRef; // private StringBuffer cdataSectionBuffer; // working CDATA section buffer private QName tmpQName = new QName (); // working Qname private TreeAttlistDecl attlistDecl = null; // latest attlistdecl private int errors = 0; // fatal error counter private final String XML_ENTITY = "[xml]"; // name of entity that precedes startDocument call // NOI18N private final String DTD_ENTITY = "[dtd]"; // external DTD entity name // NOI18N private XMLLocator locator; private boolean hasExternalDTD = false; private RememberingReader rememberingReader; private XMLDTDSource xmldtdSource; // XMLDTDHandler 2.4.0 private XMLDTDContentModelSource xmldtdContentModelSource; // XMLDTDContentModelHandler 2.4.0 private XMLDocumentSource xmlDocumentSource; // XMLDocumentHanlder 2.4.0 /** * Create a parser with standard configuration. * @param xmlDocument false if building standalone DTD */ public XMLBuilder (boolean xmlDocument) { isXMLDocument = xmlDocument; entityCounter = 0; isCorrect = false; inCDATASection = false; inDTD = false; parentObjectListStack = new Stack (); parentNodeStack = new Stack (); elementStack = new Stack (); //stacks all non-empty elements cdataSectionBuffer = new StringBuffer (); inCharacterRef = false; } /** * Sample user reader replacing it by remebering one suitable for * internal DTD remebering. */ public void parse (InputSource in) throws IOException, SAXException { Reader reader = in.getCharacterStream (); if (reader == null) { doAssert (false); //we must manage that Reader is passed so we can do remembeing } else { rememberingReader = new RememberingReader (reader); in.setCharacterStream (rememberingReader); rememberingReader.startRemembering (); //remember internal DTD see startElement for end } super.parse (in); } // // XMLDocumentHandler methods // public XMLDocumentSource getDocumentSource() { return xmlDocumentSource; } public void setDocumentSource(XMLDocumentSource src) { xmlDocumentSource = src; } // XMLDocumentHandler 2.4.0 public void startDocument (XMLLocator locator, String encoding, NamespaceContext nsCtx, Augmentations a) { startDocument(locator, encoding, a); } /** * The start of the document. * * @throws SAXException Thrown by handler to signal an error. */ // XMLDocumentHandler 2.0.0b4 public void startDocument (XMLLocator locator, String encoding, Augmentations a) { trace ("startDocument()"); // NOI18N this.locator = locator; try { returnDocument = document = new TreeDocument (null,null,null); pushParentNode ((TreeDocument)document); } catch (TreeException exc) { throw new XNIException (exc); } } // startDocument() /** * Notifies of the presence of an XMLDecl line in the document. If * present, this method will be called immediately following the * startDocument call. * * @param version The XML version. * @param encoding The IANA encoding name of the document, or null if * not specified. * @param standalone The standalone value, or null if not specified. * * @throws SAXException Thrown by handler to signal an error. */ public void xmlDecl (String version, String encoding, String standalone, Augmentations a) { trace ("xmlDecl()"); // NOI18N try { ((TreeDocument)document).setHeader (version, encoding, standalone); } catch (TreeException exc) { throw new XNIException (exc); } } // xmlDecl(String,String,String) // XMLDTDHandler 2.4.0 and XMLDocumentHandler > 2.0.0b4 public void textDecl (String version, String encoding, Augmentations a) { trace ("textDecl()"); // NOI18N // if we are DTD parser scanning base DTD document entity if (isXMLDocument == false && inDTD && inEntity () == false) { try { ((TreeDTD)document).setHeader (version, encoding); } catch (TreeException ex) { throw new XNIException (ex); } } } // XMLDTDHAndler 2.0.0b4 public void textDecl (String version, String encoding) { textDecl(version, encoding, null); } /** * Notifies of the presence of the DOCTYPE line in the document. */ public void doctypeDecl (String rootElement, String publicId, String systemId, Augmentations a) { trace ("doctypeDecl(" + rootElement + "," + publicId + ")"); // NOI18N try { TreeDocumentType _doctype = new TreeDocumentType (rootElement, publicId, systemId); setBeginPosition (_doctype); ((TreeDocument)document).setDocumentType (_doctype); doctype = _doctype; } catch (TreeException exc) { throw new XNIException (exc); } } // doctypeDecl(String,String,String) /** * The start of an element. */ public void startElement (QName element, XMLAttributes attributes, Augmentations a) { trace ("startElement(" + element + ")"); // NOI18N try { tempNode = new TreeElement (element.rawname); startElementImpl ((TreeElement) tempNode, attributes); pushParentNode ((TreeElement)tempNode); elementStack.push (tempNode); } catch (TreeException exc) { throw new XNIException (exc); } } // startElement(QName,XMLAttributes) /** * This callback represents <...../>. */ public void emptyElement (QName qName, XMLAttributes attributes, Augmentations a) { trace ("emptyElement(" + qName + ")"); // NOI18N try { tempNode = new TreeElement (qName.rawname, true); startElementImpl ((TreeElement) tempNode, attributes); } catch (TreeException exc) { throw new XNIException (exc); } } /** * Insert element and its attributes at hiearchy */ private void startElementImpl (TreeElement elem, XMLAttributes attributes) throws TreeException { setBeginPosition (elem); //??? is it really neccessary if (currentParentNode () instanceof TreeDocument) { ((TreeDocument)currentParentNode ()).setDocumentElement (elem); } else { appendChild (elem); } // handle attributes int attrCount = attributes.getLength (); for (int i = 0; i < attrCount; i++) { boolean specified = attributes.isSpecified (i); if ( specified == true ) { // TEMPORARY -- not specified nodes will not be added into element attributes.getName (i, tmpQName); //fill tmpQName String val = attributes.getNonNormalizedValue (i); //???getNonNormalizedValue TreeAttribute attr; // to be filled if (val.indexOf ('&') < 0) { attr = new TreeAttribute (tmpQName.rawname, val, specified); } else { attr = new TreeAttribute (tmpQName.rawname, "", specified); // NOI18N List list = attr.getValueList (); list.clear (); // build attribute value, split content as refs and text int lastOffset = 0; // offset for (int offset = val.indexOf ('&'); offset >= 0; offset = val.indexOf ('&', offset + 1)) { int endOffset = val.indexOf (';', offset); String name = val.substring (offset + 1, endOffset); if (offset > lastOffset) { // insert text TreeText text = new TreeText (val.substring (lastOffset, offset)); list.add (text); } if (name.startsWith ("#")) { // NOI18N TreeCharacterReference chref = new TreeCharacterReference (name); list.add (chref); } else { TreeGeneralEntityReference gref = new TreeGeneralEntityReference (name); list.add (gref); } lastOffset = endOffset + 1; } if (val.length () > lastOffset) { String lastText = val.substring (lastOffset); list.add (new TreeText (lastText)); } } if ( !!! specified ) { setReadOnly (attr); } elem.addAttribute (attr); } // if ( specified == true ) } // recall remenbered internal DTD //!!! StringBuffer mem = rememberingReader.stopRemembering (); if (mem == null) return; String idtd = mem.toString (); int start = -1, end = -1; // results int now, last = -1; // tmps char delimiter; if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("TreeStreamBuilderXercesImpl: going to inspect:\n" + idtd); // find out DOCTYPE declaration // #23197 eliminate doctypes in comment (simple aproximation) final String DOCTYPE = "", comment) > pos) { // NOI18N // it is commented out, try another break; } else { // commentd ends before, but it does not proof anything continue; } } else { break DOCTYPE_LOOP; } } } } if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("\nlast index = " + pos); // skip root element name pos += DOCTYPE.length (); for (; StringUtil.isWS (idtd.charAt (pos)); pos ++); for (; StringUtil.isWS (idtd.charAt (pos)) == false; pos ++); for (; StringUtil.isWS (idtd.charAt (pos)); pos ++); if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("\nafter process index = " + pos); // SYSTEM or PUBLIC or [ if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("\nTesting DOCTYPE kind-----\n" + idtd.substring (pos)); if (idtd.charAt (pos) == '[') { // just internal dtd start = ++pos; } else if (idtd.charAt (pos) == 'S') { //SYSTEM "" [ for (; StringUtil.isWS (idtd.charAt (pos)) == false; pos ++); for (; StringUtil.isWS (idtd.charAt (pos)); pos ++); delimiter = idtd.charAt (pos++); for (; idtd.charAt (pos) != delimiter; pos ++); pos++; for (; StringUtil.isWS (idtd.charAt (pos)); pos ++); if (idtd.charAt (pos) == '[') { start = ++pos; } } else if (idtd.charAt (pos) == 'P') { // PUBLIC "" "" [ for (; StringUtil.isWS (idtd.charAt (pos)) == false; pos ++); for (; StringUtil.isWS (idtd.charAt (pos)); pos ++); delimiter = idtd.charAt (pos++); for (; idtd.charAt (pos) != delimiter; pos ++); pos++; for (; StringUtil.isWS (idtd.charAt (pos)); pos ++); delimiter = idtd.charAt (pos++); for (; idtd.charAt (pos) != delimiter; pos ++); pos++; for (; StringUtil.isWS (idtd.charAt (pos)); pos ++); if (idtd.charAt (pos) == '[') { start = ++pos; } } if (start == -1) { if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("TreeStreamBuilderXercesImpl: it does not have internal DTD."); return; } else { if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("\n---Analyzing internal DTD:\n" + idtd.substring (start)); } // search for internal DTD end for (last = pos-1; idtd.startsWith ("]>", pos) == false && last < pos;) { last = pos; // skip comments and WS for (; StringUtil.isWS (idtd.charAt (pos)); pos ++); now = StringUtil.skipDelimited (idtd, pos, ""); if (now != -1) { pos = now; continue; } // skip PIs now = StringUtil.skipDelimited (idtd, pos, ""); if (now != -1) { pos = now; continue; } // skip decls now = StringUtil.skipDelimited (idtd, pos, '<', '>' , "\"'"); if (now != -1) { pos = now; continue; } // skip references now = StringUtil.skipDelimited (idtd, pos, '%', ';' , ""); if (now != -1) { pos = now; continue; } } if (last == pos) { if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("TreeStreamBuilderXercesImpl: end not reached"); return; } String internalDTDText = idtd.substring (start, pos); if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("Internal DTD:" + internalDTDText + "\n--"); // use introspectio to set it try { if (doctype == null) return; Class klass = doctype.getClass (); Field field = klass.getDeclaredField ("internalDTDText"); field.setAccessible (true); field.set (doctype, internalDTDText); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { throw ex; } catch (Exception ex) { // ignore introspection exceptions if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("TreeStreamBuilderXercesImpl.settingInternaDTDText", ex); } } /** * Character content. */ public void characters (XMLString text, Augmentations a) { try { if (inCharacterRef == true) return; // ignore resolved if (inDTD) { if (currentParentNode () instanceof TreeConditionalSection) { if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("\n*** TreeStreamBuilderXercesImpl::characters: XMLString = '" + text + "'"); // NOI18N ((TreeConditionalSection)currentParentNode ()).setIgnoredContent ( text.toString () ); } } else if (inCDATASection) { cdataSectionBuffer.append (text.toString ()); } else { tempNode = new TreeText (text.toString ()); setBeginPosition (tempNode); appendChild ((TreeText)tempNode); } } catch (TreeException exc) { throw new XNIException (exc); } } // characters(XMLString) // XMLDTDHandler 2.4.0 public void ignoredCharacters (XMLString text, Augmentations a) { characters( text, null); } // XMLDTDHandler 2.0.0b4 public void characters (XMLString text) { characters( text, null); } /** * Ignorable whitespace. */ public void ignorableWhitespace (XMLString text, Augmentations a) { try { tempNode = new TreeText (text.toString ()); //??? setBeginPosition (tempNode); appendChild ((TreeText)tempNode); } catch (TreeException exc) { throw new XNIException (exc); } } // ignorableWhitespace(XMLString) /** * The end of an element. */ public void endElement (QName element, Augmentations a) { trace ("endElement(" + element + ")"); // NOI18N try { TreeElement el = (TreeElement) elementStack.pop (); el.normalize (); //??? parser return multiline text as multiple characters() popParentNode (); } catch (TreeException exc) { throw new XNIException (exc); } } // endElement(QName) /** * The start of a CDATA section. Buffer its content. */ public void startCDATA (Augmentations a) { inCDATASection = true; cdataSectionBuffer.delete (0, cdataSectionBuffer.length ()); //!!! save position } // startCDATA() /** * The end of a CDATA section. */ public void endCDATA (Augmentations a) { inCDATASection = false; try { tempNode = new TreeCDATASection (cdataSectionBuffer.toString ()); setBeginPosition (tempNode); //!!! error appendChild ((TreeCDATASection)tempNode); } catch (TreeException exc) { throw new XNIException (exc); } } // endCDATA() /** * The end of the document. */ public void endDocument (Augmentations a) { trace ("endDocument()"); // NOI18N if (parentObjectListStack.isEmpty () == false) { if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("Inconsistency at parentStack: " + parentObjectListStack ); // NOI18N } else if (elementStack.isEmpty () == false) { if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("Inconsistency at elementStack: " + parentObjectListStack ); // NOI18N } else { isCorrect = true; } } // endDocument() // // XMLDocumentHandler and XMLDTDHandler methods // public void endPrefixMapping (String prefix, Augmentations a) { // not interested } public void startPrefixMapping (String prefix, String uri, Augmentations a) { // not interested } // XMLDTDHandler 2.4.0 public void startExternalSubset(XMLResourceIdentifier entity, Augmentations a) { startEntity( "[dtd]", entity.getPublicId(), entity.getLiteralSystemId(), entity.getBaseSystemId(), null, a ); } public void startGeneralEntity(String name, XMLResourceIdentifier entity, String encoding, Augmentations a) { startEntity( name, entity.getPublicId(), entity.getLiteralSystemId(), entity.getBaseSystemId(), encoding, a ); } /** * This method notifies of the start of an entity. The document entity * has the pseudo-name of "[xml]"; The DTD has the pseudo-name of "[dtd]; * parameter entity names start with '%'; and general entity names are * just the entity name. * * @param encoding special value of "IGNORE" markg parameter * entities in DTD markup (these are ignored) */ private void startEntity (String name, String publicId, String systemId, String baseSystemId, String encoding, Augmentations a) { trace ("startEntity(" + name + ")"); // NOI18N try { // do not theat these as external entities // DTD is wrapped intentionally if (XML_ENTITY.equals (name)) return; if (isXMLDocument == false && DTD_ENTITY.equals (name)) return; if (DTD_ENTITY.equals (name) && isXMLDocument) { hasExternalDTD = true; // we are entering external DTD attach all to DOCTYPE ObjectList // There is performance optimalization: External DTD model // can be shared among several instances referring it. // It's currently managed by the TreeDocumentType class TreeObjectList external = doctype.getExternalDTD (); if (external == null) { TreeDTDFragment entity = new TreeDTDFragment(); TreeObjectList holder = entity.getChildNodes(); pushParentObjectList (holder); doctype.setExternalDTD(entity); } else { // It was already parsed, ignore its content pushParentObjectList(null); } } else if (name.startsWith ("#")) { // NOI18N tempNode = new TreeCharacterReference (name); appendChild (tempNode); setBeginPosition (tempNode); inCharacterRef = true; } else if ( "lt".equals (name) || "gt".equals (name) || "amp".equals (name) // NOI18N || "apos".equals (name) || "quot".equals (name)) { // NOI18N tempNode = new TreeGeneralEntityReference (name); appendChild (tempNode); setBeginPosition (tempNode); inCharacterRef = true; } else if (name.startsWith ("%")) { // NOI18N if ("IGNORE".equals (encoding)) { // NOI18N // skip entities in markup, place the into unattached list name = name.substring (1); pushParentNode (new TreeParameterEntityReference (name)); } else { name = name.substring (1); tempNode = new TreeParameterEntityReference (name); //??? external entities appendChild ((TreeParameterEntityReference)tempNode); setBeginPosition (tempNode); pushParentNode ((TreeEntityReference)tempNode); } } else { tempNode = new TreeGeneralEntityReference (name); //??? external entities appendChild ((TreeGeneralEntityReference)tempNode); setBeginPosition (tempNode); pushParentNode ((TreeEntityReference)tempNode); } enterEntity (); } catch (TreeException exc) { throw new XNIException (exc); } } // startEntity(String,String,String,String) // XMLDTDHandler 2.0.0b4 public void startEntity (String name, String publicId, String systemId, String baseSystemId, String encoding) { startEntity(name, publicId, systemId, baseSystemId, encoding, null); } // XMLDTDHanlder 2.4.0 public void startParameterEntity(String name, XMLResourceIdentifier entity, String encoding, Augmentations a) { String pname = name; if (false == name.startsWith("%")) { pname = "%" + name; } startEntity( pname, entity.getPublicId(), entity.getLiteralSystemId(), entity.getBaseSystemId(), encoding, a ); } /** * A comment. */ // XMLDTDHandler 2.4.0 and XMLDocumentHandler public void comment (XMLString text, Augmentations a) { trace ("comment()"); // NOI18N try { tempNode = new TreeComment (text.toString ()); setBeginPosition (tempNode); appendChild ((TreeComment)tempNode); } catch (TreeException exc) { throw new XNIException (exc); } } // comment(XMLString) // XMLDTDHandler 2.0.0b4 public void comment (XMLString text) { comment(text, null); } /** * A processing instruction. Processing instructions consist of a * target name and, optionally, text data. The data is only meaningful * to the application. */ // XMLDTDHandler 2.4.0 and XMLDocumentHandler > 2.0.0b4 public void processingInstruction (String target, XMLString data, Augmentations a) { trace ("processingInstruction(" + target + ")"); // NOI18N try { tempNode = new TreeProcessingInstruction (target, data.toString ()); setBeginPosition (tempNode); appendChild ((TreeProcessingInstruction)tempNode); } catch (TreeException exc) { throw new XNIException (exc); } } // processingInstruction(String,XMLString) // XMLDTDHandler 2.0.0b4 public void processingInstruction (String target, XMLString data) { processingInstruction( target, data, null); } // XMLDTDHandler 2.4.0 public void endExternalSubset(Augmentations a) { endEntity("[dtd]", a); } // XMLDTDHandler 2.4.0 public void endParameterEntity(String name, Augmentations a) { String pname = name; if (false == name.startsWith("%")) { pname = "%" + name; } endEntity(pname, a); } public void endGeneralEntity(String name, Augmentations a) { endEntity(name, a); } /** * This method notifies the end of an entity. The document entity has * the pseudo-name of "[xml]"; the DTD has the pseudo-name of "[dtd]; * parameter entity names start with '%'; and general entity names are * just the entity name. */ private void endEntity (String name, Augmentations a) { trace ("endEntity(" + name + ")"); // NOI18N // skip for root entities of XML documents and // standalone DTDs parsed by DTD parser if (XML_ENTITY.equals (name)) return; if (isXMLDocument == false && DTD_ENTITY.equals (name)) return; exitEntity (); if (inCharacterRef == true) { inCharacterRef = false; return; } if (isXMLDocument && DTD_ENTITY.equals (name)) { popParentObjectList (); // DOCTYPE ObjectList } else { popParentNode (); } } // endEntity(String) //??? DTDHandler public void endEntity (String name) { endEntity(name, null); } // XMLDTDHandler methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // XMLDTDHandler 2.4.0 public XMLDTDSource getDTDSource() { return xmldtdSource; } // XMLDTDHandler 2.4.0 public void setDTDSource( XMLDTDSource src) { xmldtdSource = src; } // XMLDTDHandler 2.0.0b4 public void startDTD ( XMLLocator locator, Augmentations a) { startDTD(locator); } /** * The start of the DTD (external part of it is reported by startEntity). */ // XMLDTDHandler 2.0.0b4 public void startDTD ( XMLLocator locator) { trace ("startDTD()"); // NOI18N try { inDTD = true; if (isXMLDocument) { pushParentNode (doctype); } else { // replace returnDocument returnDocument = document = new TreeDTD (null,null); pushParentNode ((TreeDTD)document); } } catch (TreeException exc) { throw new XNIException (exc); } } // startDTD() // XMLDTDHandler 2.4.0 public void elementDecl (String name, String contentModel, Augmentations a) { elementDecl(name, contentModel); } /** * An element declaration. */ // XMLDTDHandler 2.0.0b4 public void elementDecl (String name, String cM) { trace ("elementDecl(" + name + ")"); // NOI18N if (ASSERT) doAssert (inDTD); try { appendChild (new TreeElementDecl (name, this.contentModel)); this.contentModel = null; } catch (TreeException exc) { throw new XNIException (exc); } } // elementDecl(String,String) // XMLDTDHandler 2.4.0 public void startAttlist (String elementName, Augmentations a) { startAttlist(elementName); } /** * The start of an attribute list. */ // XMLDTDHandler 2.0.0b4 public void startAttlist (String elementName) { trace ("startAttlist(" + elementName + ")"); // NOI18N try { tempNode = new TreeAttlistDecl (elementName); attlistDecl = (TreeAttlistDecl) tempNode; appendChild (attlistDecl); } catch (TreeException exc) { throw new XNIException (exc); } } // startAttlist(String) // XMLDTDHandler 2.4.0 public void attributeDecl(String elementName, String attributeName, String type, String[] enumeration, String defaultType, XMLString defaultValue, XMLString nonNormalizedDefaultValue, Augmentations a) { attributeDecl( elementName, attributeName, type, enumeration, defaultType, defaultValue ); } /** * An attribute declaration. */ // XMLDTDHandler 2.0.0b4 public void attributeDecl (String elementName, String attributeName, String type, String[] enumeration, String defaultType, XMLString defaultValue) { trace ("attributeDecl(" + attributeName + ")"); // NOI18N try { TreeAttlistDecl list; if (attlistDecl != null) { list = attlistDecl; } else { list = new TreeAttlistDecl (elementName); } if ( type.equals ("ENUMERATION") ) { // NOI18N type = null; } short shortDefaultType = TreeAttlistDeclAttributeDef.findDefaultType (defaultType); String newDefaultValue = null; if ( ( shortDefaultType == TreeAttlistDeclAttributeDef.DEFAULT_TYPE_NULL ) || ( shortDefaultType == TreeAttlistDeclAttributeDef.DEFAULT_TYPE_FIXED ) ) { newDefaultValue = defaultValue.toString (); } TreeAttlistDeclAttributeDef decl = new TreeAttlistDeclAttributeDef (attributeName, TreeAttlistDeclAttributeDef.findType (type), enumeration, shortDefaultType, newDefaultValue); list.setAttributeDef (decl); } catch (TreeException exc) { //Util.dumpContext("TreeAttlistDecl.setReadOnly(true)"); // NOI18N throw new XNIException (exc); } } // attributeDecl(String,String,String,String[],String,XMLString) // XMLDTDHandler 2.4.0 public void endAttlist (Augmentations a) { endAttlist(); } /** * The end of an attribute list. */ // XMLDTDHandler 2.0.0b4 public void endAttlist () { trace ("endAttlist()"); // NOI18N attlistDecl = null; } // endAttlist() // XMLDTDHandler 2.4.0 public void internalEntityDecl (String name, XMLString text, XMLString nonNormalizedText, Augmentations a) { internalEntityDecl(name, text, nonNormalizedText); } /** * An internal entity declaration. * * @param name The name of the entity. Parameter entity names start with * '%', whereas the name of a general entity is just the * entity name. */ // XMLDTDHandler 2.0.0b4 public void internalEntityDecl (String name, XMLString text, XMLString nonNormalizedText) { trace ("internalEntityDecl(" + name + ")"); // NOI18N try { boolean par = name.startsWith ("%"); // NOI18N if (par) { name = name.substring (1); } appendChild (new TreeEntityDecl (par, name, text.toString ())); } catch (TreeException exc) { throw new XNIException (exc); } } // internalEntityDecl(String,XMLString) // XMLDTDHandler 2.4.0 public void externalEntityDecl (String name, String publicId, String systemId, String baseSystemId, Augmentations a) { externalEntityDecl( name, publicId, systemId, baseSystemId); } /** * An external entity declaration. * * @param name The name of the entity. Parameter entity names start * with '%', whereas the name of a general entity is just * the entity name. */ // XMLDTDHandler 2.0.0b4 public void externalEntityDecl (String name, String publicId, String systemId, String baseSystemId) { trace ("externalEntityDecl(" + name + ")"); // NOI18N try { boolean par = name.startsWith ("%"); // NOI18N if (par) { name = name.substring (1); } appendChild (new TreeEntityDecl (par, name, publicId, systemId)); } catch (TreeException exc) { throw new XNIException (exc); } } // externalEntityDecl(String,String,String) // XMLDTDHAnlder 2.4.0 public void unparsedEntityDecl (String name, String publicId, String systemId, String notation, Augmentations a) { unparsedEntityDecl(name, publicId, systemId, notation); } /** * An unparsed entity declaration. */ // XMLDTDHAnlder 2.0.0b4 public void unparsedEntityDecl (String name, String publicId, String systemId, String notation) { trace ("unparsedEntityDecl(" + name + ")"); // NOI18N try { appendChild (new TreeEntityDecl (name, publicId, systemId, notation)); } catch (TreeException exc) { throw new XNIException (exc); } } // unparsedEntityDecl(String,String,String,String) // XMLDTDHandler 2.4.0 public void notationDecl (String name, String publicId, String systemId, Augmentations a) { notationDecl(name, publicId, systemId); } /** * A notation declaration */ // XMLDTDHandler 2.0.0b4 public void notationDecl (String name, String publicId, String systemId) { trace ("notationDecl(" + name + ")"); // NOI18N try { appendChild (new TreeNotationDecl (name, publicId, systemId)); } catch (TreeException exc) { throw new XNIException (exc); } } // notationDecl(String,String,String) // XMLDTDHandler 2.4.0 public void startConditional (short type, Augmentations a) { startConditional(type); } /** * The start of a conditional section. * * @param type The type of the conditional section. This value will * either be CONDITIONAL_INCLUDE or CONDITIONAL_IGNORE. */ // XMLDTDHandler 2.0.0b4 public void startConditional (short type) { trace ("startConditional(" + type + ")"); // NOI18N if (ASSERT) doAssert (inDTD); if (type == CONDITIONAL_INCLUDE) { tempNode = new TreeConditionalSection (true); } else { tempNode = new TreeConditionalSection (false); } appendChild ((TreeConditionalSection) tempNode); setBeginPosition (tempNode); pushParentNode ((TreeConditionalSection) tempNode); } // startConditional(short) // XMLDTDHandler 2.4.0 public void endConditional (Augmentations a) { endConditional(); } /** * The end of a conditional section. */ // XMLDTDHandler 2.0.0b4 public void endConditional () { trace ("endConditional()"); // NOI18N popParentNode (); } // endConditional() // XMLDTDHandler 2.4.0 public void endDTD (Augmentations a) { endDTD(); } /** * The end of the DTD. * * @throws SAXException Thrown by handler to signal an error. */ // XMLDTDHandler 2.0.0b4 public void endDTD () { trace ("endDTD()"); // NOI18N if (isXMLDocument) { popParentNode (); } else { popParentNode (); //??? Xerces miss '<' at the end of entity // so such documents are reported as correct isCorrect = errors == 0; throw new DTDStopException (); } inDTD = false; } // endDTD() // Content Model parser ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ private TreeElementDecl.ContentType lastType; // occurence operators are applied on this private TreeElementDecl.ContentType contentModel; // OUTPUT result field private Stack contentModelMembersStack; // stack of parent group members public XMLDTDContentModelSource getDTDContentModelSource() { return xmldtdContentModelSource; } public void setDTDContentModelSource(XMLDTDContentModelSource src) { xmldtdContentModelSource = src; } public void startContentModel (String elementName, Augmentations a) { if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("startContentModel(" + elementName + ")"); // NOI18N lastType = null; contentModelMembersStack = new Stack (); } public void any (Augmentations a) { contentModel = new ANYType (); } public void empty (Augmentations a) { contentModel = new EMPTYType (); } public void pcdata (Augmentations a) { setMembersType (new MixedType ()); } // it is not called for mixed type public void startGroup (Augmentations a) { if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("startGroup()"); // NOI18N startMembers (); } public void element (String elementName, Augmentations a) { if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("element(" + elementName + ")"); // NOI18N lastType = new NameType (elementName); addMember (lastType); } // determine type of content model group public void separator (short separator, Augmentations a) { if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("childrenSeparator()"); // NOI18N switch (separator) { case SEPARATOR_SEQUENCE: setMembersType (new SequenceType ()); break; case SEPARATOR_CHOICE: setMembersType (new ChoiceType ()); break; default: doAssert (false); } } // // INPUT lastType field // public void occurrence (short occurrence, Augmentations a) { if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("childrenOccurrence()"); // NOI18N switch (occurrence) { case OCCURS_ZERO_OR_ONE: lastType.setMultiplicity ('?'); break; case OCCURS_ZERO_OR_MORE: lastType.setMultiplicity ('*'); break; case OCCURS_ONE_OR_MORE: lastType.setMultiplicity ('+'); break; default: doAssert (false); } } public void endGroup (Augmentations a) { if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("childrenEndGroup()"); // NOI18N ChildrenType group = getMembersType (); group.addTypes (endMembers ()); lastType = group; addMember (lastType); } public void endContentModel (Augmentations a) { if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("endContentModel()"); // NOI18N if (contentModel == null && lastType == null) { // #PCDATA contentModel = new MixedType (); } else if (contentModel == null) { // we are of CHILDREN_TYPE or mixed type contentModel = lastType; if (contentModel instanceof MixedType) { contentModel.setMultiplicity ('*'); } } } private void startMembers () { contentModelMembersStack.push (new Members (13)); } private void addMember (TreeElementDecl.ContentType child) { // we are at top level of content model, lastType becomes it if (contentModelMembersStack.isEmpty ()) return; Collection members = (Collection) contentModelMembersStack.peek (); members.add (child); } private Collection endMembers () { return (Collection) contentModelMembersStack.pop (); } // we can predict member group now, if know balk it private void setMembersType (ChildrenType group) { // we are at top level of content model, lastType becomes it if (contentModelMembersStack.isEmpty ()) return; Members members = (Members) contentModelMembersStack.peek (); if ( == null) = group; } private ChildrenType getMembersType () { Members members = (Members) contentModelMembersStack.peek (); if ( == null) { return new ChoiceType (); } else { return; } } // // Hold additional information about group that holds these members // private class Members extends ArrayList { private ChildrenType group; private static final long serialVersionUID =4614355994187952965L; public Members (int initSize) { super (initSize); group = null; } } // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ERROR HANDLER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ public void error (org.xml.sax.SAXParseException e) { trace (e.getMessage ()); errorHandler.message (TreeStreamBuilderErrorHandler.ERROR_ERROR, e); } public void warning (org.xml.sax.SAXParseException e) { trace (e.getMessage ()); errorHandler.message (TreeStreamBuilderErrorHandler.ERROR_WARNING, e); } public void fatalError (org.xml.sax.SAXParseException e) { trace (e.getMessage ()); errors++; errorHandler.message (TreeStreamBuilderErrorHandler.ERROR_FATAL_ERROR, e); } // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UTILITY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /** */ private void setReadOnly (TreeObject treeObject) { setReadOnly (treeObject, true); } private void setReadOnly (TreeObject treeObject, boolean value) { try { Method setReadOnlyMethod = TreeObject.class.getDeclaredMethod ("setReadOnly", new Class[] { Boolean.TYPE }); // NOI18N setReadOnlyMethod.setAccessible (true); setReadOnlyMethod.invoke (treeObject, new Object[] { value == true ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE}); } catch (NoSuchMethodException exc) { } catch (IllegalAccessException exc) { } catch (InvocationTargetException exc) { } } /** * As positons will be supported */ private void setBeginPosition (TreeNode n) { //!!! } /** * @return TreeDocument or null if fatal errors occured */ private TreeDocumentRoot getDocumentRoot () { TreeDocumentRoot doc = (TreeDocumentRoot) (errors > 0 ? null : returnDocument); if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) /* then */ Util.THIS.debug ("TreeStreamBuilderXercesImpl returns: " + doc); // NOI18N return doc; } /** * Shortcut - retrieves child list and pushes it at stack */ private void pushParentNode (TreeParentNode parent) { parentNodeStack.push (parent); pushParentObjectList (parent.getChildNodes ()); } /** * Set new parent list pushing original one to node stack */ private void pushParentObjectList (TreeObjectList parentList) { parentObjectListStack.push (parentObjectList); // inherit null parents (for nested parents) if (parentObjectList != null || parentObjectListStack.size() == 1) { parentObjectList = parentList; } else { parentObjectList = null; } } /** * Restore current children list poping it from stack. */ private void popParentObjectList () { parentObjectList = (TreeObjectList) parentObjectListStack.pop (); } /** * Resotore parent node and its list from stack */ private void popParentNode () { popParentObjectList (); TreeParentNode parentNode = (TreeParentNode) parentNodeStack.pop (); // referenced things and DTD things are read only if ( parentNode instanceof TreeGeneralEntityReference ) { // entities in XML doc setReadOnly (parentNode.getChildNodes ()); } else if ( parentNode instanceof TreeDTD ) { // whole DTD setReadOnly (parentNode); } else if ( parentNode instanceof TreeDocumentType ) { setReadOnly (parentNode.getChildNodes ()); // there can be pure internal DTD TreeObjectList externalDTD = ((TreeDocumentType)parentNode).getExternalDTD (); if (externalDTD != null) { setReadOnly (externalDTD); } } } private TreeParentNode currentParentNode () { return (TreeParentNode) parentNodeStack.peek (); } /** * Add child to current parent list. */ private void appendChild (TreeObject child) { if (parentObjectList != null) parentObjectList.add (child); } /** * Enter entity, following events origanes from entity resolution */ private void enterEntity () { entityCounter++; } /** * Exit entity. */ private void exitEntity () { entityCounter--; } /** * Test whether we are in entity, i.e. creating readonly nodes. */ private boolean inEntity () { return entityCounter > 0; } private void trace (String msg) { if ( Util.THIS.isLoggable() ) { String location = ""; if (locator != null) { String entity = locator.getExpandedSystemId (); int index = entity.lastIndexOf ('/'); entity = entity.substring (index > 0 ? index : 0); location = entity + "/" + locator.getLineNumber () + ":" + locator.getColumnNumber () ; } Util.THIS.debug ("X2T " + location + " " + msg); // NOI18N } } private void doAssert (boolean asrt) { if (asrt == false) { throw new IllegalStateException ("ASSERT"); // NOI18N } } } }

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