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Scala example source code file (GenBCode.scala)

This example Scala source code file (GenBCode.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

annotation, array, bcodephase, collection, compilationunit, int, item1, item2, item3, plainclassbuilder, some, subitem3

The GenBCode.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2012 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Martin Odersky

package scala
package tools.nsc
package backend
package jvm

import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
import scala.annotation.switch


 *  Prepare in-memory representations of classfiles using the ASM Tree API, and serialize them to disk.
 *  Three pipelines are at work, each taking work items from a queue dedicated to that pipeline:
 *  (There's another pipeline so to speak, the one that populates queue-1 by traversing a CompilationUnit until ClassDefs are found,
 *   but the "interesting" pipelines are the ones described below)
 *    (1) In the first queue, an item consists of a ClassDef along with its arrival position.
 *        This position is needed at the time classfiles are serialized to disk,
 *        so as to emit classfiles in the same order CleanUp handed them over.
 *        As a result, two runs of the compiler on the same files produce jars that are identical on a byte basis.
 *        See `ant test.stability`
 *    (2) The second queue contains items where a ClassDef has been lowered into:
 *          (a) an optional mirror class,
 *          (b) a plain class, and
 *          (c) an optional bean class.
 *    (3) The third queue contains items ready for serialization.
 *        It's a priority queue that follows the original arrival order,
 *        so as to emit identical jars on repeated compilation of the same sources.
 *  Plain, mirror, and bean classes are built respectively by PlainClassBuilder, JMirrorBuilder, and JBeanInfoBuilder.
 *  @author  Miguel Garcia,
 *  @version 1.0
abstract class GenBCode extends BCodeSyncAndTry {
  import global._

  val phaseName = "jvm"

  override def newPhase(prev: Phase) = new BCodePhase(prev)

  final class PlainClassBuilder(cunit: CompilationUnit) extends SyncAndTryBuilder(cunit)

  class BCodePhase(prev: Phase) extends StdPhase(prev) {

    override def name = phaseName
    override def description = "Generate bytecode from ASTs using the ASM library"
    override def erasedTypes = true

    private var bytecodeWriter  : BytecodeWriter   = null
    private var mirrorCodeGen   : JMirrorBuilder   = null
    private var beanInfoCodeGen : JBeanInfoBuilder = null

    /* ---------------- q1 ---------------- */

    case class Item1(arrivalPos: Int, cd: ClassDef, cunit: CompilationUnit) {
      def isPoison = { arrivalPos == Int.MaxValue }
    private val poison1 = Item1(Int.MaxValue, null, null)
    private val q1 = new java.util.LinkedList[Item1]

    /* ---------------- q2 ---------------- */

    case class Item2(arrivalPos:   Int,
                     mirror:       asm.tree.ClassNode,
                     plain:        asm.tree.ClassNode,
                     bean:         asm.tree.ClassNode,
                     outFolder: {
      def isPoison = { arrivalPos == Int.MaxValue }

    private val poison2 = Item2(Int.MaxValue, null, null, null, null)
    private val q2 = new[Item2]

    /* ---------------- q3 ---------------- */

     *  An item of queue-3 (the last queue before serializing to disk) contains three of these
     *  (one for each of mirror, plain, and bean classes).
     *  @param jclassName  internal name of the class
     *  @param jclassBytes bytecode emitted for the class SubItem3 represents
    case class SubItem3(
      jclassName:  String,
      jclassBytes: Array[Byte]

    case class Item3(arrivalPos: Int,
                     mirror:     SubItem3,
                     plain:      SubItem3,
                     bean:       SubItem3,
                     outFolder: {

      def isPoison  = { arrivalPos == Int.MaxValue }
    private val i3comparator = new java.util.Comparator[Item3] {
      override def compare(a: Item3, b: Item3) = {
        if (a.arrivalPos < b.arrivalPos) -1
        else if (a.arrivalPos == b.arrivalPos) 0
        else 1
    private val poison3 = Item3(Int.MaxValue, null, null, null, null)
    private val q3 = new java.util.PriorityQueue[Item3](1000, i3comparator)

     *  Pipeline that takes ClassDefs from queue-1, lowers them into an intermediate form, placing them on queue-2
    class Worker1(needsOutFolder: Boolean) {

      val caseInsensitively = mutable.Map.empty[String, Symbol]

      def run() {
        while (true) {
          val item = q1.poll
          if (item.isPoison) {
            q2 add poison2
          else {
            try   { visit(item) }
            catch {
              case ex: Throwable =>
                error(s"Error while emitting ${item.cunit.source}\n${ex.getMessage}")

       *  Checks for duplicate internal names case-insensitively,
       *  builds ASM ClassNodes for mirror, plain, and bean classes;
       *  enqueues them in queue-2.
      def visit(item: Item1) {
        val Item1(arrivalPos, cd, cunit) = item
        val claszSymbol = cd.symbol

        // GenASM checks this before classfiles are emitted,
        val lowercaseJavaClassName = claszSymbol.javaClassName.toLowerCase
        caseInsensitively.get(lowercaseJavaClassName) match {
          case None =>
            caseInsensitively.put(lowercaseJavaClassName, claszSymbol)
          case Some(dupClassSym) =>
              s"Class ${claszSymbol.javaClassName} differs only in case from ${dupClassSym.javaClassName}. " +
              "Such classes will overwrite one another on case-insensitive filesystems."

        // -------------- mirror class, if needed --------------
        val mirrorC =
          if (isStaticModule(claszSymbol) && isTopLevelModule(claszSymbol)) {
            if (claszSymbol.companionClass == NoSymbol) {
              mirrorCodeGen.genMirrorClass(claszSymbol, cunit)
            } else {
              log(s"No mirror class for module with linked class: ${claszSymbol.fullName}")
          } else null

        // -------------- "plain" class --------------
        val pcb = new PlainClassBuilder(cunit)
        val outF = if (needsOutFolder) getOutFolder(claszSymbol, pcb.thisName, cunit) else null;
        val plainC = pcb.cnode

        // -------------- bean info class, if needed --------------
        val beanC =
          if (claszSymbol hasAnnotation BeanInfoAttr) {
              claszSymbol, cunit,
          } else null

          // ----------- hand over to pipeline-2

        val item2 =
                mirrorC, plainC, beanC,

        q2 add item2 // at the very end of this method so that no Worker2 thread starts mutating before we're done.

      } // end of method visit(Item1)

    } // end of class BCodePhase.Worker1

     *  Pipeline that takes ClassNodes from queue-2. The unit of work depends on the optimization level:
     *    (a) no optimization involves:
     *          - converting the plain ClassNode to byte array and placing it on queue-3
    class Worker2 {

      def run() {
        while (true) {
          val item = q2.poll
          if (item.isPoison) {
            q3 add poison3
          else {
            try   { addToQ3(item) }
            catch {
              case ex: Throwable =>
                error(s"Error while emitting ${}\n${ex.getMessage}")

      private def addToQ3(item: Item2) {

        def getByteArray(cn: asm.tree.ClassNode): Array[Byte] = {
          val cw = new CClassWriter(extraProc)

        val Item2(arrivalPos, mirror, plain, bean, outFolder) = item

        val mirrorC = if (mirror == null) null else SubItem3(, getByteArray(mirror))
        val plainC  = SubItem3(, getByteArray(plain))
        val beanC   = if (bean == null)   null else SubItem3(, getByteArray(bean))

        if (AsmUtils.traceSerializedClassEnabled && {
          def readClass(bytes: Array[Byte]): asm.tree.ClassNode = {
            val node = new asm.tree.ClassNode()
            new asm.ClassReader(bytes).accept(node, 0)
          if (mirrorC != null) AsmUtils.traceClass(readClass(mirrorC.jclassBytes))
          if (beanC != null) AsmUtils.traceClass(readClass(beanC.jclassBytes))

        q3 add Item3(arrivalPos, mirrorC, plainC, beanC, outFolder)


    } // end of class BCodePhase.Worker2

    var arrivalPos = 0

     *  A run of the BCodePhase phase comprises:
     *    (a) set-up steps (most notably supporting maps in `BCodeTypes`,
     *        but also "the" writer where class files in byte-array form go)
     *    (b) building of ASM ClassNodes, their optimization and serialization.
     *    (c) tear down (closing the classfile-writer and clearing maps)
    override def run() {

      arrivalPos = 0 // just in case

      // initBytecodeWriter invokes fullName, thus we have to run it before the typer-dependent thread is activated.
      bytecodeWriter  = initBytecodeWriter(cleanup.getEntryPoints)
      mirrorCodeGen   = new JMirrorBuilder
      beanInfoCodeGen = new JBeanInfoBuilder

      val needsOutfileForSymbol = bytecodeWriter.isInstanceOf[ClassBytecodeWriter]

      // closing output files.

      /* TODO Bytecode can be verified (now that all classfiles have been written to disk)
       * (1) asm.util.CheckAdapter.verify()
       *       public static void verify(ClassReader cr, ClassLoader loader, boolean dump, PrintWriter pw)
       *     passing a custom ClassLoader to verify inter-dependent classes.
       *     Alternatively,
       *       - an offline-bytecode verifier could be used (e.g. Maxine brings one as separate tool).
       *       - -Xverify:all
       * (2) if requested, check-java-signatures, over and beyond the syntactic checks in `getGenericSignature()`

      // clearing maps

     *  Sequentially:
     *    (a) place all ClassDefs in queue-1
     *    (b) dequeue one at a time from queue-1, convert it to ASM ClassNode, place in queue-2
     *    (c) dequeue one at a time from queue-2, convert it to byte-array,    place in queue-3
     *    (d) serialize to disk by draining queue-3.
    private def buildAndSendToDisk(needsOutFolder: Boolean) {

      (new Worker1(needsOutFolder)).run()
      (new Worker2).run()


    /* Feed pipeline-1: place all ClassDefs on q1, recording their arrival position. */
    private def feedPipeline1() {
      q1 add poison1

    /* Pipeline that writes classfile representations to disk. */
    private def drainQ3() {

      def sendToDisk(cfr: SubItem3, outFolder: {
        if (cfr != null){
          val SubItem3(jclassName, jclassBytes) = cfr
          try {
            val outFile =
              if (outFolder == null) null
              else getFileForClassfile(outFolder, jclassName, ".class")
            bytecodeWriter.writeClass(jclassName, jclassName, jclassBytes, outFile)
          catch {
            case e: FileConflictException =>
              error(s"error writing $jclassName: ${e.getMessage}")

      var moreComing = true
      // `expected` denotes the arrivalPos whose Item3 should be serialized next
      var expected = 0

      while (moreComing) {
        val incoming = q3.poll
        moreComing   = !incoming.isPoison
        if (moreComing) {
          val item = incoming
          val outFolder = item.outFolder
          sendToDisk(item.mirror, outFolder)
          sendToDisk(item.plain,  outFolder)
          sendToDisk(item.bean,   outFolder)
          expected += 1

      // we're done
      assert(q1.isEmpty, s"Some ClassDefs remained in the first queue: $q1")
      assert(q2.isEmpty, s"Some classfiles remained in the second queue: $q2")
      assert(q3.isEmpty, s"Some classfiles weren't written to disk: $q3")


    override def apply(cunit: CompilationUnit): Unit = {

      def gen(tree: Tree) {
        tree match {
          case EmptyTree            => ()
          case PackageDef(_, stats) => stats foreach gen
          case cd: ClassDef         =>
            q1 add Item1(arrivalPos, cd, cunit)
            arrivalPos += 1


  } // end of class BCodePhase

} // end of class GenBCode

Other Scala source code examples

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