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Play Framework/Scala example source code file (Evolutions.scala)

This example Play Framework source code file (Evolutions.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Play Framework (and Scala) source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to Play Framework; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Play Framework tags/keywords

api, boolean, connection, core, database, db, downs, evolution, file, int, play, play framework, script, seq, string, ups

The Evolutions.scala Play Framework example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Typesafe Inc. <>
package play.api.db.evolutions


import play.core._

import play.api._
import play.api.db._
import play.api.libs._
import play.api.libs.Codecs._
import javax.sql.DataSource
import java.sql.{ Statement, Date, Connection, SQLException }
import scala.util.control.Exception._
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import play.utils.PlayIO

 * An SQL evolution - database changes associated with a software version.
 * An evolution includes ‘up’ changes, to upgrade to to the version, as well as ‘down’ changes, to downgrade the database
 * to the previous version.
 * @param revision revision number
 * @param sql_up the SQL statements for UP application
 * @param sql_down the SQL statements for DOWN application
private[evolutions] case class Evolution(revision: Int, sql_up: String = "", sql_down: String = "") {

   * Revision hash, automatically computed from the SQL content.
  val hash = sha1(sql_down.trim + sql_up.trim)


 * A Script to run on the database.
private[evolutions] trait Script {

   * Original evolution.
  val evolution: Evolution

   * The complete SQL to be run.
  val sql: String

   * The sql string separated into constituent ";"-delimited statements.
   * Any ";;" found in the sql are escaped to ";".
  def statements: Seq[String] = {
    // Regex matches on semicolons that neither precede nor follow other semicolons
    sql.split("(?<!;);(?!;)").map(_.trim.replace(";;", ";")).filter(_ != "")

 * An UP Script to run on the database.
 * @param evolution the original evolution
 * @param sql the SQL to be run
private[evolutions] case class UpScript(evolution: Evolution, sql: String) extends Script

 * A DOWN Script to run on the database.
 * @param evolution the original evolution
 * @param sql the SQL to be run
private[evolutions] case class DownScript(evolution: Evolution, sql: String) extends Script

 * Defines Evolutions utilities functions.
object Evolutions {

   * Apply pending evolutions for the given DB.
  def applyFor(dbName: String, path: = new"."), autocommit: Boolean = true) {
    Play.current.plugin[DBPlugin] map { db =>
      val script = Evolutions.evolutionScript(db.api, path, db.getClass.getClassLoader, dbName)
      Evolutions.applyScript(db.api, dbName, script, autocommit)

   * Updates a local (file-based) evolution script.
  def updateEvolutionScript(db: String = "default", revision: Int = 1, comment: String = "Generated", ups: String, downs: String)(implicit application: Application) {
    import play.api.libs._

    val evolutions = application.getFile(evolutionsFilename(db, revision));
      """|# --- %s
         |# --- !Ups
         |# --- !Downs
         |""".stripMargin.format(comment, ups, downs));

  // --

  private def executeQuery(sql: String)(implicit c: Connection) = {

  private def execute(sql: String)(implicit c: Connection) = {

  private def prepare(sql: String)(implicit c: Connection) = {

  // --

   * Resolves evolution conflicts.
   * @param api the `DBApi` to use
   * @param db the database name
   * @param revision the revision to mark as resolved
  def resolve(api: DBApi, db: String, revision: Int) {
    implicit val connection = api.getConnection(db, autocommit = true)

    try {
      execute("update play_evolutions set state = 'applied' where state = 'applying_up' and id = " + revision);
      execute("delete from play_evolutions where state = 'applying_down' and id = " + revision);
    } finally {

   * Checks the evolutions state.
   * @param api the `DBApi` to use
   * @param db the database name
   * @throws an error if the database is in an inconsistent state
  def checkEvolutionsState(api: DBApi, db: String) {
    def createPlayEvolutionsTable()(implicit conn: Connection): Unit = {
      try {
              create table play_evolutions (
                  id int not null primary key, hash varchar(255) not null,
                  applied_at timestamp not null,
                  apply_script text,
                  revert_script text,
                  state varchar(255),
                  last_problem text
      } catch {
        case NonFatal(ex) => Logger.warn("could not create play_evolutions table", ex)

    implicit val connection = api.getConnection(db, autocommit = true)

    try {
      val problem = executeQuery("select id, hash, apply_script, revert_script, state, last_problem from play_evolutions where state like 'applying_%'")

      if ( {
        val revision = problem.getInt("id")
        val state = problem.getString("state")
        val hash = problem.getString("hash").take(7)
        val script = state match {
          case "applying_up" => problem.getString("apply_script")
          case _ => problem.getString("revert_script")
        val error = problem.getString("last_problem")


        val humanScript = "# --- Rev:" + revision + "," + (if (state == "applying_up") "Ups" else "Downs") + " - " + hash + "\n\n" + script;

        throw InconsistentDatabase(db, humanScript, error, revision)

    } catch {
      case e: InconsistentDatabase => throw e
      case NonFatal(_) => createPlayEvolutionsTable()
    } finally {


   * Applies a script to the database.
   * @param api the `DBApi` to use
   * @param db the database name
   * @param script the script to run
  def applyScript(api: DBApi, db: String, script: Seq[Script], autocommit: Boolean) {
    def logBefore(s: Script)(implicit conn: Connection): Unit = {
      s match {
        case UpScript(e, _) => {
          val ps = prepare("insert into play_evolutions values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")
          ps.setInt(1, e.revision)
          ps.setString(2, e.hash)
          ps.setDate(3, new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()))
          ps.setString(4, e.sql_up)
          ps.setString(5, e.sql_down)
          ps.setString(6, "applying_up")
          ps.setString(7, "")
        case DownScript(e, _) => {
          execute("update play_evolutions set state = 'applying_down' where id = " + e.revision)

    def logAfter(s: Script)(implicit conn: Connection): Boolean = {
      s match {
        case UpScript(e, _) => {
          execute("update play_evolutions set state = 'applied' where id = " + e.revision)
        case DownScript(e, _) => {
          execute("delete from play_evolutions where id = " + e.revision)

    def updateLastProblem(message: String, revision: Int)(implicit conn: Connection): Boolean = {
      val ps = prepare("update play_evolutions set last_problem = ? where id = ?")
      ps.setString(1, message)
      ps.setInt(2, revision)

    implicit val connection = api.getConnection(db, autocommit = autocommit)
    checkEvolutionsState(api, db)

    var applying = -1
    var lastScript: Script = null

    try {

      script.foreach { s =>
        lastScript = s
        applying = s.evolution.revision
        // Execute script

      if (!autocommit) {

    } catch {
      case NonFatal(e) => {
        val message = e match {
          case ex: SQLException => ex.getMessage + " [ERROR:" + ex.getErrorCode + ", SQLSTATE:" + ex.getSQLState + "]"
          case ex => ex.getMessage
        if (!autocommit) {


          val humanScript = "# --- Rev:" + lastScript.evolution.revision + "," + (if (lastScript.isInstanceOf[UpScript]) "Ups" else "Downs") + " - " + lastScript.evolution.hash + "\n\n" + (if (lastScript.isInstanceOf[UpScript]) lastScript.evolution.sql_up else lastScript.evolution.sql_down);

          throw InconsistentDatabase(db, humanScript, message, lastScript.evolution.revision)
        } else {
          updateLastProblem(message, applying)
    } finally {

    checkEvolutionsState(api, db)


   * Translates an evolution script to something human-readable.
   * @param script the script
   * @return a formatted script
  def toHumanReadableScript(script: Seq[Script]): String = {
    val txt = {
      case UpScript(ev, sql) => "# --- Rev:" + ev.revision + ",Ups - " + ev.hash.take(7) + "\n" + sql + "\n"
      case DownScript(ev, sql) => "# --- Rev:" + ev.revision + ",Downs - " + ev.hash.take(7) + "\n" + sql + "\n"

    val hasDownWarning =
      "# !!! WARNING! This script contains DOWNS evolutions that are likely destructives\n\n"

    if (script.exists(_.isInstanceOf[DownScript])) hasDownWarning + txt else txt

   * Computes the evolution script.
   * @param api the `DBApi` to use
   * @param path the application path
   * @param applicationClassloader the classloader used to load the driver
   * @param db the database name
   * @return evolution scripts
  def evolutionScript(api: DBApi, path: File, applicationClassloader: ClassLoader, db: String): Seq[Product with Serializable with Script] = {
    val application = applicationEvolutions(path, applicationClassloader, db)

    Option(application).filterNot(_.isEmpty).map {
      case application =>
        val database = databaseEvolutions(api, db)

        val (nonConflictingDowns, dRest) = database.span(e => !application.headOption.exists(e.revision <= _.revision))
        val (nonConflictingUps, uRest) = application.span(e => !database.headOption.exists(_.revision >= e.revision))

        val (conflictingDowns, conflictingUps) = conflictings(dRest, uRest)

        val ups = (nonConflictingUps ++ conflictingUps) => UpScript(e, e.sql_up))
        val downs = (nonConflictingDowns ++ conflictingDowns).map(e => DownScript(e, e.sql_down))

        downs ++ ups

   * Compares the two evolution sequences.
   * @param downRest the seq of downs
   * @param upRest the seq of ups
   * @return the downs and ups to run to have the db synced to the current stage
  def conflictings(downRest: Seq[Evolution], upRest: Seq[Evolution]) = {
    case (down, up) => down.hash == up.hash

   * Reads evolutions from the database.
   * @param api the `DBApi` to use
   * @param db the database name
  def databaseEvolutions(api: DBApi, db: String): Seq[Evolution] = {
    implicit val connection = api.getConnection(db, autocommit = true)

    checkEvolutionsState(api, db)

    try {

            select id, hash, apply_script, revert_script from play_evolutions order by id
        """)) { rs => match {
          case false => None
          case true => {
            Some((rs, Evolution(

    } finally {

  private def evolutionsDirectoryName(db: String): String = s"conf/evolutions/${db}"

  private def evolutionsFilename(db: String, revision: Int): String = s"conf/evolutions/${db}/${revision}.sql"

  private def evolutionsResourceName(db: String, revision: Int): String = s"evolutions/${db}/${revision}.sql"

   * Reads the evolutions from the application.
   * @param path the application path
   * @param applicationClassloader the classloader used to load the driver
   * @param db the database name
  def applicationEvolutions(path: File, applicationClassloader: ClassLoader, db: String): Seq[Evolution] = {

    val upsMarker = """^#.*!Ups.*$""".r
    val downsMarker = """^#.*!Downs.*$""".r

    val UPS = "UPS"
    val DOWNS = "DOWNS"

    val mapUpsAndDowns: PartialFunction[String, String] = {
      case upsMarker() => UPS
      case downsMarker() => DOWNS
      case _ => UNKNOWN

    val isMarker: PartialFunction[String, Boolean] = {
      case upsMarker() => true
      case downsMarker() => true
      case _ => false

    Collections.unfoldLeft(1) { revision =>
      Option(new File(path, evolutionsFilename(db, revision))).filter(_.exists).map(new FileInputStream(_)).orElse {
        Option(applicationClassloader.getResourceAsStream(evolutionsResourceName(db, revision)))
      }.map { stream =>
        (revision + 1, (revision, PlayIO.readStreamAsString(stream)(Codec.UTF8)))
    }.sortBy(_._1).map {
      case (revision, script) => {

        val parsed = Collections.unfoldLeft(("", script.split('\n') {
          case (_, Nil) => None
          case (context, lines) => {
            val (some, next) = lines.span(l => !isMarker(l))
            Some(( => (mapUpsAndDowns(c), next.tail)).getOrElse("" -> Nil),
              context -> some.mkString("\n")))
        }.reverse.drop(1).groupBy(i => i._1).mapValues {"\n").trim }




 * Play Evolutions plugin.
class EvolutionsPlugin(app: Application) extends Plugin with HandleWebCommandSupport {

  import Evolutions._

  lazy val dbApi = app.plugin[DBPlugin].map(_.api).getOrElse(throw new Exception("there should be a database plugin registered at this point but looks like it's not available, so evolution won't work. Please make sure you register a db plugin properly"))

   * Is this plugin enabled.
   * {{{
   * evolutionplugin = disabled
   * }}}
  override lazy val enabled = app.configuration.getConfig("db").isDefined && {
    !app.configuration.getString("evolutionplugin").exists(_ == "disabled")

   * Is autocommit enabled.
  lazy val autocommit = app.configuration.getBoolean("evolutions.autocommit").getOrElse(true)

   * Checks the evolutions state.
  override def onStart() {
    dbApi.datasources.foreach {
      case (ds, db) => {
        withLock(ds) {
          val script = evolutionScript(dbApi, app.path, app.classloader, db)
          val hasDown = script.exists(_.isInstanceOf[DownScript])

          lazy val applyEvolutions = app.configuration.getBoolean("applyEvolutions." + db).getOrElse(false)
          lazy val applyDownEvolutions = app.configuration.getBoolean("applyDownEvolutions." + db).getOrElse(false)

          if (!script.isEmpty) {
            app.mode match {
              case Mode.Test => Evolutions.applyScript(dbApi, db, script, autocommit)
              case Mode.Dev if applyEvolutions => Evolutions.applyScript(dbApi, db, script, autocommit)
              case Mode.Prod if !hasDown && applyEvolutions => Evolutions.applyScript(dbApi, db, script, autocommit)
              case Mode.Prod if hasDown && applyEvolutions && applyDownEvolutions => Evolutions.applyScript(dbApi, db, script, autocommit)
              case Mode.Prod if hasDown => {
                Play.logger.warn("Your production database [" + db + "] needs evolutions, including downs! \n\n" + toHumanReadableScript(script))
                Play.logger.warn("Run with -DapplyEvolutions." + db + "=true and -DapplyDownEvolutions." + db + "=true if you want to run them automatically, including downs (be careful, especially if your down evolutions drop existing data)")

                throw InvalidDatabaseRevision(db, toHumanReadableScript(script))
              case Mode.Prod => {
                Play.logger.warn("Your production database [" + db + "] needs evolutions! \n\n" + toHumanReadableScript(script))
                Play.logger.warn("Run with -DapplyEvolutions." + db + "=true if you want to run them automatically (be careful)")

                throw InvalidDatabaseRevision(db, toHumanReadableScript(script))
              case _ => throw InvalidDatabaseRevision(db, toHumanReadableScript(script))

  def withLock(ds: DataSource)(block: => Unit) {
    if (app.configuration.getBoolean("evolutions.use.locks").getOrElse(false)) {
      val c = ds.getConnection
      val s = c.createStatement()
      createLockTableIfNecessary(c, s)
      lock(c, s)
      try {
      } finally {
        unlock(c, s)
    } else {

  def createLockTableIfNecessary(c: Connection, s: Statement) {
    try {
      val r = s.executeQuery("select lock from play_evolutions_lock")
    } catch {
      case e: SQLException =>
        create table play_evolutions_lock (
          lock int not null primary key
        s.executeUpdate("insert into play_evolutions_lock (lock) values (1)")

  def lock(c: Connection, s: Statement, attempts: Int = 5) {
    try {
      s.executeQuery("select lock from play_evolutions_lock where lock = 1 for update nowait")
    } catch {
      case e: SQLException =>
        if (attempts == 0) throw e
        else {
          Play.logger.warn("Exception while attempting to lock evolutions (other node probably has lock), sleeping for 1 sec")
          lock(c, s, attempts - 1)

  def unlock(c: Connection, s: Statement) {

  def handleWebCommand(request: play.api.mvc.RequestHeader, buildLink: play.core.BuildLink, path: Option[play.api.mvc.Result] = {

    val applyEvolutions = """/@evolutions/apply/([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)""".r
    val resolveEvolutions = """/@evolutions/resolve/([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/([0-9]+)""".r

    lazy val redirectUrl = request.queryString.get("redirect").filterNot(_.isEmpty).map(_(0)).getOrElse("/")

    request.path match {

      case applyEvolutions(db) => {
        Some {
          val script = Evolutions.evolutionScript(dbApi, app.path, app.classloader, db)
          Evolutions.applyScript(dbApi, db, script, autocommit)

      case resolveEvolutions(db, rev) => {
        Some {
          Evolutions.resolve(dbApi, db, rev.toInt)

      case _ => None




 * Can be used to run off-line evolutions, i.e. outside a running application.
object OfflineEvolutions {

  private def isTest: Boolean = Play.maybeApplication.exists(_.mode == Mode.Test)

  private def getDBApi(appPath: File, classloader: ClassLoader): DBApi = {
    val c = Configuration.load(appPath).getConfig("db").get
    new BoneCPApi(c, classloader)

   * Computes and applies an evolutions script.
   * @param appPath the application path
   * @param classloader the classloader used to load the driver
   * @param dbName the database name
  def applyScript(appPath: File, classloader: ClassLoader, dbName: String, autocommit: Boolean = true) {
    val dbApi = getDBApi(appPath, classloader)
    val script = Evolutions.evolutionScript(dbApi, appPath, classloader, dbName)
    if (!isTest) {
      Play.logger.warn("Applying evolution script for database '" + dbName + "':\n\n" + Evolutions.toHumanReadableScript(script))
    Evolutions.applyScript(dbApi, dbName, script, autocommit)

   * Resolve an inconsistent evolution..
   * @param appPath the application path
   * @param classloader the classloader used to load the driver
   * @param dbName the database name
   * @param revision the revision
  def resolve(appPath: File, classloader: ClassLoader, dbName: String, revision: Int) {
    val dbApi = getDBApi(appPath, classloader)
    if (!isTest) {
      Play.logger.warn("Resolving evolution [" + revision + "] for database '" + dbName + "'")
    Evolutions.resolve(dbApi, dbName, revision)


 * Exception thrown when the database is not up to date.
 * @param db the database name
 * @param script the script to be run to resolve the conflict.
case class InvalidDatabaseRevision(db: String, script: String) extends PlayException.RichDescription(
  "Database '" + db + "' needs evolution!",
  "An SQL script need to be run on your database.") {

  def subTitle = "This SQL script must be run:"
  def content = script

  private val javascript = """
        document.location = '/@evolutions/apply/%s?redirect=' + encodeURIComponent(location)

  def htmlDescription = {

    <span>An SQL script will be run on your database -</span>
    <input name="evolution-button" type="button" value="Apply this script now!" onclick={ javascript }/>



 * Exception thrown when the database is in inconsistent state.
 * @param db the database name
 * @param script the evolution script
 * @param error an inconsistent state error
 * @param rev the revision
case class InconsistentDatabase(db: String, script: String, error: String, rev: Int) extends PlayException.RichDescription(
  "Database '" + db + "' is in an inconsistent state!",
  "An evolution has not been applied properly. Please check the problem and resolve it manually before marking it as resolved.") {

  def subTitle = "We got the following error: " + error + ", while trying to run this SQL script:"
  def content = script

  private val javascript = """
        document.location = '/@evolutions/resolve/%s/%s?redirect=' + encodeURIComponent(location)
    """.format(db, rev).trim

  def htmlDescription: String = {

    <span>An evolution has not been applied properly. Please check the problem and resolve it manually before marking it as resolved -</span>
    <input name="evolution-button" type="button" value="Mark it resolved" onclick={ javascript }/>



Other Play Framework source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Play Framework Evolutions.scala source code file:

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