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Java - Java tags/keywords

dom, empty_string, namespaceprefixmapper, string

The Java example source code

 * Copyright (c) 1997, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
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 * questions.

package com.sun.xml.internal.bind.marshaller;


import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMResult;

import org.w3c.dom.Node;

// be careful about changing this class. this class is supposed to be
// extended by users and therefore we are not allowed to break
// those user code.
// this means:
// - don't add any abstract method
// - don't change any existing method signature
// - don't remove any existing method.

 * Implemented by the user application to determine URI -> prefix
 * mapping.
 * This is considered as an interface, though it's implemented
 * as an abstract class to make it easy to add new methods in
 * a future.
 * @author
 *     Kohsuke Kawaguchi (
public abstract class NamespacePrefixMapper {

    private static final String[] EMPTY_STRING = new String[0];

     * Returns a preferred prefix for the given namespace URI.
     * This method is intended to be overrided by a derived class.
     * <p>
     * As noted in the return value portion of the javadoc, there
     * are several cases where the preference cannot be honored.
     * Specifically, as of JAXB RI 2.0 and onward:
     * <ol>
     * <li>
     * If the prefix returned is already in use as one of the in-scope
     * namespace bindings. This is partly necessary for correctness
     * (so that we don't unexpectedly change the meaning of QNames
     * bound to {@link String}), partly to simplify the marshaller.
     * <li>
     * If the prefix returned is "" yet the current {@link JAXBContext}
     * includes classes that use the empty namespace URI. This allows
     * the JAXB RI to reserve the "" prefix for the empty namespace URI,
     * which is the only possible prefix for the URI.
     * This restriction is also to simplify the marshaller.
     * </ol>
     * @param namespaceUri
     *      The namespace URI for which the prefix needs to be found.
     *      Never be null. "" is used to denote the default namespace.
     * @param suggestion
     *      When the content tree has a suggestion for the prefix
     *      to the given namespaceUri, that suggestion is passed as a
     *      parameter. Typicall this value comes from the QName.getPrefix
     *      to show the preference of the content tree. This parameter
     *      may be null, and this parameter may represent an already
     *      occupied prefix.
     * @param requirePrefix
     *      If this method is expected to return non-empty prefix.
     *      When this flag is true, it means that the given namespace URI
     *      cannot be set as the default namespace.
     * @return
     *      null if there's no prefered prefix for the namespace URI.
     *      In this case, the system will generate a prefix for you.
     *      Otherwise the system will try to use the returned prefix,
     *      but generally there's no guarantee if the prefix will be
     *      actually used or not.
     *      return "" to map this namespace URI to the default namespace.
     *      Again, there's no guarantee that this preference will be
     *      honored.
     *      If this method returns "" when requirePrefix=true, the return
     *      value will be ignored and the system will generate one.
     * @since JAXB 1.0.1
    public abstract String getPreferredPrefix(String namespaceUri, String suggestion, boolean requirePrefix);

     * Returns a list of namespace URIs that should be declared
     * at the root element.
     * <p>
     * By default, the JAXB RI 1.0.x produces namespace declarations only when
     * they are necessary, only at where they are used. Because of this
     * lack of look-ahead, sometimes the marshaller produces a lot of
     * namespace declarations that look redundant to human eyes. For example,
     * <pre>
     * &lt;?xml version="1.0"?&gt;
     * &lt;root&gt;
     *   &lt;ns1:child xmlns:ns1="urn:foo"&gt; ... </ns1:child>
     *   &lt;ns2:child xmlns:ns2="urn:foo"&gt; ... </ns2:child>
     *   &lt;ns3:child xmlns:ns3="urn:foo"&gt; ... </ns3:child>
     *   ...
     * &lt;/root&gt;
     * &lt;/xmp&gt;</pre>
     * &lt;p&gt;
     * The JAXB RI 2.x mostly doesn't exhibit this behavior any more,
     * as it declares all statically known namespace URIs (those URIs
     * that are used as element/attribute names in JAXB annotations),
     * but it may still declare additional namespaces in the middle of
     * a document, for example when (i) a QName as an attribute/element value
     * requires a new namespace URI, or (ii) DOM nodes as a portion of an object
     * tree requires a new namespace URI.
     * &lt;p&gt;
     * If you know in advance that you are going to use a certain set of
     * namespace URIs, you can override this method and have the marshaller
     * declare those namespace URIs at the root element.
     * &lt;p&gt;
     * For example, by returning &lt;code&gt;new String[]{"urn:foo"}</code>,
     * the marshaller will produce:
     * &lt;pre&gt;<xmp>
     * &lt;?xml version="1.0"?&gt;
     * &lt;root xmlns:ns1="urn:foo"&gt;
     *   &lt;ns1:child&gt; ... </ns1:child>
     *   &lt;ns1:child&gt; ... </ns1:child>
     *   &lt;ns1:child&gt; ... </ns1:child>
     *   ...
     * &lt;/root&gt;
     * &lt;/xmp&gt;</pre>
     * &lt;p&gt;
     * To control prefixes assigned to those namespace URIs, use the
     * {@link #getPreferredPrefix(String, String, boolean)} method.
     * @return
     *      A list of namespace URIs as an array of {@link String}s.
     *      This method can return a length-zero array but not null.
     *      None of the array component can be null. To represent
     *      the empty namespace, use the empty string &lt;code&gt;""</code>.
     * @since
     *      JAXB RI 1.0.2
    public String[] getPreDeclaredNamespaceUris() {
        return EMPTY_STRING;

     * Similar to {@link #getPreDeclaredNamespaceUris()} but allows the
     * (prefix,nsUri) pairs to be returned.
     * &lt;p&gt;
     * With {@link #getPreDeclaredNamespaceUris()}, applications who wish to control
     * the prefixes as well as the namespaces needed to implement both
     * {@link #getPreDeclaredNamespaceUris()} and {@link #getPreferredPrefix(String, String, boolean)}.
     * &lt;p&gt;
     * This version eliminates the needs by returning an array of pairs.
     * @return
     *      always return a non-null (but possibly empty) array. The array stores
     *      data like (prefix1,nsUri1,prefix2,nsUri2,...) Use an empty string to represent
     *      the empty namespace URI and the default prefix. Null is not allowed as a value
     *      in the array.
     * @since
     *      JAXB RI 2.0 beta
    public String[] getPreDeclaredNamespaceUris2() {
        return EMPTY_STRING;

     * Returns a list of (prefix,namespace URI) pairs that represents
     * namespace bindings available on ancestor elements (that need not be repeated
     * by the JAXB RI.)
     * &lt;p&gt;
     * Sometimes JAXB is used to marshal an XML document, which will be
     * used as a subtree of a bigger document. When this happens, it's nice
     * for a JAXB marshaller to be able to use in-scope namespace bindings
     * of the larger document and avoid declaring redundant namespace URIs.
     * &lt;p&gt;
     * This is automatically done when you are marshalling to {@link XMLStreamWriter},
     * {@link XMLEventWriter}, {@link DOMResult}, or {@link Node}, because
     * those output format allows us to inspect what's currently available
     * as in-scope namespace binding. However, with other output format,
     * such as {@link OutputStream}, the JAXB RI cannot do this automatically.
     * That's when this method comes into play.
     * &lt;p&gt;
     * Namespace bindings returned by this method will be used by the JAXB RI,
     * but will not be re-declared. They are assumed to be available when you insert
     * this subtree into a bigger document.
     * &lt;p&gt;
     * It is &lt;b&gt;NOT</b> OK to return  the same binding, or give
     * the receiver a conflicting binding information.
     * It's a responsibility of the caller to make sure that this doesn't happen
     * even if the ancestor elements look like:
     * &lt;pre&gt;<xmp>
     *   &lt;foo:abc xmlns:foo="abc"&gt;
     *     &lt;foo:abc xmlns:foo="def"&gt;
     *       &lt;foo:abc xmlns:foo="abc"&gt;
     *         ... JAXB marshalling into here.
     *       &lt;/foo:abc&gt;
     *     &lt;/foo:abc&gt;
     *   &lt;/foo:abc&gt;
     * &lt;/xmp&gt;</pre>
     * @return
     *      always return a non-null (but possibly empty) array. The array stores
     *      data like (prefix1,nsUri1,prefix2,nsUri2,...) Use an empty string to represent
     *      the empty namespace URI and the default prefix. Null is not allowed as a value
     *      in the array.
     * @since JAXB RI 2.0 beta
    public String[] getContextualNamespaceDecls() {
        return EMPTY_STRING;
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