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Play Framework/Scala example source code file (Http.scala)

This example Play Framework source code file (Http.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Play Framework (and Scala) source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to Play Framework; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Play Framework tags/keywords

api, boolean, cookie, flash, map, mvc, none, option, play, play framework, request, requestheader, seq, string

The Http.scala Play Framework example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Typesafe Inc. <>
package play.api.mvc {

  import play.api._
  import play.api.http.{ MediaType, MediaRange, HeaderNames }
  import play.api.i18n.Lang
  import play.api.libs.iteratee._
  import play.api.libs.Crypto

  import scala.annotation._
  import scala.util.control.NonFatal
  import scala.util.Try
  import{ URLDecoder, URLEncoder }
  import scala.concurrent.duration._

   * The HTTP request header. Note that it doesn’t contain the request body yet.
  @implicitNotFound("Cannot find any HTTP Request Header here")
  trait RequestHeader {

     * The request ID.
    def id: Long

     * The request Tags.
    def tags: Map[String, String]

     * The complete request URI, containing both path and query string.
    def uri: String

     * The URI path.
    def path: String

     * The HTTP method.
    def method: String

     * The HTTP version.
    def version: String

     * The parsed query string.
    def queryString: Map[String, Seq[String]]

     * The HTTP headers.
    def headers: Headers

     * The client IP address.
     * If the `X-Forwarded-For` header is present, then this method will return the value in that header
     * if either the local address is, or if `trustxforwarded` is configured to be true in the
     * application configuration file.
    def remoteAddress: String

     * Is the client using SSL?
     * If the <code>X-Forwarded-Proto</code> header is present, then this method will return true
     * if the value in that header is "https", if either the local address is, or if
     * <code>trustxforwarded</code> is configured to be true in the application configuration file.
    def secure: Boolean

    // -- Computed

     * Helper method to access a queryString parameter.
    def getQueryString(key: String): Option[String] = queryString.get(key).flatMap(_.headOption)

     * The HTTP host (domain, optionally port)
    lazy val host: String = headers.get(HeaderNames.HOST).getOrElse("")

     * The HTTP domain
    lazy val domain: String = host.split(':').head

     * The Request Langs extracted from the Accept-Language header and sorted by preference (preferred first).
    lazy val acceptLanguages: Seq[play.api.i18n.Lang] = {
      val langs = RequestHeader.acceptHeader(headers, HeaderNames.ACCEPT_LANGUAGE).map(item => (item._1, Lang.get(item._2)))
      langs.sortWith((a, b) => a._1 > b._1).map(_._2).flatten

     * @return The media types list of the request’s Accept header, sorted by preference (preferred first).
    lazy val acceptedTypes: Seq[play.api.http.MediaRange] = {

     * Check if this request accepts a given media type.
     * @return true if `mimeType` matches the Accept header, otherwise false
    def accepts(mimeType: String): Boolean = {
      acceptedTypes.isEmpty || acceptedTypes.find(_.accepts(mimeType)).isDefined

     * The HTTP cookies.
    lazy val cookies: Cookies = Cookies(headers.get(play.api.http.HeaderNames.COOKIE))

     * Parses the `Session` cookie and returns the `Session` data.
    lazy val session: Session = Session.decodeFromCookie(cookies.get(Session.COOKIE_NAME))

     * Parses the `Flash` cookie and returns the `Flash` data.
    lazy val flash: Flash = Flash.decodeFromCookie(cookies.get(Flash.COOKIE_NAME))

     * Returns the raw query string.
    lazy val rawQueryString: String = uri.split('?').drop(1).mkString("?")

     * The media type of this request.  Same as contentType, except returns a fully parsed media type with parameters.
    lazy val mediaType: Option[MediaType] = headers.get(HeaderNames.CONTENT_TYPE).flatMap(MediaType.parse.apply)

     * Returns the value of the Content-Type header (without the parameters (eg charset))
    lazy val contentType: Option[String] = => mt.mediaType + "/" + mt.mediaSubType)

     * Returns the charset of the request for text-based body
    lazy val charset: Option[String] = for {
      mt <- mediaType
      param <- mt.parameters.find(_._1.equalsIgnoreCase("charset"))
      charset <- param._2
    } yield charset

     * Copy the request.
    def copy(
      id: Long =,
      tags: Map[String, String] = this.tags,
      uri: String = this.uri,
      path: String = this.path,
      method: String = this.method,
      version: String = this.version,
      queryString: Map[String, Seq[String]] = this.queryString,
      headers: Headers = this.headers,
      remoteAddress: String = this.remoteAddress,
      secure: Boolean = RequestHeader = {
      val (_id, _tags, _uri, _path, _method, _version, _queryString, _headers, _remoteAddress, _secure) = (id, tags, uri, path, method, version, queryString, headers, remoteAddress, secure)
      new RequestHeader {
        val id = _id
        val tags = _tags
        val uri = _uri
        val path = _path
        val method = _method
        val version = _version
        val queryString = _queryString
        val headers = _headers
        val remoteAddress = _remoteAddress
        val secure = _secure

    override def toString = {
      method + " " + uri


  object RequestHeader {
    // “The first "q" parameter (if any) separates the media-range parameter(s) from the accept-params.”
    val qPattern = ";\\s*q=([0-9.]+)".r

     * @return The items of an Accept* header, with their q-value.
    private[play] def acceptHeader(headers: Headers, headerName: String): Seq[(Double, String)] = {
      for {
        header <- headers.get(headerName).toSeq
        value0 <- header.split(',')
        value = value0.trim
      } yield {
        RequestHeader.qPattern.findFirstMatchIn(value) match {
          case Some(m) => (, m.before.toString)
          case None => (1.0, value) // “The default value is q=1.”

   * The complete HTTP request.
   * @tparam A the body content type.
  @implicitNotFound("Cannot find any HTTP Request here")
  trait Request[+A] extends RequestHeader {
    self =>

     * The body content.
    def body: A

     * Transform the request body.
    def map[B](f: A => B): Request[B] = new Request[B] {
      def id =
      def tags = self.tags
      def uri = self.uri
      def path = self.path
      def method = self.method
      def version = self.version
      def queryString = self.queryString
      def headers = self.headers
      def remoteAddress = self.remoteAddress
      def secure =
      lazy val body = f(self.body)


  object Request {

    def apply[A](rh: RequestHeader, a: A) = new Request[A] {
      def id =
      def tags = rh.tags
      def uri = rh.uri
      def path = rh.path
      def method = rh.method
      def version = rh.version
      def queryString = rh.queryString
      def headers = rh.headers
      lazy val remoteAddress = rh.remoteAddress
      lazy val secure =
      def username = None
      val body = a

   * Wrap an existing request. Useful to extend a request.
  class WrappedRequest[+A](request: Request[A]) extends Request[A] {
    def id =
    def tags = request.tags
    def body = request.body
    def headers = request.headers
    def queryString = request.queryString
    def path = request.path
    def uri = request.uri
    def method = request.method
    def version = request.version
    def remoteAddress = request.remoteAddress
    def secure =

   * Defines a `Call`, which describes an HTTP request and can be used to create links or fill redirect data.
   * These values are usually generated by the reverse router.
   * @param method the request HTTP method
   * @param url the request URL
  case class Call(method: String, url: String) extends play.mvc.Call {

     * Transform this call to an absolute URL.
     * {{{
     * import play.api.mvc.{ Call, RequestHeader }
     * implicit val req: RequestHeader = myRequest
     * val url: String = Call("GET", "/url").absoluteURL()
     * // == "http://$host/url", or "https://$host/url" if secure
     * }}}
    def absoluteURL()(implicit request: RequestHeader): String =

     * Transform this call to an absolute URL.
    def absoluteURL(secure: Boolean)(implicit request: RequestHeader): String =
      "http" + (if (secure) "s" else "") + "://" + + this.url

     * Transform this call to an WebSocket URL.
     * {{{
     * import play.api.mvc.{ Call, RequestHeader }
     * implicit val req: RequestHeader = myRequest
     * val url: String = Call("GET", "/url").webSocketURL()
     * // == "ws://$host/url", or "wss://$host/url" if secure
     * }}}
    def webSocketURL()(implicit request: RequestHeader): String =

     * Transform this call to an WebSocket URL.
    def webSocketURL(secure: Boolean)(implicit request: RequestHeader): String = "ws" + (if (secure) "s" else "") + "://" + + this.url

    override def toString = url


   * The HTTP headers set.
  trait Headers {

     * Optionally returns the first header value associated with a key.
    def get(key: String): Option[String] = getAll(key).headOption

     * Retrieves the first header value which is associated with the given key.
    def apply(key: String): String = get(key).getOrElse(scala.sys.error("Header doesn't exist"))

     * Retrieve all header values associated with the given key.
    def getAll(key: String): Seq[String] = toMap.get(key).getOrElse(Nil)

     * Retrieve all header keys
    def keys: Set[String] = {
      Set.empty ++

     * Transform the Headers to a Map
    lazy val toMap: Map[String, Seq[String]] = {
      import collection.immutable.TreeMap
      import play.core.utils.CaseInsensitiveOrdered
      TreeMap(data: _*)(CaseInsensitiveOrdered)

     * The internal data structure here is a sequence of header to sequence of value pairs. Multiple
     * headers with the same name are not expected in the sequence. Instead the same header with multiple values
     * in the order that they appear in the http header is expected.
    protected val data: Seq[(String, Seq[String])]

     * Transform the Headers to a Map by ignoring multiple values.
    lazy val toSimpleMap: Map[String, String] = toMap.mapValues(_.headOption.getOrElse(""))

    override def toString = data.toString


   * Trait that should be extended by the Cookie helpers.
  trait CookieBaker[T <: AnyRef] {

     * The cookie name.
    def COOKIE_NAME: String

     * Default cookie, returned in case of error or if missing in the HTTP headers.
    def emptyCookie: T

     * `true` if the Cookie is signed. Defaults to false.
    def isSigned: Boolean = false

     * `true` if the Cookie should have the httpOnly flag, disabling access from Javascript. Defaults to true.
    def httpOnly = true

     * The cookie expiration date in seconds, `None` for a transient cookie
    def maxAge: Option[Int] = None

     * The cookie domain. Defaults to None.
    def domain: Option[String] = None

     * `true` if the Cookie should have the secure flag, restricting usage to https. Defaults to false.
    def secure = false

     *  The cookie path.
    def path = "/"

     * Encodes the data as a `String`.
    def encode(data: Map[String, String]): String = {
      val encoded = {
        case (k, v) => URLEncoder.encode(k, "UTF-8") + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(v, "UTF-8")
      if (isSigned)
        Crypto.sign(encoded) + "-" + encoded

     * Decodes from an encoded `String`.
    def decode(data: String): Map[String, String] = {

      def urldecode(data: String) = {
          .map(_.split("=", 2))
          .map(p => URLDecoder.decode(p(0), "UTF-8") -> URLDecoder.decode(p(1), "UTF-8"))

      // Do not change this unless you understand the security issues behind timing attacks.
      // This method intentionally runs in constant time if the two strings have the same length.
      // If it didn't, it would be vulnerable to a timing attack.
      def safeEquals(a: String, b: String) = {
        if (a.length != b.length) {
        } else {
          var equal = 0
          for (i <- Array.range(0, a.length)) {
            equal |= a(i) ^ b(i)
          equal == 0

      try {
        if (isSigned) {
          val splitted = data.split("-", 2)
          val message = splitted.tail.mkString("-")
          if (safeEquals(splitted(0), Crypto.sign(message)))
            Map.empty[String, String]
        } else urldecode(data)
      } catch {
        // fail gracefully is the session cookie is corrupted
        case NonFatal(_) => Map.empty[String, String]

     * Encodes the data as a `Cookie`.
    def encodeAsCookie(data: T): Cookie = {
      val cookie = encode(serialize(data))
      Cookie(COOKIE_NAME, cookie, maxAge, path, domain, secure, httpOnly)

     * Decodes the data from a `Cookie`.
    def decodeFromCookie(cookie: Option[Cookie]): T = {
      cookie.filter( == COOKIE_NAME).map(c => deserialize(decode(c.value))).getOrElse(emptyCookie)

    def discard = DiscardingCookie(COOKIE_NAME, path, domain, secure)

     * Builds the cookie object from the given data map.
     * @param data the data map to build the cookie object
     * @return a new cookie object
    protected def deserialize(data: Map[String, String]): T

     * Converts the given cookie object into a data map.
     * @param cookie the cookie object to serialize into a map
     * @return a new `Map` storing the key-value pairs for the given cookie
    protected def serialize(cookie: T): Map[String, String]


   * HTTP Session.
   * Session data are encoded into an HTTP cookie, and can only contain simple `String` values.
  case class Session(data: Map[String, String] = Map.empty[String, String]) {

     * Optionally returns the session value associated with a key.
    def get(key: String) = data.get(key)

     * Returns `true` if this session is empty.
    def isEmpty: Boolean = data.isEmpty

     * Adds a value to the session, and returns a new session.
     * For example:
     * {{{
     * session + ("username" -> "bob")
     * }}}
     * @param kv the key-value pair to add
     * @return the modified session
    def +(kv: (String, String)) = {
      require(kv._2 != null, "Cookie values cannot be null")
      copy(data + kv)

     * Removes any value from the session.
     * For example:
     * {{{
     * session - "username"
     * }}}
     * @param key the key to remove
     * @return the modified session
    def -(key: String) = copy(data - key)

     * Retrieves the session value which is associated with the given key.
    def apply(key: String) = data(key)


   * Helper utilities to manage the Session cookie.
  object Session extends CookieBaker[Session] {
    val COOKIE_NAME = Play.maybeApplication.flatMap(_.configuration.getString("session.cookieName")).getOrElse("PLAY_SESSION")
    val emptyCookie = new Session
    override val isSigned = true
    override def secure = Play.maybeApplication.flatMap(_.configuration.getBoolean("")).getOrElse(false)
    override val maxAge = Play.maybeApplication
        .map(Duration(_, MILLISECONDS).toSeconds.toInt))
    override val httpOnly = Play.maybeApplication.flatMap(_.configuration.getBoolean("session.httpOnly")).getOrElse(true)
    override def path = Play.maybeApplication.flatMap(_.configuration.getString("application.context")).getOrElse("/")
    override def domain = Play.maybeApplication.flatMap(_.configuration.getString("session.domain"))

    def deserialize(data: Map[String, String]) = new Session(data)

    def serialize(session: Session) =

   * HTTP Flash scope.
   * Flash data are encoded into an HTTP cookie, and can only contain simple `String` values.
  case class Flash(data: Map[String, String] = Map.empty[String, String]) {

     * Optionally returns the flash value associated with a key.
    def get(key: String) = data.get(key)

     * Returns `true` if this flash scope is empty.
    def isEmpty: Boolean = data.isEmpty

     * Adds a value to the flash scope, and returns a new flash scope.
     * For example:
     * {{{
     * flash + ("success" -> "Done!")
     * }}}
     * @param kv the key-value pair to add
     * @return the modified flash scope
    def +(kv: (String, String)) = {
      require(kv._2 != null, "Cookie values cannot be null")
      copy(data + kv)

     * Removes a value from the flash scope.
     * For example:
     * {{{
     * flash - "success"
     * }}}
     * @param key the key to remove
     * @return the modified flash scope
    def -(key: String) = copy(data - key)

     * Retrieves the flash value that is associated with the given key.
    def apply(key: String) = data(key)


   * Helper utilities to manage the Flash cookie.
  object Flash extends CookieBaker[Flash] {

    val COOKIE_NAME = Play.maybeApplication.flatMap(_.configuration.getString("flash.cookieName")).getOrElse("PLAY_FLASH")
    override def path = Play.maybeApplication.flatMap(_.configuration.getString("application.context")).getOrElse("/")

    val emptyCookie = new Flash

    def deserialize(data: Map[String, String]) = new Flash(data)

    def serialize(flash: Flash) =


   * An HTTP cookie.
   * @param name the cookie name
   * @param value the cookie value
   * @param maxAge the cookie expiration date in seconds, `None` for a transient cookie, or a value less than 0 to expire a cookie now
   * @param path the cookie path, defaulting to the root path `/`
   * @param domain the cookie domain
   * @param secure whether this cookie is secured, sent only for HTTPS requests
   * @param httpOnly whether this cookie is HTTP only, i.e. not accessible from client-side JavaScipt code
  case class Cookie(name: String, value: String, maxAge: Option[Int] = None, path: String = "/", domain: Option[String] = None, secure: Boolean = false, httpOnly: Boolean = true)

   * A cookie to be discarded.  This contains only the data necessary for discarding a cookie.
   * @param name the name of the cookie to discard
   * @param path the path of the cookie, defaults to the root path
   * @param domain the cookie domain
   * @param secure whether this cookie is secured
  case class DiscardingCookie(name: String, path: String = "/", domain: Option[String] = None, secure: Boolean = false) {
    def toCookie = Cookie(name, "", Some(-86400), path, domain, secure)

   * The HTTP cookies set.
  trait Cookies extends Traversable[Cookie] {

     * Optionally returns the cookie associated with a key.
    def get(name: String): Option[Cookie]

     * Retrieves the cookie that is associated with the given key.
    def apply(name: String): Cookie = get(name).getOrElse(scala.sys.error("Cookie doesn't exist"))


   * Helper utilities to encode Cookies.
  object Cookies {

    import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

    // We use netty here but just as an API to handle cookies encoding
    import play.core.netty.utils.{ CookieEncoder, CookieDecoder, DefaultCookie }

     * Extract cookies from the Set-Cookie header.
    def apply(header: Option[String]) = new Cookies {

      lazy val cookies: Map[String, Cookie] =

      def get(name: String) = cookies.get(name)
      override def toString = cookies.toString

      def foreach[U](f: (Cookie) => U) {

     * Encodes cookies as a proper HTTP header.
     * @param cookies the Cookies to encode
     * @return a valid Set-Cookie header value
    def encode(cookies: Seq[Cookie]): String = {
      val encoder = new CookieEncoder(true)
      val newCookies = { c =>
        encoder.addCookie {
          val nc = new DefaultCookie(, c.value)

      newCookies.mkString("; ")

     * Decodes a Set-Cookie header value as a proper cookie set.
     * @param cookieHeader the Set-Cookie header value
     * @return decoded cookies

    private lazy val decoder = new CookieDecoder()
    def decode(cookieHeader: String): Seq[Cookie] = {
      Try {
        decoder.decode(cookieHeader) { c =>
          Cookie(c.getName, c.getValue, if (c.getMaxAge == Integer.MIN_VALUE) None else Some(c.getMaxAge), Option(c.getPath).getOrElse("/"), Option(c.getDomain), c.isSecure, c.isHttpOnly)
      }.getOrElse {
        Play.logger.debug(s"Couldn't decode the Cookie header containing: $cookieHeader")

     * Merges an existing Set-Cookie header with new cookie values
     * @param cookieHeader the existing Set-Cookie header value
     * @param cookies the new cookies to encode
     * @return a valid Set-Cookie header value
    def merge(cookieHeader: String, cookies: Seq[Cookie]): String = {
      val tupledCookies = (decode(cookieHeader) ++ cookies).map { c =>
        // See rfc6265#section-4.1.2
        // Secure and http-only attributes are not considered when testing if
        // two cookies are overlapping.
        (, c.path, -> c
      // Put cookies in a map
      // Note: Seq.toMap do not preserve order
      val uniqCookies = scala.collection.immutable.ListMap(tupledCookies: _*)



Other Play Framework source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Play Framework Http.scala source code file:

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