Scala: How do I perform pattern matching on strings and regular expressions in a match expression?

Scala FAQ: How do I perform pattern matching on a regular expression string in a match expression?

Using Scala 3, I was just trying to perform some pattern matching on a regular expression (regex) string in a match expression, and while working with ChatGPT, I came up with this solution, which you can easily verify in the Scala REPL:

import scala.util.matching.Regex

// define a regular expression pattern
val EmailPattern: Regex = "([a-zA-Z0-9._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9.-]+)\\.([a-zA-Z]{2,4})".r

def matchString(input: String): String = input match
    case "hello"   =>
         "You said hello!"
    case "goodbye" =>
         "You said goodbye!"
    // use the regex pattern here
    case EmailPattern(username, domain, tld) =>
         s"Email found with username: $username, domain: $domain, top-level domain: $tld"
    case _ =>
         "No match found"


All of those expressions work, including the EmailPattern, which has the Regex type. A cool thing about this solution is that the three regex pattern groups in the Regex pattern can be used just like constructor parameters that are passed into EmailPattern, even though no such parameters are declared.

There may be other ways to declare EmailPattern, but I haven’t looked into that yet, because this solution works for my current needs.

In summary, if you want to perform regex pattern matching in a Scala match expression, I hope this example is helpful.