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Scala example source code file (BCodeBodyBuilder.scala)

This example Scala source code file (BCodeBodyBuilder.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

annotation, apply, bool, btype, collection, int, nil, objectreference, select, symbol, tree, unit

The BCodeBodyBuilder.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2012 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Martin Odersky

package scala
package tools.nsc
package backend
package jvm

import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
import scala.annotation.switch


 *  @author  Miguel Garcia,
 *  @version 1.0
abstract class BCodeBodyBuilder extends BCodeSkelBuilder {
  import global._
  import definitions._
  import bCodeICodeCommon._

   * Functionality to build the body of ASM MethodNode, except for `synchronized` and `try` expressions.
  abstract class PlainBodyBuilder(cunit: CompilationUnit) extends PlainSkelBuilder(cunit) {

    import icodes.TestOp
    import icodes.opcodes.InvokeStyle

    /*  If the selector type has a member with the right name,
     *  it is the host class; otherwise the symbol's owner.
    def findHostClass(selector: Type, sym: Symbol) = selector member match {
      case NoSymbol   => debuglog(s"Rejecting $selector as host class for $sym") ; sym.owner
      case _          => selector.typeSymbol

    /* ---------------- helper utils for generating methods and code ---------------- */

    def emit(opc: Int) { mnode.visitInsn(opc) }

    def emitZeroOf(tk: BType) {
      (tk.sort: @switch) match {
        case asm.Type.BOOLEAN => bc.boolconst(false)
        case asm.Type.BYTE  |
             asm.Type.SHORT |
             asm.Type.CHAR  |
             asm.Type.INT     => bc.iconst(0)
        case asm.Type.LONG    => bc.lconst(0)
        case asm.Type.FLOAT   => bc.fconst(0)
        case asm.Type.DOUBLE  => bc.dconst(0)
        case asm.Type.VOID    => ()
        case _ => emit(asm.Opcodes.ACONST_NULL)

     * Emits code that adds nothing to the operand stack.
     * Two main cases: `tree` is an assignment,
     * otherwise an `adapt()` to UNIT is performed if needed.
    def genStat(tree: Tree) {
      tree match {
        case Assign(lhs @ Select(_, _), rhs) =>
          val isStatic = lhs.symbol.isStaticMember
          if (!isStatic) { genLoadQualifier(lhs) }
          genLoad(rhs, symInfoTK(lhs.symbol))

        case Assign(lhs, rhs) =>
          val s = lhs.symbol
          val Local(tk, _, idx, _) = locals.getOrMakeLocal(s)
          genLoad(rhs, tk)
, tk)

        case _ =>
          genLoad(tree, UNIT)

    def genThrow(expr: Tree): BType = {
      val thrownKind = tpeTK(expr)
      // `throw null` is valid although scala.Null (as defined in src/libray-aux) isn't a subtype of Throwable.
      // Similarly for scala.Nothing (again, as defined in src/libray-aux).
      assert(thrownKind.isNullType || thrownKind.isNothingType || exemplars.get(thrownKind).isSubtypeOf(ThrowableReference))
      genLoad(expr, thrownKind)
      emit(asm.Opcodes.ATHROW) // ICode enters here into enterIgnoreMode, we'll rely instead on DCE at ClassNode level.

      RT_NOTHING // always returns the same, the invoker should know :)

    /* Generate code for primitive arithmetic operations. */
    def genArithmeticOp(tree: Tree, code: Int): BType = {
      val Apply(fun @ Select(larg, _), args) = tree
      var resKind = tpeTK(larg)

      assert(resKind.isNumericType || (resKind == BOOL),
             s"$resKind is not a numeric or boolean type [operation: ${fun.symbol}]")

      import scalaPrimitives._

      args match {
        // unary operation
        case Nil =>
          genLoad(larg, resKind)
          code match {
            case POS => () // nothing
            case NEG => bc.neg(resKind)
            case NOT => bc.genPrimitiveArithmetic(icodes.NOT, resKind)
            case _ => abort(s"Unknown unary operation: ${fun.symbol.fullName} code: $code")

        // binary operation
        case rarg :: Nil =>
          resKind = maxType(tpeTK(larg), tpeTK(rarg))
          if (scalaPrimitives.isShiftOp(code) || scalaPrimitives.isBitwiseOp(code)) {
            assert(resKind.isIntegralType || (resKind == BOOL),
                   s"$resKind incompatible with arithmetic modulo operation.")

          genLoad(larg, resKind)
          genLoad(rarg, // check .NET size of shift arguments!
                  if (scalaPrimitives.isShiftOp(code)) INT else resKind)

          (code: @switch) match {
            case ADD => bc add resKind
            case SUB => bc sub resKind
            case MUL => bc mul resKind
            case DIV => bc div resKind
            case MOD => bc rem resKind

            case OR  | XOR | AND => bc.genPrimitiveLogical(code, resKind)

            case LSL | LSR | ASR => bc.genPrimitiveShift(code, resKind)

            case _                   => abort(s"Unknown primitive: ${fun.symbol}[$code]")

        case _ =>
          abort(s"Too many arguments for primitive function: $tree")

    /* Generate primitive array operations. */
    def genArrayOp(tree: Tree, code: Int, expectedType: BType): BType = {
      val Apply(Select(arrayObj, _), args) = tree
      val k = tpeTK(arrayObj)
      genLoad(arrayObj, k)
      val elementType = typeOfArrayOp.getOrElse(code, abort(s"Unknown operation on arrays: $tree code: $code"))

      var generatedType = expectedType

      if (scalaPrimitives.isArrayGet(code)) {
        // load argument on stack
        assert(args.length == 1, s"Too many arguments for array get operation: $tree");
        genLoad(args.head, INT)
        generatedType = k.getComponentType
      else if (scalaPrimitives.isArraySet(code)) {
        args match {
          case a1 :: a2 :: Nil =>
            genLoad(a1, INT)
            // the following line should really be here, but because of bugs in erasure
            // we pretend we generate whatever type is expected from us.
            //generatedType = UNIT
          case _ =>
            abort(s"Too many arguments for array set operation: $tree")
      else {
        generatedType = INT


    def genLoadIf(tree: If, expectedType: BType): BType = {
      val If(condp, thenp, elsep) = tree

      val success = new asm.Label
      val failure = new asm.Label

      val hasElse = !elsep.isEmpty
      val postIf  = if (hasElse) new asm.Label else failure

      genCond(condp, success, failure)

      val thenKind      = tpeTK(thenp)
      val elseKind      = if (!hasElse) UNIT else tpeTK(elsep)
      def hasUnitBranch = (thenKind == UNIT || elseKind == UNIT)
      val resKind       = if (hasUnitBranch) UNIT else tpeTK(tree)

      genLoad(thenp, resKind)
      if (hasElse) { bc goTo postIf }
      if (hasElse) {
        genLoad(elsep, resKind)


    def genPrimitiveOp(tree: Apply, expectedType: BType): BType = {
      val sym = tree.symbol
      val Apply(fun @ Select(receiver, _), _) = tree
      val code = scalaPrimitives.getPrimitive(sym, receiver.tpe)

      import scalaPrimitives.{isArithmeticOp, isArrayOp, isLogicalOp, isComparisonOp}

      if (isArithmeticOp(code))                genArithmeticOp(tree, code)
      else if (code == scalaPrimitives.CONCAT) genStringConcat(tree)
      else if (code == scalaPrimitives.HASH)   genScalaHash(receiver)
      else if (isArrayOp(code))                genArrayOp(tree, code, expectedType)
      else if (isLogicalOp(code) || isComparisonOp(code)) {
        val success, failure, after = new asm.Label
        genCond(tree, success, failure)
        // success block
          bc boolconst true
          bc goTo after
        // failure block
          bc boolconst false
        // after

      else if (code == scalaPrimitives.SYNCHRONIZED)
        genSynchronized(tree, expectedType)
      else if (scalaPrimitives.isCoercion(code)) {
      else abort(
        s"Primitive operation not handled yet: ${sym.fullName}(${fun.symbol.simpleName}) at: ${tree.pos}"

    def genLoad(tree: Tree) {
      genLoad(tree, tpeTK(tree))

    /* Generate code for trees that produce values on the stack */
    def genLoad(tree: Tree, expectedType: BType) {
      var generatedType = expectedType


      tree match {
        case lblDf : LabelDef => genLabelDef(lblDf, expectedType)

        case ValDef(_, nme.THIS, _, _) =>
          debuglog("skipping trivial assign to _$this: " + tree)

        case ValDef(_, _, _, rhs) =>
          val sym = tree.symbol
          /* most of the time, !locals.contains(sym), unless the current activation of genLoad() is being called
             while duplicating a finalizer that contains this ValDef. */
          val Local(tk, _, idx, isSynth) = locals.getOrMakeLocal(sym)
          if (rhs == EmptyTree) { emitZeroOf(tk) }
          else { genLoad(rhs, tk) }
, tk)
          if (!isSynth) { // there are case <synthetic> ValDef's emitted by patmat
            varsInScope ::= (sym -> currProgramPoint())
          generatedType = UNIT

        case t : If =>
          generatedType = genLoadIf(t, expectedType)

        case r : Return =>
          generatedType = expectedType

        case t : Try =>
          generatedType = genLoadTry(t)

        case Throw(expr) =>
          generatedType = genThrow(expr)

        case New(tpt) =>
          abort(s"Unexpected New(${tpt.summaryString}/$tpt) reached GenBCode.\n" +
                "  Call was genLoad" + ((tree, expectedType)))

        case app : Apply =>
          generatedType = genApply(app, expectedType)

        case ApplyDynamic(qual, args) => sys.error("No invokedynamic support yet.")

        case This(qual) =>
          val symIsModuleClass = tree.symbol.isModuleClass
          assert(tree.symbol == claszSymbol || symIsModuleClass,
                 s"Trying to access the this of another class: tree.symbol = ${tree.symbol}, class symbol = $claszSymbol compilation unit: $cunit")
          if (symIsModuleClass && tree.symbol != claszSymbol) {
            generatedType = genLoadModule(tree)
          else {
            mnode.visitVarInsn(asm.Opcodes.ALOAD, 0)
            generatedType =
              if (tree.symbol == ArrayClass) ObjectReference
              else brefType(thisName) // inner class (if any) for claszSymbol already tracked.

        case Select(Ident(nme.EMPTY_PACKAGE_NAME), module) =>
          assert(tree.symbol.isModule, s"Selection of non-module from empty package: $tree sym: ${tree.symbol} at: ${tree.pos}")

        case Select(qualifier, selector) =>
          val sym = tree.symbol
          generatedType = symInfoTK(sym)
          val hostClass = findHostClass(qualifier.tpe, sym)
          debuglog(s"Host class of $sym with qual $qualifier (${qualifier.tpe}) is $hostClass")
          val qualSafeToElide = treeInfo isQualifierSafeToElide qualifier

          def genLoadQualUnlessElidable() { if (!qualSafeToElide) { genLoadQualifier(tree) } }

          if (sym.isModule) {
          else if (sym.isStaticMember) {
            fieldLoad(sym, hostClass)
          else {
            fieldLoad(sym, hostClass)

        case Ident(name) =>
          val sym = tree.symbol
          if (!sym.hasPackageFlag) {
            val tk = symInfoTK(sym)
            if (sym.isModule) { genLoadModule(tree) }
            else { locals.load(sym) }
            generatedType = tk

        case Literal(value) =>
          if (value.tag != UnitTag) (value.tag, expectedType) match {
            case (IntTag,   LONG  ) => bc.lconst(value.longValue);       generatedType = LONG
            case (FloatTag, DOUBLE) => bc.dconst(value.doubleValue);     generatedType = DOUBLE
            case (NullTag,  _     ) => bc.emit(asm.Opcodes.ACONST_NULL); generatedType = RT_NULL
            case _                  => genConstant(value);               generatedType = tpeTK(tree)

        case blck : Block => genBlock(blck, expectedType)

        case Typed(Super(_, _), _) => genLoad(This(claszSymbol), expectedType)

        case Typed(expr, _) => genLoad(expr, expectedType)

        case Assign(_, _) =>
          generatedType = UNIT

        case av : ArrayValue =>
          generatedType = genArrayValue(av)

        case mtch : Match =>
          generatedType = genMatch(mtch)

        case EmptyTree => if (expectedType != UNIT) { emitZeroOf(expectedType) }

        case _ => abort(s"Unexpected tree in genLoad: $tree/${tree.getClass} at: ${tree.pos}")

      // emit conversion
      if (generatedType != expectedType) {
        adapt(generatedType, expectedType)

    } // end of GenBCode.genLoad()

    // ---------------- field load and store ----------------

     * must-single-thread
    def fieldLoad( field: Symbol, hostClass: Symbol = null) {
      fieldOp(field, isLoad = true,  hostClass)
     * must-single-thread
    def fieldStore(field: Symbol, hostClass: Symbol = null) {
      fieldOp(field, isLoad = false, hostClass)

     * must-single-thread
    private def fieldOp(field: Symbol, isLoad: Boolean, hostClass: Symbol) {
      // LOAD_FIELD.hostClass , CALL_METHOD.hostClass , and #4283
      val owner      =
        if (hostClass == null) internalName(field.owner)
        else                  internalName(hostClass)
      val fieldJName = field.javaSimpleName.toString
      val fieldDescr = symInfoTK(field).getDescriptor
      val isStatic   = field.isStaticMember
      val opc =
        if (isLoad) { if (isStatic) asm.Opcodes.GETSTATIC else asm.Opcodes.GETFIELD }
        else        { if (isStatic) asm.Opcodes.PUTSTATIC else asm.Opcodes.PUTFIELD }
      mnode.visitFieldInsn(opc, owner, fieldJName, fieldDescr)


    // ---------------- emitting constant values ----------------

     * For const.tag in {ClazzTag, EnumTag}
     *   must-single-thread
     * Otherwise it's safe to call from multiple threads.
    def genConstant(const: Constant) {
      (const.tag: @switch) match {

        case BooleanTag => bc.boolconst(const.booleanValue)

        case ByteTag    => bc.iconst(const.byteValue)
        case ShortTag   => bc.iconst(const.shortValue)
        case CharTag    => bc.iconst(const.charValue)
        case IntTag     => bc.iconst(const.intValue)

        case LongTag    => bc.lconst(const.longValue)
        case FloatTag   => bc.fconst(const.floatValue)
        case DoubleTag  => bc.dconst(const.doubleValue)

        case UnitTag    => ()

        case StringTag  =>
          assert(const.value != null, const) // TODO this invariant isn't documented in `case class Constant`
          mnode.visitLdcInsn(const.stringValue) // `stringValue` special-cases null, but not for a const with StringTag

        case NullTag    => emit(asm.Opcodes.ACONST_NULL)

        case ClazzTag   =>
          val toPush: BType = {
            val kind = toTypeKind(const.typeValue)
            if (kind.isValueType) classLiteral(kind)
            else kind

        case EnumTag   =>
          val sym       = const.symbolValue
          val ownerName = internalName(sym.owner)
          val fieldName = sym.javaSimpleName.toString
          val fieldDesc = toTypeKind(sym.tpe.underlying).getDescriptor

        case _ => abort(s"Unknown constant value: $const")

    private def genLabelDef(lblDf: LabelDef, expectedType: BType) {
      // duplication of LabelDefs contained in `finally`-clauses is handled when emitting RETURN. No bookkeeping for that required here.
      // no need to call index() over lblDf.params, on first access that magic happens (moreover, no LocalVariableTable entries needed for them).
      genLoad(lblDf.rhs, expectedType)

    private def genReturn(r: Return) {
      val Return(expr) = r
      val returnedKind = tpeTK(expr)
      genLoad(expr, returnedKind)
      adapt(returnedKind, returnType)
      val saveReturnValue = (returnType != UNIT)

      cleanups match {
        case Nil =>
          // not an assertion: !shouldEmitCleanup (at least not yet, pendingCleanups() may still have to run, and reset `shouldEmitCleanup`.
          bc emitRETURN returnType
        case nextCleanup :: rest =>
          if (saveReturnValue) {
            if (insideCleanupBlock) {
              cunit.warning(r.pos, "Return statement found in finally-clause, discarding its return-value in favor of that of a more deeply nested return.")
              bc drop returnType
            } else {
              // regarding return value, the protocol is: in place of a `return-stmt`, a sequence of `adapt, store, jump` are inserted.
              if (earlyReturnVar == null) {
                earlyReturnVar = locals.makeLocal(returnType, "earlyReturnVar")
          bc goTo nextCleanup
          shouldEmitCleanup = true

    } // end of genReturn()

    private def genApply(app: Apply, expectedType: BType): BType = {
      var generatedType = expectedType
      app match {

        case Apply(TypeApply(fun, targs), _) =>

          val sym = fun.symbol
          val cast = sym match {
            case Object_isInstanceOf  => false
            case Object_asInstanceOf  => true
            case _                    => abort(s"Unexpected type application $fun[sym: ${sym.fullName}] in: $app")

          val Select(obj, _) = fun
          val l = tpeTK(obj)
          val r = tpeTK(targs.head)

          def genTypeApply(): BType = {

            if (l.isValueType && r.isValueType)
              genConversion(l, r, cast)
            else if (l.isValueType) {
              bc drop l
              if (cast) {
                mnode.visitTypeInsn(asm.Opcodes.NEW, classCastExceptionReference.getInternalName)
                bc dup ObjectReference
              } else {
                bc boolconst false
            else if (r.isValueType && cast) {
              abort(s"Erasure should have added an unboxing operation to prevent this cast. Tree: $app")
            else if (r.isValueType) {
              bc isInstance classLiteral(r)
            else {
              genCast(r, cast)

            if (cast) r else BOOL
          } // end of genTypeApply()

          generatedType = genTypeApply()

        // 'super' call: Note: since constructors are supposed to
        // return an instance of what they construct, we have to take
        // special care. On JVM they are 'void', and Scala forbids (syntactically)
        // to call super constructors explicitly and/or use their 'returned' value.
        // therefore, we can ignore this fact, and generate code that leaves nothing
        // on the stack (contrary to what the type in the AST says).
        case Apply(fun @ Select(Super(_, mix), _), args) =>
          val invokeStyle = icodes.opcodes.SuperCall(mix)
          // if (fun.symbol.isConstructor) Static(true) else SuperCall(mix);
          mnode.visitVarInsn(asm.Opcodes.ALOAD, 0)
          genLoadArguments(args, paramTKs(app))
          genCallMethod(fun.symbol, invokeStyle, pos = app.pos)
          generatedType = asmMethodType(fun.symbol).getReturnType

        // 'new' constructor call: Note: since constructors are
        // thought to return an instance of what they construct,
        // we have to 'simulate' it by DUPlicating the freshly created
        // instance (on JVM, <init> methods return VOID).
        case Apply(fun @ Select(New(tpt), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), args) =>
          val ctor = fun.symbol
          assert(ctor.isClassConstructor, s"'new' call to non-constructor: ${}")

          generatedType = tpeTK(tpt)
          assert(generatedType.isRefOrArrayType, s"Non reference type cannot be instantiated: $generatedType")

          generatedType match {
            case arr if generatedType.isArray =>
              genLoadArguments(args, paramTKs(app))
              val dims     = arr.getDimensions
              var elemKind = arr.getElementType
              val argsSize = args.length
              if (argsSize > dims) {
                cunit.error(app.pos, s"too many arguments for array constructor: found ${args.length} but array has only $dims dimension(s)")
              if (argsSize < dims) {
                /* In one step:
                 *   elemKind = new BType(BType.ARRAY, + argsSize, arr.len - argsSize)
                 * however the above does not enter a TypeName for each nested arrays in chrs.
                for (i <- args.length until dims) elemKind = arrayOf(elemKind)
              (argsSize : @switch) match {
                case 1 => bc newarray elemKind
                case _ =>
                  val descr = ('[' * argsSize) + elemKind.getDescriptor // denotes the same as: arrayN(elemKind, argsSize).getDescriptor
                  mnode.visitMultiANewArrayInsn(descr, argsSize)

            case rt if generatedType.hasObjectSort =>
              assert(exemplar(ctor.owner).c == rt, s"Symbol ${ctor.owner.fullName} is different from $rt")
              mnode.visitTypeInsn(asm.Opcodes.NEW, rt.getInternalName)
              bc dup generatedType
              genLoadArguments(args, paramTKs(app))
              genCallMethod(ctor, icodes.opcodes.Static(onInstance = true))

            case _ =>
              abort(s"Cannot instantiate $tpt of kind: $generatedType")

        case Apply(fun @ _, List(expr)) if currentRun.runDefinitions.isBox(fun.symbol) =>
          val nativeKind = tpeTK(expr)
          genLoad(expr, nativeKind)
          val MethodNameAndType(mname, mdesc) = asmBoxTo(nativeKind)
          bc.invokestatic(BoxesRunTime.getInternalName, mname, mdesc)
          generatedType = boxResultType(fun.symbol) // was toTypeKind(fun.symbol.tpe.resultType)

        case Apply(fun @ _, List(expr)) if currentRun.runDefinitions.isUnbox(fun.symbol) =>
          val boxType = unboxResultType(fun.symbol) // was toTypeKind(fun.symbol.owner.linkedClassOfClass.tpe)
          generatedType = boxType
          val MethodNameAndType(mname, mdesc) = asmUnboxTo(boxType)
          bc.invokestatic(BoxesRunTime.getInternalName, mname, mdesc)

        case app @ Apply(fun, args) =>
          val sym = fun.symbol

          if (sym.isLabel) {  // jump to a label
            genLoadLabelArguments(args, labelDef(sym), app.pos)
            bc goTo programPoint(sym)
          } else if (isPrimitive(sym)) { // primitive method call
            generatedType = genPrimitiveOp(app, expectedType)
          } else {  // normal method call

            def genNormalMethodCall() {

              val invokeStyle =
                if (sym.isStaticMember) icodes.opcodes.Static(onInstance = false)
                else if (sym.isPrivate || sym.isClassConstructor) icodes.opcodes.Static(onInstance = true)
                else icodes.opcodes.Dynamic;

              if (invokeStyle.hasInstance) {

              genLoadArguments(args, paramTKs(app))

              // In "a couple cases", squirrel away a extra information (hostClass, targetTypeKind). TODO Document what "in a couple cases" refers to.
              var hostClass:      Symbol = null
              var targetTypeKind: BType  = null
              fun match {
                case Select(qual, _) =>
                  val qualSym = findHostClass(qual.tpe, sym)
                  if (qualSym == ArrayClass) {
                    targetTypeKind = tpeTK(qual)
                    log(s"Stored target type kind for ${sym.fullName} as $targetTypeKind")
                  else {
                    hostClass = qualSym
                    if (qual.tpe.typeSymbol != qualSym) {
                      log(s"Precisified host class for $sym from ${qual.tpe.typeSymbol.fullName} to ${qualSym.fullName}")

                case _ =>
              if ((targetTypeKind != null) && (sym == definitions.Array_clone) && invokeStyle.isDynamic) {
                val target: String = targetTypeKind.getInternalName
                bc.invokevirtual(target, "clone", "()Ljava/lang/Object;")
              else {
                genCallMethod(sym, invokeStyle, hostClass, app.pos)

            } // end of genNormalMethodCall()


            generatedType = asmMethodType(sym).getReturnType


    } // end of genApply()

    private def genArrayValue(av: ArrayValue): BType = {
      val ArrayValue(tpt @ TypeTree(), elems) = av

      val elmKind       = tpeTK(tpt)
      val generatedType = arrayOf(elmKind)

      bc iconst   elems.length
      bc newarray elmKind

      var i = 0
      var rest = elems
      while (!rest.isEmpty) {
        bc dup     generatedType
        bc iconst  i
        genLoad(rest.head, elmKind)
        bc astore  elmKind
        rest = rest.tail
        i = i + 1


     * A Match node contains one or more case clauses,
     * each case clause lists one or more Int values to use as keys, and a code block.
     * Except the "default" case clause which (if it exists) doesn't list any Int key.
     * On a first pass over the case clauses, we flatten the keys and their targets (the latter represented with asm.Labels).
     * That representation allows JCodeMethodV to emit a lookupswitch or a tableswitch.
     * On a second pass, we emit the switch blocks, one for each different target.
    private def genMatch(tree: Match): BType = {
      genLoad(tree.selector, INT)
      val generatedType = tpeTK(tree)

      var flatKeys: List[Int]       = Nil
      var targets:  List[asm.Label] = Nil
      var default:  asm.Label       = null
      var switchBlocks: List[Tuple2[asm.Label, Tree]] = Nil

      // collect switch blocks and their keys, but don't emit yet any switch-block.
      for (caze @ CaseDef(pat, guard, body) <- tree.cases) {
        assert(guard == EmptyTree, guard)
        val switchBlockPoint = new asm.Label
        switchBlocks ::= (switchBlockPoint, body)
        pat match {
          case Literal(value) =>
            flatKeys ::= value.intValue
            targets  ::= switchBlockPoint
          case Ident(nme.WILDCARD) =>
            assert(default == null, s"multiple default targets in a Match node, at ${tree.pos}")
            default = switchBlockPoint
          case Alternative(alts) =>
            alts foreach {
              case Literal(value) =>
                flatKeys ::= value.intValue
                targets  ::= switchBlockPoint
              case _ =>
                abort(s"Invalid alternative in alternative pattern in Match node: $tree at: ${tree.pos}")
          case _ =>
            abort(s"Invalid pattern in Match node: $tree at: ${tree.pos}")
      bc.emitSWITCH(mkArrayReverse(flatKeys), mkArray(targets.reverse), default, MIN_SWITCH_DENSITY)

      // emit switch-blocks.
      val postMatch = new asm.Label
      for (sb <- switchBlocks.reverse) {
        val (caseLabel, caseBody) = sb
        genLoad(caseBody, generatedType)
        bc goTo postMatch


    def genBlock(tree: Block, expectedType: BType) {
      val Block(stats, expr) = tree
      val savedScope = varsInScope
      varsInScope = Nil
      stats foreach genStat
      genLoad(expr, expectedType)
      val end = currProgramPoint()
      if (emitVars) { // add entries to LocalVariableTable JVM attribute
        for ((sym, start) <- varsInScope.reverse) { emitLocalVarScope(sym, start, end) }
      varsInScope = savedScope

    def adapt(from: BType, to: BType) {
      if (!conforms(from, to)) {
        to match {
          case UNIT => bc drop from
          case _    => bc.emitT2T(from, to)
      } else if (from.isNothingType) {
        emit(asm.Opcodes.ATHROW) // ICode enters here into enterIgnoreMode, we'll rely instead on DCE at ClassNode level.
      } else if (from.isNullType) {
        bc drop from
      else (from, to) match  {
        case (BYTE, LONG) | (SHORT, LONG) | (CHAR, LONG) | (INT, LONG) => bc.emitT2T(INT, LONG)
        case _ => ()

    /* Emit code to Load the qualifier of `tree` on top of the stack. */
    def genLoadQualifier(tree: Tree) {
      tree match {
        case Select(qualifier, _) => genLoad(qualifier)
        case _                    => abort(s"Unknown qualifier $tree")

    /* Generate code that loads args into label parameters. */
    def genLoadLabelArguments(args: List[Tree], lblDef: LabelDef, gotoPos: Position) {

      val aps = {
        val params: List[Symbol] =
        assert(args.length == params.length, s"Wrong number of arguments in call to label at: $gotoPos")

        def isTrivial(kv: (Tree, Symbol)) = kv match {
          case (This(_), p) if == nme.THIS     => true
          case (arg @ Ident(_), p) if arg.symbol == p => true
          case _                                      => false

        (args zip params) filterNot isTrivial

      // first push *all* arguments. This makes sure muliple uses of the same labelDef-var will all denote the (previous) value.
      aps foreach { case (arg, param) => genLoad(arg, locals(param).tk) } // `locals` is known to contain `param` because `genDefDef()` visited `labelDefsAtOrUnder`

      // second assign one by one to the LabelDef's variables.
      aps.reverse foreach {
        case (_, param) =>
          // TODO FIXME a "this" param results from tail-call xform. If so, the `else` branch seems perfectly fine. And the `then` branch must be wrong.
          if ( == nme.THIS) mnode.visitVarInsn(asm.Opcodes.ASTORE, 0)


    def genLoadArguments(args: List[Tree], btpes: List[BType]) {
      (args zip btpes) foreach { case (arg, btpe) => genLoad(arg, btpe) }

    def genLoadModule(tree: Tree): BType = {
      val module = (
        if (!tree.symbol.isPackageClass) tree.symbol
        else match {
          case NoSymbol => abort(s"SI-5604: Cannot use package as value: $tree")
          case s        => abort(s"SI-5604: found package class where package object expected: $tree")

    def genLoadModule(module: Symbol) {
      def inStaticMethod = methSymbol != null && methSymbol.isStaticMember
      if (claszSymbol == module.moduleClass && jMethodName != "readResolve" && !inStaticMethod) {
        mnode.visitVarInsn(asm.Opcodes.ALOAD, 0)
      } else {
        val mbt  = symInfoTK(module)
          mbt.getInternalName /* + "$" */ ,
          mbt.getDescriptor // for nostalgics: toTypeKind(module.tpe).getDescriptor

    def genConversion(from: BType, to: BType, cast: Boolean) {
      if (cast) { bc.emitT2T(from, to) }
      else {
        bc drop from
        bc boolconst (from == to)

    def genCast(to: BType, cast: Boolean) {
      if (cast) { bc checkCast  to }
      else      { bc isInstance to }

    /* Is the given symbol a primitive operation? */
    def isPrimitive(fun: Symbol): Boolean = scalaPrimitives.isPrimitive(fun)

    /* Generate coercion denoted by "code" */
    def genCoercion(code: Int) {
      import scalaPrimitives._
      (code: @switch) match {
        case B2B | S2S | C2C | I2I | L2L | F2F | D2D => ()
        case _ =>
          val from = coercionFrom(code)
          val to   = coercionTo(code)
          bc.emitT2T(from, to)

    def genStringConcat(tree: Tree): BType = {
      liftStringConcat(tree) match {

        // Optimization for expressions of the form "" + x.  We can avoid the StringBuilder.
        case List(Literal(Constant("")), arg) =>
          genLoad(arg, ObjectReference)
          genCallMethod(String_valueOf, icodes.opcodes.Static(onInstance = false))

        case concatenations =>
          for (elem <- concatenations) {
            val kind = tpeTK(elem)
            genLoad(elem, kind)



    def genCallMethod(method: Symbol, style: InvokeStyle, hostClass0: Symbol = null, pos: Position = NoPosition) {

      val siteSymbol = claszSymbol
      val hostSymbol = if (hostClass0 == null) method.owner else hostClass0;
      val methodOwner = method.owner
      // info calls so that types are up to date; erasure may add lateINTERFACE to traits ;

      def needsInterfaceCall(sym: Symbol) = (
        || sym.isJavaDefined && sym.isNonBottomSubClass(definitions.ClassfileAnnotationClass)

      // whether to reference the type of the receiver or
      // the type of the method owner
      val useMethodOwner = (
           style != icodes.opcodes.Dynamic
        || hostSymbol.isBottomClass
        || methodOwner == definitions.ObjectClass
      val receiver = if (useMethodOwner) methodOwner else hostSymbol
      val bmOwner  = asmClassType(receiver)
      val jowner   = bmOwner.getInternalName
      val jname    = method.javaSimpleName.toString
      val bmType   = asmMethodType(method)
      val mdescr   = bmType.getDescriptor

      def initModule() {
        // we initialize the MODULE$ field immediately after the super ctor
        if (!isModuleInitialized &&
            jMethodName == INSTANCE_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME &&
            jname == INSTANCE_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME &&
            isStaticModule(siteSymbol)) {
          isModuleInitialized = true
          mnode.visitVarInsn(asm.Opcodes.ALOAD, 0)
            "L" + thisName + ";"

      if (style.isStatic) {
        if (style.hasInstance) { bc.invokespecial  (jowner, jname, mdescr) }
        else                   { bc.invokestatic   (jowner, jname, mdescr) }
      else if (style.isDynamic) {
        if (needsInterfaceCall(receiver)) { bc.invokeinterface(jowner, jname, mdescr) }
        else                              { bc.invokevirtual  (jowner, jname, mdescr) }
      else {
        assert(style.isSuper, s"An unknown InvokeStyle: $style")
        bc.invokespecial(jowner, jname, mdescr)

    } // end of genCallMethod()

    /* Generate the scala ## method. */
    def genScalaHash(tree: Tree): BType = {
      genLoadModule(ScalaRunTimeModule) // TODO why load ScalaRunTimeModule if ## has InvokeStyle of Static(false) ?
      genLoad(tree, ObjectReference)
      genCallMethod(hashMethodSym, icodes.opcodes.Static(onInstance = false))


     * Returns a list of trees that each should be concatenated, from left to right.
     * It turns a chained call like "a".+("b").+("c") into a list of arguments.
    def liftStringConcat(tree: Tree): List[Tree] = tree match {
      case Apply(fun @ Select(larg, method), rarg) =>
        if (isPrimitive(fun.symbol) &&
            scalaPrimitives.getPrimitive(fun.symbol) == scalaPrimitives.CONCAT)
          liftStringConcat(larg) ::: rarg
          tree :: Nil
      case _ =>
        tree :: Nil

    /* Emit code to compare the two top-most stack values using the 'op' operator. */
    private def genCJUMP(success: asm.Label, failure: asm.Label, op: TestOp, tk: BType) {
      if (tk.isIntSizedType) { // BOOL, BYTE, CHAR, SHORT, or INT
        bc.emitIF_ICMP(op, success)
      } else if (tk.isRefOrArrayType) { // REFERENCE(_) | ARRAY(_)
        bc.emitIF_ACMP(op, success)
      } else {
        (tk: @unchecked) match {
          case LONG   => emit(asm.Opcodes.LCMP)
          case FLOAT  =>
            if (op == icodes.LT || op == icodes.LE) emit(asm.Opcodes.FCMPG)
            else emit(asm.Opcodes.FCMPL)
          case DOUBLE =>
            if (op == icodes.LT || op == icodes.LE) emit(asm.Opcodes.DCMPG)
            else emit(asm.Opcodes.DCMPL)
        bc.emitIF(op, success)
      bc goTo failure

    /* Emits code to compare (and consume) stack-top and zero using the 'op' operator */
    private def genCZJUMP(success: asm.Label, failure: asm.Label, op: TestOp, tk: BType) {
      if (tk.isIntSizedType) { // BOOL, BYTE, CHAR, SHORT, or INT
        bc.emitIF(op, success)
      } else if (tk.isRefOrArrayType) { // REFERENCE(_) | ARRAY(_)
        // @unchecked because references aren't compared with GT, GE, LT, LE.
        (op : @unchecked) match {
          case icodes.EQ => bc emitIFNULL    success
          case icodes.NE => bc emitIFNONNULL success
      } else {
        (tk: @unchecked) match {
          case LONG   =>
          case FLOAT  =>
            if (op == icodes.LT || op == icodes.LE) emit(asm.Opcodes.FCMPG)
            else emit(asm.Opcodes.FCMPL)
          case DOUBLE =>
            if (op == icodes.LT || op == icodes.LE) emit(asm.Opcodes.DCMPG)
            else emit(asm.Opcodes.DCMPL)
        bc.emitIF(op, success)
      bc goTo failure

    val testOpForPrimitive: Array[TestOp] = Array(
      icodes.EQ, icodes.NE, icodes.EQ, icodes.NE, icodes.LT, icodes.LE, icodes.GE, icodes.GT

     * Generate code for conditional expressions.
     * The jump targets success/failure of the test are `then-target` and `else-target` resp.
    private def genCond(tree: Tree, success: asm.Label, failure: asm.Label) {

      def genComparisonOp(l: Tree, r: Tree, code: Int) {
        val op: TestOp = testOpForPrimitive(code - scalaPrimitives.ID)
        // special-case reference (in)equality test for null (null eq x, x eq null)
        var nonNullSide: Tree = null
        if (scalaPrimitives.isReferenceEqualityOp(code) &&
            { nonNullSide = ifOneIsNull(l, r); nonNullSide != null }
        ) {
          genLoad(nonNullSide, ObjectReference)
          genCZJUMP(success, failure, op, ObjectReference)
        else {
          val tk = maxType(tpeTK(l), tpeTK(r))
          genLoad(l, tk)
          genLoad(r, tk)
          genCJUMP(success, failure, op, tk)

      def default() = {
        genLoad(tree, BOOL)
        genCZJUMP(success, failure, icodes.NE, BOOL)

      tree match {

        case Apply(fun, args) if isPrimitive(fun.symbol) =>
          import scalaPrimitives.{ ZNOT, ZAND, ZOR, EQ, getPrimitive }

          // lhs and rhs of test
          lazy val Select(lhs, _) = fun
          val rhs = if (args.isEmpty) EmptyTree else args.head; // args.isEmpty only for ZNOT

          def genZandOrZor(and: Boolean) { // TODO WRONG
            // reaching "keepGoing" indicates the rhs should be evaluated too (ie not short-circuited).
            val keepGoing = new asm.Label

            if (and) genCond(lhs, keepGoing, failure)
            else     genCond(lhs, success,   keepGoing)

            genCond(rhs, success, failure)

          getPrimitive(fun.symbol) match {
            case ZNOT   => genCond(lhs, failure, success)
            case ZAND   => genZandOrZor(and = true)
            case ZOR    => genZandOrZor(and = false)
            case code   =>
              // TODO !!!!!!!!!! isReferenceType, in the sense of TypeKind? (ie non-array, non-boxed, non-nothing, may be null)
              if (scalaPrimitives.isUniversalEqualityOp(code) && tpeTK(lhs).hasObjectSort) {
                // `lhs` has reference type
                if (code == EQ) genEqEqPrimitive(lhs, rhs, success, failure)
                else            genEqEqPrimitive(lhs, rhs, failure, success)
              else if (scalaPrimitives.isComparisonOp(code))
                genComparisonOp(lhs, rhs, code)

        case _ => default

    } // end of genCond()

     * Generate the "==" code for object references. It is equivalent of
     * if (l eq null) r eq null else l.equals(r);
     * @param l       left-hand-side  of the '=='
     * @param r       right-hand-side of the '=='
    def genEqEqPrimitive(l: Tree, r: Tree, success: asm.Label, failure: asm.Label) {

      /* True if the equality comparison is between values that require the use of the rich equality
       * comparator (scala.runtime.Comparator.equals). This is the case when either side of the
       * comparison might have a run-time type subtype of java.lang.Number or java.lang.Character.
       * When it is statically known that both sides are equal and subtypes of Number of Character,
       * not using the rich equality is possible (their own equals method will do ok.)
      val mustUseAnyComparator: Boolean = {
        val areSameFinals = l.tpe.isFinalType && r.tpe.isFinalType && (l.tpe =:= r.tpe)

        !areSameFinals && platform.isMaybeBoxed(l.tpe.typeSymbol) && platform.isMaybeBoxed(r.tpe.typeSymbol)

      if (mustUseAnyComparator) {
        val equalsMethod: Symbol = {
          if (l.tpe <:< BoxedNumberClass.tpe) {
            if (r.tpe <:< BoxedNumberClass.tpe) platform.externalEqualsNumNum
            else if (r.tpe <:< BoxedCharacterClass.tpe) platform.externalEqualsNumChar
            else platform.externalEqualsNumObject
          } else platform.externalEquals
        genLoad(l, ObjectReference)
        genLoad(r, ObjectReference)
        genCallMethod(equalsMethod, icodes.opcodes.Static(onInstance = false))
        genCZJUMP(success, failure, icodes.NE, BOOL)
      else {
        if (isNull(l)) {
          // null == expr -> expr eq null
          genLoad(r, ObjectReference)
          genCZJUMP(success, failure, icodes.EQ, ObjectReference)
        } else if (isNull(r)) {
          // expr == null -> expr eq null
          genLoad(l, ObjectReference)
          genCZJUMP(success, failure, icodes.EQ, ObjectReference)
        } else if (isNonNullExpr(l)) {
          // SI-7852 Avoid null check if L is statically non-null.
          genLoad(l, ObjectReference)
          genLoad(r, ObjectReference)
          genCallMethod(Object_equals, icodes.opcodes.Dynamic)
          genCZJUMP(success, failure, icodes.NE, BOOL)
        } else {
          // l == r -> if (l eq null) r eq null else l.equals(r)
          val eqEqTempLocal = locals.makeLocal(AnyRefReference, nme.EQEQ_LOCAL_VAR.toString)
          val lNull    = new asm.Label
          val lNonNull = new asm.Label

          genLoad(l, ObjectReference)
          genLoad(r, ObjectReference)

          bc dup ObjectReference
          genCZJUMP(lNull, lNonNull, icodes.EQ, ObjectReference)

          bc drop ObjectReference
          genCZJUMP(success, failure, icodes.EQ, ObjectReference)

          genCallMethod(Object_equals, icodes.opcodes.Dynamic)
          genCZJUMP(success, failure, icodes.NE, BOOL)

    def genSynchronized(tree: Apply, expectedType: BType): BType
    def genLoadTry(tree: Try): BType



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