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Play Framework/Scala example source code file (IterateesSpec.scala)

This example Play Framework source code file (IterateesSpec.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Play Framework (and Scala) source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to Play Framework; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Play Framework tags/keywords

api, concurrent, cont, done, e, error, exception, future, int, iterate, iteratee, library, list, play, play framework, throwable

The IterateesSpec.scala Play Framework example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Typesafe Inc. <>
package play.api.libs.iteratee

import org.specs2.mutable._
import java.util.concurrent.{ CountDownLatch, TimeUnit }
import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Promise, Future, Await }
import scala.util.{ Failure, Success, Try }

object IterateesSpec extends Specification
  with IterateeSpecification with ExecutionSpecification {

  def checkFoldResult[A, E](i: Iteratee[A, E], expected: Step[A, E]) = {
    mustExecute(1) { foldEC =>
      await(i.fold(s => Future.successful(s))(foldEC)) must equalTo(expected)

  def checkUnflattenResult[A, E](i: Iteratee[A, E], expected: Step[A, E]) = {
    await(i.unflatten) must equalTo(expected)

  def checkImmediateFoldFailure[A, E](i: Iteratee[A, E]) = {
    mustExecute(1) { foldEC =>
      val e = new Exception("exception")
      val result = ready(i.fold(_ => throw e)(foldEC))
      result.value must equalTo(Some(Failure(e)))

  def checkFutureFoldFailure[A, E](i: Iteratee[A, E]) = {
    mustExecute(1, 1) { (foldEC, folderEC) =>
      val e = new Exception("exception")
      val preparedFolderEC = folderEC.prepare()
      val result = ready(i.fold(_ => Future(throw e)(preparedFolderEC))(foldEC))
      result.value must equalTo(Some(Failure(e)))

  def mustTranslate3To(x: Int)(f: Iteratee[Int, Int] => Iteratee[Int, Int]) = {
    await(f(Done(3)).unflatten) must equalTo(Step.Done(x, Input.Empty))

  "Flattened iteratees" should {

    val i = Iteratee.flatten(Future.successful(Done(1, Input.El("x"))))

    "delegate folding to their promised iteratee" in {
      checkFoldResult(i, Step.Done(1, Input.El("x")))

    "return immediate fold errors in promise" in {

    "return future fold errors in promise" in {

    "support unflattening their state" in {
      checkUnflattenResult(i, Step.Done(1, Input.El("x")))


  "Done iteratees" should {

    val i = Done(1, Input.El("x"))

    "fold with their result and unused input" in {
      checkFoldResult(i, Step.Done(1, Input.El("x")))

    "return immediate fold errors in promise" in {

    "return future fold errors in promise" in {

    "fold input with fold1" in {
      mustExecute(1) { foldEC =>
        mustTranslate3To(5)(it => Iteratee.flatten(it.fold1(
          (a, i) => Future.successful(Done(a + 2, i)),
          _ => ???,
          (_, _) => ???)(foldEC)))

    "fold input with pureFold" in {
      mustExecute(1) { foldEC =>
        mustTranslate3To(9)(it => Iteratee.flatten(it.pureFold(_ => Done[Int, Int](9))(foldEC)))

    "fold input with pureFlatFold" in {
      mustExecute(1) { foldEC =>
        mustTranslate3To(9)(_.pureFlatFold(_ => Done[Int, Int](9))(foldEC))

    "fold input with flatFold0" in {
      mustExecute(1) { foldEC =>
        mustTranslate3To(9)(_.flatFold0(_ => Future.successful(Done[Int, Int](9)))(foldEC))

    "fold input with flatFold" in {
      mustExecute(1) { foldEC =>
          (_, _) => Future.successful(Done[Int, Int](9)),
          _ => ???,
          (_, _) => ???)(foldEC))

    "support unflattening their state" in {
      checkUnflattenResult(i, Step.Done(1, Input.El("x")))

    "flatMap directly to result when no remaining input" in {
      mustExecute(1) { flatMapEC =>
        await(Done(3).flatMap((x: Int) => Done[Int, Int](x * 2))(flatMapEC).unflatten) must equalTo(Step.Done(6, Input.Empty))

    "flatMap result and process remaining input with Done" in {
      mustExecute(1) { flatMapEC =>
        await(Done(3, Input.El("remaining")).flatMap((x: Int) => Done[String, Int](x * 2))(flatMapEC).unflatten) must equalTo(Step.Done(6, Input.El("remaining")))

    "flatMap result and process remaining input with Cont" in {
      mustExecute(1) { flatMapEC =>
        await(Done(3, Input.El("remaining")).flatMap((x: Int) => Cont(in => Done[String, Int](x * 2, in)))(flatMapEC).unflatten) must equalTo(Step.Done(6, Input.El("remaining")))

    "flatMap result and process remaining input with Error" in {
      mustExecute(1) { flatMapEC =>
        await(Done(3, Input.El("remaining")).flatMap((x: Int) => Error("error", Input.El("bad")))(flatMapEC).unflatten) must equalTo(Step.Error("error", Input.El("bad")))

    "flatMap result with flatMapM" in {
      mustExecute(1) { flatMapEC =>
        mustTranslate3To(6)(_.flatMapM((x: Int) => Future.successful(Done[Int, Int](x * 2)))(flatMapEC))

    "fold result with flatMapInput" in {
      mustExecute(1) { flatMapEC =>
        mustTranslate3To(1)(_.flatMapInput(_ => Done(1))(flatMapEC))

    "concatenate unused input with flatMapTraversable" in {
      mustExecute(1) { flatMapEC =>
        await(Done(3, Input.El(List(1, 2))).flatMapTraversable(_ => Done[List[Int], Int](4, Input.El(List(3, 4))))(
          implicitly[List[Int] => scala.collection.TraversableLike[Int, List[Int]]],
          implicitly[scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom[List[Int], Int, List[Int]]],
          flatMapEC).unflatten) must equalTo(Step.Done(4, Input.El(List(1, 2, 3, 4))))


  "Cont iteratees" should {

    val k: Input[String] => Iteratee[String, Int] = x => ???
    val i = Cont(k)

    "fold with their continuation" in {
      checkFoldResult(i, Step.Cont(k))

    "return immediate fold errors in promise" in {

    "return future fold errors in promise" in {

    "support unflattening their state" in {
      checkUnflattenResult(i, Step.Cont(k))

    "flatMap recursively" in {
      mustExecute(1) { flatMapEC =>
        await(Iteratee.flatten(Cont[Int, Int](_ => Done(3)).flatMap((x: Int) => Done[Int, Int](x * 2))(flatMapEC).feed(Input.El(11))).unflatten) must equalTo(Step.Done(6, Input.Empty))


  "Error iteratees" should {

    val i = Error("msg", Input.El("x"))

    "fold with their message and the input that caused the error" in {
      checkFoldResult(i, Step.Error("msg", Input.El("x")))

    "return immediate fold errors in promise" in {

    "return future fold errors in promise" in {

    "support unflattening their state" in {
      checkUnflattenResult(i, Step.Error("msg", Input.El("x")))

    "flatMap to an error" in {
      mustExecute(0) { flatMapEC =>
        await(Error("msg", Input.El("bad")).flatMap((x: Int) => Done("done"))(flatMapEC).unflatten) must equalTo(Step.Error("msg", Input.El("bad")))


  "Iteratees fed multiple inputs" should {

    "map the final iteratee's result (with map)" in {
      mustExecute(4, 1) { (foldEC, mapEC) =>
        await(Enumerator(1, 2, 3, 4) |>>> Iteratee.fold[Int, Int](0)(_ + _)(foldEC).map(_ * 2)(mapEC)) must equalTo(20)

    "map the final iteratee's result (with mapM)" in {
      mustExecute(4, 1) { (foldEC, mapEC) =>
        await(Enumerator(1, 2, 3, 4) |>>> Iteratee.fold[Int, Int](0)(_ + _)(foldEC).mapM(x => Future.successful(x * 2))(mapEC)) must equalTo(20)


  "Iteratee.fold" should {

    "fold input" in {
      mustExecute(4) { foldEC =>
        await(Enumerator(1, 2, 3, 4) |>>> Iteratee.fold[Int, Int](0)(_ + _)(foldEC)) must equalTo(10)


  "Iteratee.foldM" should {

    "fold input" in {
      mustExecute(4) { foldEC =>
        await(Enumerator(1, 2, 3, 4) |>>> Iteratee.foldM[Int, Int](0)((x, y) => Future.successful(x + y))(foldEC)) must equalTo(10)


  "Iteratee.fold2" should {

    "fold input" in {
      mustExecute(4) { foldEC =>
        val folder = (x: Int, y: Int) => Future.successful((x + y, false))
        await(Enumerator(1, 2, 3, 4) |>>> Iteratee.fold2[Int, Int](0)(folder)(foldEC)) must equalTo(10)

    "fold input, stopping early" in {
      mustExecute(3) { foldEC =>
        val folder = (x: Int, y: Int) => Future.successful((x + y, (y > 2)))
        await(Enumerator(1, 2, 3, 4) |>>> Iteratee.fold2[Int, Int](0)(folder)(foldEC)) must equalTo(6)


  "Iteratee.foldM" should {

    "fold input" in {
      mustExecute(4) { foldEC =>
        await(Enumerator(1, 2, 3, 4) |>>> Iteratee.fold1[Int, Int](Future.successful(0))((x, y) => Future.successful(x + y))(foldEC)) must equalTo(10)


  "Iteratee.recover" should {

    val expected = "expected"
    val unexpected = "should not be returned"
    "do nothing on a Done iteratee" in {
      mustExecute(1) { implicit foldEC =>
        val it = done(expected).recover { case t: Throwable => unexpected }
        val actual = await(Enumerator(unexpected) |>>> it)
        actual must equalTo(expected)
    "do nothing on an eventually Done iteratee" in {
      mustExecute(1) { implicit foldEC =>
        val it = delayed(done(expected)).recover { case t: Throwable => unexpected }
        val actual = await(Enumerator(unexpected) |>>> it)
        actual must equalTo(expected)
    "recover with the expected fallback value from an Error iteratee" in {
      mustExecute(2) { implicit foldEC =>
        val it = error(unexpected).recover { case t: Throwable => expected }
        val actual = await(Enumerator(unexpected) |>>> it)
        actual must equalTo(expected)
    "leave the Error iteratee unchanged if the Exception type doesn't match the partial function" in {
      mustExecute(1) { implicit foldEC =>
        val it = error(expected).recover { case t: IllegalArgumentException => unexpected }
        val actual = await((Enumerator(unexpected) |>>> it).failed)
        actual.getMessage must equalTo(expected)
    "recover with the expected fallback value from an eventually Error iteratee" in {
      mustExecute(2) { implicit foldEC =>
        val it = delayed(error(unexpected)).recover { case t: Throwable => expected }
        val actual = await(Enumerator(unexpected) |>>> it)
        actual must equalTo(expected)
    "recover with the expected fallback value from an iteratee that eventually throws an exception" in {
      mustExecute(2) { implicit foldEC =>
        val it = delayed(throw new RuntimeException(unexpected)).recover { case t: Throwable => expected }
        val actual = await(Enumerator(unexpected) |>>> it)
        actual must equalTo(expected)
    "do nothing on a Cont iteratee that becomes Done with input" in {
      mustExecute(1) { implicit foldEC =>
        val it = cont(input => done(input)).recover { case t: Throwable => unexpected }
        val actual = await(Enumerator(expected) |>>> it)
        actual must equalTo(expected)
    "do nothing on an eventually Cont iteratee that becomes Done with input" in {
      mustExecute(1) { implicit foldEC =>
        val it = delayed(cont(input => done(input))).recover { case t: Throwable => unexpected }
        val actual = await(Enumerator(expected) |>>> it)
        actual must equalTo(expected)
    "do nothing on a Cont iteratee that eventually becomes Done with input" in {
      mustExecute(1) { implicit foldEC =>
        val it = cont(input => delayed(done(input))).recover { case t: Throwable => unexpected }
        val actual = await(Enumerator(expected) |>>> it)
        actual must equalTo(expected)
    "do nothing on an Cont iteratee that eventually becomes Done with input after several steps" in {
      mustExecute(3) { implicit foldEC =>
        val it = delayed(
          cont(input1 => delayed(
            cont(input2 => delayed(
              cont(input3 => delayed(
                done(input1 + input2 + input3)
        ).recover { case t: Throwable => unexpected }
        val actual = await(Enumerator(expected, expected, expected) |>>> it)
        actual must equalTo(expected * 3)
    "recover with the expected fallback value from a Cont iteratee that eventually becomes an Error iteratee after several steps" in {
      mustExecute(4) { implicit foldEC =>
        val it = delayed(
          cont(input1 => delayed(
            cont(input2 => delayed(
              cont(input3 => delayed(
                error(input1 + input2 + input3)
        ).recover { case t: Throwable => expected }
        val actual = await(Enumerator(unexpected, unexpected, unexpected) |>>> it)
        actual must equalTo(expected)
  "Iteratee.recoverM" should {
    val expected = "expected"
    val unexpected = "should not be returned"
    "do nothing on a Done iteratee" in {
      mustExecute(1) { implicit foldEC =>
        val it = done(expected).recoverM { case t: Throwable => Future.successful(unexpected) }
        val actual = await(Enumerator(unexpected) |>>> it)
        actual must equalTo(expected)
    "do nothing on a Done iteratee even if the recover block gets a failed Future" in {
      mustExecute(1) { implicit foldEC =>
        val it = done(expected).recoverM { case t: Throwable => Future.failed(new RuntimeException(unexpected)) }
        val actual = await(Enumerator(unexpected) |>>> it)
        actual must equalTo(expected)
    "recover with the expected fallback Future from an Error iteratee" in {
      mustExecute(2) { implicit foldEC =>
        val it = error(unexpected).recoverM { case t: Throwable => Future.successful(expected) }
        val actual = await(Enumerator(unexpected) |>>> it)
        actual must equalTo(expected)
    "leave the Error iteratee unchanged if the Exception type doesn't match the partial function" in {
      mustExecute(1) { implicit foldEC =>
        val it = error(expected).recoverM { case t: IllegalArgumentException => Future.successful(unexpected) }
        val actual = await((Enumerator(unexpected) |>>> it).failed)
        actual.getMessage must equalTo(expected)
    "return a failed Future if you try to recover from an Error iteratee with a failed Future" in {
      mustExecute(2) { implicit foldEC =>
        val exception = new RuntimeException(expected)
        val it = error(unexpected).recoverM { case t: Throwable => Future.failed(exception) }
        val actual = await((Enumerator(unexpected) |>>> it).failed)
        actual must equalTo(exception)

  "Iteratee.recoverWith" should {
    val expected = "expected"
    val unexpected = "should not be returned"
    "do nothing on a Done iteratee" in {
      mustExecute(1) { implicit foldEC =>
        val it = done(expected).recoverWith { case t: Throwable => done(unexpected) }
        val actual = await(Enumerator(unexpected) |>>> it)
        actual must equalTo(expected)
    "do nothing on a Done iteratee even if the recover block gets an error Iteratee" in {
      mustExecute(1) { implicit foldEC =>
        val it = done(expected).recoverWith { case t: Throwable => error(unexpected) }
        val actual = await(Enumerator(unexpected) |>>> it)
        actual must equalTo(expected)
    "recover with the expected fallback Iteratee from an Error iteratee" in {
      mustExecute(1) { implicit foldEC =>
        val it = error(unexpected).recoverWith { case t: Throwable => done(expected) }
        val actual = await(Enumerator(unexpected) |>>> it)
        actual must equalTo(expected)
    "leave the Error iteratee unchanged if the Exception type doesn't match the partial function" in {
      mustExecute(1) { implicit foldEC =>
        val it = error(expected).recoverWith { case t: IllegalArgumentException => done(unexpected) }
        val actual = await((Enumerator(unexpected) |>>> it).failed)
        actual.getMessage must equalTo(expected)

    "return a failed Future if you try to recover from an Error iteratee with an Error iteratee" in {
      mustExecute(1) { implicit foldEC =>
        val it = error(unexpected).recoverWith { case t: Throwable => error(expected) }
        val actual = await((Enumerator(unexpected) |>>> it).failed)
        actual.getMessage must equalTo(expected)

  "Iteratee.consume" should {

    "return its concatenated input" in {
      val s = List(List(1, 2), List(3), List(4, 5))
      val r = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
      await(Enumerator.enumerateSeq1(s) |>>> Iteratee.consume[List[Int]]()) must equalTo(r)


  "Iteratee.getChunks" should {

    "return its input as a list" in {
      val s = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
      await(Enumerator.enumerateSeq1(s) |>>> Iteratee.getChunks[Int]) must equalTo(s)


  "Iteratee.ignore" should {

    "never throw an OutOfMemoryError when consuming large input" in {
      // Work out how many arrays we'd need to create to trigger an OutOfMemoryError
      val arraySize = 1000000
      val tooManyArrays = (Runtime.getRuntime.maxMemory / arraySize).toInt + 1
      val iterator = Iterator.range(0, tooManyArrays).map(_ => new Array[Byte](arraySize))
      import play.api.libs.iteratee.Execution.Implicits.defaultExecutionContext
      await(Enumerator.enumerate(iterator) |>>> Iteratee.ignore[Array[Byte]]) must_== (())



Other Play Framework source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Play Framework IterateesSpec.scala source code file:

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