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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.netbeans.modules.xml.text.syntax;

import java.lang.ref.*;
import java.util.*;

import javax.swing.text.*;
import javax.swing.event.DocumentListener;
import javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent;

import org.netbeans.editor.*;
import org.netbeans.editor.ext.*;

import org.netbeans.modules.xml.text.syntax.dom.*;
import org.openide.ErrorManager;
import org.openide.util.WeakListeners;

 * Creates higher level syntax elements (DOM nodes) above token chain.

* It also defines rules for auto code completion poping up (Editor architecture issue). * * @author Petr Nejedly - original HTML code * @author Sandeep S. Randhawa - XML port * @author Petr Kuzel - use before strategy, use tokens whenever possible * @version 0.8 */ public class XMLSyntaxSupport extends ExtSyntaxSupport implements XMLTokenIDs { private Reference reference = new SoftReference(null); // cached helper private String systemId = null; // cached refernce to DTD private String publicId = null; // cached refernce to DTD private volatile boolean requestedAutoCompletion = false; /** Holds last character user have typed. */ private char lastInsertedChar = 'X'; // NOI18N private final DocumentMonitor documentMonitor; /** Creates new XMLSyntaxSupport */ public XMLSyntaxSupport(BaseDocument doc) { super(doc); // listener has same lifetime as this class documentMonitor = new DocumentMonitor(); DocumentListener l = WeakListeners.document(documentMonitor, doc); doc.addDocumentListener(l); } /** * Get token at given offet or previous one if at token boundary. * It does not lock the document. * @param offset valid position in document * @return TokenItem or null at the document beginning. */ public TokenItem getPreviousToken( int offset) throws BadLocationException { if (offset == 0) return null; if (offset < 0) throw new BadLocationException("Offset " + offset + " cannot be less than 0.", offset); //NOI18N // find first token item at the offset TokenItem item = null; int step = 11; int len = getDocument().getLength(); //??? read lock if (offset > len) throw new BadLocationException("Offset " + offset + " cannot be higher that document length " + len + " .", offset ); //NOI18N int from = Math.min(len, offset); int to = Math.min(len, offset); // go ahead to document beginning while ( item == null) { from = Math.max( from - step, 0); if ( from == 0) { to = Math.min(to + step, len); } item = getTokenChain( from, to); if ( from == 0 && to == len && item == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Token at " + offset + " cannot be located!\nInspected range:[" + from + ", " + to + "]."); //NOI18N } } // if we are are at token boundary or at the fist document tokem all is OK // otherwise the offset actually resides in some next token while (item.getOffset() + item.getImage().length() < offset) { // it must cross or touch it TokenItem next = item.getNext(); if (next == null) { if (item.getOffset() + item.getImage().length() >= len) { return item; // we are at boundary at the end of document } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Token at " + offset + " cannot be located!\nPrevious token: " + item); //NOI18N } } item = next; } return item; } /** * Returns SyntaxElement instance for block of tokens, which is either * surrounding given offset, or is just before the offset. * @param offset Offset in document where to search for SyntaxElement. * @return SyntaxElement Element surrounding or laying BEFORE the offset * or null at document begining. */ public SyntaxElement getElementChain( int offset ) throws BadLocationException { TokenItem item = getPreviousToken( offset); if (item == null) return null; // locate SyntaxElement start boundary by traversing previous tokens // then create element starting from that boundary TokenID id = item.getTokenID(); TokenItem first = item; // reference can be in attribute or in content if( id == CHARACTER ) { while( id == CHARACTER ) { item = item.getPrevious(); if (item == null) break; id = item.getTokenID(); first = item; } // now item is either XMLSyntax.VALUE or we're in text, or at BOF if( id != VALUE && id != TEXT && id != CDATA_SECTION ) { // #34453 it may start of element tag or end of start tag (skip attributtes) if( id == XMLDefaultTokenContext.TAG ) { if( item.getImage().startsWith( "<" ) ) { return createElement( item ); // TAGO/ETAGO } else { do { item = item.getPrevious(); id = item.getTokenID(); } while( id != XMLDefaultTokenContext.TAG ); return createElement( item ); // TAGC } } return createElement( first ); } // else ( for VALUE or TEXT ) fall through } // these are possible only in containers (tags or doctype) if ( id == XMLDefaultTokenContext.WS || id == XMLDefaultTokenContext.ARGUMENT || id == XMLDefaultTokenContext.OPERATOR || id == XMLDefaultTokenContext.VALUE) // or doctype { while (true) { item = item.getPrevious(); id = item.getTokenID(); if (id == XMLDefaultTokenContext.TAG) break; if (id == XMLDefaultTokenContext.DECLARATION && item.getImage().trim().length() > 0) break; if (isInPI(id, false)) break; }; } if( id == TEXT || id == CDATA_SECTION) { while( id == TEXT || id == CHARACTER || id == CDATA_SECTION) { first = item; item = item.getPrevious(); if (item == null) break; id = item.getTokenID(); } return createElement( first ); // from start of continuous text } // // it may start of element tag or end of start tag (skip attributtes) // if( id == XMLDefaultTokenContext.TAG ) { if( item.getImage().startsWith( "<" ) ) { return createElement( item ); // TAGO/ETAGO } else { do { item = item.getPrevious(); id = item.getTokenID(); } while( id != XMLDefaultTokenContext.TAG ); return createElement( item ); // TAGC } } if( id == XMLDefaultTokenContext.ERROR ) return new SyntaxElement.Error( this, item, getTokenEnd( item ) ); if( id == XMLDefaultTokenContext.BLOCK_COMMENT ) { while( id == XMLDefaultTokenContext.BLOCK_COMMENT && !item.getImage().startsWith( "