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Play Framework/Scala example source code file (DB.scala)

This example Play Framework source code file (DB.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Play Framework (and Scala) source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to Play Framework; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Play Framework tags/keywords

a, api, application, boolean, connection, datasource, db, int, library, list, nonfatal, play, play framework, some, string, utilities

The DB.scala Play Framework example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Typesafe Inc. <>
package play.api.db

import scala.language.reflectiveCalls

import play.api._
import play.api.libs._

import java.sql._
import javax.sql._

import com.jolbox.bonecp._
import com.jolbox.bonecp.hooks._
import scala.util.control.{ NonFatal, ControlThrowable }

 * The Play Database API manages several connection pools.
trait DBApi {

  val datasources: List[(DataSource, String)]

   * Shutdown pool for given datasource
  def shutdownPool(ds: DataSource)

   * Retrieves a JDBC connection, with auto-commit set to `true`.
   * Don't forget to release the connection at some point by calling close().
   * @param name the data source name
   * @return a JDBC connection
   * @throws an error if the required data source is not registered
  def getDataSource(name: String): DataSource

   * Retrieves the JDBC connection URL for a particular data source.
   * @param name the data source name
   * @return The JDBC URL connection string, i.e. `jdbc:...`
   * @throws an error if the required data source is not registered
  def getDataSourceURL(name: String): String = {
    val connection = getDataSource(name).getConnection
    val url = connection.getMetaData.getURL

   * Retrieves a JDBC connection.
   * Don't forget to release the connection at some point by calling close().
   * @param name the data source name
   * @param autocommit when `true`, sets this connection to auto-commit
   * @return a JDBC connection
   * @throws an error if the required data source is not registered
  def getConnection(name: String, autocommit: Boolean = true): Connection = {
    val connection = getDataSource(name).getConnection

   * Executes a block of code, providing a JDBC connection. The connection and all created statements are
   * automatically released.
   * @param name The datasource name.
   * @param block Code block to execute.
  def withConnection[A](name: String)(block: Connection => A): A = {
    val connection = new AutoCleanConnection(getConnection(name))
    try {
    } finally {

   * Executes a block of code, in the scope of a JDBC transaction.
   * The connection and all created statements are automatically released.
   * The transaction is automatically committed, unless an exception occurs.
   * @param name The datasource name.
   * @param block Code block to execute.
  def withTransaction[A](name: String)(block: Connection => A): A = {
    withConnection(name) { connection =>
      try {
        val r = block(connection)
      } catch {
        case e: ControlThrowable =>
          connection.commit(); throw e
        case NonFatal(e) => connection.rollback(); throw e


 * Provides a high-level API for getting JDBC connections.
 * For example:
 * {{{
 * val conn = DB.getConnection("customers")
 * }}}
object DB {

  /** The exception we are throwing. */
  private def error = throw new Exception("DB plugin is not registered.")

   * Retrieves a JDBC connection.
   * @param name data source name
   * @param autocommit when `true`, sets this connection to auto-commit
   * @return a JDBC connection
   * @throws an error if the required data source is not registered
  def getConnection(name: String = "default", autocommit: Boolean = true)(implicit app: Application): Connection = app.plugin[DBPlugin].map(_.api.getConnection(name, autocommit)).getOrElse(error)

   * Retrieves a JDBC connection (autocommit is set to true).
   * @param name data source name
   * @return a JDBC connection
   * @throws an error if the required data source is not registered
  def getDataSource(name: String = "default")(implicit app: Application): DataSource = app.plugin[DBPlugin].map(_.api.getDataSource(name)).getOrElse(error)

   * Execute a block of code, providing a JDBC connection. The connection is
   * automatically released.
   * @param name The datasource name.
   * @param block Code block to execute.
  def withConnection[A](name: String)(block: Connection => A)(implicit app: Application): A = {

   * Execute a block of code, providing a JDBC connection. The connection and all created statements are
   * automatically released.
   * @param block Code block to execute.
  def withConnection[A](block: Connection => A)(implicit app: Application): A = {

   * Execute a block of code, in the scope of a JDBC transaction.
   * The connection and all created statements are automatically released.
   * The transaction is automatically committed, unless an exception occurs.
   * @param name The datasource name.
   * @param block Code block to execute.
  def withTransaction[A](name: String = "default")(block: Connection => A)(implicit app: Application): A =

   * Execute a block of code, in the scope of a JDBC transaction.
   * The connection and all created statements are automatically released.
   * The transaction is automatically committed, unless an exception occurs.
   * @param block Code block to execute.
  def withTransaction[A](block: Connection => A)(implicit app: Application): A =


 * Generic DBPlugin interface
trait DBPlugin extends Plugin {
  def api: DBApi

 * BoneCP implementation of DBPlugin that provides a DBApi.
 * @param app the application that is registering the plugin
class BoneCPPlugin(app: Application) extends DBPlugin {
  lazy val dbConfig = app.configuration.getConfig("db").

  private def dbURL(conn: Connection): String = {
    val u = conn.getMetaData.getURL

  // should be accessed in onStart first
  private lazy val dbApi = new BoneCPApi(dbConfig, app.classloader)

   * plugin is disabled if either configuration is missing or the plugin is explicitly disabled
  private lazy val isDisabled = app.configuration.getString("dbplugin").
    exists(_ == "disabled") || dbConfig.subKeys.isEmpty

   * Is this plugin enabled.
   * {{{
   * dbplugin=disabled
   * }}}
  override def enabled = !isDisabled

   * Retrieves the underlying `DBApi` managing the data sources.
  def api: DBApi = dbApi

   * Reads the configuration and connects to every data source.
  override def onStart() {
    // Try to connect to each, this should be the first access to dbApi
    dbApi.datasources map { ds =>
      try {
        app.mode match {
          case Mode.Test =>
          case mode =>"database [${ds._2}] connected at ${dbURL(ds._1.getConnection)}")
      } catch {
        case NonFatal(e) => {
          throw dbConfig.reportError(s"${ds._2}.url",
            s"Cannot connect to database [${ds._2}]", Some(e.getCause))

   * Closes all data sources.
  override def onStop() {
    dbApi.datasources foreach {
      case (ds, _) => try {
      } catch { case NonFatal(_) => }

private[db] class BoneCPApi(
    configuration: Configuration, classloader: ClassLoader) extends DBApi {

  private def error(db: String, message: String = "") =
    throw configuration.reportError(db, message)

   * @param d Driver class name
   * @param c DB configuration
  private def register(d: String, c: Configuration): Driver = {
    try {
      val driver = new play.utils.ProxyDriver(
        Class.forName(d, true, classloader).newInstance.asInstanceOf[Driver])

    } catch {
      case NonFatal(e) => throw c.reportError("driver",
        s"Driver not found: [$d]", Some(e))

  /** De-register all drivers this API has previously registered. */
  def deregisterAll(): Unit = drivers.foreach(DriverManager.deregisterDriver)

  private def createDataSource(dbName: String, conf: Configuration): (DataSource, Driver) = {

    val datasource = new BoneCPDataSource

    // Try to load the driver
    val d = configuration.getString(s"$dbName.driver").getOrElse(error(dbName, s"Missing configuration [db.$dbName.driver]"))

    val driver = register(d, conf)

    val autocommit = conf.getBoolean("autocommit").getOrElse(true)
    val isolation = conf.getString("isolation").map {
      case "NONE" => Connection.TRANSACTION_NONE
      case unknown => throw conf.reportError("isolation",
        s"Unknown isolation level [$unknown]")
    val catalog = conf.getString("defaultCatalog")
    val readOnly = conf.getBoolean("readOnly").getOrElse(false)


    val logger = Logger("com.jolbox.bonecp")

    // Re-apply per connection config @ checkout
    datasource.setConnectionHook(new AbstractConnectionHook {

      override def onCheckIn(connection: ConnectionHandle) {
        if (logger.isTraceEnabled) {
          logger.trace(s"Check in connection $connection [${datasource.getTotalLeased} leased]")

      override def onCheckOut(connection: ConnectionHandle) {
        if (logger.isTraceEnabled) {
          logger.trace(s"Check out connection $connection [${datasource.getTotalLeased} leased]")

      override def onQueryExecuteTimeLimitExceeded(handle: ConnectionHandle, statement: Statement, sql: String, logParams: java.util.Map[AnyRef, AnyRef], timeElapsedInNs: Long) {
        val timeMs = timeElapsedInNs / 1000
        val query = PoolUtil.fillLogParams(sql, logParams)
        logger.warn(s"Query execute time limit exceeded (${timeMs}ms) - query: ${query}")


    val PostgresFullUrl = "^postgres://([a-zA-Z0-9_]+):([^@]+)@([^/]+)/([^\\s]+)$".r
    val MysqlFullUrl = "^mysql://([a-zA-Z0-9_]+):([^@]+)@([^/]+)/([^\\s]+)$".r
    val MysqlCustomProperties = ".*\\?(.*)".r
    val H2DefaultUrl = "^jdbc:h2:mem:.+".r

    conf.getString("url") match {
      case Some(PostgresFullUrl(username, password, host, dbname)) =>

      case Some(url @ MysqlFullUrl(username, password, host, dbname)) =>
        val defaultProperties = "?useUnicode=yes&characterEncoding=UTF-8&connectionCollation=utf8_general_ci"
        val addDefaultPropertiesIfNeeded = MysqlCustomProperties.findFirstMatchIn(url).map(_ => "").getOrElse(defaultProperties)
        datasource.setJdbcUrl(s"jdbc:mysql://$host/${dbname + addDefaultPropertiesIfNeeded}")

      case Some(url @ H2DefaultUrl()) if !url.contains("DB_CLOSE_DELAY") =>
        if (Play.maybeApplication.exists(_.mode == Mode.Dev)) {
        } else datasource.setJdbcUrl(url)

      case Some(s: String) => datasource.setJdbcUrl(s)

      case _ => throw conf.globalError(s"Missing url configuration for database $dbName: $conf")


    // Pool configuration
    datasource.setIdleMaxAge(conf.getMilliseconds("idleMaxAge").getOrElse(1000 * 60 * 10), java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
    datasource.setMaxConnectionAge(conf.getMilliseconds("maxConnectionAge").getOrElse(1000 * 60 * 60), java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
    datasource.setIdleConnectionTestPeriod(conf.getMilliseconds("idleConnectionTestPeriod").getOrElse(1000 * 60), java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)


    // Bind in JNDI
    conf.getString("jndiName") map { name =>
      JNDI.initialContext.rebind(name, datasource)"""datasource [${conf.getString("url").get}] bound to JNDI as $name""")

    datasource -> driver

  private def setupDatasources(dbNames: List[String], datasources: List[(DataSource, String)], dsMap: Map[String, DataSource], drivers: Set[Driver]): (List[(DataSource, String)], Map[String, DataSource], Set[Driver]) = dbNames match {
    case dbName :: ns =>
      val extraConfig = configuration.getConfig(dbName).getOrElse(error(dbName, s"Missing configuration [db.$dbName]"))
      val (ds, driver) = createDataSource(dbName, extraConfig)
      setupDatasources(ns, datasources :+ (ds -> dbName),
        dsMap + (dbName -> ds), drivers + driver)

    case _ => (datasources, dsMap, drivers)

  private val (dsList, dsMap, drivers): (List[(DataSource, String)], Map[String, DataSource], Set[Driver]) = setupDatasources(configuration.subKeys.toList, Nil, Map.empty, Set.empty)

  val datasources = dsList

  def shutdownPool(ds: DataSource) = ds match {
    case bcp: BoneCPDataSource => bcp.close()
    case _ => error(" - could not recognize DataSource, therefore unable to shutdown this pool")

   * Retrieves a JDBC connection, with auto-commit set to `true`.
   * Don't forget to release the connection at some point by calling close().
   * @param name the data source name
   * @return a JDBC connection
   * @throws an error if the required data source is not registered
  def getDataSource(name: String): DataSource =
    dsMap.get(name).getOrElse(error(s" - could not find datasource for $name"))


 * Provides an interface for retrieving the jdbc driver's implementation of java.sql.Connection
 * from a "decorated" Connection (such as the Connection that DB.withConnection provides). Upcasting
 * to this trait should be used with caution since exposing the internal jdbc connection can violate the
 * guarantees Play otherwise makes (like automatically closing jdbc statements created from the connection)
trait HasInternalConnection {
  def getInternalConnection(): Connection

 * A connection that automatically releases statements on close
private class AutoCleanConnection(connection: Connection) extends Connection with HasInternalConnection {

  private val statements = scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer.empty[Statement]

  private def registering[T <: Statement](b: => T) = {
    val statement = b
    statements += statement

  private def releaseStatements() {
    statements.foreach { statement =>

  override def getInternalConnection(): Connection = connection match {
    case bonecpConn: com.jolbox.bonecp.ConnectionHandle =>
    case x => x

  def createStatement() = registering(connection.createStatement())
  def createStatement(resultSetType: Int, resultSetConcurrency: Int) = registering(connection.createStatement(resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency))
  def createStatement(resultSetType: Int, resultSetConcurrency: Int, resultSetHoldability: Int) = registering(connection.createStatement(resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency, resultSetHoldability))
  def prepareStatement(sql: String) = registering(connection.prepareStatement(sql))
  def prepareStatement(sql: String, autoGeneratedKeys: Int) = registering(connection.prepareStatement(sql, autoGeneratedKeys))
  def prepareStatement(sql: String, columnIndexes: scala.Array[Int]) = registering(connection.prepareStatement(sql, columnIndexes))
  def prepareStatement(sql: String, resultSetType: Int, resultSetConcurrency: Int) = registering(connection.prepareStatement(sql, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency))
  def prepareStatement(sql: String, resultSetType: Int, resultSetConcurrency: Int, resultSetHoldability: Int) = registering(connection.prepareStatement(sql, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency, resultSetHoldability))
  def prepareStatement(sql: String, columnNames: scala.Array[String]) = registering(connection.prepareStatement(sql, columnNames))
  def prepareCall(sql: String) = registering(connection.prepareCall(sql))
  def prepareCall(sql: String, resultSetType: Int, resultSetConcurrency: Int) = registering(connection.prepareCall(sql, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency))
  def prepareCall(sql: String, resultSetType: Int, resultSetConcurrency: Int, resultSetHoldability: Int) = registering(connection.prepareCall(sql, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency, resultSetHoldability))

  def close() {

  def clearWarnings() { connection.clearWarnings() }
  def commit() { connection.commit() }
  def createArrayOf(typeName: String, elements: scala.Array[AnyRef]) = connection.createArrayOf(typeName, elements)
  def createBlob() = connection.createBlob()
  def createClob() = connection.createClob()
  def createNClob() = connection.createNClob()
  def createSQLXML() = connection.createSQLXML()
  def createStruct(typeName: String, attributes: scala.Array[AnyRef]) = connection.createStruct(typeName, attributes)
  def getAutoCommit = connection.getAutoCommit
  def getCatalog = connection.getCatalog
  def getClientInfo = connection.getClientInfo
  def getClientInfo(name: String) = connection.getClientInfo(name)
  def getHoldability = connection.getHoldability
  def getMetaData = connection.getMetaData
  def getTransactionIsolation = connection.getTransactionIsolation
  def getTypeMap = connection.getTypeMap
  def getWarnings = connection.getWarnings
  def isClosed = connection.isClosed
  def isReadOnly = connection.isReadOnly
  def isValid(timeout: Int) = connection.isValid(timeout)
  def nativeSQL(sql: String) = connection.nativeSQL(sql)
  def releaseSavepoint(savepoint: Savepoint) { connection.releaseSavepoint(savepoint) }
  def rollback() { connection.rollback() }
  def rollback(savepoint: Savepoint) { connection.rollback(savepoint) }
  def setAutoCommit(autoCommit: Boolean) { connection.setAutoCommit(autoCommit) }
  def setCatalog(catalog: String) { connection.setCatalog(catalog) }
  def setClientInfo(properties: java.util.Properties) { connection.setClientInfo(properties) }
  def setClientInfo(name: String, value: String) { connection.setClientInfo(name, value) }
  def setHoldability(holdability: Int) { connection.setHoldability(holdability) }
  def setReadOnly(readOnly: Boolean) { connection.setReadOnly(readOnly) }
  def setSavepoint() = connection.setSavepoint()
  def setSavepoint(name: String) = connection.setSavepoint(name)
  def setTransactionIsolation(level: Int) { connection.setTransactionIsolation(level) }
  def setTypeMap(map: java.util.Map[String, Class[_]]) { connection.setTypeMap(map) }
  def isWrapperFor(iface: Class[_]) = connection.isWrapperFor(iface)
  def unwrap[T](iface: Class[T]) = connection.unwrap(iface)

  // JDBC 4.1
  def getSchema = {
    connection.asInstanceOf[{ def getSchema: String }].getSchema

  def setSchema(schema: String) {
    connection.asInstanceOf[{ def setSchema(schema: String): Unit }].setSchema(schema)

  def getNetworkTimeout = {
    connection.asInstanceOf[{ def getNetworkTimeout: Int }].getNetworkTimeout

  def setNetworkTimeout(executor: java.util.concurrent.Executor, milliseconds: Int) {
    connection.asInstanceOf[{ def setNetworkTimeout(executor: java.util.concurrent.Executor, milliseconds: Int): Unit }].setNetworkTimeout(executor, milliseconds)

  def abort(executor: java.util.concurrent.Executor) {
    connection.asInstanceOf[{ def abort(executor: java.util.concurrent.Executor): Unit }].abort(executor)


Other Play Framework source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Play Framework DB.scala source code file:

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