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Play Framework/Scala example source code file (Validation.scala)

This example Play Framework source code file (Validation.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Play Framework (and Scala) source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to Play Framework; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Play Framework tags/keywords

api, boolean, constraint, constraints, data, invalid, nil, play, play framework, seq, string, t, valid, validate, validation, validationresult

The Validation.scala Play Framework example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Typesafe Inc. <>


 * A form constraint.
 * @tparam T type of values handled by this constraint
 * @param name the constraint name, to be displayed to final user
 * @param args the message arguments, to format the constraint name
 * @param f the validation function
case class Constraint[-T](name: Option[String], args: Seq[Any])(f: (T => ValidationResult)) {

   * Run the constraint validation.
   * @param t the value to validate
   * @return the validation result
  def apply(t: T): ValidationResult = f(t)

 * This object provides helpers for creating `Constraint` values.
 * For example:
 * {{{
 *   val negative = Constraint[Int] {
 *     case i if i < 0 => Valid
 *     case _ => Invalid("Must be a negative number.")
 *   }
 * }}}
object Constraint {

   * Creates a new anonymous constraint from a validation function.
   * @param f the validation function
   * @return a constraint
  def apply[T](f: (T => ValidationResult)): Constraint[T] = apply(None, Nil)(f)

   * Creates a new named constraint from a validation function.
   * @param name the constraint name
   * @param args the constraint arguments, used to format the constraint name
   * @param f the validation function
   * @return a constraint
  def apply[T](name: String, args: Any*)(f: (T => ValidationResult)): Constraint[T] = apply(Some(name), args.toSeq)(f)


 * Defines a set of built-in constraints.
object Constraints extends Constraints

 * Defines a set of built-in constraints.
trait Constraints {

   * Defines an ‘emailAddress’ constraint for `String` values which will validate email addresses.
   * '''name'''[]
   * '''error'''[]
  private val emailRegex = """^(?!\.)("([^"\r\\]|\\["\r\\])*"|([-a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~]|(?<!\.)\.)*)(?<!\.)@[a-zA-Z0-9][\w\.-]*[a-zA-Z0-9]\.[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\.]*[a-zA-Z]$""".r
  def emailAddress: Constraint[String] = Constraint[String]("") { e =>
    if (e == null) Invalid(ValidationError(""))
    else if (e.trim.isEmpty) Invalid(ValidationError(""))
    else emailRegex.findFirstMatchIn(e)
      .map(_ => Valid)

   * Defines a ‘required’ constraint for `String` values, i.e. one in which empty strings are invalid.
   * '''name'''[constraint.required]
   * '''error'''[error.required]
  def nonEmpty: Constraint[String] = Constraint[String]("constraint.required") { o =>
    if (o == null) Invalid(ValidationError("error.required")) else if (o.trim.isEmpty) Invalid(ValidationError("error.required")) else Valid

   * Defines a minimum value for `Ordered` values, by default the value must be greater than or equal to the constraint parameter
   * '''name'''[constraint.min(minValue)]
   * '''error'''[error.min(minValue)] or [error.min.strict(minValue)]
  def min[T](minValue: T, strict: Boolean = false)(implicit ordering: scala.math.Ordering[T]): Constraint[T] = Constraint[T]("constraint.min", minValue) { o =>
    (, minValue).signum, strict) match {
      case (1, _) | (0, false) => Valid
      case (_, false) => Invalid(ValidationError("error.min", minValue))
      case (_, true) => Invalid(ValidationError("error.min.strict", minValue))

   * Defines a maximum value for `Ordered` values, by default the value must be less than or equal to the constraint parameter
   * '''name'''[constraint.max(maxValue)]
   * '''error'''[error.max(maxValue)] or [error.max.strict(maxValue)]
  def max[T](maxValue: T, strict: Boolean = false)(implicit ordering: scala.math.Ordering[T]): Constraint[T] = Constraint[T]("constraint.max", maxValue) { o =>
    (, maxValue).signum, strict) match {
      case (-1, _) | (0, false) => Valid
      case (_, false) => Invalid(ValidationError("error.max", maxValue))
      case (_, true) => Invalid(ValidationError("error.max.strict", maxValue))

   * Defines a minimum length constraint for `String` values, i.e. the string’s length must be greater than or equal to the constraint parameter
   * '''name'''[constraint.minLength(length)]
   * '''error'''[error.minLength(length)]
  def minLength(length: Int): Constraint[String] = Constraint[String]("constraint.minLength", length) { o =>
    require(length >= 0, "string minLength must not be negative")
    if (o == null) Invalid(ValidationError("error.minLength", length)) else if (o.size >= length) Valid else Invalid(ValidationError("error.minLength", length))

   * Defines a maximum length constraint for `String` values, i.e. the string’s length must be less than or equal to the constraint parameter
   * '''name'''[constraint.maxLength(length)]
   * '''error'''[error.maxLength(length)]
  def maxLength(length: Int): Constraint[String] = Constraint[String]("constraint.maxLength", length) { o =>
    require(length >= 0, "string maxLength must not be negative")
    if (o == null) Invalid(ValidationError("error.maxLength", length)) else if (o.size <= length) Valid else Invalid(ValidationError("error.maxLength", length))

   * Defines a regular expression constraint for `String` values, i.e. the string must match the regular expression pattern
   * '''name'''[constraint.pattern(regex)] or defined by the name parameter.
   * '''error'''[error.pattern(regex)] or defined by the error parameter.
  def pattern(regex: => scala.util.matching.Regex, name: String = "constraint.pattern", error: String = "error.pattern"): Constraint[String] = Constraint[String](name, () => regex) { o =>
    require(regex != null, "regex must not be null")
    require(name != null, "name must not be null")
    require(error != null, "error must not be null")

    if (o == null) Invalid(ValidationError(error, regex)) else regex.unapplySeq(o).map(_ => Valid).getOrElse(Invalid(ValidationError(error, regex)))


 * A validation result.
sealed trait ValidationResult

 * Validation was a success.
case object Valid extends ValidationResult

 * Validation was a failure.
 * @param errors the resulting errors
case class Invalid(errors: Seq[ValidationError]) extends ValidationResult {

   * Combines these validation errors with another validation failure.
   * @param another validation failure
   * @return a new merged `Invalid`
  def ++(other: Invalid): Invalid = Invalid(this.errors ++ other.errors)

 * This object provides helper methods to construct `Invalid` values.
object Invalid {

   * Creates an `Invalid` value with a single error.
   * @param error the validation error
   * @return an `Invalid` value
  def apply(error: ValidationError): Invalid = Invalid(Seq(error))

   * Creates an `Invalid` value with a single error.
   * @param error the validation error message
   * @param args the validation error message arguments
   * @return an `Invalid` value
  def apply(error: String, args: Any*): Invalid = Invalid(Seq(ValidationError(error, args: _*)))

object ParameterValidator {
  def apply[T](constraints: Iterable[Constraint[T]], optionalParam: Option[T]*) =
    optionalParam.flatMap { { param =>
        constraints.flatMap {
          _(param) match {
            case i: Invalid => Some(i)
            case _ => None
    }.flatten match {
      case Nil => Valid
      case invalids => invalids.reduceLeft {
        (a, b) => a ++ b

Other Play Framework source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Play Framework Validation.scala source code file:

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