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Play Framework/Scala example source code file (

This example Play Framework source code file ( is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Play Framework (and Scala) source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to Play Framework; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Play Framework tags/keywords

api, core, default_timeout, fakeapplication, fakerequest, library, list, object, play, play framework, result, runtimeexception, string, test, testbrowser, testserver

The Play Framework example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Typesafe Inc. <>
package play.test;

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import play.*;

import play.core.j.JavaResultExtractor;
import play.mvc.*;
import play.api.test.Helpers$;
import play.libs.*;
import play.libs.F.*;
import play.twirl.api.Content;

import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.*;
import org.openqa.selenium.htmlunit.*;

import java.util.*;

import static play.core.Router.Routes;
import static play.mvc.Http.*;

 * Helper functions to run tests.
public class Helpers implements play.mvc.Http.Status, play.mvc.Http.HeaderNames {

    public static String GET = "GET";
    public static String POST = "POST";
    public static String PUT = "PUT";
    public static String DELETE = "DELETE";
    public static String HEAD = "HEAD";

    // --

    public static Class<? extends WebDriver> HTMLUNIT = HtmlUnitDriver.class;
    public static Class<? extends WebDriver> FIREFOX = FirefoxDriver.class;

    // --
    @SuppressWarnings(value = "unchecked")
    private static Result invokeHandler(play.api.mvc.Handler handler, FakeRequest fakeRequest, long timeout) {
        if(handler instanceof play.core.j.JavaAction) {
            play.api.mvc.Action action = (play.api.mvc.Action) handler;
            return wrapScalaResult(action.apply(fakeRequest.getWrappedRequest()), timeout);
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException("This is not a JavaAction and can't be invoked this way.");

    /** Default Timeout (milliseconds) for fake requests issued by these Helpers.
     * This value is determined from System property <b>test.timeout</b>.
     * The default value is <b>30000</b> (30 seconds).
    public static final long DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = Long.getLong("test.timeout", 30000L);

    private static Result wrapScalaResult(scala.concurrent.Future<play.api.mvc.Result> result, long timeout) {
        if (result == null) {
            return null;
        } else {
            final play.api.mvc.Result scalaResult = Promise.wrap(result).get(timeout);
            return new Result() {
                public play.api.mvc.Result toScala() {
                    return scalaResult;

    // --

     * Call an action method while decorating it with the right @With interceptors.
    public static Result callAction(HandlerRef actionReference) {
        return callAction(actionReference, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);

    public static Result callAction(HandlerRef actionReference, long timeout) {
        return callAction(actionReference, fakeRequest(), timeout);

     * Call an action method while decorating it with the right @With interceptors.
    public static Result callAction(HandlerRef actionReference, FakeRequest fakeRequest) {
        return callAction(actionReference, fakeRequest, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);

    public static Result callAction(HandlerRef actionReference, FakeRequest fakeRequest, long timeout) {
        play.api.mvc.HandlerRef handlerRef = (play.api.mvc.HandlerRef)actionReference;
        return invokeHandler(handlerRef.handler(), fakeRequest, timeout);

     * Build a new GET / fake request.
    public static FakeRequest fakeRequest() {
        return new FakeRequest();

     * Build a new fake request.
    public static FakeRequest fakeRequest(String method, String uri) {
        return new FakeRequest(method, uri);

     * Build a new fake request corresponding to a given route call
    public static FakeRequest fakeRequest(Call call) {
        return fakeRequest(call.method(), call.url());

     * Build a new fake application.
    public static FakeApplication fakeApplication() {
        return new FakeApplication(new"."), Helpers.class.getClassLoader(), new HashMap<String,Object>(), new ArrayList<String>(), null);

     * Build a new fake application.
    public static FakeApplication fakeApplication(GlobalSettings global) {
        return new FakeApplication(new"."), Helpers.class.getClassLoader(), new HashMap<String,Object>(), new ArrayList<String>(), global);

     * A fake Global
    public static GlobalSettings fakeGlobal() {
        return new GlobalSettings();

     * Constructs a in-memory (h2) database configuration to add to a FakeApplication.
    public static Map<String,String> inMemoryDatabase() {
        return inMemoryDatabase("default");

     * Constructs a in-memory (h2) database configuration to add to a FakeApplication.
    public static Map<String,String> inMemoryDatabase(String name) {
        return inMemoryDatabase(name, Collections.<String, String>emptyMap());

     * Constructs a in-memory (h2) database configuration to add to a FakeApplication.
    public static Map<String,String> inMemoryDatabase(String name, Map<String, String> options) {
        return Scala.asJava(play.api.test.Helpers.inMemoryDatabase(name, Scala.asScala(options)));

     * Build a new fake application.
    public static FakeApplication fakeApplication(Map<String, ? extends Object> additionalConfiguration) {
        return new FakeApplication(new"."), Helpers.class.getClassLoader(), additionalConfiguration, new ArrayList<String>(), null);

     * Build a new fake application.
    public static FakeApplication fakeApplication(Map<String, ? extends Object> additionalConfiguration, GlobalSettings global) {
        return new FakeApplication(new"."), Helpers.class.getClassLoader(), additionalConfiguration, new ArrayList<String>(), global);

     * Build a new fake application.
    public static FakeApplication fakeApplication(Map<String, ? extends Object> additionalConfiguration, List<String> additionalPlugin) {
        return new FakeApplication(new"."), Helpers.class.getClassLoader(), additionalConfiguration, additionalPlugin, null);

     * Build a new fake application.
    public static FakeApplication fakeApplication(Map<String, ? extends Object> additionalConfiguration, List<String> additionalPlugin, GlobalSettings global) {
        return new FakeApplication(new"."), Helpers.class.getClassLoader(), additionalConfiguration, additionalPlugin, global);

     * Build a new fake application.
    public static FakeApplication fakeApplication(Map<String, ? extends Object> additionalConfiguration, List<String> additionalPlugins, List<String> withoutPlugins) {
        return new FakeApplication(new"."), Helpers.class.getClassLoader(), additionalConfiguration, additionalPlugins, withoutPlugins, null);

     * Build a new fake application.
    public static FakeApplication fakeApplication(Map<String, ? extends Object> additionalConfiguration, List<String> additionalPlugins, List<String> withoutPlugins, GlobalSettings global) {
        return new FakeApplication(new"."), Helpers.class.getClassLoader(), additionalConfiguration, additionalPlugins, withoutPlugins, global);

     * Extracts the Status code of this Result value.
    public static int status(Result result) {
        return result.toScala().header().status();

     * Extracts the Location header of this Result value if this Result is a Redirect.
    public static String redirectLocation(Result result) {
        return header(LOCATION, result);

     * Extracts the Flash values of this Result value.
    public static Flash flash(Result result) {
        return JavaResultExtractor.getFlash(result);

     * Extracts the Session of this Result value.
    public static Session session(Result result) {
        return JavaResultExtractor.getSession(result);

     * Extracts a Cookie value from this Result value
    public static Cookie cookie(String name, Result result) {
        return JavaResultExtractor.getCookies(result).get(name);

     * Extracts the Cookies (an iterator) from this result value.
    public static Cookies cookies(Result result) {
        return play.core.j.JavaResultExtractor.getCookies(result);

     * Extracts an Header value of this Result value.
    public static String header(String header, Result result) {
        return JavaResultExtractor.getHeaders(result).get(header);

     * Extracts all Headers of this Result value.
    public static Map<String, String> headers(Result result) {
        return JavaResultExtractor.getHeaders(result);

     * Extracts the Content-Type of this Content value.
    public static String contentType(Content content) {
        return content.contentType();

     * Extracts the Content-Type of this Result value.
    public static String contentType(Result result) {
        String h = header(CONTENT_TYPE, result);
        if(h == null) return null;
        if(h.contains(";")) {
            return h.substring(0, h.indexOf(";")).trim();
        } else {
            return h.trim();

     * Extracts the Charset of this Result value.
    public static String charset(Result result) {
        String h = header(CONTENT_TYPE, result);
        if(h == null) return null;
        if(h.contains("; charset=")) {
            return h.substring(h.indexOf("; charset=") + 10, h.length()).trim();
        } else {
            return null;

     * Extracts the content as bytes.
    public static byte[] contentAsBytes(Result result) {
        return contentAsBytes(result, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);

    public static byte[] contentAsBytes(Result result, long timeout) {
        return JavaResultExtractor.getBody(result, timeout);

     * Extracts the content as bytes.
    public static byte[] contentAsBytes(Content content) {
        return content.body().getBytes();

     * Extracts the content as String.
    public static String contentAsString(Content content) {
        return content.body();

     * Extracts the content as String.
    public static String contentAsString(Result result) {
        return contentAsString(result, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);

    public static String contentAsString(Result result, long timeout) {
        try {
            String charset = charset(result);
            if(charset == null) {
                charset = "utf-8";
            return new String(contentAsBytes(result, timeout), charset);
        } catch(RuntimeException e) {
            throw e;
        } catch(Throwable t) {
            throw new RuntimeException(t);

    @SuppressWarnings(value = "unchecked")
    public static Result routeAndCall(FakeRequest fakeRequest, long timeout) {
        try {
            return routeAndCall((Class<? extends Routes>)FakeRequest.class.getClassLoader().loadClass("Routes"), fakeRequest, timeout);
        } catch(RuntimeException e) {
            throw e;
        } catch(Throwable t) {
            throw new RuntimeException(t);

    public static Result routeAndCall(Class<? extends Routes> router, FakeRequest fakeRequest, long timeout) {
        try {
            Routes routes = (Routes) router.getClassLoader().loadClass(router.getName() + "$").getDeclaredField("MODULE$").get(null);
            if(routes.routes().isDefinedAt(fakeRequest.getWrappedRequest())) {
                return invokeHandler(routes.routes().apply(fakeRequest.getWrappedRequest()), fakeRequest, timeout);
            } else {
                return null;
        } catch(RuntimeException e) {
            throw e;
        } catch(Throwable t) {
            throw new RuntimeException(t);

    public static Result route(FakeRequest fakeRequest) {
      return route(fakeRequest, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);

    public static Result route(FakeRequest fakeRequest, long timeout) {
      return route(play.Play.application(), fakeRequest, timeout);

    public static Result route(Application app, FakeRequest fakeRequest) {
      return route(app, fakeRequest, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);

    public static Result route(Application app, FakeRequest fakeRequest, long timeout) {
      final scala.Option<scala.concurrent.Future<play.api.mvc.Result>> opt = play.api.test.Helpers.jRoute(app.getWrappedApplication(), fakeRequest.fake);
      return wrapScalaResult(Scala.orNull(opt), timeout);

    public static Result route(Application app, FakeRequest fakeRequest, byte[] body) {
      return route(app, fakeRequest, body, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);

    public static Result route(Application app, FakeRequest fakeRequest, byte[] body, long timeout) {
      return wrapScalaResult(Scala.orNull(play.api.test.Helpers.jRoute(app.getWrappedApplication(), fakeRequest.getWrappedRequest(), body)), timeout);

    public static Result route(FakeRequest fakeRequest, byte[] body) {
      return route(fakeRequest, body, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);

    public static Result route(FakeRequest fakeRequest, byte[] body, long timeout) {
      return route(play.Play.application(), fakeRequest, body, timeout);

     * Starts a new application.
    public static void start(FakeApplication fakeApplication) {


     * Stops an application.
    public static void stop(FakeApplication fakeApplication) {

     * Executes a block of code in a running application.
    public static synchronized void running(FakeApplication fakeApplication, final Runnable block) {
        try {
        } finally {

     * Creates a new Test server listening on port defined by configuration setting "testserver.port" (defaults to 19001).
    public static TestServer testServer() {
        return testServer(play.api.test.Helpers.testServerPort());

     * Creates a new Test server listening on port defined by configuration setting "testserver.port" (defaults to 19001) and using the given FakeApplication.
    public static TestServer testServer(FakeApplication app) {
        return testServer(play.api.test.Helpers.testServerPort(), app);

     * Creates a new Test server.
    public static TestServer testServer(int port) {
        return new TestServer(port, fakeApplication());

     * Creates a new Test server.
    public static TestServer testServer(int port, FakeApplication app) {
        return new TestServer(port, app);

     * Starts a Test server.
    public static void start(TestServer server) {

     * Stops a Test server.
    public static void stop(TestServer server) {

     * Executes a block of code in a running server.
    public static synchronized void running(TestServer server, final Runnable block) {
        try {
        } finally {

     * Executes a block of code in a running server, with a test browser.
    public static synchronized void running(TestServer server, Class<? extends WebDriver> webDriver, final Callback<TestBrowser> block) {
        running(server, play.api.test.WebDriverFactory.apply(webDriver), block);

     * Executes a block of code in a running server, with a test browser.
    public static synchronized void running(TestServer server, WebDriver webDriver, final Callback<TestBrowser> block) {
        TestBrowser browser = null;
        TestServer startedServer = null;
        try {
            startedServer = server;
            browser = testBrowser(webDriver);
        } catch(Error e) {
            throw e;
        } catch(RuntimeException re) {
            throw re;
        } catch(Throwable t) {
            throw new RuntimeException(t);
        } finally {
            if(browser != null) {
            if(startedServer != null) {

     * Creates a Test Browser.
    public static TestBrowser testBrowser() {
        return testBrowser(HTMLUNIT);

     * Creates a Test Browser.
    public static TestBrowser testBrowser(int port) {
        return testBrowser(HTMLUNIT, port);

     * Creates a Test Browser.
    public static TestBrowser testBrowser(Class<? extends WebDriver> webDriver) {
        return testBrowser(webDriver, Helpers$.MODULE$.testServerPort());

     * Creates a Test Browser.
    public static TestBrowser testBrowser(Class<? extends WebDriver> webDriver, int port) {
        try {
            return new TestBrowser(webDriver, "http://localhost:" + port);
        } catch(RuntimeException e) {
            throw e;
        } catch(Throwable t) {
            throw new RuntimeException(t);

     * Creates a Test Browser.
    public static TestBrowser testBrowser(WebDriver of, int port) {
        return new TestBrowser(of, "http://localhost:" + port);

     * Creates a Test Browser.
    public static TestBrowser testBrowser(WebDriver of) {
        return testBrowser(of, Helpers$.MODULE$.testServerPort());


Other Play Framework source code examples

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