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Scala example source code file (DeadCodeElimination.scala)

This example Scala source code file (DeadCodeElimination.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

basicblock, collection, compiler, drop, imethod, int, list, load_local, load_module, new, nsc, store_local, symbol

The DeadCodeElimination.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Iulian Dragos

package backend.opt

import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }

abstract class DeadCodeElimination extends SubComponent {
  import global._
  import icodes._
  import icodes.opcodes._
  import definitions.RuntimePackage

  /** The block and index where an instruction is located */
  type InstrLoc = (BasicBlock, Int)

  val phaseName = "dce"

  override val enabled: Boolean = settings.Xdce

  /** Create a new phase */
  override def newPhase(p: Phase) = new DeadCodeEliminationPhase(p)

  /** Dead code elimination phase.
  class DeadCodeEliminationPhase(prev: Phase) extends ICodePhase(prev) {

    def name = phaseName
    val dce = new DeadCode()

    override def apply(c: IClass) {
      if (settings.Xdce && (dce ne null))

  /** closures that are instantiated at least once, after dead code elimination */
  val liveClosures = perRunCaches.newSet[Symbol]()

  /** closures that are eliminated, populated by
   *  these class symbols won't have a .class physical file, thus shouldn't be included in InnerClasses JVM attribute,
   *  otherwise some tools get confused or slow (SI-6546)
   * */
  val elidedClosures = perRunCaches.newSet[Symbol]()

  /** Remove dead code.
  class DeadCode {

    def analyzeClass(cls: IClass) {
      log(s"Analyzing ${cls.methods.size} methods in $cls.")
      cls.methods.foreach { m =>
        this.method = m

    val rdef = new reachingDefinitions.ReachingDefinitionsAnalysis

    /** Use-def chain: give the reaching definitions at the beginning of given instruction. */
    var defs: immutable.Map[InstrLoc, immutable.Set[rdef.lattice.Definition]] = immutable.HashMap.empty

    /** Useful instructions which have not been scanned yet. */
    val worklist: mutable.Set[InstrLoc] = new mutable.LinkedHashSet

    /** what instructions have been marked as useful? */
    val useful: mutable.Map[BasicBlock, mutable.BitSet] = perRunCaches.newMap()

    /** what local variables have been accessed at least once? */
    var accessedLocals: List[Local] = Nil

    /** Map from a local and a basic block to the instructions that store to that local in that basic block */
    val localStores = mutable.Map[(Local, BasicBlock), mutable.BitSet]() withDefault {_ => mutable.BitSet()}

    /** Stores that clobber previous stores to array or ref locals. See SI-5313 */
    val clobbers = mutable.Set[InstrLoc]()

    /** the current method. */
    var method: IMethod = _

    /** Map instructions who have a drop on some control path, to that DROP instruction. */
    val dropOf: mutable.Map[InstrLoc, List[InstrLoc]] = perRunCaches.newMap()

    def dieCodeDie(m: IMethod) {
      if (m.hasCode) {
        debuglog("dead code elimination on " + m)
        m.code.touched = true
        accessedLocals = m.params.reverse
        m.code.blocks ++= linearizer.linearize(m)
        m.code.touched = true
        accessedLocals = accessedLocals.distinct
        val diff = m.locals diff accessedLocals
        if (diff.nonEmpty) {
          val msg =", ")
          log(s"Removed ${diff.size} dead locals: $msg")
          m.locals = accessedLocals.reverse

    /** collect reaching definitions and initial useful instructions for this method. */
    def collectRDef(m: IMethod): Unit = if (m.hasCode) {
      defs = immutable.HashMap.empty; worklist.clear(); useful.clear()

      m foreachBlock { bb =>
        useful(bb) = new mutable.BitSet(bb.size)
        var rd =
        for ((i, idx) <- bb.toList.zipWithIndex) {

          // utility for adding to worklist
          def moveToWorkList() = moveToWorkListIf(cond = true)

          // utility for (conditionally) adding to worklist
          def moveToWorkListIf(cond: Boolean) =
            if (cond) {
              debuglog("in worklist:     " + i)
              worklist += ((bb, idx))
            } else {
              debuglog("not in worklist: " + i)

          // instruction-specific logic
          i match {

            case LOAD_LOCAL(_) =>
              defs = defs + (((bb, idx), rd.vars))
              moveToWorkListIf(cond = false)

            case STORE_LOCAL(l) =>
              /* SI-4935 Check whether a module is stack top, if so mark the instruction that loaded it
               * (otherwise any side-effects of the module's constructor go lost).
               *   (a) The other two cases where a module's value is stored (STORE_FIELD and STORE_ARRAY_ITEM)
               *       are already marked (case clause below).
               *   (b) A CALL_METHOD targeting a method `m1` where the receiver is potentially a module (case clause below)
               *       will have the module's load marked provided `isSideEffecting(m1)`.
               *       TODO check for purity (the ICode?) of the module's constructor (besides m1's purity).
               *       See also
              val necessary = rdef.findDefs(bb, idx, 1) exists { p =>
                val (bb1, idx1) = p
                bb1(idx1) match {
                  case LOAD_MODULE(module) => isLoadNeeded(module)
                  case _                   => false

              // add it to the localStores map
              val key = (l, bb)
              val set = localStores(key)
              set += idx
              localStores(key) = set

            case RETURN(_) | JUMP(_) | CJUMP(_, _, _, _) | CZJUMP(_, _, _, _) | STORE_FIELD(_, _) |
                 THROW(_)   | LOAD_ARRAY_ITEM(_) | STORE_ARRAY_ITEM(_) | SCOPE_ENTER(_) | SCOPE_EXIT(_) | STORE_THIS(_) |
                 LOAD_EXCEPTION(_) | SWITCH(_, _) | MONITOR_ENTER() | MONITOR_EXIT() | CHECK_CAST(_) =>

            case CALL_METHOD(m1, _) if isSideEffecting(m1) =>

            case CALL_METHOD(m1, SuperCall(_)) =>
              moveToWorkList() // super calls to constructor

            case DROP(_) =>
              val necessary = rdef.findDefs(bb, idx, 1) exists { p =>
                val (bb1, idx1) = p
                bb1(idx1) match {
                  case CALL_METHOD(m1, _) if isSideEffecting(m1) => true
                  case LOAD_EXCEPTION(_) | DUP(_) | LOAD_MODULE(_) => true
                  case _ =>
                    dropOf((bb1, idx1)) = (bb,idx) :: dropOf.getOrElse((bb1, idx1), Nil)
                    debuglog("DROP is innessential: " + i + " because of: " + bb1(idx1) + " at " + bb1 + ":" + idx1)
            case LOAD_MODULE(sym) if isLoadNeeded(sym) =>
              moveToWorkList() // SI-4859 Module initialization might side-effect.
            case _ => ()
              moveToWorkListIf(cond = false)
          rd = rdef.interpret(bb, idx, rd)

    private def isLoadNeeded(module: Symbol): Boolean = { != NoSymbol

    /** Mark useful instructions. Instructions in the worklist are each inspected and their
     *  dependencies are marked useful too, and added to the worklist.
    def mark() {
//      log("Starting with worklist: " + worklist)
      while (!worklist.isEmpty) {
        val (bb, idx) = worklist.head
        worklist -= ((bb, idx))
        debuglog("Marking instr: \tBB_" + bb + ": " + idx + " " + bb(idx))

        val instr = bb(idx)
        // adds the instrutions that define the stack values about to be consumed to the work list to
        // be marked useful
        def addDefs() = for ((bb1, idx1) <- rdef.findDefs(bb, idx, instr.consumed) if !useful(bb1)(idx1)) {
          debuglog(s"\t${bb1(idx1)} is consumed by $instr")
          worklist += ((bb1, idx1))

        // DROP logic -- if an instruction is useful, its drops are also useful
        // and we don't mark the DROPs as useful directly but add them to the
        // worklist so we also mark their reaching defs as useful - see SI-7060
        if (!useful(bb)(idx)) {
          useful(bb) += idx
          dropOf.get((bb, idx)) foreach {
            for ((bb1, idx1) <- _) {
               * SI-7060: A drop that we now mark as useful can be reached via several paths,
               * so we should follow by marking all its reaching definition as useful too:
              debuglog("\tAdding: " + bb1(idx1) + " to the worklist, as a useful DROP.")
              worklist += ((bb1, idx1))

          // per-instruction logic
          instr match {
            case LOAD_LOCAL(l1) =>
              for ((l2, bb1, idx1) <- defs((bb, idx)) if l1 == l2; if !useful(bb1)(idx1)) {
                debuglog("\tAdding " + bb1(idx1))
                worklist += ((bb1, idx1))

            case STORE_LOCAL(l1) if l1.kind.isRefOrArrayType =>
              // see SI-5313
              // search for clobbers of this store if we aren't doing l1 = null
              // this doesn't catch the second store in x=null;l1=x; but in practice this catches
              // a lot of null stores very cheaply
              if (idx == 0 || bb(idx - 1) != CONSTANT(Constant(null)))
                 findClobbers(l1, bb, idx + 1)

            case nw @ NEW(REFERENCE(sym)) =>
              assert(nw.init ne null, "null new.init at: " + bb + ": " + idx + "(" + instr + ")")
              worklist += findInstruction(bb, nw.init)
              if (inliner.isClosureClass(sym)) {
                liveClosures += sym

            // it may be better to move static initializers from closures to
            // the enclosing class, to allow the optimizer to remove more closures.
            // right now, the only static fields in closures are created when caching
            // 'symbol literals.
            case LOAD_FIELD(sym, true) if inliner.isClosureClass(sym.owner) =>
              log("added closure class for field " + sym)
              liveClosures += sym.owner

            case LOAD_EXCEPTION(_) =>

            case _ =>

     * Finds and marks all clobbers of the given local starting in the given
     * basic block at the given index
     * Storing to local variables of reference or array type may be indirectly
     * observable because it may remove a reference to an object which may allow the object
     * to be gc'd. See SI-5313. In this code I call the LOCAL_STORE(s) that immediately follow a
     * LOCAL_STORE and that store to the same local "clobbers." If a LOCAL_STORE is marked
     * useful then its clobbers must go into the set of clobbers, which will be
     * compensated for later
    def findClobbers(l: Local, bb: BasicBlock, idx: Int) {
        // previously visited blocks tracked to prevent searching forever in a cycle
        val inspected = mutable.Set[BasicBlock]()
        // our worklist of blocks that still need to be checked
        val blocksToBeInspected = mutable.Set[BasicBlock]()

        // Tries to find the next clobber of l1 in bb1 starting at idx1.
        // if it finds one it adds the clobber to clobbers set for later
        // handling. If not it adds the direct successor blocks to
        // the uninspectedBlocks to try to find clobbers there. Either way
        // it adds the exception successor blocks for further search
        def findClobberInBlock(idx1: Int, bb1: BasicBlock) {
          val key = ((l, bb1))
          val foundClobber = (localStores contains key) && {
            def minIdx(s : mutable.BitSet) = if(s.isEmpty) -1 else s.min

            // find the smallest index greater than or equal to idx1
            val clobberIdx = minIdx(localStores(key) dropWhile (_ < idx1))
            if (clobberIdx == -1)
            else {
              debuglog(s"\t${bb1(clobberIdx)} is a clobber of ${bb(idx)}")
              clobbers += ((bb1, clobberIdx))

          // always need to look into the exception successors for additional clobbers
          // because we don't know when flow might enter an exception handler
          blocksToBeInspected ++= (bb1.exceptionSuccessors filterNot inspected)
          // If we didn't find a clobber here then we need to look at successor blocks.
          // if we found a clobber then we don't need to search in the direct successors
          if (!foundClobber) {
            blocksToBeInspected ++= (bb1.directSuccessors filterNot inspected)

        // first search starting at the current index
        // note we don't put bb in the inspected list yet because a loop may later force
        // us back around to search from the beginning of bb
        findClobberInBlock(idx, bb)
        // then loop until we've exhausted the set of uninspected blocks
        while(!blocksToBeInspected.isEmpty) {
          val bb1 = blocksToBeInspected.head
          blocksToBeInspected -= bb1
          inspected += bb1
          findClobberInBlock(0, bb1)

    def sweep(m: IMethod) {
      val compensations = computeCompensations(m)

      debuglog("Sweeping: " + m)

      m foreachBlock { bb =>
        debuglog(bb + ":")
        val oldInstr = bb.toList
        for ((i, idx) <- oldInstr.zipWithIndex) {
          if (useful(bb)(idx)) {
            debuglog(" * " + i + " is useful")
            bb.emit(i, i.pos)
            compensations.get((bb, idx)) match {
              case Some(is) => is foreach bb.emit
              case None => ()
            // check for accessed locals
            i match {
              case LOAD_LOCAL(l) if !l.arg =>
                accessedLocals = l :: accessedLocals
              case STORE_LOCAL(l) if !l.arg =>
                accessedLocals = l :: accessedLocals
              case _ => ()
          } else {
            i match {
              case NEW(REFERENCE(sym)) =>
                log(s"Eliminated instantation of $sym inside $m")
              case STORE_LOCAL(l) if clobbers contains ((bb, idx)) =>
                // if an unused instruction was a clobber of a used store to a reference or array type
                // then we'll replace it with the store of a null to make sure the reference is
                // eliminated. See SI-5313
                bb emit CONSTANT(Constant(null))
                bb emit STORE_LOCAL(l)
              case _ => ()
            debuglog("   " + i + " [swept]")

        if (bb.nonEmpty) bb.close()
        else log(s"empty block encountered in $m")

    private def computeCompensations(m: IMethod): mutable.Map[InstrLoc, List[Instruction]] = {
      val compensations: mutable.Map[InstrLoc, List[Instruction]] = new mutable.HashMap

      m foreachBlock { bb =>
        assert(bb.closed, "Open block in computeCompensations")
        foreachWithIndex(bb.toList) { (i, idx) =>
          if (!useful(bb)(idx)) {
            foreachWithIndex(i.consumedTypes.reverse) { (consumedType, depth) =>
              debuglog("Finding definitions of: " + i + "\n\t" + consumedType + " at depth: " + depth)
              val defs = rdef.findDefs(bb, idx, 1, depth)
              for (d <- defs) {
                val (bb, idx) = d
                debuglog("rdef: "+ bb(idx))
                bb(idx) match {
                  case DUP(_) if idx > 0 =>
                    bb(idx - 1) match {
                      case nw @ NEW(_) =>
                        val init = findInstruction(bb, nw.init)
                        log("Moving DROP to after <init> call: " + nw.init)
                        compensations(init) = List(DROP(consumedType))
                      case _ =>
                        compensations(d) = List(DROP(consumedType))
                  case _ =>
                    compensations(d) = List(DROP(consumedType))

    private def findInstruction(bb: BasicBlock, i: Instruction): InstrLoc = {
      for (b <- linearizer.linearizeAt(method, bb)) {
        val idx = b.toList indexWhere (_ eq i)
        if (idx != -1)
          return (b, idx)
      abort("could not find init in: " + method)

    private def isPure(sym: Symbol) = (
         (sym.isGetter && sym.isEffectivelyFinalOrNotOverridden && !sym.isLazy)
      || (sym.isPrimaryConstructor && (sym.enclosingPackage == RuntimePackage || inliner.isClosureClass(sym.owner)))
    /** Is 'sym' a side-effecting method? TODO: proper analysis.  */
    private def isSideEffecting(sym: Symbol) = !isPure(sym)

  } /* DeadCode */

Other Scala source code examples

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